02/03/19360 � ,; _ � } � �� � � � t � � � ; ` 1 ; MINBTES OF T$E CITY CONI�ISSION � Fabruaxy ,�� 1936 � � _ _ .. _ > � � - - - - - i The City Conmi3.ssion c�f tne C3.ty of' Cleer�rater� F'lorida, �et oi� i the above date in regular meeting assem.bled �ith the follovring meinbers � pr es ent • ; R„ E. Qreen� Mayor-Commiseionar D. 0. Batcheior L. A. Mar�h H. L:,Bakerr ' � J, A, Barry ; Moeed by Mz�, Marsh9 saoondod by Fdr, Barry antl carried that the Cit� � Manager be authorized ��o d�.sbnzrse up tn �300.00 upon the order o�' the Salvat3on Army. ` A�letter fram William L. .A1.7.ey & Company, Ine�irporated, vras read, � proposing to insui�e a17. City property agai.nst loss by fire, under a ' plan whereby the.Ci�g weuld save �200,00 or mora ann.ually ;over a ten year period.. No ac�ion v�as taken on this-matter.' Mr. Alley�also objeeted ta a report of the Insurance Cotta�ittee� vuhich allocates to �Nilliam Z. Alley & Comnang on7.y a goZicy to cover the Beach Fire Station wuan :sana is comple�ed. Moved by Pdr. Mars3�.� � se�onded bg Mr. Laker and carried that t�e Insurance Committee �e raquested to meet with the Citg Manager to de�ermine if a re-allocation of par� o.f the insurance of the Au��iorium to William L. P_lley & Company l sho-alclnt t be mad:e. A petitSon waa read asking that parking lines betv�een the a7.1ey south of Clevelan.d S�reet and P3erce Street on Fort Harriaon Avenue ; be ahanged from paral].el parkin� to angle parking. Moved by NIr. Baker, seconded 'oy �Ir. Barry and carried that the parking linas on Fort Harri�on � Ave.lue from the alley south of Cleveland Street ta Plerce Street be • changed to conform v�ith the preaent angular parking on Fort Ha.rrison Avenue. ' , Mr. Weatherford agpeared be�ors the Committee appiying for re- duction of +axes r21 five hanses and sor�e lot�s mostly on GreenwoQ�. Avenua. After discusaion,, it �vas datermined that the teass dn theae properties were not ou� of line w3.th other similar property and � � therefore, no action was taken:. Mr. T�stz?ao appeared �Before tha Com�iss3,on., aski.ng permission to se7.1 wine on Sundag. N'o action was takan. � � � ,� i , � � � � � i � Morred b� Mr. Barry� s<�Gonded by nHr, Marsh and carr3ed that �he j ' , ', Lubriaat3,ng Oil Contrar,t tae a,�araea to the Standard Oi1 Company �or , f . � a period o one gear. Movec� by hIr. Marsh� seconded by Mr. Barrg and ca,rried. that the settlement o� real and personal taxes against the Fpr� Harrison Hote�. Prom 1J32 to 1935, inclusive, a�ount �12,132.80� on th9 following basis t'a-w3t; bonds �7�0OO,OQs caupans (at 1��5 face value) �56.00� aash, $$5r076,80 - Tota.l �12�132.8�D be confirmed, Moved by Pa�• Batchel.or, secandet'� by Mr. Bax�ry snd carried that payment o� �2,0OO.OQ An December 20tiz, ].935 to Mr. Polhill., City Attor�.ey, to apply on iee in the Ci�cyts bankruptcy suit be coni'irmed. Moned by Mr. Batchelor, seconded bg Mr. Barry and carried that the City Finditor and G1erk be authorized to accept �15,00 as payment of liaense for '�serv3ce urxion"� �12ere being no definit� classif3cation for this service 3.n the license Ordinance. •'r Mr. Marsh 3.ntroduced Ordin�nce Numb�r 403s and moved it� adopt3on on ita i�rst reading. Upon roll calZ,tY.ie iollawin.g vote was �olled; A�es: Mr. green �r. BatchAlor Mr. I�arsls Mr. Baker Mr. Barry Nays: None. l�oved by Mr, Marsh, seconded by Mr. Baker �nci unanimous�.y,; carried that the rules be waived an.d the Or�i.nance be pla�ad upon its second reading i�.ediatel�y, by title only, The Ordin�nce having beon read by title, Mre �Iarsh moved that the rule� be further wa3ved arad the Ordinance be passed upon its seaond reading. Seconded by Mr. Bakers IIpon roll caZl� the follavring vote wa.s polZed: Ayes; Mr. Graen. Mr. Batchelor Mr. Marsh Mr. i3aker Tdi�. Barry Nays: h��ns,- . . Moned b5 I�r. Nlarah, secon�.ed by Mr. B�:ker and un�a�:iznausZy carried that the rules be iur�sher waived anc3 the Ordinance be read for tha third time in full. The Ordin.ance hav�.ng been read in iii.11� Mr. Marsh moved that �he rules be Purth.er wa:ived and the Ordiizanca be passed its third and final reading immedi�.tely. Seconded by Mr. Ba.ker. Upon roll call, the � � j _.. ._, _ .,� ,..�.,,�__ _�.._ .�.._ . _� �8 , fol7.oiv3.n.g vote was polLed; A�es: Mr, Graen Mr. Batch�J.or bir, Eiarsh Mr. Bake�<� Mr. Barry Nays: None. Whereupon, the hIayor declared Ordinance Number 403 in effect as i'ollows : AN ORDINANGE AUTHORZZING AND DIRECTZNG THE POLICE DEFL�R.TI�I�NT OF THE CTTY OF CLEARVIATEIi� Ff+ORIDA TO � CONFTSCA�E ABANDONED PERSONAL P1�OPER'I'Y, AND PROVIDING T'OR ^1HE DISPOSITTON OF T� SAP�. BE IT ORD&INED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF iHE CITY OF GLEARWATER, FLOF.IDA: SyCT20N l. I'ha� tize Chief of the Police Department be' and he is ere y au orized arad d3rected to confiseate an� and all abandonad �rsona]. property w'ltY+:in the Citg Limi.t� oP Gleari¢ater, Florida� aub�ecu to ths �ol.lowing terms and cor_ditions; (A) That said abandonod personal Pronerty, unless perisn.- ab1e, shall retaain in the possesston and custody o£ tha Police Denartment, Por a per�:ad of two {2) weeks be�ore being tYsus confiscated, and during said psriod of time said Chief of PoZiee sha11 use reasonabTe dil3.gence in an eiiort to locate the o�rner of the sam.e, and if said owner be located he shall be given �ive (5) days not3ce requestii�g that he pay a11. charges, iess, Pin.es, damages an�l eapenses due to the'City, and that upon his failure to pay �;he same said persana7. property sha11 for�hvs�.th be con- fi�catad. SEGTION 2. That in the canfiseat3on og any personal prauerty the C i� Police be, and he 3.s hereby �uthorized and dirc�`rted ta �orthtivith turn the same over 'to the Gity of.-Clearrrater, Florida. S�BTION �. The Chief oi' Police ny t�e (;j.t� of Cl�.rwater� Florida� e,f arid hs is heroby i��tructed and directed to forthw3th �Lzzrn aver to the C3.t� of Clearrrater, Florida, sn� and all abandoned personal property in h3.s possessio� before the passa�e of this Ordinance. SECTION 4. This Ordinan.ce shall take effect immediate7.y upon its passage. Fassed and adopted by the City Counnisaion of the Cit� of Ciearti�ater� Flor3da� this 3r� day of February� 1936. (Signed) Ra E. Gree�. ayor- qmm ssioner Attest: J� E. Satterfield ,p u or & ler Mr. Barry introduced Ord3.nance Number 40fi� entitled "AN ORT7INANCE TO liEGIILATE _9ND TO PROVTDE TH� MANNER, METHOD AND TIIr9E DURING VPSLCH VEGETA]3LES, FRITTTS, EGGS, FISHES, FOIILTRY' AND �AME, BERRIES, NiTTS, MEZONS AND OTHER�FARM PRODUCTS 1�YAY BE SOLD OR OFEERED FOR SALE IN THE Gl'PY OF CI�EAR�NATyH, FLORIDA, PROVIDING FOR THP ISSUANCE OF P&RPlIITS TO' THOSE SELLING OR OFFERING FOR SALE HQME-CrROL'VN OR HOME-PRODtTCED PRODIIG�fii OF THE FARIvi° and providing pena],ties for tha vio].ation of this Ordinance i _ . _ _ _ _ _. _..:�.1 ■ - , ..� . �� , d. �. � x for :Lts first reading and moved its adoption, Secon.3ed by Mr. Baker. • Upon roZl ca11, the follorving vote was polled: � Ayes: Mr. Green Mr. Batche].or , Mr. Marsh Mr. Baker .. Mr. Bsrry - , Nays: None. So Ordinance Number 405 passed its first rsading unanimously. y� • I�toved bp Ivtr. Batche3.orp secondsd by idr, Marsh,, and cai?riec�, that -� $�100.00 cash cliscaunt on 1934 t�xes on Lot 8 and the East 87 feet of � Lot 9ne� Lot 5 Gould &�vcing�s first additicn, as shotivn in 1934 tax � , recaipt Number 2502� January �5th� 1936 be canf3rmed. . There being no farther bu�iness� the meeting �vas adjourned. \ � C �� _ a.yor- ottm� as oner Attest: g Ativci� ar er. . � ' � • ( �9 MINUTES OF THE CITY COMMISSION FEBRUA�i.Y 17 � 1936 The Citg Commission of the City of Clearwater, Florida mot on the above date in reg+zlar meeting a�aembl.ed with the fallowing members present; R. E. Gr•een, Mayor J. A. Barry D. 0. Batchelor E� B. Cas�er, Jr, L. A. Marah Moved by Mr. M�.rsla., seconded by Nir, B�.t�chelor and carried tha.t the Ci�y IvTanager be instr�izcted to vrrite the parties who assisted in exniditing tre approval of PWA projects for �vater and gas ex�ensio�., exnressing the appreciation oi the City Commiesion.for this valuaule servl.ce, Moved by Mr. B��che�or� seconded bg IvLr. Earry and carried that �ha bill for paint on the K. of P, Ha11 be pa:�.d. IvIoved by Ivir, Marsh, seconded by &2r. �atchalar and carriec3 that NL . PoThill be paid y�2,000 on accoUnt and Nathan R. Graham, Special Iviaster, • be psid �1,000 on acernznt a� baniau.pteg pr�ceeding. Moved by Mr. Marsh, s ecauded bg Nir. Baker and carriod t�at an addi�iona7. appropr3.ation of. �3p0A0 be made for moving the Ve�cerans camp from its pre3ent location to the BeaehQ iVtoved by Nir. Baker� seconded by IvLr, B�Iarsh and carried that City taxes on tha px�essnt Vetarans camp property be canceled as �aymen� of ' rent �or the use o2 the said property as Veterana cam� for the nast year and a half, the description being Lots one to sixty-frntr, inc'!usive, C1Sveland Grova, o�' Lot seven of $anosekis9 and the west half of I�ot ei�;ht of Ha:nosekts sub� faaa amount �169.69. Moved by Mr. Batchelor, saconded by Ivir. Narsh and carried that the Citg �lerk be authorized to cancel all taxes and paving lians ou�standing against praperties owned by the Wa�er and Gas Departments of tk�e City, at the proper t3.me . Mr, Batchelor introducad Ord3nance Num'�er 406 for ii;s first reading aizd moved its adoption. 1a.pon � i�ts first reading. Upon ro}.'? csll the follo�av3.n.� vote was polled: Ayes: Mr. Creen Ntr. Barry Nir. I3atchelor Mr. Casler ' Mr, Marsh , ivays; Nono, , I , ! i � � � � � � ��� r,. , _. y � i � � �� Movad bg 2vLr. Batchelor, secor�ded by Mr. 13aker• and unan3mously carried tha� the ri:�lea be waived ancl tlie Ordinance be placed upon 3ts second reading immediately by titl.e on1y. The Ordinanae I�aving been read by title, moved bg Mr, Batchelor' seconded by Mr. Baker that the rules be i�zrther �vaived and that �6he Ordinance be passed its second reading iuIInediately. Upon roll ca11 the follo�vin� vote wRs polleds Ayes; Mr. Green Nir. Barry Mr. Batchelor Mr. Casl.er �rir . I�iarsh N�y s: None. Moved by Mr. Batchelor' seconded by Mr. Baker and unanimously carrisd tliat the ruZes be flzri�her �vaived and tlzat the Ordinan�e be placed upon its third and fina:l reading in f`ull immediately. The Or- dinance having baen read again 3.n. flz11� moved by Mr. Batchelor, seconded by �Ir� Baker thafi the ru.les be further waived and that the Ordinance be passed its tlz3.rd and .�inal reading iimnediate].v. Upon roll ca1]. the follotving vote vras polled: Ayes; Mr. Graen Mr. Barry Mr. Betchelor I�ir. Casler NIr. IvIar sh Nay3: None. Whereupon, tha �d���'n declared the Ordinance finally passed, signad same and declared �t in i`u.li foree and 'effect as follo�vss ORDINANCE N0. 406. AN ORDIN�sNCE REGiTLATING AND RESTRICTING THE IISE OF ^1SE PRO P�RTY, DOCK, DO Q{ING SPACE AND BOAT SLIE� OVPNED BY TI� CITY OF GZEARNIATER AND I,OCATED IN FRONT OF THE CITY AU7ITORIU2� AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FO R TAE VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE. BE IT ORDAINED SY 'THE CIIY COMlNLC,SSIOi�T OF THE CTTY OF CLEARiNATER� FLORIDA: S�CTTON 1. T:nat no pes�son shall dock a boat used iEgr coimnercial purnoses ur ior hire at or on tHe proporty, dock or docking space owned by tbs City of Clear�rater located in front of the City Audi- torium fc,r a longer period. tk�an four (�) hcrurs, nor shall any person dock a b oat privately owned a�d used for private purposes at said nforasaid places for a longer period than t��Y (10) haurs� unless he shall hav� firat secured a permit from the Cit�r Manager �i' the City o� Cleartivater, Flcrida. SECTION 2, That any person applying ta the City Manager ior a permit aa s— e��orth in Section 1 of this Ordinance shall tirst pay tio the City Manager a dock�ng charge nt' the aum of' �25,00 per da,y for euch and every d ay' or fraetion thereof, that said propert�, dock or docking space is so used. SECT20N 3. Thai the City Manager of the City of Cleartaater be� and he s hereb,y authorized and empolvered to r ent the boat slips located a� said dock and to �'3x and determine the amount ot rental therefor. �, � a SECTION 4, That no person sha.11 allow any boat� to occupy, r�.or s a e uae in any mannrr v�hatsoever any boat slips located at 9aid dock withoub f3rst having paid to the City PRanager th�; anloun:t of rental eharged there�or. SECTION �. Tl�at no m�tor t*ehicle sha11 a� any time be alZowed on s` a�T'doel�: SECTIOII 6. Any person t�vha sr_all violate any of t1�.e provisi�ns of i�rd'inance sh.a11 upon eonviction �.n the bfurbicipal Caurt be �tned not exceeding the sum. of $�300.00� or imprisoned in the City jail not exceeding �ixty (60) days, or by both su,ch fine and im- pr3son.ment, in the discr'etion of the Nnznicipal Judga. SECTI�:T 7a AlZ Ordinances or part� of Ordinance+in conflict here- w�h ar`e hereby repea?ed. S�CTION 8. This Ord�nance sha11 take ei'ieet im�aediately upon its pa3saga. PASS�D and adoptad bg the City Cat�i�sion of the City of C1ear�ate_r, Florida, this the 1'7th day oi' February, A. l�, I936 (Signed) H, E, UIiEEN' ayor- 'o ss oner ATTEST: ` (Signed) J. E. Satterfisld ity Audi or ler There being no i'ur�her businesa, t�e meetin� v�as adjaurned. �.��JR��s�,� Ma�or Attest• u or & C e � � rd � , �