01/08/1936' �' . . :.� .�.: 1!IZNTlT�S OF T1iF Q2TY COMMISSION JANiTl�RY 8 , 1936 The new City Commiesion o� the City o� Cleaxvrater, Florirla met on the apove date ia �pecia.l. meeting assembled wi�th the �ollowing memberF present: Ray E. Grean, May-or J'� A� Ba,rry R. Z. �dker Z. A. Marsh �- b. Bat�helor Moved by Mr. Narsh, seconded by Mr. Basry an�. carried that the City Manager be authorizect to write a letter to Douglas Bailey, lesses oP a�illing station aite on Causeway B1vd. on the Island, a�.-thorizing � changing t he Ea9t ern boundary line o� t he plot 1ea�e�. to a line per- peudicular to the bonlevard. Moved by N1r. Batchelor, seconded fiy Ivlr. �darsh and carried that the �ollowing mau be appointed to the Civil Service Board: L. G. Abbett--�or a term oi 1 year. Reade F. Tilley-ior a term of 2 years. E. 33. Ca��er, Jr.--�or a term o� three years. Moved by Mr. Batchelor, secon3ed by Mr. Marsh attd earried that the City Manager be authorized to send a representative to �lashington. Movzd by Mr. Mar�h, seconded by N��. Bat chelor and e arried that the Cit�r Manager and City gu�ii;or � Clerk be authorized to dra;.�t a re- , solution to be se�t to the Florida Senator and the Congreseme� for ��s Distsict, urging t�eir �saistance in getting allotments for Clearwater ZVPA projects which were �i.pprovea some time ago; that a letter iie sent tfl Mr. Peterson, Comgressman, shov�ing the sen�imegt a� the City Commisaion and poiuting out the �aet that the Ueterans o� Fbraign Wars met jointly with the City Gommission on this�pro- position ar,a stxongly urged immediat� a�tion.The resolution was in- tr�duced by Mr. Marah as iollovr�; i RESOLUTIOI�T OI' THE CITY COIvIMITSSION OF THE CITY OI' CLEARWATER, FIARID.4, URGING CONGRESSIO�TAL REPFtESIlVTATNES TO GIVE THEIR A�SIA^1ANCE ANID AID IN SECtTRING ALLOTIVIEENTS OF RiPA PROJ'ECTS IN TI3E CTTY OF' CLEARPJATER. tVIi�RE98, the WPA project, RehabiZitation o� CityTs Recreation _ , _ _ ____..� y _ _ _. _ ■ ;� : f� � � Facilities (Numbes 52-�922 Or State Serial �52-7-G-46) o� the Gity oi ��, � Clearwater, Florida, was started Navember 12, 1935 a�ter apgroval in L�Vashington September 16, 1935 and WF3E13EAS, this is the only t�'g job under way in the cit� �cr skilled workers, and �FiEREAS the employment of skilled workers h�s ceased tiecause of the continued neolig�ce or re�`tzsal of the 4V.Pp k��ganization to continue to supply necesssry materials as set kp in the approved groject, though there remain�s some ��,OQ0.00 in it to be suppiied by WPA for materiels, and PJHEREAS, the City has promptiy supplied materials required o�' it and more b�r ihe projee.t set-up, and tYHERF.AS, ihese men nrgently need the eaployme.nt and the city needs the �acilities supposad to be provided by the projeet, and tN�IEREAS t�e city offi�ials have exh�v.eted all local and state contacts in an e��ort to induce the 4VPA organization to .let the pro- ject proceed as scheduled by the purch�ase of these matarials. 3E IT THEREFOP.E RESOLVED by the City Commissian o� Cl�arwater� F�orida in special session �s�emblecl, to a.equaint their �ongressiona:l representatives with the situatio�x and pray t}�eir� -ass�stance and aid. II�on roll call the �ollowing votes vrere polled: Ayes: Mr. Green Mr. Batchelor �br: Baker Mr. Marsh ' Mr. Barr� Nay�s; None. Passed and adQpted by the City Commi�sion o� the Ci�y o�' Glear� water, �'lo�ida this 8th day o� January, 193 6. Attest: i J. E. Satter�i�l.d i,y u or er I ._ i. � � � � � ; � ; , ; , _ _ _ __ � _ (Signed) Ra E. G.rzen . ayor._."""' e� � Mr. Batchelor introduced t3ir� Yol�awing reso�v.tio�.: g RESOLIITION OF THE GITY COMbu�SI01V OF THE CITY OF CLEAR�IATER,FI�C�RIDA, URGING AND REQUESTING A REI'�RT OF THE DECISIOAt OI' THE RIVERS �ND HASBQRS BOARD OF A.MEETING BEFORE THE BO.ARD IN AUGU'ST, 1.935 Z'PITH REF7�ENCE TO DE ,FPENTNG C�F BIG PASS CFiANI>lEL ENTRAI�ICE TO CLEARWATER HARBOR Reso7.ution by the City Commission o� Clearv�ater, Florida that WI3E�2EAS the city has for yeare needed, and tried to i`nterest the governmeut i.n, the deepening oL Big Pass Chan�e� e,gtranee to its Hsrbort and 6°lliEREAs, tl� citv sent a conLmittee to Washington last Augu.st to appear be�ore �the Rivers and Harbors Board to present its ease Par such improvement= and 1VF_II3EAS no report of the Board4a deeision bas yet been received, and 1M1�REAS five montha have elapsed and the Gity now needs '�a lrnow where i�t stands on its appeal R'�REFCRE BE IT RESOLVID that the City does request and �rge the Rivere and Harbors Board to issue pramptly its report on itss Yindings o� r�view on this projetst �a aa�.se the ci�y thereQi. �'pora roll ca11 the �ollowing votes we�e polled: Ayes: Mr. Greea Mr� Batchelor Mr. Baker Mr. Marah Mro Ba.rx,y Nay$: None. Passed and adopted by the City Gommission o� the City oi Claar- water, Florit�a this 8th da� o� January, 1936. ( Signe d) Ra,y �. Gre en aSror A�teSt. J. E. Satterfield C ygud or&C er 0 There being no ftirther business, the me�ting was thereupon ad�ourned. Atteat: �tl au . or ��� _ � � ( Signed ) �� � _ . — —� or ■ � ' . . � ' . . , �---", 1 d , . ., . _ _ .. _ . ...... ....... ....,..>.., � � � � ' � � . . � � f. � . i i' � . . . . . . �.�: . . . . . � ' �Y� . . . � � ,���. i � y MINUTES OF �FIE CITY CO�SSION J�I9UARy 13 , i936 The new City Co�mmission o� the City oi Clearwater, Florida me-� on the above date in special mee�ting ass�mble�i, v�ith the �ol�o�v- ing memt�ers present: Ray E. Green, Mayor �. 0. Ba�chelor R. I�. Baker Z. �. Mar�sh The �ollowing record o� th�: opeainb o� bi�a �or �eetions E, F, and I o� �he P4VA project o� Gas Improvements c�a� preeented: OPE[�TING B IDS Bids were opeaed �or Section, E, F, �,nd I o� the PtiYt? pro ject o� Gas Improvem�sts at 11 A. M. January 13th in the suaitorium o� t�e City �a�l at Clearwater, r'I.orida, �the �o llowing p eople b eiiag present• ' A. C. Nicho].e, City Mansger o� the �ity o� Clearwater, �'la. S. S. Bouis, Projects �+'�gineex. Leo Butler, Gon:sulting Ergineer, Jv r,� Satter�ield, City Audi��r & Clerk, :.epresenting Cit� o� Cleartvater. Mr. Hayward, representing C� I. Tenney r�glneering Compan . W. J. Bright,representing 44estern Gas Constrnetion Divi- � sion of the �oppers Construetion Coffinany, Mr'. Lowry, representing Tampa Armatu.r� Vlorks. Il3r. Royce and ?idr. F. S. Freeman, representing Ingersoll Ra�a.d. D4r, P. B� Wo7.�e, representing Cameron Barkiey Co� R. K. Van Camp,.�epresenting Publie Works Administration. Mr. W. I. Street, �ssiatan� Special .Agent Federal F�er- geney Relie� �dminisf;ration. The meeting was opeised b� Mr. Bouis, who annavneed that the pur- pose o� the meeting wae to open bids �or 'Sec�io�.s E, F, and I o�' ths WPA prn,ject for Gas Imps�vemeuts, aacordsn� to.iasitations to bidders duly p�ubZished. Mr; Bouis cal].ed attention to the �aet ��at anme ciisnges in the instru�tions h�,d been made as o� Ja,�.ary lOt�., and requested aclrnoav- � l,edgment oi knovrledge o� these ehanges by a11 those present. .All persons present aeknowled.�ed notice o� the chsnges made. Thereupoii the bida were opened. The various bidders enclosed with their bids bid bon�s or certi�ied clzecsks as foll�ws: C. 2. Tenne;� Eagineering eompany bid bo�1 of the Cnntinental Casualty Compan�r in the amount o� �1250. WestErn Cas Construetion of the L�oppers Construction Compans* ca.r�i�'ied eheak of Linooln National Bank and Tru.st Compa�y o� Fort Wayne, Tndiana, �1500. i { � � I I 4 j r} � Gas Machinery Company certi�ied ch eck o�' Cleveland Trast Co., Cleveland, Ohio,�1978.30. Camezon Barkley Company certi�ied eheck o� �'irst NatiunaZ Bank o� Tam�s, Florida,�219.15. Sullivan Machinery C�mpany hid bond o� United Sta�tes Guaranty Company o� New York, �250.00. Tasnpa 9rzaa�ture Works bid bond of Fideli��r � Casualty Company o� New York, �300.fl0 The bids were tabulated by Mre Leo Bu�].er, Goneulting Engineer, as �ollows: Bidder Sec.� __ Sec.F Sec.I Tatal E.F.i. Guaraxit,y C. I. Tenney Engr.Ca. �14,875.00 ,��,2,265.00 ��r5u^�5.04 p21,500.00 0�,45 Western Gas Cons- truction Divi- sion o� Kogpers Conpany 17,000.-00 4,20A.00 5,000.00 25,$00.00 0.427 Gas M�chinery Coe 16,658.00 2,868.00 Cameron Barkley 4,383.00 O.�g t9 11 � .. . . . . * �7.ternate 4,081.00 0.45 Sullivan bRach. Co. 4,438.00 0.433 Tampa Lrmatvr e�'o rks 5, 7Q4 �10 (1.47 K�T�100 0.68 j Mr. Batchelo:. of�ered the �o�.lo�ing resolution: "i3E IT RESOLVED by the Cit� Commission assemxiled that It is the opi�ion o3 the Gity Goffinission that Ce I. Tenne� Eagineer� ing Comp�y oi rdinneapolis, E�inn. who�e bid on Seetion "E", one Water- ga� generating un,it, complete, in �he amount o3' �14,875.00 ie the 1ow bidder aad such bi d is ac.epted and Construotion Contract awarded ta saici C. I. Tenney Engineering C�� o� Minueapolis, Minn. sueh acesptance a�zd award� however, baing subject to tlie approval o� the State Director o� PNLA and also au.bjeet to funds becoming available %r sueh edns- tructionT� . r, IIpon roll ca1.1 the �ollowing vote� vr�re polled: g�es: Mr. Greax Mr. Batchelor Mr. Baker Mr. Marah Nr�*a : Norie. rassed €m;d a�].opted ry the City Counnis sion o� the Cit�r o� C].�:ar- water, Florida this iG3th day o� Ja�ary, 1936. iSigned) ''_Ray E. Green Attest! a��� J. E. SattErYield. G y ud or C er . � - Mc'• Marsh of�ered •the �ollowing resolution: "BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commisaian �.ssemb��ed that it is the opinion oi the City Co�ission that Ga.maron 8c Barkley Company o� Tampa, Florida, avhose bid on Section "P�, One ndotor Driven Gas Compressor, 3or P4,O�L 00 as alternate, is the low bidder and suoh bid is aecepted and Construction Gontract awarded to said the Cameron � Bark].ey Compa.ny oi Tampa, Fla. snch acceptanee and award, hav�ever, beiag subject to the appro�va,l o'� the State Direetor oi PWA and also su.bject �Q �unds beeaming a4ailable �or saeh conatruction." Upon roll call the �ollowing vot es were palled: A,yes: Mr. Green Mr. Batchelor . Mr. Balter Pdr. Marsh Nays: None. Passed a�.d adopted by the City Commisaion o�' Clearvrater, Florida this 13th day oi January�, 1936. (Signed) R ay E. Green agor Attest: T. E. Satter�ield Ci y udi or & C erk Mr. Baker o�ered the following reso�ut ion: "BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission assembled that It is the opinion o� the �Fity Commission that C. I. Tenney Eagi- neering Comp9ny o� �2inneapolis, L�ii.nn. p�hose T�id on Seotion rT�n One washar-opnler of 50,0�0 eubic �eet p� gas per h.our capacity, in amount oi �2,265.�J0, ia the Tow b�;d�er and. su�h bid is acoep�ed an�l Con�truetion Con.tract awarded to said C� I. Tenney Eagineeriag Com- pan�r of I�i.nne a�olis, Minn. such a�aep� a� e sad award, how ever, b eiug subj�ct to the �,�pxav�,]. o� the State Direetor oi Pi�A and also sub- ject to �unc'is becoming avai.l�ble �or suGh construetion." Upon roll oall the fbllov�ing votes were polled; Ayea: Mr. GrPen Mr. Batchelor Mr. Baker Mr. Marsh Nay ss Nonee Passed and ado�ted by,-tlze City Commission o� Clear�yater, F7.orida this 13th day o� �anuary, 19�5. ( Signed ) Ra r�. Grem �ayor - Attesto Jo E. Satter�ield C Audi or c� D er There being no Pu.rther business, the meetizg �vas thersupon ad- journed until 7s30 P. Mo January 13, 1936 � 'i4 a �... . . . � . . . . . . 0 � r; � u Mee�in� re-assembled on date o� Januaxy 13th, 1936 at 7:30 P. M. wi�h the %llowing �enbera p.resent: R. E. Green, Mayor D. 0. Batchelor R. L. Baker d. A. Barry The City A�torne� re�3rted to the Commission hisnrograss in the matter oi PP�A pro j eets �or Water and Gas Improvement �- aZso program o� negotiations in Bond. Aolders Co�it�ee i.n regard to reiia.nding the Cityts bond.ed indebtedness. The �oiloaring le'tter was read: Jateu�ry 10, 1936 Board of Commis�.oners, City of Clearwater, Clearwater, Florida. Gent lemen • In accordance with yotu request, I ht�ve ma.de a general survey o� the books a� records o� the Florida Weat Coast BroadcaBtin� Company for the evrre�� �iscal yeax with a view to determining �he cost o� an audi.� 03 those rohases o� the company's nperations whieh involve the interes�s o� the Ci�t:y under the ter;ns o� the prsseat operating cont ract: � submit herewith a�,'.e3ule o� speci�ications o� such an audit , to cover tb:e iisc&1 year endixig Januarg 31, 1936, and I shovld agree to' per�orm an aadit in accordsnee with' these specifieations upon the fo llo�vi ng t erms : A per diem cnarge o P 12.b0 %r e�ch junior aceauntant; A per diem cYsarge o� �25.OQ -�or my serviees; The total cost oi �he audit not to exceed thQ sum of �4�0.00; Ss�tlemeits to be made w�ekly upon the basis oi the time r�pent on the work, less a reserve oi 20�; Final payment to be made upon delivery cs� the audi�t re- port to the City. Youre very tru.ly, ('Signed) H. M. Turnburke Cer �i�ied Public !�c countant Speciiic�.tions o� an Audit oi the Books and Records o� the Flori.da WEst Cost Broadc�.sting Compan.y for the Fis cal Year Ending Jan. 3'l, 1936, Submitted with Letter dated January 10, 1936 to the Board o� Commis sioners, �ity o� Gle�.rwa.ter. VeriPy cash on hand and in bank as st January 31, i936 , and re- coneile eash reeeipta �or �he iYsca�. �ear with cash on hand and in bank Jaauary 31, 1935 as showrt by �u.dit report o� Swem;y and Meighen, Gerti�i,ed Public Accountants, datsd March 11, I935 addressed to the F7.orida West Coast Broadcastin� Coi¢p�.ny, and wi$h cash disbursementa �or the �iscai year. Yeri�y individual chargea to adverti$ers' aceounts by test- ehecking �rom original daily log o� broad.cr�sts. Veri�r the terms m�.d rates o� advertising charges by a test- check oY contracts and orders ior ad.vertising, and by examination and 0 �' ; i � J� � analysis o� statemsnts and coutracta with the Nationa]. Broadeasting Compan�. Segregate tlie collections of acoounte reoeiva'�le which were outatandir�; on January 31, 1935 as ah.o�m in t�a �.dit report o� Sweeny and Mei�2ien reie�red to a'bove. �eri�y h,:� teat-check conPirmation the aceount8 receivable out- standing on January 3i, i9�6 , rand speci�'icaTly confir� the Nat ional Broadeast ing Comp�ny account . Reconcile aecounts receivable �or the year by talcirg into aecov.nt the opening anci cloaing balances and total charges an3 credits for the yer�r. Veri�* the correctness o� transactionn invol�ing the interests o� Radio Statiou WSUN, inso�ar as these traxisactiona co�cern the com- putation o� advertisin�g charges or the receipts t�ere�rom, or con- eern the purchase or replacemcnt o� equip�nt owned by �he City o� �learwater. Veri�y and examins an� other trensactions or ph�ses o� the company's operationa �or the �i.seal gear which in the opinioa.o� the auditor ai'Yect �he CityTs intesests as established in the c�niraot between the Clearwater Char�ber o� Gom�erce, the Florida i�e.st Coe.�t Bro'adcastiug Company, and the City o� Clearwater, dated Jann�sy 17, " 193 5. As used hextsin, th. e t erm «te st-ehe ek" me ans a veri�iez.t ion oi approxima.tely 20 0 oY the class o� traas2ctions involved, unless in the opinion of t he �.�.i. tor a greater peraent�.ge should be veri�i ed in order to establish with reason�.bla certainty the eorrectr_ess o� the class o� transaetions. Make a genex�.l survey o� al1 of the accovnts, and prep�,re a atatement oY pro�it an.d I.os s and a balanc e �h.ee � there�rom. Sta�e whether or not the system oi aceov.nte i.s aoceptzble to the City, as required in the contract referred to abo�re, and i� not acceptable, in the opinion o� the auditor, �n what respeet the system should be ehanged. Moved by Pdr. Batehelor, seconded by Mr. Baker and earried thaf. Mr. Turnburke's proposition �e aceepted. Mr. Bs.�chelor introduced the �pllotiving resolution: BE IT RES9LV'ED by the City Coimnission o� the City o� Clearvaaters Florid� that the �ollowing re-alloeation of iiinds bud- geted for th� �i�eal yoa� 1935-36 be ma.de: Txansfer �5OQ ��om Streey Cless�ing anc3 Repairing (Cade 8) to Sevrers ( Cod e10 } „ Transier ��00 irom Fire Depar�.(Code 6j to Docks and Bridges (fi:ode 11). Trans�er $p300. irom Fire Depr�.rtment (Cod.e 6) to City Ha11 ; (Code 3). Trans3er �500 fzb� Sanitat ion � Code 27. ) to Inspe ctian ( Code 7). 'frpon sb11 c�1.1 the Yollawing vntes were polled: �,Tes: Mt. Green iVira Batchelor R. L. Baker ldr. Barry Naye s • None. � • , .... . � }� Pa�sed and adopted by ths Gity Commission o� G1ear�wster, Flor ida this ]3 th day a� J�uary 1936 . (�Ygned) R____ay E•_ Green -l3ay or A$test: J. E. Sat ter�t eld Ci y A i r� erk There beirg no ilxrther lusineas,. the u�eting wa� tl�teupon ad- jourm�d. Cl�• � J'1 n �.�-ti- �or Attest: y ior& er