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A . . �. ....�ar«.�.,�,�,._._ � � � � � . - . . �. . . - . . . . . . . . . . . _ ...�-� . . � . ;, . � . . . '. . . . � . � . . � . . . � ..i . • , 4`�i� , w�� �...i: ,, ; �TNUrE�` 0F GdUNGIL � .� C1.�a�vdater, ��1ara.d�„ J'une.l�i��. l�l� ' :i A regular mee�ir_g o� Councii t�as hslc�, present: R.I�.Brandor, � � �3. b�. Carutneis, �i, 1. Farrison, iv .�. �ighel�., T�d. �. Sma.�h, J, R, �h��a,s ➢ ; { �,x�d. J. C. '�'�'nittle, ; �inu�es o� preYTious me�t�nga �Frere xead anu. appxo�r�d as read. x�x. �, A� �Lc�iu�� �.er� in i�eh�,l� o� �he Pe�yrle� 3�a:ak a,dare��sci Goi;nci:i in rei`exence zc a$ge�sme�i�c laxes 1�15 agains�t t:�.: �e��les Bank, statin� tha.t Cap;itol etock which consis�s os �d�OC�0�00 shouZd: be a�sessed,accard- in; to met�o�1,: ox aaasssr5ant s:n�uld be only �p�2,00a.OQ. It �a.s �cvea ay ��r. t�o ;l`o Ha,xrison th�,-t r�at �er o� complaint P�a-�les �ank erronous �,ssessment be setex�ed -�o Orclinance an�. kuZe Co�n3s�i���ea �o i��ne a�.ay • on �ah�cn to set�cle �his ques�G:io� e Los e iur �van� o� a eec��nct. It ti�aa moved �y Dr. i�'r E. �ighell s�co:+deci by L�x;, ;�e `1'. Harrieon tlia� nea�ing of co�plai�� Peopl�s Bank be post��ned un�G�.11 June, 3U�h.1�1� tvro � eeks �roxn thi� date. 1F�Yiich ��ras carriea, ' t`r t��ce�or �;;icTean ;nxeseazte� peti�io� ai citizens requeat�r_o Ca�y to ord.er Franklin ��re�t paved. �r i:geLe�.n �as in�orLed t�at an �rctina,nce 1�roula. be :�ecess�.ry to pr�cvide �or su��a pavzr�o whereupon it �vas �o�ed �y �r �, �;. �mi�ti� seconded bSr Z�ire �':. `�. �3�.rxYson �ti�a.t �it� Attorndy l�e r�gu�a�ed zc� dx�,xt 4rdinance in �oru}aZiaace �rit�. pxovis�ona os' i���t� Ghar'�e� in re-p�.v?ng �t�eeta and metno�, a� Asse�e�ent =c�r coet oi sa�ne, rhich w�,� earried. �ir �<eL�an xeouested t�iat Or�.�:n�,nce be pa���d t� pxovid� St;ree� in �rosszzygs a� impxovementeji�tag�ali& paxk ��as no� being prose�u�ed anci �.�; zva.s n�c�ss�.ry t.la� cro'�sing� be nr�.�rc�d plwc��o 3�<r De�,isle ?�agadorn subu��.�-�ed sta.�ezrent in reie-=en�P to s��,in�ena�� puialic T,ibrary �tating v�,a.t i� t;`ity aoul:d �ir�an.ee Ui'braxy until Dac�u�ber r�hen speci�,l levy ,�ou1a. oe available ta�,:L� ��lla� �unds no« o�: iland c�aula i�� u�ed ia� purcnas� n; r'ur�xi i,ure . _;-r f•. L�. ��t�2Ar �eprese�i�i���; t�uY� ttezi�Y�.n� Goo ma�'�.� if�quee� that a share o�° City� business i�e giaten liis Uor��,a.x�y. �'ovea by ,Er. �u. i`. Karrinor� secor�ded by ur. ��. k.�.ii�he�.i ��,at �'u�� iax i;�aie:e �:'orxs be di�icted r�et��en UuI.� he�in�n� �o an�. Stand.ar�. Oi�. �o. �,*hich r°ra� �k�i�ndr�.�rn.e �.r Harrison of�ere�. �, au.bs�ci�tute �or �or�er �ro��.on �na� Sazp�, be au�nor�.z::u. �o Qall ::or �3o�yosa,ls to .�urn.ish Fue'! �:or per�.oci� o� ��inety dwyg ���icn �vas s�conded i�� ��r. R� K. ;13xa,nczon, and caxried. A�'�olFiey E73.11ia�s ad�.xessed Ca:zn.cil ar�.�i irlq�irec� ��ha�c actio7i had ' i�a�ii �c�,ker_ '�;� Go�zn.ci,l in rerErei�ae to Bxid�e �'xaneiii�e. �w....,. . � ; f � ¢a9 ,h ��J �. . a. � � �; � �INIITES flI�4 COUi� CTL � . .�..._._. . � , � . . . � . � .. � . . . . � � . . . � . . . . . . . .. . . � �.� . . �]�ea,rv�a�ex, Flo�ida. �unE. � 6th. l°15, f . _ 4 P�'�1�11?31 O� a�t�zens �0� Ll�;h'� '�d '�C; �laae� an ao�rer o� �i;yrrtle .�iV2 i �a.nd r��.�xner Sto was rea�: and b� metion maae b� ;ir iv, E. �Rigne�.l �sconded. ' • � �y �r �'T Harxiaon petition was grant�d. ; r Renort Le�oyr �randon in refex�enae _�� Library Site ��as �eatt as ' � � Ilov�,� : �3.Lk'QN.T QN CI,}.+,'g�-tt'd'�l=i•.t�:t� r1BSTRACT Cdi.�i�A1vY'S A.�S`l'RAG``P �.3$�6. � C�Ji,t C�r.iv �. �v i� LO'1 S�0 & 21 � kPLy A�ID TATE t S SUBDI�� S� Oiv OF LOZ 1�3REL � 3AC�i�AiJ LA1iD. 1 have �reSl and car�ful.l�y ex�rir�c� �Ile �bo�re����l�ionea abe$rac� ` �i�h re�erence to Lo�s �� & 2? of Ba.x?]. anci Ta-�e?s Subdivieion o� Lot � of the Bach��.n Lan�., an�C :�ind t�7at t�e �i �le �o sa�.d rrnp�xtg ia v��.ted in Ro'�ex�t �i. Pad.�;e � r; irz �ee sim_ le; ana �iiati eaici `�'�. cie �� eleax wi �h �c��e �o1l��ii7g exce�ta.an: Tae r1�o�n ex G1�aryva�cez ho�.ets one Ta.� Cer-�:���'� c�.tv 7r 28, �ale a� Augus � 1, 1��� �or �6.4�, s�.id. Certif'ica�e �ein� aga ins� Lo �s 2Ci c� 21 of �ar1Z and `t'�,te � s�u.pd3.vision. o� Lo� 3 Bachrnan a.�and, S�c . l�–��--15a 'i'lii.s Cer �i?'ica-ce ca�. '�e ��.ken up a.tter rdhi ch ��e tit'! e to saxd I,pte �0 � ?1 ���11 '�e ab��.l•u'c�lyr gnod and fxae f-ram a11 encuriurar_ces, in��.ud, rig s4atie, county, and aity cu�ren� taxes. _ Lero�' Brandon , 1{�oYra o� Gerti�icate oi Tnclebte�:ness was suUmiti:ea. i�y �ud�e L�roy 3raaidon as =o, .o�v� ; � �— — - R E U' �, I� U E C� R� i F" I C A�i' � ��L I't`:�ll Sr!'A'i`.�S O:e` A:�i�i�A S'�'l�1� OF FLGx�1t�A t%OUNmY OF P � i���L�AS C � �' Y �k' CL�ARt'1A`i'�R (?ssued u�der �,ut?�orit� of Cna�ter of the Lat�� oi r'Zorida; �Pl�xove� �;Tay �7,, �. �e 1�1�.) K%i0��7 A�,� '�E��' B�cT `CI�S� PFtES�VTS tnat �`nL �it� of Cle�,r�a�ex, rin�li�.e Cou.ntyP S uate of Florida, acknos�l.edgea i�-sel� indet� ved a.nd aor value recei�eci i��:r�by p�o�ises to �a�,� -�� pea.xer on tl�e lst day a� April, A. z.,19 ,�he principal sum o= Dol7.�.rs, toget�-s�r �qit�� inter�_ frem the da�e hAr�or �;n�ti'1 pa�a, ati tne , „ yt.�.<t+ rate oF �.`�;_� _ per c�nt per. ara�:u�, � n�erest p�,ya�l�n�,nnually ��c��t �-.����.; bo��i �r�.nc�.��al a.nd i��er�st o� thi� revenue ���^�ii ioa,�e tc be �ayable :in p;o�d coin o�' t��� T'Tnii,e3 S'-�a,�Ge oi �mera.ca, o� aur.:��ili� _ __ .. _ _ ,..,�__.. ,, � < � ; . ; r _ . ;�� ��. ' �� �� ' ; ��� .,� ....:t ; t � �?IN�imE's QT Co"ui�TCI� ; F � . . . . � � . . . .. � . . � . � . . �'�..,3 � Clearw�,tex, �'l.orid:a. �'una . �6�a. 1.9],5 a; «eight and fineness, or it� e�uiv�len�, a� ��e baxik a� �ldarwawery s Cleax��ate�c, Florida. ,1;° An�. �Ar tk!e pxcmpt paym�nt o� �:�i�.cipa7. ar_d in.'��ree � af thi.s certificate, as the sarr�e reqp�cti�ely becomea du.e, �c:ne i`u.1.1 Y�,1�h' creait and re�a�xrces a� t�e said Ci�y are hexeby �rrevocat�ly pl:edged. Thia ce��izica�e i� issued �;� �he (;i�y o� C].eary�a�cer �o� the purp�se o� p��vidin�; iun3e �nr �n said Ci�3f, a,nd is isaued pt:r�u�.nt tn thc aut�aQri�cy con��,i__��, a.n Gria,�cer �, ILati�s at' F'lorida �or 1915, a,�aPro�ed �iay �'�tnr A4 �. I915, a7z�. iia;$ be�:n ci..ly auti�ori��d by a voze a� �,n election a.uly a�!a 1ega,�ly - called. and. hela �'or the �u-r;�o�e o� azw:�nar? zino a special ta:� to be levied and. calleated for tha,ti �urpose, ar_d by rebelutions, ordinax�.c�s and. proaeeding� oT the Gi�y Counoil o� e�,id Git�, duly pass�d, a�pxov�d and ado��ed. And i � is I�e-reb� cExtif�.�a ar_c� zec;itad �na�c ail conditi�r�s, �,c �� and things re�uirect "�y �he censtituzion anc� tnc� l�.cvs oi the S�at� oi r"loricia ts� exi.s+, ha,x.pe:� ana be �er�orr:�ec� �ieeecten� to arzd in the i�su�.nce of �'r�i� re�enue cer�i�ica-ce h�,ve exsstec�., hap��nec! an� b�en �aer�osme� in r�;ul�,r �,�d due contorLity, �im� and zna.�zrr:,r, as requ�_r�ci p� la�v, a��a tlla�; the a,�iount Qi thi� eer�iv ia�.te, ti�ge�nex ��? ts� all o �ner ind�qtet}.�teea o� eaid Ci �y, �.oes n�� exc��a any consti �uviona� or a:,�,�cu�ory limi�tation. .tia �iiiI+TESS t�"HEREOF, �he e��.id �ity Q2 C2ear�aa�ex haa a�use�. t�is c�r�ci.iicate to lae signed by ite �ayox a�nd thz Pxesiacn�t a� tEzz C:Lty Cotin.cil ar�d a�tee �e� ny th� _ Gi�y G�.�rk anci. -�h� � ox•;.ora�e seal tio i�e nexe `�o ax'�i'i�ed, ar_a tio be da�ed �he day a� , A, D. �.915. i��ayor, Pxesiden�, Ci�y �ouric�7,o �`il7'E�1' o City �1erk. i;av�� oy :.�re ��. �. 2,iignsll q��or�ded �y �_��r k,�. `�`. �arxisor_ U;�a'r, ��o � or Reveriu� Certi.�ica:,e �e a'.o��ed, �i�ich tFras ca,�,�i�da G ; .f� . „ � s___ - r.. ��� � �� ,, , t , i, t =' a.�l � `�.. � ir i:. _ .€ :�z�rtr+rLs _o�' cU��r��L ; , � , (�1ear�rate�, �'lr��idao Juie: 16��. 1.�Z� - � k2equest o� �ir C G t�dilcter in rE�erence �o Ta�. Cer-��.fi�cata � ;' ao�,inst Lot 13 B1�ck B J" J Eldridg� Sul�. Div, Judg� Bxandon • , addreaeed Cour�cil in seferer�ce �ca �laim i�ir C C� �`liidey and , _ su.���� ��d tha� as ��r 4ki1�e� har� Red�r�p�cion Gertis:icate dated � July, 12 �h 19�t'l. � l/ G�.�-� '`�'k-r�.�C.e. ��i�.c� ��.... �C�-c� bi�ved by Lx. �. E, �ighe�.l secondea b� �ix l�� •� I3a�xison that �i�y o£ C]:ea-r��.tsr �a�e a q;u�,� Cwaim Deed to liot 13 Flk. B J,J. E1dr3.d:ge Su�� f�,vor C. G. ��i�oer �,nd. �ha� atr�ou�:t aai� c�n �ed���tion G�rtific�.te be cJeducted.,"�rom arao�zr_t �u,e. T.ir �'?i11ia,�s addresae3 Co�ail �.n o��osi�ion to �assage o� • Oru.inance r?o ].56 ota �in� tllat �roper �y oz�-r�.e� s ob� Ec te�. to tlie uae caf �lt,.rici�e St, ar�d urgea ir� Ue?�lal� o� the ��o��er�3r Ayvner� t_�a� im�red�.Gte gasUa.ge l�e def�rea, �ovEct �y �r TT�` Harzisor� seaonded bv �r R K Bran�.on �hat Ordjn��,r±ce S�o. 156 b� �assed �.te s�cqn� xe�,clin�, L��on q�iEsiion ��;ino �:Lzt all �;resen � vot�c� "�T'E u d.r�cl Orti�.n�.nee i?o 156 tra� ��c3�,xed. ��,s ssd a.ts second r�:�.in�, , A�r�liaation Peo�lea E�n}z vo be 3esi�n�,tew Caty �e�o�i���yT ���;� read, i•,ovea i�y ��r ti� �` T3arrison s;:car_c�ea by �Jr. iT, E. 2ui�hell. -�;nat action on a���lic�at�ecip'!es E�snK �,s De�osi�ory :£or Gi-��� �e pos-��oned ��.rtili nexu ?�eg�z�.ar mee�in� v�hich ;�as c�.r�zed. :in. re�erenae t� cl�.iru J�,s. T3a.�tt�.lto}Z Tor w; 32, 35 �.a�:age� ta �uta I:ir. Ti. Se Sm� �1� ws C'n�,irr.an of ;�J�ter a: L� �?-;� �o�:�:i�tee xe�ox�e� that n� could not �ut rerar �'ul1?avoraL^lST on above cl�,�n�, �:�t. �. T. fi�rxi�on sup�,,1eY.�sn�2c ?,r �7. S. Smi�lz rerai� by s��.�in� �h�.t he had. inv�sti��.ted ' �Y:;e cl�.i� �nd s �ated that under i;t�e cix��rnstance� he tho•�:ght �:�x. Jas a sIa ;;� l�on shauld �,gre� ta tivi ��ic.rativ hi� elairr, ` �ir Tiar�i�, �or_ insist'ed t�at claim �as a jus � ax�el equit�b�� one �.nd uxg�d t3�e Gity t� alla� �h� d�.�a�ee ��ich hi� c�r sustwiner�. �.oved : y;�:r �. i, Harr.i��n Be�eon�.ecz bv �x J. �. ��h� �t1� that claim �`x Jas, ha�.lton be c?er�iedo Ua on quE��ien %e�.ng rut all �xeser_� so-�ed �.AYEirQ �oved Y�y ��r R, K. �r�.ndon �Y!�.ch �r.:.s s�cand�c�: i�y ��x J C i�'h.i �t1;e <�'s�a� �i�.l �f Z2r J r G c�d &�on ior Ex� ra �.ork �n Gi ��- ilall �z� F�;x� �tatian ai�ci ��,la��ce due t�r� Cor�.�r�,ct be re�exew �o ?'�t�.ilczin� �o�,��z�ittee �,n�. Citz� Er��ine�r �o �.n�i.:�ct ar_d c�eck the Pi1.l accorc�ing �e Pl�.r_� �.n� � ��eci�7c�:�i�ne wii� reNcrt . r�Yiic11 �rwa c�xrie��. ' ' - --- .. „v�� k � t r 3�,' 43�, 4 � '.:.:: , ,. � ��I.iNtTTE� 0F C'OLTN�,I L ; �- C1e�rc�at,��, Flo�id�,. Jt�.i1e. I6 �h4 i915 � f ^la� �oTlo�� ±�n a�nlivati�ns �'or Building �e:��i�s v�ere readQ ; , t �aved �y '�fr 1'? T Harrisan. seaandec� b;� �ir J C�Raittle �ha� �x R K Brancton � be added as me�bEr o�' Buil,ctira� Co:t�itteF• to inc��ec u anci repart on ; �ontxact ui ��r H�1.1 anc� r�.�e Sta �icr�. �IFIZDI%zG A��?LIC�T�'t�IT, �.�ieB An_r�ie Can�taal�ine Fra�ie 1��?�.. Lo� ? I:31�. � 1urx�,era ��d, :Add. R B�e13 � �2ag. " l� " 2 xar�s n �:ioved a�� caz riec� tha � per�i. �s be �;z�,x����,9 yioved �y i;�r, �te T� Harris�n aecanc'e�. by ��. �?. E. i�i�hell that Su� �. of �?a,�er �Tor�� '�e .�.nst��u��ed: te storA �!ater �orks Tru�k in Fi�� . Stati o� as ma.y be �ece��ary. �;hich v�as c�rri��. ��r Russell aakee� au�hority to c�ns�xuct a 1�r�d.�e ovex Sectian Line Di�ch. �oved and carr:Led tha� perr�ieeion be autrrori.�eda ` �.�r � �3 Caruzhers re�or�e�, t�ai �inellas ��ns�ructior �o. ;�o��d cor,.:��nce �av�ng v�rith�n a iz�� aay� �,nr� �,aked ��at St�eet Comr:�it�ee �pr ir_a �ruc 4e�. ::�sre tc h�.ve dirt �,nd. �ock �].�.c�d rrh�.ch �.ou1d: be ret�ovec�. ?;�oved b�T �,�r 1�`T. T. H�a,rr3.son secondzd by <"r .�ia Ge �'!li c-L-le �lia�t Ci�y Gler:�;. b� ins�rticted to notisy Telephon� C� �,nd C�ea��va�ex Ice �ac�ary se�::�ve all ��IEs ��hieh m�,X interf�re �it� �ro,:osed ��reet I�prov�ruent us may be �e��.�n� �ec: b;r Ci�;Sr �n�ineer, r�hich �ti�.s c�.xried. ir_ re�srence to I��rov���r_�s a�� �;�;tensions �o �a�ex �4ork� Sys�Em. �� R, �. �'r�,ndon s���.�es�ea t�?a� i�.as�:t�ek�� as �.t earue da'te in the ne�r �uture it �rould be to th� �esi� in$ere�t o� �hc; Ci �v to ��,uir� tre Li��ting �ys �e� an�. r;aul�. necesy3.-�a�� cor�bine� ng both �lan.t�, re c�ould ��:--•�est th�,t Gounc�l at �h:�s ti�e e�eizd �he�eaat �Qssi�le ar.iount by ti�vhich ;ot�d and p�.la�a�;le ��ater could b� neoured. Dr, N. E. ;ui ;hEll st��gested �hat a be � �er �ua�n�ity of �at�r should be s�curet? wnd L�xge�. -�ha� aG�i.or� be ta.k�n wt ar_ce, 1t vras riovec. by ��x � T uaxriAon secon�.eo. b� Dro T�� �, I;�i;g:�ell t�±a� �a��er os Tes ��e�ls for �ra�er Dpt. be reier�d •�a `s�a�ex & Libht �onun3.ttee. L+.r �'t S Sm`ith cz�'ered ae an amend.�en� 1;�_a� Dx. '� . Ee �,iig�,.c31 be s�z�s �i�u.�;�d a rr,e1�:Y�er a.n l�is etead, ��hich vrws �,greed ta .� 9 �. i:z. C�.rutll�rg .r�q,ueetea �h��t ��x. �. �`. ;�arrison t�e sudstit�ted in liia �te�,a. �exBu�o� .Lr 1`; 1 ��iarrison v�i�hdres� hi� n?o'�ion, �� y�ras u~��re� by r,�x �'. m. ?��rison �ecor_���. '�ST f_r � C�1'ni ��1� �nat Chairns�.n �,�;E�int a s�;�ecial �c:�i.�� i�t�e tio ir_vzs�-i�a�� �d_�,ua�� ,...... _ ._ ._ _ , , _ � .. � `�� ''� � �33' ',� . ,'�i T�TiTTE S 0F C(�U NC T L ; G1ea.�.�ratei, ��1:a�. Jur_e. 16th� 1°3:5 anci eusii�ien� �ra��r su�ply �it:� �oc,�Er to �ut in Test �el? g and repart. � ,, ; zahial;� ttva� earried. ; Preai�en� a�po�n�ea Dr. I�F. E. ��ig��'!l, R. k, Brar?c�ern. an�. i`�. Tm Harr�san special Gomr::i�tee on Tes� rTe�.].a. ; 1�¢ov�d �y ��r Re K. Bxandon t�ia-� motion to pae� Ordin�.nce �TQ 155 r�ee-�ing June. �-ch. 1915 be reconsidere�:s mc�ion �ras aecande�t bv.�Ir 1�.: T. Haxrison �,nd carrie �l, and mot o�. to ��wsa 0�•dinan�e No. 15� r:as ree�n�ider�i. . �i`L�a`v-r.� e�-� C! c��ruc� L.�� �'e�c.K ee,c��- �•t-J`�.�, -?m +— T�?e Follo�wing R��olui;ion v�a� in�roauaed: ���;,���� �---� RESQLU^1IOI: OF CITY Oz' CI,EA,.��'�AiL�'R.. G�c.�-4-t--�-u-(. ,2�,�-.-� -�,a,-al�w � ��-�-- �-y c�.EY ��c�' ,��l./ EE I1 RE�OL'tiED b�T the City Counail o� �Ghe Ci�y of Cl�arv�a�er: ,` . `.i'hat tn� Pzesieten� and t�:e Ci �y� Cl.erk be r�n�z theST a�e herebS� �ut'rya_izecl t to br�rrota of tr�� Ba�nk of ClearYr�,ter t�ie sur� of `���ro Thoa�and and Five riundrea (�,;�,6��,GG) �o7.Ia-rs anr� �o div� �r.e i�axr�nt oi ��.e City o� Cle�.xvratex, signec? b� �he trsszd�r�t c� �n�; Co�.nci7: an.n trc Ci�y Clarks res�Ec�ively�, ia� �Y�xe s� o� T�ro �hou.e�.r_d �,r_�: Five �urd�ed, (��2,5GO,G::) Do1�u.rs, �•�i�.encin� s�.� d :toan. Saicl �I'arra�.� to c�r�� Intere�t 2:� tre xate oi �i�ht �er cen� per 2n.n�, anc� to be i+a�d in �t�crr t�r�e or �ime a� the �rEeic�en-� e�� �he Ci �y �o�.ncil, and �he Ci �y Clerk and �he �an� of Cle�,rrrw ��r may a�ree . RESOI�VED; Th�.t a, c:er�i:�ied ca�y of t��e�e Resolutions be i�y th� rzty �lerk �'urnisYied �he said :�a�ic of Clears;ra��� a-t ��.e '�i; e oi makzn�; said i:arr�nt anc �.Utw�h�c� ��_�f��to. :Fcve� lay _'-r F., ,zo ��ndon secor_dea by �r, 1�. S. Sr�i,�h �h�,�G �eso1U.-�io�1 be �,a.o��ed, tT�:on c�uestion bcin� put all �?resen-� vo�Ed rr��n� ::oved �tr �r � L. , E � i��i�h�T1 se�onde� '�y' %�r � S u�.i tn �hat �� Gounc i1 au.� ourn. �- n..'� .. . : : M . p:�.�< . - , . _" ., .. r .� . � . J ,� . �,%i�'��r'v-`�•,Q � �� �r