11/22/1922� -
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• N�ivY . nd, 1 2.
, �
The City Cour��ii met in ad�t�urn 'session witn the •
following members present:..
J. �. I�oorE, A. �T. Uillard �
H. M. Blan�ori C. E. Sackson „ �
A. P, Marshall �
R. M. Thompson� Contractor, s�� �ted that he was building �
a house for a Mr. 'Niaxwell in 0. Harrington`s Sub., abutting on �
North F�. `Narrisan Ave.,* and that Mr. M�x�ell wo» ld ?�ike to nave
a sewer Iaid on Ft. Aarrison Avenue so he could cQnnect up his
building with ssid sewer. City Engineer, Drew, st�t•ed that it
. woul.d eost spproximut�ly �200,00 t-� lav sevrer on We�t side o.f �
Ft. H�rrison Avenue in :front of 0. Har•ringtan's Sub. Moueci by Nr.
Jackson, secor_dad by Mr. Msrshall and carried that Mr. Maxwel.l
be informeci if` he would advance money for •�he cost9 the Ci�y w�uld
consider the laying of sewer an �yest side o� F�, Harr� son Qvenue �
in front of 0. Harrin�ton's Sub. - �
IVMr. L. N, Hendry addressed Council by stating �h�t he �
had brought ta the at.tention of the Counc�l, a� a pr�vious meet,- ' �
ing, regar�:.;1g house nu�.berss he said it was very confu�ing to k
the Yost GF: ice veaprtment by havizlg h�uses with no numbers �
ar..ct �iflferent housas using the same numbers. 3�aved by Mr. Liliard3 �
sec�nded by Mr. MarshaTl and carried that� �treet Committee be in- �
structe� with power to aet �o employ s-c�mpetent man to trsce i;
preseni numbering map, addin� nev� Subdivision and renumbering '�
all ?.ots in the Ci�-1 of �lesrwater, and al�t+ � duplic�te map ��
made shovring the sizes o: all lots in the City . �
�. , �
Mro �earing, owner of the Lar�lbeth glac�e, �n OsceoZ-- °« '
Avenua addx�assed Cauncil, re�arding t'ae opening of Osceola Avenuer r
�y a�reeing to deed ihe city 7 ft. i:^�m �is lot in exchange fo� �
7 ft. of City pr•operty. 'Vloved bv Nr. L�illard, sec�nded by Mr. �
Jacl�s�n and cFrried that the City Atbarney be instructed t� draw
L`eeds for the following prop�rty fr�m N`r. Searir�� to the �ity of ;
Clearv�a�ter to-��rit:- �
, 1
3egin �t intersection of the Wr line of Osce�la Avenue, ex- F
tended fr�m Georgia Street and t,he N line af' the alley ara N margin
of Jones Sub. run W on N line o� alley 31.75 ft. thence N E�ster`I�r
about 32ite to W line of Osceola AJe„ thence S 7 ft, on same �to
` . l � . � .. f v{�{:, T f� I � .
rt( t
. I � � � � . . �. . . . . �, / � .
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_�:`"�.'�'u �_ �` �riZ e i. ":"3''c`ky= x�E � �. C':��tty�•-,r3 r�x i�:i . t�'� �!,1;'i�,';);';� �Y+'z'�, '��`^ �
. ; ^ .r n. +n �. � '1-" (� ^� .�i t�'�' � ^y q �3.e ,;, r. �„ r1 .t` r r� tT � �^{.ti� ^ 1 (� �:? � � ; y �-. f� .- . � .
� �. .i � . . �11 V i}��.�l. V - �..J�LI +.. . .. u �. '.: . r.. �• t � . .�K .3�.i V n � � � �LJ 6 � �I �4 '� . �. �� ,� .
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"�` �°' Y,y,�,.,� �
P. 0. B. same being a trian�ular lot of land in Gov�t lot 4, of S
_ ,
Section 9, tp.29, R 15, in exchange from the Citg to Mr. Searing �
f ar the f oll�wing described prop ertg t o-�:i� :- �
Begin at s point of the N line of the a llev on N marg�in
o�' Jo�:es° Sub. triat is 632 ft. �� of ti'� 3ine of Osce.�:1a Anenue, ex- _
�ended S firom Georgia Street, run S. 7 ft. n Easterlg abazt 32 ft.
to point an alley line, thence W 31.75 ft. to P. 0. B.r� same being �
�he triangular 1ot of land in Gov't lot 4, of sec. 9, twp. 29 I�. 15 �
Mr, W. B, white addre<ssed C�v:ncil, stating that he ovmed
a house in P?.azs rark and he 'wished to connect this progerty with �
the sevrer on Yenns�r2vania Avenue ahd Plazs Street. He als� asked �
the �itv to fu7^nish him sufficient dirt to fiTl in his lot. ��oved �
by Mr. Bill�rd, sec��onded bv 114r. Blanton a_�d�carried that City Engin�:er '
be instructe� to let Mr. White h�ve the necessa�� dirt to fill in r
hi s Tot . �
Peter Mor•torson made complaint ab�ut the drainage ditch
in Ylaza Ysrk sPction and asked that it be cleaned oat. He also
. . . . � . . . ,P
said that the Cauncil had gone on Recard as favoring putting 3�n i
more tile, extending to Vine Street, City Engineer Drew, was instruc#,;
t� get pric�s on Sewer pit�e ior �his clitch and Mr. �drden vcas in,struct ',
ea to clean ou�t the ditch. �
&'�.trorden,repre�enting �he people on Marshall �tres�,
s�id tney requested hi:m to protest ag�inst the l�ying of side-
waiks on �his streeL, as 3.� waulc� work a harc?sh?.p on the pr�oper��r
o�ners, �rho are paying f o� their nr o perty �n the insiallment
plan. The Counc °1 refu�ed to resGiend its formei° action, regard-�
ing laying of ihese side:�alks. ,
The ma+ter of connectin� up si.dPwalus on �{ side �f 0ak
�venu�! evhi�ch vras orderdd laid seneral *ronths a��, was aiscussed.
Moved by Mr. Blant�n, sec�nded by ���. Dillard and caYried �that
City AttaY°ney be in�t�ucted to proceed at once with condemnstions
proceeding against the Ed.Ma Ca,rney pro�er�y on Oak i�ve. t� widen
said Oak Strne� to conform to th� other part �f straet, i�' after
�e�o�atin� with Mr. Carney snd a failure i'or Sd.iu�tme�t.
Moved btT Mr. Ja.cksar�r seconded bg Mr•e Dj:llarcl and ;�rried
that Mr. �+orden b� 3,�st,ruczed to re�air P.rosFecL '� it will be
gas4abl� .
Mr. JAcksan saii 'ne saw Mr. Cullens, relative to openin�
tha'.�lley from L�u�a St�eet to alley in re�r of J'efford's and
Smoy�r's bui?ding, b�iween Ft, Harrison and 0sceola Avenuef
,_ _ r
: .. . , . ,
� � _ �� '
� � � � � � ;,r;,� ' i
and that Mr. Cullen� said 'ck�at he had 'r_ot taken this matter up
v�ith Mrs. Lo�rrey, regard�ng tne ox�ening of this alley. Move�3 b,y
Mr. 5lanton, seconded bg IJIr. Dillar•d and cax���ied that Street
Gommittee be instruc�ed to see Mr. Washburn and thst the Mayor
see Mrs. Lovrrey and iiegetia�,e with them, the opening of this �lley
could not be
and that if any arran�ements/made with them to open this alley,
thai the Git� Attorney be instr�ucted to begi� c�ndemnation pro-
ceedin� s�ainst t.he property to have this alley opened.
Mr. B. C. B�ss su�mit�ted r,i�ap of Nfl�'�'o'od Subd�:vision and
asked t.he C�unci.I to accept same. Move3 b,y Mr� Blanian, seconded
b�r Mr. Lillard and carried thet map ofNo��rood Subdivision be
accepted and f.iled �vhen approved by the City Engineer.
Thg follotving commun:cati�n was res�d from the Bo�rd of
Trade to-tvit : -
Nov. 22, 1922.
Mr. J. R. Thomas, Cit� �leru and Members of `ACity �ouncil,
City �f �le�rwater, �Ie�rw�ter Fla.
At the regualr meeiing �f' the tioard of Governors o� this
Bo�rd of Trade Monday eT�ening, November 2�Jt.h, a Rp4olution was
off ered and unani?�ousl.y adopted that we petitifln vour honora�ile
body to call an electi�n at t•�+A par•lies� z��ssible date for eac.tend- '
in� the City limits af Cle�rv�ater as f.ollo�vs:
To inclade all of secti.on 3, fraciional secti�ns 4 and 5,
a11 �f seciion 8, EAst three quarters ^f sect�on 10, EpGt trree
quarters �f secti4n 15, all oi sect:�ns 21 �nd 22 fracti:onal
secti�n 20.
�".ie are certain.th�t you wi�l a�ree �ith us �hat this is
a m�s� improtant matter and we must r�spectfully ur�e t�ha+ this
election be c�lled at tt�e ver�y eax�liest date possible.
Very trul;� y�aurs,
Glearvr�ter Boar•d of Trade.
By H. S Ransom, �ecg.
Moved bv Mr. Uill�rd, seconded by Mr. Blanton and carried
th�t the Gi�`.y attor-.aey be ins�ructed t� dr�w an �rdin�nce, ca lling
an El�c�*ion t� axtend the Gitv limits of �lex�r�rztar �nd preGent to the
Council at a regular �dj�urn meeting, Friday P. M. 7:30 o�clock
ivovember 24th, 1922.
Supt. �chvrabel of the Vrater Uepartme�.t, in f ormed the
Counc�l that, Qfter p¢Vin�? Mr. �"�allace's bill �'or �oundation,
for L�;ater Tank, thFre vaoulld n�t be sufficient money in the r�ater
Fun:d, voted in the E�ond issue, i:o meet the payment on the t`�ater•
' Tank when it came.
: ,,. _ .� ; :
� �� ,l s '
., J,
hioved b�r Mr. Blan�on, seconded bv Mr. �Iarshall and
carried that the matt�r of Fin�nce for tne �'�ater Department,
to pag f�r ;^�ater Tank, be referred to the Finance Committee ' '
with po�xrer to aci,
The following bids fr�m �'ohn Phillipoff to furnish
marb�e steps f�r new Ci�y Ha 11 and tin f o� roof of s�me wa s
su'bmii,ted as f ollorvs; -
Nove 22, 1922.
Mr. Thomas, City Clerk.
Dear Sir:-
��vi1� furnish mar�1P for City iiall ste�s either�
Croole �r t"Jhite reorgia, in place of Concrete stegs as cglled
for in Specifications, for an additionel sum ^�' �"650.00.
The steps �rill be I�" and ths risers 7/8" thiel�.
I wi11 also furnish �he best qu�ilty 40 lla Tin, and
wi21 give the Git,y Hall the Standard Seam Roof, pa�.nted a�
both sides with metallic paint for ��r�ditional s'um of �100.OQ
:incereiy yours,
( 5i�ned ) JoE�n i'hi llipof f o
N`soved by RSr• Jackson, sec�r_ded bv Mr. Blantan and
carried thA� N�r. Phillig�f�'s �id be aecepted and marble steps
be buiJ.t to City Ha11I.
� id�oved b�r Mr . B7.an'�can, sec�rided bST I��r . Mar Gha 11 and
carried tta�t Mr. Fhillip�ff' S b� cl be ^�cspted and tin rflof
be built on City H� 1]..
Mr. Galt,Enginee� �n i�Ya�cr Fr�nt Impx�ovement.s, fi.led
tracings of Catyseway and Bay �ho�e impro�nents a� requeste�
at a previc�;s meetin� of the Co?�nc i1. Moved b� M�. llillard,
seconded by Nr•. Blantcm �nc? csrried that trscin�s of Cause-
vray and Bay Sh4re Boulev�rd, as "s�bmitfi,ed b�� Eng�Lnee�^ Gault,
be accepted and the C1e�k be instructed to pay��7r. Galt`s bill
of x;;4a5.00 submitted by him for his ser-viess.
Gity En�ir2er �rew, reported that there wer�z,approximatelys
�'12�0°00 in the Sanitary Se�rer Fund, �nd th�� it w�u1d co�t
spproximately, �4000.Q0 to ertend th� E�G� �'u�n.er �treet Se�er.
Moved by Mr. Lillard, sec3�nded by Mr. Bl�nton and carried
that tr�e matt�':r af financing East Tur�zer Street �e�;er� bs �referre�
to the Sanitary arid ��',e�er Committee to report back to the meetin�
of the C�uncil, �riday P, M. November 24th, 1922.
; -: , ;
,r _
�' ,.
.,m�;,.' }
The Councii next proceeded to canvass the returns
of' 1-he Special Election he].d November 21�t , 1922 t� determine
whether �he City of Clearvrat.er should sell 6� -thirty year,
coupon Ei�nds, in the amouni of �'25000.00, to �ie us�d and ex-
pended, �50aQ.00 for pu�ychaing land for Public Park and �2��000.00
to be usdd in improvin� said land� for a Public Park, and the
Inspectors report «�s read as follows:
�Ttl�'E 0�' � TAFclUA :
GUI��vTY OF` YINELLA;:; C lear�v�� er, �'lo� i.d�,
CZTY OF G[,�.£��1+ATER: N�v, 21st, 1922'.
We, the undersigned, Inspectars �nd Gler•k of SpeciaT
Election of the City of' �%le�rw¢te�, Flo'rida, held on this the
2lst day of November A. D, 1922, da hereby c�� tify th�t we
have �o�au�tea said Electi�on accor�.ing to �aw, and upon counting
the Ballots, find the recult of said Election to be as fallows:
�otal Nui*ibe r of t3al.lots cast- 22'�
Tota1 �umber Brallots mutilated 3
Sha 11 the Gity of Clear•watPr issue and sell
6�, il7iz��y year Coupon Borad in the amount of
�5,00�.00 for the purchase of the foZloaring
descrir_ed land.
Lots Ons to Si xteen inclusive, being
all of Block One, Lots One to Eight inclusive,
af �lock 6, Yine Cr'est 5ubdivisian, as ,ecor�ed
in Pl�t $oc�k One, PaRe Sixt�-Qix, R�cords ��
Pinella� Co�anty, Florida, et and f�r a�rice
of �5,�(��,nU and aTso in the ?mount �i �;�20,000 for
the Improvement of sa�n.d land f�r Yark pur�osPs?
Tota1 Number of Ba Tlota YES -383
St±al1 the City of �learwater isnze and sell °U
thirty yea r C oupon Bond in t he m�uni of ,��, 000 . 0�
f�r �he purch�Ge of the ��llorving described land.
Lo#;s One to Six�t,een inclusive, b�ing aIl
of Block Ono, liots One ta Eight inclusive, of Block
Si.x, Pine i'��Gt, Subdivisi. on, a� recorded in Ylat Book
One, Pa�e Si:x�y-si�, Records of Yinellas County
� lorida, at ar_d f or a price �5, 000.00 �rd a ls� in the �mount
of �20, 000.00 f or the Improvement of said ? and f or
Parl{ purFoses?
Total Number af Balaots- NO 41
G�.ven uY�uer o�ir hands this the 23st day of Nov., A. D, 1922.
f �i�ned ) t� . A . Ha•�man
- lnspPetor.
(5i ned) J'� �. �,l�ri.d�e
(Si�nedl Mann Drew
nspec or. `
(Si�nsd) Odessa F, �vans
C ler k.
2046. �
.�;%' � � � � � � � �
�ov'ecl bg N�r. Dillard, sec�nded by l�r. Blanton and carried
that the Inspectors rep�rt of Election held Nove�ber 21st,
1��2, be acceptedo �'�
Mr. Dillard offered the folZo�ving Resolu�ion;
ELECTION �±�:LD ')N '?'�I�
21�T I3AY OF IvuV. 3.92�.
VJHt�'E�A�, the Citv Council, of the City of �lear-
weter, Flarida, is char�ed by La�r with canvassin� the return
and certifyin� and dec�arin� the result flf all t�P Elections
held in said ity, �nd
�"yY"?�.F+��S, there was a�pec�ial :�leeti.�n held �n the City
of Clearw�ter on the 21st day of tvovember, A. v. 1922, �o deter=
mine Nhe�itzer saia Gity ahould anc� sell 6�, thiri� year intereGt
Coupon E3ond in the amount of �25 0�0.00, to be used ar_d expended
as foll�vrs, to--vrit; The sum of �5,000.00 to be used and expended
in purchasing the iollowing de�cribed land for Yublic Yark f or
said City :
I,ots One to 5ixteen, inclusive, being all of Block �ne,
arid Lots c7ne to Eight, inclusive, �i` Bloci� Six, Pine CrAst Sub-
d�.visi�n, as r?c�rded in t'lat Book t�To. 1, Pa�e 66, Recorc�s oi
tinelsas Gounty, Florida.
�he sum �f ��O,OJO.00 to be used �n� expended �n improv-
ing said Iands far a Public Park.
�`��H�FcE�1S, the City �az�ncil �as th� s da,Y canvassed +he
re�urns of sas:.d Elecici�n, and find fr�m the returns �f said
Elect��on, thpt ti�ere were 227 Ballots cast, and that there
were 3 8allots mu�ilate�, th�t Ballois tivere c�st in favor
of th.e issuance of Bonds f�r �25��0.00 to be �as ed and expended
as :�'allovrs, to-:�it: The su.m of �5,000.�0 to be used and expended
in purchasi:n� t'^e follovring described land �or Public Yark for
said Citv;
Lots dne i� Sixteen, inclus�ve, being all of Block �ner
�nd Lo�Ls One i� Ei��t,, incZtzsive, �f Block Six, PiFae Crest Sub-
divi.qi�na �s rec�rdpd ?� P1.-t Book Nn. I, Pa�P 60, Records of
Pinellas Gount;y, Florida.
The sum �f „20,OOQ.00 t� be usad and expended in improv�
in� s�id lands for a�ubl.ic �a?^k, �nd th-t there were 41 Ballats
east a�ainst tna isstzance �f' Bonds for s�id amount for said purpasa,
ST yS '��:�•FcEFuR�: C�hTZFi.�D x;�L liECLtiF'�D th�t the issuance
of Bonds for said purposes has bsen approved by the affirm�tive vote
of m�re than three-fifths �f the fia�c Payers of said City in said
BE IT �HE:��Fc)��: R��QLV�:D tnat the City Attryrney �f said
City, be, and he is reques�e� to �a?�e pr�per ste�,s io have seid
Bonds validated and a�nrot►Pc� bn t'^e C�ur�s, as provit�ed by Law.
Passed b,y the C�.{V Couneil t�is 2�nd dpy of �iove�nher, 19�2.
At�Gest: {Si�ned) 3. R. Thom��
. '�ity ex?�r. (5i ned) J. C . �oore.
preqi �nt o City ouncll.
R,�oved by Mr. Lill�rd, seconded by Mr. Blantfl� that the foregoing
Resfl2ution be adop�ed. Upon Rc�ll �all:, J. C. Ntoore, H. M. Blanton,
A. P. Marshall� A. N. iill�r� and C. E, �7ackson vo�ed "Aye" and
�he Resfllu-ti�n was decZ�red adopted unanim�usly.
, .,
� o , ,
' � � �� . . � . . . . .. . . � ' � . .. . ... . .. � i.:
. � . . �. . . . . . . . . .. . . + � .. . \(� ..
. . . . . � .. �. . � . . � . � � . . . . . � .v \\ ..
Mayor Booth submitt�c� bill fcr �3�00 for t�'our dinners,
funnished Inspectors of El�ction, held November 23st, 1922.
tdoved by Mr� Jackson, seaonded �y Mr. �illard and cax�r�ed
that Clerk� be i:nstructed to pay bill of �3,O�J, amour_t paid for
dinners furnished In�pectors of Election lvovember 2�th, 1922,
� 1�oved by Mr. J'ackson, seconded by r,sr. Uillard and carried
th=�t Clerk be iz�structed to pay am�unt due for Interest 'Coupons
th�t are due and past �ue. "
Dr. L. B. Lic�erson �ubmz��ted the folloc�ing bill fa°
his services to-�rit:
Schoo� work for Diptheria �==-----------------�100e00
�and J. Vaugt�n 15.00
TotaZ- � ��
Moved by Mr. �lanton, sedor3ded by Mr. �illard anfl carri�d
th�� Dr. bickersen's Bill of �115.�� for services Y-endered be pa id.
T�toved by Mr. �'illard, sec�nded t�y h7r. Bl�n�on ar_d carried
i�hat tne Clerk be instructed t� na�ify the Tamga & Gulf Co�st A. R.
Company tl�s�i `East Avenue wi11. be paved soon, and if theg haETe
any prelim�n�ry��vbrk to be� dane on this Avenus, they should do it
at �once �nd ihe City further advise�, whsn this avenue 3.s �pa�re�I,
i� wi�l not be wida enough ior them to use any trac� �n this a�er�tie
for starage of cars and they vri ll hsve '� a pr ovide starage faci3.itiea
of their or�n. ,,, ,.
Moveci by Mr .�'i.11a d., sec�anded by Mr. Tacks on ancl ca��isd
th�t Yark Commitiee be instructed to purchase fr�m lt2r. E. A. Roberts,
cypress lumber• are�sed �n b!�th sidss f'�x Ba�.� Park,
The � o�l�w�:-�, "•a; �.��.n� t ermits w�re reac? ;-
. 2nd.
��rs, H. H.fI�m�.injFr�me 1 5 �omp, '7 � Gould & E�rin;gs
i�rs. J. k. Li$�.le Gel�en 1 ]. C. Ir�n �� & B
T. S. Maxwell F'r•�me I 6 Comp. �iarringtc�n�s
Sara I�: �ich t' 1 1 " M�gnolia Park.
r4o�ed by M�: Jackson, sec�nded b,y Mr. vill�rd and car�ried that
pez^�nits be granted. � ,
Move� by Mr. Lillard, secc�nded by �Ir. Jacl�son and carrie�
that Gouncil �d�ourn.
Attest: P ' t ity c�uncil.
� �:. '� - :� ��. . ^F. . ��_ �,
Gity � lerk.
Approved Dec. 6th, 1J22o
,� � 1
''� ,:.r
ou. th,���. _
The Gity Couilcil met pursuant to the follo�ving call of
the Ma,yor •
To The City Counc�l,
Novem.ber 29th, 1924.
You sre hereby n�tified to be present at a Special
Meeting �f the Gity C�uncil f�r the purx��se �f accepting
p:�ans s�d Specifications ancl letting Gontracts and other _
Business pertaining to �3ase Ball Park�
( ��.��ea ) Franka J. Booth
Mayor .
Members preGent, J. C' . hloore, G. R. Lee, A. P. Maxshall,
and H. N, Blanton.
The f ollo�ving C ontra ct wa s submitted t o sndae �; epted by
th e C ounci I t o-�rit :-
T?iTS Cc�ivTkxGT, i�ade this 29th day of' i�ovember, A. D.
1922, bstwean tYie City of �lear�atPr, a Municipal Corporation, of
the Cour�ty oi �Pinellas, St�te of �lorida, psrty of the fi�st part,
and Gharl�s Ebhetts, as President of the Brooklyn ivtational League
B�seball Team of the City of Brooklyn, 5-tste of Ne�� York, par•tq of
the secvnd par�,
, WITN��:ETI�: That t�^e par•t9 �f t�e first part for the
considerati � her•einaftQr set forth hzreby lets and leesses to the
party of the sec�nd pn rt that certain ba sebe ll pa rk a�d grounds
hereaiter to be lcc�te� in Plaza +Bark in t'^e said City of Cle�rwater
f or p peri o: o� two �?onths, be�innin� abo�zi t�e 15th day �f February
1923, and ending about Apri.l 15th, 1923, said Baseball Park to be
used bg t�e said Chsrles Ebbet�s for the purpose of Spring trains•.Zg
of the Brooklyn National Lea,�ue Team.
And the party of t�e first part furth�r a�rees to erect
up�n the said baseball park, a graridstsnd, clubh�use, fence, �nd
baGeball field and diamond in �cc�rdance ��i�in instructions and
under t.ne sure�viG� �n ��' E, B. C�elPr �f Pinellas C�un�y, Florida .
The p�i�ty of the �irst p�t furthPr a�rees to give un-t� �
th;e p? r�y of the second pQ rt the ri�ht and o�ti�n o� re-newin� t:his
Contrac� upon th� same terms and c�nditi�ns as st�t:ed hen�in, f'oD
four• additi.onal seasflns, to-:vit, from abaut the 15th dag `of
F�bruery t�s ' about the 15th day of Apri l�f +�e years 1924, 1925,
1926 and 1927, provided t�E paYiy of the sec�nd p�rt enf.ers into
a Contracfi rvith the pa ty of the fi:rat part f�r said Your additioaal.
seas�ns not later than Mag lst, 1.92,3.
In consider�ti on of f.he grants and p,ranises above set for�h
on tk�e part �f the party af t.h,e first part, the �ty of the secand
pa�t, the �a�d C�arleG Ebbetts, herebv �gre?s �vi.th the p-�r�ty oP
the first p� to bring ta the said Citv of �ls�rwater, nat later
than about the 28th day of Februeryy 1923, the Brooklyn Nati�nal
League Baseball Te�m for t�e purpose of spring trainin�, and to keeF
said team in said City i`or said pL�rpose from the said about 2l3th da�*-
of February unt�l about the Zst da,y �f gpril, 192�.
IN 6�IT�v�:�S .1�_�F�UP� the pe�t�es her��o have hereun�o set
thei� 'hands and seAlG th is 29th da,y of November, A. D. 1922.
t�tte��;- 3. Rd Thomas, �(Si ned_) (Si�ned) J. �. Moore (S�AL)
�y� erl k. �gresident�� t ouncil
Approved by me Ehis 29th day of Nov. 1922 (Signe�) Chas. H. EbbEtt�
(Si ned, «Frank :r. R���� for the Broaklyn N L BB Club, of
(SyAL) Mayor�. Brookl '
yn, N- Y,.
y �r�rr+�r�sewK.� �,�.-r-..�:...---, -�
; � � i � Lw".� Wax`w,.,�'"yra. i: *�yy^""�
. . T`r . _ �.�.
� � CHARLES��t.c.s ci5� � � � EbWAR��JM HEEVER �� .a^,EpHEN W��M4KEF.VE
�� . PPEaIOCttT . V�CCPwC510[Nl' . s> TR
��.. � . WILBERTROBINSON � � � . .
� MwHwGER '�
� . � � � . .. v;�l.m��i�'Y��� . a:�: ;tii��aa . ..
�...i .a,i,v; n'r
� ;�.._.- ..._:;�t�,'"',-
. . . �xt . k� .�`
�: J . y.
� 'S
r . T ..����..,_L
.�4 y .� ��cr� ��
�� wi k �` " -• .
" CHA.RLE�H:�BHETS�p � .
aER � � � �. ��� � �SECP� � ,
FRANK B.YORK � � , ' . . �
� OIRECiOR � � .
"~ �L '�`�t�`�3`��: �
_. ,. .. .
ti: . . , , �
's�'�� }�w �'p���q`v ��` t -�` .�.�T` � � � ,Jw-�.. . � �
7.:; r 'i�.�yX RPORP' s, •.. -� "" ;u :�
J �.r Q�, �� .� -w'',�„ at'' Y`�'�'� �.,�"2 .
! .. dl��� � .e^t" - -
'� � •:� � �` �'^ .� .�.;y'S��'• Y a0. 3 �T'•+J ir � 3�?'e,-w' t�{ .. .
w}'_ ■ ''�� .
}� 3♦e
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'"`- ¢.d �«� � . � � .�'. Ilp I1� � . � . �
y , � ;. �: �
. .. ,. . _ �
Brooklyn,NewYork ':� � � �N�'�'
Sixth `, �'�
Nineteen • �`
� T�venty-=three „�.��
,f.,�� �,, /c�
• .�',.1
� Hon, Frank J. Booth, L�ayor,
Commissioners of the City of Clear�^=�,t :r,
Clear�at�_�-�, F�a. , �
�n 1:ast Deczmber °�Then I �vas bez"�re � �'
your Honoxable boc'r I entered into a con�rac� to use ,�
your Ath� etic Fiel � for traini�g au�.rt�rG duxing the � �
spri�� of 1923, ��ritiz a�nrivilege �o reneti�r this co�tract
i�x a terrn oi four (4) years. It is my desixe to en�ter 4�
into a pex:�s�.nent c,on �raot according ' to tize option, said
contra�t �o ex�ir��rch_31st Z927,
a�r._av �
Txustin� that��his wilZ meet with
. 1*our a��roval, I am
Sincerelv your�, ��'
_; C �,��,�_.�,��
PFiESIDE2TT � - -- �
... .
_ _..._.. . . _ __ . . _
, _ , ..,, . . _ .... .,. "j
� �. � . 20 4 J,1 � � �t � �
,� F �
;r; ,, y
�.�: �� �
NzonEd by Mr. 1+�arshall, seconded by M�. Lee and cari�isd � �
that t�e forego�ng �ontract betPreen #;he 'Ci#,,y of Cle=-rwater and '
Chnrles Ebbett, as rresident of the B`rooklvn Na',;ional League Baseball
Team of the City oT" Brooklyn,, S�ate ai' N. Y. "pe aceepted.
�rhe C ovncil t'i�s�ructen the Yark C ommitt ee t o take up t�h e
matter b.£�ysecuring Desds to the land for the Baseball Park atonce,
so there �ri�l be no de3ay in getting the �rounds in sha�p�� �
tJioved ry t`r. LPa, seconded by Mr. Marshall and car•ried
that C ounci I ad j aurn.
_„n A
;;r"-_ _-.-__
� . � �ii ���
(� � C� -� r s en ity ounci 1.
At t e st : k, !' C�/ �---�-z.-�`_
r; ' G i ty�ler k.
Appra d L'ec. �th, 19`!2.
� _..,. . , ,
_ _ _ 2050. ^,
�.�` �.
; ��
� � ��d �
ec. 6th, 9��.
The City C�uncil met in regular session on the
ab��e ciate with the followin� m�mbers present:
J. C. M�o� e C. R. Lee
H. M.Blanton C. E. Jackson
A, P. Mersha�l
Mr. Cas?�r and Mr. Ransom rep�rted the�r h�.d returned
f'rom St. Petei�sbur� with ihe plsns and spec� i'i: cati.ons for �he Imprc�ve-
m�its to the Baseball Park. Th�r stated tk��t En�ine�r Sii11, v�es sick
and could not mPet v�i-th Council tonight, but he woe�ld be able in a few
days to be on th e j�b,not lat e� than Monday. They als:o submi tted the
pl�ns to the CounciT fo� their acceptance. Moved by Mr�. Marsha].1,
secor_ded by Pdr., LEe and car-ri�d that plans �ubm� ttEd by Engineer Still,
far Improvemen� of the B�seball Park, be accepted 9nd that �he C�erk
be instru�ted -�o adv�rtise fc�r bic7s for th� constructi�n af a Grandst�nd,
Glubhouse and Bleachers i'or �aseball Park, bi�s to be opened Friday P. M.,
�ieccmber 22nd, 1922, at 8: o' cTock �x�d Lhat t�he F�nance �ommittee be
instruci;ed to m ake er?^angeme�►� s f or f in�nci.ng the work on the Ba seba Zl
ground and ior• t�ie pavment of Lats purchesed �'�r sa i� Baseba 11 Park.
Ma; or Booth addreGsed Cor�nc�I stating that if i�t was
V nec�.4sary to make arr�ngem�nts with; the Bank to �et m4n�y to pa,y f�r
LatQssn� also suifici��nt money �� be��n the Impr�ovement �f the t�rounds
at onc�, He als� ;��t��:. e�' thst the Bank gua�ante�d p�� �f or t�e Bonds.
?V�r. ti"Z, He Schooley appeared before Council ard requ�sted
th�i �ome actic� be tak�n �� have x�emoved, a11 signs, checke„ �oards, etc.,
fr��~° th� sid���rali�s in ti�� �usiness Distric�i oi the City. Move�� by
�?r. B�anton, second�a by l�ir. Lee and carried that ?11 �i�ns ha�•in�c side�
�r�lk f� r foundAti�n, be r�rr�oved fr�m the down tv�rr� distric��,.
Mr. Blanton �t-t.ed thPt fifty nev� bencheG were bei� bu�.lt
and as they wer�e �inisheci, �nd �ut �n the s+reets, th�t the old benches '
:1�ou1.d ' be re~ oved and repainted.
Mr. R. M. Thompson, reprpsentin� h.r. �. S?�axwe�l, �sked
�bout sewer connection for his housP on Noi�th� Ft. Harrison Avenue, in
Harringtj�nfs Subdivision: Mr. Thompson st,FtF�d i,hat Mr. Maxw��l said
he �v�u1d finance the coat of installin� this s�.�wPr, th� c4st not to '
exceod �200.OQ ana vrould char�e E�� on the laa.r_.
Mr, E. H. Co�Ghm�n �sUed Council o grade Aiyrtle street,
No�th i'r�m Lrevr S�tree� to Jones Street and h� w�uld �i�e ta �he Citg
suffici:,ent land to m a�e the stre�t 40 ft. wide, an+.i �hat he �ro�Id �l�
��tWX �
'e _ .. . . . � f ;'e . � . � e �,'+�k,+
. ` �� , . : . . .. . . .�i��� �. . � . .
lik� to h�vm v�ater �nd sevrer to serve his propert.y, as ha was b�ild-
ing 9ome houses. Mr. Gaachman also asked when North �ardcn �v�nue
would be paved, as it was includsd in the Bond issue for paving, and
- that he had built a haus� on this avcnue, as he understood it was to
be paved. Moved by Mr. Blantony sec mded by Mr. L�e an� carried thet
Mr. 1�o�den be ir�structed to open. Myrtle Atrenue, south fr�,m �leveland
Street to Park Street and to open Park Street from It�tyrtl�i �venue V`jest
to E�s� Street, �nd that the m�tter of apening, �rsdin� and widening
Mvrtle �venu� North from Cleveland Str�et, be �eierr�d to the Street
Commit��e with povrer to act.
Nioved bv Mr. J�ckson, �econcled bv Mr. L�e and eerried
th st, t�e Cit y Engineer �e instruct ed fi o ha v�^ SCP78r laid fln Nort�h
Ft. Harrison Avenue Ea�t of harrin�ton�s Subdivi�i�on, provided Mr.
T. S. �axwell vr�?�Ic� ft�.r''�i sh the r�oneq t.o the City at fi/ to do the .
Mr. B. B. mhomas ma.de camplaint that the curbing mz
Green�ood Avemu� was being laid �ithin faur inches of' his pro�er�y line,
while an the othQr side of t.he Avenu�, the curbing wa� laid s�veral
feet fram the progert� line. Mr. Schooiey statec� that he had sold
som� of ihe ItqcMullen pr�opertv, abu�tir_� this evenue 'and that ten feet
had b�en reserved for s�reet purpflses when the 6ity esk�d for it,
v:hic h wou ld make the lots ninety f eet instead of ane �aundred f eet s As
Mr. Dill�rd and Mr. Harrison of t.h� Street Committee, being abs�nt., no
action wss tak_en relatiR� to thi s m a��ter.
Mr. E. E. Fisher addressP� Councirl stating that last
Spring ih� Counci 1 h�d promised a sevrer �n the Qlley from Jefford
Btr�Pt, in Bluf£ Vie�v Addition, and f.t seemed to him � th�t f.mat�ter had
b�en aidetracK�dr He ssid that c�nditione were very bad on account of'
drainage not beii�g sufficient and t.he �ess pools bcing used, �rerc a
failure. Mr. Le� statad that this se�rer had b�en promised and he thcnzght
the Council should make some arrangements for finan.cing th� s work.
Mov�d by Mr. �acksc�n,s econd�d bv Nr. LCe and carried th�t �itg En�ine�r
DrCw be instru�ted ta m�?�e estim�te�s for sev�ers as requeQted f� by Mr.
Figher �nd Mr. �oachman and also the East Turner Street sewer and ref er
the m�tter �o t he Finance Committree to make some arrangem�nt.s � or
financin� same.
Mi^. J. J'. NeaT stai�d th�t he had con�tracieci with th�
City to tzzild some benches for a price of �300o0tJ �nd that, he had
p�rt Qf' the �ontrac� c�'rmpleted and �rould like to have a payment cf �20Jo04
. � �� .;.� •x;:',.,��=� ,
' on the �ontz°act. M�ved bg �,fac�rs�n, sec�nded by Mr� Tse r�nr3'car�ied
' that the Clerk bcinstructed to pay Mr, Neal �150.00 on his contract.
Mr. J'. N. Brown handed in De�d and Abstract t� Ci�y.
for Lat 45, Cour� Squ�re Subdi.vision. Movecl by Mr. Blanton, second�d
by Mr. L�e and c�rried tha� Absir�ct and Deed to the City f�r Lot 45,
Co:irt Sqiz�are Subdivisi � bP �ecept�ed �vhen app rQv�d b�T City Attorn�y,
and that the"City go on record,thenking Mr. Brown for donating this
Lot to the G�tg.
Mr. Jarvis asked permissi�n of the CoLmcil t� �;lace
sign undGrneath th� sign ,to C�.earws:te� B�ach,acrasa Fto Harrison
Avcnue Qt interseetion of Seminol� Stre�t, said sign shovring°�hore
�, `�,.� �!; _
Dinn�rs'; Moved by Mr. Br`�rt; ���:conded by Mr. Le� and carried that
Mr. Jarvis b�� granted permis�i�n to paaee sign as requested.
NfovPd by Mr.Jacks�n, sec�r_ded by Mr. Lee and carried.
ih�t Glerk b� instructed to n�tiiy R. B, No�tcri, A�ent,Tamp�& Gulf
�atxCoast Railroad Compsny, to order twent,y car� of' Cl�z,y for B?se-
ball Pa�kr as pe� undexs-tandin� �he seid Citg of �lear�nt��'.is tc pay
the Tampa & G��lf Goast Railr�ari Com�any, all cast �f losding and
transportstion for said clag.
Koved by Mr. Le�, sec�nded by M�. Bla�toz�: and c�rried
thet the C7.�rk b� i�struct�a �o sclvertise,f�r sa1e, �?5000.00 �tft��nici-
n�l P3rk Improvemeni Bonds, t�irty year, 6f, semi-annual�intPr�st.
Principal a�d �.nteYe�st pavable €�t the Mechanics and Metals National
Bank, ix� the City of New York, State �f N. Y. A c�rtified Check for
5� oz amount raf bid must sec�mpany each proposal, arc3 s �id bids w?;11
be rcceived bv the �ity Council, o�' the City of �lear�r�ter, Flarida,
tz� to 8 o'clock p. I�., Bec. 22nd, 19�2, Th� Councii res�xv�s the ,
rixh'� to re;jec�t any or a 11 bids.
Mr. �'m. t��llace made applicatian t� C�.zncil �o _^
s�aperin�and th� fi�#n� of' t.he �rottnds i�r th� Bas�ball �rk, as he
said he had had �xperience in �his 1 ine �f work. Moved by Mr. Blanfion,
sec�nded by I�r. Lee and carried ihat thP r�ayor, in. c�njunction with
thP �arl� CommitteQ, be xngorvered to e*rpl�v someone t� �?o �head �ith vrork `
on the B� seball Park.
Iv�r. �'arshall sta{ed that thP Presbyterisn Church }vant- '
�d to move their onld Church building back to rear of 1ot and that
- ihe lot wauld need some fi.11ing before the buildin� �vss moved, and
he a�ked th� Councilto havm said Iot filled witr S�J�'�`•C Of tY]P. �irt ,
that was bsing move� �rom the Streetse
_ _ . ..., �_ .. .,..�.: ,,. , - - � i-, -
�._..._ _ ._, _.� .. , .,_. � � � .
�. � . _ _., . , _ __�.. .
_ �,.�., .: . . ,; � .,«� .. . . .
� �
� , 20530 �
i #,
�ove3 by Mr. � ea, seconded by Mr.B�lanton and carried th�t City furnish
�he dirt and have Pr�sbyterian Church Lot filled as reque�ted b,g
Mr. Mar•shall.
Ma�or Booth reported on the propositf�on,to open alley
from Laurs Street, to resr of Jex'`fords and Smoyer building, betrween
Ft. Harris�n and �sesolm Avenu�s. H� stated Mrs. Zor�ery had �greed
to give off five fPet of �er lot if Coun��i"�rn�ia o�iva ��� �I00�.00
and remove the shrubb�ryj��� a small shed, under +he supervision of
hims�lf. hioved b�T T�.r. Blanton, seconded b� Mr. Lce an� carried
that �the Council accept Mrs. Lo�r�ry's proposition, as outlined by
the Ma,yorr and that the Council � proceed at once to open alley and
tne City Attorney be instructed to dra�r necessarv papersf� opening
said alley.
�7�yor �o�th furthgr steted tha� Mr. Crav�n sai,d if the
Council would erzct a Gradnst�nd in the �i�y Park, that the 1oca1 b�d
�J�uld give a few conc�ris. He �lso insisted thAt, fi.he p�vi_n� on North
Ft. Hai�ris�n a'venue, between Pizrc� StrePt and Turner Street st�ould
be l�id, as t?�is st�eet had bcQn torn up f or' some ti�e �nd w�s in a
very unsightly conditian. m��e council informed �he Mayor that this
peruir�� vro ul d be d�ne in a verv f ew days,
Th� MavQr took up th� mafter of the p�titions for Ci�y
Commiss�oners and s�id as tt�ese petitions were tobe signed onJ.y ,ay �
qu�lified electors, �nd that no elector c�uld si�n more than fivo
petitions, it would requi�e quite a lot of wor•k to check up tt�esp
p��iti�ns and he suggested that th� Clerk b� inpoc�Qred to er�plov
sufficicnt Y�elp ior �this �rork. Mov�� by h�r, M��shall� seconded by
Mr. I�ee and c�rried that the Cl,�rk be inst�ucted to emplov necessary
help to check up the petiti�ns subm�tted for Citv GoT�missi�n�rs.
Moved by Pl�r. M�rshalZ, sec�nded by�Mra Jackson and
caxrfi.ed that th� matter �f ercctin� a Grarldstand in the �ity Par'�,
b� reierred to the Ra�k Committee with govTer to act.
�he followi,ng Bu3ldin� permits wer� read:-
T� S. Max�rell Frame I 6 Comp. Harringtc�n's
J. N. B�o,fln Brick or -. � 1 2 Cor�p. 50&51 Court Sqk��e
H, L. h�oor �, Iro�� T I Iron
E. H. Conch��an Frame 1 5 Shinal� Jones Sub. '
B: B. Th��a s �' 1' 3 Comp. M&�t
E. E. F`isher Gara�� 1 2 Gomp. 4 Bluff View ,
G. B, Chandler Frame 2 5 " N2 21 A Plaza P�rk.
_ _ __. . .. _ _ , _. ... ..,._ .. �.. ., �,.., .
r 054. � `
' �� , j�
3 : ':
_ �
1'iioved by Mr. Blanton, sec�nded by Mr. �aeks� a3�d carried that Bu�:ld-
ing permits be grantedo
Mr. H. S, �tills subraitted b�ll for �164.20 for• rebuild-
in� �rnamental street column, Harb�r Oaks, whi.ch was dcstro,ved b,y
City Wa�ter D�partment, vrhilc laying water main. hioved by Mr. Lee, ~
seconded by Mr. Blant�n that Mr. biill!�s bill be referred to J. C.
Ma�r� for inveGtiga�ion �nd the Clsrk b� instructed to pay ssme
v�hen approned by prap�r commit�,ee.
Mr. : E. S,. �terdrix 4 submitted bill of �56.25 for pr�mium�°
on ��5Q00.d0 Insurai�ce, 'si�t�y=�de�ys; � on `nevr City � i��11.
N�r . T. �. Sheridan � lso submitt�d bi l l of' �,56.25 f or
� premium r�n �15000.00 Tnsurance, sixty days on new City Ha 11. Moved
by �r. Blanton, sec�nded by Mr. Lee �n� c�rried t.h�t the bill� of
�?r. H�ndrix and h�r. Sheridan for Insuranc� on nevr Ci.ty Hal� be paid.
B�tr. 1'Q�.��sX'd M. MoRY'C submitted bill of �475.00 for
building dock at fa�t of Turzz�� Stre�t, 3nc1 he askEd that ihe amount
�475.00 be paid to t.he Gu�rnty �itl� Trust Gompany. Moved by Mr. Lea,
sec�nded by Mr. J'acks� and carsied th$t the bill of �r. Moor�: �475.0�
b� paid to the Guaran�y Tit1c and Trust C�r�p�r��r wher< �ai�:"r�il�,'_�s° ~� .
agproved bytbhe Park Corrm�itte�.
r'Ir. C. G. I�. Cro�vley submiited bi31 of �980.10 for hauling
1'782 loads �f dirt fr�am Citv Zot to C7.�v�lPnd �reet ��'.55 per yard.
Nloved by Mr. �acks�n, seconded by NIr, B7ant�n a�nd carried that the
Cler'�' be instructed �o pa,y ;�x�, Cr�wl�y's b�.11 for ��980.10 fro�n the
Tmpra v�ment �'und . . ,
A�r. Ora �. Hart submitted bill of w7.Q0 for c���an-ing ,
pressin� �nd alt�r�n� s�.xjt for Ni��L Pol-Lc�man, J. L. xunsp€rugh. Moved
by 14';�. �iacks�n,. sec�nded by Mr. Bl�nt� and carri�cl th�t N!r. Hart's
bill of �7�00 be psid.
Czt,y En�ineer, Dre�r, submit�ed ti�� foliowin� Sth
Estimate, SanitaryFs Sewer, Overtnan & Carrall, C�ntractors, to-wit:-
- _ _. _ _ . . . . ,�,, ... . ... . _ . v- -�
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-�,�,��..n�r� ���,�',�°;;,,,�t„;,,��:t
. . Moved by Mr. Lee, s�conded by Mr. Blant�n and
carried th�t the foregoin� 5�h Estim�ta, S:anitary Sewers, Overman &
Ga��roll, Contrac�ors, be sccerted,and the Gity Clerk be instructed
to pa,y samG fr�m the Improvement Fund .
Gity En�ineer I�rew, submitted the fallowing progr�ss
Estimate of work done by Lard & Armston, Paving Contractors, to-Ri�;-
_ _ _ .� _. , . �,� . _ _ , , [
, . ;
�: j,F 2056. j f
_ X(/��,n�-�,C�,�,,�.�c�, ,, �,t.G.% � /�'j� Z .
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�:o�cd by'�r. Jacks�n, s�c�nded bg Mr:�'Tee �nd carr�ed th�t
the foregoing progress Estimate of rv�rk done by Zor� & Arins�on, Pavin�
�antractors, b� accepted �nd tre Clerk be instructed to pav same from
the Impr ovement �'und .
�h Gity En�ine�r Drcw, submitte� 'the following Fina1 Estimates
of Pavi��g C ontr� ct og Lord & Arms�on to-wit :-
i" , . _...:-.. ......... .. ,. . .. _.. ,. ._. .� . ...,..._ ...... .. . . .....:.._ .. . . ..,..
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.., � �
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�oved by �ir. I,co, sec�nded by Mr. Ja�kson an� carried thst
the foregoi�ng Pavi�ig hssessments, EldridgQ Street, from near the Bay,
to Penns,ylvanis Avenue �nd Osceola �venue (North) fro*+^ S�minol� Strest
to Gworgia Stx�eet b� accepted and the Clerk be instructed io advex�ti�e
t�he fo1l,o�rin� notice fori t�vo �aeeks, to-�i.t:-
.�. _ _ , �
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Notice is her.eby givan thwt the City Council o� Clearwater, �'lorada '
under a contract tluly entered into between the �aid City of Clearprater,
� Municipal Corporation,�nd Zord & A.xmston has caused the fo?lowing por- ;
tion of the follovring gtreets �o be graded and paved with Asphalt Blocks �
�tritY� necess�.ry drains and inlets to-�rit.
Eldridge Street fro�r� nea� the Bay tQ Pennsylvaa�i2 Avenue ,�;
Osceol�, �venue (I�orth� from �eminale Street �o Geor�ia Street
Tha.t aaid grading and paving with As�halt Blocks with necess�.ry
dxa.ins �.nd in�ets so contractec� as �.foresaid has been fully completed
in �,ccordance ��riti� the term� and cond�tions of said contr�ct. That the
:otal cost of grading ana paving wzth zzecessary� draina �.nd inlets of that
portion of Eldridge Stre�t from near th� Bay td Pennsylvani� kvenue above
described is the $um of ��17898.56 and :�w.e �otal assessable cost againet
the abutti.ng Iots,tractw or parcels o�. waid �ortion of E].dridge titreet
from near the �ay to 1'enn€�,ylv�.nia r�venue is �11799.04. Tha.� the total
frontage of the sever�,l lots, traets ar �axcels abutting s�.id portion of
Eldridge Street fram near the Bay to Pennsylcania, l�venue 4245,8 feet�.
Th�t the Funount of lien da.imed per front foot b� the eaid City of Clear-
4,rs.ter against each �f ihe lots, tracts or paxcels of la.izd �buttin� s�.id
gor�ion of Eldridge Street from near the �a.y to Pennsylva.nia A.ven�ze is the
sum of �2.779. That a description of each of eaid lots, tracts or parcels
of land �.butting said portion of Eldriage Street from near the Bay to
Yennsy].vania Avenue togethex with �he fron�age in feet of e�.ch sa.id �ots,
tracts or paxcels of l�nd and the �ou.�t �o be assessed against each of
sa�.cl lots, tract,s or parcels of lanfl aga,inst whivh the saia Gity of Clear-
v;ai-,er cla3ms a lien for �uch grading and paving with necessary drains and
ir�lets is as foilorvs :
F�.F`xont .Lot Subaivision Am't.Ass't.
128.5 Begin at intersection of the I�Tc�rth line of E1-
dric�ge St.and the ��eat line ai Osceola .4v�e.Run
2�orth on line af Osceola, A�ce.75.5 ft. �thence
iTorth 7�4 degree vrest about 33C feet ta Clear-
v.atex ��y;thence along Bayshort.ab�ut 170 feet
to t�.e fiTarth line of :�ldridge Street, thence on
saxne to 325 feet to P.O.B. � 35'7.10
14�. �
10� . �1
Driv ew�.y
Begin at intexsection of Nort�i lzne of Eldridge
St.and �ast line of Osceola. �ve<,run iTorth 16'�
East on Osceol� Ave.l(73.8 fee� �aat 65 feet
Sou�h 16 deg. �Iest 103.8 feet and P�est on line
of El�ridge St. 65 feet to y.0.�.
3egin at interseetiorz of Vdest line of Ft.Harri-
son Ave. a.nd the I�orth line of �ldricige St.Run
iTortherly on line of Ft.Harrison Ave.1.63.8 fest
6�est 7.Q5 feet Sou�h 60 fee*. West 35 feet,South
103.8 ft.Thence East on I�orth lzne of �Zdridge
st.l.a0.0 #'e�t to �.0,33.
Dr iv etvay
Begin at intersectian of East liaae of Ft.Harxi-
son �iae.�.nd ilorth line of �laridge St.Run Eas�
on line crf �ldrzage St . 14'�..� ft .= I�Torth 85 ft .
more or less.�`rest 120 ft.thence along East line
of Ft.Ha.rxison �ve.�7 ft.more or less to P.O.B.
vrice vtay
B�n at S.E.coxner of lot 5 Block 1 Kouse Sub.
Run �eat 120 ft.,South 85 feet to 1�Torth line El-
dria�e St.,East an h7orth line af Eldridge St.
1OqS�'t.�.nd i�.E. on ��esi lir�e of G�.rden Ave.9� ft.
more Qr less to P.O,B.
12�.0 13 B].oek 2�ouse's Sub.
120.0 14 �r 2 „ �,
7 6. 0 21 0 3 it n
DriZre way
�.SG w366.60
38@.OE `�
24.74 413.80 'j
� 5 G-�F S ;�
� ,.� ,�—.HS ►_� oG. � 3 °1
9 . 6 5 �-f-1 '�
3�� ,. ,�. ;
333. �8 .`
8.62 21�9.82 ,�i
`� .. 2063._ ��. ��
� p p .� j, g �,
. .-� and ast Iine o� 1�. C..Z,. ro ert run East on �l�id e Si. °
Ft.�'ront� Zot Subdivision Amt.�ss't.
. 101,0 ; A.C.I,.R.R. Property �280.68 „
64.4 :;-Be�in at intersection af No.line of Eldriage �
st:�64 ft.thence Northerly parallel with A. Gi4,
property line 77 ft.thence W.6� ft.thence
Southerly along A. C.I,.praperty 77 ft. to P.O.�. 177.86
326.0 Begin at inter�section of I�orth 3ine Qf E1-
' c3ridge St:and Viest line of` Adyrtle Ave.Run '
North 249:5 ft.More or 18as;1�rest 25F3 ft.more
or less;thence Southerly parallel to A,C.L.
North 7.ine propexty line 56 ft.thence East about 14 ft.
of South 20 ft.West 50 ft.and eoutherly '77 it. !
to;�Eldridge St.,thence 326.0 �o PoO.B. 905.95
120.z� �' � Block 9 PineCrest Sub. ;;35.70 "` . _ �
Z40.0 6 �� 9 n it u 389.06 �' . -, .-
1�2. �J 25 ►r a n n u , 394..62
5Q.0 l�
50.0 ll
5a.-0 10
5000 7
1.42.4 6
ir i� i�
a n n
n . t� n
u �r n
n a� a
�outh Side
127..0 1 Oakw�ad 336.?6
105,� I2 ,� 293.74
105.7 13 ►' 293.74
�rive�rtay � �. ) 9 . 63 303 . 37
127 . 5 24 " fi � " :�'':354.32 X �. �
I27 . 5 25 n -. � S .. r. t'.` �. f . �, .� ; �� ..�354 . 32 . , < . .. � �.�a �;
lOQ 0 36 n ♦.<;� w"= 277.90
I00 . 0 3 i " 277 .9fl ; :-�.,;,�,:
124 � Z 48 n 344 . 87 ,;; . .. �
101p0`; 1�.C.:�.R.R. Propexty 280.58
].�7..3 49 Oakwood 281.52
12`� , 4 60 " ' 347 . 38
125.0 61 Z " 3�'z7.38
120.7 8 Block/�ine Cr�st 335042 �-�'P' '
}140 . 0 ]. n 10 n ,, 389 : Q6 ' �: , `
142.0 16 :� I1. " n 394.62
50.0 11 n 11 n �f 138.45
50.0 10 ,� ].1 n n I38.95
5Q..Q 7 s� �� n n 138:95
" 50.0 6 n �.1 n ,� 138.35
14�.=0 1 " 11 " t� 39�; 62 ,
4245 . 8 �11799 . 09
Thau s�.ia grading and p�.ving wit� Aspha.lt �Zocks �vitl� necessary
tlrains �nd �,nlets so contra�ted as aforesai� ha�e been ful].y com�] ete&
in �ccordance �rit�i the ter:ns and cand�.tions oi sr�.id aontract. That the
to�al cost oi' gradin� and �aving t��i�th �cessary clra�ns and inl.ets of' th�:t
po�'cion of Q�ceaa;a Avenue (North) from S�minole Street to Geo�cgia Stxeet
above described is the surn o�' �7253.15 and the ta�al� assessable cos�c
against abuttin� lo4s, trac�s or parcels of said p�ortion of Osceo�.a
Avenue from Seminole Street to Georgia StreQt is �4835.43. T�at th:e total
ff�onta�e of the several ].ots, pareels or tr�.c�Gs �.bu�ting said portion of
OsceQla Av�nue irom Seminale Street to Ge�rgia Street is 2061.5.7 feet.
Thrzt �he a.moun'� o�' lien claimed ner i'ron� foot by �he saicl City o:f Cle� r-
vratex �.gainst ea.ch af th� lot�, ��rcels or tracts af 1.�,ncl abut:tin� said
nortion af Osceola Avenue ir�m �emino7.e Street to Geor�ia Street ia tne
sum of �2.345. Th�:t a descrintion of each of saa.d 1ots, parcels at la�td
'abutting sa.id portion of Osceol�. Avenue from Seminole 5treet to Geo��i�.
Stree� ta,e�her �rith �. frontage in feet of each o� eaid lots, parcels or
tr•act:s of lar�d and the amoun� to be assessec� against each of said lots, +
parcels or tracts oi l�.nd against whieh the said City r,f Cl�arv�ater c].aims
a lien for such �rad? ng arzd pavi:�g with r�ecess�.ry tlrains and inlets i� as.
f�llowsx '
Ft.�ront Lot
2064. �` �
- �
Ci ty �'�'ater '+�ioi ks Zot .�'rom Sotzth �Yest Cor- �
ner of Seminole Street and Osceola Ave.
Tiun Isorth `74 deg. '�est 353 ft. to Cle�r- '
v�ater Bay South j'�est along shore to North ;
property lins af W.Is2.Morris,thence along
s�rae 323 fta to West 'line of Osceola Ave.; '
thence c�n street line 135 ft. to P.A.B. �3ZG.71 �+
Begin at a point on West lot line of �-------
Osceold Ave.75.5 ft. fxorn interssction of
i3orth line of Eldridge St. �nd ��est �ine of
Osceola Ave.l�un 135 ft. on Oseeola Ave.;
thence IJorth 74 deg. Vfieet about 323 ft. to
�he Bay, then�e along slzore about 135 ft.
ta �7orth property line of Ti11ey.Ther�ce
Easterly �30 ft. on same ta P.O.B. 316.71
Drivev�ay 13.02 329.73
�3egin at intersection of �ldridge St,Ilorth
Zine and the ��est line of Osceo3a. Ave.Run
TToxth on Iine of Osceola Ave.75.5 ft..thence
�Torth 74 de�. �'�ies� about 330 ft. to Qe�.r-
�t�a.�tex Bay thence along bay shore about 170
ft. to the Nortr line of Eldrid;e St.Thence
on Name 325 ft. to P.O.B. T77e12
1 Oak�vood 140. 76
2 " I28.09 :
3 �� 128.Q9
Driveway 10.86 138.95
4 r► T28.�9
I?riveway 10a88 I38.97
5 " 128.09
Dri�r e�vay 8. 62 136 . 71
6 " 128.09
�riveway 8.0� 136.13
10 Harrin�ton's Sub. 117.30
11 " " 117.30
12 '� " 17.7 . 3�
13 n n 497.'70
�rive5�ay 17.24 : .
" 59,48 574.42
Gredit �ot Z3 �ri �h old cuib
�ity Park. Begins at a point 163.8 ft.�:�orth-
erly on ��est line of Ft.Harrison from intex-
�ectiozi of same ivith �'�orth Iine of Eldricige
St.�un rlortherly along rt.Harrison Ave.163.8
ft . raore or less ,�1es � on Seminole 8t . about
205 ft.Southerly on Osceola Ave. About 7.63.�3
ft.a.nd East 205 ft,raore or le�s to P.O.B. 384.,�8
Be�in at a point on East lot ?ine of Osceo7.a
Ave.103.8 fxom the ilort�l line of �ldridge
St.Run Nor�herly on Stree� line 60 ft.,East-
erly along City Par� proper�y 3ine 100 ft.
Southerly par�.11e1 withOsceola Ave,60 ft.
and �"�est 100 ft. to P.O.B. 140.76
Begin at ?nterse�tion o£ Ilorth line oi �I�
�xid�e S�.and �ast Zine of Osceola Ave.
un ortll 16 deg. �ast on Osceola A�re.
103aF3 ft. �ast 65 feet South 16 deg.��{est
103.8 �t, and i�est on line of Eld�idge St.
65 ft. ta P.O.B. 243.52
� ,, ._ _
,. , , _ ,, _ _. 6
- . � , � . � . . . � . . . •{ �J • �.+,�, .
, � .. . � . . � �j�� . . . . � . . � � � . . � . �� . . � �`� . � . �'Y4+��.-� �
Ft.�'ron-t <Zot S}�bdivision Am't Ass't.
55.5 I? Oaku�rood �13�.20 �
55.5 11 " 130.20 �
55 . 5 10 �e 130 .80 ��y $� '-
� Drive�ray . 4.74 134.94 �j`,'-3
55. 5 g n 130. 20 ,, ''�,-'�,,,-,,
_2 n �. 74 T3,4. 94 " ` � - ; f
55.5 8 „ 130.20 � ,
n 9.48 139.68 , '
55e5 7 ° 130.29
° 9.36 139.56 �
135.�2 9 Harrington's Sub:
71.0 6 �� u
7Q.0 3 �r �i
85.0 2 n "
�. :: �.� � ,
I�Totice is further given that on the 22nd day of 7�ecember A.D. 1922
8 o'clock P.Ti�. at the City Ha'13 in the City of Clearwater the said City
Counc�l :�i11 hear all complaints rvhich the ovrner os� owners of said se�r-
eral lots, parcels or trac�s of land described or other persons inter-
ested in s�.id land and said improvements made desire to make agains� the
cost of such impr,qvement. After 'tY!e da�Ge of such hearing if no valid
reason is shovrn-'���the coa� of such improvement shaZl not be assessed
as provicled by the charter Qf sai:d City of Ciearti;rater the said C6uncil
shall accept said work and af�er acce�t�.nce thereo� shall by resolution
assess the cost as aforesaid against the lots, paxcels or txacts of land
herein above described severa7.ly.
By order o#' the City CounciZ this the 6th day of December A. D. 1922 •
• ( , % `� ry- �-�--� �—
�i�y: er
� _ - �._.�_ __.__.. ,__ _ t �
To The_ Fc�norable Citv C��;�nci l:
C1��rwQter, F1a.
�w� ��v� be�n r1q,z��t�� bP sr�v�ra:2 �r +�Q ca!�nc'], ��d a
number of t�x payer� to �itT� vo�ar bqdy a �vrit�en prapositi�n an a lot
. ov:ned �Sy us known �s th� East End of the Kimball �rop�r��y, size 236 E�st
�nd V4�st,ane hundred a*3d ni.ne �"eet and ei�ht t�r�ths, North »nd South
i oining pr �sen� City Pa�k. Oux� pri. c� on thi s pr o�r�y i s� 1500�.00, but
to h�lp �o er_l�r�e the Cit,y P�rk snd �ive it a strect corner, we h�vc
deciaPa to ��f`ex it to the City at fourt���. thousand doll?rs, donating
a�'1.00�.00 to the Citv t� i,���� i.t over.
Th� �bov� l�ropasition is to re re,iected or accep�t�d vrith-
in i�n days.
Propoaiti�n �a� Le�Qe,
Fir�t: Lot offerPd is t!�e �ast 2�6 f��t a.^ned by Jeff�r�s ��d Smaye�.
' �ecar.d: Term Zess�f�r fi�7Q years,
Third: Fric� of prQper�y, „`14000.O�J
Fourth: Intera�5t si� per eent �emi-annually. ,
Fifth; City is to t.�ke c�re of s3.1 cxpense from date af lease.
Sixth ,.Telfords and Smoyer to p�p stEst ��nd Coant�r tax�s for 2922, City
to t,a'�� care of the ].�22 City tax �nd �fter t�i s le�se to t�ke car•e of
all ��x�s �n saie� �ro��r•t�:, side�ralk, street �nd o-ther improv�merts.
Seven-�h: S�aid Jeffords and Smoye�r .qre to aep�sit in th� Guar�nty Title
,. &�rus� Cam��ny, a va�rran��d dped and abstr�c� brou�ht up to d�te so
City �ittorney csn ex��ine sam� f or s€:id zCitv. �t the expiration of �iva '
y�ars or any d�t� prior to �hst, by d�p�siiin� �ith said bank �14000.00
cash, or �'14000.00, t�r�n�y to thirtg y��r Gity Bor�da di�a�in� 6f int�rest,
the said Bank to deiiver de�d and abstrsct to sai:d Gity. I� at the ex- '
pi��tion �f ssic� five �ears th� City da�s not cRr� �o ta'�e up the deed
of said' lot, it is t�o he dclizTered back to Jeffords znd Smoyer or thcir
heirs and assigns with all improvemcnt� on same �vlthout sny c�nsideration k
on their p�rt. ;
Ei�htl�: Said C'ity cen if' they car� to at their expense, 'can put up tot�l5ftF
of E, end in street provided is widHned �t city expens�,
Ninth; If citv care� t� te��akc oi�er this propasian, thcy can ha,ve propasi-,�
.__ _._ _ .. . .:... . ..___ .
..�,. , _.�."_ � .
,� . . . �,. , ,
, _ ..,....,� .. ,._�.. . _
�; :�
, 2066.
�� �;
1 . � , .
. * 4�
tion as p�,� ick as paper� can be mad'e ane� �pproved.
Very t�'ulg youY:r, �,
. (Sign�ci> J�ffords znd Smoyer.
By G�o. R. Smoyer.
Mr. Lee off�rcd ths follo�ving He�;�lu�Cion:-
- BE IT F�I?cOLVED, b,y the City ��unc..l of `�ha City �
ef Gler�rwa�Pr, Flnrida, thst Nicholson�s Street from P�nr�sp���nia
Avenue tc, Gre�n�vood Avcnue be, and thc samc is hercbv decl�red
eZas�d, and from henc�fortE� said st�eet shaZl.not b� used as a
public street in said Ci#,y,
P�ssed b�t the City Counci � this 6th dpy of �ecetnber,
A. D., 1922.
' (Signed) � . C. Moore
r�sident ity oun`�il.
.- N�oved by Mr. Blanton, sec�ndg� by Mr. Mars�all thaf.
th� f o�egoin� Resolution bP �doptAd. Up�n Roll Call J. C, Moare,
H. Ni. Bl�nton, Co R. Lee, C, E, J'acks�n �n�?A. P. Marshall votnd
«Aye'� �nd th� Rcsolution w�s dccTar�d adoptcd unanimously.
John Philli�aff submitted the fallow� n� 8th Fstimate, work
on City H�11 to-�it:- •
�t h E�timrt 4, Dccembcr lst, 1�22.
To the City �f Clesr�r�tex, Floridr�o �
Gentlement- �
• Follo�in� is st�tement of m�t�ri�l snd labor on City
Hall for which I would ask that paym�nt be mad� acrord�ncc with contr�ac�.
Carpentry �5�0.00
Lathing and Plast�ring ��p.p�
, Bri ck�rork 300. 40
Totsl-kl p
Less 2Of with-held 250.00
BxLL�NCE DUE �1Q�0.0�
Yours tr�tl ,
i�i�n�d� �ahn Phillipoff
Appr ovpd ;
tR. Leo Ell�.ott $c Le�tsr Avcrg, Architects,
p�r L�st�r Avery (Si�rnedj
Contr�ct Price
Tot�l actuallg
paid on previQus
�4'7251. Q0
This estimate 1000.00
Tfltal Estiam�e �27659.04
Balancc �� 95fi1.96
F�eceiv�d payment
,.�,, ' ` 206T7.
� �,;
� Moved oy Is�r. Jacl�son, seconded by Mx. Bl�nton and c�rried that ih�
. f�re�o�:ng Esti�te of John Phillipoff �'or work on City Ha1:1 bP �ccept�dri
sn d p � ic�..
�;r, Z�e bT"fered t�ie �ol�,owing Reso,uti� io-�eit:-
FI�IN� TH.F' � ?AFR Ih"�PFtOVE�% .
(�25, �00.00} DOLL�r� �.UNICT PAL
�n'HEFE�S, at an election dui,p and legallg called and
held in sa.id City of Clear�r�f�er, on tth� 21st- day of November, A. D.
1g22y mor� than three-fifths of the �ax payers on re�a1 estatc of said
Cit vote� in f�vo� of the issuancc of bonds �f ssicl Gity in the �mount
of �25, 000 .�0 f or �he purpos e of groviding funds f or th� f ollowing
� purposes, to-wit: �500�.Ot7 for the purGhase of tre �'olla�ring described
���d' ir�clusive,
Lots On� (l� to Sixteen f 16)
being all oi Block One {l), Lots Onc (1)
• t o E i� h t ( 8�' i n c l u s i v e, o f Bl�ck fii.x (6)
�ine Cr�st Subdivisian, z�s rie�car�ed in
Pl �t ^Book 1, PP Ce 66, R ec�rds of Pi�el].as „
County, Fl�rida,
And �'20, 040.00 f or imprvvement s f�r said land f or p�rk
purpos�s for the Cit�* of Cl�rr�vat.�r.
Nb1°r TH�rFQFiE L� IT RESOL�'�:D �aY the City Gounci' of th�
Citg of Gle�r��ter, �'in�l].as Gountg, FYorid�; �
Secti�n l: For the Furpos� of provi�ins� fun�.s for th�
followin� �ur}aose�s: �'500�.00 for �he p��rchase of the above described
land, �nd ...20,�00.0� f�r jmpravements for• said 1.�nd ior p�rk pur�aGes
for the City �' Gle-�r��ter, and t�':P`r� i� h�r�bv order�c� :�nd dii�ected
to bP issuec� Tw�nty-fice r25) negoti:.a'�le cazpon bon.d� of ssid Citg,
number ed from ane (1) to Tv+enty-f ivo ( 25 } ba�h num��°rs inclusive, �n
the $�Gre�at� $mount �i Twex�.ty-iive T;��usand (�'25,OOC.00) D�11?rs,
said lffoncls shall be knovvn �nd designated as �`Munici.p�l �'�rk I�r►Pra�e-
m��t Bo�.ds", shall be of the �enomin�:tion of ��.,OOO.00 �e�ch; sha1l
be dat�d the First day of December, A. �. 1922, sh�i], becomc due �nd
paya�Ie t,hirtg `{�30) ycars from thcir dntap without opticn of prior
payment; sha11 bear inter�st �t ihe rat� of 6� per centum per �nnum,
p�y$bla qemi-�nnu�lly on tlle First d�y of Jur.e snd the Firist day o£
IJecezr•b�r in eech yc-�r, e�ch int�rest installm�nt being evidenced �y
� p�op�� coupon �.ttach�d to each �ond; both principai and interest
p�grable in go�.d coin of tha United St�tcs of Am�ric� of curr�nt wPigt�t
and fineness, or its equivalent, at the ?�ech�nics and Metsls I�7ational
B�nk in th� City of Nevr �'ork, S�ata_ of Ne�r York.
Section 2: S�id bands and coup�ns, �ri.th tre necesa�ry
va�i€tion:s to zndicat.P the �iiffPxent num�hPrs and maturitits of int-
�r�st inst�llm�nts, sh�11 be substantially in tre follo�ing forms,
Y��spt:CtivC7,yi t0-wit:
. STr`"E OF FL0�1LA
CITY 4k' GT�EA�t��A'^�
N�. ItRUNICZ PAL PARK � i��PEOVENfENT 130"D �l, OQ0.00
Ki�ii�la� !�LL N'EN �Y TFFcE PFE�ENTS: Tlaat, the City of
C1��r�r�ter, a Municipal CorporPtion, in the Co��nty of Pinellas, St�te
of �lo�ids, for value received, ackr?o�v��d��d it.sclf in�dcDteiQ�2d ��e'�
pramis�s t� pt�y bP3rer or� the Firs,, da of Dec�m�a�r, ,
ri-nci al sum of
with interest th�reon from date herPof until p�id at the r$�e oi Six
(6�:} per centum per �nnum,payable semi-�nnually on the First day of
� June �nd Dec�mb�r of eack� year, upon presentation and surr�n�ler of ttae
.. 4
. .. . . . . . . . .... . . .. ...., . .. .. . ... . .. . . . . . .. .:- :
( `LO$a • � '
�� � �
r,.- ;,
inte?�cst �;oupons hereto attsch�d sa they sev�ra�lly beco�^e due; both
princi�sl and interest pay�ble in gold coin of the United State's of
Americr+ of cur•rcnt wcight and fincness, or its equ�valent, at thc
IvSech�nict� and 1ble�tmi� Natioz2al B�nk, in the Ci�y of Ncw Yark; Stste
of New York. And f or t he pr ��pt p� ,ymen� of t hp princip�l and int �r �st
of this boncl as t,ha,y rP�p�ct�vel9 b�do�ne due, the full faith, credit
and res�urc�s �i' said City ar� hereby i�revocab�.y pledged.
THLS BOND ia one of a s�ries of b�ids of the same datb,
tenor and amaunt issued by t'ae City of Clear�ater for the purpose
vf providing funds for the purch�se and improvemcnt of public p�rks
for the Gity of Cl�araater, and is issuec� pursuant t� the affirm�tive
vote of thz�ee-fifths oi' tt�� t�x p�yerg �f xe�l e�tate in said City,
voii.r_g at an<�election d+aly call�d and legally held f or the purpos�, and
pur�su�ant to ordin�ncAs �nd resoluiions of s�id C�ty duly pessr�d, approved
�nd �dopted as reauired bq lav�, �nd ptzrsusnt to �nd in full conpliance
with �11 the r�qui�ements of the Consti��ition �nd Laws of the St�te of
Flarida, including th� grovisions of thc Chzrtar of �aid City, Chapter
71�'7 of the L�ws of Fl�rida for th� ye�r 1915, �ppro��ed Msy 27th, I915,
and a11 aets amendatory ther caf ana �upplemental t.hnreto, and in
con�ormity wit!� Chapter 6868 of the La�vs of Flarida for the yesr 1915,
�PProv�d M$y ZS�h, 193:5.
condii,�ons and �hin�s x�e4uired by th� Constitution and La�vs oi the State
oP Florida, and by the Charter of said City, to cxist, happen, have
happ�n�d �nd been performed in regul�r �a a�.� form, timc and z�anne�
as r�quire� by laR, �nd that the a�ount of this bond, to,gether with
all other inde�atedness of s�id City, do�s no�t excr,ed �ny limitatian
imposed �ithcr by the Constitution, thc Statu�cs os Flarid�, or by
the Ch-rier of �a 3.d City.
ZN �4'IT�ES� t'4'HF�FOF9 said City of Cl�sr�ra�t�r has caused
�his b�nd to be si�n�d �ay t�e �`�yor, couni,ersigned by t'�e President
of its Ci�y Council �nd attested by i.ts Cit.� Clerk �nd its corporate .
�se�l to be hcxeto af�'ixed, end haG c�used the int�r��t coupons att�chod
�o be execut�d vrith the litho�,raphed fac-simi�C signatur� of t�e ssid
Pl��yor, President of t.he City CounciZ snd City Clexk, �nd this bond�dated
the First day of Decemb�r, A. D. I922.
�:ttest s
C �Gy , �x'k.
Ma yor .
rr,s en �f the y ou��ci .
( FOF M OF G;�T P ON )
N�. Qn the First d�,y of June ��O.OQ
December A, �. 19 ,
The City oF Clear�?�er, i� the Gounty of Pinell�s, St�te of Fl�rid�, wi711
pay to bearer t?�e sum of T H I R T Y and OOf100 Dall.flr� (�'30.Oq) in �old
c;�in of thc United St�at�s of America of curr�z�t wei�ht and fineness, �
or its equivalent at the 11'Iechanics and Mctals Natiflnal Bank in thc
City of Ne� York, �tat� of Ncv�r York, b�in� six months interest then due
on its Nfunici.pal. Park Impr ovemen� Bond dqted December First, A, D. 1�22,
C ty er_c,
C ountersi.gned:
lrt i�;�0 � s ._._
res ' ent of th e i�tTounei l.
� To appca� on back of bond� )
{ ; , 2069, ,, '
� ,
, .,=; ,
Validpted and coniirmed by decree of the Circuit Court
of Pinell�s County, Flor3.d.�, d�ted A. D. 1922.
�r o the rcu our o ,, e Xth '
Judicial Circuit of tt�e St�t� of Florida,
in �nd f or pinella� s C ounty.
5ecti�n Three: Th�t said bonds when duly prepa,�ed in the
f�rm afox��s�id s,�i�ll be si�ned by the Mayor, cauntersigned by the
Presidont of t�c City Cbunci l�nd �t,tested bv the City Clerk, and b� im-
pressed with th� corpof�ate seal of bhe ���y, �nd the intCrest caup�ne
the�reto �tt�ched sh�1Z be e�cecuted with the liihograpi�ed f�c-simile
signatizrc of said Mayor, President of th� �ity Council and City Clex�k;
and the Valid�tion Certificate sha11 t:rr� duly axecu�ed b,y tt� Cleri� of
� the �ircuit Court of the Siath Judi�ial Circuit of the Stat� of Florida,
in �nd for Pinellas Couniy, on the back of e:�ch of the said bonds.
Section Four: That the said bonds shall be duly va?i-
d�ted �nd confirmed by the Judge of the Circuit C�Lmt of �he SiXth
, Juclicial Circuit af �he �tate of Florid�, in �nd for Pinell�s County'�
in �cc�daneA with the pxovisions of Ch�pt�r 586� of the Session
La��as of Floridaio�.• the yesr 1915.
Sec�ion Five ; That f or the purp�se of making provisi�n�
for the pavm�nt of tkae principal �f s�id bpnds and�:installments of
intprest �ccruing #.hereon, there shall be �nnu�lly 1Cvied upon all
of th� taxebT.� pr�perty in the City in each of the ,pears 1922 ta I95?,
both inclusive, a sufficient tax to �y tha int�rest �,ccruing on ssid
bonds and to provi.d� � sink�.na iunci f�r ihe pa,yment oF" +he principal
of s�id bonds �t maturity.
� Secti�n Six: That in the �vent for�ny rcason, part �f
#tie t�x he�einb�fore authonized sh�ll. at �ny ti.�e, or times, not hnve
b�en �ellccted, or Gnnn�t bs co�.lccted in s��fficient tim� +o promp�.ly
p�y �ny inst�Llment, eithcr �f ��?yT�i��,�rea#�Qrp�incipal oi �ny of sa3.d
bonds, �s the s�me becomes due �nd i�y��a�.�, full autho�i�y is her�by
gr�nted to the �cmd �rustees af said City, and the� �re a�reby directad
�s fr�quently �� may be necessary to da s o, to borro� the � mount, �r
am�unts needed to fully pay ang such installmcnt of either in�?rest
or princigs�. fr�m �ny person, b�nk or corpor�tion willin� to loen
the same, and if neccss�ry to do so, to pa� int�re�t on �.ny such lomn
st the most �c3vant�geous intereGt ratc not *.� excesed l�gal rate ��' i.nt-
er•eGt at �9h ich euch Yaan or lo�ns ar•e obt��p�bl�, and the;reafter ut�on:
the collection �f sueh t�x, such l�ran shs11 `�� rPp�id to the person,
bank or corpor'a�ion who shall h�v� m€�de such lann �ho sha Il h�ve mr�dc
such Io�n, with �ny inter�est that shall bc px�op�rly payabl� th�reon. ,
Section Seuen: That �ny inf�rmality, irregul�rity,
neglrc� or omis�ian in th� p�oceedinas �f ar bv t'�e s�id City Council,
or any ott?er proceedin�s relatina to th� iss�xsnce �f theGe bonds, �r
in the 1.euy and eollect�.on of t�tt� tax her��in �utharized, t�!at m�y exist
shall i:� no w�_se, im��ir, invrslidate �r annt�l th� said bonds or interest
�oup�*^ s,
Section Eights Th3t aT1 c�ther ordinances, rPsfllution�
or ord'�rs h��eto�ore pass�d bv said City Council t►��t are inconsistent
or �t vari�nce �sith thi s r•eaolution are t� th.e extent of such inc�n-
sist.Pncy am�nded an.d repeal�d.
Section Ninc: This reso�ution shall be in full force
and eifect from and after the d�te �f its passa�ca
�ttes�: ,
�Si�nP�_%�lerk.'�,�� _
Appr�ved by mc t'^is
P� a C � �
�e diderzt of City �ounc .
6th d�y �f Dccember, A, D. 1922.
� Si crn �(� F�a�nk T. Rc� t:h
_ Ma,yor.
... x.
_ _ . . ,. . . -
20'i0. " '
. `� �� �
Moved by Mr. Blanton, seconded b,y Mr. J�cks�n that ths faregoing
Resolution be sdopted. Upon Roll Ca�ll, J. C. Moore, G. R. Lee,
H. M. Blanton, ;G . E. J� cks on and A. P. Marsh� ll voied ���ye'� and the
Resolution wA� decl�red mdopted unanimously,
Moved by h�r. J�cks�n, seeonded b,y Mr. Blanton and
carried that C'ouncil ad��u.rn to meet ag�in t�ledz�esd�y P. M., December
13th, 1922, at 7;30 o'clock. j,r-� `
��;;�''� ' '
� ,,f , .,
At�e�t; Pr -�. en o' e . y ot''`znci�L.
a :.� .°
f°. � -,--`` '� , f
� � ". � G,,r �: � r �--c-�--�-�_.. � �
�, Ci�y lerk. /�,� _
! .�
Approved on December 20th, 192�, �,r`�
. . .. . � � . . � . . . . . . � . . , j . . .
, - . _ , , : -�.--.--�;;
; ";� � . `
�, �E : \ j
.�-' �
ec. I3t{a, 19 .
T�ie (�i:ty_ council met �n regular ac� journ ssssion on the
above date with the follovrl.ng membe�s present:
�T, C.. ��are A. N. Dillard
IN. T. Ha�rison H. M`. Blanton
C. E. J�cksar A. P. Marshall :
Mrs. H, M. Ransom ;-�de an s.ppe�l to Covnc.�.l for a
Sprinkling System f or the North Ward school yard. Moved by Mr.
J�ekson, secLnded by Mr. Di7,3.�rd and carried ��at Mrs. Ransoan request
f or a Sprink3ing System f er the North W ard school. yard be ref erreH.sto
�t�e Park Commi�tee with power to act.
Col. Thomas Hamilton asked abaat v�hen Pine Street, oetween
Ft. Harr•ison kvenue �nd the A, �,� L. Railrosd, w�uld be paved. Mr.
fiamil�on was infarmed by the Counci,l that the Street would be paved as
soon as it w�s poss�.ble to do so�
Mr. Harrison st�ted that he wanted to explain. ab�ut
Green�ood Avenue, as the matter �zad been referre� to in the News papei s,
that the City Council w2s going out in the Gou�try to do s��re paving;
hs said th�t Messrs. Pipkin a�d Ro�a� had given ten feet �ff the West
side of thei� pro�erty, abi�ttin� this street, which w�u1d make a tvrenty�-
five foot instead a fifteen foot street. ?'•�r. H�rri.son said th�t thP
paving of Greenwood AvenuP �vas included in the $ond issue.
Ca7.. J. �,. Ke11y mad? s stateanent tl7at �t a I�liee�ing of the
Givitan �lub, th��� a Resolution was unanimot�:sl.y adopted, reque4ting
the Gity Councll to put al1 ihe n�me� �f Candidates, wha filed pEtiti �s
an Bsllot
as Candi.d�tes f�r I��ayor Commissi�ners and Ci�.v Cox���,ssi�ners,� ta be voted
Decetrber 19th, 19?2,
Mr. �illard ��ked Cit,y Aitor•ney Bird, his opinion relatine
to pl.acin� a11 Candidates, filing petit,ions on the Eiallo�, ta be vot�d
D�c. 19t'-�, 192�, �r. Bird stated, if t.�e provision� of the Charter were
to recei�e
cax�ried �ut, those Gandid�tes failing/the necess�ry si�natures to their
peiitions, should not go an �+ze Ballot, b�t ras a mat�er of Publia
Policy, it was best �h�t tt�ere names be placea on the B�lloto
Mr. Harrison, one �f the Ganflidates, who did not get
en.au�h names for his petiti � said he did not, think the Counc iT sho�ald
put any names on �allat which did not have sufficient signatures to, the
pe�iiion. Mr . Yerx€ , another C�ndidate took the same vievr as Phr.
Haxrison, saying that t�� :six Candi�ates �wt�?o had qualified prop:erly
, ...... .. . �. , _: . _ . . _ . . �.,�,.,,.. _ ,�... ,,..., .� _ �.
�._ . ... _
_ .d.n�., , � . ,. r. .,.s,�.., � w�.,� �vF .r �, .� ... .� � ..a .��.,. �. ... .. ... ..
� � � � � �, ° �
� � �� � �. �, � � �� , �� �0'72. � �
s� � �
whauld oni� �liowea t4 have their names plaeed on tbe B�1Iot fqr City` �
Mr. Herrison asked th�t his name be n�t pl�.ced �n the Ballot.
City Attorney Bird s�id he was in favor of putting the
n�mes of all CandYdates on thQ B�llot who fi,led a petiti�n, �s he
thought it ��u1d give better satisfaction.
Mr. Yer�a stated th�t he �as not in f�vor of placing
the names oF Candidates, not being qualified by pe�iti rns on the
Ballot, but if he wss elected. for Cit9 Commissione� he wwld serve.
The following r•epor� was submitted b,y Committee authorized
by �he City Council to check petiti�ns presented by Csndid�tes fo�r
the coming City Election., to wit;-
After Thoroughl�r checkinsr the petiti�ns presented by
Candid�t es fo� the c�m�ng Electi. rn we subm�.t the f ollov�ir� rep�rt s
M�y�7r Gommissioner
Tot�l NatQu� lified
Frank Baoth 332 76
H. S. Riddlel�5
�. A. F?oberts 197
J. L. Ke1.ly 231
Mrs. Annie E. SM1iilliamson
G, F . '�ra shburn275
J. N. �cC ltzng 2�'7
w. T. Harrison153
H� D. Yerxa 146
J"ohn Cl�rk
Signed m�re than five IJet.
7 petiti�ns. 249
16 F�
Respe�tively submitted,
(Si�ned) J. C. �''oore
A. P. Marsh�ll
Chairm�n- " C. �. Lee.
Noued by Mr. Jacl�s�n, sec�nded b,y Mr. Marshall and c�rried
that all n�mes of Cundidstes f�r �ayor Commissioner �nd City Commissioners,
ar'�o filed petitions e�ith the City Gounc� l, be placed on the �fficisl
Ballat to be voted December 19�h, 1922.
Sec. Rnnsom af �he Boa�d flf Trade mada a request far some
money for the Bo�r�d from the Pub2icity Fund, to be use�d for publicitj�
purposPs. Moved b,g hRr. N�arshall, sec�nded by Mr. JacYsan and c��ried
tn�t the City Clerk be � nstruct�ed to dra�r Voucher oi1��t�he Publieitg Funr�
i.n favor of the Bo�rd of Trade for publicity purposes, �moun� nflt to
e�ceed the awouni provided in t.�e 'Tax Budget for Publicity Fund.
Mr. Ransom ne�t submitted the name of Athlatic Fie1� �'ark
for the nevr Baseb�ll Park. Moved by Mr. Harrison, sec�nded by Mr. Dill-
ard and carried thst the Park voted f�r a B�seball Parj{ }�� named Athletic
Field� Fa�-3�-
. ;
� �
`�� .. � . � . i J . . . � ��� v��� . . � .. .
. . . .`"a��� . . . � . . . . . . � �+ . . . .
� Mr. Ra,nsam also sug�ested that a large Electric Sign �
be placed a:t the intersection of Eldrige S�reet �nd Nor�h F't. Fs.rrison j
with �n �xrow gointing Easti w�ich v�ou��,� r�3:�d: "Clearv�ater Athletic �
�4r� � '
Field, Perm�nent�:.Tr�ining Quar�ers8� Brooklyn Ba�seba�ll Club; the said ,
sign would cos t approximr�tely �164.b0. MQvad by Mr . Blanton, se c�ded
by Mr. J�ekson and c�rried th�t the mF�+ter•�f �he above mentioned sffig�
be referred to t�e 1'ark Committee with po�rer to sct.
Cit,y At�orney Sird s�ated he was asked to give an opini�n
relativQ to le2sing a s'trip of land �wned by Jef"fords � Smoyer, So�xth
: of the City Park and abutting Osceol� Avenue and Pierce St�eet�;to' be '
used by the �i�y for Pari� purposes; he s�iated he was of the opini�n
th�t the City could ].�ase this prape��y and he wo�ald draw necess�ry
p�pers fox� s�me, 3.f the Council �vished to h�vA it d�ne. The Council
instructed Mr. Bird to draw the necessary papers.
• Mr. H. M. Bl�nf,on submitted map oi Cleve2and S�reei
@ddition to City of Cle�r�vr�ter, F1�.Being a Subdivisi�n of Lots 4, 5,
6 and 7, S1ock 3 of S�ra bIclvlullen's Subdivision i,n N�rth t�rest qu'�rter
of` North West �uartAr, Sec. i5, T 29S, R 15 E, Recorde� Pl�t book 5,
page �76. Moved b�r Mr . Marsh�l l, sec �nded by Nr• . Dil� s:�d and c�rried
that m�p �f Clenel�nd Street Addition � submitted by MI°. Blant m,
be accepted.
Mayor Boo�h wa�ntecl to knfl�r �bout t�e �1,0OO.�Q to pay
Mrs.LowPry fo� her pro�rty, which she agreed to sell t� City for
Allev Purpases. '
Mr. Dill�rd aked Mr•. G. F, Washburn, v�ho was presen�,if
he had any prop�siti.on to make to Council, rela�ive to openin� all�y
th�au�h his px�o�erty between Ft. Har�ison nnd �sceol� AvenuE. �ir.
ti�;�shburn �'fiixially r�reed t� #ive the �.0 feet of h�i.s property, runninrz
thP en��ire hundred feet, i.f the City would move the house �nd build
a c�ncre'�e vr€►11 f�r the p�o�sction af' his building, provided the
Peoples Bank give 10 f eet oi their property xunning 50 f eet, wR� ich
wvou?d open the a11ey through to Ft. Har�ison avenue.
h4r. Harrison sug�estsd th�t the Financs Committee m�ke
arrange�^ents to get �1,OOOo00 for ��iayor Booth to close his deal �vith
�rs Lovie7ry for land for �.11d,y purposes. Moved by Mr. Jacksnn, secanded
By ?lir. h�arshall and carrizd th�t th� Finsnce Committee m�ke �rraz�.�e-
ments to aet �1,000.00 and the Clerk be instructed to draw Vouc�ier
fox� �1,OQ0.00 also, in favor �f Mrs. Laura M. Lo�ery, and give to
Mayor Booth t� close deal �rith her f�r 5 foot s�txip of lancloff of her
_, . _ .. �
. . .._... ._ __ ..._ . �. ,��..�:._ - �...�.�__ �_.
- 20 74. ' �
;; �;,, , )
�.�- ` ,�,;,,;
Lat to be used for �lley purposes. �
Counci�.m�n Jacl:{son, m�de �nqui�y some arrangements c�uld
n.ot be made to �et some money from tN�e Bank to �o ahead on improving
. the B�11 Park� The matter was refe�^red to t�e Finance Committee� Moved
by Mr. J�cks�n, seconded by Mr. Ha;:�rison �nd carried thstt, the following
n�mes be stricken f'rom the Registration hook, to-;vit:
Chase C. J. Removed
C onover W. E. • t'
D�ew Roger A. "
Freeman �'o H. ,r
Fre�man Nrs. �'d. H 't
Freem�n John A. ►r
Gates Hattie M ��
House C, R. "
li�ll M. F. �i ,
Lee J. B. S u
Lee Bell� n
Morgan J. 0. s�
McKillip W. J. "
Ph�.11ips 'N, H. ��
Preston Ral}�h E. Deceesed
RabQrts B� T. Removed
�yne r "L. D d ir ,
L�rsen F,L: u
Movad by Mr. Blant �z, seconded by �Ir. Harrison �nd c�arriQd
th�t the Cl�k be instructed to ref�:nd P,�r. '�orden �24e75 for sxpenses
t� Nf�squito Convention at Detona,Florida o
' Mr. Dill �d stateQ th�t in openin� Osceols Avenue S�uti�,
- it wo�:ild be necessgry to +.,,ake a str;i� of land off a� Lot 2, B1d�ck 2,
. Jone s� �ubdivi si �n, owned by 'tK� s. Ev� Bot eler and tha t she a s�red �150. 00
and her paving �ssessrnen� �butting this pro �ert,y, p�id by the City
f or �his atrip of l�nd riecess�ry to widen t►� is �venue; mnd PRr�, Boteler
fu�ther ��resd t?�a# sre vco�ld p�y f'or lavin�? of the side�v�al'�, abuiting
,��is pro�erty. Maved by Mr, Hs�rrison, seconded by Mr . Dill� rd and carried
�that� the City purchas� th�� 1�nd, �ecessaxV �`or widenin�s� Osceol� Avenue
f�om 'Mrs. Boteler as p�r he� �greeinent and that the Gity Clerk be i�-
�tructt�d to dxa� Voucher for �150.00 t� p�y Mrs. Boteler far t►�is strip
of land wh�n Deed is xaresented �nd approved by the Ciiy Attorney, a�nd
tha�t the Ci�y Engineer be instrueted to furz�ish proper d�soriptian
of' th is pro�rty?�:
Prir .�i Il.�r� znf armed the c ouncil wher e Os ceola Avenue
runs in Jones Strest the dip needed to be r�laid to �et pr�per drsining.
Nove3 bv 14i�. Marshals, sec�ndecl by rtfr> Dillard and ,�rried t�at City `
Engineer be ins�ructed tQ h�ve the paving rel�id on Osceola Avenue
where i+,, intersects Jones Street and �lso tc lay stnrm sewer.
-� .. . .. _.. : . . _; . , . : ,
. _. _ .. „ _ _ ._ . . _; ...��
„, . . .. ._.. n. _, . . . .. . .. � ,
2075. �
,� ,�,
. �
Mr. Dill�rd r�commended that the Citv�s books be �'
oudited, so th�t e clean report can be m�.de to the new administ��tion.
Moved by 1'1[r. Blant�n, seconded by M� . Dillard �nd carrisd that City ,�
�lerk be instructed to empl4y Mr. Jim Q��irui, 8f Rodney B. Horton, �
c�rtified public aecoutant of Tamp�, F1�rid�,to audit the City Y�o�ks
st once.
Citv Engineer Drevr, informed the �auncil that pl�ces
in the st�eet vrhere w�ter pipes VYRi' e l�id, had gone dovv� and should
be rel�id to make the streets level. Moved bv Mr. Dilla�d, second��l
by Mr. Blanton and carried that N�r. Drerr be instructed��to relag places
i� the street vrhere the street w�s torn up, for laying w���r pipe.
NCoved by I�Ir. Blant�n, sec�nded by hlr.Dillard an� e�rried
y� ��_
tha� Mr . ti°�orden be instructed to rerrove certain oak trees on �� `''""
Ft. Harris�n a�venue where the street w�s vriaeneda and �Zso remove
o�k in front of new City Hall.
Moved by Mr. FF�rrison, seconde� by Mr. Dillard snd '
c�rried that stree� be rep�irsd at �rtPrsecti�n �f �leveland Street
�nd G�rden �venue.
Supt. oi '�;�ater V9orks, Schw�bel, recom�nended tk��t a ne�
m�� b� m-de for the PJater Depa'rtmpnt, showing +he complete �Vater system.
Moved by Mr. Dill�rd, seconded by hir. Ja<cks�n and c�rried th�at l�ir.
SPrgent be employed to m�ke a ne�r m�p for thE �'ater Dep�rtment, showing
the complete �v�t�r system.
Mr. Jd J. Nenl submi�ted bi11 for �150.�0 fo� b�l�nce
due him on c�ntract pz�ice for buildin� fi fty benches far the Cit�r of
Cl.e�rtiv��er. Moved by Mr. Di11�rid, seconded by Mr. Ha�rison �nd cGr�ieri
th3t �4?�. Ne�1�s bill f or � 150.00 hal�nee d��e on building benches for
the Ci��� be paid.
John Phillipoff stibmi.t�ed the following bil1:
I��o��in� �ause per c �rrtrm�t �100.00
Te�rin� dQwri h_ouse, labq_r 25.00
Percent��e on labor. �,0�
, Tot� 1.- ,�. �50 0
Afioved b�r Mr. Harrison, sec�nc�ec� by 1�r. Bl �ton and caYried that Mr.
Phillipof'f � s bil.l for �130.�0 be paid.
T�e Ghic�go BridgE & Iron ltiorks submitted bill for �'7,600.00
Qn contr�ct price f or on;e 300,OG0. g�llon steel tank and towe� f r�x+ Gity
V,�ter• Dep�rtment. ItFoved by PRr. r��rris�, sec�ndPd t�y Mr. J�cks�n and
c�rried th~t the Chica�o 3�ic?�rn & Iron'Nor��s bi11 �'�r ;�7,600.00 b� p�id,,
�nd the Clerk be instructed to draw Voucher on the Tmprovement Fund for
navment of sam.e._
. . . . .. . .. . . . . . . ..`....,i .
, _. . __ . _ . . .: . . . . . . . �� � � � � �. 2..� ! 6 r �...� �. ���. j�.
� i�„�,. ;��-`
The f ollovring building permi�s we re read: �
Geo. Moore Repair f.ront
of blg. 1 2 Shingle 8 8 Gfl�ld & Ewings lst.
y�, T. Zetxouor Fr�rr�e 1 4 �omp. 8 5 Lincoln P7.�ce
E. J". �rmstrong �' 1 2 n 67&68 Drew pr�rk.
r� . N. �fia rnex� �i l 2 n E� �i 4�
, & 44 D J. J. Eldridge
Moved by Mr. M�rahalZ, seconded by I�Zr. Harrison an:d carried that permits
be granted.
Moved by Mr. Har•rison, � econded bST Mr. Max°shall��.nd
c�rried t'aa�t the W. B, Landess' buiZdf:ng permit be referred to the
�uilding Co�rmittee wi-th po�er to act.
Mr. Charles V�ter �sked Council wh�t arr�ngements had been
rr��de for the payment of p�ope�ty,bo��ght fr•am himself and Mr. ��. H. Stevens,
to be used for Ba�e�rmll P�r�• Mr. �T�ter v�as infQ�med tr^t the �r�tter
hr�d been referred to the �`inan¢e Committee v�ith po�ver to �ct.
""' 3t�bz�'Phi113:poff submitt.ed the follo�ring 9th Estim?te,
work on Cit,y H�z711, ta-:�i.t�
9th Estimnte,
Dec. IS�h, 1922.
To the City of Clearwat•Fr, Flori�a.
FolZowing is s-tateme�at of material a�d l�bor on City Hall for w�ich
I wauld s�sk �hat p�aym�n.t 1�e m�de in accot'dance v�irch contract.
Terra Gotta �300.00
xoaf i.ng 770.00
Elec�tric�l 1'�ork 690.00
Pla�ter & Stucco 500.00
Total- �'2`�6�„
Less 2(?`� with-held 452.�0
Extra for Roof' (Tin) 1�JO.QO
A�rtQt�1�IT DUE �'1908.90
Yours truly,
(Signed) John Phillipoff
I�R. ieo Flliv�. .& LeG�,er Avery, A,rchiteets,
per (Si�ned) Lester Aver,y
�on-Err c+ price
including extra� �48QO1.Q4
Tot�al �ctually
�alf1 4C1 j,.''r"8V�011S
e stim �t e s 27689 . 04
This esiiamte 1908.00
Tot,el Estim�tes �29597.04
B�lqnce �1�403.98
.... ,.... _ , �,.,,.�
... �.
� - . ,..,_ �,. �. ,., ,�� .,, ro,,. ,�� ,�3. ; , „� nc • ,�, �: , i �
20� �,.
� `� ; `�
� }° �' �
��' •�
Moved by M�. H�rri�on, s�c�nded bv I�r. Uill�rd ar_d c�rried th�t the
3ih Estimate of Jo�^n Phil].ipaff f�r w�rk �n Gity Hall be ��cepted �nd
The Cle-r� ter Lightin� Comp�ny submitted their n�p�rt
for the month of Octob�r ,1922, a s f ollows ;
To�al build�ng forOctober, 1922 � 3,024.40
Les� loc�l journ�l credit 6�.60
1�/ of �k2, g60.80 -__ :�29.61
Moved by ��r. Marshall, seconded by l�r. Harris�n and r�rried t.h�t. the
rep�rt o� �he ��.e?rwater Lighting Company f� +.he�month of October,
1922� be accepted. .
Mr. Sr�orden informed Council th�t he was tearir� out
the steel cells from the old City Jail flnd he would like for �ouncil.
to investigate and let him knovrvrhat disposition to make of them. �
Moved by M,r. Harrison, sec�nded by Mr. gill�rd and carrie� that the m�tter
of dispositiar_ of steel cell, at the old City Jail, be xeferred to thp
`Bui ldin� Committee wi+h potiger t.� �act.
Mr. �acks�n stat.ed th�t �he Presbyterit�r� GhuJ^ch w�nted
to know �hat other property o�vners wo��1d do, relztive to widening Ft.
Flarr•is�n Avenue �'r�m Pierce St>reet to al�:ey runnin� b�c� �f !`�►?itesell's
A�rd�r�re Store. Moved by PvIr. Marshall, seconded by M.r. H�rrison @nd
carried th�t the matter of widening Ft, Harris�n kvenue, be referred
to ltrr�. H. ?�7. Blanton to see p��operty otivneX� s snd �et e propasiti�n from
them, as to what they rvoul.d do,reg�rding �the �idenin� of Ft. Ha:�rison
AvenL�:e .
Moved by Mr. i4�vrsh�ll, s?c�nded b,y Ms. �ill�rd Qnd c�rried
�.hmt if the �treet Gom�ittee could not make satisf�ctqrv a�rAn�emen#,s
with Peop3es B�n��r-
�o c�pen �lley� b�ck of their B�n�� buildin�, to Ft. Harris�n �venue, th�t
the �ouncil proceed �i, anee with c�ndemnatic�n pr•oceedin�s a�ainst the
4�'s�hburn pr c�rerty, to open � lley to Osce�la Avenue.
Mov�� i�v ��x'. Harris�n, sec�nded bv Mr. ?31�nt�r_ and
c�rrir�d that �it�r Cler�' be ins+ructed to natify E. G. h�Q�tin and
A. E. Gothe �Q be �reGent ^t �*�Petinr� �f t�e City Council., to be
held C,�Ednesday, P. M. 7:30 a'clock, Deaember 20th, 1922, for the �ur-
pase �f Ieasing City property at fooi �f Cleveland Street, to be used
f or Fish houses. � r
The Bond Trustees submitted their financial report �or {
the month of Q�ctober, 19?2= as f'o1loe�s: ,•'
: ' ,. ,.w
- � 2078.
-<_ .
; � , � :._ _ _ � , __._.__ :
_ - y � �i ,�. �,
t�'.i►. � _
�' �
` �'REPORs BOND TRUSTEES:- �ITY OF CLEARwATER- Oat�her 1922. .� .
General Fund } .�
- 148,357, 9�
Oct is� Balan¢e , e 84 3� � �
Intexeat on :Taily Balanc 178.6'7 � - .
� • 59.88 �20.91.
t TotaT = 4 � . ��
Diabursmenta ° �s08.74 `-' °
Oc� 2nc� Cent Fovnda.ry Go 443.14 �� .. ''
T& G C Ry' Co �7�0.00. :'� ���
E. Ho Coa.ahm�.n 4336.38 �-�`
5th John Ph3llipofi �5�� �6 �.:.,
!�. Sendry' 4�.67.85 w'' � �
5�r� Overm�n & C�rroll �,789.05 � :
Lor� � Armston 2693.48 =�� �
1�ater Dep�rtm�nt .�00.00 ,
�Oth Lester Av�rp �'
22rid Lord & Armaton 2389.88 '`��
3Q00.08 �� � �
20th T S Lora 30�0, . 7Z,� '} � 27 � 853. 59 «
` I9 Jahn PhilYi:poff Ba anoe I, 8_ 5. 2
" S3nkin Fund 2A�3.53
pot l.st Balance �,5�5.51 �
5th Taxes 62,50
11 h Intzrast Coupons � �. �� 1 57?:.1� ;
Oot lst
21 st
Interest Daily 3� ' B���ce --
Interest Funci
Ba7. ance 3556. 3�
�&X6B , ��_
Int D/S
Draft ior i.nterea't a l��ce
Tr3a1 B�7.ance
Peoples B�.k ��a367.26
Guar�.n�ty Titl� & Trust CQ 4I,770.�Q
_..3, �'��-
].I, 3�
3557r. 91
3569. 24
18'7 5. 00
94. 4
Bank oi Clear�rater
35_, 97 7. 3, 595. 64
Sinking Fund 1,694.24
In� er e st Fund. 118 825. 2?
, Gen�ra]. Fund 1��}, �.15. 7.5 24:115.15
erest Cou�on� 2� N� 1� 262.50':`
145: �1 43a0.00
Reapeo'tfully Submi�ted , ., -
,�� a _
�,c�� ;y ,�, � '� - ` ,
Clexk- Bond'`Tz'ustees City o� Clear�vater
Moved by A2r. Blanton, sec�nded by Mr. Dill�rd and carried that the
Fincial Fieport of the Bond Trustess, for the mon�h �f Octobex�, i922,
be �ccepted and file�.
�, .,�..
_ �.�.. _._ _....... . �,. m._. ,.. .A.�,�,e,= �_,..M�, �.y....., , , ....,.__...,� .
° � ���
� ,;,� k � �,2079.
� .. , ;
Moved by.Mr. Blanton, s-eeonded bv Mr. Dill�rd and
�ca�ried that Pa�k'Committee be instructed to t�sve �ome signs: m�de
with theGe words�.on them-"This is one of the five parks in the City �
�f Clearvrater� and also h��re other appropri�te viords added to ths�.
� �r. Blenton introduced Ordinance No. 212, to-c�it�-
Ordina�nce No. 212.
Di�I X �TF EET :
Ordinance I�o.212 w�s �ut on �its firct readi.ng. M�ved
by Nir. I7ill�rd, secos�ded bV ��r. J?c�rson �hat. Ordinance 2Z2 be p�seed
for its first re�din�. Up�n Roll Call, J. C. Moore, tN. T. H�rrisonr
G. �. Ja'�ksor., A. N. �i?1-r�, H. M. 3lanton and A. P. M�rshall voted
"Aye« and Ordin€�nce �212 vT�s ae�i�r�a p�s�ed un�nim�usly �n its fixst
�ir. T�illard �ffered the fo�.Io�ring Fcesolutian, to-tivit:
F:ESi}LUi'I ON OF T�. CI�i'Y C�UNC? L U� 'PHL C? "aY QF C.i�'hEi1�ti't�TF.F:, FLA.
G�:HL�iEx�, I� is neaess�r�, exredient, advisable �nd
t� �k;he b�st. ir�tPreGt of the City of Cle�rtivat��, far the City Council
for �nd on beh�lf of the s.�id City to barrow thp f'ollotv�ing sutn� of
money to be ch�r�ed ��ainst the specia 1 fund� hnrein mentioned, for t. �
the yPar 192?, �nd to �.s�ue as evi�3ence thereof Fcevenue Certificrtes,
afi provided by the Ch�rter �f the C�,ttr of Gle�r�^��ter, Flo�ida, to=v:it:
Tne surr; oi' k7,C��JQ a�x�inst tre Commissi�n & S�lal�ies Fur�a;
�he sum oi �'1,0�0.00 ��ainst the �anit�ry & St�eef.s F�and;
whi.eh sn.id a+�o�ant �oes n�t exceea one �alf �f tihe t�xes levied for t�e
ye4r 19�2. " '
NOu�, TH�'F::��FOF;�, BE IT F�`S�JL�E� nY TH� GITY COUNG�i,,
. QF iHF CTTY OF CLE.".���.:_��F, FLaF.TP�, th�#. t,he ('it,sr G��_�ncil, in beh�lf
�f the CitSr of Cle�r�v��t:er•, l�orrovr irom �'he B�rnk �f Cle�rw�ter• the
sum of �"7,0^�J.OQ ��ains�, the Commi.s�ion.. � M�lariPs Fund;
The �um flf �'`1,OOO.QO ��ginst t�� �a�2i��r,y &. Street,G F'und; m�l�ri.ng �
, tot�1 �F �'$, OOQ.Od to k�e aha��ed m�ains�, said funds ?�pspectively f�r
the ye�r 1a22, Fnd to issue �s evidence of s�id indebt�dness Revenue
' Cert.ifi.e��eG �`n the res�+ecti.ve ���un�s above st�+ed, to be?r intexe��
f�� t.�-e d�te af same at� the r�te of 8�f �er �nniim, paya�le on �x befo�e
���mon�ths�'rorr date. �:�i�d cer�ific�tes shall be si�ned by the M�vor flf
��r� G�:c? Cit,y, and. t.t�e �rie�ident �f t?�e Citv �ouncil, attestad by th�
City Clerk, under thE se�l �f s4ic� ,City. Sai� certific�tes srl�ll be
numbPred �zae m��i.nst the �Commission & SalErie� Fu��; anc� one a�ainst
+hP �,anitsry & ��t'reets F,�r_�;
The hoZ�er or holder� �f such certific�tes sh�l1 h�-ve �z lien upon the
uncnllec�ed t�xQs, i'�r and a��ainst said funds for the year 1922 f�r t'ne
. am�urit �f such certificR�es reG�ectively.
Adopted bY the Gi�y Council of thP Citv pf C3�s�r�at,�r,
Fl�rid�r b,y unanimous vofie, t'�is t�e l�th d�v of L��cernber, 19�2,
(si ned .) J. C. Noora
kt.tests resident itv �unci:7..
' (Signed) J. I�. `Thom�s
y erk. ,
-- _ __ : _ „._, __ . -- _
_ , . , ,
r ,r�
, �080.. '�
. . . r 1 �. � , . . � � � �. ��{' 1 � i � �t
� . � � .`+� �'..'.�`i`. ' . . �y^'c ��� .
Moved by Mr. Li1.1�rd, seconded by Mr. �lanton and carried
that the foregaing Regoluti�n be adopted. Ilpon Ro11 Ca11, J. C. ?�oore,
V4`. T. Harris�n, G. E. Jacks�n, A. N, �i1T�rd, y`:L�. M. &lanton �nd A. P,
M�rsh�ll voted "Aye" anc7, the Kesolution w�s declara� �ao�tea un�nimously. �
IVioved by Mr.Dill�rd, SP��,�aea rv Mr. Blanton and carrie�
thst th� Gity Clerk be instructed +.,o pay Ch�rles Vater snd ��. H. Stevens
the sum af �3,Q�O.Od for Deed to Lnts I to 16 inclusive in. Block 1,
Pine Cxest Addition 2nd pa,y the sum �fr�K200�.(70 �o J. E. Nall and
Frank `�horn for Deeds to Lots No.'s 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, '7n & 8, B�ock 6,
P�ne Crest Ac��ition to Cle�rwater, said 1�nds to b� useci for Baseball
p �rk.
� Moved by h�r. H�rris�n, seconded by Nr. Jackson and
c�rx�ied that Counc? 1 ad;journ. /
� . . . � p � � Y��� �
�.�— J �
•. Attest: ;. ' re�iden of lty ounc I.
�.�'� !' �- `` �� 4...-c._-��wL.��.__ �
�-� : ity lsrk. �;�'
Approved on Dec. 20th, 1922.
�r `
- ,_ > � 2 081.
e� � �j �
Dec. 20t1a, 1922, ,
Git� Coun^.il me� in regular session. c�n the abave date
�ith the following membe�s: pz�asent: •
x. N. Zill�rd C. R. Lee
h. M. Blani,on C. E. Jsckson
1�. P. M�Y�st�a11
f Pr�siden:�. J, �. rJlo�re, being' �bsent, Pr•esi�ent-pra-t$m �
1�. �T. b�zi,�,�a, �ctefl �s �'�esident. �
. ,
��oued by Mr. i��rshnll, seconded lay Mr. Lee and carried
th�t the rP�ding of i�hP I�inutes 1�e dispensPd �v�_th until the adjourn�d
�`ee�in�, Frida y P. tJ; ., I?ecember 22nd, 1922 .
� The Cotzncil next p�oceeded to cFnvass the return of the �
Speci�l Electi�n for first Cit,y Commissi.�n, �eld Dece�r!ber 1.9th, 1922. �'
The Inspector•s and CIPrk of said Electian s�;bm�tted �
th� f o1l�o�ing � P��rt t a-�ri t4 -
�m ��� D ec . Iath, 1922 .
QF FLJi I?'�� :
C'� °'�TTY 4T PI1`w�'LT�4 � t
CT `I'Y OF C L�'�;E :u i:`' �: . �
��e, the unde sio�ned, Inspec�ors and Clerk af �pecial. j
�lection for fi.rst Ci�v Commiseion, City of C1e�r�rAter, held onthis
the 19th day of �,ecembe�, �. �, 192�, do her�eby certify th�t we h�ve
conducted ssid Electiorl accordin� to ��«�, �nd �z��n cauntin� the Ballots, +
find the r�=�ult of sr�id Election to be aG follo�r�:;. '
Tot�l Number c�st � 461 a
To��l Number f3flllats : i
mutilatPd 5
For Ir�ayor CommissionPr;
FrRz�k J. Boo�Yz �04 Votes
H. S RiddTe 152 ,►
�'ar Cor�missioner• s:
John Clark �r. 183 ���tes
J. L. Kelly 321 �'
�. I�I. I'a cClun� 284 "
Ed��r A, Robert.s 256 " c �
�eo. F. t'�a�hburn 263 r'
Mrs, �innie E. ti�iliiams4n 132 �,to�es
j4 H. �. Yerx� 210 Votes +
Given under ovr �i�nd� thi s the 19th dav of Decembe�, �i. D.
19�2. (�igned} Dr'az�n Drew'
(Si�nQ� - ,, ; Inspector. _ �
(��.gned) N. �. Hamman �
tSig.�—}�L.�P� �irmmsn. Inspector
; + , 2082.
,. � '+i 4!�.. . ... � �. . `�. . .. .�"�1�" .. .
Moved by �3r. r1;�rsh�11, sPc7nded bV N[r. Bl�ntrni and c�rried
that the fo�egoing r ep�rt of Inspectors �nd Glerk of Election, be
�,ccep�ed. .
N'r. Lee in��od�xced the follow�ng Resolution: .
Fc��OLtT�'ION L�+CL�'�F,I riC TNF F.:�:�rTL�' �F '?�'`'`r. EL,ECTTQN H�`LD '�I "_'IiE 19TH DAY
�F �'`F'CFh�EFt, A. L. 1922.
�'GHEF�"�IS the City G�uncil is char�ed by lflw with c�nvass-
ing the returns af the Znspectors �nd Glsrk of a11 the electi�r_s held ' :
in the City af cle�rtiv�ter•, Florida ,�nd undex� �nd by vir�ue of t he
Charter �dop�ed by the City of �lear��t.er•, to take effect on the �:st
da,y �f ��numry, 1923, the City Cour_cil is charged with the dutg �f
cgnvsssing the r•eturns of said electian ;�nd declaring the r•esult thereof,
€�n d
�VH�i,E�S �t�ere w�G �n election he1.d in the Ci.ty of C2e�r-
v��te� �n the 19tt� day flf �iecembPr, 192�, for the purpose �f electing a
Mayor• Commis�ioner and four Commissioners to serve under the anid
Gh�rter, beginnin� th� lst day of Janu�ry, i923, �'nd
�rIi�F:EAS the Counc� 1 hos met �n th�.s d-=� to c�nv�ss the
said rettzrns for said election, and it appearing to the Council ir�m�
said returns, th�t �here ti�reYe 461 votes cast in said eTectian, 5
vats� mut� lat ed, and th��, Fr�n�`. Eo�th rece� ver.l 3�14 u�tPs f�r P,2avor
Comr.?issi�ner, end H. �. Fiddle �Pceiued 152 votes for T.Fasr�ax� Commissioner;
thAt Jahn Clark, Sr., received 183 votes f�r C�mmissionex�; that T. L.
Kelly receive� ��1 votes for• Cor,tmissioner, Jo �t. ItzeClun� reeeived 284
vote. f�r Commissioner•, �d�gr �. Fcob�rts recei�ed 256 vote� for
Gommissioner, Creorg� F. ���shburn r?ceived 26� vote� far Cammissioner,
n�rs. .�r.n� e U�ill.i�ms�n r�ceived. 182 vo�e� far Commissioneri, and x, D. Yerxa
received 210 votes for Comr�issiar_er, and it �ppe3ring that Frank J.
�oath rPceived the hi�hest number oF vot�G f�r� ����y�ir 4orrmissi�ne�, and
J. L. �e11v, J. A?. '.�.rcCZur_�, �'���r ts. Ro�erts a�nd Geor�e F. ��shlatzrn re-
ceived t,h� hi��est num�?er ��' vo�es f� Co*nmissioner�
BE IT `P�"F��'FOF,x F�; `aLT'�'�`f C�F"'IFIEr �:?'T•I'� ?`E�T�.�.�Li that F`r�nk
J. Booth i s duly elected I4?a3�or Commissi�ner fflr� t,re Pnst�in� tQrm of
tvro y�arG, th�t J. L. Kelly �nd J. I3. P�cCI�?rsg �:r•e dulv electeci �ammissioner•
ta serve for the ensuins� term of t.ro ye:�rs, and �'d�ar H. �Zot�erts �nd
c�o�ge F. ��ashburr_ 6re duly elected Commissioner-s to serve for ��e
ensuin� ieJ^*r �f one �rear, the term of fi�id ofiicers to be�in in? first
dav �f JWnuary, �923, �c proviaed in said Ct�arter.
BE IT PUFiTI?�Ft F.E�..�LV�D That an the sai� €irs� d�y oi
3anua��, 1�23, the gr•esent officerG of the Gi�.y ��' C1e�r:��ater sh�ll re-
tire and the afficers s� elect�d s�!all f�rth�itl� �s�ume t`�e c�utie� �ro-
�ri�ed a�� ��ic� Ch�rter, and t�� �dr�inictr�t1�n �f +he GPf'airs �f t��
City �f Cle?r�r�ter shall b� surrer_derPcl b,y thit� Council �nd tha ���,y�r
of th� Cit,y �� �l�ax�rr�t r t� s�fi� pffocp�s,
Pa ssed by t,h e Cit,y C flt.�nc iI t� is 20th d�av �f December, �. D.
(�i�nsd} h. irT. Dill.�ra
Pr ot em-Pr es i ent of C ty ounci �,
�tteGt: (�i�ned} J. �. Thom�s
i ,y lerk.
�p�oued bv me thiG 2�t,h d�v �f Dec�r�ber, A. li. 1922.
� S�'� � )
(�igne��} Frank J. Boath
„� ��� uor e
P�Zoved by ?��. Blanton, s ncand�d bv h`r. l�arsh�ll th?t �hP fore�oi.ng Reso1-
uti.�n b�- ado�ted. tTg�n Roll Call, �. •I3. �i11� rd, x. �E, Blant�on, G. R. .�
Lee, C. E. J�ckson �ncl t�, Y. ?�'�rsh�ll v�t?d +'Aye" �nd the Resolu:tion
v�as declared adopt�d un�nimously�,
, _ _ _ . _ � . . ,. , �
_ _. „
. . \ _ 2083'. ,
{ ' t.� . i �
k, � ' i j.ti �,,, � �
.r. �:�,- "s �^`
Mr . F. L. Heridrix st ryted th rt he ha d psid C ity ta�es
to the am��?nt of �.40.30, March 1Qth, 1922, Gity taxes �n L�t 1�, Bloak'�'
3, l�ral3ace�s xdditi�n, and said. pr�pertv ��s awned b� the Church of
Christ, C le�r��ter, F�.orida . He fl:sked the C ounci�. to r efund him the
amaunt os r4�.30 p�id fo� taxes, as he understood that Ct�urch praperty
v�auld not have to pay �taxes, and als o asked th�:t City Taxes for 1922
on tris pro�erty be remitted, T!^P C�unc i1 informed IV�r. Hendrix that
ihey cauld not refund i�in the �40.�0, paid for taxes, as 1Qst: vn�rs
'b�o�s had been closed �:nd auditQd. I�"oved by Mr . MarshalZ, �Qcnnded
by Mr. Bl�nto�1 an� ca.rried �ha}., the Citsr Clerk be instructed to retnit
Cit� taxes for 1922, on Lot 10, Block 3, Vti�;11�ce � s hddition, the property
ovaneci b�; t,he Church of Christ, Cit,y ofGlearvcste�.
�i communicati an vr�s r�ceived fr�*~ t�:e Emaneipati�n
Asso^i�tion, �equesting ths Council.to �ive the �Gsociation the
privilege of using th� stree�cs f or a street parade, January lst, 1923,
when the kssoci�ti�n vrill ho].d its annual celebratian. h2ov�a bv Mr.
B1a`nto�, s�cor.,ded b� Mr. Jacks�n �nd cai^rzee that the Emancipation
%issoc3.�tion's requeGt to usF the str•ePts, January lst, 1923, for a
Street P�rade, be �rraxit,ed.
RRr. E.� Fis►�er �sked the C��anc-il c�hQt. had been done,
re��?•ding tha la;��ing �f se�r�r 3.n the Jeff�rd Street a11e,y2 Mr.
JpeUG�n informed M�, Fis�:�r t'h�t t:he mattPr of 3.auin� this sPwer h�d
been referred to the Finance Committe� to �ee what coaald be d�ne, as
to financ�.ng this vror}t, but tre Gommittee had not bee� able to mak.e
any report,
I�Ir. Pete N:ort�nson inf Qrmed the, C�unc�.l th�t th^re was
��ad erossin� Qt the intGrsection �f Vine r��renue �nd Eldrid�e StrBet,
e�hich needed to be iixed. i�oved bv '>4'Ir. B1;an+,on, sec�anded l�t* Mr. JPck-
son md c�rrie� thRf. Ci+ y�'n�ineer Prei�, be instruciea t� have t�i,s
c�ossing relaic so a� ta correct the tr�uble.
14`�. B. C. B�ss r•�auP:�ted the Gaunc�.l t� �rder the Railroad
to put in a strPet crossin� �� �nce �n I�7»rsha 11. Street, as he desired
to o�aen up an�ther subdivi si.�n �cross the Railroad . ?�oved by T�ir. �Zer-
shall, s�c�nded btir T1:r. 3�c��s�n an�3 c»r•ri�d t,►�a#: the ma�;t.Pr �f Mr. Fass,
rela�ive to � R�ilr�ad Crossi.n�, on, M�rshall St�.�eet in his Subdivision,
be referrPd ta the �treet Committee to rep�rt s�t the Co`uncil meeting
Friday P. i�. December 22nd, 1922. '
- • ��
� ,� �F � 2p84.
. Pre sid�nt p�otem Dilla rd, inf ormed t-he � ounci 1 that `
he w�u.la ha ve to go away on the train end ask to be eYcused f��m �
the meetin�, M4ved by Mr. Jacks�n, sec�nded b'y Ntr. Lee and carx�i�d� °�
that P�r. Dillar•d be excused and th�t Mr. H. I�i. Blanton be made �'reai- �
» .�
dent Protem. �'
Mr: �Norden addressed Counci,l, relative to tk�e City �
purct�asing more up to date �nd better lookin� garb'sg= cans to bP used '
on the streets �-nd su�gested �etting s�me cans like he had a c�at �f , '
wk�ich are used in other Cities and wou?d cost �1�.Q0 each. The ma�ter
v�as deferred. ;
- P�'oved by Mr. Lee, secondsd by NIr•. Jac�s�n �nd c��ried
th�-�. t�nP C1��k bP ins�;ructed to p�y all interest c�up�ns th�t are due.
Messrs, Vster sn.d Stevans requested th �t they be pa-Ld
interest on the def�rred payments on the purchaGe price �f Lots pur�-
ch��ed from them,for B�sball Park. f�`he matter of: payment of' this interest,;
w�s .defarred until Bond m�ney was �vailable�
Mr. H. E. Took� submitted map i`or Bon-tii� S�ubdivis� ca�
for accapt�nee bv the �ouncil. Moved b� Mr. hTar�hall, s�c�nded b,y Mr.
Lee snd c��ried tl�Qt h�r. T�ooke � s msp f�r Bon-Air Subdivisi. on be
referred to the Street Committee f�r investi��tion, and that his
perTrit,ior erecting bui lding ix�, this subdivision, be held up un�t� 1
said m.ap �as accep�,ed,
Mo�ed by l�r. It2arshall, sec�nded by Mr. J�ckson and
carried th�t Mr. J. 0. H�m3.Iton's permit, to er�ct �tucco bu�l.ding,
one story, one room, sh�ngle roof, Lot 10, H€�milton and C�estts Sab-
be �rarited.
Brandon& G^�e submitted t'�e fall���n� A�si�nments
STH?`� OF FLOFcID.ti )
KN04V �LL MEN 3Y �'F��E �fiE� �'NTS :
That the Giiy ofGl�:arwater, Floric�a, a muricipal cor-
poraii�n, cre�ted �nd existLng under thQ laws of }he State of Florida9
pa_rty af the first p�rt, and the Glearw--ter Investment & �ecurities
Campany, a corporation or�anized �nd existing under the lavrs of the
St�t� of Florida, p�rty of th� sec�nd pa rt,
V4'TZ'P1EL�ETii: That t�e sa�d party �f the first part for
and i n c� nsiderati an of t h e sum of Sixty-one and 3��100 Doll�rs
(�61.3,�a larlf'ul troney of t�;e United St�tes �� America, t� �t in
hand pPid by the s�id party of the sec�nd part, the receipt where-
of is hereby ackno�lad�ed, ��� �ranted, bargained, sold, transferred
ar�d set over and by the�� presents does grant, bargain, sell trsns-
fer Rnd set over �mto the said: party �f the sec�nd � r•t, its
successars and assigns, forever, t� following described tax certifi-
ca�tes of t he said Ci#y oi Clear�vat�r, Flarida, tfl-�it :
,.. _ ; .. ' .,
F -, ..:
d . k.
''� � "�"` '� �'�'� ��---'�
Tax GeY�tificste #li, issued Pl�a 5th, A. D., 1902, for
delinqu�n� taxes of 1901; tgx cer�ific�t� �194 iGsued M&y 7�th, I917,
f�r del�nquent taxes �f 1916, Tax certificate �298, issued �y Gth, 1918,
for delin�u�nt taxes �f 1917; �tax certific�te #�483, issu�d Apr'il �Tth,
1919, f�r d�linquent t��es of 1918; , all of said certifiates beirig �
upon the f o1ZouTing doscribed real Astzte situ�te in �he City of �lea�-
�rater, PinellaG County, Flo�id3, to-�it:- '
Lat Six (6) of Block Two (2) of Hart�s Addition to Clearvrater, '
in Secti:on Nine(9), Tovmship Twenty-nin� (29} South, Ran�e Fifteen (15)
:East, acc�rding to the map or plat therr�of as recorded in p 1 at book 1�
at pege 94 of the public recordg of Hillsborough County, Florida.
T0 HAVE �N� T4 HOLD the same unto the said p Arty of the
seeond part, i�s successors and assigns, all riut�t, titlt� and intmrest
in and to the same.
IN PdITNESS WH�FEOF, the seid City of Clearv�ater has c�used
tYr�s assignm�nt ta b� e�ecuted in its nQme $nd ai its behalf by its
Fresident of City Council and Mayor of sai:d Cit,y ,�d attested by its
City Clerk, �nd � ts c�r�,�rate seal herPunt� afflixed, thi s 20th dav �'
December A, D.� I922,
CITY OF' �LEr�F'ctFrrTEFr,
(Signed� Jo �. Thoma�,
� � Q, . —
By (Si ned) J. C. Moore
Pr e s dent of C i.# y ounc�. l.
(Sign�d� Frank J. Boa�h.
—�ia yaz�. — - ---
`�otred b,y N�r. Jacks�n, sec�ideci by Mr. Lee and earri�d that thE foreg�ing
�s�i�nm�nt be �ccepted,
Jeffords �: Smoyer submi•ttec� the f ollovring contract to-1qit s
C 'mt T�ACT
T�� �: C�+TTRriC�, I�Rade� thi s 20th d�.* of �ff��cember , 1�. �. 1922,
bv and bQ-tween John R. Jeffords, ��ined by his �ife, E. Ga1e J'effords,
and George �. Smover, joined by h� s wife Corn�li� Smovar, p�rtics of
the fi�st p�rt, Qrri the City of Cle�rvaater, a Mun�.Eipa1 Corpfl�ation
credted �n� ��::.st�n� under �he 1.a�vs oi° thP St�tP of Florida, purty of
th� second p�s�i, all af t►�Q County o�' Pinella C, State of Florida,
'�`IT�iE�SETB: That thP s�id parties of the first part in con-
sideration of the sum �f Ten Doll�r� tQ t�em in h�nd pAid bv the said
pa rt�i of �►^e secand part, th e r•eeeipt of s�;ich i s hereb�r �clm�wled�ed,
�nd in further cons�.deration of thP promises -�nd tmdertakia�g herein
set forth, to be per�@rmpd bv th� party of the second pert, the said
p�rties of tlze first par•t s�ree to le�se unto the said City of rlear-
:�s�ter the f�llovring descri�ed land situated in the City af Cle�rws�t�r,
Countv af Piriellas, to-r�it:
The Eas+ (E) T�vo Iiundted Thix�t,y Six (2�6) feet of
Lot F�:�P (5) of Blocic "A" of John R. Davey et a1
�e-subdivisi�n of Ea�ll, !�umford, Ross and �tarr's
Subdivision, �s per map,recorded in PlAt Book 1,
page 187 �f #he Publi� Reaords ofliillsbor�t�?h�
C ounty, Flor �da,
for � period of �ive (5j ye�rs fxom dstP hereof, said pr�p�r�y t;o be
usEd for municipsl pur�oses, the s�id p&rty of the s�cond pa rt �yin�
and veilding unto the said psrtie� qf t�e first p^ r� for said land
the sum �f �840.Ob per �nntun, payable �s follovrs: �420.00 on the 20th
day of Sune and t?�e 20th dav of Decembe r•, of �ach ye�r.
It i� furthe� agreed th�t t.h� City �#' Clearvrater, its
succ�ss�rs and essi�ns, sha11 have t,hP ��p���, pr-rvile�e �nd option
of purchasiz�� said ,��:�^�prty �t eny time befo�e the ex�ira�3.�n of �hiL
lease, �r �ithin, th��e montha therea�'ter, for �he sum of �''14,Q4��.00, to
be paiG eith�x� i.n cash or in �unicip�l 6°� thix�ty or t�venicy ye�X b�nds
oF the Citv of C1Par:��ter, ssid b�nds to b� takPn st p2r, at the option
of the City of Clearv�a�er, its ��ccessors or assi�ns. �}ie said p�ties
. .�'j .: _ _ -..
, , � ,. �0$6.
� �e�
;�� ' ,,,,;,;�r �
of the first part sha11 oay the �tate a�!d Cour.ty taxes for• the ysar 1923, �
and �1.1 liens or �claims of whatsoever kind and r�ature, except the �ity b
taxe� f or thp yea r 1922; and the �rty of �he second par� sha l� pay all �
assessments o� whfttsQever k3nd ?nd n�ture a�ainst said prc�erty during
the term �f the�e p�esEnts, in�luding City, Coun�.y and Municipal taxes,
and side�v�l?�s and street improvements.
It is further a�reed '��$'� �*' the said part�T of th$ see'pnd.
pPrt �ecid�s t.a purch�se saici p�..�perty upon the terms h�rein set forth, #
�nd at the tirne ��rein pz^ovided, thQ sA��7 p�rti�s �f t�� first part shall
deliver• unt� t�,h.e said City good and su�ficient wsrranty deed canveyin� '
absolute fep sixr=ple title to said property, and shall del�I:�er unto
thP said Gity an abstradt �f title t.o �aid pro�eri�y, rPfl�ctin� market-
abl� title in the p��ties �f the first par�; and the said parties of the
first pax�t a;�ree to depas3t in the GL?aza�ty Title and Trust Company a
��od. and su�ficient warran�ty aeea as afor�said and an abstract as
eforrsaid immediately, said deed and abs�ract t�o '.r,e he?d by th_e sa�i.d
Gu�ranty �itle and Trust Com�any in escrow, �ri,th a copy of th�is con�ract,
and to be delivered t.o the said perty of the sec�nd part �zpon the pay-
�nent of said �14,OQ0.00, either 1n cash Qr in br�nds as �foresai@. x
It is further agreed th�-� in event the saifl City, or its
successor:e, sh�11 decic�e no+ to exerc�.se tk�eir �pti�n of the purchaGe of
�sid l�nd at ar before th,P expiration of }�e time herei� set fo�th, it
sha 11 delive�r possessi�n of said �x�o�r�t,y unt� the said partie s oF the
first p�rt, their !�eirs, executora a� ¢dmir_ist�ai.�rs, �nd a 11 improve-
ments b1AcPd ther eon sha 11 rev�r•t to t� h n p�c ties of thP first �� rt vrith-
out any liability th�rP�'a�o
It is fu�t�^er a�reed th�#. if t�;P said p�rty of the second
par•t shall de�ir� to t�iden �sr,e�l.a �venue �l�n� t?^e erst p�r�i.on of
saidpro erty it shall havP thr� ��i�ht ta �iden sai� street a distance
af fifteen fePt, and t�o apprapri�te f�r si�ch �urp2s�s the e�st fifteen
feet �f said pi�ope�t?z, provid�d t�s�t thP said C�t..v sh��l pa,y �11
exppnGp� ir�cic�ant. +� *h� wtd�,��na �n� r4�=in� �f sQ;d str��t.
I�1 i'�I'�'?�T�[c u�-�'�' �'�'OF the said �a �ti es �f t h e fir st p� rt hs�e
hereunto sQt �t��ir hands and �?�1G, �n� th� sai.� �aYt,y �f tt�e second
p�rt �>; s o-�us�d t�?G� pre�ent� t:a b� sia�Q�3 by i�G N�z��r and tr� �'resi-
dent o�' thP City Co�a�.cil, attes�ed bv �.ts Clerk and � t:s �,oruor�t� seal
hereunto af fi�ced t.hi s 2�Jth d�tr of Decem�er, A. D. 1922.
Si�ned, ��aled, Deliv�red
i.n the �rQ�ence �f.
(Si�ned? Jes�i� hlsop
(Sign�d) �essi� T. �te�art.
�tteG�: J. �c, Tt�omss
C ty l erk.
( SEhL)
��:� �� OFF LGFIL�, ,
Cc�unty ofl'inellas.
(�ned) John F�. �eff'ords (5EAL�
{Li�nad a E. ('Tal� Jeff`ords . ��F�L)
{Si�ned} Geo. E. Sm�yer (SEhL)
{�ignud� Cornelia �mayer (SEhL)
B�y �ran��c J. B�ot`a
t� �,� �r .
i�i�ned) J. C. 1�=o�r�
President �f it v �ounci 1.
i�=E��:BY C�F'I'T�y, T:�at �n th-� s 2�J�Eh day �f �ecember, �i. D.,
1922, bef o�e me, ��e undersi�ned authority, pe�° son�ll,,y �Fpea�Qd Ja�n '
��. Je�'fords -nd k�. i;al� Jeffords, �is wife, and Ce�r�e i�. �m�yer snd �
Corn�l�a-���r�y�r, r� s ivi fe, '�nn�n t.n mQ +� �e t;r,n pers��s descrihecl
in �nd rosh� executed the foreg�in.g instrtament and sev¢rally ackno�ted�er3 the;
e�ecuti�� th��: �uf t� h� thn��.r fr�e aet snd d��d f�r t�e usas �nd pur��ses '
he�Pin men�ioned. C-ind fihe said E. rTale Jeifords and Carnelia Smoyer,
the re�pe�ctive vrives �f t�^e s�id Jbhn F. Jeff�t��s �r_d Georg� R. Smoyer
�n -n �xamins�;�i�n t���en �nd m�dE eepQra-te a�d ���rt fro*� their said
x�espectiv� hus'bandf did, e�ch f c�r herself, �clm��rled�e thQt � he m�de
hersel" a pPrty t.o +hP said i.n�trumAnt f�n +h� purgose of renouncin�
�T1C� `"r.`'1irlC�ii'�hi..��t F'n1" C��?GYpn at^r? �i_trhtS ��' �OWFY' ?r2r? GnT]V?,y?Tl!? 1'?F,'T' R?T`�1'�t�' '
est€ate in �nd to the� 1�ndG, tenementc and he�Aditen�rnts thpr•ein dQscrihod '
2nc1 thereby �ranted, and rPleas�d, and th�t she ex_ecuted said instrtl�Pnt
frePly and volun�arily flnd vTithaut an3T cflrnpulsionf constraint, apprah�nsion.
or fear of er fr^t?i h�� ��,.�' rnG:^activp h�asband. '
� �. _
. . . - �. . _ : .,„_�. _
r, t � i. : . . •..,
'j 2(��7��.
''� ;:�: � '... � �
Witn��ss m� hand and official. seal the date �fore�aid.
(Si�ned) B�essi� I._Ste�a?-t. _
Notary ublic, ate a� ;aarg�.
P�Iy c��nissi�n e�:pires June 16th, 1'�23.
bfoved by h�r.r,"Lee, sec�zzded by Mr. Marshail and carried th�t the
for�going Contr�ct be �ccerted �n a�prov�l of thP �i}y Attorney.
lr'�arshall �nd Lef* voted "h;�e"r snd J=�ckson vated r'NO"
mhe Clear��ter New�s submitted b�ll f�r �rinting �nd
;- . ,, .. � . Ga- G'�
St�tionery, amounting to y�.00. Moved by Tu��.Lac�, sed�nded by PJ`r.
�!'arshall and c�?�rLed th�t bill be paid.
P.',4ck s I,un�h subr� � tt^d bill f�r f�ur dinners f or Inspect ors
ai Elaction, December 19th, 192�, amounting to �2.00. Moved by
Mr. Lee, sec�nded '�y P�r•. Jackson th�t bill be paid.
E1liott ?nc3 rLvPry submit��ed bi7.1 0�' y'3�0.00, as �rc�itects
fees on buildin� Citv Hsll. MoaQd by Mr, Lee, sec�rtled by Mr. Jacks��
�nd carrxecl that hrchitec+s bill �f `�'3�O.O�J be referreci t� the Buil�- �
ing Committee f�r invecti���ione
Cle�r•�vAt�r T,iah�in� Company s,.�bmi��ed stQtement of
electric bil.lin� far the m�nih o£ November,1922:
Total billin� for November, 1922 ":'3=''784.16 �
Les� local ��i�_rnal credi.t�s 12.75 ;
:� 3 ,'7�--7 T � 41
1� �f � 3, 771. 41 - �,�7 . 72
fi�7�ved bv ��r. l���s�rshall, sec�nded �y b�r. raee �nd carri��? that the
Electr-ic 1.i�ht Corn�Pny� s billing f or Nr�vpmber, 1922, be �cccbt ec�.
Voucr,er No. 242u, ��su�d N��v�raber• 1�Jth, 1922, to �. ��. Bobbitt
f�sc sh�t*i�gs fr��+� �is mill, Furnished t� the City, w'��ich �vn.� r�fus�d
by r�r. ?3ol�bitt zF�^G �re�«�n:ted t� �ou�c�il �� r?�ke s�� dis�r��iti�n .of
satne. �"ovecl bv ivRr> LsP, �e��naea r.v l�tr. �Y�cks�n �:r� c�rriPd th�t
the C�prk be instructed to cpn ^el V�tzch�r N�. ?423, issu¢d ia PY�. Bobbitt.
� ity hit,orney F3ird, inf artr.?d the C ounci 7. th�� he h� d�a?�en �
u:� the mr�tt.er�f layi.nE sid�v�s�.k �� �r�k �iv�nu��, ���rith I�"`r. C�x�ney' �n.d tha'i
_ �f
N!r. Carney said he w�uld �ive the l�nd for side�valk` t!�P City i�o?�ld
��g forlaying �ame �nd m��re nis h�us� b�cU,. Yla� Ci.�t,y �ltt��n�y fux�ther
st�ted t�-�t he sa�r N`isG �i11i:e O�I?an�el; re�slti.vp to s�_d�walk �n Oak
xz=enue and she �aid t�h�t �he v���ald �ive t�e necess��� land, provided
l4"r. Ca�ney �ave his lanci for tY�i� pu�pose.
City Engineer �re�, �ubm;tted �he l oll�riin� Final Estimate
on Sanitar•y �e��er, �verm� &¢'arrol,l, C onic�aactor��, to-wit s�
f w. �
,�w , . ..,.,. ...., ,„ :� . .,. - r...,.�:
> � �. , z .,� . . , �..., ., . . .,,
W � ^ i� 2�s� s � �'�E
.� � .��. ,� :�
� �..
� � .� � � � �
� � �' -� r" �.�,�.: � �, i q � � ^
�, ��, ������-.� .,���� �
, �
-;1-G�ti�vb�i�l. ; - `�
. ,.l� z�.c � �
. . �
�-t,,,r� a.� � ,•�,�- a�e, o-w ��i.e � Jr,�.�c� r ..' �ii.U-t�i.�
� � Y
r'' l����
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��ed d�� N?r. �Tacks�. s�c�n.ded by h�r. �ee tha-t the fore�ving Final
S�nitsry Se�rer Estimate bP Accepteci ?nd ihe �le�k be instruci;ed ,to p�S r..:-�,s
sam e .
I��oved by I�Ir. Ft�rshall, s�c�ndecl by PJ;r. Lee and carried
t,:: ��t G�uneil adj oun:n ��a meet ag,�in Fric�ay 1', ,�7:30 b' cl.ock,
Deee�aber 22nd, 1�22. ,i �,�
- ����-,t-�__.�`°� u
,r•es�aen of �it,y �il.
A��e�i�•- ' _ �
� � �
�,, "` "�,` '
City Cler..�k'.
Apprbved De� �nber 22ncd, i�'`?2 e
_ _. __ , .
-=�t ., _...�_,
. . . . . ..i�� � . . . ^ . `i, . � � �..-'�"" rx.. .,�.... .
. � . .. .�� � . � � . � �Y -�� ��� .
�. . . . . � . . . . �.. k . ` . � .�
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. .. .. . �. � � . .. . � � � . . �-��. �.� . ..
� .... _�. �.. � � � . . � . .
S��r . �e� in � v . -,-.-�- y �: . � . .: 4 �,; L _ o:. .,.. . . __.; .�,_. ,
l�esalut�an r��' City Counc�l �f the Ciiy o� Cle�r�.*ater
acceptin� �it� io� �25.,Ot70a�}G Dol,i�,r� o� ��,s� Bondsa
4�it EREAS, �hs Ci�y Cc�uncil hae s�et this 2�nd da.y oi �
December, �9�2 �o opda Bir�� far ���,OflQot�4 �iolla,re ci par� 6� �ark
Bonds ..��s�ant t� a;��Ter-�is�m�ent an�,
„ - .� -ti,_.�.,z.� �._�,`„,.��z. _<_�.��.�
1i9RERE�S� t�.e bid.of �% 'r,:�'-. -�_ -
• �'
is th� higne�� and bes� i�ia rac���€ed �ar sa,ici b�nd, ��:id b�d beix��
. �
� -- • ' -
.:�_ u,.��-e,-. � - - � '�
.. . z_ ,
.. r .�- _ -:� , � � z--i-'�-e.,_--•..f T�—.. � �%`' i-.�','� .. ""y: eJ.c� � rti�'-�-- ��r�_�,.
. __
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�. `s��
' :;'S��.e� �'C._.... _ c . a.+%-... y e '. V r �, �t. G? c t .,�; , . .o -:+--.-re r,. a�e- 'L Z. . t , + ," � �„� �..y� -, � . r
_ , ,f .-, ... _• .....r,�. `�-
Aa�ri it app���.�g to ��� �ota�.icil �hat i� is �t��e �ea� ��:,� � J �
oY a�id Gity th�.t �h� bid a,goPes�id be �cca� i.e_da
BE IT THr�F�E�'ORE RE�L,VEDa ���� �he �aad bici o.f the said
, l �; ,
. �
, � , . ..sg�, ,
` /.�'G - � . �_-.� ,� - �,..-> F;--- s .:-Y-....-�- :a: k� e '���,. � �.me i s hexElU�r
� ��� �^-�»�..._. � :
f , . � �,---._�,�4 - • �.
and. �ai�„'�"�'��---��-���.v��a� to . the ��id z.. �,_ y -= ...� �'�.�.�-�-- �'���,�.�;.
� -�---.__,.-.-.m_W J =` ' � �
�.,� _ .
upon p�y�en� o�' sai.� �mt��xn� so bid, ir_"� ���ca c��.th sa�c3 o��er,
< Pa��ecl and �cto��ac� by tha Co�r�ci i�hi�a z�r_3 3�y c.�' I�eesrai�e�eI32�b
��if�i9"�� .S. C. �''OQX'E-'
P�E:aidsyl$ City GOu31C# 10
A$ve�$y (�ic�r,�z�l :T. i�. �^h.,,,,p�
,_ Ci�� G3er�a
Appro�red. i�y me �hi � 2�nd €��y o� D�ce�b��. , Z5?��a
� a
k �r.
. . � .. . � . _ ,, i, e . . . .
( ` �rr e� � ) '-� t� a tt'Er T � i*� n+ }- ." `
��:yO�,e,. °n"`°°•�
:, �ved r;�r P_�� . ��e, � �c�nd�d U;�r ��"r . T;7 �,�� �n tt��� �.h� LL f�ra-
�oi;�� F�Qsolu�,i�n Y�� ad��t��do Tt��n fi��.l ^�ll. �3`e C. ��r�or�, �, Ft. T,�e, ..•w*+
S�.�rv?. ��.nn�.�n� x. �_. I:i�1�rd, '.';. �'. �¢rri:�� and r4. �. "rarsh�ll v�i�d � � .
"r',ye`� and -t�� F �s �'s,uU� ��. �F�s d�c? �r�ci :�do�tPd u�ani�r�;;sly.
, `. -��.>`` 1 �. ..2089 a~�%%
� e�
� . i�� � � -.. �° �.. � � �
4 � 1�i'�'"NUfiE � 0F G I TY C OU�t C �. "
-----�:� --- -- --- ¢�--
a. � . Dccem�af�r 22nd. 1922. '
. ;
.� '�he City Coune3.1. m�:t in �egular adjourned session on the
t. above date �with the following members present:
J. G , �loor� A,N. Dillard.
C.Fc.L�e rv,T.iiarrison
H.�i.Blanton. C.E.Jackson
I�finu�es of prcvious m�etings were read and a'�proved.
�'he Council next proc�ededto open bids for the sale of
t�ae �25�QOQ.00 ��iLi��Cip81 rark Improvemerit 73onds:
Atlantic l�at,3oxlal }3an�r,
Jackson�rille, Fla. bid
[t n ��
u',ieil,�oth & Co.,
Cin�.cinatti�,, �hio '°
� 5. Hi11 . .
Cincinatti, Ohio "
J. IVC. Lassir�� �ons Co.
St. rPtensburg, Fla.
C�rtificd chcck �;'1:�58.�30 �
'�26,�g7.50 plus acc�ued Inter�st.6f.
`�24, 570 .00 " " . " .5�,%,
G ertif ied check ;;'�2,50
;h26,100.d0 plus accru�d inter�st,-
�3onds printed and Att' y �`�e.
Certified check ;�'1250.�J0
��,'26,5Q6.�� plus accrued In�t�rest, +
C ertif'i �d check �;125Q. �7J
Cash 90.�J0
« tr n tr ;''�6,403:.rJU p7.us crued intPrest
Peaples Ba3�k Certified Check��3I2.50
Cle^rvaa}Qr, �la. '� �'26,�'78.00 plus accru�d in`terest
Blaneh�tt Th�rnburg
& Vandersall Certified check �ri 1315.25
Toledo, Hhxo " �`26,�J78,�0 no inter�st.
HPnch��,t ��lm Co. Gertified .check '�'1315,85
Ghicago, I11. " :�26,317.J� p?us accrued interest.
�.arson : �n & Co. C�rtifie� check "�'1295.25
New Yo�k, N. Y. '� "'25, 9�5.00
&?�v�d by I�,�r . i�ee� =`` �, .
th.-t J. ?�a �,assing:. dnd �rs .C:O.'s bid b� �.
�unicipal Y�rk Improvement 6� Bond.
��a`cI �aY�r�ad
�e- '��5, �40 .0_D
�. ,
T�e Counc:.l op�ned the f�11o�v'_n� bid� � or fih� �rPction�
�f a t'�randstan� and GluU i'.ouse �`or t�e �a���all t��ru, #•o�:e�it,'-
Fc. l�i. Th�m�s�n Lic�. �:1r.�,45J.t��
F. I. P�}�� :' 11,19�.00
J�hn Yhi�ii�off " 1�:',?8'7.G�0
s « .t
, ��illar•d M. N;oore filed a c��r+municati�n, a:sUing f'�r detailsw��
r���rdin� plans Fn� spe�ifi cat.i�ans f�r t►�e prop�s�d �randstand and�, ,•-''�
Clubh�usQ at t'�e BaGeball �'arls, and c�aim=ng tr��t, he �id n��, h�ve an
op�a�tunity t� �id, �� t�e�� were n� �l�ns �nc� speci�'�catis3ns �n filn
fo� bidr.ers to r�fex to f'�r hIm t� m�k� �� a bic� _�n t!�� pro�osea v�ork.
};?�v�d b�r P�Ar . Li ll�rd, s�c �nded b�T I�?� . Bl�nt�n and ca�ri�d that �he plans
for ��� �as�k�a1l t�trk b� ref'erred t� iv�essrs. Harrisan, Jacksan and
�vasrshall to check over •�dit'� t,he bia� t.o fir..d �ut i.i bids c�n be
�ccepted9 �nd if' �hey fi'nd �,zt that a bid �an t�e accepted ta m�k� a
c�:tract wi.th th� 1ow�st and b�st bicder, b�at if - they �'ind th�t a bid
cs:�no� �a accet�ted, �� t�r� �u� �ll l�ids and re-�dver�i ,P, � calZing t'or
oth�r bids to d� th� -�ropose� �ork,
... . }�" . , .. .n..:a.,.,�r*r.,..�; ,«„�ps+.r- ' ,.r�.�.> � a _`1 . .
.. y�., . . ,:. . � � +' � 90.• ' ' �
. � � . g !! . . . - .. .� . . .
. .".M1:r� . . . . - . . ' � �' . . � � . ,
x i
� Q��
� � . . . :,R .. . . � . . , . . . . . . .� , .. . �. ..# .
P�r. 4x�. �. Y�alker made c�mplaint, relativP to the paving
assessment �n �ldridge str�et �ndtOsce�la Av�nue. He said he thought
ther•e wes �n error msde in t�e assc�ssment of 1-.hase strcets, as r"r�►n
obse�vatiori taq v�r�uld think th�t the c:ost �n Osccola t�venue should
be greater than the cost �n Eldridge Street. Gity �ngin�er I7rc�v, in-
r�rmed Mr. VVaik�r that h� �as ��tting th� Sani�ary Sewer� wo�k mix�d
i� with #�h� pa�Ting, as the Sanitary Sewcr i.s n�t assesGed �ganst the
prot�crty but is �tak�n care o£ bvthe B�nd isGue, and that intersections
and drainage w�u1 d make a diff eren�c in tre cost of` paving.
' n4r. �e�er Mortorss�n end t�rs, r. 0. ��od t�ade Iike complaints
�e7.ative to thi s pavix� asseasment on the ahove mentioncsd stre�ts.
- Mov�d by Mr. Blanton, sacondAd by aRr. Dil,lard and cerricd th�t Nr. Urew �
be request�d tr� ��-creck thc p�*�i�rg as�essment �n Osc�ola Avenu� ar.d
Eldzid�Ze Street �nd �i.nd out if �n error �?ad b�en made in th�se assess-
ments and r�port to the City Cl�rk< z or ±�im to notify t,he property
th c
o`vners� making 4hQs+� complaints, t'^e repart m�r�� b� �,1��i�y Er.�inccr.
City Engine�r. I:�rc��, ystated f`or Mrs, J`ulian t�at i�er de�d
c�lls f�r 1.�22 feet on Eldridg� Strcet and she w�s assAss�d f�r
1�5 =ee�; he said this Gdditi�nal 2� f'eet �h�u�d be- assr�ssed t� t�.e Lot
East of �:rs. J'ulian. Mov�d by PJIr.Rillard, sec�nded bv hir, BZant��•�
a�ct ca���ied th�t En�i:�eer ircc� b� i.nstr��teci t� corr�ct the erk°or mac��
in t�e ass�ssment �f '.+�iYs. Juli an � s prop�r�� f�r strQ�t p�a���ses. . ,.r�"
Mr. �'. �:. �'is�er n:��r�d �'�r further informat?.on, r�3ati�Te '
to a se�rer 3:n a21ey �Yorth of �'efford �.treet. F��r•. Rlant�n -informAd t�?e
G�ancil that. h?r�. Qvcrman �f' �ve�rman & Csrr•oll C�ntractor�, :f'�r San�ta�y
s�wQ`r, st�t e:d -t�� t�i � e antr�ct r�i th t h� City t���s c�r�ple�ted an� i.f sny
r .
f'urth�r vr�rk wG� to be� d�ne, ?_t ��a�d ha�ze ta be. a�t��rti.spc�. h�oved""bq
�'ill��d, s�c�andcd by ��r. �arrisan and carried t�h�t t:�P Cl�rk b� ins�ut'�d
t� ac�ver�tize f'or bids to �zy ��ni�ar,Y Sevrexs ir_ a 11e�North of Jefford s s
�trP�t 2nd -th?t ihe cot�t-ract�r�s t.� accept Certificates �f Sndel�tedness
� i'orpayment o£ same. Bids to be op�n�;d at 8 b' clo�k P, M. tipedn�s�ay,
January IOth, 1923.
T:r. I31ant�n re_�art�d an t.hP wi��nin� of it. ha�r�ison avenue
f'rom piera��-S�reet l�o�th to alley running b�ck �f �"d!�itesellts Yardware
�tare, �t�t�d that he had s�c�ured th� nec�ss�r� �apers �'�ar �videning this
str•eet f'r�m al1 th� praperty ovm�r•sexce�t t�e ''resbyrteian Ghur�h
property, znd th�t Mr. Jackson �nd ?t'ir. N��rshall ���pr� ��quested t� take
thQ matter up �rith the Presbyt�rian C�tzrch f�� v�i�dening th� stre�t :�,:c}
. _ _ _
. :, . . ,.
� h
' � ' ''
�i � . . i 1 � r' h�
. , � . �rf .*�-, �. . *t'' p'c.� �a ,,� .; i
i.tn:~fr�t of ih�ir property andnfl action had been t�ik�n� t���r. �T�cks*�n
stat�d that it was a b�d pro�a^sit-�:on ta ta�e �ny m�tter up �ui.th the
Chureki and �et �ction �hmmediatel�, but i� :vo�al� only ya��e a little �L�+
time when he t�hougti�,� t�hi$ mati:er co» d be ad:iusted satisfactorily. ;
�"ov�d b� �r. Lce, s�c�nded by Mr. filant� and carricd
that }�� matter of i�zstalling li�pts �n t`u��ter•s�n Av?nue` be ref'e�rr•ed
to thF Light C�mmittec.
g�:r. ��ckson su���s�,ed the cutting out �f ��me of the
4ah�±,e�vay lights on Court Stre�t. N� action �vas taken4
air. B.C. i3ass rP�ue�tPd the Council to h-ve a crossing
ov�r th� A. G. L. Fca�lroad r'rack fln Mars�aZl Strcet in h�.s Subdivisi�n.
hio�va�. �r�y l�r. Blantan, sec�nded by Z�ir. J?cks�n and ca�ried %h at the
Gity AttornPy anc� t�eCl�rk be inGtruct�d to notify th� A. C. L. Ra�l-
road Company to have a crossing laid across their tr�c�s in Marshall
Moved b,y Mr . i3lanton, sAc�nded by Mr . Lee and carried
that the matter �f �cr_eptin� p�vin� assessment �n Osceola Av�nue
Qnd Eldrid�� �tre�t be def erre� unti_ 1 i: edilesday Y. M. �ecember 2'7th,
14Tov�d: by 14�r. NArshall, sec�r�ed bv Nir• L�� and c�rri�d:
thQt �lrchitects P�, Leo �lliott & LestPr �v�ry b� paid �20@t.�0 on �ill
superintending i�stuction of �ity Ha�.l. �ir. �lantgan offered the fo�lo�v-
in� Resolution to-�it:-
Fs.:#�,�_' O LLT`�' 101� Ur `I' E'L+ CI ",.' Y C yJTJt\1 C I L� Ut!' r"�;i� G' IT Y�Jl� C L��', I��FJii"'LFC �
Fi�ORS T7A .
lcr-�F��.l�S, it 1s necess�ry, expedient, s�cvisabla and #,o th�
b�est inter�st r�f th� GitV ��' C];earvr�ter, f�r t�e Cd�tv �ounc� 1, f�r
Ard 'n bPt^�1.� �af sa� d Citv t� �transfer t�� sum of �'•'5Q0,00 irom t,he
Commission & Sal�ry Fund #.� the Yark r'una, pnd to trans.�er t'�� sum of
r'15Q0.�70 �`r�m t�ic ice-Fund ravin� �ec�unt t fl th.e �anit�x v& �t�x����
Fun d . .
t�'�' T�;�_�'^F�F�:�, ,B�' IT FtESt�L"VEP uv m�a µ CI'"'� C(7 'tvCZL, 0�' THr,
Ci.mY �)i� CL�'nFtti��1iT�Fc; ��::�7FI I`�i, t�,��t the Counci l�n b�hali �t t�� �itv of .
Cl�.rrcrat�r, transfer ���e s��rn of �5�?^.�0 �r�m t�� Co�missi�n & 5alary
�un� tb thP �'e.rk �und, and }� rrans�'�r• t�^P . um c� w1500.0(3 fr�m tY��
R��-fund rav�no �ccount t.o the Sanitarv & c�treet �''und.
:itte[t ; -
J, R. Thomas
t,y �rk. - �' —
� ��� L )
(Si�nac�) J. C. �lo�r�
PrP��.�:nPt nf it� ouncil.
&?ov�d btt I�"r. B7arlton, sec�:�ded by Mr. L�E t!��t t�e t'oregoin� Resoltztian
be adopted. Up�n Fco�l t�a1.1 J. C. Eie�a��, k. �v. Li1J.ard, C. �c. T�ee,
�k. T. Harrison� �..=' H. M. ��ant�n, G. E. J�cks�n and A, �'. R�i�rshall vot�d
'+'��e" a.nd �tk�e 1,��s�o�lKutian wa� de�lared adopt�d unanimou�y..
. — �_..,
� . _ _ _ 2092. ;
{ -,
i 4 f; , ; � �! �j �3 �,,,r
L•:..� `;y. •.j�-' "�r"` ��
� Th� foZ].o:ving petition w�s pr�senied tc� t:he Ci�ty �ouncil
signed b,y tv�e�nty-cight tax peyers, to-�rit :-
'�O TH� HONOftAI3L�: MAYOR :�N1 CI`.�'Y CUUNCIL ��` 2'H�
t���, the und�rsi�ned tax-payers of' thp City of G�.eararFt�r
�espactfully request ?,��u to defer any action on th� J�ffo�d's Lats
se �dditions to th� rark, or any c�ntract c�ncernin� th� same for at
least tvra or thre� wec?rsi so that th� p�opls may have an oppbrtunity
to axpress thEms�lv�s re�ardir_� sa�e.
�tery respe�ctfullg,
Gi.ty Attorn�� Bird informsd ihe Council that thpr� �ras
an apparent defect i,n the title ta the land, J'�ffard's & Smr�ver
ofi'�red t� lea�� or ssll t.� +he �ity #'or• Yark purposes, but as
ta� h�d nat examinad th� pap�rs tho�zaughlv, he vras not i.n/pasi�ion
t� g3.v�� an opinion r�nd h�^ advised the C1erk to hold the p�r,° Judge
�i.rd also sugge�ted h-ving a�stra� vot� on th� prop�sit��n to sea
whether or not t!�e �ax pa�crs of th�; �i�y want-c� tr�s Nroperty ior
s�nrk. �"ov�d �y Ivir. J'acks�n, ��c�ndcd by h��r. H��rist�n and carx�ied
th�t t,h� f`*�rtr,er .^ction of #he Ci+,y Council l�e ze��na�d Rs +r� leasi.ng,
�rith provil�g� of' purchasing i'rom �efford `s � 5m�v�r, t�^� East 236 ft.
on Lot 5, nf �iiock A, �f J�hn h. I7avey ei Ql he-�ubdi.vis3on of' �;arl�,
I�l�u�ford, koss & StaY�r��s Subd�vis�aon �i' C1e�r•�R�t�r, Florida, fo� rark
P.�r. Jackson off�r�d th� fallo�r3.n¢ Res�oluti�n to-�it:-
RE40LUTI3�Jii OF �'i�E �1`'�1 �'vLTN�TL "�F 7 t-'k; CITY ')F
CL�A�.r�r�'1"��, kLOhT�:A.
kr°H��r�.�� th� Counc=l d��m advisable �� submit t.h� qu�ctian
of l�asinc, r�ith �ri�il��e �f pure��si.n� th� prop�rty h�r•einaftpr de-
:�c�ibed,, tr� t�e �ax p�ycrs of �he Gitg �f Cl�ar•w�ter, �lor•�.c�a, '
THE�.E�OR� �i� IT F�.vLV�:L tha�. e sp�cial electi�n b� h�1d
in said �ity to b� par�icip�ted in b5* tk�c� tax payers of said Cit,,y p�ss-
cssin� the c��alific�tiona of el.esctors in b�nd �1Gct�on, �n the� 9t�?
dP,y of Janusry, 192�,, at which election the questi,on �f �rhetl�er fi.he
City of Gleary�et,�r• shs11 l�pGe f�r e tr.rm �f fivc vPQrs f�r t�e sum
�f �,"840.Q� per• yca�, with privile�e of p���chaG� at a,nv timc r�ithi:n
five v�a�'� after dat� of s�id lp�se, for t►�e sum �f �1.4,OQO,QO th�
f�llo�air_g described re�l. �state:
Th� �a�t `?'�ro HundrFd Thi.rty-six (236} feet on
Lot � ivA { 5) of L�1ock nA" �f John F� . i��v€�y et s l
R�-subdivi�i � �f �arle, I�unford, I�oss �nd �ta�i�'s
�hbdivis:;.on af Cl�^rwat�r, F'lor�i�a,
in acc�rd�nce� with th� �rovis� �n�, t�rms �nd condit�ions of the pro-
posed c�ntrac3t naw on fi1A in t.h� �r�'ice of t'�e Cifixy Cl�rk, bct�re8n
�'ohn R. J�ffords, �'Taar�ge �, �movQr' et al ��d th� Citv �f Clea_r��t�r,
The form of t�p ��11ot �� b� us�d in said �lecti�n shall
�+� subst:antial�y ;n t�a foll�wi,nc f�orm, t�-�it;
OF�iCIAL �3ALL0'� Mr�:C1.AL � L��C`!'I��n iiELll J`AtvUARY
9t h, 1924.
l��ak� a cross mas�k (X) b�fore the progositi�n t'or the leas?
�v� th option of puxchas� if Rrou f avor th� samm.
l�ak� a cross z�tark �X) before th� �roposit��n against t�*�
l�a�e e��ith; option of purchase if ;=our oppas� th� same.
, � .
R �,
.. . � � � � . '��' � . . .. � � . +��' ``,�� �a, � � � . .
Shall the 4ity of Clear�Pt�r 1C$Gp froan ��°f`fords �n�
�m.oyer for the sum of �840.00 n�� year, payablo semi-annually,
, =�r a perivd oi five y0ars wi.th privil��e �f purchas� a-t any tim�
wi.thin said �iv� v�ars f�r the sur► �f �*14,00�.`On, the f�llovrin�
d�sc;ib�d reai e�tate�.
m�;e �;as+ Two Hundred TY?irty-six (23�i? fe�t on
Lot fi�v� of aloclt "A'` oi John Fc. I3avey �t al
Re-5ubdivisi�n �i �:arl�, bitznford, Ros� and 5���?'Y�''s
uubdivision of Cl�ar�r�ter, �`lorida, : "
in accordance vri.th tha propos�d contract now on fil� ix� the oFfice of
the `City of Cl�arwater?
- --------'____ ---------------- ---- ---- ------------- --------
_ _ t-
-------- ---i----- ------------ - --- YES--------- --- ------ --
�hsll the Git,v of �ti�$r��t�x lease� fr�m �effords and
� �moyer f'�r th� sum of ;f84�.00 per year, pa;�able scmi-annually, f or
a per�od of five years wi�h pr�nil��� af pur�ha�e ai anq tim� w�.th-
in said five years for th� stun. of �;14,t�00.00, tk!e i'olJ�awing de�s-�
cribed �eal e�t�:t e :
Tha �:ast Two Hundred Thirty-six (236} f�Gton
Lot Fiva (5i of $lock "A" �f �ohn R. L�vay st
a1 Re ��ubdivis ion of Ear1e, I�iunford Ross and
5tarr s�ubdivisi m o� �loarwat�r, Fl�rida,
in accordanc� �vit'h the pr•opos�d contract n�w �n fil� in, the officm
of t?�e uity of U�.carwater?
--_---�__-__ � - ---- ------------� �va
_ ----'------ --------------------- ---------------- -----------
B� Im FX+F.T[� �.:R nx � i�LV�;ii th�+, t:ht� f ollowir_� nam�d p�rs�ns
sh�11 �ct as Inspect�rs �f said e1�sc-tion, Iv. �. Hamman
?J�ar�n T�Y'�?w ^�Y'S. 1�. ri. F?aml'�1s;1
snd �rrs Od���a Ev�rs �shali ac� as Cl�rk th�reof.
'`'�h� polli.n� }�lac� �f said election sh�11 b� tr� City
�all, p�Ils . hall be ap�ned �t 8' �' clock 'b�i�re no�n and c? os�: at
`ry__ Y;` ' � ;, . . _.-t-� cn-�'=,� �--
sund o�n . r „ `-x � � `
�� ,� ...�. � :�;.- �
_, ��,--�`-- L.� � �'1.� -��. __. M.�_
< 4� r- -s + h i.s 22nd da,V of �ec�mbar, Z�22.
_ ._ ._ , ��a���� �`V th� C �. . v �ouncil. t.
( ��n�d ) .J. C . rw�ooxc�
rr�sid�nt �f City `aunc l.
� � . . . , � . � .
4 •
_. ;ity C:1�rk.
r,1�v�c by Mr. �<�c�tson, seconded by �r. Harr�son th�t tY:P ior�g�aing
R�solution be adopted �nd up�n Ros�1 Call �� C. I4ioor�^, �. Iv. Lillsrd,
G. R. L�Q, 4r. T, Harris�n, H. M. t�lanton, C, E. �"ac?.�s�n and A. r:
Max�shall voted `�AYQ;" �nd t�s�° Resolution w�G dcclar�d sdopted unani--
m �us ly' .
Mre �'acksan of'fer�d the fo?lawn� i�esalutdm to-crit�-
���?�I;iT"I'I ON:�
F�; r;ULU'�'1Jla �� thQ Cit,v �aancil af t�e t�itV flf �'Ie�r��t�r,
autherizi?Zg t�� issuQnce �f Cert�.fic^tes �f Ind�bt�dn�ss to t�vA�man
& CarYoZl, <
��N�.FF't1; , th+r Gi�t v of C I^srw�t�r �n t.r,e �1st �Q ,y �f' l�iay '
1922, ax'teh dua and IP�a1 n�tic� �f ��v�^rtis�r�nt• f�r bidG for
' t�,� �'c�nstruc-�ifln �f cer�ain uanitar�r 5evr�rs i� sai� Cit�r, �id ent+°�
i�ito � c�rtain contract t�rit,►� Ovex�man & Carr•oll i'�r t�!� c�nstruciivn.
of said i�w�rs, wrich said c�anctraot is dQ+�d t�^�' 9�h c�av �f �un�s ,
1322, and
, -- __
� , .___. �... ...F ..;
; ,;
2094." �
��jL } �
� � �r
��H�Fc:�AS thc said Overman & Carroll did antsr upon sGid j
c�r tract and has compl�tel.y executed the" same and i.nstalled said �
sanitary s��re�s, and `
F'�'HkF�u.l��, the said sesv�rs w�r� i.nstalled by the said �ver- �
man & GarrAl�. aforesaid, in acc�rdancQ �ri�� said con��act, and h�v€� s }
been duly accept�d a�d approved bv t.hp City Council �n the 20�i� da�- `�
4f Lecemb�r, �922, and, �
t�k�EF�A�' t�P said Citv of C��artvaf•�r is iusLly �indobtec� ta
th� said Overman & Carroll in the sum of ��` 2, :38.16, upon said can-
�ract for sairi work so done and �erf'ormed in and rb�ut the� insta? la-
�i�n of �aid sew�r�,
` 1vJ4a� `Pk�F�x.h'Clx��: t�u ,�� F.fi�.uOl;VEI�" b=; f.he City Counc'il af th+�
t Gity of cloarwat�r in r�gular�m�aP�iiig'a`s�emhled, that thr�€� ccrtificates
af Tndbbtadn�ss be issu�d to th� said Overman & Carr�ll in and for th�°
• t�ta� sum of �2,728,16, Th�t said C�rtificate�,of Tnd�bt.�dn�ss bc dated
th� 21 Gt day �f I7�cember �« D. 19??, ��d b�ar int.�r�Gt Qt thP r�te �f
g°l per annum fr�am dat,c th��e���',payable t� bear�r on the 21st day of .
D�c�tnber 192�, and 192� � 1925 r�sp�ctivelv �'�r th� sur� ofr;�909,39 €ach,
and lae si�n�d �tr thP t'resident of" �-r� Cit,y Counci.l and th� N?ayor of
said Ci.ty, att�sted b� th� City Cl�rir ar.d t.h�* seal �f said Gity be
impr.es[ed th�r�on.
(; i�n��'� J. C . �oore
rr�;s et�.n.t � y ojzncil.
k`I'rr� n .
i 2`,.� � . -
(� an�d.) ,J'. Ft.: 1h�mas
Citv ���rke
� 5�+:� T, )
7�ov�d by ��r. Filant�r_, ��c�nd�d by h�r. h�arshall th�t t�� f�r•egoin�
I��soluti.�n h�s a@op��c? and u��n Ro11 �a? 1�T. C. •�loo?^�, x. :7. IJil.l�rds
C. R. T,ee, ',�:, m. Harris�.�, F. ii!. blant�n,8c C. `H'. �acl�s�n v�t��3 r,��q:�
and the �esolutian wa� d�G1sr�� �dopted unanimt�us3y,
�ov�d tv l�r, ri.arshell, s�conded bv Mr. I�l�.�st�n a�:d ca�ri�d
�.�.st C�Luzc'._1 �di�urn t� m�et again .�@dn��da�r Y. rri,, L��c�mbPr 2��h, T�22,
at 7: ��7 :7 i c�ock. .�,
, ,�
, �, � �..��
Yr�aid�nt of Gity'�`aunc4:.l
�1 S�ri.i.�: 1 � M� . . n . .. . .
. . .. ,. � . . � . . � � .
�, .
/ "'?'..�.. `�
. City ✓1�r^}..
��prov�d I��cemb�r- �`ih, 1922'.