April 6, 1936.
` The Cit� Commiss�.on of the �ity of Clearvrater, Florida,
met on the above date, in regular meeting assembled, �with the
following members preaent:
R�.y E. Green, Magor-Commissioner,
R. L. Baker,
J. A.Barry,
D. 0. Batchelor,
L. :�. Marsh
Pdr. Taver Bayly addressed the Comm3.ssion, presenting the
folls�vr3.p.g resolution passed bg the Library Board:
"RESOLVED:- That �ve, the mombers of �he Clearvra�er
Library Board, appeal to the Citg Cor.im3.ssion in our
desperately �ro�,aea candition - because oi the great
irierease of'readers, that you erect a temporar�,
weatherproof e�tension at the raar of the library
building, as a librarian�s ofiice, v�ork roo� and
storage room."
P,floved by Mr. Barry, seconded by Mr, Batenelor, and
carried, that this project be recan�ended to trie Plan??ing.Board.
Mr. Marsh introduced an Ordinanae to regti;late dairies,
the production, distribution and sale oi milk in �he city of
Clearwater for its first reading, and moved,its adoption.
Seconded by IvIr. Barry. IIpon �2�11 call, the folloyvi:�.o vote
was polleds
Ayes; Ureen, Baker, Barry, Batchelor, Marsh.
� Nags; Nona.
' Mr, Chas. V�lare addressed the Commission with a p•roposition.
fnr the settlement of city ta.xes and assessmants against lo� S,
Washburn Subdivision. The matter was referred to'tha Equalization
P�Ioved bg Mr. Marsh, seconded by LIr. Baker, a�d carried, that
the City Cotr¢nission authorize the proper city ofiicials to sign
a deed to tha follawing das�ribed property, being .45 ft unused
of a city street, releasing i.t to the abutting property owner:
"Be� at SE1y cor of a certain tract of land locate2� in the SVi�
cor of lot 8, Bi�yvellts Oakwood �ubdivision as recarded in
Sook 1 Page 46, Public Records of Pinellas County, Florida, and
deoded to the Gity,of Clear�tatsr for streat purposes 'oy Lucille
4V. D�ew, the said SEly corner being further described as lying
.45 tti .^a>c o�' the East edgo of the concrete sidewalk, run t�ance
�in a NEly direction parallel �o &.45 ft from the said sidewalk
to a gc�int 26 ft northerly of the Southvrest corner of lot 8, &
on the West pro�erty Tine oi said 1ot, thence in a strai:�ht line �
25.3 ft to POB.
Ivioved by A4r. B�tchelor, seconded by Trlr . IrIarsh, that the city
Ue authorized to spend �850.00 on a sanitary sewer on Clearwater
Be�zch, provided the property ownare pay their proportionate share. ,
Moved b�y NIr. Marsh, seconded bg n4r. Baker, and carried, that
� the k�ire Chief be authorized i�9 exercise his ovm judgement in the
uiatter of ans�Rrering fire calls from outside the city limits.
Moved by hir. Ivlarsh, seconded by Mr. Batchelor, and carris3, ;
that the City At�orney �e inatructed to foreclose the Allport
mc�rtgage .
Movad by Mr, BA'rGI181.02'� ssconded bsr Mr.Barry & Carried that �
the fish plant lease be approved as follows; (Mr. Marsh voted no). �
�. _ _ _ , .. :�
' L .
y E A S E
TfLLS IND�fitTURE OF L�ASE, made and entered �.nto thia
the 15th day of April, A.D. 1.936, by and between the CITY OF` CLEAR4VATER,
a nnznicipal corporation, lacate�: 3n Pinellas Caunty, Flor�.da, hereinaf�er
called the "Lessar"� and SEA PRODUCTS, INCORPORATID, e�'lor•ida corpora-
tion, wit� its princ3pal plaoe oP `basinea� at Sarasota, F].orida, here�.n-
after balled the "Lessee",
WITNF�SETIi: That for and in cc�ns3.deration of the
mutual covenarits, prom3.ses and agreemen.ts herein cont�.ined, as well as
the rent herein�.fter regerved� the �easor does herebg let, Iease and
demise unto the said T,essee t�at certain plan.t or building common7;g kno�rm
and re�errad to as tY�.e `�Fish Processina P7.antt', 3ncluding a.11 tnachinery,
�ixtures and equipment installed therein, an.d any and a1Z personal propex�ty
sit,izated on the i'allo�.ng described prem3.ses on Cleai�ate�� Beach Island,
in the City of Clearwatar, Pinell.as County, Fl.or�.da, to-witt
Begi.n at the NE corner o� the C�.�y Park on
the V�l. sid� of hiandalay Blvd, and run e�.st-
erly on the N, 7.ine �f City property ex��ndad,
865 feet to PQB� thence south�rl.g a� S� deg.,
187 ft. to a point; th.ence esaterly, para11e1
to tk�e N. lins of City property firat above described
to the chennel in Clearvdater Harbor oast of
Ma.�dalag; thence northerly along said ehannel to
the N. line of City property �.xtended� thence
wes�erly �long said lino oi City propertg to
POB, including e$clusive righta to a certain�pier
nc�w loeated on the EaBt s3de o� the property�
TO HAVE: AND TO HOLD the same far a period of six
(6� gears begtnning Mag 15t3�., 1936, and cantinuing to and conclud3ng
upon. the 15�h dag og �ay 1942; said Lessor covenants and agrees to
accegt during the Pirs� eighteen tuonths of sa•ld ls�se eertain improved
ments and additions to the pY'eII1:L.9A5 II781a0 bg the Lesase in an amaun.t not
less than �504.00a v�hich improvemen.ts and additions shall be t�ade s+a.b-
ject to the approval of the Ci�y Manager of tha City o� Clesrwater, and
the coat thereof shall be verified b� h3m, an� said improsements and
additions shall be eccepted by the said Leasor in f'�.11 pa�yment of rent
oP the premisea for t�e first ei�iteen anonths theraof. And the said
Lesae� Qovenants and agreea to pa� as rent for the �aid prem3.�ee for �he
next ensuing eighteen months, cotnmenc3.ng November 15th, 1937, arLd
concluding upon the Z5th day oi May, Z939, the sum oi F1fty Dollars
(�50.00) per month, said rent to be paid on the f3.f�Eeenth (15th) dag of
each and every calend.ar month during the ��.id eigh.toen month period; and
9aid Leasee covenante an3 agrees to pay as rent Por aaid premisea for
the next three years gotmneneing May l5th, 1939� �nd concluding upoa the
15th day of Ma�, 1942, the sum of One Iix.indred Dollars (�100.00j per month
during said per3.od of time, said rent to be paid on the fiftaenth (15thj
day of each and every oa.lendar month dvring said period of time. It
is further covenan.ted and a�eed tha.t all; aums oi' money due and payable
as rsnt fo� �aid demisecl premiges ese to be pa��.ble at the City �a"1Z
o� the s�id Lessor corporation,
S,aid Lessor covenents and ag�ees that a;� the ex�
pira:tion of this lease it v�i7.1 give and gr�nt nn.to the s�:id Le�see for
the spe.ce oi thirty (30) days ari option: to renev� this lease for a tert�
no� to e�sceed Paur (4) yeara irom th� 15th day o% May, Z942, upon such
rato of rental as the parties hereto may egrea upon. In th9 even� that
the parties hereto cannot amicabl� agree upon tha amount oi rent�-to be
charged by the said Lessor fax the rena�al o� said lease, as above
provided for, then amaunt of rent sha11. be determinea in the fal].ov�ing
mannere Said Lessor shall select one person as an arbitrator, aaid: Lessae
shall sel.ect another arbitrator� and the tvro arbi�rator9 so selected
shalZ choose a third arbitratort and the three arbi.trator� shall than
decicle by majori�g vote the amauzit oF s�ental to pravail thraughou,'; such
rene�vea ].ea3e, and the deciaion so reache@ shall be binding and final
and absolute �u.pon the parties hereto.
Saicl Lessee aovenants atid agrees to make no unSaw#'ul
or improper use of the said premises, and wi17. not maintain, operata or
conduct on the said preuiisea any business of any kind and nature other
than the business of manu#�acturing, process3ng and stor3ug of' �11
forms of fish and. food a�@ their by-products� provided,, howe�er, that
no�thing herein contained ahaZl permit the sua-drging io� �ish and the
cur3ng of hides in and about the premises.
Said Lessee aovanant� and agreea to keep sa3d
p�emises in a clean and: healthiitl coru3ition at its own expense. ?Ind
the said Lessee i�zrther covenants and agrees that it �r1.7:1 not operate
the said premises 1.n such a manner es �o be a nuisanoe to the oecsupants
of ad�oining hrnzses or to the nei�hborhood in whieh the plant is
looated, and will use raasonable d�ligence and care in allo�iag no ��
offensiue or obnoxiaus odors to arise from the said fish processing pl.ant
and to kaop a11 odor� arising f�om the plant reduced to a minimum.
Said Lessor covenants and agrees during the axistence'
of this lease not to l.evy or asssas any munioipal taxes or asseasments
against the Lessee ar its business. The I,eagee covenants and agrees to
pay a11 State,and Caun.tg t�xes levied and assessed againa� �he said prapesty
subsequont to't12� year 1535, It 3.� flirther understood and sgreed that
the improvetuenta on said premise� wcrs erea�ed by the Fed�ral GQvarnmen�,
and a.s sueh are not subjeot ta State and Coun�Ey taxea� and tha� the said
Leasor wi11 assist the Lessee in obtaining from the Caunty of Pinellae
a taas frse asseasment on the said improvementsf provided the Lessor is
requested i.n. wri�ing by the Lesses so to do.
Sa3d Lesses cavenants and agrees during the exiatenc�
o� this lea.se to insure and. keep 3nsured a certa3n steam boil�r now
located on the premisea, wit�i the usual provision� £or protee�3nF�
property s.nd life Fram damage aeusad by the ex�al�.�..�cn of aaid 'aoiler.
Said Lesaee aovenants and agreea dvrin� tho
existence of th3.s leaae that it cvi11 insurs a�nd kee� insured in tYle name
of the Leasor the sa3d maclii.nery' equipment and psrsonal. p��opertg
s3�Luated on the sbove described demised premis��es �rom loss or damags b�
�'ire in at least the aum of �3000.00; and $aid Lessee ilzrther covenAn't�
and agreas tha-� it wi17. likawise keep insured in the name of the Leaso.r
the bizilding aituated on said demised premises from loas or damage by
fire in at least the sum of �5,QC0.00; all said insurana� to be in 3n-
surance aompaniad approved by ths L�ssar, Said Less6e covenants'and
agres� that 1ic wiZl pay aIl of the premiums necessary for this p�:rpose
within ten days aPter the Fsame become due, and vrill promptl+� ae�iver
�o the Lesaor the pollc�as o� insuranae and the reae3ptg for the prem3v.ms
thereon; provided, however, that if said Lessr�e shall at any tim.e �ai7.
to i�asure or to keep insarad said building and equ�.pmen�, as aforeaaid,
t3�e Lessor mag do all th3.ngs necessary to effesst or maintein suah innuranee,
and all sums oP money expended by said Lessar for that purpose shall be
repayable by the Lessee on demand and mag be recovered as rant in arrearA.
It is i'u.r}her cavenanted and agreed that in the e�ent sa;�8 buildin�, or
any equ�.pmen.t or mach'Lnery 9i.tuated therein, is damaged by f3.r� during
the e�ciatsnce of this l�ase, tihe Lessor shs.l.l apply the proceeds received
irom any loss under said inaurance policy in replacing or repairin.g the
machinery, building or Pixtures so damaged, �rovided the repairs �o made
will permit tha continuanee of the operation of the said plant, Zn the
event tha� tha xepa�.rs neceasary for the replacenlent of �he building
sha7.l exceed tl�.e sums reaeived frnm said insurance, the Leasee ahall hav�
tha right to make auch ad.d3.ti.ona.3. repairg ar replacements and contiaue
the eaid iease, but shou7.d the Lessee elact not �a malce the ga3d impnave-
menta, then the Le�sor sha11 have the M�h� to canoel the said lease,
Said I,ess�e covenants and agrees that a�.l property
of an.y kind that may be on said demised premittes durin.g the exi�tence
o�' �his lease shall be at tha soZe riak o�' the Leas9e, ancl that the
Lessor a]iaZl not be liabl� to the Leasee or any other pHreon for
injury, loas or damage t$ proper�y or to any parson on th��+ pretnisee.
�' 6 `
Said Lep9ee cavenants anrl agrees to keep R13. and
ain.gu,1&r said bui3.din�s, maah3.�terg and equ.ipment in auch repair as th.e
eame are at the commencement of t2Li.s 1,ease, or wh.ich mag be put in. dur3.n.g
the existen.�e thereof, reasonable wear anfl tear ancl damag� by fire ar
other unavoi2�.ble casualtias only excepted.
Said Le�sea covenant� and agrees to pixt in operationg
. s�.id Pish processing nlant on or before thirty (30) da�s frotn the dats
hereof. Said Lesa�se fizrtb.er covena.rxts and agrees during the ex3stence
of tk�is leas� to operate and mai.nta;in said�^plant for a period of time
no�t less than six {6) manths during ang ca�.endar year, aad the i;erm
"mont�i'� as herein used ia hereby dsf•sned as a period of time oi not less
than �ifteen (15) days.
Said T,essee copenants and agreas t}�at so far as
praoticable so to do it will employ at sr�id glant res3d�nts of the C�ty
of Clearwatert Florida, who are in need of �rork.
Sa3d Lessea cavenants and agrePs to make no ass3�mant
of said lease or to sublet ang portion of said damised Frem3ses without
the prior written conaent of �he Lessor to other �han its subs3.diariea
directly controlled by or under the management o� bhe Zesses,
It is iltrt}�er agre�ed betv�een the parties hereto th�.t
in the event sa3d Lessee shall Pai�. to make _aa.yv�.en�s herein provid.ed
far, then �hall the said Leasee forthwith become a tenarit at sni'fsrence,
and Pu.r�her shall said Lessee breach any of the apvenants herein conta�.necl,
rental payments exeepted, said Lessee shall bscomo a tenan.t at su�'ferance
after being so adjuc3ged by a due avurt of law; �he said I,�ssor in eithar
or Uoth events sha7.l Lave the right, pr3vilege and optinn, after t�venty-
five (25) days notice in vrrtting to the said Lesaea of the breach of
such coven.ant or agreement to declare this lea�e terminated, and the asi3.
Lessor shall be en�itled itmnediately thereafter to reanter and take
poasession of said premiaes, �ncluding sll buildings and improvements
thereon. The said Lessee expressZg waives demand for the pa.yment of �ny
rent herein provided for under the terms oi this lease,
Said Lasaor covenants and a�rees tha� sa3d Lesaes
shall ha�e the right and priviZege to alter or eshang� said p_�emises,
or its contents, provided thr�t no damage is occasioned thereby which wrnzld
impair tb.s value oi the same; and provided further that any m�3ar change
or alteration is approved by the City Manager o� the Lessor corporation.
It is flxrther covenantod and agreed betv�een the parties
that the Lessee shall have the right to pl�ce on the said premises eertain
ma.chinery and�or :fixtures not attached to the said premises 3n any perma-
nen� manner, which may 'be used in the eoeration of �he said pro�erty; lrat
suoh equipment and macl�3.nery so t�a.rnished �ay the Lessee shall not become
_ ' �
l t b
the proper�y of the said Leasor, and the prov3a3one set .forth in para-
graph three on p�.ge one (beginn3ng with the wor�da "To HAve and To Hold"
and ending veith the �vords "of said Lc�seor corpox�ation" on pAge twoj pf
thi.s leaae shall not extsnd to suoh improvemen�s. .
Said Legses covenants snd agreea that it will not
r�move any msahinergj improvements or fix�tures situi�ted in. the buildin�
loasted on ssid demised premisasi unlesa the consen� of the Citg Managsr
of' the Lessor aorporation is first obtain.ed; and izi �he event sny� maehinerg '
ar fixtsa,res are removed from said deuaised premisas the Lessee oovenants
and agrees that it will sub�titute therefor machinary and f�tur�s of
equa?� value.
Tt is �,i.rther unders�ood and sgresd that the Legaor
aequired title to the macY�i.nery and equipment located and situated in the
building Iocated on said demi.sed premises from the Fedaral Emergency
Relief Admin.istration oP ths United States o� America� and the Lessar
only leases such right, title or in�'erest it may Y3.ave or be entitled to
under a.nd bg virtue of said deed ar bill of sal�.
Iti is undarstood and ��eed between the reapPctive
parties that the Leasee shall give �a bond in the peaal sum qf
�2,OOG,O� �vith two personaZ suretles, or a, su,rety compan.g a�a.thorized �;o
d� busineas in the St�te of F1.orida, sa".cl'bond to be approved by �he
Lessor and to ba qonditioned upon tha maintenance by the Lessee at all
times dv.ring iha term of thi3 lease of the buil.dinga mmahinery, fixtures
and equipment situated on the demised premises in a proper state of re-
gair and the dslivery of the same ai� the, end of the said term in as good
aondition as at the beginning of the leases 8BC@p't for ordinargr and
rsasonable wear and tear� or any other casus�ty be�ond tk�.e control of tl�.e
An 'in.ventory of alT propert�, equipment, fixtures and
machiner5 eitu.ated in tlse bu3.lding located an said demi.sod premises is
hers�o att�.ched, marked '�Exhibit A", an,d by refarence made a pArt of
this lease.
This lease sha.11 be '�inding upon the parties heretd�
their suecessora, execu�tors, adrni.nis�rators, and asa.igns.
Said Leasor oovenants and �grses tc f'usniah water to
the said Lossee for its use in said bu�iness, and said Lessor covenants
and agrees to cherge for said wate�r one half the novi prev$iling
indu�trle7. rate,
Said Lesaor itii.rthsr covenants ar�d agrees to a11.ow the
sa,id Lessee at a7.1 t:i�es the ri�ht and privilege �o �Graverae ancl uae any
atxeet, avenue, bridge, �au�eway or bvulevard o�rnod by or undor the
superviaion or jurisdiction of the Lesaor,
IN WTTNESS iNHEREO F� the parties hereto ha•ve oaused
th3.s indenture �Go be exocuted in their reapective names, 'b� a.nd through
their proper ofPicisls➢ du7.y authorized so to da, the day and year first
abovo tivritten.
R. E. Green
ayor- om �sioner
(Si�ned) Edward J. T, Mer
ecre ars
Si�_��d, 8oaled & De13.vered fn
Presence of:
Approved as tn farm and �orroctness:
(Si ned) John G, Po3hiZl
C tY arsey
BY (Si�ned) A.C.Nicno7.s
" G�-�y� anager
B'Y (Signed) J.E.Satterfield
Ci�'�d3.or ler�
BY (Si,�ned) Herbert D. Rgcroft
ras en
(Signed) Ed�vard J. T. Merrp,V.P.
Mr. Marah i�troduced the follow�.ng Resolution:
"BE IT P.E50LVED by the City Comm3ssion aesemUl.ed that�
The fol�.owing persons shall bo emplayed bv the City to perform the
nc�aessary work required in ao�juotion with the engineering anci
i�rspeet�Qn of the FiNA Gas and Water Projeat, Doaket No, F�.a. 12�2�
Leo M. Butler
S. S. Bau.ia
J. P. L�.tt'! s
� Joe Rvssell, Jr.
Ho ,J'. Harris
Passed and. adopted by the City Cotnmi$sion of tl�.e City oi
�l.earwater, FloriLla this the $th day of April, A.D,.i936.
(Si�.ed) R. E. areen
ATTEST: i ayor- omra as onor
(Signed) J. E. �atterfielct
y ud or C ar.
Moved by I�Ir. Niarsh., seconded bp l4ir. B�.er that tlte Resolu�ion b�
adopted �.nd upon roZl call> the foll.ow3ng vote was pol�ed:
Ayes: Mayor-Commissioner Green Mr. Baker
Mr. Batch9? or &Ir� Barry
�Ir. Marsh
Nays : Noz�e.
Whereupan the Mayor declared the Res�l�ztion duly aaoptea �a
Signed the samAe
4�4 V
. .....�.,_: .... _ . . ._.., . �:_.._. .. �.... . . �. . . . .. - . .. , _ . . . ... . .. .,.. . .
. .._...__ . . ..... � �
. . . . . .._.. ..._... ._...: ..-..._. ,.__.^�t _.,. �. ��... _....._ „ ._..,..._._ ... .
_„�. _ _ . _...._.. _
. .: . _ . _ _.__-,
. . .. . a�\.�. . . . ' .
Mr. Marsh introduced. the �olTowing resolution:
VJITH PWA L0.9I�T # 1u02-1R.
WfiEREAS, John C. Polh.ill, Ciiy�r Attorney, has been ch.ily employed srid is
a� this time engaged in handla.n� the legal work in connection with
PWA Loaa1 �� 1202-1R, in the sum o� �97,000.00, whieh is being obtained
by ths City o�' Clearvrater, and,
i'VHFREAS, the compensatlon to be paid to the said John G. Po1hi11,
City 9�tftorney, �or his services, ha5 not been �ixed or agreed upon, and
WIiEREAS, tlze C!ity ha.s no funds on hand with which to pay said Fttorney's
3ees excent irom available funda obtained �rom said loFm,
(1) TYiat John C. Polhill, Citp Attorney, be paid �or his services,
the sum of �2500.00, whieh tne City Commissi�n �inds to be �air and
reasonable and which sum the said John C. ?olhill has agreed to aceept.
(2) That said sum o� mone� be paid i'rom available il�nds �2vm P49A
�oan �1202-1R.
PASSED AT:D ADOPTED by tre C?ty Co�nission o�' the Ci:t� o� Clsarwater,
Florida, this the 6th day of Aprii, A. D. 1936�
(Signedj Ra�yl E. Green,
Idlayor-Comnissi oner.
Attest: �
(Signed) �. E. Satteri'i.e.'�d,
City Auditos � Clerk.
A!lo�red by Nr. �arsh, seeonded by LSr. ?3atchelox, �hat the resolution
be adopted, and upon roll call, the �ollowing vot e was polled:
Syes: Green, Baker, Barry, Batchelor, Pdarsh,
1Vays, None.
_ . �
_ . .. . . . ... .... ... ._ ...._.. . .._.._.. , .. . . J.
; �,Q
Mr. Marsh introducod the foll�rvinc; resolu.tion:
- P1ITH PWA LOAN #1202-2�{.
WIiEREAS,, John C. Polhillr City Attorney, has Uaen duly
y employed and is at this tiina engaged in handlirzg the 1e�al
� ' irrork in connecti.on wit11 PLNA Loan ,-�120�-8R, in the suui of
�79,000.00, which is being obtained by the Ci�y of Clear�vater,and
WHEREAS, saicl 1ega1 wark is requirin� considera'bly more �ime
of the City Attnrney than wa9 ori�3.nally anticipated, among other
th3.ngs it having Lecome necessary to appe�l the pending Validation
Revenue Certifica�e Proceedings to the Supreme Gourt of Florida, and
�^Tl3ER�AS, the compensation to be paid to the said Jonn C. Polhill,
City Attorney, for h3s servicss, has not t�een fixed or agreed upon, and
VVF�REkS, the City has no funds on hand with rvlzich to pay said
Attorneg�s fees exee�:�t from available funds obtainsd i`zom said 1oan,
(Z) That John G. Polhill, City Attorney, be paid for his
services the sum o2 �2,500.00, which the City Commiss3on finda
to be fair and rBasonable and vrh.ich the said John C. Po1hi11
has agreed to accept.
(2) That said sum of money be paid from ava3.lable funda
From PWA Loan �1202-2R.
PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Gity Commission of the City of
Clearv�ater, this the 6th day of April, A, D. 1936.
. (Signed) Ray E. Green,
(Signed} J•E. Satterfield,
City Auditor & Clerk.
Sis�.arsd by Mr. Marsh, seconded by Mr. Batchelor, that the
resolution be actopted, and upon roll cal1, the foll.owin� vote •
was polled:
Aye�: Green, Baker, Barry, Batchelor, ir?arsh,
Nays: None.
• There being n.o further buainess, the meeting was thereupon
� adjurned.
W U�.� � rv�--
Attest: Mayor-Commissioner
; Citg Aud or & Cler .
' ° _ . _ . � .