03/02/1936�, �� NfINUTES �P TF� C IT Y C ONIIvIIaa ION Mareh 2nd, 1936. The City Commission o� the rity o� CZearwater, Florida, met on the above date, in re�ular mee�S.n� assembled, taiith the Yo1lo�ving members present; Ss,y E. Green, Nfayor-Commissioner, J. �,. Barry, R. Z. Baker, D. 0. Batehelor, I,. A.. hTarsh �tIov-�d by i:�r: Pdarsh, seconded'by T,ir. Fa�tchelor, and ca�ried, that 7?olice O��icex Cyrus I,�wry be certi�ied as' C1ass A patrolman at r,lass A salary, beginni�g at onee. � �Zoved by l�ir. Batehelor, seconded by �:in, �arry, and caxried, that the City accept �p4049.84 cash i,n iul� se�tlement o� the amount due under tne r�.ciio contract �o-r the �iscal year ending �ebrua��y 1, 1936, tns cit�r taking title to the'mam�a Studio and a11 equi�ment. This settlement pendiiz� reeeipt oi iiaventory. �._ fi,Soved by I.:r. Batcheloi, sec�nded by ZIr. Baker, znd carried., that the �ity pay u162.50 toward High School Band usi.iiorms, charF,ing same t� the legal budget. I�:oved by I.�Ir. I3atchelor, secoudeci by �s. Barry, and carried, that the proper cit�,� officials re authori;zed to sign a l�ase of the fish plant. r7eeting ad,journed. �'��X� Attest ; Biayor-Cominis sioner _ � ' t3r budit r � erlt. . _ .. .. _..�i A . , NQTIQE OF SPECIAL' TdEE`�'ING To t�.e City' Commissioners of tlie C�.ty of C1,eartivAter, FZorida. Notice is �ereb,q givan that s apecial meetin� of the Ci�y Com.ttv.ssion o� �he City of Cleartivater, F?.oricl� t�ri11 be he1.d in tho City Ha11 at 2:00 0► cloclt Pa P+I. on the 11�ch day of Marcli, 1�13f, for �he purpose of. considerine; �n, offer of the Lhited States of America �o aid by way of a loan and �rant in finenc3.ng the con- sts�::•�tion of addit3ons and ex4ensions to �as plant and distri- bution sys�em of the C3ty of C1ea��ater, F1or.�da arzd adopt�ing • a resolution. approving and au-thoriz�ng the oxecution of such of? er. �ated this 1Qtn day of Ir_arch, 1936. (SIGNED) R. Ea G�REEN I�'fAYOR-C QPJIP,tIS S Z ONER GOIJSEN^1 TO MEETING tiie, the undersi�n.ed members of the City Cotrtmission of' tre Gity of CZear��rater, Florida, heraby acconL service of the fore�a3ng no�icey wa�.vin� any and a].l irregulari�ie� in �`uch ser'vice ana: such notice, and consent and agree that said City Comm3,asioners aha11 meet at the time and place therein named, and for the t�urpose �herein sta�ed. (Si�ned) R. E, Green_ (Signsd} �. 0. Batchelor (Si�ned� R. T. Bakgr (Signed) J. A_. Barry __ (Signed) L. A. Marsh �� 0 . �� n�zrrQ�Fs oF �� czmy cona��zsszort r�Rcx a�i, i93s. A s��4C3:a1 meet3,n� oi the Citg Commission o#' the C��y of Clearwater, hold rnzrsuant to the precedin� call of the Iuiayor- Comm�.saioner tivas ne1,d on the 11th dsy of I�i?rch, 1936. . The meeting wa� called to c,rder by the ivIayo��G!�mxn�.saion.er ca11 and upon ro1.l,�the fo�? ov�ing ansvrered pregent; R. E. Gz�een, biayor-Comm�.sn3.�ner Re L. Baii�r L, A. rrarsh J". A.B�ryy� D. 0. Iiatchelor The i'ollowing were absent; None. After discussion of the oi'fer ot'-che United Statea of America to aid b,y ivay of loan and gra.nt in financing the construetion of additions and ex�tensions to gas plant �nd diatribution sgsiem. of th�i Citg o#' C� Aar•tvater, Floridr� the fol? owing Resolution, en�itled "A RESOT�IITION ACCEPTING THF OF�'r.R OF TFP DIJImED ST4TF� TQ ASD BY VJAY OF LOAIJ A'ND GRA:NT 1N FINANC?NG THE CO�iS`PRIIC^ION QF AT�DITI�A15 P_ND EX^ENSIONS ^l� GAS PLAN^ AI�tD DIS�`RTBU�'IQN` Sj'SL�I,z OF Tt-��' CI's'Y C�F CLEnRti1A`.?'ER, FLQRIDA'} ti�as �roposed b� 2Y`_r. L. A, hIarsh anci read in �.li: RESOLtT`�'IQN !� RESOLUTIOtl ACCE.P`"i'INC THF OFF'�'F'c OF ^1F,PG TThT1^1.�D Sm�TES TO `i'$E CIT'i �F' CLE9?�t,'; �� �$, FLORIDA �Q 1hTD BY T9AY OF LOAIJ AND GRANT IN FINA�1CIitG Tt� CON5IRIICTI�N QF ADDI^IOPIS AIdD EXTENS101iS TO GAS PLAIV^i At1D DISr±'RIBIT- TION SYS^1EPI OF CITY OF CTEAR;'A^lER, FLORIDA. Be 3,t reso'lved by �he City r,ommission oi' GitY of Glearvrater Sg�t9.en 1, That the o�fer of th9 Un3.ted S�ates �f America to ths City of Clearyva�er, Florida to aid by tivay of loan and grant in iinaneyn� the constructa,en of adc�iti.ona and extensions to gas plant �nd d�► str3.bution aystem of the Citg of Cl.earwater, F7.orida, a copy oi' tvhich o�fer reads as follovrss FEDERAL E1�GEiSCY ADI�Ti+TIS1R�TZC�V OF PII3LI C i�'�ORIiB Gtashington, D. C, Februar,y 26, 1936. State File Nc+. F7.a, 12Q2-2-R, City of Cloart�atar, � Pinel.las Cc�un�l;y, F?.o.rida �.. Oifar. ihe Unii�ed S.�a'c•es of America (h�rein called the "Goveanment hereby oi'.fers t�o aid in financing the construction � of additiens'and extensions to �as plant and d3.atr3.tn,ttion sys�om (herein called the "Project") by m�lci.ng A loan and gran� to the Cit� of Clearv�ater, Fa.orida (herein called the "Appl:icant'� ):Ln s.n amc�unt not es�caeding in the aggregate the sum o�' $��,?1�909. 2. Me�hod o�' P;iakin Loan. The Government wi1.1 �ntrch.ase at thA Ar�n.c3paiamo-uri�t e_+�r�o� p�us' aocrued 3nte�est, �'rom the Applicant, obli-�,rationa of the dascription set forth laelo�rr (or auch othar deacription as sha11 be mutually eatisfactory ) in the a�gregate principa]. �mount of �p6'7,000' l�ess such amounv o:f suclx obligations� i� any, as the Applicant may ae1]. to pur.c;iasers other thar. the Covernment: (a) Obli�: City of C7.eartivater; (b) T,ypae Sgecial obligation� seriAl, coupon gas plan� re._v,enue, certific�tes; (c) Denomination: �1,A00,• (d) Date; December '!, 1935, (e) Interest rate and interest pa,yment dates: Four per�ent per annum, nayafi�e semi= `annua y on Juxa.P� 1 and DecemUer 1 in each �ear; (�') Place of Aavment: At the office of the City Treasurery ear�a�er, o.°a.da; (g} Re istrabion �r�iv_i�_l�e �es��: At the c;ptior� oi' the ho7.dex�, as � princ�pa on—�-- (h) yIaturities: Payable on December 1 in years and amounts as o orrs: 1936 - 194�, incl.usive �pl,OQO, 7.946 - 1947s iizcl.usive $�?�OCp i 194? - iQ43, inclusiue 2,000, 1948 - 1952, incltzsiva 5,000, 19�4 -?945, inclusive � 3,000, 1J53 � 1355, inclusive 6,000, (i) Securit.Y: Payable'as to both principal and interest from and aecu�red �y an exclusive first lien upon and pledge of the �r�ss x�evenues of the gas plant and distri,bu�ion system aiter �educt�,on only of the coat of operation and maintenance there of . 3. Amoun.� 'of Gra.nt. The Got*'ernment wi11 mal.ce the gr�int in an. amount equa�£o�or��vo percent (45f) of the cost of the Projoct upon comj�letion, bu� not to exceed, in any event, the sum of �54,9Q9. 4. Conditione Preced�nt. The Government will be under no ob.- ligation o t�a�e up and pay or any bonde crbi.cli it herein offers to �n.trchase or to make any grantt (a) Val�dit,y of Qbli pt�: If the legal3.ty and validitg of the cer __ca es o�'�``�ere a the Gnve�nment for �urchase sh�.11 not have been saatained by a decision of the Circuit Court oi Pznol.l.as Gount�, Florida; �b) Finan:ciaZ Conditionsr If the financial cond�tion of the App�can� s a ave chan�ed unfavorably in a ttiaterieZ de�roe from its conditi.on as thex�etofore repres�nted to the Go�7ernment: { e) Gost o�` Pro j ect; If' it anpesrs that th.e Apblican.t wi7.l no�'�be a l� e to ccmplete the Project f�r. the sum allotted by the Goverrunent, or that the Apg�.icant will no'.; be able t4 obtain any flznds which, in additi.on to such sum, sh.a11 be nPeessary t� cor,zplete the Project: (d) P1ans and S ecifications and Certificate oy Pur osas: if i�Fe` Ap�T�'ca �- s-Fia7.1 n.o� have i L%� tiv t� �rnment p7.ans and specificat�ons fpr �he Project accompanied by a cortifi- cate of rrarnoses setting out in detai� the amounts and pur- poses of the expend.i_�uree vrh3.ch the .�p�licant proposes to make in connaction �ith the Project, and tYie Government ■ �� shall not havs accepted auch plans anc7. spec3f3.cations and sza,ch cert'ificate of purposes as showin.g t�at the Project will be constructecl in su.ch a�ia,nner as to provide reason- able aecur�ty for the loan to be made by the Governmen� and to comply with the Emer�eneg Relief Apprcpriation Act of �.935 �.n al1 respects, 50 �nterest of Pllember of Cane;.ress. No 1vlem'ber of ar Dele�ate to th,a Con�ress of�h�n�ed��e`s o America sha1.1 be aJ:lowed to participra.te 3.n any ag�eemenL ar3.sing from tlie accaptance of this. off'er or �.n the f�.inds hereb� made avilable �or the construc��.pn of the Projec}, or to any benefit aris3ng there�rom. 6. Bonus or 0ommisaion. The Applicant shal? not pay any borius or commis:��ri for � purpose of abtaining an approval of the applicat�on. 7. Infortnation. The A�plican-t ahall furnish the Government tivith reasonabl—' e in�`ormation and da'ca conce�a.ing the constructiony cost, and prograss of the work, Upon request the At�plica�s.t s?�;a11 also i`u.rn�.sh the Go4�rnment, and any purchaser fror�. the Governmen�G oi' at le�st 25 gercent of the 7�onds, r:h3.ch adequate financial state� ments and other �easQnable information an.� data relating to the App].icant. 8. Iiond. Circular. T�.e Agplicant sha11 t'u.rn,iah a17. su,ch inic�!ma- tian :in p`roper o�or t�e preparetion of a rond cireulax and s�+ali take a7.1 su.ch s�eps as the Government or any purchaaer or r�urehasers f�om tk�.e Government of not less than 25 percent o= the bond� may raasonabl.y raquire to aicl in the sale by the Government or any stzch purchaser or purchasers oi' any or Q_].7. of the bonds. 4. Snsuxanoe> The Apnlican� shall car.ry reasonable and adequata insurance uAon �'e completed Projsc-t or any completed part thereoP �ccer�ed bj� the Appl:icant or the system of c�hhtch the Project is a part. ].0. Nam�s of Project, The Applieant sb.a1? not nane the Proj�+et for ang l�vin� person, ll a Grant 3nd Band Pa,ymen � s 4 (a) Advanca Grant: Upon aocebtance o� this offer, �hB AApl�- can�may request an advance on accoimt of �he grant in an amount not exceeding 15 percr�nt Qa: the estima�ed cost of the Project> TY�.s advance grant may be used for pay�L�� arc�itec- tural, enginePri.ng, and pl.anning fees, costs of eu.rveys9 boxing,s, ancl. other prelimin�.ry inves�� aations, co3ts of preparation of plans, specifications and other forms of proposad �ontract dor,uments, and eosts o�' adverti senients for b3:ds for eon�racts, and tYs.e urin�ting af tLe bonds, 'but nat in pa;prient for tk�e acquisition of lands, ease- inonts, or rights-of-way. Ths requeat far this advance grant shal]. bo acco�!pa�.ied by a signed cer�3ficater.of purposes in tvhich shall appear in rea�ona�le de�tail th,e x�u.rposes for wha.ch such advance grQnt tivill be usad; (b) Pa, en�t for Bonds: A rec�,uis3,tion. requestitlg •�he Government o ta e up anc� pay ior bonds wi11 be honored as soon as x�ossib].e after such bonds are read� for �elivex�yp if the bond 'trFzn.acribt and other documents supporting suc� re- quisitions aro comple�e; (c) Tntermediate Gra.nt Requisi-�ians; Simultaneouslv with the �al�ver—y o:L`-a'nc�paymen - or ,. e bonds by the Governmeni�, ar, tivhen bonds are taken up and paid for in mcsre than one in- stallment, simultaneousJ.g wui�h the delivery of and paymeiit �'or �he finai in�tallment, ii the tlbn?icant has ac� requisi- tioned and �f auch. requisitian �.s Accompanied by a signed ceri;ificate of purnoaea showin� in reasona�ile detail tre uurnosea �'or which the funds will be used, ancl that such iilnda tivi11 be used fc�r items proper�.y inc],uded as part of the cost of the Project, the Govern.tnent ea311 make a grant . . .. . .. . �. J ■ � � � �� of an. amaunt �:•evr�aent3.n.� the dif�'er�neo bettivaen tlzo advanca �rant :anci an amouni; equa�. to 25 percant o#' sa3d previa?iaZ� eatimatad cast of tlze Project. Vllhen tha Projoct sha7�7. bo approxiniately `70 percent completed t2ie Appl3.cant mny fi1.e its requiait3.on foi aii additionaZ grant 3ri an aniount which� togetiior �^rit� �he amount previously paid on a.ecount oF the grant, is equal to 35 �ercent of �ha cost of the Projoct, but in no evant in an amount excoedin�; the �mount set i'orth in paraai�apk�. 3 hea�eo�; The 3.n.termedi.ai;a �rant reqtzis�t3ons tivill bo lianored if the dQcumentg necessa��r to support sucki requisitions are co?r.plete and �vorlt on the Projea� has progressed 3.n accord- anoe ivith the nrovis�ons �f th3s offer relating theroto; (d) Final Grrznt Pa- ent; At any time afte�� completitl� tlle Pr9- �sc�; �ie:�pn �csn � may file a rociuisition rec�uestin� tho reniainder of tl�e grant vrhich, to�ether raith a11 pxaviaua payments on account oi' such grant, shal]. be an amount not in excesa o� a5 percenL of the aetual cost �f the Projc�ct unon completion, but not to oxceed, in �ny evan�, the a:mount oi tre �rant set foxtlz 1n paragraph 3 hereof. The finaZ grant requl.sition r�i�7. be l�onored if the documents necessary to su�nqrt iL are �omnl.ete and Srork on. ��he Prujeet has been comnleted in aceardance w�th the prova,aions of this offer relating thereto; (e) Cor_struc�ion Account: A aeparate accoun� or accounts (here- in colfective g ca ed tlze "Construc�ion Acbount";, sna?_� b� ae� u*? in a banl� or �A7I}i8 4VY11.Cr1. 82'0 memUe.rs of' the Feder.a.l Debosit Insurance Cor�poration and az th.e Federa�. Re;��rve Sys�'em. The advance grant, the intermediate grants, the pro�eeds 2ram �he sale of tlie bonds (exclus3.ve ow accr•u.ed interest and an amountq if any� repreaenting iizterest during constzmuc{;� on) , tY: � final �rant' and any other mone�s �vhich ahalJ, be raqui�"r�t�. �r. additi�n Lp 'tYlE t'ore�oi;ng to �aay the cos� of constructing the �'roject sh.�nll be depasited in the Gonstruction 9ccount, promptl� upon receipt �thereof. All accruad interest p�:id by the Government at the �Fime of d e- 7.ivery o�' i;he boncls sha11 be pa.id into a separate account (rerein called th:e "Bond Fund"). Pa�mc�nta ?�r the cons�true- tion af �he Proje�� sha].l bP made only fram tha Construct3.on Ac cottnt ; (f� Disbursement of ITone,ya 3iz Cons�ruction �ccount; Nloneys in the Constxuction Account ahall be expended only for such purposes as ahall have bee�n prPvic�ual'y Ngec� #'ied in the certificate of purposes filed with and accepted by th,e.Govern- ment. A11. moneya remaini.n� in the qonstruction ?ccount after a� 7. coats �,ncurred in connoction r�ith the Project have been paid shall e� ther be us ad to rernzi chase bonda s if �.n;y ai •the bonds are then held by cho Government, or be tranaf ez�r�etl to the Bond b�'�a.ncl; (g) D'se of I�ior_e-ys in Bond Fund: bToneys in the Bond Fund shaZ1 be eX�en3ed �so e y for�.ie •auapoae af payin� interest on and principal of the bonds, 1.2. Construction o� Project. "lh.e f'ol.lov�ring policies have been adoptea Uy`ihe F= era ;s;m.ergency Adrnin3stratior of Pu�lie i�orks in order 1:o e�f�ctua+e the rnzrposes oi tho Eln.ergency Re1.ie� Anpropriation: , Act of 1935, and the making of the loan and grant herein set forth shal� be subject to the condition that the Applicant, in the exerc3se of i.ts lativiuZ cLscretion, shall adopt said nolicies and comp7.y txzere- ti�ith in the consta�a.otion of the Project; (a) Tha� if a project is i;o be constxha,cted under contr�:^t, contracts ahould be awarded to the lo�vest re�ponaible 'bidder p�arsuant to public advertisement anc7: tkiat every opportunity be �,..uen for free, open and compe�titive biddin� ior contracts ior canstructiori and contracts for the purcha�e of material.s and equipment; � � � is (U) Tha� the use in tha specyficatior_9 or othorv�ise of the name of a proprietarg nroduc� or the nam9 of the manufacturer o� vendor to define ths material or product roquired, unless sucli na.ne is followed by the term "or equal" is considered contrary �to the �o13.e� o�' free, open and competitive bidding, 1'Jhore such a�pecification 3s used �n 13eu of descri���ve detai7_ of substance and fu,nctian, 'the term �or equal' is to ba litr�rally construsd so that any tnater�al or article v�h.ich v�till perform adequate;ly the duties imposed by the �eneral dea•io ���ill be conatderect eatisi'actor�, (e) Tha�;, in deter•min.ing the �.av�e�t bidder for the supnlyin� o#' materials and equipment, in the �ntereat of s-tandardiza- tioiZ or ultit:�aue econamy, the contract may bP asvarded t� other than the actual losteat bidder; (d) That, in order to insu.re completion of a project �rithin the �unds available for the construct�on thereof� faithiul per� formance o#' construction cantracts wil.l be assured by re- quiring pexformance bonds written in an amount equ&1 to 100 9 oi' tha contract prioe by one or more cor�porate sureties �inan- cially able to assume t�,e ris�t ancl that si,iGh bonda �i7.1 be i�a.rther conditioned upon t�.e pa�ment o�' al� bersons sunn7.�ing labor and itzrr,.ishing materials for the constructzon of the project, except in those cases in trrhic'4a. ii is re�uzred by the l�w of Florida that Urotection for 1�7�or and materialmen be provided by a bon.d separa�e irom the ner#'orma.nce bond. In such case, � parformance b�nd �n an. ariaunt equa7: to 100/ oT the cantract price supnlemented ny a separate �abor and materia�meii+s bond in an attiount not lesa �han 50� �� the contract nrice w3,1Z'be adequate; �e) That, if the ��or� on any pr�pased con3t�uction contr�.ct is hazardous, the contrActor �vill be req�,�,ired tio provide publ3.a liability insurance and property damage insuranea in amou._n.ts reasonab].y suff3�ient to protect the contractor and each sub- contraetor; (?) That minit�zm ar ot3�;er wage ra�es required to be predetermined by the 1�.�� of Florida or local, ordinance shall be predet�rriined, by tlie a�plican� in accordancetheresrith and incorporated in the ap�ropriate contract docutnenis, In the absenee of ap�l.i,rable l�tv or ordinance, the apAlicant sha11 pre�iatermine rnin?mum ��age ra�ces, in accordance evith customary local rates, for a7.1 the trades and occugations to be employod on the projeot, and incorporate them in the ap�,repriate contract documents; (�) That the �vork shal� be commeneed as auackl� as bo�sible after t�znds ara made , vailable and be continued �o c�mt�le- tior�, v�i�th all gr�cticable dispatch in an Efficient and economical manner; (�i.� That the Project will be aonstr�u.cted in accordance with the »rovisions o�' the attached �.�xb.i.bit A. �rhich is hereby tnade a. pari; hereo�; tc? insure t=rL s puruose appropriate protiisions �vil1. be incorporated in all contracts {8�cept sizUcontracts) for �vork to be performad at t�ae site of tb.e Project. (�'xa a3bit A has been so vrorded that the Arovisions thereof, may, ii' the Appl�cant so desires, be in.serted verb�vim in such corlstruction contract or contracts). If ang oi'' the provisions contained in Paragrapli5 5 to 7_8, inclusive, of Exla.ibit A.�liali be held invalid, such inval�dity shall not af�ect the valir�ity and effectiveness of t�.e othar Aro- visions of t�a:is offer, �3, The Adminiatrstox and the sovernme:�t shall ha�e no rigYl.ts or goiver of any �ind wit}a respect to the rates to be fixed or clzarge� by the Project, e:tce�tin� only such r3.ghts aa they may have as a h.older of st;ch bonds under the 1a�vs and Constitution of F�orida and the laurftil proceedings oi the Aptalicant, taken pursurant the�eto, in authcr3zing the issuance of such bonds. 14. Upon acceAtanco of this offer by th,e Ayp7.�.cant, this o�'�'er J aha11 supersede the prio� offer dated Decembor 4,, 1935, made by tYze United �tates of Amer3.ca ta the Apglicant to aid 3n iinanc:L�:� tkii� construction of th� Project. 15. This offer is made with th.e express understandi�i� that neii:her the loan nor the �rai1� hexein describad 3.s condit3qnect ur�on compliance by +he Apnl3.cant ��i�h any conditions not 8X_p1'QSS�Z� set fox�th herein. Thera are no o-�her agreameni:s or understandin,a betweer_ th.e Auplicant and the Gavernmen� or any of its agencies in aily t�ray rela- ting to said Project, or to the Financing or the coristruction there. 'ON � iEL °,T ^-`�F�S QF AP�T�.'RSGA Federal Elnergency Adm�.n3�strator . of Public 1Jorks bY A • V'J • COAA Fcr' the Asaistant A.dmin.istr��or� be and the same is hereby in-all respects accepted. Section 2. That the City 1�Ianager �be and 'ne is hereby authorized and directed fbrth�vith to send to the Federal Etrtergera.cy Admin� stration oi Public t'Torks tlaxee cer{;ified cop9.es of t�:3a Resolut3.on and Three cert�fied eopies of the proceedinga of this speci�.l meetin� in conneetion �vith the adopt�on of thia Resolution. 4 The above resolution vaas aeconded by D. 0, Batchelor, and v��a.s , ; adoptied, w3.ih the follo�rin�: voting: ; � � Ayes; R. E, Green, biayor-Gotrnnissioner R. L, Balter L. A, 112areh D, 0. Bal;cheZor ; ' J. A. Barry E ana the follotiv3.ng voting: � rTa:vs: Nor�e. ' The T�Iayor-Cotrm�.i.ssioner thereu�on declared said Resolut3qn - � carried and the Mayor-Commi�sioner thereupon signed said Resolution ;;' } in approva]. thereof. (Signed) Re E, Green 4 agor-.. orrmiis si oner � Atteat: ; J. E. Satterfield � - C3.�y C e�T r�—� , � Mov�ec� bq Mra Baker, seconded b� Mr. Pdarsh and carxifld that � v tlae proper city officials be authorized to si�n a. iranchise �rantin�; � M. F, FxaI1 th.e priv3le�e oa runni'ng a bus f_rom the mainland t� Glearwater Beach unt31 ivIay 31st, 19366 There being no furth�r business, tho P j " mesting tiv�:n adjcntrned. � } � � � � � � V �. ��_•�� �i.� � � ,, Mayor-. oC mm s.�ione� � ATTEST; � .--�----.. u. -or or , �--"_ � ■ : �'�':. � I i ��°� I� i � ;� � ;_ `i i f � � ��i e