03/16/1936� ■ MINU�ES OF CITY CONIMTSSION MARCH 16th, 1936 The members of the Cit;y Commisaion of the C�.ty of Clears�ra�er, Florida, met on. tha above date in re�ular me,ating assembled lvith the fo�;.owing members pr�sent: Re �. Grsen, Ma1yor-Cnmm3.ssioner D, 0. Batchelor �. A, Marsh J. A, Barry R. L. Baker i�ioved by Mr. BAkor, seconded by �,�r. Barry and c2rried that a catmiittee be appointed cons3sting of the San3.tary 2ns�ector, the City Manag�r and the Gity Attorney, to go in�o the matter of sanitary toil.ets in the City o£ Claarir�ater and report back to the Git,�r Commission. Nir. Bat�helor in.troduced the �ollo�ring rpsoiution: A RESOL'0'iION E.STABLISHZNG A PUBLIC PARK pIQ CERTAIN LANDS ZN PI�dEI,LAS C OU�ITY, r LORID2 , 1',�-I,EREAS,t�isre ex� sts in the �i-ty �f C].ear^:ater and Caunty of Pine7.las, F�%rid`as a s�iortage of public pa�ks ; and - ��1HEREAS, it is necessary and des�rc5us and to the best in�erest of the ci_t�ens and t�x payers to have certain lands converted in�o rnzbLc parIrs ; and - - I:JHEREAS, the he_reina;ftsr described lands were acquired bg the Gity of Cleartiater for the xnzrnose of establishing thereon a public park. NO�iJ TT�R�+;FORE, L�E I^l RF�DLVED BY THE CITY COIv7IviISSION OF TFiE CITS.'' OF OLEARl'•IATER, FI,ORIDA; lst : That the follorvin� deseribed lands be, snd the same are hereby set aside and. xe�e�ved �'ar park purnoses, said lands being situate in the County of Pinel.las, State of Florida, to-vrit: Lots l to 70, both inclusive, the Ea:st pna-L-.alz of I,ot 73, Lots 74 to 94, both incluaive, Lots 96 to 278, both inslus3ve, Lots 281 tA 509� both incluaiva, Lotis 512 to 580, both inclusive;t and Lots 585 to 653, both in- clus3.ve, nf'DEL ORO GROVES SUBDIVISION, as the same appears of rocord in. Plat Book 3,'?, uage 2 oE �he tnrn�.bl3c records of Pinellas Countg, Florida ; 2nd • That tne G�ty 11�anager of the C�tg of' Clear�vater, Florida, be, and b.e is hereb� d3rected to �'or�hivith establish and maintain on the aioresaid lands a public park. 3a�d : That •��3.d �ark comprisYng the a;foresaid �ands be knotim as t�EL ORC rARK," 4th : That a true and correct copy of this Resolution be forth�vith £rariamitted to IS. B. O1Quinn, Clerk of G3.rcu3t Caurt in and i'or Pinellas Gounty, Flarida. Gotmnissioner Batchelor moved the adoption of the above and fore- going Re3olution. 14Totion seconded by Commissioner Barr U 11 y. pon ro call the foll.owing vote iR�as po1.],ed: AyAs; R, �, Greer� R, L, Baker J, A. Barry L. .�. Marsh D. 0. Batche3or Nags:' None. � � � � � . �'l:iereupon the Ma�ra>x-Com�u.ssioner deciS.Hred thP mo�ian 2�assad and said Reso7.utiqn dulg ac�o�� ed, ar_d s:igned sa3.d Reaoluti.on and approval theraofe Passed and adop�Ged b,v �he City Commis��.�n o�' the City� of Clearw€�i:er' Fl.orida, th3,� the 1.6th day o� Idarch, A. D. 1936. lSiRned°i� Ro E. Green Pda�o��-G ommi. s a i oner ATTESTt (Sj � eci) J"a E. Satteri3eld Cit� Aud�tor & Clerk Mr. P+Iarsh introduced Ordir�ance Numlaer �07 for i�s first reading and moved its adoption.� Se�onded by NLr. Batchelarf ar.d, u7�on roll ca11, the foll�rring vate w,.� castt Ayes; R. E. Green D. C�. Batcheloa> L. A. Piiarsh J'. A. Barry R. L. Baker I�Tays : None . fl�Toved by i�?r. P;iarsL, seeonded by r�tr. Eiatohelor and unanimausl�* earr?sd that the rules be waived and the Ordinance "qe placed upon i�s second reading by ti-tle only. Moved by l�ire Marsr., secondod by P11r, t�arzy and carried �P.�at the rules be f�.trther tivaived artd th� (3rdinance bo passed u�on itg second readin�� Upon roll cal1, the �ollox�i.n� vote �ras cast; Aye9� R. E� ('rrP.�z1 D. Oe B&tChelOr L. A. 2aIarsh J. � e Liarry R. L. Baker Na�s; Idone. ??ov?d by IJir. I���:rah, seconded b� bnrp Batchelor and unan:imously carried that the rules b$ i'urthEr t^raived and �he OrdinaiZce be plar,ed �.zpon iva thard and fina]. reading in �`ul1 at onee. Moved b� Pdre b7arsYi, seconded by I�Ir. Barr7 and carr3.ed tba� the Qrdinance be passed iys ihird and final read3.ng and upon roll cal1, t1�.e fol].o�Jing vote v�as cast: Ayes; R. E. Green D. 0. Batchel.or L� A� IrSars7�. ,T, A. 73arr�T R. L� Baker Na,ys : None , C �� � f ThsreuAoz�. tho Mayor declared the Ordinance duly-passed and in eifect �.nd si�nod the same as fallows: ORDIriATdCE N0. 407 AN ORDII7ANCE AIvTENDTNG SECTION 5 OF` AI1 OFtD2NANCE - E1�iTITLLD �'AN ORDIIdANCE DEFIIJII�iG-, PROST?DTNG FOR AItiTD LTCENSING �ERTI�,SN TYPE5 OF C01PT-pPERAT� D�'VICE.S, REGULATING TZiE OP��'RATTON 1^HEREOF� FIXIi�G 3'HE AMOUNT OF OCCUPATIOITAL I,TCF,NSE FEE TI�RF+�+'�JR, AIJD PROVIDING PEI�TALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION Ok' Tt�' TFRI'�iS OF �TiZS OFDII�iANCE, " B�, IT ORD�IATED BY THF CITY COI��II':4ISSION OF 1^HE GIT.Y OF CLEL�Rti�P_TER, FLORI�.A s �ECTTOId 1, 1^ha� Section 5 oi' an Ordinar_ca of the City oi Glear�vate�, en�iz%d, "An Ordinanee DAfinin�, Providin� for and Lin�nsing cer- tain Tynes �f Coin-operated Degicas, Ragulat�n.g the Operation Thereof, Fixa:ng the Am�txnt oi' Oecupational License fee Therefor, and Providing Panalties for the Violatior� of the Tarms oi' this Qrdinan.ce," heretofore fullg adopted bs, and the same is hereby amended, to read as follov�s : "The faes for such licer_ses sha11 be as follo�s; �ach "Operator" o#' automatic ver_dors and/or skiTl mae}ii.nes andlor trade machinea shall pa� to the City of Clearrrater 3ri OCCAAa''i,20I?H� tazs of tYae sum of 5�75.00, and in addition there�o the iolloc�ing occupational tax on each machine as set forth in this Section and ?ach. locat3on operator as dei'ined in Sectien Fou,� s�aL ��a.g an oacunatiqnal license tax on each machine to the City� of Clear- watsr as f0� ZOP�S; A< Automatic Vendors ,,.<,....... �15.00 B. Ski7.�, RZaeh3nes . . , . . . . . . . , . , ,, . 5, 00 . C. Trade It��chines .,,,. . .... 5.00 D. Other P�Iachinea ,.... ...... 250,00 provided that i�'any "qpera��r" or °Location Operator" sha].1. maintain sLiela device or devices at any blace or places so that auch '�Qt�erator" or "Location Operato�' is not subject to tha pay- ment of an: occupational license tax to the City of Clear�7ater, then and in that even� such location operat-or shall pay twZce the amount of the Gity I,icense ta.r as herei.z� protTid.ecT. SECTION 2e This Ordinance shal? becom9 effective imr3diatelg upon�s passage. P�USSID and adop�ed ihis tl�e l6th day oi R'�areh� :4, D. 1936 by iuzanimoua vote o� the C3ty Connnisaion. of the City of Clear�^rater, F'lor�.da. (Si�*ned� • R. E, Gre�n Mayor-Commissioner ATTTST : (Si�ned) J. E. Sattar�'ield C:Lty Auditor R� C7.erk PrIrs Batcl�elor introauced the follor,r3�n�; resolution: �� ' � ' �•y J � RES OI,UTI ON 6d13EREAS, �'ec� o�mers of protac�rtiy are now taking advanta�e af the ax scount plan: put into operation i'�u.rteen months a�o bg ths Gity Corrmi�.ss3on oi' the City of Clearv�ater, Florida; snd �+1I�REA�, inany valuabl.e nieces o� propertv are sti7.7. dolinquent or he taxes of ].934 and priar years, as yve7.? as specia�. �saess- ments; therefare BE IT R:E�SOLVID by the G�!ty Gommission oi' the City o� Cloarvrater, FToricta, �'hat said discount plan be diacon'�jizued nn Ju�g l, 1936, and that �axes and snecial assessments be collected 3,n full the�e- after by due process c+f lativ; EXCEPT, TYiat on property on vrhich taxes of 1.934 and. l-�v35 shall ha;re been paid by July l, 1936, an extensi.on of �time, v�i'th present dis- counts, aha�l be granted until ,Tanuary ?, 1937; aftsr which time, :if remaining tases, special assessments, penaltiss and interest have not been paid, foreclosures shall proceed by the City of C].earwater on the #'ul1 amounti of the unpaid portion oi' all taaes, special assessments, panalties and �nterest; EXCEPT., also, Tha.i �eraons u�.o have pa�,d t��e 1934 a�d 1935 taxea, but are delinquent on spec3.al assessments, and on taxes for 1930 and �or prior year•s, may, at their option. an�l until, forecloanre suits hatre been started on tha:tr property, settle same vrith unpaid interest cov.pon,s from Cleartivater b�rds, due on or before July l, 1.934, said coupons for th? s�,urpose i;o be valtied at pars Pa�s,a and adopted by tre City Oonini�sion of the City oi' Clearv�ater, Florida �his tihe 16th day of March, A. D. 1936„ (Si�ned) R. Eo Green Mayor=�Commisszoner Attest: J. F. SaL�fer.fie3d Cz � Rudz,or � er rRoved by I�!'ir. Ba�chelar, seconded by NIr. Barry that the Reso- lla.tion be adopted and upon roll call the following vote vras polled: Ayes; R. �. Green D. 0. Batche],ar R. L. Baker J� Aa Barrg L. A. Pdarah Naygs None. So the Resolu�ion vrGs adopted unanimausly. � T�Ir. I3atchelor introduced tha follovring Reso7.utionz� �4 R E S l3 L U T I 0 N WHERrAS, the ap roaches to Stez�enson Creek bridge on S�ca�e Roa-' ?Jo. 15 ( U. S. � 19� are in bad shape due to creeping of the asp��dlt block suriac�.ng� l.00san3ng of the bloek and undermining of the bloc}c an..d curt, Pt the bridge abutments and, NIFiEREASa the condition has beeome so �srioua as to be dangerous to trafiic ^.<�3i 1^IHEftEA.S �he (;ity Cattmtission oi C1ea.rwater has be�n ir�iormed of this aondition, P?OW TI3EREFORE BE IT R�SOLVEp by i:h.e Citp Comm3.ssion �f C1.ear- t�ater, Florida, that the Stz�te Roa.d �e�axtment of Florida be re- quested to allot funds for �uch repairs as are needed -Go restor•e these bridge approaches to brpner and safe condition; an.d That the Department cause t?�.s v�ork to b e done prompt3,y be- iore some accident oecurs due to these present conditions. Passed and adopted. by the Ci�y Comtn�.�sinn c�� the C`ity oi' Clearwater, Fl�r3,da NIarch 16th, 1936. (Si�ned) R. E, Green NIayor-C ommis si, oner ATTESTt (Signed) J. E, Satterfield Gity Auditor & �lerk �uIpved by PiIr. Batic�elor, �econded bq I�r. 3arr� tha�t the call. Resol�a.tion be adopted and unon ro1l, the follovrin; vote �vas polled: Ayes: R. E. Green I>, 0. Batchelor R. T. Baker J. _4, Barr� L• A, I�iarsh Nays: None. S� tl�e Resa'!ut:ion was adopted unanimousia. I�ir, Batche].or introduced the fo11ow7ng Resolutions � � � R E S O Z U T T Q N V�'HEREAS, c�ate oi' Augt�.s-t 19, ].935s the Cit� Gotrun3.saion passed the fol.l�vring reso�utinn: '��1HER�'AS, Srntth Ft. Harr3.son Avenus 3.s dan�erous and unsafes ospc�cizlly in. �vet vreather, THERF,FORE B� ST RESOL[r�, by the Ci�y Cominission o�' the C3�i:y of ClearF�ater, k'loricia, that the condit3,on of thi,s street be called �n the attention of the Board of Cai�-zty Comm:S as�.aner� oi` Pine�las County BE IT FtTRTHER RESI�I,VED that the conditinn oi this street be rectified at a� early a data as poasible." and, ��7SEREAS, the Ccrunty Cotmnission suppor�ed tha,s by a xasolution to the �tate Road Department, ancl P�ii�'REAS, though thi.s street is a part �i' State Road #7.5 (U. S. ,�,�'!9) �othing has as ye� 'been clo;�e to remed�r th.e condition reierred to, NO�V THEREFORE BE ��P PESOI�VED by the Ci�y Commission o� ciear- vrater, F].ar�da that the atten��c�n oi' the State Rar3c Departnient a�ain be invitad to this situat3on and the Departmen� be ur�ed to take some action. nnrr �hat w�,L� 1 correct the conditinn referred to pratn.ptl.y. Passod arid adobyed b� the City Commis�ion of the Ci:ty of Clear- water, Itil�rch �G,� 393�. (Signed) R< E. Green Nt�.yor- omm_sszon.er ATl�Sl: (Signed) Je E. Satte�field Gi ty Auditar & yss°k r,rQved. by N;r. Batchelor, seconded by Mr. Barr,q that the Reso- lution be adopted and uuon roll G�i�., tr�e follovring vote �+ras polled: 4yes: R. E. Green D. Oo Batchelor Re L. I3aker Je A. Barry L. A. NiarSh Nays: None. So the 8esolution •�raa unanimousZ;� aclopted. Moved by P=tr� Batchelor, seconded 'h f Ir1r, PII�?'SYl A11C�, carried that the Gity Auda.tor and Glork be authorized to purch�a.se an accaunting machine aBs��ea to �o the uiil3ty bi].ling oi the Ci,�cy of Clear- water, using a postal-caz�d bi7.1., th9 tay billin� and genera:l Uook� -.. ,,.. .z�..�.� __ ,_....___ ,� _. � �' a _ _ _ . . _ .. . . _ _ _ . . . ,.., � `� of the Citg, at an expenditure of not more than �p1800, said ex- penditure bein� made �rom tha Gas and llater Department. �.C'here l�eing no f'u.xtl�er busineas, the taeeting was yhereupan ad j cJu.rnerl. �, �-�n�-,�,,�. biayar-Gommissioner ATTEST: , Ci y Audii,or & C� erk