JANU. ;:EtY 2Q� 1936
The Ct ty Cou�aisaion. of the City o� Clearvrater� F`l.ox�ida� met on
�he abone date witYl tha following members present:
R. E. Green� Mayor-Commisaioner J. A. Barry
R. L. Beker D. 0. �atchelor
Mr. Brorein, representing the Pen3.nsular �ompar�..�, addressed tha
Co•mmission protesting �1leged 3r�equality Personal Property Tax Assess-
inent. �dr. Brorair�. was rePerred �o the lax Assessor and t3se Equaliza-
tion Board.
The goLo�ring matter was read:
�learwaf.er, rlorida
�anuarg 20, 1938
r+iro A. C. Nichols'
Gity �Ian:ager�
Clearvrater, Fla.
Dear Mr. Nicholss
I have comp7.eted the meat survey which ycn� reaentTy raqzested
me to make and herein report my findings and make certain reco�umenda-
Of the 25 meat markets contsesed by me 2 find a total of 50
ca�tle and 120 hogs of the unin�pected class are being sold an@
consumed each month in the city. Should a standarcl inspecti�n
fee oi' 25¢ for each beef and each hog be eharged ere would raal�.ze
an �.ncome of �42.50 each month to 'be used to help defra� the sa-
penses of a meat ir�s�,ectpr, It is my opin.ion that thi:s given po;ss�.�
bilit� oi' a change ir� �he amount`of uninsp9eted meats boing con-
sumed ai'ter the pae�age o� a meat 3.�,spection ord3nance. Op�nions
vary coneiderably on this pointa I believe �at'� least 50� of
the total au�aunt of uninspected meats now being used. �rill be eti;at
oif wi'�h the p�.ssage of a meat inspeetion ordinanee. Ho�rever, it
is entirely possible that such an ordinanco �vould inspire some in-
d:Lvidual to install a slaugh�Ger ha�zse in or near the city and there-
by stiunzlate a sale af locally raised meat as well as furnish employ-
men� i'or a n.umber of peaple. Should thi.s an.gla develc�p then the
i'ees wauld increase �raport�onately evii�h the sale of this �ype of
meat. �hrrulcl the inport�tiqn oi loca3ly raised mea�s be sLrat of�
rtind a slaughter hau.=.�e no� ha built and operate� we would then i'ace
the poasibility o� a raise in �rice of all inspected meats so3d by
the packers. In an.y event, the 3.x�come from mea.t inspectioa �rould
fa11 ccsnsi der�bly short of paying tla.e expenses oi a ftia.11 time i:nsgec-
tor. IIovrever, it may be possible to instalZ a weights end measure
inapeLtion �o be c�nduc�ed in conjlanction with the meat insp�cti�n
department. One fu].3. �time man eauld very eas3ly conduct both 3n�
spectionse There is estimatsd to be 200 or more wei�hi.ng scales
in use throughaut the aity, and a small mor_thlg testing fee for ea�3�.
soale would of cotiu se help to pay an inspect�rs sa].ary. There was
�. �opalar request of all store operators contacted bg me that both
meats and weights and measure inspection be estal�lishsd by the city,
and it may be that the service rendered to the store operators aud
to the public at large would warrant an expenditure by �he citp for
these ttivc serv3ces, On t$e other hand� 3.f �he city does nat see
�i� to maet this a�ded exper_se 3t may be possib7.8 �o find someone
who tivould condv.et these inspections ior the fees derived therefrom.
�3 �
A fes sys�em Pt+�ploy�ae ma� no�t prove to be sA�3s�'actory for many
reasons, but tiainly ainca the quali�'ications of a �neat inspec�or
are so iiuperative the question, ar3.aes in my ad.nd �vhother or not
it would be posaibl.e to hi.re somoone wlzo was thorou�h,ly qual:Lfiod
to conduct ihese taets for �he smal� amcntnt o� fees to be coll.ectad.
I have attetnpted to state clasrly the conditions as tlzoy ac-
tually� exist, and ho�e this report rvill he1,p you to decide �the
questions at issuee'
Very truZy yours�
(Signed) Paul H. F�.eht
Health Offiear
The m�.�ter was discussed at eome length and talsen un.der advisement�
no action being ta�kon at �chis time.
Another Istter irom tine Garden Club> protesting the location �f
the Island Fire Station, was rea3. No aCtion �vas talcen i'or the same
reasons set foTth �t the reac3ing o� the previous 1et�er f'rom �his Club.
Ths iolloiv?ng report oi the �ivil �erviae Board tivas read:
Januarg 15, 1936
2o the
Honora�? e Body of Ci�y� Co�ni.asionor,
Clea.rrtrater, Fla.
Gentlemen; •
The resu].t of the e].ection held Jan. 14th� 1936 to elect
- reprasentatives �rom the Police and Fire Departmenb� as to serve
for one yaar on �he Civ31 Service Board w2,s as �017.o�rs:
Po13.ce Department members cast 13 ballots as io:tlotvs:
G�1. �. Gatiewaod 3
Guy Holloava�* 9
John. S�if.t l
Fire Department members cast S ballots as follo��s:
Peter �'reola 2
W, �d. Graen 6
ti'Ve beo to advi.se you tha�: according to the law the m,eza
receiving the highest num't3er oi' votes are eZected and we here-
b�r declare tha� the Four��. nember of the Civil. Service Board be
C�.ig Hollotvay and the iifth member be W. N. Green..
Bg direetion of �he Board.
{Signec'.) L. G, �l�bett
Temporary Secrotary
�foved hy Pdr. Batchelor� secora.ded by Mr. Barry and carrisd �hat
the City Manager be authorized to purchase second-han� scrub'bers i'or
t?ie Uas Plant ancl an addi�ion�.l aecond-h�.nd s-torage t�k, 9.#z his deacretion,`
Mr. Batchelor in�roduced the folloiving resolu��.ox�;
TF� �ITY �' Ci,E�RYVATER, F'',��,tTDA
IiNt���N A� S2`:A:TE ROkD NITI�ftBER 13.
V�IIiEREAS, th� eitizens ofSouth �'iorici�. a-r� ver� nvzch interest in:
seein.� cotnpleted the road Prom Baldwin� Florida� to Callahan� �'lor3da.'
kno�n as Sta�e Road l�o. I3, and
V�RFAS� the c�mpletion of th:9.s roacl �ould great].y ftscil�.tatc�
traffic from Sou�h F'lor�.da north� and greatly relieve congest�on in the
City of B'acksonville� and save a zremendous expense and be tremendous
i3.nancial saving to citiznns and residen:ts oY South Florida �ravelZing
north� and
WHER�ASs tha importanee uf said road Y�.s been loi�g since recognized
by �he State Road Department anci bg �he Legislature of the 5tate o'�
FZorida, and i.ts completion is likeu��ise of grea-t iznportance te -taurists
��avelZing from nor�Ya. to South Florida.
FLORIDA, that the Sta�e Road Department af the StaLe of F'lorida be and
it is hereby urgently requegted ta complete as so�n as prae�icable
t�e road �'rom Baldwin, Florida, to Callahan� Florida, lm,ot�n as State Boad
No. 1�.'
that a certified copy of this Resolution be sent forthwith to the State
Road Depaitment, malZahassae, Florida, and to the press;`
Passed and adopted ng the City Commission of the City o� Clear�rater,
Florida on th9 20th da� of �'anuary, 1938.
(3i.gned) Ray E, Green
NTavnr �nrmn'rag�e>yl,gx•
, ( 3ignedr�
J. E. Satterf'3.eld
i y Auc�3.tor C er
�Ioved by Mr. Batche].or, seconded by Mr, Barry that the resolutioa be
passed. Upan roll eall, the follorvin� vo�e was polled:
Ayas; I�r. Green Mr. Barry
S'Lr. Baker h�r. Batchelor
Nays; None.
Wheraupon, the Pdayor de�lared the resoluti3on unanimausly adopted„
Movo� by �r. BatchelorD seconded by Mr. Aarry and carried that natice
be published in t�.e newspaper that 1935 taxeo are delinquent IvIar�h 2nd and
�hoy wi11 be advertisod as soon thereaf�er as �he dol3.nquen�t 13st can be m�.de
up, appr�ximately �pri3 Gth, and t�� sale cer�i.ficates for 1935 taxes sha].�
be sold approaimately Ma.y 4, 1936.,
IIvIrr. Batcheior moved the reading o� Orclinanao 404� tha "Traffic 0idi�.an�e" s
3.�s secor,d r�ading bg t,Stle anZy. Secondad by Mr. Barry and carried�
�haroupon �itle of the Ordinance was reado Movad bg Mre Ba�chelor, geconded
by Mx. Ba�ry that tile Ordinance be passed upon second reading. Upon ro11
ca1]. the fo7.loyving votes r�are polled:
Agas: Mr. Gresn n4r. Barry
Mr. Saker �L,�. Batchel.or
Nays: Nane,
�hereup�n tha Mayo� declared tha Ordinan.ce passed ita second .reading
unam3.mously. Moved bg Mr. Batichelor� secondad by 7vIr. Earry and unanimously
carried that the r�xJ.es be tivaived and the Orainan:co be read for the thir� and
�ina1 reading in �ua,1 ��leaiatei�, whereupon the Ardinance was read in f'izll.
MovEd by idz'. Batcli�lor, seconded by Ivlr. Barr'� �hat the rules be iurther
waivec� and �he Ordin�n�e ba passed its '�hird and fina� readin�. Upon ro11
the foll.otiving vate �tas palled;
Ayes. �r. Green Mr. Bara�y'
Mr, Baker Mr. Batchelor
Nays: None.
VYhereupon9 'che Mayor declared �he Ordinance ��na?iy� �assea, �igned
same8 ancl dectarec� 3.t in �a:�.l �orca and e�fect as follows: .
I � _
, ,
� ��
-SEC. 18, Public nmp]oyea ta obey traffic regnlatione.-The pro-
• � ( vfaipna oE this�ordinance�ahal] apply to the driver oE any vehicleowned
OBtDiN�.N�E N�O. 4O4 hY ar U�� �n the aervice of the United States Government, this State,
county ur city, and �:ft shall ba unlawful Yor any saiQ driver to violate
. �����j� ]� �('� .!'�'i_)71�"1�,7 A T7�� 0�;1 rTr��7 Ory-,� any of the.grovisIona. oP this �ordinance,,.except as otherwiae� perr.iitte�
1' 1' 'l� V11lJYl�ll-11V ��� �� �.�1 l Y 1� :in this orclinance or by State atatute. .
' r 4���e,�'����' �T �. . �SEC, 13, �.cemgtiona to fluthucized emec�ency vehietes.-(a) TUe
1�1J b� � L Provtaions of th}s ordinance regi;lating the operation, parking, and
. . � . ��stan�ing of vehicles ahail apply to� authorized emergency yehicles, as �
An ordinance regulating traCfie upon tUc public.streets of Che � � aefined z'a this ordinance, except as follows:
. ��� CiCy of �Clearwater and repealing all �ordinanees anQ sectiona ot A driver when� operaCing any such vehicle� in an �emergen`cy, ex- �
. ordLiunces in. conflict herewith: � � ��ept when otherwise directed �by a police officer, may-.
IIe it ordained by the City Gommi9s[on. of the City oP Clearwater, �l) Park or atand nptwithstanding the provieions� of this ordin-
� S'3orida: � � � ance; � � �
. � AICTI(7Li I � � (2) Proceed past a red or stop signal or stop aign, hut only after
WOR.DS AND PHRASES DEFINED � � . 9ioNing.down as may bz i�ecessary for safe operation;
� S�C, 1, Definition of Words and Phr.iaes.-The following words � l3) Exceed the prima facie �speeA limits�� so long as he �does� not
and phrasea when uaed in this ordinance shallfor tihe pucpose cf thia i.endanger life or property;
orclinqnce have the s,�eaninga respecLively ascrihed to them in this I i4i Diaregard regulations governing direction of movemeni or
articic. � � curring in specified directions so ]ong as he. does not� �endanger life or
SilL'DIVISION T.-VEHICLES, TRAPFTC, �ETC,. �D�FINEI? ! property. � � . .
. � SF.C.. 2, (a) V�hicle. -Every device in, upon, oi� by which any ' iti) The foxegoing� exemptions shall. not, ho�yever, protect the
pei�son or propei�ty is or may he transporteci or �dc•awn .upon a hieh- ��river of any such vehicle from the consequences� of Yils reCkless� �lis-
. +vay, .except devices moved hy I�uman power or usecl r.xclusively upon ' ; regard of the safety of othere: � ��� � �
atytfonary ruils�or�tracks. � . � SEC. 20. Pxrsons propelling push carts.or ridin� bicycles or uni-�
(U) Motor vehicle.-�very oehicle which is self-propeRed.and � q mals to obey truffic�rebnilations.-�very person propelling any push.
:evCry vehicle which is propelled by electric power obtained £rom f cart or riding a bicyc]e oi� an animai upon�a roadway, and every per- �
� overhead irolley wires, but not operated upou rails. � ; son driving any animal-drawn. vehicle, shall be aubject to tbe pro-
(e) Authori•r,ed emergency vehicle.-Velricles of the� fire depart•- � Visions of this �rdinance applicable to.the driver ot any vehicle, �.except
ment (fire� pa�Erol), police veHieles and such ambulances �and emer- . those'pFovisions of �this ordinance whieh hy theii• very nature can .
gen�y vehicles of municipal clepartments oz' public service cornor- have no application,
ations�.as.are designated or�authorized by the chief of police of this. �� �AItTTCLE III
. SEC, 3. (a.) Ruilroad: A� carrier of persons or prog. �ity uppn � SEC�. Zl. Obedicnce ta offlcial �traffic control dev3ces.-(a) The
. . cai•s, pther than �street. cars, operated upon stationary .rails. � driver of.any vebicle�shall obey the instructions. o£� any official traffie
(d) �2ailraici� train.-A steam engine, electric or otl�er motor, � contro] device applicable thereto�placed in�accardance with tke traffic
with or without cars coiipled thereto, operated upon rails, except osdinances of this city, uniess otherwise directed by a poliee officer,
�treet cars. � � subject to the exceptions trranted . the driver of an authorized� em-
SEC. 4, Trutfic.-Pedestrians, t•id�en or hecded. animals, veh;cles, ergeney vehidle in this ordinance.
�. and other conveyances �either singly or together while using any � ��(b) No ptovision oi this ordinance for which signs are required
� street for purgosee of�travel, ., shall be enforced against an alleged violator if�at tk�e fime an� place
� SEC�. 5. Itigt�t-of-wuy. The privilege of the immed�ate use �f !�of the alleged violation an official sign is not in proper position and
�.the road�vay.� � � sufficiently legible to be� seen by�an or;linarily observant person.
.. SEC. 6. (a) Stop-�vl7en i�equired means complete cessation of .SEC. 22. �Obedience� to no-turn signs and turning markers.- �
� movement. � � �. Whenevec authorized signs are� ereeted. indicating that no right �c
� (b) Stop or stopping-+Nhen prohibited mea:ns any stopping ot a � left or "U" turn is permitted no driver of a vehicle ahall disohey the� ��
� vehicle except when necessary to avoid conflict with� other traffic or � directions of �any such sign�, and when. authorized marks, button3�, or
. in compliance with tl�e direction of a police officez�or `.raffic control other indications are placed within an. intersectioa� indicating� the
sign or signal. � , course Yo be travelled by cehicles turning thereat, no driver ot� a
(C) .Standing.-Any atopping of� z vehicle, wl�exl�er occupied er rvehicle sha31 disobey the direc[ions oi such .indications. .
� nOt' SEC. 23. 'Lone �of quiet.. .-bVhenever authorized signs are erected �
(d} Pa.cic.-The standing of a vehicle, whether occupiea or not, indicating a zone of quiet, no person operating a motor vehicle with-
otheitivise than temporarily for :the puiTiose of � and while. actually in any such� zone shall sound t5e horn or other warning device �of ;aid �
engaged in loading or unloadir.g, vehice except in an emergeney�. � � .
. S�C. 4, Official time� standard.-A'henever .certain. hours.�are� SEC. 24. Plag streets: `Vhenever authoflzed signs are ereeted in-
named herein tHey shalt mean standard time or daylight saving time �icating any�street or part.thereof as��a play street,�no person sHali
, as may be �in current use in this city. � ��drive a vehicle� upon any such street oc portion tiiereof exezpt.drivers
SUSDIVISION II.-PERSON5, ETC., DEFINED i of ��ehicles l�aving business or wkoseresidences are withi� such closed
SEC�, �8. �(a) Person.-Every natural ueraen, iirm. �copartnership, � area, and� then any.said driver sh°�:)1 exercise.the greatest:care� in �driv-
association, m• corporation.
ing upon any said street or portion thereof.
. . . - . � � 3 . . . ,
r� �. (h} Driver.-Evexg person Nho dxives. or� is in actuai physical ! .� SEC. 25�.� Traf£ic �control Signnl legend.-S�henever traffic is. con- � .
� - . , contral pf a vehicle.. � � - � ��. trolled by traffic control signals �exhibiting the �vords "Go," "Cautionj' '
� � � • � {c) �Pedestrian.-Any person �afoot. � ,or�"Stop" or� exhibiting: different.colored�lights successively one at��a�� �
� �� SEC. 9, Police officer.-Eveiy officer of the. municipal police de-� ume, t,he follovting �colors onlg shall be used, and said terms. snd.. �
.', partmenY or any officec authorized to direct or regu]ate traffic or to �IiQhts shall indicate as follows:
, �� � malce s.rrests fot violations of traffic regulations. � e{a� Green alone or "Go." .
. SUBDZVISION III: STREETS, ETC:, DEFINED , 1. Vehicular traffic £acina �the .signal may proceed straignt �
� � SEC. 10. (u) 5treet or highwny. The entire caidte between �rough or turn right or left unless a sign at such place prohibits
property lines of every way or place of whatever nature when any either such turn. But vehicular traffic shall yield the i9ght-of-�vay to
� ' part thereof is open to the use of :the��public, as a matter of rigl�t, for otihec�vel�icles and to pedestYians lacvfully �witfiin the interseetion at
' , 'purposes �of veh;cular traffic.. �the time such si �
' (b) .Private road� er driveway. Every way or �place �in private � g'nal is exhitiited.
. ,� ownership and used for vehicular trayel. by tUe�owner and those having 2• Pedestrians facing the signal may proceed acsoss the :roadcvay
� . express� or implied permission from the� owner, Uut �not �by other �per- � R'ithin any marlced. or� uur.uarked cross�valk. . � �
� sons, (b) Yellow. alone or Caution" �vhen shown following the green
,� (c) Roadway.-That portion of a street improved, designed, or i pr "Go" signaL �� ;
1 ' prdinarily used for vehicular truvel. �1, Vehicular traffic facing the�signal sball.stop before entering �.
(d) Side�valk. That portion of a street betweer, the curb lines, 1�e nearest cross�vallc at the interseetion, but if suc& stop cannot he
�or thelaterallines of a roadway, and.�the adjacent property lines�in- � made�in safety a v,hicle.may be drIven�.cautiously through the inter- .
�, ' � tended for the use of pedestxians. � section.
2. Pedestrians faciv� sucv signal are�thereby advised tliat thei•e
. . �.(c) .Atley. .-A right of .way, uaually narrow, passing betcveen tlie . is insufficient time to cross a:. roadwny, and any nedestrian then
� , rear of buildings and/or lots. �� �.starting to cross shail yieId the righf-of-�vay ta all�vehicles..
� �� tion� orEcnn ection of Yhe lateral curb lin s�are if no e thenetl�e late al� � � (�c) R.ed alone� or �"Stop" � �
. � .�poandary �line9 of �the �roadways. of two highways which join .one � 1. Vehicular traffic� facing the s a�nal shall stop� before enterina .
anothei at or approsiinately at right angles, or tl�e area wittun which f tl�e nearest crosswalk at an intersection of at such otfler point as
- � vehicles �traveling upon difterent �hiehcvays�� joining at �any other angle �ay� he indicated� by �a clearly � Jisible live, and shall remain �standina
� may come in conflick � � . � . �� i until green� or "Go" is shown alone. .
� S�C. 12. Cross«�nik. (a) That portion of� a roadway ordinnrily� . � Z. No pedestrian iaoina such signal sfiall enker the road�vay un-
� � inclu�led �vithin the prolongation�or connection of the lateral lines oP less he can da so safely and �vi;hout intetfeciug. witli any vehicular .
� � sidewaltcs at intersections.. . . . . � � traffic. . �
SEC. 26. i Inshi�tg signals.-Wl�enever�flashing red or yellow sig-
` , (U) Any postion of a rpadway distinetly �indicated for pedestr3an ' nats ace used they shall require oUedience by vehicialar traffic as
� , , crosauig by lines� or other markings on #he surPace. � follows: �
� SEO: 13. Sniety zone,-The area. or' spai:e officially set apart 1. Flashing red [stop� sig•nal). �hen a red lena� is. illuminated by� '�
• . � within a roadway .for tl�e exclusive use of pedesti�ians and �whieh is laFicl.� inteYmittent flashes, drivers of vehicles shall stop Uefore enter- �
proteeted or is so mai•icec or indir.nted� by adequate signs as to tie� �ng the nearest cr�ss�valk at an interseetion or at a limit line when ��
6 � plainly visible ut all times Nhile ��set upart as a� safiety zone. { marlced, and tl�e riaht to �proCeed sl�all be subject to� the rules applic- �
. .. � ��S�C. 14, (a) Official troffic control devices.-Al1 signs, signuls, able after� malciug.�a� stop at a-stop sign. � '
mnrlcings, � and devices � not inwnsistent with this ordinance placed or � �, Flashing yellow (caution sia al), �Nhen a yello�v lens is illu,�n-� .
' � erected by..uuthority of a puUlic body or official having jurisdiction,� 1nated�wiW rapid intermittent flashes, drivers of ceHicles�may proceed �
- ' foY the purpose of regulating, warning, or gc:aing traffic, I Uii•ough the intersection or past such signal only �vith caution. � .
`�- (b} Offiein1 trnffic signals. Any �device, whethee manually, elec- , , SEC. 27�. �Displiig �oP unanthorized signs, signats, or markings.-
trically, or mechanically onerated, by wbicH traffic is alternately di- �$� No pei�sou shail place, maintain, or display upon or in vie�v of any
rected to stop aiid to proceed.
SEC. 15, {a) Busi�[ess d�stcict. The territory contiguous to and I liigqway apy unauthorixed sign, signal, marking, or device which pur-
�, �� . �. . � mcluding a liighway when fifty per ceut or more of Ehe. frontage � Ports�to be or�is un�imitation of or resembles an officia] trnific cont.-ol
� thereou for a dista�ce of �300 feet or inore is oecupied by Buildings �evice or railrond aign oi signal, or w1�icH -attempts to direct tlie
�.� . � in use for bn9iness. - .. � movement ot tra:ffic, or� whicl� hides from view or interferes with� the
.. (6) Itesi�cuco �listrict.-The�territory contiguoUs to and including effectiveness of a.ny official tiaffic�control;device or any raitroad.sign
a kigl�wuy not comprising a Uusiness district when the property on . � or signal, nnd no person simll place or maintain, nor shull any pubi.^,
�� sucli I�igHway for a distance bf .u00 feet or� moYe is in G�e xnuin i�n�- r � thereon any co nmercial�adveztis ngan3This shall�n t be deemedl ho � �
�' proved wltli dwellings or dal�TICLLd�uildings in use for Uuainess. , pro�itiit tlie erection upon private prap.;rty adjacent ko l�igl�ways of
•� R�C�UIRED� OBEDI�NCE TO �TRAFFIC REGtTLATI(7NS �. signs aiving useful diY•ectiona] infornlatioll aud ,of a type that ettnnot .
� 5�C. 16.. Itequired oUe�Ienc^ to trnffSe ortltnance. It Uis u mis- ' be mistnlcen for official :s�gns. . . .
� demeanor foc aiiy person tc do ni�y act forUid�len or fail to parform (b) Every cucl� prohibited sign, signal, or marking is l�ereby
, , '� nny act reqtiired in tl�ts ordinanee. � . . � � � �leclared ta� Ue a public �nuisance, and the autliority having jui�sdic-'
SEC. �17. Oberlienco to 11o1ice.-No person �s11a11 wllfully fnil or ,��on over the higlnvay is hereby empo�vered to remove the �snme or '��
, �� � refuge to comply �vith. �Any .laWful� order or $irection of a� police � ' cnuse it to be removed� without notice. . .
� ocPicer. . � � �.� � � S�C. 28. Literference witli offic�n� traific coutrol. devices or rnil-�
i. , . � frafid signs or signais.-No�person sUall without..lawful autHority ut- ,
. . . . . 2 . � �. . I . � � . � .
, . . . � . � � . � . . i
. � � �� . . � � , .. . � . . � � . . , . � .
. . . . . . , . , 4 �. . � . � : . �. . . �
. . . � .. . _ . ,. ...,.. _ . ._ . .....:.. . . ........._, w.. _..::,, �.::....._ . : <. ��..��.«.-._c c: � � � �. . . . . . . _ . _ . . ... .. � . . . . � � .�.. ..�-.- .
. _ _-, __�..�,�_ _ . �._�....__., �
_ � _ ,,
i ' � i� :
tempt to oi• in fnct alter, dePuc�, injure, lrnacic doNn, or romo��e uny �� 12. On the rondwny stdr, ot nny veh[ale atopped qr pnx7ced at (
, ,� tho edge or curt� of a streot; .
nfficial �traffic� conh•ol de�ice� or �.ny railrond sign or sig11t11, or :�n� . .
inscription, shielcl, or liisignia thereon, or cu�y otlaer pni•E t4ercoP. � 13. Upon qny bi•idge; � .
' ih. At any placn wl�ere ofPlcinl signa prolilbtt stopping,
AI'.TICLE IV (Uj No person sUnli movn n vel�tcie not owned by auclr person
STOPPING, STANDIIVG A1VD kARF�ZNG� � intc any sucli prolfibited nicn or u�cn5�'Proin n curU au4ti diatnnce ns .
�S�C. 2�J, Parl:ing �Itrolii4ittf�l mi narroq• streots: �S�l;en signs � unlawful. � � � � �
pr•ohiUiEing pxrking si•e e:•ected an uarro�v strects aio person sltall AIL'PIOLE V
park n. vel�icle in auy sucli designnted piace. � OP.�RA.TION OP� V.�IiICL�S �
SEC. 30. No stopping or prirking near I�nznrdous qr uongest�ed � - �
�i4ices.-�Yl�en signs are erected ugon approach to l�nznrdous or- cou- SEC. 43. No ve6ielc slu�ll Uo opontiteil �vithtn tl�g uit�� IlmitH,
aested places no erson shall sto sWnd, oi• y �ti Tlrat is not in n snfc �and pi�oper meel�nnicnl co�idtl:ion, .
p p, padc� tt ��el�icle In at� �)
spcl� designated place. � (b) �ViUiout uae oP ude9uato mufPler.
SEC. 31. Pnrlting� adjnqent to sclioois.--�Vl�en signs. nre erectetl (c) By a c7river wlic is undCT aistcen�.yenrs or age �or whosa pUysI- �
sucl�� Pc���•i
.� -� slial! Ue � ns to aP c t oi m ni • 1
� indicatiiig no pai9:in� upon that side oY� the street n�jncent Co an,y ., cal cundition or disnbilihes . . .. . p t t�eir
scUool property, no peison sHali pai9: a��ehialA. in� any sucl� designateSl � P�'oper control of the vel�icle.
ylace. .� � � � (4) � �'C'ltl�out liglits prope[•ly dimnied or deflected .on� all �atreets
�� SEC. 32�. Fiurking proliibitecl in certnin ��Inces.-(a) No person ` �vl�ere a sireeL' itghttn; system� is maintnined. nor �when � nearing nn
sliall stop, stnnd, oi• ptii9: any veliicle upon n street, otl�er tUnn nn I npproacl�ing a enr on nny otUer street witl�in the time limits agecl-
alley,. in such: a�manner or.under sucl� conditions as��to leuv� avniluUle ! fted in Section 57.
less than 10 feet of the �viclth .of tl�e �road�vay for free ruovement of ��. (e) �Ziithout �ndequate ligl�ts as required Uy state law.
rehieulnr traffic � esce t��'that � a drivei• �muy sto tem oi•acily durii�g �� SEC. 44. Stop boforn�entering tt..throngh streot.-(a} Those streets �.
P P p and arts of s[reets desm�tped in sclledulc I nttached l�ereto and mnde
tl�e actual loading or unloading of passengers or �vl�en necessnry �in �� P
obedience �to traffic Peaulations or �tr�a.ffic �signs or si�nnls or a police � a part l�ereof� are I�ereUy declared to he �tllcougl� stt•eets for tUe Pur�
officer. � � �pose of this �sectiun.
(h) ATo person s1:aII park a vel�icle witliin an alle,y for ovex 15 (4) «'hen stnp sigi�s are erecte� upoii slreets intersectIng a
�minutes unless tl�ere is left availaUle not less thnn 3. feet of the I thi•ough strnet. at the: entrnnces tl�ereto ox•� u[ tt�e entrnnce to fmy
widW of the roadway for the free movement oY vehiculai• traffic: intersection,� eve:y driveY• of a veliicle� sUal! atop at every aucl� slgn. or .
SEC. 33. <1IL-night p:irl:3n;,•��prohibited.�-No person shall paPlc a . at a clenrly marked stop ]ine before entering tlie 3nterseetion except '�
deUicle�on anp sh�eet fq_ a. period of time I�nger tlinn. 30 miimkes be- �, w11en. dtr�ected to proceed by a�.police otCicer or truffic control�atgnat.
t�veen the hours of 2 a. m. and �� a.. m, of nny .day, e�cept pfiysi- �. SEC. 45: Sto�t whm� Emffia obstruatel..-No drivet shull anter an
cians. on emergencg calls � � � .� � � mtersection or a murlced crosswaR� unlese tl�ere is� sufPicient space .
SEC. 34, Parkin . prohibited :t�t all #imes .in. design;itetl pinces. -• � on tUe other side of tl�e intersecUon or� cross�vallc to uccommoclnte t5e
, � P velnole l�e is� �opeY�at� :,; �•,..tl�out obsCruct�ng tlie PA99IIp"C of other ve-
1 eliiclesatnany time pon any3suchtstreets�eof, no person sl�all� pui•lr tti h, t�icles or pedestrians, notwitl�standing� hny traffic control signal 1ndi-
SEC�. 35. Pu.rl.ing pr9hi6ited [Iur(ng �cerhun hours in ilesignateii '� cnGon to proceed. .
places.-R'hen signs are exected in� each blocl: giving no4ice tliereof, ' S�C. 46. One-�vny streets.-Vei�icular traffic sliall move only in ��:
no � erson shall ark a vel�icle Uet�veen tY.e hours of 7 a. m. and fi � the �in�licated directian •Nhen siens. indicnting �tl�e �irection bf� traffte�
P P are �erected and mnintriir,ed at every. intersection wYiere muvement
p. m. of any day e�cept�Sundays and puUlic holidayr�. . , . � . �
SEC. 36. Parlcing time limite:l �in designated places.-�ylien sions �� �n tl�e . opposite direction �is pTohibited. .
are erected in each'Ulock�Qiving notice tl�ereof, no petson sl�all. park n� ,T �SECI 47. Oriving through �procession.-No clriver of �a vehicle .
vehicle for longer tlian sucU time between the hours gf 7 a. m. and 6 h� sUall drive betwe�n the. veHicles� comprising a funei•al or other n.utHor-
� f� n da � exre t 3undn s and ublic Uolida s. i� ized procession �vhilc the;, are .in motion and tvhen sucl� vehicles nre
p.m.o.aY Y P Y P Y �
� SEC�. 37. Stanaii�� fot loadL�g onl�:-(a) Dio person sl�all stop, M conspicuously designatec, as rnguired in tl�is ordinance. This.provision
stand, or park�a veliicle ior any� purpose or period of time other than � shall not apply at intersections where traffic is� :ontrolled by traffic
tor the expeditioi�s loading ot� unloadin� of passen�ers in any place 'tl control signals� or police�officers. . . .
marl;ed� as a passenger zone during l�ours when tl�e regulations ap- � S�C. 48. � Permita for pnrudes an�l processions.--No funeral, pro-
plicaUle tc such passet �ec zone are effective, �and U7en or,ly for� a cession, or.paTade containing �200 �or more persons or 50 or more ve-
pei•iod not to etceed 3 minutes, � hicles, escepting the. �forces of the� United States Army or Navy, tl�e
iU) No person shall stop, stand, or��parlc a vel�icle for any purpose ' rnilitary forces of� this Stnte,. and the. forces of thc police and.fire �le-
ot•length of tir_ie ofher than for the.espeditious unloadina and deliv- � PaTtments, shall'occupy, march, or proceed along any street except
ery ot pickup and. ]oading� of materials in any place marked as a load- in accord.�nce �with a� permit issued by tHe chief of police and such '
�ina zone during l�ours when tL•e� provisionsapplicahle to. loading zones other regulaticns as� are set. forth herein whieh maS �aPP�Y•
� SEC. 49.�Funeral a• d othee processions: (n) A funeral composed �
are in effect. In no case shall tbe stop :for loadin,; and �unloading of of a rocession of vehicles. �shall be identified as� such by the display
matei7ats esceed 30 mmutes. p
SEC. 3S. Bus nnd. tasicab stsnds. � n) The driver of a. upon the outside of each vehicle of a. pennant of a type designated by.
bus or tasicab shall. not stand or park upon any stieeC �n any business the police department.
district at any place otnei than at a�bus stop, or taxicab stand.re- (b) EacH drivex in a funeral or other proceasion shall. drive as
spectively, except.tl�at this provision shall not prevent the driver of� �� near to� the right-hand edge of the roadway .as practical� and follow
any sueli yeiiicle �fcom temporarily stopping in� accordance with otl�er ' the vehicle ahead as clnsr as practical. and �.is 3afe. .
� � �� S�C, 50�. Limitatiuns on turning� aronnd. Tl�e drlver�of any ve- �.,
• � �� hicle�slSall�not turn sucl_�vehicle so as to proceed in the opposite Gireo- .
. � tion upon any stt�eet in a business district. and sliall not upon any
stoppu�g or parking regulations at any place for the purpose of and ' other street so turn a vehicle unless sueh r.iovement can be made in ,
while actuall � en a ed in losding or unloading �.passengers. '; safety and without in[erfering with otrer� fraffio. �
Y g �
` (b) No person shall.stop, stand, or park�a vehicle. otk:er� than a�,1 SEC. 51. Limitations on baclsing.-The driver of a vehicle shall.
� bus in a bus stop, �or other than a taxicab �in a tasicab� stand when not back the same :into an �intex•section or ovei• a crosswalk and sl�all� �
any such stc,p or stanc. has been afiicially des:gnated an�l appronri- not in aay eveut or at any place Uack a vel�icle unless such movement
ately�signed,. escept tha:t the driver of a passenger ve$icle may tem- � can be made in saiety. .
. , porarily stop �therein fur � the purpose �of� and while �actuallg engaged �' SEC. 52. Emcrging Yrom� ulley or priva,te drivewag.-The driver �
. in loading or unloading passengers when such stopping does not inter- ' �,. of a«ehicle emerging from an..alley, driveway, or Uuilding sCiall stop ..
' fere witH .any bus; or t�:icab waiting �to enter or about to enter such , ' such vehicle immediately p;•ior to � driving o;ito a sidewallc or into the
� zone. � . � � sidewalk �.area estending . across . any alle,yway, and upon eutering F,he �
SEC. 39. Stnnding �or parking close to curb. .-No person shall �. �roadwa; shall� yield. the kight-of-way to all vehicle� approaching cn I .
. sland or park a vehicle in � a roadway other than parallel with the �� � said roadway. . � '
e�lge of the roadway headed in t;ie direction of traffic, and with the ' �,gEC. 53. Vehicles.shall not be driven on the'sidewallc. Tfle driver
_ ecrb-side wheeis of the. vehicle within 12 inches. of the� edge�of the � of �: vehicle.shall not:drive witl�in. any sidewalk :area except at a per- �,
roadway, except as provided in the following paragraphs: �nanent or temnnrary driveway. �
� �(a) Upon �those� streets which have� been marked or sie ed. for �� .�
�' � angle parking�, velucles sUall be parked ai the angle� to the curb indi- �� SEC�, 54. Clinging �to mocing vcliicles.-Any� person riding upon ,
- � � cated by.such mark or signs. � � any bicycle, motorcycle, coaster,� sled, roller �ska.tes, or any toy ,
��(b) In places where and at hours wben stopping for the� loading '� � vehicle shall not attacl� tY,e. same or himself to any moving� vehicle
� or� unloading of inerchandise or �materials is permitte�, vehicles used I upon any roadway. .�
. for the transportatinn c_ r�c_chan�ise or �aterials� may $ack into :he SEC. �55. Itiaing on hantlle bar5 p1•ol�ibited.-The� o�,�erator �of a , �
� �curb to �talee on ot� diacharge loacls� when the owner of such vehicle � motorcycle or bicycle wher. upon a street sbail not� carry any other
� holds a permit granting him such� privilege�, �an� such permit sHall he person upon the handle bar, frame, or �tanlc of any such vehicle, nor� ...
� .either in the prsaession of the driver or on the vehicle�at the time � sl�all any person sn ride upon any.sucli�vehicle. � � ,
� , � such vePucle is backed ag•ainst � Ehe curb .to ffik� on or �lischarge a SEC. � 5Fi. Use of consters, roller skates,. .ttnd siinilar �devices re- �
� � load, ar it shall be unla^rful for��any owner or driver to violate�any . stricted. No person�upon roller skates, or riding in or by means of '
� of .the special. terms or condifions of any such special permit. � � any coaster, toy vehicle or similar device, shall.go unon any roadway i
SEC. �40. IInla�vful parlcing. No person shall stand or park a I exce��..t.while crossing a streeC on a crosswalk and except upon. streets� ,
� ,� vebicle upon any roadwayfor the prmcipal purpose of:� � . set aside ae�play sCreets. when�ancl.as�authorized�by�ordinance of this � �
� � � � 1. Displaying it fox sale; � .. � ' . city. � � � _
.. • 2: 4Vashing greasing os� repairing such vehicle �:xcept repairs ' � g�C. 57. Lights on p:irked vehicles.-(a) �Whenever u vehicle�is �, ,
���n c���sitated by an .emergency. � . dawfullv �arked cn a strr.et during the time between onc-half hour
� (�' SEC= 41. IIsin� vehicle for primury purpose of advertising and after sunset and one-ha]P hour heforn.9unrise and there ie�suLEicien4'
� sale of inerchandise� prohib�ttr.1,-I�To person. shall- operate oc paTk en , �.light to reveal any perso., within a distance oY 500 �feet upon sur.h
�� any street any vehicl2 for t'�e primary purpose o; ^.dvertising or for �j . Stc•eec,. no l;ghcs need �he displayed upon such parlced vellicle. � .
�. tne. sale� of� any merchandise or anything of va131e� unless a permit ; ��� When durin� said times or at any otl�er time Lhere is not , �
, . therefor�is�first�obtained from tUe Chief of Police. � suxftcient light uPon�a ytreet�to reveal.a person s�t a distance of,5Q0 �
' � SEC. 42.-Stopping, .standir_g, ox pitrking prohib3ted in �specified i feet a PaY�ked. Vehicle shall be �equipned with �one or more lamps wl�ich
� places.-(a)� No person shall stop,� �tand, oi park a vehiele, except �I shall exhibit a wliite light on tlie roadway aide visible �for a clistancc
� when�necessary tu avoid conflict wit� ofher traffie or in wmpliance � of 500 feet��to tlie front �f the vehlcle anc a red IighC visible from. 1� .
,. �with the directions �of a police� vfficer or traffic control clevice, in. � �istance of 500 feet to tke rear. F.ny lighted }ieadlnmps upon u purked �.
.any oE the� following places:�. . . . �. �� vehicle� sliall. be deprnsse�. or �immed. � .
i. On a sidewalk;� � � � �
� 2. In front of .a public. or private driveway; 6 . SEG. .58. Pcrsoirs ��ndcr the iuflue;nce of inLoxicntiug Ifquor cr
3. Within an intersection; 1 narcotic deugs.-(n) IL �s unlaw�u: and punishnble as pPovided in aub-
' 4. Within 10 feet of a Yire hydxnnt; �ivision (b) of thie aection for any pe2•son tvl�o is stn habiCunl user
. � - of narcotic� [Iru s or anV erson who�is undcr the:in[luence �of intox-
5. On a crosswalk: g • n
6. Within 20 feet of a crosswallc at an interaection; icating liqUor or narcotic drugs to drive any vChicle Within tli�s
�' i. �Within 30 feet upon'the. approach to any flashing beacon, stop . municipality. �
` sign, or,traific contxol signal locateu at the side of a roadway; i (b) Evety person wha is convictied in Lhe Munlcipnl Court of n',,
• S. Between a safety zone and �tt�e ¢djacent curb or within 30 'i v�olatian.of thls section hall Ue punished by impri�onment in the C(t,y �. .
' ' feet of points on the cuab immedistaly opposite the enda oR n, safety ; .7ai1 Por not less tl�an 7D doya nor moc'e thnn 6 mouLl�s, or by fine ot
' � zone, unless the (traffia authority) indicates a diffeTent length by � noC� less than. �525 nor motr. Lhan $200, or fiy UoCh such fine and Im- �
signs or markings; � � � � { �.�priscnrnent in the clisaction of tUe Munlctpnl Judge.
� 9. So t&ati any part bf the vehicle shall cpme within 10 feet of i SEC. 59. P.eCldeby Uriving,-(n) Any peryon wko drives nny ve-
.. ' the nearst rail�of� a raiinoad cxossing; l �, hicle ia suc11 a rrinnncr as to���indicaYe citl�er a wilful or a wanton 9is- .
10. Within 20 feet of the driveway entr�.ace to any fire sta.tion � re�ard for the safeCy of peraona nc prope�rty is guilty oR c•Ccltlese
and on the ai�e oi a ett�eet oppoaite the entrance to any fire atation driving.
within 75 fceY oP said entrance; �
11. Atongside on opposite any street excava,tion or obstruction
• when such stoppin�, standing, or parking would obstruct trafdic{
6 i
. . � � . � . .. . . . �'� . .. . . � i.
. . � . . -�.. . . . . . _..... .. _.. ...._. �. .. . . ._. .. _..,.�..:. .�._.....,., . �.,,. , ,:.�.,... __ ............ ... ....... .. ,_... � .:..,w.l . .
I �
� + ��
� � (b) PveCy Pm•son convlated ln thc Mun[cipal Court of reckleaA ���' . ftIGHT-OF-WAY RUI,�S
I drlving sl�all he Punle4ed ,apon a YiYat conviclion �by imprisonment in � � �
Cfie Cil;y .lull. fnr u neriod of not ]eas thu.n 5 days �nor. more than 80 �. SEC. 67. Vehicles approachIng or� entcring inteKacetion.-(a) The
days, or by tine oP noC less than�$10 noz morr than $100, ot hy both �1Mver oF a veliicle approaching an Interaection sball yield the� right- �
� yur,li fine €tnU imprlapnme:it, In the diacretlon �of the Munictpal Ju�ige, af-wny to a vehicle which bas� entered the interaection from a �liffer-
, nnil a� n second or enUsnquent convictio� in�tha Municipal Court.shall � ent highway. � �� .
' 6e punisl�ed hy �lmpris�nmr.nC in tl�c City Sail for not lesa tihan 10 d�.ys (b). When two. vehiclea enter an intersection from dlfferent lvgh-
nor morc than 8 montha, or hy a 2ine. of not less than. $25 nor more. � ways at the same time,. tHe ciriver of the vehicle on the ]eft� ehall
than $'L00, or by both eucli fin� and imprtsor.ment, [n Ehe cliscretion Yield the right-oP-way to c�ie vehfcle on the right.
oC Ch� D4unScipal Judae. �� �� � '� (e) The foregoing rutes are� modified at th:ough highways anQ � �
S�C. 60. SpecA reytrictiioiix.-.(a) No Person shall �rive a vehicle � otherwise as hereinafter atated in this article. . �
r on a highw�y nt 4 speed greaCer than ia reasonable and prudent un- S�C. 68. Vchiclo turning left at lntarsectim�.-The driver of a
dcr CUe condiNona then existing. veaicle within an intersection intending to turn to the left shall yield
(b)� Wliere� no. apecial I�azard exists, tUe folloWing specds aHall hG t��e right-oP-way to any.vehicle approaching from the.ogposite direc-
�[ion which is within�the interaection or�so close thereto�as :to consti-
le�wful, Uut .any spced. in exccae �oP s1td� limits. ahall he prima. 'facie Yute an immediate .hazard, but sai� [lrivea, havin so � ielded
. evidence th[tt �the speed is not reasonafile..or prudent and is uniawful: �� � g y and
�1. Twenty miles per hour in any business districC; � havin� given. a signal when� and as require� by Chis act, may make�� � �
� 2. Twent -tive miles� per Irour in any xesidence district� or cross- such left turn,: and �the drivers oP ail other vehicles apntoacbin � khe
Y � � �� ��� -� � intersectton from sa�c� opposite dtrection shall yield the right-oP way
ang uny �bi�idge; . . �
� to the vrhicle making the left turn,
. 3,�Tltitt,y-five miles ger l�our on causeway; �SEC. 69�. Vehicle enterin U�rou h street or stoP� intersection.-
4. PorLy-five mlles per l�our under other conditions. � S
. . la) The driver oE a vehicle ahall stop as. required ky this. act at the �
�{c)�.The Yact that the�.speed oP a vehle]e is lowec than the fore, � entrance to a through street and shail..ield.the '
goin� primn.facie limits snall.not relieva U�e driver Prom the �uty to �� vehicles wbicH have�entered tbe inter� Y r�ght-of-�vay to other �Y
section from sa�d througb�street,
dccrease spced when approaching and cros�ing an intersection, wl�en m� which are approaching so cloaely on said through street as to con-
approuching and going ai•ound �a. curve, �when approaching n��htll � stitute an �immediate hazard, but said driver, havin�� so� ielded m
creat, when Lraveling upqn any narrow or winding iroadway, or when proceed, and the drivers of all otl�er vehicles a roa ' y ay
spect:�l hazard exists with respect to pedestrians�.or otl�er ti�aPfic�or , aection on said through street shall ield Pp chmg the inter-
b reason of weather or higl�way conditions, and a eed ahall be�. de- � Y the. right-of-way to� �the
Y P. . vehicle� so proceeding into or across the �through highway. �
cr�ased na muy be necessary to avofd colliding wrtli any peraon, ;re- jb) The driver o4 a vehicle shall�likewise�sto � in o �
p be�ience to a
hicle�, or� otller conveyance on or� entering�tlle�highway in compliance stop sign as requiced herein. at an intersection where a�sto si�n '
tivith�legal requirements and the Uuty of all persons to use due care. erecte�l at. one or more.entrances theTeto, altheu h not a artbof 19 .
(d) In evei•y charge uf violaUon� oP thig section, the coinplaint, � tnrough street,. and ahall proceed cautiousl � ieldin P � a .
-also the summo�s.or notice to appear, sha.11.specify the speed �at which so obliged. to sto wl�ich� are Within the iY� y� g to vehicles not
the defendant Is alleged��to �have di�iven, also Ehe P2•ima facie s eed . � � I ntersection. ar approaching
.arpiicable within tl�e diatrict or at the location. P � ceed1O8ety as to.constitute an immediaYe�ha?ard, 6ut may tlien pro-
� (e) The� foregoing proviaions .of �this section shalt ��ot he construed I SEC.. 70. .Opemtion of vehicles �on a roach oF authoriz � �
� Yo relieve the plaintiff in any � civi] action from the burden of groving PP ed emer-
�� neeli ence u on tlie art of t�•e :defendant as the� eoximate cause� ef .. S'ency� vehic7es.-(a) Upon. the immediate approach of an authorized
g. � P P � P � emeigency velucle, when the driver is giving audibte signa] by siren, �
�. an� �accident. � exhaust whistle�, or�bell, the driver of every other veHicle shall yield�
. S�C. 61, D�'ive on pight side of rcad�vay;: exceptions.-.Upon�.a11 the right-of-way and shall immediately drive to a. osition �
��, roadxva s�o: sufficient W�dtl�.a Vehicle sUall be driven u on the ri I�t � P� paraliel�
� Y P .. . g� to,. and. as close as possinle to, the right-hand edge or curb of zhe
, l�alT of the roadway, except as followe: � highway, clear of a1�y intersection, and ��shal] stop an� remain. in such
1. Wl�en overtaking�.and passing ^qotl�er vehiclr proceeding in � po�ition until�the authorized emergency vehicle�.hxs. assed. ex �
the same d5rection under the rules governing such movement; wUen. atherwise directed ti a � g . cept
� 2. }'Vhen� the ri ht Ualf of a roadwa is closecl to trafEic while . Y police �officer. �
� g- Y .�(ti) This section sl:all not �ep�rate to relieve . the driver of an
under construction or regair;, authorized emergency vehi^ir from the duty to drive �vcith �ue regard
3.. Upun a roadway divided into three marked lanes. [or��traffic . for�the safety of all persons using�the highway. �
under the ��rules�.�applicable thereon; or � � �
� .4. Upon a roadway designated and sign-posted for �one-way traf- � '1IISCELLAIVE6US RULES
� t��• � SEC. 71. IInuttended motor `vehicle.-No person .driving �or in
� SEC. �2, Passing vehicles proceedin� in oppo;ite directions.- �� charge of a motor vehicle shall �permit it fo stand unattended with- �
�. Drivers �of vel�icles proceeding in �opposite directioas �shall pass each . out first stopping the engine, or when standing upon an erce tibl
Y P p e
otUer to tl�e right, and upon roadways having width for not �more tBan �. grade � v�ithout effecticely aettiag the brake thereon and turning ihe
one line of traffic in each direction. each driver sl�all give to th2 other front wheels: to � the curb or side �of the high�vay. �� t .
at least one-half nf �the �main traveled portion of the i•oa�dway as nearly , � SEC. 72. Obstructio: te driyer's vie�v or driving. meclianism.-(a) �
as. possible. � No� persoa shall drive a vehicle when it is sr loaded, or when there
SEC. �3. �Overtalcing a vehicle on the icft. The foqotving rules - are in the .front seat sucli. number of persoxs exceeding three as to
�. sltall. govern the overkaltin; and passing of vehicles proceeding in the obstruct the view of the driver to the front or sides of the vehicle�
' same direction, subjecC to those limitations, esceptions, ¢nd special or as to interiere �vith t�� driver's control over tbe di�ving mechanism
rules hercinaftet• sCated: of tUe�vehicle,
I 9 li
(a)� The drivFr of & vehicle�overtaking:another vehicte proceeding � (b) No p�ssenger in a�cehicle sHall ride in sucl��position as to. � �
in the same.direction shall pass �to�the left theieof. at a safe distance interfere �vith the driver's view ahead or to the�sides, or to interfere��
� ,.and s�all not again ��drioe to� the right sid� �of the roadway until safely �vith his contxol over the 3riving mechanism of �the vehicle. . .�
clear of the overtalcen vehicle. � SEC�. .'r3. .-Follo�virig� fire 2ppamtus prohibited.-The driver of
�. (b). Except when overtaking �and� passing .on :the.inght is permit- . anp �velucle� other r.han ons �on official business� shall not�follow any
�ted, the driver of an overtalcen. vehicle shall e ve way to the� rieht in� ! fire �apparatus.� �traveling '., i•esponse to a fire alarm cioser than 500 �
favor of the overtaking vehicl2 on audiblP sign3l, and shall not in- feet, or drive inEo.�or park�such vehicle within tbe olock �c•here fire �
crease the speed ofthis vehicle unti] completely passed by the over- aPParatus has stop�ed in answer to a iire alarm.
. taking �vehicle. �. .� � � � SE0. 74. Crossing fire hose�.-No vehicle shall be� dizven over any
SEC. fi4. �i'I�en overtal[Ing on the right is permitted. -(a) The 1� unprotected� hose of a. fi_•e departxuent when laid �down :on. any street,
driver of a vehicle may overtake and pass ugon�the right of anotHer � p17vate driveway,` or street-car track, to�be used. at any fii•e� or� alarm � �
vehicle. which is malcing� or about to make a left. turn. . � of fire, without the consent of tlie� fire department official in com- �
(6) The di7ver of a veh?cle may overtake apd, ailo�ving sufficiznt SEC. 7a. Puttin^ lass, etc., � on hi h� y 1 O � per-
� clearance, pass anothei vehicle proceeding in the same� direction � 6' g va •�rohibited.- a. No �
either upon �the left or� upon the� right on a roadway with unobstrueted .� I son shall thTow �: r� deposit upon any Inghway any glass bottle, glass, :
�pavement of sufficient� widtli� for 4 or more lines of moving traffie � nails, Yacks, wire, cans�, or any other substance likely to injure xuy
� wi�en such =_novement can be made in safety. No person shall drive '. Person, ani•nal, or vehicle� upon sucti. hiahwaj•.
off th� pavement or upon the shoulder� of � the roadway :in overtaking ' "�(b) Any peL•son �vbo drops, or� permits to � be droppect ot• thtown, '
or passing on the righk . � � upon any high�vay'any �estrucEive or injurious material shall immed- �
SEC. 65. Limitntions on overtalting on� the tett.-(a) �Io vehicle . ?�tely ren;ove tUe same or caus^ it to be removed. ..
� shall be driven to the left side.�uf the center of the roadway in.over- � (c) 4ny person removing� a wTecRed qr damaged� vehicle from a.
taking ancl passing atlother� velucle� proceeding in the same direction ��ie�R'ay shall remove any alass or�.other injurious substance� dropped � �
- unless� sucli ]eft .side is clearly visible.and is free of oncoming. traffic � tlpon the highryay from such vehicle. .
� for a sufficient distance ahead to� permit such overtakin� and. pass- SEC. 76. Lamgs on: bicyales: At nibhl eveiy' bicycle shal] be equip- .
�. ing to � be completely made without interfering� wiUi the safe. opera- . ped� �with a lamp on tlie fronl eslubiting a�vhite liaht visible from a
' tion oE any vehicle approaching from Uie opposite direction or any distance of at ]east. 50d feef to the frpnt, and with a]amp mi the real• _
. vel�icle overtaken. In every event the overtalcing vehicle must re- eshibiting a red light visible�from a distance of a00 feet to�the reai;
. turn to the right-hand.side of the roadway before coming within. 100 . e�cepttl�at a red reflectoi� may�be.used�in licu of a�rear light. . .
� Peet. �of any vel�icle �approaching from tlie. oppos[te direction, � . � ACCZDE\TS
. SEC. ii. Accidents u�yolvine deatL ar personal. injuries.-(n) The �
(b) No �vehIcle shail in overtaking and passing �another vebicle ��. dri�rei of any vehicle involved in an� accident resultin��in in'ur to or �
7 Y
I or� nt any othef time be driven to the Ieft side of the road�vay under ��ea[I� of any person sl�all immzdiately stop such vel�icle at the scene �
.' the £ollowing conditions; � j of sucl� accident �r as ciq.,e thereto as possible, but sl�all tl�en forth-� �.
1, When approaching the crest of a.grade or upon a curve in the �vitl� retuav ta� and in dv:ry event sl�all rematn at tl�e scene of the
l�igliway tvllere the driver's. view along fhe Highway is ebstructed; ,� aceident untit he has FulfiIled the requiremei�ts of � section 7�. Every ,
. 2, When approaching �vithin� 100 feet of any bridge, or wl�en �� sucl� stop' shall 6e made �vitliout� �oUstructing t1•affic .more than is �. �
� approacHing witliin 100 fer,t of or ti•aversing any intersection on rail- !, uecessary, . . � �
�road grade �crossing; � � (tij Any person failing.to-stop or to oomply witl� said require- �
� � 3� .*I�ei� � nfficial. si ns are in lace directin that traffic Iceep to � nrents under sucli � ci1•cUinstnnces � sha11 npon conviction in �the munici- .
. V� e g P g
tfie right, �.or a.distinetive center line .is marked. pal court be� nunisl�ecl by imprisonment in � the city jail for not less� �
� � _ { than. SO days nor more than 6 montl�s, or by fine of.not less than. $50 .
, SEC. 66. Turuing nt iniecsections: The driver of a vehicle in � � nor �nore than $500, or Uy boUi such� fine and � imprisonment, in the �
� tending to turn at ¢n intersection-s17nll� do so as follows: � discret:on of the municipal judge. - � .
(:ti) Both�. the approach for a riglit turn �and a i•ig11t. turn shall He �. SEC. 78. -Accident F�ri�olvi��g damaae to �eliicle.-The :drivec af
made as close as practicalto tlie ri;ht-hand curb� or edge�of the road-� i� nf�y�vel�icle involved in an aceident�resulting only-in damage to a ve- �
way: � � � � •� l�icle �vhicU is driyen or >ittended by any person sl�all immediately �stop
. (b) Anproach for n left turn sl�all be made iu Ui¢t portion o£ tl�c ' such vel�icle at tl�e scene of such accident�or as close thereto as pos- ;
right� half of t11e ro¢d�vny nearest, �tHe center line thereof, nnd s.fter� + siUle, but sl�alt forthNith return to and � in every eveut shall remain . �
� �entering tlie inters�etion the �left turn shall be made. so as to� leave ��� at� the scene of sucl� accid.ent until he ha� fulfilled tHe� t�equirements �
� tl�e ii}tersection to the right of the center line of the roadway being � oL section 79. Atry person ftiiling to stop or comply� adth snid require-
entered. . � ments uncler.sucU cireumstances �shall be guilty of a miedemeanor. ..
' (c) Approach Po1 a left turn f+•om �u two-wny �street into a one- �: �very sUclt. stop shatl Ue made �titliout oUstrvctin� traffic more tHan ��
w¢y streeE slrall be made in tl�at portioii of the right haff of the road- I ia necessary.
�. way nearest tHe center line thereof and �by� pnssing to the� rlglii of ���SEC. 7'�. Dntp to give infucinatiuu and render aid. Tlie �driver of : .
� sucl� center line� wiiere it entcrs tl�e intersection, A left turn from a� aey.veh;cle involved,ir ar accident.resulting.in injurp �to or deaEh of
I one-wny street into a two-wny stieeC sliall be made by pussing to tl�e I any person br damage to any vehicle wliich is drtven or attended by .
�� Y•iglit of the centcr line� oE the street being entered upon leaving� tl�e � ' nny� l�erson sl�all gzve Uis nume, addcess, and tfie registration� number � �
, Sntersection, � � �� of tl�c trehicie l�e is . driving,: ancl sHnll vpon request � and if .available � . .
(Q) ile shall .s amal his intention to slow�� or turn by .etitendine .� e�hibit liis operator's ot. cUavffeui's �license� to � tlSe person stivek, qr, .
1 left arm out5icte tHc vehicle. �� Cl�e driver or occupant of or person attending any velticle collided
�i � � 10 . � y � . . 13 . .
� !
� � � � . . � I . � . � . �
� .. _...._ . .. , ._:_.. ._ . .�:., .__._. ,_ . _...W �:, ., .w _ C _
� ; ��
witl�, ancl sUnll render !.c nny person injured In sueli neetdent ret�son� �,nyi arrest for nny trnPCle Y�olation is guiity oP n mtedemeanor t'egard- li�
aUi� assistsnee, includino the enrrying, or the malcing oP arrnnae- i less of tl�e dlspositioit of tho clmrga on which l�o wn3 orlglnnlly nr-
• meritc_ for fl�o cairying, of such person to n pUysicinn, aurgeon, pr , rested,
l�ospital for medicRl oi* �urgicnl trentmCnt if it is appaTent tl�nt sucli y �b) �iy driver oP u motor vehicle wl�o wilEully neglecta to ans- �,
treatment is necesssry or iP such cnrrying Is requested by tlie injured !�vei ta the clinrgea set, fm�tU in a notice nPffxed to auah motor vel�lcle
person. Uy u police oPficer ns provtded UY nny ordtnnnee oE this ctty ia guilty �
� � � � . � SEC. 80. Dnty �upon striking� pnattended vet�iclq: Tl�e drtv�r �of i oP t1m cl�urge for Wlffch the nottce wns orlg[nnlly loaued; . !
�� - auy vel�icle �vpicli collides NitU any � Vehicle ���liicY. is �unattended sl�ail Q SEC, 'J6, Owner respmisiUlu ior Illqgnl p;crking.-No pm�son ehall '
immediately stop and si�all tl�en and thera e•khar locate and not�fy allo�v, permit, or euffer nny uel�icle regietered !n l�is name Co atund ox•
tlie oFerator or otvner o� aucl� veliicle of tlie name and nddress of tlie l pni9c m any street [n tliis clty in v[olnElon oP any oY tUe ordinnnces
� �� • � driver and oNner of tlie vehicle� striking the unattended ��eliicle .or ! of tliis clty� regulnting the stnncling or pat•lcing oE vehtclea,
. sliall leave. in a conspicuous place in the vel�icle strucic a�vritten ; SEC. J.7. Bispoyition of fine5 nntl Torfo[Lnrcy.—(n) All. fines or Yor- ��
� no[ice .giving the name and nddres�� of �tlie drivel and oY tl�e orvner % fetitures coRected. upon convictIon. or upon the fot•felture o4 bail �oC �nny �
of �he vehicle doing the stril.ing, and n statement of the circumstances � per9on charged wtth n violat3on of nny of the proVlsions oP thia ordi-
�� tUereof. ��nnnce slial] be pnid into tlie city trensut•y and� usecl ns dlrected bY
� t��� � � � � SEC. Sl. Duty �npan� stcilzing fi�h�res .ntion a lilginvny'.—Tlie I City Commission, . � �
�-,E . driver of any vzb:cle invnlved in an nccident resulting only in damage SEC. �J8. LPfcet of ordinnnce.-If any part or parts or thie ord[-
. to fi�tures legally upon or adjacent to a highway sl�all talce renson- � nunce are folt any reason l�eld. to he inynlid, auci� declsltin sl�ull not '�
��� aUle steps to tocate ancl n�tify tl�e owner or person in chnroe of suel� �� affect the validity of the remnlning portions� oE this ordinnnce.
n es of thfs
� property of sucli fact, and of 1�is name and nddress, and of tlie regi- � SEC. f1�J, I:epcal.—All or�linances �or pnrts oP ordina c
� � . tration� number of Che veliicle lie is driving, and sliall upon.request nnd �' cIty in conflict wiW or inconsfstent with �Che proVisions of thia ord[-� �
� � if available e�l�ibit his operato:'s or cliauffeur's license, flnd shall. nance are� hereby repealed, escept that this repenl sl�all not nfEect or �
make report of suelr accident when and as required in section 82 � prevent tlie prosecution or punisUment of nny person for nny aat
� �l�ereoi � � � done or committed.in vlolation of suiy orclinanco liereby repealed prlor �
� • 5EC, 82�. Dnty to report accidents.—(a) The driyer� of a vehicle � to the talcing effect oP this. ordinance. �
. ' . invo]ved.in an accident resulting� �in injury to or death of nny person , �� SEC. 100. Short titic.—This ordinassce �m¢y be lcno�vn nnd c[tecl '�.
o;� tolal properCy damage to. an apparent e.ctent of $50� or utore sUall, , n$ the'Traffia O;�dinance,
� �� • svithin 24 hours after. such accident, .forward a�vritten report of nucl� ' SEC. 101. �ffeetivo slatic.—This ordinnnce shall tak� ePfect imm�d-.
. aceident to Uie police department of this city. . . �' iately upon its pnssnge. . ,
(�) Tl�e police department of this ciiy may require flny driver SOHEDIILI9 I
of� a�veliicle involved in ar accident of which :report must Ue made as � THAOUGH STRE�TS�
�� � � � � prov�ded in this eection to file� supplementa] �reports whenever �ihe � . Higliland Avenue � �
� . . or a�'ivai report is insuffici�nt in �the opinion of said deparhnent, and �. Green�vood. Avenue
� �� � may requixe witnesses of accidents to render �reports�to.said clepart- �� Myrtle AVenue� � � � �
� � � ment. �� Fort Harrison Avenur, (north and soutli)
�� • SEC. 83. �i'hen �driver t�mtible to.report. 4��henever the driver of � Sunset Point DrIve . .
� a vehicle�is physically inr:apable of� m¢king a sequired accident report � DCew Street�
� � � and there was anuthar ocaupant in the vehiele at tUe time of ihe acai-� �qlevelana Street �
dent uapable of mal:ivg a repoi•t, such occupant sHall malce or cause Gulf-to,Bay Blvd. '
'� . � . to �be made said report.. � . � � Diuid Road � � ��
� � SEC,. S4. 9ccident re,.orts confidential.—All required accident re- Lakeview Avenue .
� ports and.supplemental reports�shall be without prejudice to�the.indi- passed and aclopted by the City Commission�of the City of Cleur-
� viduai so.reporting and shall be�foi• the confidential use of tlte police , yvAter, Florid�a, tl�is 20th daY oP Sanuary, A. D. 1936.
� deparc:nent, escept Uiat tlie �police departmen: may disclose the iden- ' . gAY E. GREEN �
� . , �tity of a pereon involved in an accident when sucU identity is not Mayor-Commissioner
�. � otlier��ise finown�or when sucl� person denies lvspresence.at sucli nc- � Attest:
cident. iVo such report slui]! be used �as eviden:.: in any trial, :civil J, E. Satterfield � '
:or �criminal, arisiug oub of an accident, � escept �that the �police depart- . Cit Auditor � Clerk . ... .
� � meiit shall. �furnish epon �demand of any percoi� �yho �has �.or �Clnims p, y �
� �to have made sur,h a rzpnrt,.or upon dentand of any court, a certifi-� .� � �.
cate showirg .that a�. s1•ecifieu accident reporti has nr Has not been . ..
� made :to. the police 3epartment, solelg to prove a compliance oi• a i
�failure to comply with the requirement that sucb. a reporL be made ! . . �
� � to the police de�.��rtment. �TICLE VI. �. . . - � �
� � SEG. 85. Polestrians suUject to traffic control signnls.—Pedes- j� ��
� � trians shall be subject to traific. control sianals at intersections �as ' �
heretofore �declared �in� this act,�but at all othar places pedestrians � �
� � � shall.be accorded the piivileges..and. sball be subject to the resEricGons � �.
� � as hereinafter stated. , ��. � �
� � � . . 13 � . . 15
, f
. �SEC. 86. Pedestrians' right-of-�cay at crass�call:s. (a) �Vhere �� � � � �
trafiic control signais are not in place or in operation, the driver of a . . ,,. . .
� vehicie� shall yield tlie i•ight-of-way,. slowing down. or stopping if need I� . � �� � � . �
� .� 6e to so yield, to a pedestrian crossing the.i•oadway within any mark- . . �.
�� �ed� crosscvalk or within any unmarked crosswalk at an �intersection, . . �
� �esce�t as otherwise gnvided in this article: � , .
. . (b) Whenever any vehicle�is stopped at a marked crosswalk�or at , .
, any�unmarked cxosswalk st a.; intersection io perniit a pedestrian to. `
. eross the roadway, the drivet. of any other vehicle� approaching from . .. .
� the re<^.r shall not overtake and pass such stoppecl vehicle�. .
. � S�C. '87. Crossing at other than cross�valks.—(a) Every pedes- �
� � [rian crossing a roada;ay at�any �point other than within a �marked. � � � �� � �
crosswalk, or within an unmarked crosswalk at an intersection, shzll �
. � � . yield the. right•of-way to all. vehicles upon the ro�dway. . � � � � .
• (b)� Between adjacent intersections at which traffic control s�g- .
. nals a_e in operation, pe.�estrians shall not cross at any place except �
� in a marked erosswalk. .� I � �
(c) Notwithstanding the provfsions of this section, evEry driver ��� �� .
� � of a vehicle shall esercise:due. care to�avoid coliiding witH��any pedes- - .
� trian upon any�roadway,and ahall.give wa.aing by sounding�the horn ''
� � when. necessary, and shall exercise proper.precaution upon observing � . .
any child� or any confused.oc incapacitated perso: �upon a roadway. '. � � � .
. � SEC. S8. Pedestrians� to� use right haff of crosswniks.—Pedestrians �
� � sl�all move, whenever prauticab]e, upon the right half of ccosswalks: i . . -
� SEC. S9. Pedestriuns soliciting.—No person shall .stand in .
a roadway for � tHe purppse of soliciting a rfde £rom the driver of any i '��
� ' . �privatie vehicle, nor for the purpose of selling any merchandis0 or � � � . ,,
agricultural producta
. . ?IRTIGLE. VIl . � . . . . . .
� � St1E`ETY ZONES � � �..
�' � � SEC. 90. Boarding or alighting f�om vehicles. No person sUa.11 � � � ..
. . . �board �or �alight from �any vehicle while such. vehicle is in motion.
SEC..91. UnlawSut riding.—N'o person shall ride on any portion ;
of any vehicle not designed�or intended £or the use of�passengars. .
This provision shal] not apply to an employee engaged in the neces-
� sary discharge of�.a�duty, or to�� persons ridin� within {rucic�bodies in � � .
.space intended f�r merch3n�ise.� � . . . � �.
. � � .S�C. 92. Railroail trxins not� to block aLreets. It shall. Ue unlaw- .
� � . Yu] for�the directin� officer or the operator of ar.y rzilroad train to � � . �
. direct the�operation. of or to opeiate the same�in such .a manner�es � �..
� ��t� prevent the use of an,y street�for purposes of travel for. a period
. � of time longer thun o�minutes, � except that this provision �shal] not . �
� , apply to trains or�cars in�motion other than those engagzd in switen- .
� � . . . ing.. IY ��shall. be unlawful for any railroad train to siop witUin an � .
� � � intersection �or on a crosswalk �for the� purpose of receiving or dis-� � . . � . � � �
"` � ehara na passengers, except at regular and designaYe�l stations.
_ SEC. 93. Diiving thtough. safetg zone prohibited. No vehicle�
' � . s�all. at any time fie. driven �through� or within a saPety� �zone. � � '
� � SEC. 94. Penalties. IInlesa� another penalty is exiiressly� provided � ��
� Uy ]aw, every pecson convieted is -'kIunicipal � Court of a vi�lation of
any provision of this ordinance shall be puniahed by a fine of nor .
more than $l0U or by imprisonment in the City Tait fox no�more than
. � �. sixty day� or b•• both auch fine ancl. impi•isonment�. in the. Qtscretion � .�
of the Muuicipa] 7udge.
SEC. 95. Tailurc to obcy nqtice or summonq.—(a) Any person
who violate= his written promise to appear given to an ofPicer upon �
. 14
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