06/15/1936� - N�PiUPES OF THE ClTY CO�SSION JIITiE 15� 3936 The City Cormnission ;st the City of Cleax�rater, Florida m9t an �he above date in a re�ular meet3.ng assembled v�rii�h the following members present• R. E, Green� l�a�or-Couun3.ssioner D. 0. Batchelor L. A. Marsh J. A. Barry R. L. Baker Moved bg Mr. Batchelor� seconded b� Mr, Marah anc�i carried that the City accep� the flat sum of �50.00 in payment oi all outstanding Citg �axes and special asaeasmont liens on Lo� 5� B1ock F� Plaza Park Sub- division, provided 1936 taxes are pr.�id prior to said cancellation. Moved i�y Mr, gatchelors seconded bg �� biarsh and carrierl that the City accep � tha flat sum of' �50.D0 in payra�nt of sl]. outs �anding C�:�� . taxes and spec�.al assessment liens on Lo� 2� �loek V, Carolina Terrace Subdivision, provided 1936 �axes ar3 paid prior to said cancellation. Moved by Mr. Batchelor, seconded by Mr� Marsh and carried tha.t the proper C3tg of�'ici��s be suthorized to sign, a lease to John Hatz� as set forth herein: L E A S E STATE OF F'I,ORID4 ) COUNTY OF PI1�TII,LAS ) THIu INDENTURE OF LF ;SE, Pltade and eiitered intb t�is the 15�h day of Jun�, A. D. Z936, by a.tl between the C37.Ti' OF CL�AR44ATE2?, a�Sunic3pal Corporation, located in Pinellas Countg, Elorida, hereinafter ca1].ed the �essor, ancl JOHN F. AATZ, o� P3ne11as County, Floricia, hereinafter called the Lessee ; W I T N E S S E T H: That ior and in eonsideration o�' the mutual cove- nants, promises and a�reemsnts here3.n contained, �s well as the ren� herain.after reserved.� the said Lessor does hereby lease� 1et and demise unto the sa3d Lessse the �ollo�ing described 1and, situ4te in Pinellas (:ounty, Florida, to-v�3.t s Be$inning at the Cen,ter line of Causeway Boulevard and Mandalay Boulevard on Clearwater Beaeh Island� Clearw�ter' Florida, Run thence North 6 degrees and 32 minutes East 40.755 f'eat alon.g the center line of liandalay Eoulevard, thence North 85 degreas end 29 miriutes E�.st 40e755 feet parallel to the center line o� Causoway Boulenard iar a point of beginning. Run thence North 6 degrees and 32 minutes East 215.4'79 i'eet parallel to Mandalay Boulevard to the South proparty li.ne of gark Drine� thence East 100,`653 �eet along the South line af Park Drive thsnce South 6 degrees an.d �� minutes West 207.4'79 f'eet to the North yine of Causev�ay Boulsvar�.� t�+ex�.�e South 85 degrees �nd 29 minutes West 101.889 feet slong the Nortlx propQrty line of Causeway Boul.evard to point of beginning, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same for a term of ten (10) years begirinir� J'uly 1st, A. D, 1936, snd continu3.r� to and ooncluding upon the 30th day of June, A. Do 1946� for a total rental oi �1.i�100:00� payable by tue I,essee at �he City HaZl in Clearw�ter� Florida� in the manner followin$: The sum of �75,fl0 per month comnencing July 1st, A. D.:�936a snd a like svm o� �75.00 per ruonth on �he ls� day of each and every calendar month there- aiter up to and including June 30th, A. D. 1939, and said Lessee covonants and agrees to pay as rent for sai,d premises foi t�e next ensuing seven (7) years aozmnencing J'uly 1st, A. D. 1939, and concludl.ng upon the 30th day oi Ji7ne� A. D. 1946� the sum of �100.00 per �nonth. Said rent to be paid on the lsti day oi each and every calendsr mon.th d�aring sai.dsseven (7) year per3od. Said L�ssor covenants and agrees that at the expiration of this lease to give and ta grant zanto the said Lessae f�r the spaae of thirty (30) days an o�tion to renerv this 1Qase for a�erm not �o exce�d five (5) years from the first day of Ju1y, 1946� upon such rate of ren�cal as the parties hereto may agree upon. In eQse th� parties h�reto canriot amicably agree upon the amount of rent to be� charged by the saicZ Lessor for the renewaZ of this lease, as above provided fors the amount of rent sha11 be detexmi.ned in the follorving manner s�aid bessor sha11 select one person as an. arbitrator, said Lessee shall se].�et another arbitrator,y and the two arb3trators so seleeted shall choose a�hird arb3trator� the �hree arbitrators shall then decide by majoritg vots the amount o� rent to prevai� throu�h.oi,.t such re- ne�ved lease and the decision so reached shall be final� abeolu�e and binding upon tha parties hereto: The said Zessor agrees no� to levy� aesess, collee� or attempt to colleet an�nunicipal taxes upon sa3d leased proper�y for the yPars 1936, 1937 and �.93a, and said Lessee covenants and agrees during the life oi t�is lease to pay off and discharge all State and County Taxes commenc3ng with the �ear 1936 and subsequent thereto� and further agrees to pay al�. mun3cipal t�xes subsequent to the year 1939� levied and assessed upan said property, and to su_��'er no tax or assessment oi aizg i�.nc3. or nature to become or re�ain in de�ault, nor to sufier or permit any tax cert3ficates or tax doed to be issued upon sr�:id propertg or any tax saTe to be had of said property during the existence oi �his l�ase. It is covenanted and agreed that said Lessee shal.l have the right and privile$e to erect on said leased premi.ses dvring the existence of this lease certain buildings whioh are to be used for business pvrnoses9 all of vrhich buildings are to be cons�ructed according to $ood building practices and the plans and speciiications for wb,:tch� an.d any alterations� modifica- tions or additions thereto, sha11, prini� to �he actual erection thereof' be submitted to and approt►ed by the City Mana�er o� the Lessor Corporation. The said I,essee covenants and agrees during �ha ex3.stence of this loase to keep'tne bu3.ld�.ngs norv situated on said dem3sed premises or hereafter erected thereon, insured in the name o� the Lessor against fire in no� ].ess t�h.an 50� oi' the fu11 in.surable value thereof� ira some reputable o1d lin.e �ire insuranco company� approved by the I,essor, and to pa� the premi.ums upon such insuranee when due' and in the event o�' loss or destruction, either in part br in whole� of eaid bu3,ldings, or any of them, the said Lessee agrees wit�.in a reasonable time to repair9 replace or rebuild said buildings at his ovm expense in the same way� and to the same extent and according to the same pTans and speciiications as were u�ed in the former construction o� same, unless a c3ifierent p�ogr.am or different plens and specifications sha11 be agreed tn by the said Lessors the I,essee in ang case to �urn,ish� prior to the actuai repair, replacement or rebu3ld3ng of said bu3ldings, plans a.�d spscifications therefor to the City Manager of said Lessor Corporat'ion ior the 13tteres inspection and approval, In ths event said Le�seo should elect bo pay over to said Lessor the sntire s�ue realized from insurance policies upon said buildings, in the event of loss� damage or destruct3.on9 as above re£erred to, the said Lessor a$rees to'waive the iore- going prov3sion of this lease v�hich provides for repair, replacement or renuilding oi said buildings� and thi.9 lease shY�::ll then be term3.nated a.nd declared at an end, and the parties hereto shall t}a.en nnituAl�y release each other from Purt�er perPormance hereunder, The said Lessee covenants and a�rees throughout the duration of this lease tn keep said buildinga erected on said demised premises in a proper state of repa3.r and Lessee further covenants and agrees to make no unlawful' improper or ofPensive use oi' said premisea, and to qu3,t and deliver up said pre�ai.ses at �he end of said term, including :all per�aalerxt buildings, perma- nent improvements and permanent fixtures p1�.ced thereon by the s�id 1e�aee, in as good condit3on. as the,y shaZl be upon the construction of sa3.d improve- ments, ordinary v�ear, decay and da.�nage bg tha elementa only excepted, it being distinctly und�rstood and agreed as a part of the consideration o� th;is lease that a11 buildings and perma.nent fixtures placed on eaid propert� by the said lessee shall be and become tho propert� of tho lessar at the terminat3.on oP this lease. � � n Lessee fahall have the privil.ege of aellin�' on said premi.ses� any mercliandise, iood, drinks� beverages, etc.' for which l�e may ha,ge pronured tha �roper CityP State and Cow.zty licenaes. It 3s diatinetl� undaratood that said demised pr�mises aha11 �n7.y be used ror business purposes and Lessee agrees not to use said demised premises �'or bathing pavil�.on pw:- poses or other allied businesses. Said Lessee further covenants and agreea to make no assignmen� a� said le.ase nor to sublet any portion oi' said leased premises without the prior written consent o#' the Lessor. In the event the Git� Comm3.saion of said I,ossoz3 corporat3on shoul� by propar resolution� duly adopted, at a.ny time during the existenca of this lease� decide that said 1�ased premyses, or any part �hereoi� are needed for municipal purposes, this lease sha11 thereupon cease and determine in whole or in part, accord3ng as the Legsor decides to take a11 or a portion onl� of said leased premises, upon the paymen.$ b,y the Lessor �o the Lesaee o� the original cost pr�.ce� less depreci.ation, o� all buildin�s and permanent � improvemen�s an.d fixtures erected bg se.id Lessee upon f,rat part of the leased premises to be taken ove� '6� the said Lessor for mvnicipal purposes� in accordance with the re�alution or resolutions aforesaid ; v.pon failur� of' the parties hereto to amicably a.gree as to the amount o£'�uch cash ps.ymenty then the matter shall be settled by arbi�r•ation in tho same manner as is hereinbefore provided for the determination �f the rate of reat in case oi e renzv�al of this lease , provided further, however, tha� in the event� a portion only of' said leased premiaes is taken over by said I,essor for snw�.icipal purp�ses, tre Lessee shal.l have the right within sixtg (60) da�s �'rom �he date of sa�d resoiution to make cla3.m or dema:nd upon Lessor for tre payment of such damages as said Lessse mas deem or consic�ar has aecrued, or will accrue, to the remainin� portion of sa3.d Teased premises b� reason of the �;ak3rig o� a port3on only of said ieased premises ; and in the event the parties hereto shovld gail t� agree upon sucr claim or dcma.nd so made by the Lessee sucr claim or deme.ud sha11 be referred to arbitration in the same manner as hereinbefore provided, for the purpose (1) of deter- mining whother the �r�king of a portion. only of the leased premises has actual3.y damaged the value of tk�.e remainder, and (2) for the pu�pose of fixing the amovnt af compensa�ion, if anyy to be paid b9 i�he I,essor to the �esso� by reason of tl�.e tak3.ng oi` a poriion. unly o� said leased prem�?.ses. Tt is further agreed and Understoo� that in the event �he said Le,.sor sb.ould b� resol�.ttion take a portion of the leased premises for municinal purposesa and in the fu�ther evc�nt �he said Zessee sho�,Ld �ritrin sigty (60) da�s fram the date ai said r�+,�alutior_ rua.ke a demand Por an abstement of .said rent eouunensurate with �he 1.oss of a portion of seid leased premiaes� �hen 3f Lessor sud:_�,essee are unabTe to agree as to such abatement, the matter shall be r�ferrsd �o arbitration� in the same way as hereinbefore provided in th3s lease. It is iurther agreed bet�veen the parties hereto -that in the event said Lessee should feil to make tY!e payments herein provided for or shoul.ci '�reacn, any af the covenanta herein containc�d, then said Lessee shall forthwith be- come a tenrant at s�ferance and the s�.id Lessor sha11 have the ri.ght� privi- ie$e ana opt3.on after thirty (30) daya notice, i.n vmit3.ng to said I,essee of the breach of such covenant� or agreements, to declare this lease ter.m�nat�d, and 3.n which event the said Lessor shall be en�itled iIInneci.�.�tely to re-en�er and take pogsession of said preu�i.ses� includin.g all bu:3,1d3ngs and permanent Yixtures erected thereon. AZl sums of money payable as ren.t for sAid derrised premises sha11 Ue due and pagable by the Lesses at the Ci�y Hall a.n the Ci�y of Clearrvater� Florida, and sa3.d Lessee expressly waives ae�a �or the payment of any rent �erein prov;�.ad for from said Lessor. '�'�+,s lease shall be binding upon the parties hereto, their successors, admir�istrators and assign.s. IN 4"lZT.NESS �VIiEREOF, the �aid Lessor has caused th3s 1e�.se to be executed hy i.ts City Manager and City Auclitar and Clerk� countexsigned b� 3�s �,yor- Co�I.ssionor3 and its corporate seal to be hereunto attached, and thc� said Zessee has hereunto set his hand and seal,, the day and year first above written. CITY OF CLEARWATER9 F'LORIDA, BY ; (�S�. ne__d�j A. ;.�. Nichols — G3� �.aber COUNTEftSIGNID: (�Si e_d�)�� J. E. Satterfield �—G3.'�`�'ua3. o�"r `�lesT (Si�ed} R. E. Green Mayor�-Co ss oaer. _ John F. �:-;tz (Se al Signed� seaiea and ctelivered in tl�e presence oi ; Approved as to form and eorrectness. Ii@�213�e H. mhor t�y on � (ri ed) ,7'ohn C. Polhill G y •orney rha�,"a r.—Qr�W� e4 � :. � 0 ��°� �,-.,. The Mayor called for expressions from the a�zdien.ae wii:h regarc3 to sale o� Radi� Station WF'L�1 to the F1.arida. West Cosst Braadcasting Compange Con.siderable d3scussiou was had from the floor� in which semo of tha audience objocted to ths sala and others favored it, Aereso;i:ut3.on from The City o� St. Patersbur•g, objeetin� Co the sala of' Radio StAtion WFLAs and a resoZutiion o�' the Junior f;hamber of Counnerco of Cloarv�a•ber� urgin� that the City� Gonnn3.ss3an advertise �or bids on the sale o� WFLA� allowing a�►ple time for thorough investigationy were read. The Commission thon pos�poned action and the sale af Radio Station to a meet3ng �o be held for that purpoge on June 22nd., 1936. Moved bg M:c. Batchelor, seconded by Mr. Marsh a.nd c�rriod that the City Ca�mni.ssion donate ��]:00.00 toward the egpeilaes oi the S�ate Conven- t3.on of tlie Sons of the Amer3.can Leg�on. . I�.r. Marsh introduced Ordinan�e No, 41Q for its first reading and moved its adoption. Seconded by Mr, Batchelor and upon roll ca1:1� the �ollo�vi.ng vote waa po].led: A�es: Mayor-Commi.saioner Gre�n Mr. Batchel,ar Yrir. �iarsh Mr. Ba�rg Pdr. Baker Nays: None. �uh�reupon, the Mayor declared the Ordinance passad its first readingo �doved bg Mr. �tarsh� seco�xdecl by Mr. Ba-tchelQr and �ananimously carried that the ru7.es be waived an�. that the Ordinance be place�. upon it3 secs�n�i readin� �Wmediately by title on1�a The Ordinance having bee� read by �itles moved by P6r. MarshJ seconded by Mr. Batcheior t�:at the ru.7.9s be �urt�er �vaived and t'!zat the Ordinan.ce be passed its second r�adir�g. The fo7.lotirin, e�ote was polledc Ayess Mayor-Co�issioner Green I�dr, Batchelor Mr. �arsh Mr, Barry �. Baker Nays: None. Whereupon.the Mayor declared the Ordinat�zee passed its second reading; Moved by Mr. Marsh, secanded by �r. Satchelor and unanimously carried that the ruZes be further tivai�aed anci the Ordinanee be placed vpon its th.ird and final reading in full iunneda.ately. The Ordinance lla.ving been read in 'full� moved by Mr, Marsh� seconde�. by Mr. Batcn.elar that the Ordinan.ce be passed its third and iinal reau3ng and, upan ro11 callr the followin.g vo�e �as �oiiea: Ayes: May�r-Counnissioner Green ll�r. Batchelor Mr. Marsh Mr. Barry Ivir. Bal�ex� � Nayss P%ne. Whereupon the Pdayor declared the Ordinanee du1� passed and in eff�ct and signed the same a.s follows: ORDINANCE N0, 410 AN ORDIPTANCE FLYING RATES AND PROV�ING RL'I,ES AND REGUI,E�TIOPTS FOR THi!, GOiTERNN�NT OF TFlE GAS DEPART- MENT OF THE CITY OF CLEARi�7ATER�' FLORIDA. � BE IT ORDAINID BY THE CITY CO11�vIISSION OF THE CITY OF CLEARWATER, FL ORIDl�: SECTION 1, Any person, f3,rm or corporation within the City oi C�:ear� water wanting ga� service must make ap�lica�ion for such service connection to C3.�y Gas ma3.n, to the Super�.ntendent of the Gas Departrsent9 who sha:ll issuR permit for such connection and said applicant iuugt pay connection fee as set iorth in Section 2 hereof� to the C3ty Colleetor "�efore connection wi11 be ma�.e, Ail taps and connections to be m�.d.� by au�Ywrizsd employea� of �he Gas Depa�tment. SECTION 2. Terms and fees �or tapping are as �ollows : 3/4 inch ser- vice, regular house service taps shall b� �6,00 for tapping� all connections �o be ex�:;ended from gas ma.in to outside curb 13.�eo Larger size taps and connections to be made and eb.arges �ixed on cost of materis.l used and labor for same. Meters and regulators to be furnished by the Gas Department. SECTION 3. Gas ra�es u��.er the dii'ferent schedules t� be as f�llowss (a) Domestic� (store� office or x�esidential service) etc. 500 cubic feet minimum '�iZ1 �1�25 ntet 600 cubic feet 1,35 net 700 cubic �eet 1;45 net 800 cub3c feet 1:55,net 900 cubic Peet 1,65 net 1060 cubic feet 1.75 net Next '1000cubic f'eet 1.�T5 �er M.net Next 3000 cubic fee-t 1,50 per M,net Al1 o�ver 5000 cubic feet 1.35 per M.net (b) OptionaZ rate. To users u�rho o�vn a:nd operate an automatic hot water heaters and on their requeeis, an op�io�al rate will be ma:da of a f1a�t charge of �1:?5 per monLh plus a clzarge for all gas used at �1.00 �er thousand cubic feet. On, this service the min:imun monthl� charge is 7..75. ( c) To yarge users sueh as 3.ndu�trial plan.ts9 rc;stvsrants ancl cen�ral heating plants� �he Cit,y �ana�er is authorized t�� estar�:,ish rea3onable rates depending on voZvme and char�eter of" serviee �ziytvrere betwaen rate {a) and rate (b}. SECTION 4. Gas service pipes in bu3ldings� ef t�ro or more stories i,n heighi�� mu,yt be installed by approval of Superintendent Gas Departr:ient. T,arger service pipes will be rec�uired in buildings oi two, or more storie; in heigh� to give an adequate gas supply� and a awre satisfactorg ser- V3Gee Penalty for non-obserganee oi' this sect3on wi11 be roi'�isal of ser- vice until pip3ng is corrected'by owner ancl approveci by Superintondent C�as Department. SECTION'5. A11 ser�ice pipes must have a suitab2e lock w9.ng contral'led shut off �alve pl�eed 3n a vis�ble and acce�sible place, and must �.ot be placed wh�re it may be cavered by walls or lattice work on buildings. Penalty ior non-observanee ot this Section �ar111 be �the same as in Sectzon 4. :SECTION 6, All repairs to Gas s9rvice p3pes from property line inward iuust be made at ovmerts expease, but the Gas Department reserves the right and authority at any time to make a11 repaxrs �rom gas mains to meter� same to be charged to property owner, A11 o�her repairs mu�t be made by ovaner. SECTION 7. A11 daiue.ges to meters� when caussd by destruet3va negZigencs on part of consumer, �v3.11 be charged to consumer� where such damages occur. SECTION 8. No new gas service will be turned on un�il insnection made by C3.ty Gas employoe. �ECTTQN 9. All gas rents and accounts are due and payAble monthlg follo�ing the month in rrhich the �as is used. �si11 �or san�e tivill be maile� to co�sumer manthly�, prov3.ded, howevor, failure to receive bi11 wi11 not constitute a claim for non-payment os" the sama. All accoun�s will Uscome delinquen� fift�aen dags i`ollovring the rendering of the bi7.1. Gas service wi11 be diseontinued after bi11 lzo.a 3ecome delinquc�nt and a tiu�n-�n foe o� �]..00 �vil1 be collecteci ivhon b3.11 ia �a�.a ana ga� will be turned on as soon Rs possible. Gomplaints for adjustmen� of .rents must 8e ma.de vai�hin five da�s after date of bil7.� other•a�3se adjustments wS.l1 be made on next bill. SECTION 10„ It sha7:]. be unla�vful for snycne, not an author3zed. ompl4yee of Gas L�epartment to turn on gas �vhere gas has been shut off for non- payment of gas rents� and otner accounts. No gas shall be turned on by anyoaze not an authorized employae o� Gas Depar�man� whether it be a new service conneetion or an ald serviae cormsetion that has Ueen shut off for caizse. Psrtios �vanting gas tui*rsed on shall notify- Gas Aepartmen�j and same cvi17. Ue turned on tvithin a reasonable time. SECTION 11, Zt sh.all be unlawful for anyone� not an authorized employee �£ the Gas Depar�men� to meddle rvith� or :z�emove meters andfar rogulators, and to meddle zei�h or use serviee shut�o�f cock,, except 3n caso of acci- dent ta the bip3ngs or necessary repairs. SECTION 12. It 3ha11 be u2ala�riul far anyone� not an authorizsd emplogee of the Gas Departmen•L- or the Gity Fire DepartmAnt to in any was meaaie viith or open Ga�e valvas9 or to meddla in any wag with the Gas 4Vorks Equipmen�, P1ant or Iviains, SFCTION 13. The 5uperintendent of Gas Departmont or an� person author- ized b� h3.m, sha11 have aecess (at any reasonable hour of day) to any� prem3ses servecl by Gas Department� for inspection of pip3ng and f3.x�ures� or for reading meters. SECTIOIJ 14. Any person who sha11 violate an.y �f the provisions of th3.s Ordinance shall upon canviatio� in �'!ze Muni.cipal C�urt be fined r_ot exceeding the sum of �100.00, or �.mprisoned in the Ci.ty Ja3.I not ex- ceeding tiv.rtg (30) days� or by both such fine asid imprisonmenta 3n t�.e discretion �i the I�Hunicinal Judge. SECTION 15. All Ordinances or parts of Ordina..�.ces �n confliat h9re- vqith are hereby repealed, SEClI0I3 I6, This Ordinence sha11 take effect iunnediately upon its passag�. Passed and adopted by the City Co�iseion of the C3ty o� Clear- wa�er, Floricla this 15t1z uay os June, �: �I1„ 1936, �_ Nfr. Marsh int;roduced brdin�ce I1o. 41�. far its first reading� and m�ved �its ariaption. Se�onded by Mr. Batcliolor �.nd upon ro11 ca11� the iollo�rirso vo�e �ras polZeds Ayes; Mayor-Commi.�siflner Green Mr, BatcheZox� Mr. Marsh �r. Barry Mr. �3gl�er Nays� Nonev Whereupon, the Mayor decl�rec� the Ordinance passed 3ts first reading. Ma�ed by Mr, �Ilarsh� seconded by rdr, Batshe7.or and unanimously carried tha� the rules be rvaived and t���t the Ordinance be pla�ed upon ita second. reading 3:uIInedi�.tslg by �it1e on1�. The Ordinance having been read bg title� moved by Mr. PQai�sh� seconded by Mr. Batchelor that the rules be iurther vrai�;ed and �hat the Ordina.nce be passod its second reading, Tho follo��3.ng vote w�� pollod: e _ 0 w :�..:r� �- Ayes: Mayar-Co�ni.ss3oner Green Pdr. Batchelor Mr. Marsh Mr� Barr� Mr, Baker Nays: Non9. Wheraupon the B4a�or decZared the Ordinance par�sod its second �eading; Moved by Mr„ Marsh� ser,�nd�d by Mr, Batehelor and unanim4usly carried that th.e ru7.ea be fuTther waived and. the Ordinance be plaeed upon its third and f;i.nal reading in fnll imnediately. The OrcZinance having been read in �ul.l� moved bg Mr� Marsh, seconded by Mr: Batchelor tY�at the Ordinance be passed its t�3.rd and final reading and, upo*i roll cal1= the follovring vote was pol?ed: Ayes: Mayor-Cou�ni,�sion.er Green Mr, BateheZor Mr. Marsh rdr. Barry 1dr, Baker Nays: None. Whereupon the Sqayor declar�d the Ordin�nce dul� passed and in Effeet an.d signed t�.e same as follows: ORDINAT?CE N0. 41? AN OFiDIi�iANGE OF' THE CITY OF CLEARthIATr.H FL�RIDA TO BE ENTITLED, AN ORDINA�iTCE TO EST_ABLIS?i ��YAGE RA2'�` OF DISTRIBUR'OR OPERATOR FOR PN7� PROJ'F'CTS SN THE CIfiX OF GI��ARVI9TER, FLORIDA BE IT ORD�liA,'�D by t�e Gi�y Comm3.ssion of the Cit�y of Clearvaater� Floridas SECTION l: That the rate oi pay for ciistributor operators to be employed by contraotors under t�e £�1A projects in the City of C1ear- water is hereby•estai�l.ished at Forty (�.40) cents per hourj Passed and addpted l�y the City Commis��.on o� the C3.ty of Clearvrater, Florida�'this 15th day oi J'une A. D. 1936. ' {�igued) R. E, Green � ayor- o ss oner ATTEST. - • (Signed) J'. E. Satterfiel.d � Au i or er ; There 'ueing � no further business� �he meet3.ng vras theraupon aa�o,�n.ea. < � o�� ATTEST• Maj*or- o�m�� A or er , 0 � �