01/06/1936.. .. .,- yp *rr. ..- '"...__. . ,,.._.,....___r... „ �� � .,,,,-+�-.,-_.._....._.,.,.:.....F__ .. �.._._.��„�.._ , ..M,_..,„,�,�.:. . ,�.,z 7 ���_ •.. � . -..,..,...._�_ �..�..�,.." � . . , �. -�' . , ...... . ..__,.. . �._.�_-.. _-..._,. �...,.:� ._.......,_,,,� � �' . , . � � � � . .. . . . � . . . . . . . .. . � � . . . � . . . . . . . � . . . � . . . �� . . . .. . . � . F "� k r��, V � � . . . . . ! A�' "" . . . � . �: ' . " MIiNTES uF THE CITY CO�IMISSION . , . JANUI�RY 6 , 1936 ' The City �oumiission o� the City of Clearwater, Flori�a met on the �. . j c . i 'r above date in regular meeting assembled with the �ollov�ing members preserrt : Ray �. Green, Ma,por J. A. Barry E. B. Gasler, Jr. I,. A. Marsh �. U. Batchelor The �ollowing renorts were presented: ANNf7AL R�PURT UF CITY 9TTORNEY. To the Honora'6le ll�ayor- Cor�isaioner and the � City Cori�nissioner� of the Cit�. of Clearwater, Clearwater, �'lor�da. Gentlemen: The calendar year o� 1935 h.aving come to a close, I desire at this time, to submit this my annual report. It will not '6e n�r desire in this report to m�ke the sa2e unnecessarily long or turdensome. I�ill endsavor to make the saane as brief as possible, but at the same time give to this. Honorable Body some idea of the serv�ices which I have rendered. Upon entering m,y �.uties as City Attorney the iollocring mandamas suit s�v er e p endi ng : atate o i Florida, ex rel , I,. PL Ghalmers , vs. Gity of Clearwater , State af Florida, ex rel, �. M. Klemm� vs. Gitg of Clearvvat er; ( �v,o suits ) 8tate of Florida, ex rela Bank o� Boni�ay, vs. City � � Clearwater. • The ma.ndamus suits re�arred to aboQe have been stayed by or�er entered by � , the Judge of the �7istriet Conrt in the bankru.ptcy proceedings. The City Cos�ission i� �amiliar �rith the statns o� n11 0� thpse suits, so r onl.y `�, caSl your a-Gtention to the existence o� the s�me. The Slemm suit wa� . . argued in the Supreme uourt beofre the bankru:ptcy proeeeding wa8 insti��ed by the 6ity, and the deeision which wa,s rendered by the Supreme Covrt wa.s one which was favorable to the Z`ity. In addition to the �nd�us suits . rei'erred to above, there has �een one other ma:ndamus sui$ instituted ag�,inst the City, this being the suit oi State o� Florida, ea re�., A. Stone vs. City o� Glearv�rater. The City Co�ission is likewise �amiliar with the , • statns o� this su�:.t. The above covers all ma.nd�,mus actions. , There are, however, three civil suits pending R;hieh are baged on • bonds, and in which judgme�t is attempted �o be reeo�rered against the Git,y. First, the two g. N. Klemm suits, second� the suit of A. T. Herrin �or F �20�000.00 �atnages. There was also pending at the time o� rqy appointment as Gity ptto�ne� , the case a� E. B. Gautier aga.inst the Cii�� oi Clear- r�ater. I�iled a briei in ihis suit in the Supreme Court o� the State a�' �. Florida on beha:lf o� the City, but I regret to adqise that the deeision rendered by the Supreme Court was advarse to the City. This case, hnwever, i has been disposed o�. �, „ �;( .�� ��` � � ���� � i �J . �J�''3�r � � . . � , 4y t ��� � „ % , 1 � { , , �. . � ..._ �....... �:.,...._ �., . . .. � . . . . . . . ..� 1 .1 . . .. . . . . . , ■ � ■ � 0 0 z I ieel that the Ci�y was ver,y fortu.nate in secuMng ca.n- � aellation o� outstanding taaes and ta;c certi�ioates on the airport property, �,uci al� on the Old Gnarant�- Title and Trust Compa�xy �3uildi�g. Ca.nce7.lation of theae taxes and tax certi�iaates were secured throv.gh Acts �assed bv the Legislature at its 1935 session and resulted i.n the saving o� sevexal thouae.�xl. dollars to the City. In the preparation�o� the Aot cance�.lin3 the taxes on the Guarauty Tit1e amd Tru:st Company lu ildi2�g I rv�.s assist ed uy l�dr. iNi111am:� Wol�e, o� this City. A:�ter the introduction o� tlie gets in the yegislature tha City was ably represented by the Representatives �ro� Pinellas Count�, Florida, �Inn securing the passage o� the s�e. In connection with the canoellation oi the ta;:E:; ar,d tax esrti�i- cates it was necessary to prepare �nd. have published i� eaoh inatan�e a notice a� the intention of the City to introduae be%re the Legis- lature such gets. There are at this time fbnr suits pend.ing 3.n whieh the liens of the City Taxea on certai.n property are i.nvovl,ed, these su�t� are as %llows: Sta�te Adjustment Company vs. Vi�a G�.mble , s� a1, State Adjt�.atmen� Company vs. Clearwater E].ks Club, et al, State Adjustment Compa�y va. P. L. Conklin, et al, ' Northern Inve�tmei^,t Corp. vs. Stanley Cornrvell Chestnut, et al. Shortly a�ter the �:eginning oi the oalead�,r �eax I v�as authorized and instructed to �ile condemnation procee8,ings against Jaae 9nge1 on the ten acres oi lana. ouraed by her,^, whieh �moperty ::s essentia]. �or �.irport purposes. These proceed.in:bs were aceording- ly filed and I expect in the very near �`uture to haqe this auit tried before the court or d:isposed oi in a manner satisfactory to -the Ci�y Co�mmission. i have alsa at the request o� t�ie City Coanniasion �iled ;. a su.it in Chaneery against H. B. VPesson and. Marguerity D. Wesson, his wife, in re�erence to the remo�al o� a shaek or c8r�ain lntilding• ; whieh thEy moved on Covatry Glub gddition property. A hearing wag had in f,hia case last week on the daiendants' motion tp dismiss the " bill o� comp?a3.nt, whieh motion was denied by the eouri�, and I am oP the opiniott that this ease can be disposed o� w�,thin a$hort time� A co�sider2ble number o� leases have be� prepared on be- hali o� the City. Most of these lea�ea have required a great amount ! o� time and ef�ort on my behaL�, as well as on behal� nf this Honor- able Body and also the City M�:aager. Howaver, it is not m�y desire ` to go into detail v�ith re�ereace to the lsases, pecause the City Commissioa is �amiliar with the many di��lcuTties ��h:ieh were en- , countered and a�ercome with respect to theae leasese I do desire, � however, to call at�en.tion to several o� the 1�ases which reqaired the most time. Fir�t, iche lease between the Cfty and the 1Nest voast , Broadcasting Company, second the lease betwee� the Cit� and Charles : E�eringham, third t�e lease be�ween the City and Harxg P. Talb�t, and �ourth the lease �or the Clearwa.ter Yacht Club. I also �ssisted in the preparation o� the Little Theatre lease. � There are tcro casea whieh have been appealed �rom the deeision which w�:s �endered in the Munieipal Court, these eases being as iol].owa: �i��r of Clearwater vsa Ra�ph Haman, and City o� C1ear- ' cyal;er vs. E. �Y. Sasser. I expect to have the Ra1ph Ha�,n case diaposed o� t�lithin the next week. I also exnect to have the Sassex case set down �or argument at a very early da�Q in the i'tz�nre. � On account o� the rati�icat ion oi the Homest�ead Amendment � : by the voters o� the State o� Florida in �h�s �lection held in Nov�ber, � . 1934, it v�as neceasary to give this matter much att�ntion and thought. It is �or'Gunate �hat the Supreme Court of thf.s State has suatained � the position which t�e Cit3r O�Yieials, acting on my advice, had take2t t in in this mat�er. , , The �allowi:� paving suits which were iastituted by the *� : . �ormer City gttorney are st�.11 outstancling, ta-wit: _ ��. �. . �� i �., � . .<,..�:,.�� � ,_ .. ,, __ City oP Glearwater vs, J. P. Clurkson� et al, City o�' Cleaxx�vvatex vs H. P. Aiken, et a1., City o� Clearyvater vs. J'anes D. Bourne , Jr. , et a1, City o� Ciearwater trs. Wynkoop, et al. No steps or proceedings have been taken in an9 0� the abov� men- tio�zed�suits, For their present status I reYer yon to capy o� r�► latter oP September c0�h, 193�, qddreased to the City Manager, Mr. A. C. Nichols� which letter explains in detai� the statna o� each o� these suite. A.00py oY this letter is attached to -tb.ia report. 4s• �'x'�nic �.hBooth,mIncte�ethal��an,a1ths�Cityiis��.tCthi.s�ti�ere ater ceiving the rents :erom the property involved therein. In re3'erenee to Ordinances, I wish to advise that eleven Ordinanees were prepared and submitted to the Gity CoIIuaission, ar�d. o� this nwnber eight were passed. Those Ordinanoes that were passed by the City Co�mission are as �ollowsc 1. Eecidlerts OrdinaneQ, 2. Cor�•rac�orts Oxdinanee, 3. Ordir.�nce rsgulating traffia on eauseway, 4. Plv.mber's code, 5. Ice Scoring Urdinance�- 6. Beverag e Ordinano e, �. Slot i�iaehine Ordinance, 8. Ordinance amending certa3n o¢cupat3onal lieenae fees. The �ollowing Ordinances which were submitt�d. Pailed to oBtain the agp�c�val os: the City Co�ission. 1.' Ordinance limi�ing mim'Uer o� ta$ica�s, 2. Ardznance eme�xding certain aection o� Milk Ordins.nceX �. Noise Ordinarce. 0� these Ord.inanees thera were several which required a eonsideraTyl;e amoun� oi tis� and eYiort on the �.rt o� the Cit�r Attcrney in tire- paring the sar�e. I re3'er especially to the Plumbing Ord:inance anzl the Beverage Ordinance, as well as the Gontra�torTa Ordinanoe. Considera�le work wa.s done in preparing the Civil Service Lav� whieh was pasaed by the Zegislat�e o� the State o� Florida at 2ts 1935 session, and �vhich :vas approved by the voters o� this City s�t the general election which was held i.n Decembsr� 1935. Y�hile the law ss pasaed b�r �he Legisl.ature w�.s di3ferent in certain respeots to the det which was prepared by the City Attor.ne�, yet the proFisioas a� the 9ct were substantia�:i.,p ti�e same, tlit� chasages being �re a matter o� form than oi snbstance. I have re�rained from caZling the attentiorE oi the City Co�iesion to the bankrupte� suit, which ia pendi� in the Distriet Court at Tmnpa, Floris�.�.s The Commisaior_ is Pam3,liar with the status o� this suit, and �o this report is not intended to cover ti�is phass o� the work which has been done b9 the City Attors�ey. I wieh to call the attention o� the City Corramission to the iaet that at the time I was appointed City 9ttorney it vras with the understandir� that my salary per month was to be the sum o� �150.fl0, tha� oi this amount the sum o� �75,OA was to cover my serviees �or atteading the meetings �� the City �or�ission and the routine work conneoted with this uf�ice. The su.m, o� �,�,u75.00 was to be credit- �d on the e:�traordinar�y serviees required o� the City Attorney. T ha�rs accordingly �repared m� stat�eat �or services rend�red on � behal� o� the City durzng th� past year and this statement does not fiake into oonsideration;t��^pending and undisposed o� law su3ts, but does cover the matters reierred to in the atatement. This state- � � � � � � ment s�acss that at this ti�ma I mm inde�ted to �he City of Clearw�.ter in the sum of �p25e00. If it is a.gr9eable to the City Co�ission, and proviaed I am reappointed as City Attarney' during the comi.�g year, I �roill be gle�.d to credit this sum on tiiture or pending ser- vices. It is my opinion that t�.e City Commi.sdon �vill �ind �hat ths svm expended �or legal services of a generat na�ure by the Ci1,y durii�g the past year h�s not exceeded the appropriation as set �orth in the budget. In closing, I wish to express to the City Co�ni.ssior� m;y appreciation of the confidenoe placed in me, and o� the support and assistau�e which I have reoeived �rom th� at aZl t imes during the past year. It has been a. pleasure to work with and be assoeiated with this Commission, and iP I� reappointeci a.a City Attorney by the new Co�unis�inn I will endeavor to per�orm iqy work in a manner 3atisiaetary and aeQording to the best of my ability. and endeavor at all timEs to proteat and sa�eguard the interest o� the City o�' Clearwa;t er. tespectft,illy submitted, (Signed) J'ohn C. Polhil]. CITY ATTORNEY. January 2a�1, 1936. CITY OF CLEAR��9Tgt, FLORIDA, IN A CC OTfi1T WI'IIS JOHN C. PO?�HILI�, AS CITY ATTORNEY. To - Legal services Re K].emm Suita .............�125.:00 Legal services Re Gautier suit ..... ....e... 100.OQ Legal services Re Chalmers brie�'a..a......... 50.A0 Legal services Re Bank o� Boni�aq brie�...... 25.00 ��300.00 Attorney's �ee in the above suits were paid in pursuance of an agreement with the Ciiy Commiasion on or about April lst, 1935. :.Allo�vanee to City �ttorney �or le�al aervices �or nine months p eriod �rom April lat , 1935 , to January ls t, 1936. ..�p675.00 Legal ssrvi�ea rendered by the City l�ttorney during sai,d period: Re: Foreclosure suit o� City vs. F�ank J, Booth, et �-eee•.. ... .....e ..... .......... ...r. .......�150.00 Re: Preparation oY 7a:w �or egncellation o� taxes and tax certi�icates on airport property ................... 100,00 Re: Preparation: o� 1aw �or cau�aellation oY �axes and tax certi�icates on Old Guara,gty Title an� Trust Company Building ..... ... ..........o.... ...,....... 75.00 Re: Leasa�between�City �nd �Veat Coe,�t�Broad- casting Company .. .... .........a......e., 100.00 Re: Zease o�tween�City azui Everin�Y�am . ... . 100.00 Re: Lease be�ween City t�nd Taloot ...<............ 25.00 �te: Er•eparation oi Civil Service Law .............. 100.00 650.00 Balanee dve �?rom City Attorney to Gity .....om..... ,. ���.6� � � `s' ;�� ■ ■ � September 20, 1935 Mr� �. C'. Niehols C i ��r �an ager Clearwat er � Florida Dear Mr. Ni chol� : Y wiah -to ca11 yo�ux attention the status o� several suits vrhiQh have hereto�ore been instituted on behal� o� the City of Clearm v��ater, involving paving liene. The Yirst sa.it to which yo� atte�xtion is called is the suit o� the City oY Clearwater, Complainant, q$. d. p. C7.arl;�on, et aI, being Cha.ncery case �13040. This suit involves propert� located on Clearvrater Beacl� Island. The status o� th3s auit has 3een previnus- ly called to your attention as vveZl as to tl�e attention o� the City Commission so i do not deem it necessarg to discuss t�is aui� fl�.rthe:r at this t ime. NEtxt �.s the suit of the City o� Ciearwater, vs, James D, Bonrne, Jro et�a1. The Bill o� Complaint in this �uit was �iled on Riareh 7th, 1934, No process o� service had been h�,d on any o� the De� Pendarits named i.n this suit. !�n Appearance, however, ��.s �ileci in the suit on April 16t�, 1934, by two oY the DeFendant�, namely, B. C. Bass an� Carolyn S. Bass. Far your informa�ion this svit covers certain propertq located i�z Brookwood Terrace, a subdivi- s3on pl,ated o� record in Pla� Book 8, Page 34, o�' the Public Recor@s oY Pia�allas Caunty, Floricla. This suit likewise, eo�ers��certain property situated in Overbrook Subdivision, Subdivision Plated o� recaxd in Pl�t Book 8, Page 23, ef the Public Records oP Pinella3 County, Flor�da. This suit cavers the �ollowing described Zots: Lots 16 to 23, both ?nclusive, o� P'lo�� 1, Pzookc�od Tex�race. Lots 9 to 14, both inclu�:tve, o� Block 2, Overbrook Subdivision. The n�xt suit is that o� the City o� Glearwater, Complainant, vs. H. P. Aiken, et al, De�endxn�s, being imotirn a$ Chancery Case #69050. The �ill o� Complaina,nt in this suit, was PilEd on June 21st, 1934, and no process nas been iss'ued in this s�xit and aummons }�as only been served on V. C. Ricker. Decree Pro Con:Pesso has been entered againat V. C. Ricker. This appca,rs to have been the o�.7.� stepa that have �een taken in this suit other than �e �iling o� �he Bil:l o-? Complainant. �'or your in�orrm.tion this suit coqers �ertain property loeated in �iken Subdivision, aceording to u�.p o� Plat as recorded in Plafr Sook 14, Page 45 oi the F°ublie Records o� Pinellas County, Florida. The propertp described as �oTlo�ring: Ba.oek 4f Lot s 16 t o 23, bot h inclusive Block 9, Lots 18 to 27� both inclusive Bloek 10, Lots 6�0 14, both inclusive Block 10, I,ots 14 to 19, bot� incluszve Bloek 14 , Lot 14 Block 15 , Lot s l and 19 t o 26, bot�r i2�elnsive Bloek 15, Lots la to 19, both inelusive The ne�t su.it to which your attezt�.an is called is the suit o� the City of C18ar�vater, Complainant, vs. �i. H. �ilyllk4opi et a1., Defendants, being C�aneery case rr13911. The Bill o� Compla.int in this et�it was iiled on March llth, 193u. This suit covers the �ollowir� descriT�ed property; l. Lot 4, Bloclt 3 0� Hart�s Second Suh. to Town of Clearwater, aacordin� to Plat Book �, Page 47, Public Records of Pinellas cotuEity, ,r'�.ari.aa. ?. Lot l oi Drev� Par� Subdiiri.sion acoo.rding to Pla� Book 3, Page a0 s Public Reeorda o� Pinellaa County� Flor�a. 3. Block 4 0�' Mrs. Sarah McMullen's S�.ibdivision �ccording to play Booit T, Page 41, Publie Records Pinel:las County, Florids.7. � ; _ � ;� �>� , i � � �I ,� _ j i I � � � � 4�� �4 ., � 4. Lot 9, Block 2 of Magnolia Park Subdivision according to Pla�r B�ol� 3, Page 43, Public Reeords Pinellas Coun�Ly, Floxida. a. �ot �9, Block "C" dos. J. Eldrid�eTs Subdivision, According t�o Pl�.y Book l, Page 85, l�ibiic Reoo rds Pinellas County, Florid�. 6. Sou�h Hal;� (Q ) o� Lot 38, �ghuret Addition to Clsarwater, according to Plat Book 1, Page 23 0� the Public Records o� Pinellas Countyp Florida. It appears that this s�ii originally covered Lot 7 0� Slack 3 of Ira DTii.cholson's Addition o� Clear�vater, horvever W a�ter the iiling oi bi11 0� Complaint this property was dis��ssed out oi 'the suit, therefore, at this time the suit on],y covers the �bove desc- rihed property. A Deeree Pro Confesso has been mtered ag�inst the De�end�.nts in this �it, and it �voulci appear that this suit is no�v reac�p �or the entry oi decree oi �oreclosure and sale. This letter is being written to you sotthat you may be �'u.l.ly advised in reierence to the status o� a11 suits her�toiore instituted by the City o�' Cleas��:ter� a� remaining at this time undisposed oi ix�volvin� the foreclosure o� pavinE, certificates, etc. Trusting that the informa.tion herein contained maSr be o� some assistanca to you, and v�ith best o� wishes, I am, Yours ver� truly, (Si�ned) John C. Polhill G2TY ATTORNESC Clearwater, I'la,. January 6, 19v6 The Honoz2ble City Commission Gity oi Clear�ater, Fla. Gen�t l eme n: In aecordanee with custom, I su.bmit belova a x�port o� work aecompliehed in various city departments dv:ring the past c�:le�lar year. k'ARKS The additions to Bowl3;ng Court under way a year ago �Bere com- leted �or serviee and �inal completion �iven 'thru 4VPA project. Brooklyn Field placed in shage �or Newarke by City plua Veteraas labor. I7uring summer major reeond.itioning o� �ield by eity under- taken �or Brcoklyns, and being continued as WPA projeet, with all �vork schedn.led to be completed b�* Fei�ruary lst. Ne�v Athletic �ield completed by FERA, Veterens and. city. Bleaehers adcled thru i'lPA projeet. 1�1so general maintenance continued under this o�:�ice and later under Recreation Board. Various additions to �acilities, besides those mentioned abave are under wa� �s a W8� projeot, in- clnding work at shu��leboard courts, tourist club bna.ilding, audi- torium and Clearwa�er Beach P�rk. DOCKS �]'D BRIDGES t7veri�avled Yarious city ducks, ineluding Turner Street, Eavea Street City pier and slips, and pier at Beach. �Iaterial ior Setni- nole on hand and work under wa.y. Varioue parta o� drawbridge steel repainted. Dr�w bridge opened 1,37.0 times �or boat passage �.urix� year. Large part oi Ploor repl.�cea a�a all thoroughly tightenea� up �nd bolted down to stop tra�Pie noise. s � a HARBOTt Dredging done at Bxv.mby Marine VJ�ys, at c�ty pier and sLips arxl at Junior Yacht Club pier at Haven Street to 5� depth at me�s low water, except that at Haven Street had to shallrnn nearer shore dne to hard clay enecuntered. Fot vralk built �rom thie pier ta aceom- modate Ioading arid unloading �or boata. Gonaider4ble and concerted e�Port made to bring about dredging o� Big Pass bv govsr�ment with �inal result not yet certa,in. Continued maintenance on lights on channel ma:rkers, installed last �ear. STREETS FERA �90AK. 1�7.].ey improvenant Park to Gleveland, Partially completed repair�.ng holes on Howard Street. Raised sv.nlcea s3de o� North Garden AvBnne.v:here worat. ' Thru labor oi transients a�1 Veterans, the $treet leading �rom Mandalay Blvd. to Fisiy. pl�nt ( 900 �t. And 20 �t. wide ) vras suP�aeed wi�h brick that came up o�f S. Ft. Harrison A�enue, the ci-t�y supplying grading, xol.ler, woc+d c�;rba a�d �oreman. City's atreet work �.s been mostly routine, patcshing, grading up sunken places, and repairs as needed but note might he nade o� 3ollowing: ' General repair o3 streets on Isl.and, about 2/3 complete. About 150 � 1s o� sa.nd washed in-�o street at acuth en�i removed. Major washout at west end Haven street repaired ar_d anotner an Nicholson street by I�orth �lard School. General street clean up aiter September storm (ass.isted by some FERA la.bor ) . Repair �� drives in tront o� Auclitorium. ExpeciaJ. e�icrt to clean c�.rbs and gutters, ��hich helps consider- ably in street appearance, crith �ollowing atreets compl.eted: Myrtle Avenue, Greenwood �venue, S. I`t. Harrison Aven�.e, N. Osceola Ave., Navajo Park, Sunset Drive, Eldxidge St�^eet ( Ft. Harri.son to Greenwood), Country Club section. Annual stree$ marking nearly eompleted. �'rash �rom hon.ses, and strest eZeanings amounted to 5,866 loads for year. SEIRIl?S Co�eiderable more sev�er trouble has �een encovutered this year than wasuanti:eipated. It is thaught that the he�4y rains o� summer cu7.minati�;g 3a the September �torm Y�as corxtribnted, in that worst trouble ktas been causod by clogging by sand, whic�t can only' come thru entrance oP �ound water thru open j�ints or broken pipe. Ps3sn- cipal troubles have been encountered �t Country Club, Hillcrest, Gle.nvrood, Harbor Oaks, Navajo Parx, Oak Street, Vine Street, Garden , .Avenue and Pa1m Avenue. Storm drainage ditahes npened early in�,�svnmer. New sewer e�.ean- ing apparatus addpd to equipment ear],,y in summer. G.ARB.AGE COLLECTION Rather routine, anc� 6,667 lo�ds collected �or the yea.� , with 511 loads oi �in caus additiona� h�e�aled irom inninerator to dnmp. Comment might be made that all our garbage and street �rucks are getting old and. are hence expensive to �per�.te and small capa- ci$y also raisea costs. To coniorm to Z9PA projeet requireraents, the ci'�y has to supply truck sergice, and we have released t�vo additional trucks Yor this aerviee by purchase �� one new Dodge trucTc with a 5 c. yd. capacity ancl hydraulic dump. 1'�wa oan thus, with p�oper equipmarit, reduce #he numbar o� trucks necessary ;ior oTar requir�d eity servicQs, it would seem that suah replacements s�.ould be made a� rapidly as iii.nde wi11 permit. "d � � ;�. _ . �._ �; INSPECTION SEE2UTCE Building Pennits issue�. 249 Va1ue o� �vork �348;424.00 Feea paid in 463.90 Plumbing permit issued 168 Fees paid in 508.OQ Elactrical Pezsaits issued 423 Fees paid in 672.15 SANIT4TION Survey made oi' existing sur�ace toilets located in the city limita. Survey �hows 289 surPaee toilets being used, giv�ing owner's name and address and. looation o3 toilets. Or��:�a�nce reoommended to eliminate a great majority of those inx•use. �ctensive mosquito control program launched which terminated Mith the September storm period which rend.ered mosquito eontrol im- p�ssible. IIsed 6,000 gallons ls.rviaide. �overed the city once each week vrith spr2y ere�r. ciea��a out approximately 6 n�iles c� drainage ditches. Maci� periodical iaspections o� a11 daix� �srms and took milk ssmples to St�.te Laboratory �or tosts. Quarantined all reported communicable diseasee an� fumigated where necessary. 91]. sanitaxy compls,ints were received and. ad- jus�ments made where practi;al. MISCELL9NEOUS The old pavilion on �ity pr�perty was torn out, egeept top stor;�. This was moved �sw �sr�perty leased to Yacht Clut� and tvrnzc� oger ta them. Site cl.ea�l�d up by Veterans l�.bor and city trueks. The experimental groins in front o� old ps.vilion ware abmPleted ana �ouna ae�iaeal� satisYaetor� as a beaeh buildin� aid. The second story oi old �ire station was repaired �.nd rearranged �or K. 03 P. Iia7.1. Additional lanu was acquired �or the cemPter�*, and the improve- ment (�illing aad beauti�ication) o� this �or use r�ocv uncler �vay vnder VPPA. Oaly a�ew lots le�t no� in old seetion. Myrtle Axenue cu.rb a.nd p�ving so�t �rom Jei�'ords to cemetexy now under way as S'PPA pro jeet . At Del Oro Groves we ars giving mindtnttuu care to keep up. Fair crop set but Septembar storm removed the most oi it . .�t suditorium, the FERA aiurals �eare placed on a nec� built framed cur�ain and with one on either sid.e o� proscenium arch. Later the set�ing was balanced out by the paintings in place on either side and above. The city has borne entire expenae, except for the original zuurals themselves a.nd the labor o� ;oainting the ]..e.tter thsee items. Reports o� polica, �ire and utilitiea departmenta will be :fbund attach�d hereto. RespectPully submi.tted� (Signed) A. C. Niehols CITY PRANAG�R � �, 9 Clearwater, F'].a. January l, 19�6 Mx°. �.. C. Nich�le City Manager Qity o� Clearwater Dear Sir: I beg to submit the tollowind Police report E�agfnning Jan. 1st, 1935 and ending Deo. 3lst , 1935. Number o� �ases docketed �or year -- 897.00 Cash turned into City C?erk �or 3ines and bonds estreated --- 4,�2�.05 Cash turned into City Clerk ior damage� to stre�t lights, poles, ete. - - - �04.78 Ga�h collectad irom telephone cal:ls �.nd turned in ------_ y�.65 The departmont aerved 5320 meala to prisonera at a tatal cost o� 884.66 (T:ae �ooks salary o� �360.00 included in total coat.) The average cost per meal �or the �rear was - - - - - - - - - - - 1&.62� Time served on eity work by p�isoners - - - - - - - ,- - - � - -1900 days Card index shows that the de�artment hanciled the �ollowing miscellaneone complaints - - - - - - - _ - _ - - _ - � - - 413 .and also -t he �ollowing cases: Breaking,c� Eatering .... ., o.. 2S reported, 7 arrested Stolen carf; . . . . . . . . . . . .. 17 reported 15 reevvered Automobile Accidents . . . . . . , . .200 reported No �atalities Jeeelry stolen . . . . , . . . . . 6 repozted 1. watch ieco�ered Bicyclee atolen. , . . . . . . . . . . 32 reported 30 reco7rered Calls answerad ... . . . . . . . . 250 Reports �a.de (various] . . . . . , a , 100 Missing persons . . . . , . . . . . . S1 reported 17 fbund Out o f t o�n c all s. o... �.... 3� Losti articles repo� �ed .. .... . a 50 115 found Cases turned over to Probation O�ficer 25 Investigatio.�s ma;de . . . « . . . . . 22 Pick up Orders issued. ..... ,.. 24 9 Picked up Dogs killed . . . . . . . . , 141 No reeord kept oi cats, but more than dogse City Motorcyc�e and car performance-in petrol duty: R�files ner Q,uarts Total: Miles Ga�s: as us+;d. allon oil used Motorcye�e Na. 1 Zg:5c� 526',��— 37�'�'�"" 89 Notoroycle No. 2 23473 554 42.2 126 �'ord Secian No. 11 26995 2050 13.1 94 Plymouth S�dan No. 12 3J5�466(estimated) 2J�� 14.8 1�61� Note: The speedo�eter ivas broken for about one mo�th on Plyraouth Sedan during this time �he car was aaeraging about 125 miles every 24 hours, this would mske the mileage on this car about �5466 m33es iox the amo�:nt of gas used. � V@2`y' tr'llya (Signed) Joe L. Russell CHTEF OF pOLICE � � �.0 FIRE DII'ARTMIlQT Clearwatar, Floriaa CIT`.� OF CLEAR�YAT�R FIRE R�,PORT FOR TFiE YEr�R 1934 ENDING DECL+'N1BIrR 33.st .AND FOR THE YE�R Z935 ENDING DEC'III+lBER 31st. KIND FIRE CALLS ANS6YERET+ r]ZTiIZBER IVU7tRBER 1934 1935 GRL�SS ----�- --_-----�----- 81 112 PlOODPILE -------�------ --- 1 - a4IICS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 9 PUMPING OUT BASEMENT - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 SCHOOLHOUSE------------�--^- - 1 AIITOMOBIZES -�--�_o__e_ ______.. 4 5 FAiSE ' ALARMS - - - - - - - - � - � - - � � - 6 11 RESIDII�TCES-----�----^-----�-- 24 �7 It�ERCANTIIF �STABLISffivLNTS - - - ^- � _ - - - 9 8 GAR�GE ----------- -��-- - Y 1 TELF�PHQNE & P049ER POLES - � � - � - - - - - � 4 APART�THOUSES------_•. _�- ---- - 2 BOAT - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - � - 1 1 OUTOFCITYC�I,LS --- -- - --- - --- 7 10 CATOUTOFTREE -------- ------- 1 - TOTAL 135 192 NUMBEft OF FT. OF 2'� IN. H08E LAID ------ 4,6Q0 4,550 n. n n n l�i n n n ----- 0 3S0 1�200 rr tt n n CHIIS4ICAL n rr ----- $, 2�0 5, 000 n n tr nT,A7�D�tS R�ISED -�---- 308 50p " " GALIANS OF CH�4iICAL USED - - - - - - 892� 1,107Q " 4f HOURS gT �zRES - - - � - - - - � - - 103 174.55 M n n MIIES RUN - - - - - - - - - - - - 578.7 732.'i VALUE OF BIITL�72NG5 - - - - - - - - - - - -�14,20A.00 �501,400.00 :f.i�TSUEt:ANCE ON t'. - - - - - - - - - - R - 173,050.00 221,950.06 " "P�ID ON ,' - - � - - - - - - - - - 1,869.41 1,7&2.00 LCSS ON BUII,DINGS - - - - - - - - � - � - 18,019.41 9,115.00 Y9LIIE ON CONTENTS - - - - - - - - - - 237,200.00 112,610�00 II�?SIIR�sNqE OI�T T' - - - - - - - - - - - - 38,8d0.00 32,590�00 rr PAID n ir - - - - - - - - - - - - 137.75 1,759�.50 �OSS ° �t - - - - - - - - - - - - 5,137.75 5,405.00 t�ORK REPORT OF TI� CI'.�'Y QF CLEARj�lATER FIRE DII'T. FOR THE YEAR OF 1935 IlV ADDIrION TO THE REGIILAR V�'ORK OF THE F7RE DLPT. (2,5122 IiOUSE) tYER�` • PIIT �N ON V10RK OUTSIDE OF THE FIRE Dl+�t'T. SUCH AS FIHITE WAY LIGHTS, PARK DEPT. , GgS c� �J6TER DEPT, CITY HALI,, LIBP.ARX, CAUSECJAY BRIDGE, POLICE IfEPT., STREEI BIGNS, gUDITORIUM AND NIIMEHQUS OTHER ODD dOBS. IDT ADDITION TO THIS TFfERE WAS (423 HOUSE ) IN ELECTRIGAL INSPECTIONS BY R. C. DOBSON SUBlt'IITTED BY FIRE CHIEF - . B. ar n UTILITIES RII'ORT PPATER PLEINT IP/tPROVEMEDITS: The repair. and painting i:nside a.nd out oi all wa�er �� was Qompleted and the most o� the work done in 1935, thovgh be�v.n in 1934« Threa deep well pumps pulied out , v�orn psrts replaced and eomplete- ly repaired, and motors �or aame also overhav.led. Worn par�s replacetl. in �he one centri�u.gal pump. �hecked a11 i'3.re hydrants �or leaks. STATISTZCS New maina and �eed lines added 2024� Ft, Nev� �ire b,pdran;ts inat�tlled 3 New me t er a b ou.ght �� Old meters tosted, l�'; Repaired 7b (In shop,, no'c i.ncluding those repaired in aer�3.ee) Tota1 wa.ter pumped 453356,359 Cu, 7�t. Sola 32,904,610 C�mpared with 1934 u� 39,071,866 ° tt Sold 26,5i0,330 Meters in use Dee. 31, 1935 2,626 11 �Zat rate Metore in use Dec. 31, 1934 2,333 l fla� rate Nev1 set s, 1935 -- 132 RTew aets, 1934 -� 85 GIlVEft9L BOT$ GAS AND �VATER Ealarged oYiice and meter room a�i added toilet and shower. Proteeted this buildin� �vith tetrachloride �ire proteetion. Built ho�e house nearby �vith.2509 �ire hose immedia�elg avail- ables $aaea one Austin p�ck up truek �or gas and water service wor.k. Replaced vary old truck ior pipe service with newer bnt used 1Q ton Chevrole�o Adde3 nearly new �'ord pick up trv,ek �or �.se o� gzs appliance installation crew, UTILITIES R�?ORT GAS PLA�TZ' IlI�ROVEMIIv�i: C1Eaned a�.d �epainted all storage tanl�s. Added 5 used atorage tanks, giv�ng 55,000 cu. �t, mo�re oapacii,y. ComFleted installa.tion o� low pressure warni� signal, between these tanlzs and �i.restation. Built addizional tar wel]., incrsasin� capacity something more than 1C10�. Reuwved a iire and serviae hazard by placing some high voltage feed lines undarground and installing new switchboard ior wiring in engine room. � ■ ,:� x �� Repl�.ced guy wires on snoke stac3:� with heAvy caTi�e. Made other minor ehanges at plant to give greater security oi uninterrupted service. Re�illed pvrifiers with oarload oi ne�rr material� the �irst time a carload purenase has been required �or 4 years. 'Usual maintenance �wrk on boilers and geuerator machines, in- cluding partia'!. r�.Lining o� ma�hinea with fire brieL. STATISTICS New mains an$ �eed lines added 20,139 �te New meters bought 160 NEw regulatora bought 151 Old met ere tested-l?A0-Repaired �48 Regulators repaired (ins's�op) 242 Cu. Feet gas made 62,349,000 Sold 57�,110,100 Compared with 1934 iigures o�' 52,392,000 " 46,368,700 Meters in use 1935 1762 --91 Flat rates Meters in use 1934 1702 -- 5 Flat rates New sets 1935 113 Nerv sets I934 92 GAS APPLIANCES This department has made a wort;iy record o� sales. Its results are showing in inereased gas consumption which �ad grad�xa'lly been cle- clining �or sever•sl �ea.rs. And. the ' epartsaent has �urthennore beesn able to operat� at a proiit. IInits sold: 1935 1/2 0� 1934 Total E].ectrolux re�rigerators 108 33 14I Ftange a l v4 48 24 2 Ho t wat er he at ers lI8 13 ],.31 Room heaters 101 22 1�3 Total s �� �36 � Num.ber o� Time Payffie�t accounts, Dec. 31, T935 - 265 Dec. 31, 1934 - 49 This department was started uruler �ldr. Greer in July o� 1934 , HPnce the recoxcl. o� 1�2 0� Z93� , ottl� give�z. While there �.s �un- ddub�edly a saturation point in these sal.es, there is nof �sign o� its heing reached as the bea�t m�intha o�' sales have be�n the past thxee. �lith a possible 4 iznits to eaeh c�n�zection, and with metera in uee varying ovex the months each year �rom 1200 to I.800 �t would seem that this point is a long wa� 3:�. V'P� PROJECTS OF CITY UNDER tNAY DECIIVBER 31, 1935 In order o� starting. 1. Const,:uetion o� new ineinerator 2. New addition to cemetery 3. Book binding and repair at Public Lihrary 4. Addition to citiea reereatiena�. �aeilities 5. Paving and ev.rb oP certain stroets with Del Oro brick an�. curb. I think it mi.�h� properly be added that the work has beea pros eout ed iar �rom ei�ieientl�*, � tr 1st- by overloading jobs with man Forver in November whext a sho�ving had to be made as to men emploved. �: 2nd- by' lack o� W.PA funda during Deeember 3rd- by lack o� VJPA material even a�ter they haYe been given many weeks n:oti�e o� requirementa. The status o� these projeets on December 31, was a� �o11�ws: l. Work sto�ped, and been so two montha awaiti�tg ineinera�or material. Now aclviseci ma.terial bc�;ht so work should resume in January. 2• F'unde only available to earry 8 men tyJo weeks more. 3. Continuing satis3ai�torily. 4. ckilled labor s-topped account no material to work with. 5. Work stopped aecount tto iuncie. Telephone assurance reoeived, �owever, on Jatauary 4th, that addition�.l �unds had been obtained and worlt would r esune. Theae being no i1�,rther business� the City Coimnission there�.pon adjo�rned. Attest: y ud � or � erc r. �.���� ayor-Co ssioner - � �._ . ,,._ n., ,�w�, �,:�,,;� .. - ,� ■ ST.AT� OF FZQRIT�A ` GOUId`i.'il 0�' PIN�LI�S C I'.LTY OF CI,��Bns'�TER . I, R. Z. B�ker, and I, J. �. ��.rry, do solemnly stvear tha� I t�ill s�por� 4nd nrotect the constitution e� the Uni�ed States oi .P�aerica and its Goveriimeut, and the Sti�te' ol Florida aga.inst all en�?mies, domestic and fox�i�n; and that 1 vrill bear true f'aith, loy�.lt� a.nd alle�;iance to the same, and that 1�rn entitled tc holct ozsice under the Con- s�itu�ion �:n� La.�+s o�' the State o3 rlorida; o:nd �that 1 vrill �er�'ori:: all ai' t,he duties o� the oi'�'ice oi City Com- missioner o� the (;it� o� Cle�i�srater, r'l.orida, unon which I aan aUou� to enter, so '�elp me Uod. �^ �'�'�' `�� Conuna::sioner r ____ ��:xssioner - Se�o.rn to and stzbscribed befo �^e me tnis the 6th day oi J�sy,uary, 1936. t o �a��y ie a-e c� � o-r �� �e ��/��9 � � � � � , ,--�,, � i '�:�E � i � � .. � . . . . . . . . . . � . . � . t V y �.�.:W4.n1� `fi"i!i'R��w s+r.:.0 :...., � ..,.:Li.�.:...� . ,..::.:...i-.. � �...:... ._.�...,.a.'iaa.�.....^+v.� a� v�._....:—...u���'�....+ ...._.«�_..��.�--�` . ...--.L..a��P&�i..���w__ �..._ �._.e....-r.-.�� �. .... '«.4e.. ......✓ � t �� I��INiTTES OF TEiE CI�� CO�ISSION JA1VtTARY 6 , 193 6 The nevr Cit� Coauniasion o� th2 Cit�• 03 Clearvratera Florida sBet on the above date in regu.lar m�eting aseombl�d v�i.th the 3ollov�ing membors t�resent: Ray E� Green � Mag►or 5. A. Barry R. L. Baker Z. A, Me.reh D. 0. Batchel�r Tlte Cit y Clerk adminiatared �11e oath o 3 o��ice t o the newly eleated aAci. re-elected Com�isatoners a� 3ollaws; STATE OF F.C,ORIDA COIINTY OF PIN�,LAS CITY OF CI;E.AR�Y1lTER I, R. L. �aker, and I, J. g. Barry, do solemnly svrear that I will su.pport an.d �motect the constitution o� the United 3tates oi 6merica and. ita �overnm�nt, and th� State d� Florida �gainst all enemies, dome�tic and �oreign; and that I a�ll bear true �aith, loyalty arYi allegiance to the same, and t3�t I am antitled to hold o�iice under the Const'itution and Laws o� the state o� �.oriaa; aaa tl��t I v,r1. �.7. per�orm a1l o�' t he dut ies o� t he o�iiee o� Cit� Com- missianer ,o� the City of �lear�vater, Florida, upon evhien 'I am about to enter, so heln ne God. (Si�ned) R. .L. Baker �mmi ssi o ner - (Signed) J. �. &arry �Gomm3ss�'oner Sworn t� and subscribed be�ore me this the�_6th day o� Jamxarv, 1936. ( S E 9 L ) ' (fii ned) Charles G. Croivle I o ar�r c'-S a e o or i a a arge N�y Co�ission e�pirea P�a.y 16, 1935. i n" " � The �'ollowix�e petition,83.gned by 41 citizen� and 35 touriets, �as pr.esexi�ed: Clearwater, I'lorida, Jattuary 2 � 1936 �, To the Mayor, Ci�y Commission and City Manager; . Ws, the undersi�ned Citizene and Winter Vis3.�nrs ai thie City, respectiizl7.y ask: lst. That the {nocv Knowu) as the Tourist Ceriter Club- , house, ia the Ci�y Park, be taken �rom the Tovrists' Cer_tsr Club, and. the name be Ymo�m as "Comviunity Houae", as be�ore. 2nd. �ie wieh that the ladies who nor� act as i�oatesses to iorm a commii:ttee to manage tha wnole hbuse , as they sea iY�:i 3rd. That Bob Kimbrough be janitor as in the past. 4t�. tThat the City be responsible i'�s the gas, whieh is on1,q uscd a short v�hile during the �inter. 5ih. That we are tiresl o� a t�Dictator". and w�,nt th3;s home ��en to the publie at al.l times. �� Moved by Mr. h�a,rsh, seeonded by Mr. Barry, and carried, the �ormer action oY the City Co�niasion in turning the Tovrist Center Club-house over to the Touriat Association be resci�cied s.nd juriadiction over the building be placed in the Re�reation Board. Moved by Mr.. Barry, seconded by Mr. Baker, that all appointive oiiicers be re-appuinted Yor the ensuing year. Mr. $atter�ield re� quested that �the Commission ei.ther relieve him o� the poaition o� E�unicipal Judge or increase hi� oompensation to include this serviee. The matter was diseussed and it was proposed �hat the two pos3tions be separated� that Mr. Satterf3eld continue to hold b�t:z pos�tions vntil May lst, 1936, the beginning o� the new 'budget year, at which time satis�a�btosy compensation or appaintu�at o� a necv Jud�e vronld b� uro rltsd out . Dvring the di seia.ssion, applicatio� o� M. II. 3one s �or the City Judge was read. Mr. Baker pointed ont itr'iaat Mr. Jonas would serve until May lst, 1936 without oom�ensation ii necee�ary. Mr. Barry°s motion waa then reatated with the understanding tha.t some adjus�tmen.t woul.d be made concerning the position o� Manicipal Judge in the new budget, was seconded by Mr. Marsh , and carried. , �'6 The Following proposal was r�ead: Decemher 26, 1935. Mr. xay Green , Mayor , City o� Gle aYvrat er , Iflearwater, Florida Deer �r. Green: You wi].7. �ind attached hereto vrarranty deed o� Clearwater Beach Propertiee, Inc. , a corporat ion, canveying t itle to the Gity o� CleaJ.�- water, a tt�ieipal corporation, to Lots 1 to 7, inclusive, o� Clear� water Beach Island, accordin,� to play recorded in Plat Book l3, Pagea 12 and 13, publie reco��ds of Yinell�.s Cou,nty, Florida. The considoration �or execution and deliver�r oi this deed ia that the City o� Clearwat er will c ane el and c3i scharge a11 mu.nicipa]: t a,ges now oi reeord on the Pollowing deacribed property located on Clear- water Beach Island, and ar�ned by- Clearv�ater Beaeh Yro_r�erti�s, Inc., a corporation, to-cvit> Goverffient Lot Four (4) o� Section 8, Township 29 South, Rarlge 15 East, together with all riparian r.ights and water privilegee thereunto belonging or dnywise a�erta irting o� :Pinella� Covnty, Flori�a., except Lote 8, 9, 11, 12, 27, 4�, �5, 46, 48, 49, 51, 52, 60, 66, 67, 7b, fi6� 87: 88� 98� 114� 115� 1,:.ti0� i31 and 135, Clearw�ter �esCh Island� according to plat r ecorded ia� Plat Book 13 , pages 12 and I3 , publie reeords oi PinaZl�,s County, Floxida. ALSO, beginning at the Northeast cori-ier of Lot 4, Section 8, Towa> ship 29 South, Ra�ge 15 East, thence 350 �eet, thenee South 56 degreas 00� East 1860 �eet, thence 2a degrees 45� �s:$t 850 �eet! ��egce So�i$h 51 degrees 15T �lest 1500 Yee� to aa iutersection with the Soir.�h line o� said 'Sectian 8, thence West on and p�.rallel to South line �� said Section 8 to the Southeast eorner o� a�oresaid I,ou �, thence in a Northerly course along the avers.ge high �sater line o� Ea.st side o� eaid Lot 4 to the point of beg3.nning , cont aining 69 acres r more or less, lying adjoinin, i�o and Ea�t o� property o� L1oyd-V�hite-Skinner SuUdivision on Sand T�e�o A11. 1�-in� an.d bei� in Section 8, Totivnship 29 South, Range l�, Ea�t�. Gou�ty o� Pinellas, State o� Florida. �nd. alsro a11 the alleged i�mrovement liie�s%r paving Gulf View Boul.e�ard and �utting do�vn sidevralks, said improvement lians beir� more partleularly described and set up in the certain suit of City o� Clear�aater, a rnunicipal corpors.tion, a�ainst J. P. Cl�,rkson, et al, Chancery No. 13040, pending in the Circuit Court o� Pinel].s.s County, �'].orida, It is generall� eo�eded that these i�prov�en� liens are valid and cannot be miforced on jurisdictionsl grounds set up in �he pleadings on �ile in the case, but regardless oi sne� deie�se, the elaim o� the City of Clearwater� in this reg�.rd �.re to be ca.ncelled and diseharged, It is understood', of eourse, t$at the City of Claaswater will no-t eancel taxes or improvaumt liens on lots not o�vned by Clearcxrater }3eaeh Proper�tf es , znc . Your s very trnl,y, {Signed) CLEARTMATER BrACFI PROPERTIES; INC. By Eti A. Hale �RES . — � � : . 9 /� � � �� Movod by 1Vir. NIarsh� seconded by NLr, I3arxy, and carried that Mrm HaleyTs proposition 'be accepted with the iollowing qual3.ficutions: 7,, Al1 Z935 taxes ( excepting lota 1 to 7) to be paid in cash. 2. One loty as nearly as pos�3ble, opposite Second Street and one lot� as nearly as posaible, opposite Th3.rd Street, accord3ng to the Plat, be dedicated. either as sts�eet or park in order to provide access to the Beach. 3� mitle to lats to be approved by the City Attorney. 4. Future atatus of paving suit to �e determirid�ci by n�got3ationa between �r. Taley and the City:lttorney, Ivir. Batchelor recorded lzis �rota on the above �ropos3tian as "no°. Pdoved by P�r. Batchelox� seconded by Mr. Barry and carriea that the proper City Offic3als be autharized to soll undivided B1ock L, �econd Addition to Belmont, less Howard Street, to the Su�trannee Operating Company fox nat cash of taxes and paving assoasments. Moved by NIr. Ba�cchelor9 seconded by NLr. Barry and carr3ed �laat the �p50.OG per month authorized to be disbursed on requisition of Co��nty Welfare 9gent, to be cuntinued for six monLha. 2doved by �Ir. Ba�cheior� seconded b,q i�Ir. 14Iarsh and cai>ried that transfer oi �i00.00 authorized fer Gityts ahare o� the groject :for compil�g 'che C�.t'� �.&1°T.4 to rebinding of library boolis re�authorized. bl�ved 'by IJtr. Batchelort seconcl.ed by Mr. Marsh an.d carried that the City lYIanager ba authorized to put wnod or composition floor� at his discretion, on one-half of the Audi�orium floor. � letter fron the Garden Club af C�.c�arv�ater was read, n.rotAstin� the location of �Yv, Island Fire Sta�;ior�. It was poin�ed out by several af 'the Cotmnissioners tha� most naople are uncer a misapprerer,�s3.on as -t� the type of building to be srectedy st�ting that it will be s�n im- provement to the Beach and not an "eye-sore"; th�t �ther or�a:�.izations wl�ieh have protested, have withc7rawn• all o�jections �:nd indorsed the '! ocation upon t'inding these th�.ngs to bs trv.e. No action �ras tak.en in thi� case. ,- An. Ordinaza.ce No, aD0 en�Gitled `�AN ORDINAr10E PRQViDIPIG FOR TFIE CONSTRUCTZON OF ADDITIOI?S AND EXTENSIONS TO GAS PLP.NT AND DISTRIB'QTION SYSTEP�? OF THE CITY OF CI,EAR1"11�TER, �dD FOR THE ISSUA1�iCE OF �'79'000 REV�NUE CERTZFICATES OF TFP_: CZ"I'� OF CL�ARY�FATER, F'r�ORIDA, PAYABI,E SOLELY FROM T� REVEi�TtJ.�,S DEFtIVED k;HOM THE ('x�S PLANT AND DIS1^RII3U^1ZQIJ SYSTEM QF SAID C21Yp TO FZNANCE TL'E COST OF SUCH CONSTRTJCTION, APID DECLARING AN EI� � GETiCY"� vras introducPd by Mr. MarsY,. anc read in fu11. � � 'r �;,% 0 After a diseues-ion thereo� Mr. Marah moved said Ordinanoe be adApted as read. Mr. Batchelor secanded the motion. Upon roll call the �ollov�ing vote was polled: 6yess Mr. Green Mr. Batchelor Mr. Iiaker Mx� �darsh Mr. Barry Nays: N�ne. / Thereupon the Mayor-Commiasione`r decl.�ed Ordinan�ce No. 4d0 dn.ly passed upon its Yirst reading. •� Mr. Marsh moved that Ordinanee No._400 be read its second time by title only. Mr. Batchelor aedo�nded the motion. IIpon roll call the Yollo�in� vote Nas polled: Ayes: Mr. Green Mr. BateheZor Mr. Baker M•r. Mzrsh � Mr. Barry N��rs : Nene. Thereupon �the Mayor-Commissioner deelared the motion passed and said Ordinance was reed a second tima �y it s title. Mr. Marsh moved said Ordinance be adopted as re�cl. Mr. Batchelor eeconded the motion. Upon roll ca71 the �olTopring vote was polled: Ayes: Mr. Greer� Mro- Batchelor Mr. Baker Ddr. Ma.rsh MY. Barly' Nays: None. Thereupon tlae Mayor-Co�issioner declared said Ordinance duly pag$ed upon its second reading. Mre Marsh m�ved Or3inance No;. 400 be read i�s third and �inal time. Mr. Batchelor seeonded the motion. Upon roll ea11 the �ollov�ing vote was pollea: A�es: Mr. Green lt�r. Batehelor Mr. Baker NIr. Marsh Mr. Barxy Nay$s None. Thereupon tne Mayor-Co�issioner declared the motion uassed and said Ordinance was read its third and iinsl time. Mr. I�Iarsh' moved said Ordinance be fins.11y adopted as read. Mr. Bat ehelcr sscon[ed the mot ion. Upon roll ca11 the �o llowir� v ot e was polled: 9yes: Mr. Green Mr. Batchelor Mr. Baker Mr. Marsh Mr. Barry Nay�c Thereupon the Ivlayor Commi.s�ioner declared the motion passad and Qr- t dinance No. 4Q0 dul ado ted and si Y p , gned said Ordinan.e e and approval thereo�. �Signed) Ra E. Green — a�.�._. . A�ttes'�: J. �. Satter�ield y u or er _ ._. __ _ _ �. - ■ � ', .� _ . . � ., , ._ .___�, .. .. �....m.-___,., _. _ . ___�..._._ _ ,.,..,....,.�..-.--_:. - , ti Q� atu»nrt�� �o. �oo ,A2� �Ftl?Ti�ArFG� PFtOVTDZNi� I�OR �HTw GON��'kt'�JCTIb2� C'1T` ADDT'�IC?1tjS 1�NA �X'I'�"sN$Z�IJS R'0 t3A� �'E+�1ZaT ilI�i'3? HI�TI�TFID3!Tf9R3 ��'�!L'� Aa�' �� G��,'�' tJF C7'�R�i�,i'�ii �t7� i�QI� sHL I��UAXdGE 9�' �7'9#,i30t3 1�t+�Y3t3S� C�R's'J�'ICA:�3 E3�' �'i� �TT�' �3�` C��ATt��7�Iia, 2�L��i�S�� P�1�'1�� :2�Ly�EL'�ap{`�}�p�'Rryt��q TTp�y['`s�pyR�g;FithF�S 7�#`.s�t��p���ryy�/�p� ��\!� d.^r" 4Tt#� F�lJ_"�F�� FI�iJ D��J.�17Yi�.YVB\ � 4�s� a�' �Aaii cz�e, {i� �n��.r�c� �.�'r�+ t�AS'I' a�' :iT3fSH C"tJN�'Fi2Z��',i'Tt?I� Aldf? i3�QLARIiJ�i �'�it ��Q�StdCS�'. � �i - k 8�.,,I� t}Ri�$IN� �Y' � CI� Gat�&'tTS5I04,T Q%` TIi� �I�i' 4k� � . ,� t �I+�fi�.�i�'���'�5�2� �t'�3�s''T7JAII . s8���4� i. �t �.Q Ma��� g�a����s.nc�dA a�t�r��s� ��a �eai�r�a � h�a� s (e�y �h� �City a� Giesr��t;e�, F�:or3€�g, ������n����3r cc�1.3.�d. '�k16 �iG�.t�t'#� 2�fSA'f t1$7L38� QpQ"�'3f�ia f3d'1d' iTlt�i�t'�;�b,'i21L L3 �� ��QYi� R17C� {��,8'f:Y'�,++ �u��.�n �etem„ �3�e,=�',�°a�£t�z� sam�t3me�+ c3a�.�.�ae� "Sy��em4' j„ t�g +a�n�ta�eac- �i�ra oP �hh�.�Yz s�s�am �as �9.x�anced by �:%e i.oeua�ce o� ;g��esaZ c�b�i��- tion 'bozada ui ;�ei.d �i�G�l� �'or t�a,e paymp�� ��` �vl:�i.ch banda sa�� C9.t� v�sa r�e��;ir�rr� 'E� �a�e� �0 1,eey �z�� er�l3.ees� an se� va3.areAa �Emx �pnn n�.�, �erable p�c��c�z�i:y �.a�sg�4d ar].�� tho ��a���G�ca�r�a3. soni'ines �' ea�c� C�,t�t. {b) `:�`�xe �€�� r�ver��se Qf �Uch s�w�om du�in� �Yie �.ne� �bxx+�e i ��,�ca2 ye�e 1�� �o�an�sd �� i�2� ga�.iovr9.r�,r niunas I��nt�t�l Yea �e td�at RevQ�a e "_��';�" �t'� .u�'�" �.g3� ,�299.�3. 1935 �;�1��.4� art� � renez�ue o� �a�d s��em ha� n�� `�ear� p�,s��t�c3 ��thc�X� �ii ��a�e ! oa� �.x� pt�rt iea tk�e paymosa� a�,' ang Bu��tA�zdSza� bcss�d� oar a�%�►z� esbliga• � ; �',$4iT61 ��''�10 te"S.'ii�e '.�'13@ �,5�'.'.�.Iilit.$@$,Y]@'i�`. 1'QVAYlL�O O� fi�S�d 8,T}'4��C'rt�'�%kT.4��,rj1 ��.�aai yeax� �.�t�;r �ha con��x�u�t9.an o� the adei��4,a�na t�d e.��ene�,o� . '�4 S61:S:C� 6,'�f8'�811t 7:L6%'�1�.Y7,tR$''�@R' I'i�#".k3i'I'8C� frOs �.� �11 �3�{�0�88 Q�' �kiC� Eltdl0LiT11i 1`p ` be4e�tt� due i�i eaah s�ach. g9.sa�1 yaar i'o� p�3.nct��r�1 Rn� �.zs�i�r�db �n �ii� (;e�����,�3ateo %ema3:�pfte� prav�.ded for. 4 � } �� �.$ ne.�� ;�� ae.�sr�:� �a .�r�_�,o� „nd�i� iai�s m, .. �a _ ��� .� ,, . . , , • . � . <.�. �= ;i , ,:T r � � ane� a�sna�q� �q s€�$c� gas plant And distxibution syatem such , � 1 F i j ( ' 3. - � . . . .. . . . . . . � . � . � . . i� . . . � . � . ' . I . ! � . . . . . . . . . . . . .. � 4 ;.. . ... _ . . � . . . � . . � ��... . _... .. . . . . . . _ . . .. �.-. . . . . . . ... � . . . . . . .. . . � . . � , � �. �"� c R � �? add�.�S:4�� enid �:�CQmelAzx� ta� c�ne3�t o�' Benere��.M$ ogu�.�niG� pusiiPyin� ee�,tii.�n�� �sei:v� �1�ivon �c�mpx+c�saQr�, a�hea� eqtaipmeat to �.anraaot� c��Ci� anr3 extoxaa4:on� �o �9isti�9.bu�iaz� a���em. T1aQ ea�3�mati�d nd�t o� eor�aurt�ot3,ng euah ads�it?.one arrl imX„ro�emar�t� 3.� �1�3,4�U9, ,, �ea�2a� �. Fo� �ixa pu�+psaae of' ��.nancs2r� the eqst �st ac�r�a�ruating �6'd.i� `�i�fS�61�a4��:� �Qil{+i C'.t�wU�2iQ.7Qi��D: J.� Qi�QQii tii 4titl� ��u4�. 40 5A� iQ�Ci� 4� . �he ���y b;: �i2� United 8����� o� Amar��aa, tn4sr� shs�.1 be 2aaue8 r�sgcr�iQb�,e g��s xeaxaz�ue Qer���'3.oat�e +� � c�.� (a���e�.raP�or �sa�.g�a. �h€� C�r�i��.�aL•�a� Sn tho a�greg€�Le princ4.pa1 amo��at ��'�9:�Oa0, t�hi��h .� ti@s�S.f'��a'���a atz�zl�. bt� da�sd �bca�m�tax� ls ].QS�,: f�i th� aE�aomit��tio�1 0� ��,(9GC5 eaa�i, nur�bas�d �x�c+m � 4s�a �g t�ot�: �.tassl.ugi�e ir1 o�r1�7e �f �stu�i�g, - bhal�. 'besr iz��a�at €�� �i�o xza,�e o�' �ou� per �en�um f��j P�r anrt�i� pa�►�b�;� a�m9.-rxz�ual��r om I��ai�T�e� � and �n:�e I in each yesr, g1� �t i��t3x�e�� 7bsi�e� p��h�1e �tan� g� 19�6�, p�y• ble as to b�sth. pr�4�sc5:p�3. an�! 'i.Tl't:E2'�'9`G 8'� �h0 �}�'�'$�$ Dt' �}�8 �I.'Y`E438lIY"63' �� '�Yl� C'.i.�'� 9;Y1 BttC�'3 C!f?�.kl Ofi oux�enag ea 1Ls� �r� the res�O�rc�3.vE clntas ��' p��mc�r�� ai' tha �an�r� 1ega� �. _ . . ._ . . ..-. kd'a �'iESXIt�Bii' �t7'�' '�}1fl �A�LtL@i'1'{'i C3�' �it2�1�.4.0 FSi1C� �1'j.VFt�f3 C�8�1'�t;8} B�iB�. � X'f���Ei�i�2�` � �b�.� ��s �c� pz+�.naip�l on3,y a� the rspt�.oax o� �h� l�o3.�a�° �►nd a�.i �satura s��a�,a3.ty �n �e�Em'�aez� I, i� �hQ yaax�8 an�3 ameUn�9 as �831��, . t+�-�sit; r` Ye��_ .�aaumt Y�ar Amat�n$ � ��... .�..._� 19�� �p1,�t�CDG! 1948 �5�t3�i �.f�3"T ���A 3,949 ��,Ot� � l�B 1'�?�it7 19:� SyCX�D �:��� I:OC� l�ai 5���C► �.�i�tJ ��,Ci�tQ' �fl52 Sri300 '�'' 3.g�� i,� 1953 �iE�4 15�4� ��,Ofii► %�3:s� �t(�7 3:��3 ��E)00 �9�#3 �iQOty �.f3� �'t70tl �4�58 t�lQ60' 1€3�� ��f�i? ' 3.fl57 6+t�QA J.946 ��E7{'�9 1947 �,Ot� .., . Sa�e� aez���.Yie� � s�ae3.1 i�e �si�aod b� �he C3��� �uciS�or and� C�.ez�Isl �nc� C�ty �anage��ttd csr��a��c�ars3�ned b�r ��e 38a�oa�wamcn2sai�ns� a�d �+em1�Y! �9.`tk� ��i es��pt�r�� naa3: �i' ae� G�ty a�a� �he �tss�ss;� rsoup�r�s s�t�eahad to aa.ifl +C�z��.�i+��teia �h�,�.�. ba e�ema�ed ��h �.� gael�iianf.le t�i�nm�ures �.� eaa9.d ��ty ,At�cl��o� aa� tllarky Ci� �ans,�r �i ��s�r Comm�seSoner. �ti�cat�,on �� �1'Yae �arL•i�'3��i���a dnd c�o�pane a��aahed f.%Qreiaa eh�Zl ue s,r� �ut�ate�n��.a3:1y ��ia �'v�,�.fl�ris� �os�n, �o-w��t i. . � . . � , . . .. . ��. . . . . . � � . . . . � I ■ Y: ,� � ;�..:,;g;. .,�- tiN No. �7��f3Qf� LiNI TE� S�.',AT�� fl� A��IQ:A S'�.'A'1� 6s� i �RiI3A G tltDii� (1�+' �"IN�I,�,A� , G�'I'�3' f� ei.E��ii'�ATJ�Ii GAS R�f�NiT� ��`�'�FId;1k�'F �e �3:�y �9F G3.t��vatez�g tn �h� t�csur�tyr [3�' ��.n�t�;3.ag�. � af�ut�A.o3.p�]� cm�pos�$tir�n ��' �c� ��a�s rf' E�1��id�., �'ar �valu� x�a�i�ec1, be��by pre�3s �a �c� pay �o 'b�ara�s� oar, i.f t:hia o�rt3�ic�a.�o b�a rc3g9.s�3s�3d aa k�ere�.xaa��em p�av�.c�o�� �o �he �e��a�s�e�8 iaeldmn c�as�oa'A ��33eZsr i''reim tb.�o �ond �ut�c� p. ca�ided ichexro�o� �m he�3,a�a�tes� ��� �ox+thi '�Yi� pr3ra�i�aa3. �m c�� j ��� ��tcatasr��� �o�a�� c�g't��j Qn ��ca�s�er �� �.9��,,, and �o �ag �.nt�re�o� ra�, �s�a pr�x�m3.pa�. ` � atsa s�u�-ar��aal3.3r fx�c� 0�1d �3�snd F`zand, �� Y�i xx��Q c�� fou� pQ� ��t,-�m ���} pca� c�s�uus a� 37�s��r�her T and S�nQ I��t e�< �� ��a� �tra�t3. �►ta.tuz�9.�gt a�' t1� pr�aai.ps3. ssum Y�z�aa�',, v�o� �ho pree�et��e�9.o� ��e� ax�rz�e��ada� �' L-l�� m�rs��ed �.n�C��e�� oota�mns ais �he�r ��zrczz�c��,7;� t�v��sm� �ue� '�o�h � p��.ttt3�:pa1 �a�€3 �YziQ�+es� ar� pay�s'�3.s �� �he o£�`�c�e n�' '�h� t�it�r 'I'�6A9t��r�Y+ in �Yso G3.�y o�' G1.�ax�vra°�em,, �`�.a���fa�� �r� �ny �p3r� a� cear�s�zsay` r�lg�n, c�za �i� x�t�sg�a'��.ve c?��an oi �a��� o� �he asma �s le�a;� ���t��� �t�r �ha p�ag�me�a'� o�' pu'��.3.c and gsx�i.vate +3alb�s� ' ,, �s Ce���3:astw �e an� cs�` �n au��.a��ed ���u�Q �.9,�ni,tac'i Y;o an ag���rx�t� pr�.�a�pal �z�s�xat ai' s�v�ntg-ral.�g th��ee�rzci c1a11��a C�79�13C3fl�, �3� a� �.3.t�e data arxc� tenorR exae�pf� sa '�o mam'�er m�ad m�t�r�.�g, �.�sueci I�g ma��.� Ci�:g �nd�r �ha au�hta��.t� o� at�d �.n �Z�.3. �m�:LS�nQe �r�.�h ti�e �c�ng��yt3�3t�► �z� �19:t��ut�s u�' tht�t ����Gt� s��' �`lr�x�3:t3�y pa���,r.stt�.ar�.y �he t7he�ter c�� �'��.d G�.�� �nQ �ra �rdi�i�Q cl�t� a�tapt�d ia� the C2�� �amm2�e�.ozt a� e��.d Ci�� providatx� �crr ��one�t,r�a��3.ears o�' �er'�a��, s�t�1�.��or►s €�rad ex�ertnioaa� t+� �:be �� paan� ezz�ci �1il��rS.���civz� ay��C�m O� mAit� G�.�y. Ssl.d a�tlil�c� p�ti�ic�os �h�� f,h� I�9.�� siaall �3.x agir3 tne3Xltai�t ����tt �nd 'emll�r�� Ghss��et� �9r thB f`aoi�.i�t�s �airlci ��vi��� ai'�a�s�t 't� �h�s �a,� p�er�� ��ad d�atr3.bu��.oi2 e�m�em, rahk�..q� �a��9, p��r3€% sevent�es etxP�P3cs9.�r�;t a�c a1a. �im�a, tc+ pay t�ea oas� aS' �gQr�t�oz�„ main� � F I a� v t�naTa�eB end repa:4z�s o� �a�.� s�a�t��,, �nd �o pay� �.n'�o t.1� Bor�d �Znc1 C!'a"QI�'��'t4� FiCA�it C�htkS��IK3C3 kJ�i" 8ik�.fl �T'f��.ylQ3T�� 80 �C`rA$ I�+Q'gBMli� C16S'�.'3.P�.fS8t,9� �•lttik�.ng Ftuzc3� �, ����`$eSmn� �mt�u�t oY' s�ve�t�es a��� a�tu� R'bo�� �aclx ���� o� oper���9.nr�� m�9.tx#,�tna�tce �sd x�epe�ra.� t;a pa�� �he 3nteras� +�� �nc1 th� pr�.ncl.p�� a� e�2.ci �art�it+�tea as � s�e reape�t9.vsly Es�ac?ane �lue r �'�a3ia� c�;e�S.�'i��:�� �xac'i �hz� ir��t�ras'� �ouprsx� h���unto apgSa�e2�3a1; az�i igeued �apot� �Y�� �o�.7La�r�.r� '�e�ms ensg cscsnd��3.ons, t,� ml,l uf �ZStsh osish �a"l�r �n�i cr�nez� herecsf cc9nsan�� nr�ct agrae�s ��) ���3.ti to. L-h9:e certi�iea��� ur.��.�sa ��gis�es�c3 �� hsx�in p�asu�.s1�Q:` and �a t;a�e r�o�ec? 1nte�ea�: ca�pons,� may bs ix*�z►s�e�reci by� de1#.v�z�g in i;he �err� �snsle� ea €� ne�ot3.e�b7:e ��s�ten� p��b3.� ts� tsea��; �tat4 �bi �9" Peraan 3.n po�s�se�.an �£ �h�$ ctaa'�i�'3.a€c�e, u�.ess �'43�%$'iB]CAr3 B�H 139�'E3.ZI ��45F1,t�£�3� �'�' O� "l;I1E3 �D.1�{3Y°E�8''G C;DU�S5Y1H 1?¢i'�-Jt�22$�'i aPpa�t�ini�ag�- xr�g�rd�.e�a oY tX�a mannsr in �rhS;ch �ae �h�11 %av� �c��► qt�.rc�d po���ss9.on, S.a k�r�i�y ata�harS.�ed �� �opx�ss�a� �.tmsel.� �� �i�s � ' �' ��� _ - r so�.�tc� o�ne� tDa�x�cs�, �eT io �Asra'b�' gcantsdl pcn�qz� �a tr�;ae��z �bs �o�.u�s ��,��e the�L•o bg de39.cer�r fi�&:�ireo� to a ba+r�s Pid� pu�ehaser, :.�$ i��, ta ��2y one vthv �3�a11. �u�cha�s th� mtsma �c�z� va3,uo-3 �px*�sa�� t� or r�nte�od�r��,� w��ho�t� r�ot2�e af p_>•�.or �3a�'enCe� or e�ai��ss s;� e].�ims of o�uox�sh�p c�nft►raea��e sg�S.aat hi� �raiae�'ex�o�; avei� p�is�r �ake� �r a�ner ai �2�3.a ner�if3�s�Q� uniesa regi�����4 ee i�:s°�i� pra- �r3ded� �n� o� �ne anrseac�d 9.�a�ns�s� ad�p�ana �ivas mx� renoeaneee a11, o� hi.s. �qu3,��.tls o� ri�h�e t�a�e�t ixa �av�a� or �vor� �suah 'bo�� �i�e pu�oha$�:r;, And ��v�� s�a�h b�a�� ��.c3� Pu�oh�s��° �1�33 aaquir� � b�olute ' ���i� ��;�r�s�o anr� �tra ra�,�: xZgh�e repreag��:od tk�ar�by3 anc� � (cs) ��r�,�►sy a�' Gilee�ate� may t�ea� �h:� b$aa�e� a£ i:�:� eex��,iP�.cavea un1o�� re�i��ered �a b:era5aa. p�o�r3.d�d�, �u� of` ��e isa�s��as� caupfln� hem�ta�at.o a�pea����.ng, as '�e �bs��u�� 4�rae� �Ys�a�e�i'' fo� el]l g�a�pasa� ��.tbe�u� �a�x�� eP�'e��s�c1, t�� a�e� raot�.c� �� �Y�a qo�.trary. �h�.a csmr����.��t� �asg bc� a��ira�ar�s�, as �r� ��3.rscipa�. a�.��e 3.x� � 1 � � � � a �. � _ _. .,. . ....�__.._ . . ,:. „ -_.._ ._ _ _., �,,, . ,r�-� � � � �� �at�.not�t�n�e �ti�h fihb provSe3.or�e �ndur�ec� her��av I'.� �� �C�BY' �ERT�T�, �t�CI� tig�? la�Ca��D 'hY�g�� s�.�. aat�, OCiR'l�d��$013t1 82Y1� '�1'3�,C1g� Y'Qt1Ct�x't��! ?33F '�1Ct� GOXEO��'4'rUt�.8Y3 aGtillCl �i'��1'itt€f6 Oi'' '�hq �3�a�� o� �9;��.da a�a.d bg t�2o ��'g�dm� q� 'h.� Gt�y a� 4��.�arvr�tar� F�lariaa �e� axia�, ��p�Qn �rad 4�o pex�'ar�s�rl �r�eaniiexit �a a�ad 3.n. th� � aeueno� ai' �,hi�. �eic�5.gioa�e9 �aa.�e 5������i� I2E�S� I2F3�Fp8Yli�t� F�Y1C4 �]A�TB tsee� p���oz�ed irq e3u� tim�� faxm �ci �a�er e� ��jlre� b�r 1.ar�. �N :"��aI�SS tY�iL14�bFs Til� C9�tg c�f e;iqa3�t�.�e� i:3a ��he �ot�z1�� �3� �ink��.7,�m�p St�t� r�i� F.1�r3da, h�� csa�ased �h�.s �t��t1�3�ac��8 �o be �L �ed .9.rt th.e Ti�zGe o� �fd Gitg `b�' ��s C°'�.y" Atidi�e►Y° srld Q'Ao7k'lf� e�ad G�d��r ��x�a��, �d �a�tn:--��e3.�n�d bg i�� ��x�a��Cai�n9.���:�z:er �nc� ��� eer pa- S�A��a ses�. �o ��, h��8'tt3 a�'�i�e�; fitie� thB iE1$eY�Os� t3C�Upcflti� 4�TLS7t6x�3cd �1.e�n3• trs� ta b� exe�3u�ed b� ��e �s��e�:i�.�.a a3gri€��►a��s t��' s�i+� G�� �,�td�.tfl� 4]ilCi li�.�1�°�i� ti��'i�i' �$IIPt��,�' E:�3� �Ei'j�i'8�°*�`ii4�i.F19�.1)Iif�Ty' �:i3[� nt'i�$ (9C31°'�'i��C:�'�,� �'�+O 't1A CiA`�iG't� '�i� f�.l'��'i C��1�' q�' .�eQL`�A1��3I°� .��'a�ari� ���y d�' Ciee�a�'Ce�p l��,a�i�a. � Au �3�' .: � 3��'!� ) ��' �oun�er�S.�d . mr��mr , ���':9 �iiQ3ffi3g.$$�Oi38 � . . (v�r.������ ���o�t�����-:��� `��Z�e�,e;�e� �rt�1 c�onf'i.r�d �� dQare� �x� � C;���u�.t �au�� o� �he Si� �Uaia��a �����aa� �.rt �6 ��� Fs.��.�a.�� c�Lu��s ��cD��c��, 1�Yi��r9d � �� r,,,.,_„ �a� �� � ��„_, �I�i �1I�`>:�SS �'f:iJE!`t�QF�. T J�av� h�a°�un'�o t�e� m� Y�a�rl tand a�� �d the . se��. ��" s:��.r1 �ir�s�alt Coua�� ih9.e � a� a� � ,�9��, ( S � 14 L } a� „ r�� mu xa "� � �'�neliFt� atsus���ro i�lorx+dA. 1 C�R'a'I�'IGt1.'Z'� Ol� i�:tQi�S`i'RA'z'�t�Nj � a �.�iis ae�tiS��mte �� bq rn�s�recl a� ��Sa3acs�.pa�. alctn� c� tb.� baok� o� ��e Qttg �� �2a,tt�v�t�r� F'�a�*�.c�r�, 'by �ie Cat3r letad9.ic�r aru3 +Cie�1� o� asid �9.�y� �$ �egi��3�x�� o� by a�sh o�her Re ,i��r�a� as a�ay � appa�t�@ by �Yya goq��ning bad� o�' si�� C�.t�r�, ar� eu�h x�g9.a�re�tioxs �a1. bs �ote� Ia�recsn �i�* �e�L� R€a�3.�t�r, ��t+ar �9.��i ;na irens��r o,f '�'a�t� �i���`ica�c� e2�li kae vali�! vr�l�ss mads cr� �a�c1 t�aks bg ��,e r+�gie`cp��e1 a�sr i� pez+�s�n -c�r �z�r 273,e 3z:3,q Av�be��,�ed s��aa�r�e�► �nd ��ach �:r�zae��`as+€.�e�c3or�pd h€�rec�z� b;� �se�id Re�:i��actiaa�., �'Yiis c�rtiP�.�t�'�� me� ��s Ci�.BG"�SflX"�ef� �`S'D:A T�Q�.FJ�'iiC'�4t'.iQll �� �++Djy'�.S'��$�QQ �"ii'RPlB�°@8' �t€ �€iEi�+$�' II8i1� '�Yze�et�tp4n �s�n�i'a���t��.3,i�y t� d�13v�x�y' sl�a�.3. la�a �eg��o�y bv�t �3aSe� �e���.fie�e�-�: mag r��itt� �x+�z� �3�m '�o �3.� b�x a��a���r� ar trensP�s�a�� tc� b�a�:r aa be�o�v« Re�i���s�iat� a� �h"C� c��t�fiQ��� ���,�; �c�: ��'��t3� �l� ne�es��.sb9.1,��,y �� i;h� �a��vns h�3�aun�cs at�:�ohpol ane� st��,d CCStdj}622� Ap1Ei3.�. C:dTi$as.Y11i� 'FO b� '�:ri'EiTz3Y�2'Fii��.Q 1�j' f3@3.�.'R788'� QYId �Jh£3�.�, P6DI8:9.12 . �iR�E�131tR �O bt3Ei%'9I'� f, ��e Of' R@�.i.8�r8�iott., T�e�g$,�� p�_�. . R��� r -:. ; : �....o.._�. �� +..�..�.`�. ( LATTi'+��� ) r�a. . �c�.� ; iD� �� �i�a� da, �s� ` . 19�, �he `'i�y .oP Cl�a�ra�s�, r% _ Fls���.�� ty9.� �a�r �� '�3�8 be���� �S,�BC►� �t � of�i�e �f 'th� fEity �� ��. ; . �-�- surn� im i3laar�ra���� �'1o�ic3t�� 4Lt'�, of th� Banc'1 �'Ut�d dssoz�:�t�d 1LYi "�ha �tt�Qhr�c3 +ac�r�����ataa,; �e��� do�.�.�rs (��t3.€�a�j �.� �� ca�9�n a�� murs�nay +�h3:c�Y�, c,n �ha +�e�� c� pa�y�mer�� cs,� �h9,n ccaupan,� �.c� le�€�3 tort�e�* �� �h� ��gm�Tt� a�" ptd��.�tt �nci px�i�tst� cloia�sy t>�9�g si� mon�s ;Yx��e�ae� �hen ��u� o� ��s t�.s kiQver�te Coa+�3��.r„��� d�f;ed �e�m�a�� x, ].�.°�s �cl .' numbtsr�al. GS:�y �f C3�aaa�aaa���* F3.a�S,dg. . , � � Countersigned: City Audi�or & Clerk � _ Gi'�'y 'I��Y1Ei�T' Mayor-Commissioner } � � � � � � � � i ; f � � ti� �ea��pz� �. Sa3.d t�ex�9.�"�oa�es �Yaa1� fie x�69.e�ex�b�.� a� �o p�i.n- +�iptt� ��iora� �.s� aacc�rcler�eo vu3.�.a. �h� prov�a�an� �ur ��l.e►���9.o�a h�r��.np �t�csve �r�vic�Qd i'�s� sYadc�xae.�nvn�: �pan eaid G�r�S.�'i�ate� j at�d �G% a�t� Atae��to� �na� CZer2� �.s hc�xei�y ��po�.ntc�c� en� de��.�a�ad Po�ie�rsr �or t;Yae �u��se �►� rag�.s�Qm2ng es�at� C�r�2i9.nat�3am l�o aha�r�re �ha�.1: '�q �cle �r� �n� k�older o� �ng �e�rt�i�3,�m�es �or �h� �3a+�.�►:��.ege o£ re�9.s« ��atiQn he���;n gran�ec�, . �oc��io�a 5. ta�o Q�,�� 1�c�d3.�ax €aad C�.as�k �nc� ��.� ���a�a� �re k��ratgr nuv�o�aEad tt� e�et3ta�a �P�e Gez+ti�'�€►�ate� �n tY�a n� o�" �� ��ty~ ana �h.e idsvar«,Com�ss9.oaagr is ka��caby r�tl�hori�ed r•srt�1 c3i3*�o�ae� t� ��u��t�rs2� and �a�fix �hQ a4�]. o�' �i C�t;� ta �iso �ea�3.P:C�a�es. Tfi� ��,�y . Aud��o� anc� c�.�rk, ci�ty �s�sea�as and M�yoz�•Gnzu�i���esno� a�x�e l:ez�ols�� �t�t�ic��s�ed e�n� d�.r€�+��ed to ci�auee th� �Q�prsnm s��acY�ad �a ��a�d as��t��'�ci��caa �o be ��e�o�x��d i� tha�.::� r���a�ivca �sesim�lc� n�grzaLvs^�g. �'d�e oes�t������ea _` aha�i �im and ��v h�rab�* �ra a�arc�acl �a tha U�i�ta�i SiC��;oa o�' Affie�3as a� a��ce o� pgx� �lt�e �ccaru�d �n�exas� �nd �Yt� (��.� t.�a�asra�ex� i� hc�� �u�ho,�i�er1 a�cl �3�.rao��c3, �o de1.�.ve� �s5.d ear'�t�'�aa�as �v .�he ��reshaee� i�Y�eroot� �� ane ��rnc� o� i"r�m ��� �o �9.m� aB ia� �a� ciQ�m �d�i� b1� eaponr rc�c�e�.p� a�' P�3�m��� �2�:e�c��4�. 9�a�iAm 6n �h� �ad �,1.and arad dis��j�.'b�t��mn s�s���a Q�" �;i2� �i�� ak�s�l be o�erc��ed +� a�3ats€�3, ��� �e►s�s$ �ar�no�ng o� I�Ta�� �. o� e�eh ;���r a�id e�d�aag Q� �J�� �.pr3.�. �0 �`o17.4wr�. :�at �n�: a�te� �h� �Sk'aa��ve. dci� nf �hi� �?�el�rzanoe ��.� o:� tiae xeven�ao c�e�3.vc�� ��am �h� ca�sera�S,taYt a�' ��$d sya��n. sl�� � d��v��.'Gs�sl � �s �ecs�i�ee� 3.n�o aa mcae�ur�t desig�a�sd °t�a� R�irar.t�«�: Aeas�u:��1P (ia��,. 3n$�'ter oa�.5.�d �hc� �:Ftev�nue .�c�ou��� � ana �ne ��n��s a.� sa�a Rag�n�� �ccaezrl� s%a1.1 be se� ��i.c3Q �.nx� ec�pa��,�e �annel spc�cit3,�. t'uz�dg,, �� �m�:�.c�+�s � (aj ���ra:��qr�, ��4.n�e�c� �d Rc��aa4.r �nc�, �o�e �.a ht��r�`�y �re�4;e� a�d es�abif�h4�9 � ��'zarzcl c1�$ig- MEt'��t� �C�3i� {i�3��i.�.�t3� Idp;�;T1��S�Y2C'�� f3Y1.d Fi9�A�.�' ,i14�{iiaT'i�ir� (lac�a�ina��er am�.Iad �he "�pa�°e�9�pn �paotuat�' ) 3.n�o u�hiah �ri�re aa�►13. 3�a p�s�� o�a� af i�h� �2c�vc�x�ua ��c�ua�� ' � ■ tz �'i�.C3��� �s� �t�9.� �':r3� m�a.a'�3 ��' ps�a't��s ��� '� ���: �b�e� as�x�a�� �a�p��� c�� �pa��i���r��;, az�a�t,�rs��c� aaa�, ssps�z� ct�' �,4 � '�irs �!� �3.�i� �aFJ, s�.s�'t���t.. n��� � �� � t�R at�v4� �t��#�'�c�e�i��� :�3�� �� ���i' �.� I�a �b� �s���t� ' €�, rr�'es��a� � �'�a� ���av� C�a�C�i'��at�€� � ` :' ��� �h�c� �aa�`�c�� t��,1�,�c� t��aa ��rt�, '�'� j �2�cr� t�;�tt� ���, �c� '�`.� �a ��+i�x�a��.��s�.�' ���. �rx�� �a��.�x�� �� o��; ��.���„ ,�e3� �S��a� � �� r��v� �i��u9�Q� ���� ia��c� �r �ea�����. At�����: �t �t�� �agt� ��i �a5� k���� ���� ��:�� v� �k� +�ati�� ���� �� ���� % ��.� �� x�i; ��� 9���x�� ca� pr�:�� t��` � i��` � ��€�. G`����3cs�4;e€� � ��I �Fae �a�:�i�es'� p��� -��a ��. c� a� a�"�. e����� �o���`�t��.i�a� t�a �a � �e�� �a�e ��o cs� �ha ��� �a�tar?.t�, �z����::E��e� s�� p��g��. �s� a�y ��' r��. C��'�:�s���i� :��. ��3 �+.�a �►�xs� �� �.emg4: �c��. �o ��za� ��-��� (�t��) �� �� � �� ��� �� ����-*� �� t�D � ��� eu��� ������. � ��� �xi ��� �t ��tt�.ci�: �a �p�t�3�sta� � ��a;� ��. �`t�t�r3:• � ��.�.'��s � »'c3�r�'A�i 3� t�� �� �ie e�a��ec� `��3�: �Yi�rv .�.� 3s3 ��� �� � �'i �'i�, sLB�.'�'�.£1�.�3�'. '�",� 3�eu �3c3 �1's�, Y��L'l�'��: ��Ei�f�:3.��i'� t3� 2x"3.��.� c��' �n� �.~�L'' �a�4� �e'.�T'���ra��6E� �c'� �� �.��+��� �3�.��'� d� �x� r.t2�. ���t��.�l� �a����'��.��� � � �e1. �nc�.ue3�, � �Z�� �� �Ih� ���4s ra�.���,� ���,�.�� c�� g���:�� ta� �aza..� �� ���� �0S'��$'�t9�k�Qe !� � �,ik°'���. � 331��'E�si� �r��2.'�s: � �`�.� r�t't43 r�us��st�; �a �aa� �vr� �;`���e.�. �ea�� fi��c��`�a�:. Iasa �a��a��; n�ac� t�� . �zdt� 3,�� � ��. .��€� ��. �t t�ha�z,� �� �t�ta� �a s�� l�ui �ta� � z� �� �3as� r���, �a ��a.e �g�r���.�� �a��3�p�. �� �� �',rt�Y'�«��EfiiE'i@9' fi�'E'�3G3 Q'l�i�i�'al3,g?f�� Yt�.'Lt� "�"r1,.i� �Yi t�� 37T$��'s9L�i� 'ir'�C�3 t�t3ti c�� �ao��a��s�� �o ��t�as� i�� c� �r�+� Go�c�.'���.�C��� �' � �p �as��h, �'c7r t�� ,�ea�ia2� �� r�� �. �� � p�cl �at� ea�d ��. �'�€3 � a�t�a�d ��'ac� �y� �,� ����� ��s�. � �ra't�t$,;� €��. � i�'�i clra���� �acs� � �3�� � �eg,t�3.��� �;�a �t� p�,d �� �z�d �cs�d �.''�'. ,'�i3 �lLiG'$�..���3 A��.S;,: �3f� At�,� �t? 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Pa$sed arrl adopted by Cit� Commissioner o� the C3ty of Clearwster, ` Florida, this 6th. day oi Ja�uaryq 1936. ( Signed ) Ra� E. Gresn Mayor Atteat: J. E. Sattari'i e1d � u or � C erl: � 1 4 � � � e� • ' ' � '' An Ordinance No. 401 entitled "AN ORD:�PiANCE PROVIDSNG �'OR TH� "' �r . Q�NSTRUETION �F EXmIIVSIQNS 11ND I1�t1'ROVEIVIENTS TO THG WAT�EiI�VOR1i3 SXSTEM OF THE C2TY OF` GLEA�VIATER, ATID FOR TfIE ISSII�NC� OF �97�000 REV�N[TE GERTIFICA^FS Q� THE CITY' OF GLEARVVATER, FIAF{IDA, PAYABI,� SpL�LY FROM d'fIE REVENUES DERIVED FRONI THE OPERATION' OF tivATERV'�ORKS SYSTEM OF SATD CTTY� TO F'I�TANG� THE GOST OF SIICH CONSTRUC°.PION, AND DECLARING AN EMEI3Gk�'NOY'�, tRas introdu.ced by h3r. Marslz txnd resd in �.i11. After a discussion thereof tiira Marsh moved said Ordinance be adopted 3 read. Ptir. B��chslor seconded the motion. U�on roll call the fo11oV�- ing vote was polled: A�ea; Mr. Green .11ir. Batchelor Idr. 3aker M_r. Marah Ivir. Barry �iays: None. Thereupon the Nlagor-Gommissioner c9.ecl�Y�ed Ordin.ance No. 401 �luly passed upon its first reading. Prir. Marsu moved th�.t Orc�inance No. �07. be re�3 its second time l�y title onl�. NL; B�tchelor seeonded the mo�ion. Upon ro11 call the iollowing vote was polled: Ages: IYIr. Green NLr. BatcheZor Pl1r. Baker NL-.. Pdarsh Mr. Barry Nays: IJone. �hereupon the Nlayor-Cominissioner dec7.ared the motion passed and said Ordina:nee was read a second time by its titleo �+r.r, Marsh moved said Ordinance be adopted as read. Mr. Batchelor secondsd the mot�on. IIpon ro].1 ca�l the fo].lov�ing vote vvas poLedt A;yes: Mr. Green Mr. Satchelor NIr . Baker Mr. Marsh Mr. Barry Na�s: Non�. Thereupon the Mayor-Eon,mi.ssioner declared said Ordinanc.e duly passed upon its aecond readinge , Mr. Mar. sh mo�ed Ordinanr,c �Io. 401 be read its third and f inaZ �ime. Mr. Batchelor �econdecl the motion. U�on. roll call i;he follow- ing vot e v�as potled: Ayes: NIr. Green Mr. Bat;chel.or . � • �Ir. Baker Mr. Pdarah tv1r. Barry .. . Nays: None. •��.4' Thereupon the 2dayor-Commiasioner declared the motion passed a�d. � �, � , said Ordinance was read its third ar..d final time. ' � "z � Mr. Ma.rsh mc�vecl said Ord.tnance be �i.nally adopted as read. Mr, Batchelor aeconded the motion. Upon rall ca1Z the ibllowi� vote was po3led; 1�Yes; D4r. Greai h4r. Batehelor Mr. Baker Mr. Marsh Mr. Barry Na�,ys ; Non e. The3reupon the Ma�or-Cominissioner declared the mntion passed and Ordinance No. 401 duly� adopted, an,d srigned eaid Ordinanoe and approval thereo�. i An Ordinance Number 404 to re�ula.te tra��ic in the City of Clear- water� wa.s introduoed by Mr, Batchelor, and read in �ull. �3ter discasaion thereoP, Mr. Batchelnr moved said Qrdinance be adopted as read. Mr. Nars1�. seconded �he motion. Upon roll call, the �ollovring vote was polled; l�yea: 1�. Greax Mr. Batcheldr Mr. Baksr Mr. Marsh I�4ro Barr,y Nay$: None. Therazpon the Mayor-Commissioner declared the motion passed axid Ordinanee No. 404 duly adopted, and aigned said Ordinanee and Approval thereo�. (signed) Ray E. Green —�ayor Attest; J'. E. Satter�ield Ci y Au or C erk � ��` ¢f�'3xi��kT�C� I;c�� �,Q� i�IY E��U�3�.I3� �'�2Q�r'�l�it� �+'C1i� �.'I;�' Cr�7���'�'�[3CTTbP3 ��' ��'7s��SZi���9� x°„ci� �,P�QC7�&�:T�'.�':� �`(� xi� F"i:� k�++ �(1Fiz� ,.�'aY�s'3.'�� C1�' '?;t� i��'i�"' t7E+' C%,�it&iC�:El�,'�i� l�ir� �''c}�i `�.'f� �.�STr�'���ci,-�u' c��' �9��,Qxi �:iV.�� .. � . . ��5�.',�i�� "�c:�,��-,ta�Y� �� �� �n�� �� e��',��dbtirt��� '�, k'���i741� P�1�,!��3?,� Wt7E.�G'Y' �i�E323 �ili �'i�'V"�.jYJ��"S �u��V.�i3 �`Rfl?� � �':I��S�.�`I�IiS ''�`i� f�� ��? .�,`�'I''�'�C�'ii �'�3di:�tC� '3.T�iG �Q�E t�i' �Li��{ f�qTa�'L'��i7G2'�C��y ;:� AI�:I`+Fe��Tit� �.P�i �:t�i�?t��' If;Y� F3� T'�.' �RD!?IT3ED- �' 2'F�� f��� Ct�P.W��S62�?xi t9�' '�ii< f;I`.L'�'" �lk' i:I��:;:»� ,',a`ir.�k� �'t,�t3�3?�; �eoa��cn �. �� :is: hareb� �.�cox��a�z�ed� �.e�te�.rs�.aaod azad d�aa3.���d. i��fl� s . . . � � O.II� �'�1Ci .i°iJr.'i;;J` i?$'' �'i�.�AF'C7i�,'ii0�*. .,�'�.t2i'�.�g �U:C32"4J�3$.3�'�"iQ�." .C3�L'�i.�.�C� . ��e fiG�:�ye� ��ta�r c��aus� CsPa�p: �am a�a�l ,mc��xzt���ta a t'����o�ar�a��:s S�t��n,� �ht� �+���uc�itaa� r� tqla�.e�ss s�+�€am e�m� £3au�s���a �y �hQ ��s�a�aa,ae o�' �,vabr�. ob�.S�,'�i;9.am i���edn o� oa�c1 G�.�'$ �r �#� �a����; �r�' �rkz�.�h bc�r��� �t�:3.d C�.��* was rQe�u�o�l: "�� 3�.rr �o �.Q'c� ��d ecr3.�.€��* a� t��l ST£l�Q:'Cl�1 '�Ei�S i2�6L1 ��v. �€?a`C£i��:El �JJ,'�j;7t3�'�.";�' �afd4'�C7ti �7�'�;�'b�2i f:�C3 �;i�&°!'�� �€���r��. �:�t�€`isa�a 4f s��,d C3fi,�,� ('b� �� YtG,� k"Fd+f+�?Y113Fd q�' 9L1t�1 t4TA'�Eti''@FA�li9 �3j�'ET4:E3ri3 d'tll"�1�*-, 4��� �,a�� � i'�.i�ca� ��a�s i3as� ���e��i �+ �ha �'c��7.�sw� a�u�.ns. Fg��.3 g?'€�nrs �I�u �?��ra�uua . ;� �.'�p�'i''�`�" �,J� 3f�, �.'75.3.L �:�3Fi �"���a ��"7�u €��1 ��.e �ev�tae s�� oa�;c3 ��a��z�z ham aaa�: '�ao� z�1ed�;�d a��a�� ��. �c��� �Yr � pa� '�G t:t1E3 �3�ym8Yt� t�f �x2;y au��'��sir3�2a.� b��ccis dr t3t�-x9yc ���.��' ;����.� e��` �3a.o C3,��R '�Pi� 0��9.�,#;os3 a2qS: �ev��aao a� �r�2e� ��a�.t� �� aac�z �'inc�a�. �� ts��ar �Y�a �o�ss�:r���.Qx� o� �la� a���z��2c��:� �.rad �r�ivc�era�� �s� ���.d �����zz�.. ��e�ra�xzaP��� x�Q�'as�a ad �pg �:c� �,r� o�tae�s a� ��i �nt ��s ��Qzac� c�tae � ��.t�i� ��e�x ��s€�a� ,qaar ,�ax� �aratn��';pa� EIYY� �Tf$0S'pS�, t.�i1 �i]� �t9Y'iPr�.Y�.gt3.'�S3S �"se�Q�LYIFl�'t�x` pr���.c��d is�a�� �c� �L• �a r�ec�sr�aary �,�a�. cl�a�+ab�e �n aeaza���t�� ���Aa�� ��.csr�a rs3zd ��.ra��7trr��qaa�s �ee aa&d wa�c�rwo�4�a ��A�bm� �u�4� o:���iasio�s r�c� 3�x��Qaaen�� �:�a�g�e� c►� cn� �p�tsa��.�a�, ��.d�.t�.csz�i ura�,�e,, �� j.lY't2V'�.Yi�,,'' t33S�S��YY�'' Ci7.Qi7'�k�t•3� �fk111i� B.Xlf�. f33C'�GY19a.t`!2'l� �� �i1@ C�.°J'��'�.i�ti�'.d.Cl19 d�s�om� �3e� �a���e�. e��� ta� �ens�x�u�ti� auah, ex�e�ns��.��a� cu3c� 9.tt[�rc�v'axi���a�e �.e ��.�€3�t9OG+. � Sr��4��on �,. �'�a� t}�a �au�oe�a� a� �?.a�arac�� tklo cc�eG o� �c�rs-� s�shaa9.n�; qA�ci �ax��rxsrs9.a�t� c�z�d 4r��overrt�or��m, in �:�c3oo�t cs� �h� g�ce�� � � _ . . : . ,� � �. � ,� � _� . . _ .. � � . ._.: :, . ... ___ � _ � _ _ . ._, ���.: � 0 _ , _ _ _ ;_. ._M _. � r `i �� �� bc3 va�dQ �o �ia.o ��.�� '�� �� �ni�ad ��a�e�s a�' l�t��9.ca�, ��re ���� �Q ��3811f�� d1Q�°,Cb��.£Y.L7�LC# T{i�;�p�1,�3�s� ��,�8S3LiE1 ti�F'�i�`�€lELX�II ��' � �3xQ f3��� 41�era��'��r cn�:lae� ��a C��2��.zsul�a�s � �n �hQ �ra�setQ ���:Yzei��i�, �t�xz� �� �9%BCiO}, �ai�:eh Co�t'��act�c�� �Y�3.i �v, �a�9� #ac�bs�a� '�'A �.���,�. �.n �ksc� cle��z*.a��.c+ra �s�' ��:�,Q�3€3 ed+�� r��zmb�aro� �x�+i� 3, �� 9'7� l���a 9,rr�.a�.��t�e �aa ar�dc�x� o£' ��2���, a�.� �� �ra��r�fl� :�� �ha ���;e � et�' �'r�� �t� .:� e�a�vr� d�?�� pa� a�� �ra;��b�a r�����il� �ara Av��isa;^^ �. �srec3 �`� 3, � eac� �z��. �'��� 3x�:: �s��s��� b4�.� P����,a �� �� ��3�g pa�at�`! o�tr �:sa bo� p��.ne�pal �r3 ��c����� ta� �� o���e� esg ��:e� �rea:tr�tr�s� es�' �isa G�i:�., 3.� ��fa �a�rs crr� ctz�x���cy r�a .gr�� aaa �ho res��,c��.vo da�Qa o� ���n� �� �.� ��m��. �.��'� �ea�.�lo� �cs� ��c� �►��axi d� �ti �� +,��ci �r�ve,�� �'b��s. �+h�l�. �Sa �� •��e�<�ei��;e as � g���;nc��Q� ���,� �t i;hc� cs��2�an ta�' �'rze {24�do� €� �xa3:3, ��tzrQ s�►��a1�:� �n i�oe�anba� �� i�i f.�t� �e�s . �.�nnd ��n�a aB �'oZ�.�acvs� �€���a Ye� .i�ta�.tt �.'e� ��a� �' ,�� �- � ��„ a��� �`�� �.��a �,�� �,9�r� ��'�-. ��S ��Cif3f! ��� �S��si � � �9� ��� �s� 3.95�. �8 � ��� �.'�5� ��� ��53 �s� �.�� �a� �.9��?� ��t�G��.,, ' �9�5 �n� i 96� '7��?CE3 t a t,,�6�3 7 Gt ;fl �.�J�{� ��,Q;H3 �9��' ��f�C�{3. . ���� �t.i���p� ma�d �1��1�$ �nc1 Sa:�d �c3����"3.e���� �'.�3.x ba �4�nsd a� �Iae��o ���G�� sz�d �oiva�r�z��3�2c�� �� �.h� E�a�cs�G�t�e��.e��� �n�t �e��,�c1 r:iGa ��as €z��-: �o�€s�a ��a�. o� d�.d Ci�yp tt�d �Fa€� ���o�� �Q�n� ���;�ah�d �ia sca#.da �e,��f9:��a��� ��aa".�. ba cu�oc�a��c3 �.i:i.�tia �L� �`aa���o �3.���uraa t�� �a�,� t3�"t;� �ea�i3��a� �c� ��r�� G�t� Ma�s��� �z�,ct �i'��� �caz�i:�t�9.as��a: ���L�Q� ii� �.:� �+�i'�i$$"$tiA'�E�Ei �iiE� �Cti1�,►1�21II �i'��L1Gi'!�� ��s�l�'f3�;fiS �L�€���, bo 3aa: au�a��z��.al�.y �ii� �a�.�a'+�3.� �'na�np �e+�»e�i�s ��r _ _ ��.��7�Q . ��J�.:'`,� $%�,�E��.'i��``t t�i�'� �9�+�`.ii���rli . . . u'�����, 0�` .�Ai�1?:� �e�iTt�'�'s t��' �'��:1� t+"�.`t''�"' Jk' Gia�.tas"�:`'�.+�i.L`a� t�<.� :�i Z��T�',?'�:: Cx:��'���C1�^� ��� ���f � �-� ■ � . t � , 0 � �� �Sd {:��� �� C].ea�a°ti�ater� �n the� Coun�y a� P3�aq�.�.+ar•s,� a�ae,roa�.qi.�a�.� �e��pt��a��e�n ca�' �k�a ��€��� �� �'3.c�ri�da� �4� va�»uc� x�e�r�.void„ �ierr�by prerx�.sa� �cs pea� L•a beras��,,: os, �x' ��a ec���3.��:a�,te �i� ����,a�o�s�: �� here��ca� �a�v�3e3.���, iso �ki4 r���.s�ar�� kac��.�a� hox��f'a sc�l:c3�` �p Viti. iJS,l�. �F.3i�AL0� �. U6S�6�4 �i� V Y�$�V43: ���i 1�I&V.h'� Gil4 �QA Vd,�iBi'd�4V.L ��Q�� y�.qG�i��y. . � pr�.s.sa���s�. er,a� c�P ()F�� �J.'Ii't.LFS:iPd3? TlrJT,Ta:'a�.'�',.q ��A{'�3} �� �3�eo��a� '�� :���..r t�tl � ��.y .�i��ar���; �� �a£d p�3.�e9.p��: S'4�1. Ei�.pt3Y3t'it311'��� ,�E)�i �t�.$:t3 E3f3itd �+'LiCld� Et� 'i;h� �.'lSLuCa C3�' �A113' �,1(33' OQi2'�1;EH �*��} par az�z}t� cs� �}caanu�4� � �ad �a � :� �at��3 ye�� �an�:�1 msat,��.'�.�j Q� �Fst� g���aa�.��� a� Yzi�s��� vhr�t��a �hQ ��asa���,��.a� a� n�c�ndar c�� ��e �rin��c�d ��;:�rr�s� csfl�c�ns ��ha� �eva�m�.ig ia�csca�zo d�c��, 1Jcti�h pr���.��. �,nd t.n�eras� €�t� �at�yaUi�i c�� �k� �a�i'�ae c�f �iryo �3.�� �rea.� :�t�o� �m �GI�t� �3�� ca�°' G1.ea�rra�ea�� i�lcsar� c�.;� �.� esz� co�.za erf� r�€�r��o��y w��.aiz �x� �:sca re�pe�s�:�vt� da�e� af ��y:a�� �g �h� acus�rs �� �.e��l �ennal.�� ��r �Y� �n��� e�i pui��,�.c� ar�c� �r�.ac��c� c1e�1;�� . 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Section 1.0. An emer�eney exist, and this Ordinance sha11 bE in �ull �'orce and e�3eat i�tediately up�in its passage. Pa�sed and adopted by City Commieeior,�reafiP:�h� Cit� o� Clearv�ater, Florida, this 6�h day o�' Janv.ary, 1,936. (Signed) Ray E. Gre�n �ror Attest� J. E. Satt er�ield Jg i c�r�C er v, .�;..�.,,._.. ._ . _ _. � 4 ' Moved by Mat. Batcshelor. seaosrled by Mr. Marsh a1d carried tha�t t3fe pro�e r City O�iici als b e au. thor iz ed t o s i gn an a�re emextt w ith �thB Florida F3nergeney Relie�' Administration acce�t ing title to the 3�ish f."l�nt on C'!earwater Besch w2d.er the tarnB and conditions aet ibrth in said agreement. A Q R E E M E N 1. STATE OF FLORIDA ) COIII�iTTY OF PINELLAS ) TFiIS INDEfi1TURE made and entered into this the 21st day of Jarntary� A. D. 1y36, by and batv�ean the FLOI�IDA E�MERGE2JCY RELIEF' AANIIDTISTRATION, partp oP tho �irst part, and CITY OF CL�ARWATER, a Municipal Corporation, r�f Pinellas County, Florida, party oP the second part ; W�AS, The party oi the �ir�t part has lately built and erectc�d. on certain. rsal property ot�sed by the nar�y of the second paxty situate� lying arui being on Clear�ater Beach Island' in t�e City of Clearwa�sr, Pine].las County, FZorida, described as folZows, to-irit: "Begin at the NE corn.er o� the Citg� Park on the Y�. side of Zltandalay BZvd, and run eas�Eerly on the 21. Line of City property eatended, 865 feet ta POB, thence sou�he�ly at 9Q de�., 215 ft. to a point; thence easterl�, paralleZ to the N. line of City property first abpve d�saribed to the charm.ei in Clear�ater Harbor �ast o� ra�aala�; thence north�rly along said channel to the N, line o� City property extended, thence westerly along sa�.d line oP Gity .property to POB;" a certain glant or building ca�rnnonly lmo�;n and referred to as a fiah nrocessing piant, and instailed th�rein certa3.n machiner�, i'3atures and equipment ; and - WHEREAS, it has been deter�insd that it is to the best intare�t �or sa�d party of the second part to orrn, �perate and main�ain said fiah processing plant, it bein� the opinioa oP the par�3ss hereto that the opera�ian and managsment of said fish processing plsnt bg ar under the d3.rection of or thrrnzgh lease tnade by ths party of the ' 6econd, part wi13. be ta the bes� interest of the citizen� and tax- } payers of the Citg of C1.earwater and to the public 3.n genexal. � , NOVI T�REN'ORE TI3IS INDII3TIIRE PIITNESSET� : `j'hat said party of the f�.rsic part, for and in consideration oP the sum oP �1:OQ„ cash 3n hana paid bg said party of the second part to said party of the ' Pirat part� receipt whereoP is hereby a��owzeagea, �a t�e mutv;al cotronants and conditions herein con'�ainad, does hereb� se1Z, assign9 tran.s�er, convey, set over, qui� claim9 remise, r�3ease and relin- qu�.sh unto the said part� af the second part all o� its right, title . . .. . . . .. . , . � ,., � .. . ... ,. .' ... .. . .. .. .. . ..J � � �„x"'" t �� and 3nt:srest in and to the afr�xesaid doscribed real proper�p and that cortain bui,lding or plaut aituate3 thereon� counnonly Icnown as2d referred to as tl�e Fish Processin� Plant, �ncluding all macl�iner�� i�.xtures, equ3pment, anci any and ell personal property conta3ned there3n or situate on �aid reaZ prapert�r, it being apecifically agreed and underetood betrreen. the raspective partiea th�t the tr&nsfer and conveyance oi said Fish Processing P1ant unto tYie party of tY�e secoz'id part is subjeot� ta the follow3�xg enniii�ions, covenants and reservqti�nss to-wit : (a:j Saifl part3r of the second part covanants and agrees to see that sa3d Fish Processing P�.ant is rnzt in opera�ion an or bePore thrae �3) months frcrm tb.e date oP the deliaery of t�is agreement properlg esect'tted by said party of the fYrst part. (b) Said party of ths second psrt covenants and agreas that for a neriod of three gears immediatsZy follo�rin� the delivsry of this agreement properiy executed by said party of the first part to s9e that ss.id plant is coni;iriued in operation for at least six months per yeara and a month��� �per�.ti,on is hereby defixied �.s a period of ti�e of not less thaa P3.�teen (15) days, (e) Sa9.d party o� �.he second part eovenants and agrees that so iar as prac�icable or possibla sa to do� to empZoy at said plant loc�Z persons v�ho are in need oi work: It is specificallg vnderstood �ua a�eea t�et�een the respective parties hereto that ixi the event said party of �he seeond gart shall at ar�y time within thres yeara irom the date of the da3.3nery oP thia a�,�rreement proger7.y executed vio;late or breach any of the covensntss conditioas or reservatiane herein co�.ta3ned, then. tYse party of the first-part shaSZ hane �he right r�nd. priv3lege after thirtg �30) days notice in. writing to sa�d party of tha second part, �o e.�'cer upon and remove Yrom said �iah Proces sing P1ant a1.1 machine�p� ecga.ipmeiat, �ixtures and personnl, property now sit;uate tnereon. Said party �f the f3�,rs� part hereby covenanta t}�s.t it is �h:e 1a��f5.i1 owner of said Fish Procassing Plant, machineryr, equipn2ent and other personal property aituated thero3n' tha{: tha same is fx��a �rom a17. eneumbrances� 'th�,t it has good and larviul. authority to se11 and transPer the eame� as aforasaid, and that it will defend the same against the la�vflzl claims sna aem�r,a.s o� all persons whomsoever,` � 0 �': � IN WITNESS WHBREOF' the partiea hereto hava esused this iri- denture to b� executed in. their respective names by and throug'h their proper officials, duly author•3.zed 90 to do, �he da� and gear Pir�t abone written. FLORIDA II�GE[dCY RELIEF AD�IINISTRATION BY Conrad Van: HQn.i.�g (SEAZ,) ----___.__�.v QITY Q�':::CLEAiiPlATER' FZORID�, BY A, C. Idichols COUNTERSIGNED : Citg Pdana�er, Ray E. Green - , a�or- o ss oner J. E, Satteriield � u or C er �. , 51gned� sealed anci delivered in the presenae oP; J'. S, �a.ze2� CoreZla Bnslev Bernice H. Thornton Margaret C. $xrlebaus ApprovecT as to form and correctneas� JC)17b1 C e POZlli�.1. (City Sea�) � orney. i' �i � Each City Commissioner went on reoord that city employeea be required to pay their �i1Zs, �d that unpaid bills be declared �o be grounds �or disoharge. . Apvointment o� members o� the ne�vly created. 9ivil Service Board rvas azs�ussea and the �ollowing names were mentioned: Leon Abbett Haymond Zee 1,d. A. MoMullen Fr�k J. Booth Rsade Tilley William Goza F. T. Gates H. G. Siuith Charles H. Frank b'rank Rehbaum "P. B. McOardel E. B. Casler, Jr. No appointments v�ere �a.de at this time. The o�aner a.nd operator o� the Oak Court Tourist Camp addressed the Co�isaion, protesting �`t25.00 license �or tovrist eatnp on S. Fte Harri.son gve��.e. He states the ineome is approximately �500.00 per year, expenses,inc�luding city license, apprdximataly �298, in- . v�stmen-G 5 89C �6�000.00. 2t�-.a.ppears he has paid no Iieense in the past, except 1934-35 lzaense, which waa paid aiter trial in Municipal Court. It appears, also, that reeiden.ts oi the vicinity object to the camp. It appears, it�rther, that the sanitary inspector, actir�g txndex in- atruation o� the C:ity� i�anager, re�t.ised berm9.ssion to this t�urist camp to allow parking of house-ca.rs because o� lack o� sanitary �acilities. Moved by I,Qr. Marsh, seconded by ll4r. Earry and e�.rried that the matter� be re�erred to the City Manager and. City �ttorney u�ith power to act. M•r.. Marsh intratuced'the �ollowing resolution: RESOLUTION' REQIIIRIlVG RE-REGISTRATIOI� OF 1HE FT,ECTORS -0F THE GITY OF CLEAiiWATER� IZORIDA �THEREAS re�registration of eiec�ors o� the Cit� of Clearwatsr; Florida has not baen required �or at le$st thirty gears, and WH.EftEAS many who are registered as electors are decseased or removed, unknown tp the City Clerk or other o i'�icials oi the City, a�n 4�THBREfl.S the populatfon oi the Gity has shi�tea greatly during this period, due $o the Boom and:ot�er eireumstanees, and �'FiEREA� -Ghe City Limits of the City have been reeently contraoteda There�oz�e, be it resolvec� that the present registration book o� the City be, and it is hereby declared obsolete. Be it 3t�.rther resolved that a new registration book oi the City o� Clearv�atsr, be opened i�edia.tely and that re-ragistration o� all electors o� the Cit� be required. Pasaed and adopted. by the City Commissian o� the Gity a� � _� F� t�. _ _ , _ ,.. _ _ _._. - t _.; �� �';, ; �. � � �� �� �ry . .. . . . . . . i . � . . . . . � � . . � i '�- . � �� j ; Clearwat er, Florida this 6t�i da�• o� Jan�a.ry, 1936. (S�g�d) Ra Ea Green _ ayo� — Attest: J. E. Satter�i.eld �y�i �ud:i or & r Mr. Barzy noved the meetirg �ljoum. Mr. Balfler aeoonded the motion. Upon roll ca11 the following vote �va.s polled: 9yes: �r. �rem �dr. Batchelar �!!r. Bak er Mr. M�.reh �2r. Barzy Idaya; No r�e. Thereupon t he Ms,yo.r�Commissi c�e r ci.e e1. ared the me eting a�.jour�ed. �_������-- or Attest: � y u 'ar � r � ' ,