05/04/1936� s m MINIITES OF THE CITY CO1�MT3SION MAY 4a 1936 , ; The mambers of the City Comm3.ssion of •the City of Clearwater� Florida on t e above d.ate met�in a regul.e.r meetin.g assemaled with the following members present: R. E. Green� I�ayor-Commiasionsr D. 4, Batchelor L. A. Marsh J. A. Barrg R. L. Baker Moved by �dr. Batchelor� seconded by Mr, Marsh and carrieci that the City rem3.t any and ali City taxes or spEciel i.mprovement �iens against proper�y used by the Be]mont Nursery School, Mr, I�arsh introdvicecl. an Ordinanee to regulate dairiesy the grodkction, distribution and sale of �ilk in the City o� Clearwater for its �econd reading and moved its adopt�.on. Seconded by Mr, Barry. 'Upon ro17. call, the following vote was polled: Ayea: MayQr-Co�mniss�oner Green Mr. Batchelor Mr. Barry Mr. �[arsh Nays: None: Not voting: Mr. Bs.ker. Whoreupon the Ma.�or declarad the Ordinance cluly p�sse�i its second read3r.g. Moved bg B2r. Batchelor,'seconded b� �r, Narsh and carried t�at �100,00 additional c3i.scouni: be alloMed oa� the property located on the northeas� cor�.er oP Druid Road and Qak Avenue. M04@d by MT'a B�.ker� secanded bg,Mr, Batchelor and carried that the valuation oP the na,th 87 feet of the east 104 ��et of Lot 4, Block 6 Gou�3 and �ing+s first addition bs reduced to �2s":�0,00. Moved by Mr. BatchAlar� secanded bg I�r. Barry and carried t�s.t the G3,ty Attorney9 Jol�xi Polhill� be paid �80C?.OQ as an edvanr.e on. �3.s Pee for h�n.diing of the PWA water and gas projects, said amount to be refunded irom said projects. Moved by h4r. Batchelar, seeonded b� Mr. %arsh and earried that the • City N�ager be authorized to pure�,ase a io�ur acre tract oi 7.and ior e. Negro cemeter� at a price o� �500v00, Mr. Marsh i.ntroduoe�, tha fo1].owing resolution a /�� `�' � � . • �s A.� �a:'.. A RFSOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MF�NAGER TO .APPLY FOR PERMISSION TO PWA TO TRANSFER FAOM EMEIiGENCY FIIND BONAS 301YARD PAYING FOR A 300y000 ELEVATED VPATER STORAGE TANK BE IT RESOI,VID b� the City Co�aission di the City of Clearwater� Florida� that the C3ty Mana�sr be and he is hereby au�Ghorized and instruated tc apply fo.r permission of ihs PWA Aoting State Direc�or to transfer Prom the emergenoy fund of �en pdb cent (10�) oi the amount o� the Water Project 1202-7-n in bondsy this smount which is �15�000.00' and appl.y this amoun'c toNard payinp for a 300s000 ��llon elevated water storage tank. Passed and adopted by the +Gity Couaniss�on of the C ity of Clearwater9 Floi*i3a this 4th day of May, A„ D.� 1936. (Sig�sd.) R. E. Green yor o ss oner �t�est: (Signed) J. y. Satterf'ield City Aud3tor & Clerk Moved by Mr. PBarsl's� second�d by Mr. Batchelor tha.t the Re3ol:ution. be ado�ted and, upon. ro17. call� the following vote wa:s polled: Ayeg: Mayor-Coffiai.ssioner Green Mr. Batchelor Mr. Marsh Mr. Barr� Mr. Baker I�a;�s: None, Whereupon tho Pdayor declared the Resolution adoptad axui signed the same: &Lr. l�arsh introduced the Pollo�ving resolutions A RESOLIITIOId INSTRUCTING THE CI'iTY MAN�iGER TO FILE gN AMENDID APP�,ICATION IN REFERENCE TO A LOAN AND GRANT DOCgET FLORIDA 1202-].R EXTETTST�PTS TO THE VPATER4`IQRKS AND PdAINS E�CTENSTONS FOR THE PURP05E OF SNSTALLING AN ADDITIONA'L 300�t�00 GALLON ELFVATID 4VATr.�E, t STORAGE SUPPLY TANK BE IT RESOLVID bg the Citg Go�miss3on. of the City of Clearwater, Florid�.� that the Citp Manager be and hereby is authorized and instructied to file an amended application to the IInited States oi America throu�.the Federal Emergeneg Administration, to the F'4VA application far a grant and 3oan. PWA Dockei Flosida. 1202-ZR for the p'urpose of insta.l�.ing an additi.Onal elevated v�ater storage supply tanko Pasaed and addpted by the Citg Commission oi' th6 C3.ty of Clearwater, F`lorida this 4th da� oi Me,y, 3.936s A.D. (Si�:ed) Re.y E. Green. Mayor-Cos�a3. s si.oner At�es�s (Signed) J. E. S�tterfield Cit�Auditor & Clerlc. � ��4�� a l !, 2�oved by Mr. Marsh, seconded dy Fdr, Batche�.or that the Resolution be adopted and' upon ,rol1 call� the Pollowing vote vras pplled; Ayes: Ma�or-Cos�ni.ssioner Green Mr: Batcne7,or Mr. �:arsh Mr, Barry Mr. Baker Nays; Noi_e. Whereupon the 2da.yor declared the Rasolution adopted and aigned the same, Mr, Max-sh;introduced the Pollovring resolution: AAI ORDIN�INCE OF' THE GI`i'Y OF �LEARWATER� FZORI�A TO BE ENTITLID, AN ORDINANCP TO �STABLISR WP.GE RATES OF WEI,L DRIZLERS AND WELL DFtII,LERS t 7�LPERS FOR P4VA PItOJECTS TN THE CITY GF CLEARWATER BE IT OADAINED by the City Go�ri.ssion of the Cit�g of Clearwater, Florid�t: SEC�ION I. That the �ate oi pay i'or weZl dxillers to be empinyed by contraetors under the PYVA projects in the City of Clearwater is hereby �stablished at Seventy-five centa (�.75) per ho�ur� SECTION II. That the ra�e of pay for well drillerst helpers to be emplo�ed by contractors vnder the PWA projects in �hs Ci�y o� Clearvr�ter is herebg established at Forty Cents (�,40) an hour: Passed an:d adopted b� the City Co�aission �i' the Cit� of Clesrwater, Florida tr.is 4th day oP rdag A, D., 1936, (Sign.ed) R. E. Green a,;or- o ss oner Attest: (8igned) J. E. Sattei•fi'eld y or er , I�oved by Mr, Marsh, seconded b� t�.r, gatchelor that the Resolution be adopted and, upon ro11 es118 the i'o1lov+ing vo�e was polleds Ayes: Mayor-Cou�i.ssioner Green Mr. Batchelor Mr; Marsh aRr. Barry Mr, Bakar� Nays: None. lNhereupon the Ma�or-Co�i.ssioner declared the Resolution adopted and sign.ed the same, Mr. Marsh ini;roduced the Polloiri,ng Resolution: A AESOLUTTON AUTHORIZING ARD II3STRIICTING T$E CI7.'Y NANAGER �0 APPLY T0 PPIA F'aR PERMISSTON 10 TRANSFER MOnTEY FRQM THE MISCELLAPIEOUS �� TO BE ADDEI3 TO THE �15� 000.00 1�LRrADY PROVIDID FRO� THE ENLRGENCY FIR3D TO PAY FOR ,A 300� 000 GALI,ON ELEV9.TED IqAT� STORAGE TANS EE IT R�SOLVED by the City Co�nnission of the City of Ciearwater, F].orida' that the City Manager be and he 3.s hereby authorizod and in.structed to apply to PWA Acting State Director for permission.ta transfer �rom M3.scellaneous costs: (3g1) General �6621,0� or as rauch , o� i�t as may be •required� to be added to the �$15�000,00 a�ready pr.•�vid�d from the emergency futtd to pag for a 300,000 gallon elevated water storag� tank, ■ - � �■ Passed and ado�ted bg the Citg Covnnis�3on of the Gity o� Clearwater� Florida this 4t:n clay of May�� A. L.' Z936. � (Si,gnedj R. E. Green ayor- a as oner Attest: (Signe�.) J� E. Satterfie�.d Ci y A tor er c: iifoved by Mr. I,�Iarsla� 3econded by' Mr. Batahelor the.t �he Resolution be adopted and� upon rol7. call� the following vo�e z�as pol:Lod: 9yes: Mayor-Comm3.ssioner Greon fl�r. BataheZor a2r. Ma�sh Mr. Barx�y 14Ir. Baker Nays: None. Whereupon the Mayor-Commi.ssioner decZaxed tho Resolution adopted and si�ned the �ame. Mr. Marsh introduceci the folZovr3.ng Resolu�ion: RESOLVPION OF` `.P� CITY C011�6+ITSSION OF THE CI�Y' OF CLEARWATI+�t, FLORIDA APPOIN^tIIJG A LI9ISON O�F'It�ER BE'SIVEEN THE CITY 0�' i:LEARWATER AND TEE tTNI1ID STATES COAST CUARD. INHERI�A.S, the City Couunission of tn.e Ciiy of C1aax�c�vater, Floxic�,a deems it advisaole and to the best interes� o� the City of Clear- water ��at a lisison oi'fiGer be �ppointed bet��reen the City of Gleax�wator and the Un3.ted States Coast Guara and WHEREAS, F. R. Francke has in thA p�:st rendered v�luable services and contaets evit�� the said Coast Guard and the rel.ationa of t�ie C it� and Mr. Francke Ytave al�vays been most plea.sant THEE�EFORE BE IT RESOLVID that the said F. R. Franeke be and he is hereb� agpointed as liaison officer between the Gi�y of Clear�ater and �l�,e IInited States C�=sst Guard. PASSID 1�ND ADdPTED by the City Commiss3on o�' the Ci�y of Glearwater, Florida on this 4th day of Ma�, 1936. (Signed) R. E. Green a9or- o ss oner Attest: (Signed} J. E, Satterfield a.y uior er: Moved b� I�r. �arsh� seconded b� Mr. Batchelor that the Resolution be adopted and, upon roll ca1Z, the Pollo�ring v�te was poZled: Ayes: S2a�or�-Co�s3.ssi.oner Green �Hr. Batcu?lor Mr. �Harsh Mr. Barry 31r, Baker, Nay�t None:, Whereupon t�Q Mayor-C��u.ssion�r declared ths Reaolu�io�a adopted and si�ed the same; Pl1r. �darsh intr�duced. the following resolu�iou: �.. _ _ . _ _ _ _ � RESOZUTION OF THE CITY COM�HISSION OF THE GIT'y qF CLEARVIATER, FLORIDP� EXPF.E�'iSTNG THE ORDER OF PREFERENCE OF SAID COMMISSZOI� WITH RELaTION TO WPA PROJ'ECTS RECOrd�NDID T� THE COUNZ*Y PLANI�IING BOARD. WHEREAS, tho City CommLssion has gone on record rsquasting the County Planning Board to place projeets for g�oins o�. Cleax�vratc�r Island, ant A�.dition to tho Library buiZd.ing and tb.e eompletion oP the airport in �Ia.e City of Clearwater and� VAHI'REAS, it is aeg�.ra�ie t]�a.t t�,e City Coxmn�.as3on express the order o� its p�Hference �or these projeets, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLV.ti',D tha.t th.e said three projects be re- commended �o the Covnt� Pla�:aning Boarcl in the iollowing order ox' pre£erencs: l�Groins on Cle�r+nater Island. • 2-Addition to the present Librar� bvilding, 3-Co�p].etion oP the airport in thc� City oi' Ciear^,�ater. Passed and adoptacl by the City Ca�nission o£ the City of Clearvrater, Florida this 4th dag oi May, A. D.,, 1936. (Sigsed); � R. �. Green Attest: yor o ss oae�+ (Signed) J. �, Sat�erYielcl y _ or & er . Moved by Mr, Marsh9 seconded by y6r; Batchelor �hat ths Resolution bo adopted and, upon roll call� th.e f'olloar3.ng vate v�as pol,led: Ayes: ;I�ayor-Co�.i.asion�r Creen Mr. Ba.tchelor Hllrr. Marsh Mro Barry Mr. Bakar. Nays: None. Whereupon the Mayor-Connnissioner declared the Resolu�ion adc�pted and sign.ed the same, flBr, Marsh introduced Ordinance No. 408 for ita first reading and moved its adoptiox�.. Seconded by Mr, Batchelor and upon:: no1Z cal]., the fQi1o6v3ng vote was polled: Ayes: Magor-Co�mn3.ssioner Gresn Mr. Batchelar I�4r. A4arsh Mr. B�ry Ius�e Baker Nays; None. Whereupoia, the hiayor declaxed i;he Ordinanca passed its first read:ing. Movod by Mr; 2�arsh, seconded bg htr, Batchelor and nn�ni3uously carriod tha.t the ruZos be wa3ved $�d that tho Orclinance be plaead upon its second reading iYmnediately by tit�.e onl�. The Ordinance having been reAd by �3�tle, m�ved �y Mr. �arsh, seconded bv Mr, Batchelor that the a v � 0 rulos be �urther wa:ived and that tY�e Ordinanae be pasaed its second reading. The follorving vo�e was po_�lod: Ayes: Mayor-Co�ni.ssioner Green Mr. Batcho3,or Mr. Marsh Mr. Barry Mr. Baker Nayss None. �Riereu�on �lie �ayor deaZared the Ord3nance passed its second reading. Moved b� �r. Marsh� seconded by Mr. Batchelar and unanimously carried that the srules be further waived and the Ordin€ince be placad upon its third and �inal read3.ng in iull :i.�ediately. The Ord3nanee ]�aving been road in fuil, mAv�d by Mr. Marsh� seconded b� �r. Batche3or that t�e Ordinance be pagsed ita third and final r•e�.ding and9 upon ro11 cal1, the iollowing vote was pnlled; Ayes: Magor-Co�issioner Green Mr. Batchelor �Ir. Mar�h Mr. Barr�r Mr. Baker Na�s; None. Whereupon t�a Ma�or declared tue Ordinance dulg pas�ed and in eff.ect aad signed the same as follovrs: ORDiNANCE N0. 408. AN ORDTN9:NCE FIXING RATEB AND PROVIDING RUGES AND REGUi�.TIONS FOR TAE GOVERNMENT OF TIiE UJATER DEPART- biENT OF ^lIiE C3`� i OF CLEARYdATER9 FI,ORIDA. �� IT ORllAINID BY THE CITY COBIfbiISSION OF THE CITY. OF CL.EP.RV]ATER� �I,ORIDA s SECTION 1. Any person, firm or corporation within the Citg of Clear- r�a�er wanting watar service must ma:ke appll.cation for suciz sexwice conneetion to City water m�.in� to the Superintendent of the Water Department, who shalZ issue permi� for such connnction and �aid appli- cant must pa.� tapp3ng �ee as set i'orth 3n 5ection Two hereoi, to the City Co].lector before oonnection w:tll be ma.de: A11 taps and connec- tions to be made by authorized employees o� the Water Departmen�. 1Yater serviee cpnneetion, �o persons, firme or corporat3.ons outs�de ci��r limi.t� are to be ma.de by s�ecial germits, issued by the Suparin- tendent of the �ater Department and apgroved bg the City Manager. SEGTION 2. Terms and f ees Yor tapping are as follows : 5�8 inch in sizes regu"Lar house sexv3ce tap �tll be �lO.Ofl for t;apping, all eon- nections �o be extended Yrom wa�ter main to ou�side curb line. Laxger siza taps e:�d connections to be mads and chargea fixed on coat of �na.teria7. used and labor fnr same. 5�8 3nch meters and boxes aro to be furnished by the �Jater Departmont. Larger size meters to be charged for at cost, less aZlowance o� cost af'5/S inCh s�ze. 3�CTTON 3. Watar rates under the diPferent schadules to be as �all.oqs: (a) Domes�ic, (store� oYPice ar rssidential service) etc.� wilt be �1.�5 per m:onth, mtnl.mum, wit�. a max3.r��un allowance c►� 400 cub3,c ieet per mon�h ; a.dditiona.Z quantitias �rti11 be 20cents ger 100 cub3a ieet� up to 1000 G�abic feet� inclusive, and 15 cents per 100 cubic fe�t Yar any amounts above 1000 cubia feet. Rai;e� where no meters are in- ;zta3led �hall be ��1.25 per month� m1.n�mum, �or one faucet or £ix�vre. Ten cents for each additional faucet or �3.xt�are. A hot and co7.d faucet on one fixture sha11 be cons3.dered as one fixturee � _ ._ (b) Industrial'rates to apply to mL1Zs, i'actor�es, ice plants� . launderiss and raPrigeration plants, bus3.ness buildings, apartment bui.ldin�s, etc., containir��,s more than one b�asiness room or apartn�ent� wt�an serv3ce 3s rendered theough one metor, to be as foZloSvs ; 2,'finiimun, monthl.y charge to be �1.25 per month with a maximum allowance ei 400 cubic feet per month ; additional q,uan�ities will be ten cen.ts per 100 eubic Peet up to 1000 c�ctbic feet inclusive� and eigh� eer_ts per 100 cubic feet for any aa�unt above 1000 ev.bic feet. (c) $pecial aprink3.ing rate to app].y to lawn sprinkling only� to be as iollows • A straight rato of-ten eents per 1000 gaZlons� up �to 5a00 gsllons, inc�.usiga ; sddi�3onal qvan�ities will ba eight cen�ts ger 1000 gallo�as, ior ang amount above 500(D gallons. Howevgr, axay praparty ov�*nn.er wanting a apecial sprinkling rate u�ust he.ve a water me�tex�, any size, installed at �roperty owner�s e�ense, to be installed , by �1Vater Departmenta and charged Yar at cost of ineter, riaterial and Zabor, This service to be paid monthly� sasne as other aervice with a min3mum charge o� 50¢ per mont�.. If at ang time a consumer on spec3al rsprinkling serv3ce desires to discontinue sueh ssrvice9 tmen the P7ater Departmen.t �3.�1 be re�,uired to shut ofi said service, an3 to rem�ve meter (if so desiredj and allotv a sal�age price on meter. SaYva�e pr3ce allotved will be cost of ineter less 10� for� each �ear� or p�r} oi year, of tims su�h rseter was in service. (d) All out�ic3e of C3ty service '�o be 25� additiona.l to above rates, al�. conneetion.3 to G3ty Mains, and meter and installation to be charged to property os�mer ; appZication �ees to be the same as set fo-�th in Secbion Two hereoi. (�) Special free fire protection service, for a�y build3rags to be made at propex�ty owneris expense� for tapping and connectiob. to out��de curb line. Connect3on ta curb to bg made bg t'Gater Department and cha.rged for at cost oi ma,terial and labor. This se�vi.ce to be used Por firo . protection on19, no oth.er connection other than fire hAse to be allowed on this service. This sesvieo to be installed by approval oi Superin- tendent oi 1flater Departmen.t, axid all valves on. hmae connection to be sealed by hi3n.. Valves to 'be opened ar.ly ior testing same, and 3.n case of fira within building9 the 5uperixetendent oi Water Department must be immediately notii'ied when seals are broken and reseal same. Failure �Go comply with ahove rttles wi11 be pun.�9hed by a discontinuanee of free servica� and a meter nnzst be 3.nstalled at property ors�uer►s expense, bePore such sei�vice wiZl be resumod. Meter.ed rata un3er Schedule (b), The Water Ds�,�rtment will no�E be r•espan.sible Por any damage on aceovnt of iailure of water suppl� irom any cause. (f) Water f�rni,shed �o church buildings and. charitable institu- tions shall be bil.led monthl.� as per Sched�le �a)� with a 50� di�couut on totial bill ; further allotivances may be made as the Cit� Co�:�sioa � dirPct, Conswners under Schedule (f) are to be furnished wit�s connections and met�r as prov3ded in Se�ti.on Two hereof. (g) An a11o��vance will be made for invisibZe underground leakags� ii' unknown to co�sumer� but no further alloEvance grill be made a£ter cousuner is no�ified o� sueh leakage. T'ne allo�vance ��i11 be one-hali of amount above the maxiimun allo�vanee of 300 cubic feet. SECTTON,4, Watar servioe nipea in buildings of two or more stor3es in height nnxs� be installed bg apnroval of the Superintendent o� the Water Department, I,arger sarvice p3pes wi11 be requ�:red in bu3ldings oi' two' or more, stories in hei�ht to give an adeque.ge water supplg, arid a�ore sat3.sfactory service. Penalty for non-observance of this rule rr3.11 b� � refusal of service until piping is corrected by orvner aad approved by the Superintendent of tho Water Depart�aerat. SECTIQN 5. A11 service pipos must have a suitablo hand controlled shu�- off walve placed 3n a visible and accessible.p7.ace, and:must nn� be plaeecl whera i� aaay be covered by walls or lattice work on. buildings. Penalt� for non-observanee of th3s Saction vrill be satne as se� forth in Sec�iqn Four hereo�: � a � � � SEC�ION 6. 911 repairs to water service pipea from main inward must be made at owneris expense, but the V6ater Depax�ment reserves the right and authority at any time to make a].1 r�paira from wator mains to mater! same to bo cliarged to property ovrner. All other repairs must be mn�e by o�ner. S�CTION 7. Al1 damages to metersa when caused by des�ructi•�e neg].i- gen.ce on part of consumer �vill be aharged to consumor, �rhere such damages occur. SECTION 8. Any person, i'irm or corporat3on using water from City �Vater &ia3.ns for steam boilers or hot water plants of an� kind �vill do so at their o�rn risk. Service p3pe �or sueh pq.rpoaes must have a suitablo aheck valve p].aced in �vater line to prevent hot water bacliing into vsater mains. Thi,s valve must be placed with the approvrzl of the Superi.ntendent of the Water Depertmen�. Any damage that tna;� occur to meter �.ue to defectiva valves shall be charged to consnmer. SECTION 9. A11 water rents and aceounLs sre due and payable monthly folloR3ng �he manth in which the v�ater is used. Bill for same will�be m�ailed to cansumer monthly, pronidad, ho��ver� failure to receive bill will not constitute a claim for non-pa�nent of the samo. All accounts �r3.11 bsco�e del3nquent fifteen days fo].lor�ing the rendering of the billo 1Nater service tsi.11 be d3scontinued after bill has become delinquent and a turn-on i'se of �1.00 t�a3.11 be collec�Ged trrhen bill is paid and water vPi].]. be tuzn.ed on as soon as possible. Co2�p�:aints for adjustment of rents must be made �vithin �iva days after date oi bi7.1, �thervrise adjustments will be made on next 'bil].. SEGTION 10. It shal7. bs anla�sitixl Yor anyone, not an authorizod employae of the 4Fater Departmsnt to turn on the �vater �shere the rvater has been sYna.� off �or non-payment of water rents, and other a.ccau�its. No wa�er sha.11 pe tux�n.ed on by anyone not an authorized emp].oyee of the �Vater Department x+he'ther it be a ne�r service conneetion or an old service connec�j.on that has been shut o�f ior cause. Paxties �anting wa.ter turnec� on shall not3�y tha tqater Depar�ent, and same ti�i11 be turned on svi.th3.n a reasonab].e time. SECTION 11.. It sha11 be un7.a�rf'u.l for anyoree� not an. au�horized employee oi' the �Vater Deparr:,,ent to meddle wi�th or remove shut-off boxes� mater boaea, and to medci�- rrit3s or use service shut-ofg cock� except 3n caae af a.cci�ent to the piping, or necessar� repa3rs. SECTION 12. It sha].I: be unla�rilzi for anyone, not an rzu�horized employeo of the Water Department or the City Fire Department, to in ang vuay meddle with or open fire hydrants, gate val�res, or to meddle in any wag w3.th the tivater rvorks eqtxipment, signals, etc. SECTION 13. T).ze Superintenden� o� �he Water Depar�ment or any persor authorized by him� shall hr�.ve aec�ess (at ang reasonable haur of day) to any premi�es served by the Wat:er Depart�ent, for inspection o� piping an.d fixtures. SECTION 14e .Any person tivho shall violato any nf the�provision.s of this Ordinax,.ce shaZl upon con�3ction in the pifusiicipa.l Court be fined not eaceeding the sum of $�p10�.00, or imprisoned in the City Jail n.ot exceed- ing thirty (;30) days� or by both such fine and impr3sonment� in the diacretion of the 3�unicipa]. 3udgs. SECTION 15. All Ordinancea or parte of Ordinanaes in conflict hgrewith are hereby repealed. SECTION 16. This Ordinanee ab.all take effect imnediately upon i�s passage. Passed and ad�pted by the Cf.ty Gommission of the City oi� Cleaswater, Florida this 4th dag o�' �ta.g, A,D., 1936. (Signed) R. E. Green ATTEST: ayor- o s� oner (Signed) J. E. Satterfie7.d y u s�r er�' There being no i'urther bus3.ness, the meoting �vas thereupon aa3ournea. ATTFST: ayor- o ss oner�� Ci�tg Aud tor Clerk. � ■ ■