04/20/1936c�4;, MINUTES OF �FIE CITY COIu"ISSIOrI April 20, 1936. The City Commission o� t�e City of Clearwater, Florida, met on the t�bnve date, in regular meeting assembled, �ri.th the �'ollov�ing m�n.bers present: Ray E. Green, t�fayor-Commissioner, R. L. Baker , J. A. Barry, D. 0. Batchelor, L. A. r.�arsh. Moved by Mr. Balcer, seco nded by D:'Ir. PaSarsh, and carried, that the City Manager be instructed to write a. letter to the Recreatipn Board, outlining the rules under which they may be �iermitted to play diamond ba11 on Brooi�lyn Field, and in�ormi�� them that th:is is de3'initely the last season that Brooklyn Fie1d may bs used for diamond ball. Moved by r�ir. I�4ar�h, seconded by P.�1r. Baker, �.nd carried, that in accord v�rith the recom�'nendation of the Zonirc; Board, Tv4r. Theodore �kinner be anpointed chairman oi �aid board, Mr. Baker introduced th e�o llo��i�-�g r eso luti on: RESOZUTIOtI t F TI3E CITY' COPv�vTIS"IUYT OF TFL CITY F: CLEARPIAT�� F`LORIDA ' A'_3EREAS, the librar,y �acilitiss o3 the City of Clearr�a�er are exceedingly cramued and th e sc�fiume of business done can�ot be e�feetively handled wi th the present buildin�, and [�IfiERr�AS, tr�e City has no flinds available witb. v�hich to build an extensi�n to t�is bv.ildir.v, THEREFOR� B� 1T RE°OLVED by the City Commission oi the City of Clearv�ater, Florida, that the ('.�anty Planning Board be uroed to give pre�erence �o a nro ject to erect a temporar� extension to the public librai3r �rom PJPA ftinds. Passed and adopted by the City Co'r�nisSion this 20th day of April 1936. (Signed) R. �. Green, %iayor-Go�issioner, ATTEST: (Si�ned) J.E.Satter�ield, City .Auditor � Glerk. Mo�ed by I�ir. 3aker, seconded b� Mr. EQarsh, that the resolution bs adopted, and upon roll ca11, �the follo�ving vote was polled: .Ayes: Green, Baker, Barry , �atchelor, &2arsh. Na�s: None, whereupo�. th� Mayor declared the reso lution adopt ed and signed the same . l t�;: D�r. Bal�er introduced the folio�ti�ing xesolutian: RESQ:LUTiUN �`'I' THE GI'i'Y COP�1t4IaSIUN OP Ta?E CI'.PY rI� CI.,Z�APVF`A^lER I'T�RiDA W��F�S, an air�ort has been rartially constructed in the City of Cl�arwa�er by veterans, wr.o have now boen removed, and ��f3EREAS, the city has been �ut to considerable exnense tn nrovide the neceasary land, in one instanee to �Lhe ex�ent of condemnation �roceedin�s, and �Yf��9S, an airnort ai Glear�vatsr is a very nece�sary iaeility, the prese�t iulcompletecl airnort havin� been used on several oceasions even in its uncoffipleted candition, 1tL�,HrPI'�:2.� Ti=� 11 K��'C?Lv�;1J that the County rlannin� �oaxd be requ.ested to place the Glearvrater Airport on a pref erre� iist to be camnleted v��ith �,�� �znas. Passed �:nd adon-�ad 'uy the Gity Cormnission this 20th d.ay of April, 1936. (Signed) R.�'.Green, r2a,yo r- Coimni s si ane r ATm�ST: Signed) J.E.Satterfield, Cit3* .Auditor � Gl�rk. 2�oved bv 1�;Lr. L?arsh, secon�ed by Ps. Ratchel.or, that the resolution be adon�ed, and upon roll call, the �ollawing voted aye: �yes: Green, �a�es, �az�ry, 3atchelor, ?��arsh. Nays: ivone. rvhereupon the Pdayor declared tl�e resolution adopted and signed the same. ,�;� . ?+iarsh introducea the follov�in� resolution; A FiL+'SOLL?TIO�I AUl>30�?'�ZII7{: T�3� CITY M.A?�TAGEP TO .ACCF�'T 'Z'FE C_TiAP?G1�'� IN CCTaTRt1CT 1�S PROI'qSrD BY TN_� �E�Yrr COt.+P'S1`?�' AS C�i' APRIL 18, 1936, .Ar?� I�`dSTRUCTING CITY M?TiAGFR TO FCf'�T TH�; PROP05AL 0� BOYG� CO��l�NY. B� IT P�'SdLV�,D by tl�e City Co�l�sion oi the City of Glearvrater, F'l.orida: That the City I��anager be and he is hereby authorized and instructed to accent the change in contract as proposed by Boyce Company, Clear�r�ater, Floriw�a, Yor �he Gas Maiiis Extensions, Pt'JA Projeet Docket No. F'la 1202-2R, as per the accompanying list oi materials at the prices sct out belo�v: 54Q Yt 6T1 submerge8 piue, Universal, Ca� 2.00 1,080.00 2c,345 ft 2" Class 150, cast i�on gas pipe .50 12,172.50 18,380 ft 4" " " .75 13,785.00 10,165 ft 6�p " T� 1.00 10, 165.00 11 2" v�].ves 20.00 220.00 20 4" valves 25.00 500,OQ 3 6" valves 40.00 �120.00 1,795 it 6" subnerged Bell c� 5pigot piPe 5.75 10,32�.,25 15Q �t 4r submerged bell E spigot pipe 5.50 825.00 600 �t 4T� subxcerged Univers�l Pine 1.75 1,050.�0 3 drip nots 150.00 450.00 10 connections to old mains 15.00 150.00 990 �ds.taking up and repl2.cing paving 3.70 3,515.00 132 �t tunneling 1.50 198000 5,500 lbs iittir�s .10 550.OU Placin� pipe under 4 rr crossings, 150.00 600.Q0 Tota1 55.701.75 Passed and adopted by the Ci�Gy� Cot�aission o� the City o� Clearwater, Floriaa, this 20th d�y of bpril, �. D. 1936. (signed) Ray E. Green, Mayor-Counnissi�ner ATTEST: (Signeci) J.E.Satteriield „� City 9uditor � Glerk. ° � � Moved by 3Jlr. rlfarsh, seconded by 2;'Lr. Batehslor, that the resolution be adonted, and upon roll eall, tYie �ollowing vote was polled: A,yea; Gxeen, Baker, Barry, Batchelor, I�,2arsh Nays : No�ae . whereupon the Mayor declared the resalution adopted and signed the same. Mr. Narsh introduced the �o1lov�ing resolution: A RESOLUTION 11UTHORIZING 1^HE CITX 1VIANAGER TO ArCEPT TH� C}.i1�iGF IN COY�TTRAQT AS PROPOS�D BY BOYCE COD7P�NY AS OF 1�PRIL 18, 1936 and INSTRUCTIPdG CIZTY ii+L��NAGIIi T0 1?CC�T T$� PROPOui�.2, OF �OYCE COD�1PkNY BE IT R�'SOLVED By IE�E CITY COP,MM?ISSTON o� the City a� Clear�r�ater, Florida: That the City Manager be and he is hereby authorizEd and. instrueteci to accert the chan ge in contract as proposed by Boyce Comnany, Clearvrater, Florida, �or the �ater Works Mains bctension, PPIA Project Doeket No. 1202-1R as per acc;ompanyint� list o� rr�.t erials, at the pri ces set out below: 12,615 �t 12" Clas:s 150, cast iron water pipe 2.25 28,383,75. 4,970 �t 10" " " 1.67 8,299.90 7,610 �ti 8" t' " 1.50 11,415.00 26,270 it 6" t' " 1.00 26�270.00 5,436 ft 4t' „ " .65 8,533.40 19>690 �t 2" t'' " .50 9,845.00 8 12" valYes including boxes 9Q.00 720.00 3 10" vaZves 11 t� 65.00 195.00 14 $" " " " 50.00 700.00 2? 6" „ ° tt 45,00 1,215.00 1 4n tr tr „ 25.00 25.001 22 2rr �r tt tt 20.00 440.00 540 Iin ft 121/ Universal submerged 3.60 1,944.00 1,795 1&sn �t 12" B Fo S " 7015 12,834.25 600 lin ft 6" Univ T' 2,00 1,200.00 150 lin ft 6" B& S " 5�.75 862.50 26 h,ydrants 54 ince 3 way 78.00 2,028e00 20 conneetions to old mains 16.25 325.00 975 g:�s taking up and replacing p�,vi.ng 3070 3,607.50 196 it tuzuzeling 1.50 294.00 33,600 lbs cast iron �ittings .10 3,360.00 Placing pipe under 7 railro�d erossings 120.00 840.00 ���T� Passed and adopted by tbe City Conanission of the City oY Clearwater, Florida, this 20th day of g�ril, A. D. 1936. (Signed) Ray E. Green, 2dayo r-Co�mi.s si oner ATTEST: lSigned) J. E. Satter�ield, City 2uditor � Olerk. &ioved by r�r. I�Rarsh, seconaed by I:�r. Batchelor, �hat the resolntion 3e adopted, �nd upon roll call, the follotiving vote was p�lled; Ag�es: Green, Baker, Barry, Batchelor, Marsh, Nays, none. wllersupon the mayor declared the resolution adopted, and si�a�.ed ssme. There being no iizrther business, the meeting was thereupon adjnurned. At�test: Qi Audito r & C1erk. � ■ Zayor- or� ssioner