06/01/1936, MINLP.pES OF THE CITY COZ,�tISSSON JUNE l� 1936 The City Comni.ssion of the City of Clearv�nter, Florida met on the above date in a regular meeting assembled wi.th the 3ollowing members presen�: Mayor-Co�n.issirsner R. E. Green De 0. Batchelor L. A. Marsh J. A. Barry R. L. Baker Moved by 1'dr. Marsh., seconded by �dr� Baker a.nd carr3ed that the Cit� Co�nisaion approve the appointment oP R. B, Ban Fleet as D3.rector of R�crea�3on. ' B�oved b� I�r, Marsh, seconded bg Mr, Batchel�r and earried that the of�er ma.de by the City Manager to the 'tFnited States Coast Guard. of a � chaice of`two out of three possible locations for the Coast Guard base be rati;Piod by the City Co�ssion. Mr. Batchelor introduced Ordinance No. 409 for its Pirst reading and moved its adoption. Secon.ded by Mr, B�arsh and upon ro11 call� the follot�irig vote was polled: Ayes: Mr. Green ]�Gr, Batcnelor Mr. Marsh. Mr. B'a.rry Mr'. Bake� Nays: NOne. Whereupon., the �iayor declared �he Ord�.n.ance pasaed its first reading. Moved '�� bqr. Batchelor� seconded by� rdr� &Iarsh and unanimously Carl�ied that the rules be �7aived and -�.�iat the Ordinance be placed upon its second re�zding 3.rrnnedia�Ceiy by title onl�, The Ordinance havin,a; been read by title� moved by Mr, Marsh, seconded by Mr. Batc�elor that t3se rules be fur�her waived and that tite Ordznance be passed its second read9.ng. The follovrir�,g vo�e �vas polled: Ages: IHr, Green &Ir. Batchelor Mr. Marsh - H�tr. Barr� ll�r. Baker Nays: None. 4Vhereupon t�.e Mayor deelared the Ordinance passed its second reading, , Moved by �dr, Batchelor, seconded bg �, �arsh anci unani�nougZg carriod that �he ru?es be �w.�ther waived and the �rdinance be placed upon its th3.rd and final roading in fu1.1 innnediately. The Ordinance having 'been read in fu1,1, �noved b� Mr. Batcshelor•, i k t . . � ' ' , � e � � . "�. h* seeonded bg Mr, Marsh thai; the Ordinanco be passed 3t� th3.rd and finsl re�d�- 3.r�,g and� upon roc�l ca11� the follotiv�.ng voto �v�s pollod: Ayes; Mr: G:raen Mr; Batoholor Mr. �N;i�rsh Mr, Barr� � Nir. Baker Nays; Noixe, R1lereupon �he Mayor doc�ared the Ordin�.nce du1� pasaed and in effect and si�n�d the same as folloe�ss ORDTN'ANCE N0. 409. AN ORDINP.PTCE RE'LATING TO NO'ISANCES AI�D PROVIDING A P�TALTY FOR THE VIOLAT_T0�]' OF THE TERn4S TFIERE�Fe BE IT ORDAINr� BY THE GITY COMMISSION OF TIIE ��TY OF CLEARWATERg FLOt�IDA: SECTZON 1, No perso3�� firW ar cornoration shalZ operate, maiiitains conduc�or`carry on a place of business in the C3.ty of Clear�va�er in such a manner as to create or constitu�e a nuisance. SECTION 2, Any per�on, firm nr corporation who s}�a11 violate any of tixe�pr— o�v�s3on.s of this Ordinance sha�.l upon conviction in the Municipal Cour't be £ined not exeeeding tha swn of One Hundred Dollars (�].00.00) or �.mprisoned in the City Jail �ot exceedi��.g Sixty (60) days or bg both suoh fine �d imprisoriment 3.a the 3iscretion of the Muni.cipal J�adge. This Ordinance si�.all take efPect 3.mmed3.ately upon its passage. Passed and adopted by�the City Co�ani.ssion o� �he City oP ClearwatAr� Flarida, t�.i.s the first day oP June� Ao D., 1936. {Signedj R. E, Green ATTEST• ayar- ox�u.ss�.oner (Sigred) J. E. Satterfie3d � Au i or ar_ Moved by Mr, Batchelor� seconded by Mr� Marsh that the Resolution be adopte�. and� upon roll call� the fo3.Zov�rin� vote was pol�.ed; ' Ayes: Mr, Greez� Mr. Ba�chelor Nir. Marsh Mr. Baratg �,r. Baker Nays: None. , 4irh.ereupon the Mayor declared the Rasolution adoptad and signed the same, There being no further business� the meeting was thereupon adjourned. ATTEST: p � a9 ^ Q ' ss one f u or er . � 0 r v ■ . . � � � J �sr.. � � . _�.�_; q � . __ __.. _...,., , � � �����x � � ' � � j �l � MIN1�'I'ES OF THE CT'iTY' COB'RVIISSION - JiJNE 9� 1936 The Ctty Commi.ss3.on. �i �he Gi�y of Clearwater, Florida met on the above �ate in a special meeting assembled i'or the purpose of discusai.ng and taking action on the proposition of the Florida Gros� State Cana�, with , the �ollov�ing memt�ers present: R. E. Green, Mayor-Co�nissioner D. O, Batchelor R. L. �alter J: �. Barry L. A. Marsh Mr. Marsh introduced the fo3.lovr�� Re�olut3on: RESOLUTION URGING THE CONS^tRUCTiON OF THE FLORIDA CHOSS STALE CANAL INHEREAS, the City Couuai�s3.on of the C3.�y of Clearwa�er, Florida �avors the construction oi the Florida Cross State 0ana1 becea�,se of the r.esu].ta.n.� beneP3te to the s�ate in commerce, freight rates, safety of' navigation, gachting, and emplogmen�, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVID tha:t the congressiona3 re�resen�atives of the State of Flarida be so advised and be requested to acti�ely support such action in eithes� Sena�e or Fouse as tvi.Il ksep,:this pro ject act�iva an�. alice to completion, Passed un,a,nimously at a specS,al m�eting of the City Coz�tission Jutie 9th� 1336, (Signed) R. E. Green ATTESTs ayor o ss aner i5�igned) J. E. Ba�ter.field x �' or er ; Moved by Y(r. Marsh, seconded by Mr� Batchelar �hat the Resolu,tion �e adopted and� upon roll cali, the follo�i.ng vote nras polled:- Ayes: Mr. Green 11Hro Batchelo�.� Mr, Marsh I�Hr:: ?3arry Mr. Baker Nays� iVone. Wherenpon the May�or declared the Resolut3.on adopted and sigaed the ssme. There bain� no further business, �he mee�ing was �thereupon adjourned, � ATTES • --� ` `�� aya�r ,o gs o.ner � . yAu�or& er , i � , p t I � � � � � � � , � _ f �, , '� �,.