05/25/1936 (3)� � � � � ��,,, � ���. aollections, inaludjng 'the moneys der3.ved �'rom the sale or zransfer of tax certif3cates and i;ax, deeds, the propei proportionate amovizt thereof applicable to �he pur�hase, paymant or redemption of tha refunding obligatians. All moneys so credited to such spec3.al funda w311 be forthwith cleposited tuith a citg depos3.tary and held b� it in trust for �Ehe 7,a„*ment, redemption or pureha�e of the refunding obligations in the mannar grescribed by this resolution. SECTIQN 17. The Ci�y ,�oz>enants that it will not accep� pa�ment o:� any ta�;. cm part thereof leuied against any parcel of property for operat3.ng or governi.ng the City unless a7.1 taxes leviad �.gainst �he same parcel of property for the pagment of the refuncling obligations authorized hereby are paid at the sarne time, SEC'PION 18. The Gity hereby covenants that it vril.l act3,ve1� and dil•ygent?y enforco the col7.ection of a11 taxes and special assessments �.ereto�ore aud hereafter levied and that it vrill not accept anything but lavrf-a1 mon.ey oi the United States af �merica in payment or satisfaction of the taxes or special assessmen�s required to be levied or pledged Y?ereunder for the refunding obli�ati�ns authorized hareby, exeept th�.t the City ina.y accebt th e deli�qt�ent tax notes her�in prov3ded for a� their face va].ue �n payment of an equal amoun.t of special assessrnents lieretofore imposed upon property v�rithin the Gity or in payment of an equal amount of taxes lev3.ed for the year 193o and prior ,y�ars, but no delinquent tah ilotes �vill be accep�ed in paymen� of gaid delinquent taxes unless a11 t��.en current taxes ara paid in cash simultansousl�y therev,rith or prior thereto, SECTION 19. 2'he City hereb� covenants that notwithstan.dino Section 7, Article X, oF the Constitution of the State of Florida, added thereto by amendrzent ratified November 6� 1931.�., and any legislation en.acted pursuant therato, it will l.evy °�axes upon a7.1 homesteadq embraced ivithin the �erritorial limits of the City for the �ayment of 1;he refunding obligations autYzorized hereby to the same extent as other propert,p in the City may be liable to taxation thsrefor, SECTTON 20. Anticipated collections of de7.inquen't i;axes and apec121 assessment3 tivill not be cG�.isidered as reve*�.ue available for tha payment of the principal or i�.�.terest of the i efuncling obli�ations in preparing the budget o� ths City or in fixing ths ta� levy for any fiscal year, but the C�ty covenants that a17. raoneys recc:iveci by it through the co�.loeticil of dal.inquent ta�es ancl apecial assessments wi7.1 be used b� it for the purposo� for wh',_ch they are pled�od hereby. ' A e a SEGTION 21, r�ion3.es receiver�. from the callection oi' taxes upon property located 3n that part of the City annexed by Chapte.rs 103j1 ar,d s,o394, I�aws of 1925, will be pai.d into �re proper i'unds established here- under as security for tY,e re�'unc7ing obligationa authoriz�d hereby, but v�311 be earmarked in such fu.nds as baing applicable on7.y to the purchase, payment c�r retirement of thos e refunding ot�ligations for rvhicl.z such taxes were leviec?, S�GTION 22, �he City Yxereby covenant s thati so long as any� of the refund3ng obliga-tions authorized herebs may be rnatstanding, it �vill noi avail itself o.£' t�,e provisions o�' Chapter 16965 or an3 other legisla._tion which may be hereafter enacted by tlZa Legi�lature of thQ Sta�e of F�orida in an� way impairing or.modifyi� the obligation of the Cit� on thz rei`unding obligations authorized hereby or the coven�nts of the Citg contained herein. SECT�. The Gity Attorneg is hereby instructed and directed to institute the proper proceedinos for the purnose of l�ving adjudiceted the valid:ity of the refunding oUligatians authorized herebg and the validity and efiectiroeness of each and every covenant and prov3.sion contain ed herein. S"�CTTOTT 2. The refunding o�aligatians aut�nrized he�reby shall be delivered to the holders of thE outstanding indebtedness to be refunded ther�by in exchange for and upon surrender of an emount oi such in:debtedness aqual. to the face amrnznt of refunding obligations exchanged therefor. Passed and adopted bg the City Counnission oi' the Gity :of Clea�vater, Florida, this the 25th day of May, A, D. i936. (Signed) R. E. Green d�iayor-Commissioner � ATTEST; (Signed) J'. E. Satterfield City Auditor and Clerk � ■ r, Moved by 1,Hr. Barr�� seconded by Mr. Ba-�chelor� and carried that City Lieense No. 620 in the amount of �7.50 issued to Ha.11 �nd Gantry be refunded, said lioense havin$ beer;� iasued foi• the yoar 1935-1936 for bu�iness oF photographers. Moved bg Pdr, Batchelor� seconded by Mr. Barry and carried the.� tract of land ov�ned by� Axthur H. Dunc�n be exempt of $�500.00 valuation in addition to othar exemptions now in force: Go�nissioner Mars� introduced and read in full the �'ollo�ving Resolu- tion: �REAS� funds of the gas &nd rvater meter deposit acca.t�n.t in the s•am oi �12�0 .�'� have l�eretofore baen usad in. the pureha.se oi bonds and interest coupons' said i�terest coupons having been embraced in �hose certairi mandamus uroceedings lately pen�ing ag�inst the City� bein� the cAses oi State o£ Florida, ex rel� I,. F. Chalmers vs. Citg o� Clearwater and State of Floricla, ex relA A. St�ne �s. City of ClearwatEr; and VJHERE.4S, said funds have not been restored to the gas and water metor deposi�ec'oun�. NOVd THERF�'ORE, BE IT' RES�JLVED BY THE CITY' COP!lPQISSION 4F THE C2TY OF CL�9RPIkTER, FLORiDA' in rs�ular meeting assem'41ed - tha� the City �danager and Ciiy Auditior and C1erk be and they are hereby fully authorizec3 to reimbur�� said ga� and v�ster meter depasit accoun.t in the swn of �12,063m59� and to drav� proper vouchers in, paym€�.qa.t cf said bonds and couponsa said bonds to be a. paid ior from the bond interest funds and said coupons to be gaid for from -ths deli.nquen� tax funus, f;ommissioaor Marsh moved tha adopt3.o� of the above and foregoing Re- solution. %tion was seconded by Cos�tssioner Batchelor, Upon roll as;1.1 the following vate a�.�as polled: , , Ayes: T�Iayor-Co�uni.ssioaaer Green Mr. Batchelar Bdr. 14iarsh Mr. Barry ` ' Mr. Baker Nays; Nane. Nthereupon� the Mayor-Commiss3oner declared the Resolution duly adopted. It was mnved by Co�ni.ssioner Barry, seconded by Co�mnissioner Bakers and Zuia.nimausly earried, that the City Pdanager and Citg Auditor and C1erk be fully author�.zed to pay 3nterest in advance on inter-est coupons and past due bon3s of the Citg. M�ved by Mr. Baker, seeonded by Mr. Batchelor' and cArried that Mr. Po1hi11 be paid �2,000.00 a.nd the Refexee i.� Banl�uptcy be paid �1�000.00 from �he Refunding Expense F'und. Moved bg Mr. Barry� seconded by Mr, Mar�Ys� and aarried that there b�ing no objection.s to the Bud.get for 1936�1937, t12a� the Budget be approved� ratified and coniirmed. 0 � ��� � �� .�.c`a� d Copies o� Certiiicates �iled v�ith tax roll; STATE OF' FT,OiiIDA ) COUN`i''Y' OF PINEZI,AS ) C1fiY OI' CLEARiNATFF ) I, J. E, Sat'cerfield, Cit� Auditor and Clerk, and ex-ofgicio Tax Aases�or bf the Cit� oY Clearyater, do hereby certify �hat th� foregoing is the aas�sgment raZl of �Ehe taxabla pra�ertg in the City oP Cler�rvrater� aalued at not more than ita i�.iZl eash v�lue� and the.t it eontalns a true statament and description oP all personal az�, real propartg in the said City o� CTearvratar subject to taxation bg sa3d City, and li.able to be assessed th�refor; and the Iiat3ng and valuati.on as enrrected by the Equalization Board and as agproved and adopted b� the Qity Comm3.asion�, Rnd that all requirements oP 1aw and ordinance regula�ing the making of the assassment roll �or -the City of Clearvratar ha�e been compl3od with. This tho 25ih da� of �ay, 1936, C ud_ or er , -oL c o Tax Assessor. Sworn to and subscribed before me this the 25th da� of Mag, j.936, STATE OF FZOSIDA ) CQIINTY aF PTNELLAS ) CTTY QF CLEARWA.TER ) We, the tuZdersigned members of the Board oi' C3ty Commiss3orserb of the C3ty of Clearv�atez�, �'lorida, do hereby certii`y that we have ex�.tninad the tax ro11 thi.a date siabmitted to us by the City Auditor and Clerk and Ex-o�ficsio sa�s Asse�sor of the City of Clearv�ater and find that it is csorreet, �-�►�- �-� _ �p�P� __ � . `� . (�-�—��---�_..._. _ � � r , Copy oi Order �iled with tax roll; STAT� OF FLORIDA ) C�NTY OF PINELLAS ) CITY OF CLEARsI�ATER } To J. Eo Satterfield, City Collaotar, Citg of Clearwater: You are hereby cottmtanded ta colleat out nf the; property and �om eaah af the persons� corgora�Gions and firms named,in the annexed �oll the taxss se� do�vn in such rflZ1 opposite eaoh name� person, corporation or firm, or paresl af land describad; and 3n caso the taxes are not pa3.d at the t:+me prescribed bg 1aw, you ara to col�.ect the same in such tna.nner as i.s pro�ided bg laiv, and aZl sume collecbed you are to hold and accour�t for as provided bg law and ordinance. Given under my hand this the 25th day o� May, 1936. C3�%�Au or sia C I.e � Ex-o i'ielo l� T&X .ASS68La02�• 9 . � .. . . It.4s���, . 7'h.e ip3.lowi.ng ResoZutio�. was introduced b� S�r. Mara%.: ��a � 6i��t t1�` ��� � �#�,'���� t� � �e�v���i 'E� ��� ���� � �'�� �`�� �.�,� y�� �a� �t���, � ��� � ��� ���s�� �� � ����� � � �� ���� �� �� � ��������� � ���� ��' ���.c�� � ��� � ��'�;t�a ����?.� �r�",� ��� �� ��� ��a� � �r�s4 � `�:6��1�3 C3� ��`rS �`+9�1�.C3+'�'��: ElT� 1i't�:,r3��.f3� �� �i�9 �3�3€9P� $�� �Ik�'3.t��4:3fi.� i�e �� ��, �� ��������� �,� � ��� r�� ����:��� �� �� ��� �� �3�Q��'� �.� �slr�a�;t� �3�' '��3 �A`a��.�.i�� #�� 't;�3� ����' '�? ��i� •. . �� �z c���`£�fx�; �t��. "�'� ����"� i��° �f.i'�'��i�.'�',�t�`1 �`E��' '� ' �es;��v c��' �i����"a� �a��T �fi�� ����3 t�� ��� � � �a'�� , �+����� r��; ��� a��s� "o��� r� �s �s�-�a� ���..��rp. '�� ����; ���.��t'�z� �;� ��,t3 E����` �' �'3��3:��+�s}.�►�; ����,�sY � �',%��.�,�;�°.�� �t� �3��3�m�'���e�s �5�` �� t��.s��� i��� �ea�z��s�� � �+� ����t��.� �� �� ���� � ��.�� �� ��.�� ��� � � ��: � ����� �� �� ������ �� ��.�.;�'.`€��'�'� �" �' ��_��r�`:�'� � �'�'. �+'�� ��rt�g�#.��:�2�� �� `�'�:; ��.�� �" ��r�:�":'��i�� �'�� �3�'i� i ����� �� ��. ��� ��� �� � ��;���� �������� ����� �c�� �c� �`� � ��� �� � ����� ���� � ���� ��s�� ����.����r��, ��� ��t�z:� ���������z��� ��.����a���a; c�� ��.�`,� �i � � �4.�t�s� ��.�3�4:��� �q�r€�� a� �a��� � �c#� £� '�3t� ��'',�" �� ������es� �: �.�� ���� ��+� ���� c����, u��'i �.��� t�� ��: ������ ���� ���,� ���� ��;�� ����Y'�'z��i '�3k^,���i�; ��€`����y �k�C3��,� �tt3� i9�� '�3Ett1."#7�i� 6'7� �'i�,^�'7 �i'�:'�ry�` �" �' �a'r� h"��a.""Ni�'L��j� �C� �+'E91� �"i�$�3 ��! 3� ���i��� �`.���i�'ii��t�#�i�. �A3Xf�E3�" �4��' '�� �`w�SQ�'' �'i�:'� �`t�, �&4�' �,3a�,��S T3� �� $��+'�G f k9� �� �'�'S�'�1�.��'� wRt7�* � $�id��}'� �+%° .�'Qt� �E'�t�3'� � � �6���,'"�3� �`� '��C3 �� '�II�3' i�k� �'�` �"�e��qi _ _ _ ....._,. ..... _ __ _ _ . . _ _... _ _. y...� .� ,.,_, �.,_ _._--_ _ ___..._ � J i s `� �': ,?R a kt �°� ��� �; ?:�� �3� �'�' ��L� � � �i��r�' i'��' �'�.+�..��a�y ��:��t�� �� �� ��:c�'3� t�' '� ����� ��' �������;� �`�a��d�� �%� ��'�' ��€.s�u�sc�; ���� t� ����'�� � a��r��$� €��r�a�� �t��,...�*� � �����s x�3� �.�� '��d� �#. fi�r� ���, a�� ��t� ��3��.��� ��� �4���c.� +�Sa��'� ���i�s��� ���p�3� � fi ���� �p �'��� � ��€�,��� �t� � ���g� �s���a�,� ��' � ���� �`' � ��;�ts.���� �'�C��� �: �� �a� :t� � ��� .��t�.�, (s� �a � �rrepn .�� ��� ������� ���t3t�'�� � G/ — �� I t� �t�'' , ' � c� Moved by bIr. N�.-ah, seconded bq 2dr. Baker that the resol.ution. be adcspted, a�d upon ro11 ca]I, the fa�lowing vote was polled: Ayes: Ciraen, Bak�r, Barrg, Batchelor ata.d. Il�arsla. 2�a�ss: �ion�. Move�. by Mr. Baker, seconded by Mr. Batohelor �+��xesa��f+�� that the �Bo�ce Constru�etion.Compang be au�horized to stop work as of ad�,y 15 on the � �TPJA �ater praject and not cg�en.ce work aga3.n un.til €unds are available and that the time for complet�.o� of such work be aceordir.gl� �eng�hened by the number of ciays so delayed. BBoverl b� �Br. Barry, seconded 'by Mr. Marsh, and carried tha� tb.e rrnotifln be tabZada �.°het �'o%rving Resol.utian a�as introduced: � 1� � FSNANCING R�SOLL�1'ION A RESOLUTION AU2'HQ�IZING THE CSTY OF CLEARV7ATER, FLOFcTDA TO FILE I�N A1Y�NDED APPT,ICATI�N TO `�HE UNITID BTATES OF ABdERIGA THROUGH THE �'ID�tAL EMER�:�.��'AI�Y ADMINISTR.A.TION OL' PTTBLIC WORSS FOR A IAAN ANll GRAN2' TO AID �N FINANCING THE CQI35TRUCTION OE�' AADITIOIdS T0 (3�l�Y' SANITAE�Y SEWERS AND AIITHOfi- IZIN(3 THE GI'FX' MANAGER �'0 HAVE ISSU�D 4� SANII�RY SEUPER REVENi7E CER�'IFICAT�S OF CITY OF �LEARWATEft TO RUPI FOR NOT MOFtE THAN THIR`1''Y (3�) YEAki3 IN THE AMOUNT OF 55� OF THE TAAN AND GRANT �""" OBTAINID FROM THE Pi'9A FOR �.'HIS �'URPOSE AND A'OTHGRI2IN(i '.LTHL�' CgY' S�I9NAGER TO 2dAKE SUCH SERYICE CHARQ�E NECESSARY TO OPERATE 'i'i� TiEQIII3��'E r'ONllS FOR OPgiATIPtG AND MAINTAININt3 THE SAIdITARY SEWERS AND PfiY �'HE I�1'�'ERES1 AND PiiINCIP9T, ftEQUIRED TO RETIRE THE SEWER RESiiENUE CERTTx �CATES. Be it resoZveci by the �i�y Co�ission. o� the Citg o� Cleaanvater, Fioric�:e., thAt the City Ma.nager be and ia aaa.tharized &nd inetructed �o file an �nena�a application to the Un3t0d States of Amerioa through the Federal �ergency Admi�:istration of Public Works Por a loan and, grant to aid 3.n financing the canstruction oP additiona to city sanitary sgwer�. Sea�ion. 11. That the Cit� Managar be and 3s author3zed and instru�t�d to have i,ssued Sanitary Sewer Revenue Certificates of the City o£ Clearvrater, to bear interest at 4� per annvm and ta be redaem�d in not more thari, �Y�irty geara, and. be in to�al amovnt Fift,p-��ive per�ent (55�) oS tlze tatal loan. and gratst thai; may be obtatned through the Fed�ra3 Emergency �dmini.stratiox► oP �ublio lNorks far the purpoae oY' constructing tYf.ese sewer additions to the City senitary sev�ers. These c�rtiPieetee to be a�'irat lien on the revenues from operating thc� sewers after reaeonr�.ble operating and maintenauce eharges are paid. SECTTON 171. That the City M.snager be and is he�ebg autYs.orized ancl instructed to make such sezwice charge per month as may be necessarg to ob�ain tho requi.site funds for �perating and ma,ints:ining the sanita.ry se�sere and paying the interest and principa], r��uired ta redeem the Gity �P C3ear�,vater Sanitary Sewer RPvenue CertiPicates issued unner this Resolution. Passed and adopted:ng the �itg Com:n.issi�n of the City a� Clearwa�er, �'1or, ida, this 25th r1a� of May, A, D, 1936. _ ��': '.�r-� �°rr een � Mayor-C o�ni s s 3.oner . Atte�'� t � '� sa . e ------ C�t��Auditor and C1erk. Moved by Mr. Barry, seconded by Mr, �ta,rsh, ihat the Eiesolution be a�doptad, and upo:� roll call, the fol7.or�ing vo�e tQas p47.leds Ayes: Green, Barry, B�.tchelor, Baker and Pdarsh. Nays: None. and ca._rrieds Moved "uy �ir. Marsh, seeonded by ,Mr, Barr�,/t1�a:�E tha ma�ter of an Orciinc�nce regulatis� the sale o� intoxicating Iiquors aiter mi.dn3ght and on Sundays, be referred to the City Attorne� �'or ad.vic3. Moved by �r, Marsh, second.ed by Mr. Baker and cara�3ed that �'S OJ.Ot�� .. � � . . . �866�@-ba appropriated to eontintts 9'1PA work pra j ects . � � � � •� ['�� � �doved by Bsr. B�rr•g, seconded by Mr. Batchelor, and earried the.t pasa�.ng of , the Ordi.nance to re�ul.ate dairi�s, the production, di.stribution and :`_ �a1e oP mi.3k 3n the City of Clearwater be postponed until the third T�onday in June to allow t3.me to secure more definite iniormation in�ormation. concerning this ordinancee Pdoved by Mr. B�.�chelor, seconded by Mr. Barr� and carried that the tax ra3.1 for the year 1936 be open9d May 26� w3.th the usval discount of 4� for payment during iirst month, in order that �the taa� pa�ers may proceed to pa� taxes i�mnediate3y,�� There being na f'urther busi�ess� the meeting was �hereupoa adjovrnede � ayor o ssioner , ATTEST: � + Au or & e o