05/25/1936 (2)� r}�• .t:vf ���.� (FdRI� OF COUPONS) IJO. 4p On i;he f3rat dag of l9 , the Ciiy of Clearwatort Florida, will pay to the bearer the sum of Dollars (� : ) la�vful money of the Unitod States o� America at Chase TJational Bank, City of Nev� York, N, Y. being six �onth�� interest then du� on its Refundin,; Bond Issue of July 14 �.936, Series aatea au�.� i, 1936, rro. City Auditor and Clerli. Series A refundir}, bonds shall recite they are issued "for the purpose of rot'�uiding a like amount of val3d auizsisting bonded debt of said Cit,y for 'bhe p�ymant of tivhich the City vuas obligated to levy taxes upon all property �vithin. 3ts present territorial lixn3ts whLch �vas subject to taxation under the C�nstitution ar.d larvs of Florida as they e�risted prior tn November b, 193L#.rr� and that the City wi11 levy ��axes sufficient to prov3.de for the pa�gment of principa]. and interest thereof "upon all property within the present territorial limi.ts of s aid City." • Series B ref'undin� bonds sha11'recite they are issued "for tlie purpose of refunding a i�ke amount of valid subeisting bonded debt ai said City for the pa�znent of tivhich ths City was qbligated to 1e�vy taxe� upon alI p�o�erty vri�hin its �resent territorial lirrLit� which was subjeet to taxation under the Co�st3.tution and �aws of Florida as they existed prior to ISovember 6, 1931.�., excepting only that certa3n property annexed to said City bg Chapter 1039l�� �i&1Y8 oP Florlda, 19z5�' and t}�at the City will levy taxes aufficiant to prov3de for th� payment o�' principa7, and interest thereof "upon a7.1 property wi�hin the present t9rritorial limits of said City, excepting that certain plopertp annexed to said City by Chapter 1o39La., �aws o� Florida, �925, andr' Series C refundin� bonds sha11 recite they are issued "for the purpose of ref`i.u�:d3.r� a like amount of valid subsistin� bonded debt oi said City for the payment of svhich the City was obligated to levy taxes upon all proper�y v�ith3.n its �resent territorial limits tri�:ieh wa.s subje�t to taxation under the Gonstitution and laws of Florida as �hey existed prior to November 6, 1931�., exceptin� only that certain property annexed to said Cit� by Ohapters 10391 and 1039l�., Laws of F'loriaa, 1925�c and that the City will levy taxes sufficient to provide for the payment of princip Al and intere�t thereof rrupon a].1 property within the present ter-ritoria7. limits o£ sa3d Cii:y, excepting tha.t certain pro erty annexed to said City bg Chapters 10391. and 1039�, Zaws of F].orida, 192�, and�' •n. _, ., ,,._ _ . . . ...'_ .r ..... . . .. �4>? '! ._r.K^ z� SEQTION 10. There is hereby d3rected to be �nnually levied and collected, as lon� as any refunding 1a�nds may C�e nutstanding� a separate and special ta� suffici ent to pr•oduce the sum required for the payment of interest upon said refi:nd3ng 'bonds as that interest inaturea; provided, however, that in the fiseal years i936 to 19i.�.1., inclusive, t.he ta:� to be levied far the payment of interast on said 2ei`undi.ng bonds ahall in no event be less than �p200,00�.00 for each of such gears, In determining the rate of tax necessarg to l�e levied in the fiscal year 19� and in each fiacal year thereafter, for the purpose of producing an e.mount sufficien� to uay t�.e interest on said refvnding bonda, t}ie average percenta�o of collectibility cf taxes during •the three years im�edi�tely preceding each yeFi.r in which such leti*y is made shall be deemed to be �he percentage of coTlectibility of taxes for i;he fiscal year then being levied for, and such. rate oi tax shall be levied w1.�'ich will be suificient to produce the �mount required for the payment of such interest upon the assumption that during such fiscal year the percentage of collectibility will b� the same as tho average for the t�ree years iminediately preceding; providad fu.rther that in the fiscal years 191�2 to 191�., inclusiv�, the amount of tax to be le�vi.ed for the purpose of paying interest on the ref�un.ding bonds sha11 �n. no event be less than �p�00'000.00 in each of such fiscal years, Interest maturing in any fiscal year shall be levisd for and includFd in the tsxes imposed for the fiscal year immediataiy precedi.ng. The proceeds of sueYz taxes and the proceeds of all debt service taxes levied for the �ears : 19j1{. ana i935 will be pe.id into a special fund which vsrill be used soZely for the payment of interest upon said refunding bonds, except as herein- ; aftsr directed, provided tha� ta.xes Zevied in the t�rritory annexed to ' the City by Chapter 103<jl, La�vs o= i925, shall be applied only to ti:ue � paymont oi' intarest on Series A aizd Series B refunding bonds, snd taxes le�,-�ea in tna territorg �.exea ��o the Gity by Chapter 103o4, z�.�s o� 1925, sha11 be applied on3y to the payment of interest on Seriea A refunding bond.s, � SECTIOI�i II. There is �ereby directed to be levied and collected for the iiscal year 191�.5, and for each fiscal year thereafter until said refundin �'uonds a.re paid, a separate and special tax su=ficient to produce '! in each of such fisca7. years the sum of not less than $�1a0�0�0.00, and i.n � determinin� the rate of ta�: necessary for this purpose the average per- � centa�e of collectibil.it� af t�xes rluring the tlares years 3�unediatel� � r �recedin$ each year in which such levy is made shall be deemed to be the ; percentage of collectibility of taxes for the fisca? year then be3.ng ' „. e � � �r', � � ing� coste oP such 'gar,bti Basin. � The polling plar,a for saicl election will be open �on the day cf IelPetic,n from 8:G0 o'clock. A. M., Eastern Standard Time to �7:30 o'ciock P M.a Eastern Standard Time, the� sar : day and. is deaignated and located as follo�vs; � � City Eire� Station, GardenyAvenue. � Unly freeholders `,vho are qualified electors resIding in said� City an� properly .registe^ed by �thg Ctty Auditoc- and �Clerk of said� Clty WIII i7P, &UOWCC� YO VOC?. � � � � j . � CITY COMMISSION OF THE��C*fY OF � CLEARWATER,: FLQHIDA, � , � BY .... .. . . .. ... � � � � Mayor-Commtsaioner." ATT�ST: .City huditor and Clerk. • .• � - SECTI9N 3 Fluyd Wallace, Jamie Nall and Alf Erickson tie, � and ihey are hereby,.appuinted Insgectors, and J. �J. Davidsoa.�be, i�znd f:c is hereby appuinted Clerlc�.of said. election. � SEGTION 4 Tha ballot to be uaed in said election shall be 9n i suost7.ntially the following form: � . -� "'EALLOT � SPECIAL.ELECTION � ; CITY �lli` �LEAR�YAT�R, �FLORIDA, � � � � �SEPTEIIB�R 27th, 1938. ' �ti¢II che City of Clearwater; E'lorida, issue Yacht Basin Revenue � Cerl:iicates in the �aegregute prihcipal. amount of eZg,000.00, dated Octor.�er�I, 1938, In �tne denomination ot.51000.00�cach�, hearing int=r-� �est at �the� rate of fmir Per centum (h�o1 per annum, payable semi- annually on Oc!'ober� 1 and April 1� of each year,. maturing serially in Ute amounL of: � � � � � - . . I Year Amount I'ear Amount �1942 $1000.00 19a� g1000.00 ' 194u. 1000.00 1956 1000�.00� 1324 . �1000:00 1907 � 1�00.00� 1845 � lOG9.00 �19aS � 1000.00� 1946� lUU0.00 � 1D59� 1000.00 ]3h7: 19Q0.00 . 19fi0 1000.00 :e�x louo.00 issz iaoo.00 Ib43 10b0.00 1962 � 1000.00� � 1b�0 1000.00 - 1063 1000�.00 � �SAul � . �lOQ0.00 � 1954 1000.00� lAS2� LJ00.00 � � � 1965 1000.00 i�35$� � �i�P0:00 �1966� � � . 1000.00 � lYi4 1U00.00. � � �736T lOQ0.00 � � � � .13"u$ � 2000.00 � ^ Lhe purpose of� aiding fn financing the cost of construction of a Za�hi Basin. Sueli Yaaht $asin Fevenue Certificafes to tie.pay:�hle �� solet}� :'tom az�d secu.�d by �a pledgc of the gross incont� and revenue of d�e Yacht Bssin, after prov:siel� for the payment of � all opera�iae icos[; .uf. such Yacht Basin. � � . i i I For �'achc Fasin Revenue Certificate;; � .I j Ag:uns[ Sach[ Easin Fevenue Cerkificates. ' ! � � U1REl:TION TO VOTERS. � � �'-lf you. are in favcr of tl�e l;ity issuino fite ��acUt Sasin Re��enus � �� Cect+f:cates place an ',:" marlr in the� space to the left of the �co�ds � "fur� Y acht Hasin Revenue Certificates." . � . ��7Y� }•ou are tmt in favor of the City issuina tite lacltt Sasin � . Rev-:nue Ceraf;cates place an "� :' mark in tl�e space �to. �the left� of � � We werds "Aaainst Yacht Basin Recenue Certificate�" � � 'Che.Clerk of the t;itiy is. hereby autlYOLized and directed to have pri1:!cd a sufficient numUer of tl�e aforesaid ballots, to be� printed on � � �. glaici �vlute paper aaS to farnis;� .a sufficient' vumUer ot such ballots � �, to *,kie Insgectors and i9etic. of tUe election� on. or hefore. We date .tnd time 14r openfne. !he polls for sucli election. .�� �:�CTION ��5 � Tlie City Auditor azid Clerk of .the City, as the fie��strstion Officer ot the City, is authurized and� directed.to open. � � the t•ee ctration booSc; uf th> Gity for registration of electors as pro-� �vid-�ti by la�•t. The Gyty� Auditor and Clerh, as Registrat3on Officer, is �� � . . � . �also authorized nnd� uirecteU to mal:e �np an$ �ceitify a list of Lhe; � . na:nes of all qunlified electors appearing�on the reais[faUon hooks of� � tlie City �v11o� a1e dzi:ermined to ��be freeliolders residing. in tlie�� City, � � ,ind �vlto are aiso determined to be qualified to vote. in tlie .election. �Sucn l:st shall +be mx:le up after �the close of the special registratiou . . . . peri�l, tvhich shail nut tie later than #ive ("p) days before :the �ate�� of holding the elec!iun, and a certified copy of such list sliall be� � � � � Ei•'�i:,lted to� thg Tnspec[ors and Clerk of tl�e�election at t17e place . ;v'.iere tlte votes are to b¢ cast. A cerGfied�� copy� �of �such liat shatl � , , � 5� fi�Ed� and preserveJ among the� records of U1e" City. � . ShCTION �6. Th�a Resolution sl�all be effective immediately. � . 1'ASS�D AND �.,DOl'SED by,the City� Commission of�the O;ty; d Clea.r�vater, Flut�da, fihis the 26th day ot August, A D, 1953�; - � � . � � � L. �A.. il�ARSH � . T4ayor-Commissiouer. iT I EST: � S.� E. SATTEPtiFIELD � � I Cit� nuditor and Glerk. , ' � Thia `Ceitiftcate shall pass by delivery as heteinui�ove proVi�ed, .g � it i��4ay be registered es'to prittcipal in Uie name of ihe hoIc,cr g ."tae booka oP t5e C�.ity � af Cleazwater, auch� reglstration beiri�q� , a� �ted en .'tlie bacls her� �` aEter �.thich no transPer ahall � he va1iG� �. �- iless msde on said bo �e by -the reglstered owner or his lagal'� � presentuiive �ar.d similar,. � n�ced on the bacic hgreo4, Uut it may � dischxrged from 'reglstr� by being�'transferred to bearer on the'�� .. oks of tbe�City oi Clearw�ter'and thereafter el�all he txaneferable i' � delivery, but !t may be a�a3n; :rom time� to . tirae, registered di . � � ansferred to, bearer as uef�.-e. No such reb atration as� to prin.. �'. �pal shsll.'atfect.the negotiability of:the coupons attac$ed hereto, hi qh'� shall ;�ontinue � to pa�s � b y delive; y �erel y. . � IT IS,I3�iEBY��CEiRTIF'IL�'D, RECITED AI�TD DECLARED that� ' � 1, acts;: conditions �. aad things, required by� the Constitution and'-��� �� �� ;atutes���oE the State of Florida and by the Ordinancea �oY� the City; .�.. � ' Clear�vater to exisC, to happen, and to ba peiiormed, precedenC. and fn the iss�ance oi tkiis Ceztificate, exist,'have happened, und �va �een performed in due time, form, ayd mannez as required � . r law. � . � � , - � . ',Il�j �itITNESS� WHEREOF, the City of Clearwater has caused � us Certificate to� he executed itt its name by its City �auditor and ,�� !erl: and,,City 'Manager, and countersigned by ita Iriayor-Commie-' ` oner, and its corporate aeal to ha hereunto affixed, and the intereat mgons &eieto attached to he executed with the facstmile signatures I aeid City Auditor and Cle:k, City 'Muneger and Mayor-�ommis- oner, and this Cert3ficate to be dated� the first� day of October, 1938�." .' �. � : �CIT�' OF':CLEARWATER, FIARSDA, � . iEAL). � . � BY .... . .._.�. . . . ..... ....... : � � . • City� �Auditor and Clefk.� 9UNTERSIGNEDc '. . BY ..�...�. ........ .........:........�,. � . ._, ...�.�., .......,:.�......�:.�. �. � City IrTanager: . ;ayot-Commissioner. . . � � . � � � � � �� � (VALIDATION ENDi1ASEMHNT) -� � � � Validated and confirmed by decree oP the ��[rcuit Court of the � ir.th Jedicial Circuit, in aad. for pinellas County, Florida, rendered�� � � a the ` �' � .day� o£ . ,: 193—. � . � . . . IN yVITNESS.WFiEREOF�-Zhavehereko�set my hand.and alf�ed � ie aeal- of said CIrauit Court, ihis the � . day of �. ��. . �;, 83—. ' . . . � - � , . . . ..: SE,ALJ.;:, � Clerk of' Circuit.Court in and for. � �� �� ' . Pinellas��� County, Florida. �� . � � (FOFiM OF COUPON) . ' � •G, -- �20.00 On the first day of , 19=—, the City o;f Gleanvater ill pay to beazer, solely fiom the reveaues j�ledged to the payment ereof��.and not othenyise, at�-the office bf tHe City Treasurer in.the � ity of .Clearwater; �Flori�a,. or at•the opGon. of the holdeY, at 'Phe �. � hemicaY�Bank�& Truat Company, Necv�York �City, New�.York, upon'���� � � urender���of thIs�coupon, $20.OQ.in auch coin or�ourrency �as is, on � }e date �of paymeat hereof; legal tender for the rpayrnent of public� ��� ❑d priva£e debts, �being �Ir> montUs -interest on its Yabbt Basirt� �� . eyenue � Gertificate„' dated October 1, 1938, and� numher/ d ` . � . . a. .......... :iAY , . - �{REGISTRATION CERTII'ICATE) ' � ate of F;egi6traiion Name oi Registered Owner Signature of Registrar . . .. ....... .... �'.. . 3ECTIOII 5. The CIty of Cleaiwater eha11 lceep houlce for tqe: :gistration and transfer �oi, tCertificates aE the. office of �the'. Gity ' ' �udifasr and Clerk of the City of Clearvrater. At t�e opUon. of the hold0r, any � Gertificate may .6e reglsterCd� �. i to principa7 3ri���i�e C�eitt4icate Reg'ister of the���C4ty oL 'C1easWatef, ..�� � y the �City Auditor and Clerk, as Certificate Regiatrar, azid auch." :ertificate may theieaftA� bo��txanaferred on said�Certificate�.�Regiater.' � �nly upon an asaignment in writing: of' the segistexed ownex or of iie legal-`reprea¢ntative, duly ask�owledged, euoh transfer to ,l�e�.� mdorsed on such` Certlficate by the Cestifica�e- $egistrar, Such ;ertificafe may be.traneferred to beare; on the��.COrtificate Reglstrar ind�there�fier transYeraMlity �by delivery shall. he reatored,�but nuch . � .".ertifLcate ahall a ain b� �:subject�� to, auccesalYe registratioa and'� �� . 6 xanefera'-as before. No such iegistration as to principai aflall aifect �e. nzgotiabl!ity of th.^: coupons uttached io auch Certlficate, which ' shall continue to paaa by dellvery merely. No charge shail be' ��made to��� anp holder or owner oP any ��Certificatee for �the privilege� �Y regiatiation here3n granted. $ECTTON B. Tha City Auditor and Clerk, C[ty Mana�r und IvIsy.cr-Cch3mfssioner are hereby authorized to'execute at one ttme Ehe Certificates in �ha name of the City of Qleai�water; F�orida, and- � :he City Auditox and Cler}c ie hereby authortzed � to affix the ae�l ofl che Ci£y of Cleacv+ater to tiie Certificates. The said GYty Audftor nnd 31e:k, City�r$anager and said Mayor-Commiesioster are her.eby author- zed vud dicected':to cause the coupons atiached to safd CertiPicatee :o be executed by theirs�acsimile aignaturea.�The CerUficattea hereli tuthmized to he iasuea.shall be; and fhey are heteby aWbrded to :Hu Jnited States of Iiiv,�rica acting ihrough the .Federal Emergencp 4dnlaiatrator oP Publjc W�rlcs ati par and accrued intereqtr and the I ity liuditor and �ler3t� is bereby authorized and directed to dellvex � � . -''---- -'•-- -' --- . 0 � �.� : ; lavied for, and such rate of tax shall be levied whi.eh w3.13 be suf'fi�ient to produce �;100� 000.00 upon tha assump�tiun tlaat during suc�: fiscal ge a.r the � percenta$e of coZleatibility �vill be the aame as the average for �the three years immediately preceding. The proeeeds of such tax wi11 be pa3.d into a spocia7. fun�� to be maintained as a sinking fund for the payment of the principal of the reiunding bonds in the manner ]�ereinY�efore set forth an d aha11 be used for n��other purpose., SECTIOIJ 12. Tn addition to the nnnevs hereinbefore reqvired to be paid. into the sinkin� f�and for the refunding boilds, there will also be pai.d into such sinking fund all moneys produc�d by the levy of the minimum tax required to be made for �he payment of interest on suclz refun.ding bonds tvhich ma,y be in excess of all intarest requirements for which sueh 3.evy� �vas made and'the neart succeeding semi-annual interest installment. The x�a�nent �f such e�cess moneys into �he sinking fund for the refunding bon3.s wi11 b� made upan the last day of each fiscal �ear. Such moneys will be used �olel� for the retirement of refund3ng band,s 'by purchase, caZl or payment in the same manner as other mone;�s in sueh sinking f�und are required to be ap�lied. SECTION 13. If and w}a.eri the Cit,y shall increa�e its annual tax levy for general main�enance �.n3 operating expenses over the sum of y�100,000.00 prior to t�h.e reduction of its bonded indebtedness to ��2,5�0,000.00 or less, the City covenants that it wil7. also -? evy an additional t� of y�1.00 for each dullar of auch increase, and during each year in ti•rhich the tax levg for general maintenance and oper�.tiizg expenses sha11 exceed the sum of �100,000.00 the Ci�t3* will contin.ue to levy such additional tax in such ratio to the increase in gen�ral maintenance and operating taxes, The proeeed3 of such addit3onal. tax will be paid into �he sinking fund for tne refunding bonds and used solel.y for the ratirement of such refunc3ing bonds by pur� c�ase, call or payment in the same m�nner as other moneys in such sinking fund are required t� be applied. SECTION 1L�., All unpaid iiitere�t accxued Lo Julv 1, 193l�, on tYze out- standing bonds to be ref`unded hereunder, ivhetio.er or not represented by interest coupons, sha11 b� refunded by the issuance of delinqueiit tax notes in an amount equal to �he amount of interest refundec3 therebye Delinquent tax noties sha17. be issued in thiee series, Series A delinquant tax notes shalZ be issued to r6iund that pczrt of such interest aecrn.ed on the bonds described in Section 3 hereof and for tlie payment theraoi taxes at the times and at the rate hersinafter presaribed will be levied on all property � � �+ 'i r I ; within the present territos�ial limits of the Gi�y wrlich was not exempted from taxation by the Go�stitution oi Florida as i't existed innnediately �rior to November 6, 1931.�.. Sories B delinquent tax notes sha11 be issued to reiund that part of such i:nterest accrued on the bonds described 3.n Soction 2 hereof and iox the payment thereof taxes at the timasand at the rate izereinaf{;er prescribed will be levied on all propertg vritbi.:; the preaent tsrritorial limi:ts of the City, exclusive of that certain territory arinexed to the City by Chapter 1039l�., za�vs of 192'5, which �vas not exempted from taacation by the Constitution of Flor3.da as it existed immediataly prior to Nov'ember 6, 193�-• Series C, delinquent t� notes shall ba issued to refund that part of such in�terest accrued on the bnnds described in Saction 1 hereof and for the payment tlzereof taxes at tha tirces' and at tha s�at� here3nafter prescribed vrill be leviad on a1.1 property v�ithin the present territorial limits of the Gitg, exclusive of that certain territory annexed to the City by Chapters �.0391 ana io391�, La�vs of i9z5, whicri v�as �.ot exempted from t�ation Uy th.e Constitutiion of Florida as it existed immediately prior tc November 6, 19j1.}.. S81d d81111q_Uerit 'taiL no-�es shall re issued ir_ regisl;ered form, shall be dated J'u1y l, 1.936, shall bear no interest and shall have no definite maturity date, but shall be a�edeemabls in vrh�le or in part at any time by th.e City on or be�'are July 1, 1938, at twenty per cent of tha �ace va�.ue thereof and at any time thereafter at tv:enty-five psr cen,t of th:e f�ce value i:hereof,' For the payme�.t of said notes there is Y�reby specially pledged ail unpaid taxes lev'ied for the gear 1930 and prior years and all spacia7. assessments r3.t a.ny ti�ne l�eretofore imposed novr remaining unpaicl� and the City cover_ants that in addition thereto and zor the fiscal year z939 and for aach fi�cal year �here- af�ter, v�rhile atzy of said notes are out�tand.ing, i.t �rri7.1 levy a special ta.Y of not less than tvto mi11s u�on all. property within said City subject to taxation, including homest.,ads, the proceeds of which are hereby p3.edged �o the payment o� said notes, The Ci�y covenents that the proceeds o�'s aid de].inquent ta.�es, unpaid special assessments and special tax levy wi11 ba pa3ct into a, spee3al fund ancl applied solalg to the rede�nption of such notasD provided that such part of the s aid i'und resu7.ting from the callecl;ion of taxes imposed in the territory annened to the City by �hapter 10391.}, Lavrs of 1925' shall be used for the rede�tion of only Series A. delinquent tax notes and such pari: oi the said fund resulting from the collection of taxes impoaed in tYre terri�ory annexed to the Gity by Chapter 10391, i�aws of 1925, sha11 be u3ed for tho redemption o� onl� 5eries A and Series B de�.inquent tax n.otos. The Cit,y iurther covenaY�ts that whenzver thera $hail 0 be in such fund 5p25,000.00 or mnre, it will imuediately disburae such fvnd in the rede�tion of suc� notes by paying to each registered a+rmer of such notes tkiat proportion of such ftiind which is equa.l to the ratio trat the unpaid face amAunt of su�h owr,er�s notes bears to the total unpaid face amount of a.11 outstar�d.ing notes, and vrill give to the registered a�vners of no�es notl.ce th.at such paymerit vrill be made trereon, Notice �f redem�tion shall be given to the registered ov�n.ers of eaid notes by mazling such notice �o t}a.em at their addresses appearing upon the books of the Registrar of the City, ancl such notice ahall state,the proportion of the face a.mou.�•� c�f such notes to be so redeemsd and the amount to be paid ir_ redenption thereof. Ir_ the event that any of said notes sha].l be paid in part onl�, they sY�a11 be presonted to the City ior endor�ement ther�on of a s�a�te ment of the porticm. of the face amour.�c thereof so paid ana t� amou�t of casr_ actu�.11g paid thereon, and upon fina? pagment oi any of s aid notes they shall be su.rrendered to the City and ca�cellec. b� it. Said d.elinquent tax not�s sha11 be issusd in such denominations as may be equal. to the amovn.t of accrued interest o�i.ng each creditor, or in such denominations as may be agreed upon bet�teen fi�ie City Auditor an.d Clerk and each creclitor, ana the notes of e ach �eries shell be n.umhared cansecutivel.y from 1 upvrards. Said notes shall be transferable only upon tn.e books o� the City Auditor and Clerk as Re�istrar of the Cit� of Clearvfater and sha11 be payab7.e in lavrftz7. money of the IInited States �f Arr�rica at tY�e office of �he City Treasurer in the City of Clearrrater, F'lorida. Upon retirament of a11 delinquent tax notes or the setting ap art of sufficient funds to make sucll ratir�ment, the proceeds af all ta:�es and special assessments pled�ed to such notes vtill thereafter be paid in�o -the i�Znd herein provided for the payinent of' interesi: on the reflin.ding bonds and applied in the �ame maruier as other mone�s in �ucYi fund are required to be applied. S�CTION 15. The delinquent tax notes herein autlaorized to be issuad shall be �igned by �he City Manager ancl City Auditor and Clerk of the �it� of Clearwatsr and. countersigned by the P�ayor Commissioner snd the corporate seal af tha City of Clearwater shall be affixed thereto. The text of said notes sha11 be in the following forniv�rith �he additional recitals hereinafter prescribed for eo.ch series incorporatod therain rvheie space is provicled therefor;, � s e� � <a�. �, �,�. �IITED STATES OF AMERTCA STATE OF k'F ORIDA CTTY OF CLEARWATER PELINO,UENT TAY NC1PE zs�� oF �ar,v l, Z936, SERIES IdQ . � The Citg of Clearcvater in Pinellas Count�, Florida, is justly indebted to the segisterea ov�*ner h�roof in the sum of �; for value received and hereby promises to pay to the registered owner hereof, as o.nd when funds axe'available for such payment, t�2enty-fa.ve per centum of said amount, ar_d the registered o�rmer agrees to accept such gayment of twenty-f3ve per centum as complete satisfc,etion and discharge of the indebtedness represented by this note, provided thai; the City reserves the ri�ht to pay this note on �r before Jus.� 1, 1938, at twentg per centum of the amount of ir_debtec3n.ess rep,resAnted hereby and the registered owner hereof agrees'�o accept such payment of twer_ty per cen.tum as complete ss.tisiaction and d3scharge of said : indebteclness if mad� °��n ar 'befnxe July lst, 1938. Payment hereof shaTl be made in 1.aF�fu1 money of the Un3.zod S�ates of America at the office of tho City Treasurer in the Citg of Cleari��ater, FZorida, at one tima or i'riam time to time in part on the basis above prescribed and if partial payment is made hereon, this note shall be presented at the place of pa�ment ior en:dorsement hereon of the part paid and the amount paid in discharge tYzereof, For the payment of tbis note and the issue of which it is a Part, there i� hereby pledged a1Z taxes levied for the year 1930 ancl pr3or years remaining unpaid at the time af issuance of this note and all special assessments remainir� nnpaid at the time of issuance of this note and theretofore imposed upon praperty r�ithi.n the City, and to further sscure the payment thereof the C�.ty covenants that for the fiscal :�ear �939 and for each fiscal year thereafter it wil7. levg a 9pecial ta�: of not less than two mi11s upon excepting that property vrhich v�as exempted From iminicipal taxation by the Constxtution of F`lorida as it was in force and efPect irmned3.ately pr3.or to I�Tovember 6, 193l�. The Gity i`urther covenan�Es th�t a11 taxea Ievied fer the payraent o� thia note, including t�uces upon homesteads, will be col7.ected in cash at tYze saxne time and in the same manner as operatin� and governmenta]. i q� ■ -�F�x, t�,�, d ad valorem ��as levied by said City, azrZ the righta and remedies �or the enforcement of t�.e indeb�E�dness ref�ncied here'hy s}za11 appzr'vain to this note an�3 the taxes aeeuring the same independentl.g o£ ang resira.etions or limitations thereon enacted by the Legislatvre of the St�te of Florida since J�uary� 1, lg3i, `i'he City coveriants tha:t ths proceeds of s aid delinquent taxes, vnpaid specia3�aseessmera.ts snd special tax lovy will be paid into a special fund and applied solely to ths redemption of this note and the iasue of which it is a part and �'urther covenants that whenever th�re shall be in such f�and �25,000,00 or �ore, it will irmnediately disburse �uch iun3 in redempt3on of this nots and the o�:her notes of the issue of which it is a part by paying to eack�, registered owner of such notes that proporti�. o? such fund whi.ah mag be equal to the ratia that the unpaid face amou�t of' sizch owmers � notas bears to tYse total un�ai�1 face �.mount of all outstanding notes �ntitled to payment th�rrfrom and will give to the regis�Eered awners of such notes notice t2�.t such payment will be made thereon. Notice of rederm tion will be given �o the r�egis�ered owners of such notes by n�si�ling such notice to th�m at their a,ddresses appearing upon the books o�' the Rogistrar af the City and such notice vrill state the proportion of the iace amount of notes� to be redeeme� and the amour.t to be paid in redemption thereoi. This no�e vr�.11 be received by �e City of C7.earwater in paymerst of an amount of taxes 1�vied for the year 1930 and prior years and specia7. assessments heratofore imposed equal to the unpaid face amount of this note, provided tl�at it will be accepted in payment of sucia delinquent taxes only upon the cor_dition that the then current t�es on the s au�e property are paid in cash si7rrtiltaneously theroticith or prior t�ereto. This note is issued for the purpose of refundi:ng interest upon valid outstanding bon.ds of the City oi' Clearwater, This no�e is �sg,� a tuzaer the authoritg of and in itiill compl�ance with the Constitut3on and atatutes of the State of Florida, including the Charter of the C:ty of Clea�ra�er and pursuant to a resolution passsd b� the Cit� Co�nisaion of said City of ClearNrater. It is he�eby cartii'ied and recited that �17. sets, condi�ions ancZ things requ.ired to ha�pen, er.ist an� be performed, precedent to .and in tha issuance of this nots, have happened, exist and have been perforined in due tima, farm and ma.nner, as reqla.red bg the Constitution and laws of the � � � � aw .�.c5� ;% � State of Flnrida; �hat the tots�l. indebtedness of said Ci��y, includ3ng this �. � note, does not excaed, and that the �o�al indeb�edness af sr�.id City at the creation of the inde�tedr_esa refunded hereb�, �ncludin� said indebtedness, ' did not then exceed, eng cc+natitutional or statu�ory limitation,thereon. IN WITIJESS VJI�REOF, said Citg of Clearvrater has caused this note to ' be signed by :i�ts City Manager �nd C3.ty Auditor and Clerk under its corporate seal and coun:tersigned by its Magor Commi.ssioner as of the ist aas o�' July, 1936. City Manager, City of Clear�va er,Florida C ty Aia.di or and C er , Ci y d� Clearvrater, F7.orida� C QUAiTERSTGPi�D e Mayor-ConmLiss oner, C y o Clearwater Flori da. (VALIDATION C�RTIFICATE) Validated and c�.firmed by decree of f,he Circuit Court of the Sixth Judicial Cirduit oi tkie State of Florida in ar.d for pinellas Count�, r:end'ered . , 19 C�.erk of sai�: Court, (PROVISION F'OR REGISTRATION) No transfer of this noie sha:ll be valid unlese made on �he b4oks of � the City Auditor and Clerk as Registrar oi' thz City of Glearwater b� t}� regis�ered owner• or at:t.or�ey duly authorized and similarly noted in the registration blan_.k below. S2GNATIIRE OF DATE OF REGISTR9TION: IN tNHOSE NAr�riE REGISTFRED; REGTSI'RAR: ( RECORD OF PAYh'1ENTS ) Pursuant to the terms of this note, the follavring pa�ments have been made her e on ; FACE AI�OUNT SIGATATURE OF DATE OF PAYIvTEN`i: AtJIOUNT OF CASH PAID: DISCHARGED: REGISTRAFi: , - 0 Series A notes sha7.1 recite •that the City �rill levy a s�ecial tax of not less than t*r�o mi11s upon ��a11 proper�y wa.thin the present territor3.al 1i7ni�s of said Ci�y" ancl that such notes �.re issued for tho purpose of refunding interest upon va13.d outa'tanding bc�iids a� the C:Lty rr�or tho paym.ent of v�hich the City was obligated to �.evy taxes upon a7.1 praperty w; thin ,its pr�sent torritorial limits which �ras subject to ta:ration under the Constitution and Lav�s oi' Florida as they e.xisted �rior to November 6, 1931+°. 5aries B notes shall recite that the City wz11 levy a spacial tax of not less than ttivo �r,3.11s upon "all propertg withi� the present territorial 1im3.�s of saa.d City, excepting that certain pmperty annexed +o said Ci�y by Chepter 1039�, �avrs oi F'lorida, 192�j, arsd�� and that sueh notes are issued for the purpose of rei�.inding interest upon valid outstanding bond.s of the Cit� "for the payment of which the City was obligated. to levy taxes upon a11 property within its present territoriaT limitR which was subject to taxation under the Cox�.stitution and laws of Florida as they existe�. priar to November 6, 193L.�, excepting onl� that certain pr�perty annexecl. to said Citg by Chag�ter T0391E., rasva o� Floriaa, 1925 ��, Series C notes shall recite fihat the C3:ty wi11 lev� a spec3.al t� of not less than two mills upon °all propc-rty yvithin the present territorial limits � of said City, excepting that certain property annexad to said City by Chapters a.o39i an�: 1039l�, Laws of Fl�rida 1925, and °f and that such notes are issued for the purpose of refunding interest upon valid outstancling bonds of the City °f'or the payiuent of which the City was obligated to levy taxes upon a11 property within i�ts presen� territorial limits which was subject to taxation under the Constitution and laws of Flo2id a as they existed prior to 1�]ovember 6, 193�.{., ea.ce�ting only that certain propertg annexed to sa2d City by Chapters ?0391 and 10391.�., LaVrs of Florida, 1925." ' SECTTON 16, A�l �a�c levies rec�uired to'be made hereunder for the purchase, payment or rodemption of the ref�anding obligations anthorized hereby, shall constitute special levie� for the particvlar purposea for � �vhi.ch they ere imposed. Such tax laviss, while constituting special levies, w311 be co:L7.ectecl at the same time and in the sPane mam.zer as other taxes which ma� be levied by the City and upon eollection will be immediateJy sogregat;ed fand credited to the proper �ur_ds as hereinbefore provided, The City covenants that it rvill set as��e daily out of the proceeds o� its tax ■ �I, '1 � _ -' _�" _ _ ._. _ �