05/14/2015� � 376 �,:- _ � 1�I�Tti�'E� QI' (7 OUNC,I'I, CTe�,ra��.�t�x r F3o�ir3a. �ia�r, i�ith. i915 Gounoii met �ur��x�.n°G -�o �:d.journment , Preeen� � R�r J R Tha��,s, B' J� G�1S�r1GiB y P_ X�a:andors, '�t S'Sm�_��a ar�d �t T�Ia�riaono C1rd:,nance �ia 15� �ras �.ntxod.uc�d �y (3�dinan.ae a�d RuZe Cc�znrnitt�e . &� was m�vec� by �i-r B M Caru�heL� gecd�a,ded by �ir R K�randan tha� a3,1 ru2E� in�er�e�ing �r�th the i�n�edi�,te �aesage o� O�dinano� Zuo 153 be wai.�red,. and th�� Gx�.in�.z�c� Na 15� bE �e�. a aecond time by ti �le, �. third ��.me in ful�, �,nd �laced upor� its i�.n�l paa�age. A.�ter �eing �eacl by ti u1�;����t�,r� m���c� and aarx�.�d th�,t �xdin�nrse �-�. i�o ?52 '�e Paased f�x 3.ts �a�a. �reading, �--�.�: QR�I�AI�CE N�., �,�2 �� '�HE TQ t�i3 OF CLr�.AR�;�A�ER, F'I,�R1:DA. .�PT ORDI1.A.t��E ENsIt�,ED� APt 0:4DINAPiCE TtJ PRO�'iDE �GR �HE �E�i� A?JD GOi��,�C�;I:OIV 0� A SP�'CTAu .�� OF O�iE-iiA.LT' �iI�L FOR FIV�' �ARS, TO I't�.VZI3E'Fi}R STOR�.� SE�RS A?STD DRA.I1v,AGEs AitiI3 1C1 PP�OVTD� FO�. THE CALi.� II�iG' OF' A%: ELE(z,TIC�iV TO AUit[OR�7�E` `L'�' 7�EV'Y AivD (�ALLEC'1.'ION 0�' $�I� `^A.`�, �' �TFiER�AS �he Ic��n CounciZ oi �the �'o� Qi Clear���er deem it ��ae�e�,�ys ��aedien�t, and for �r�� best intereet af aair� 'Powr� th�,t c�r���n s �arnz ser�er� �,nd �:ci.ra'�n�g� b� itr.�ediate�.� aonst�uc�ced �i�hin ti�e To�m, a,s £ol"tavrs, �oA�it; .� Zine �n �he�nu� S��eet from �'ox� � H�.rri�an k�enue to A. v. L. R. R., ��.th 1�3 inch tile, arad a lin� on �a.zk _: tr�et from b. Co Le �t.oR. t� Sec�ian 1i��, witih I2 incsh vile and �a,st i�on pipe., and �x�enaion o� 5ec��on I,ine Diteh ��om v1e��l:rd. S�Ta�t to Frar�3ia� Str�et, e�ith �4in.ch ti7.e and necessaxy mani�.oles; and v�he,rea� tb.e Tov�n Engin�er ha� submi�Gted an e�ti�€�,te oxi said �r��osed s�orm s�t°rera and d�ai�age, eazi��ting lhe cost �hMxeat= to �ae ��,�53,35; !'HER�FO�,BE I:T ORTJ�.IiiED BX THE TQ1��T COUtdCIz 0� �P� Tfl�'�rI`� `4F ��,�.AR.C�A'r:�R, �LORi:D.�: �e�tien 10 1'�s�� �. �peci�,l �ax a� ane-p�az� mill u�on the cioi3ax o� �he �,�sesaed valua�i�n o� the ��a�. a,nd per;�ona,l propexty- �i��in saict Tot� is h�xeb� �evi�et :�g a pericd o� fi�ra yQars �.nd �ha� the �raa�.� �.sse�so� o� �h� Toya� a� C1eax:��,te�, F'�orid.�, '��, a�d hs is h���ny au'ho�i�ec� and direc�e�. to levy and in�?qad.� �n �..� � budge� �or the �reara 3.J�.5, 1916, 1J17, 1J�.8 �,nd �.�i9 a s�eci�,i, yax oi on�-h€�3i mill �e� annum iar each Ai aaid yea�;. s P ax�d �n�,� ��ie eaia �€� c�g �r�e-ha],� mi1l �or eac�� o� the ���.d years ��all be a.sse�sed in. the serrie �anri�r a� o�ner �a�:es are �,esesaec�, �.nd ���,� t�!e T�,x AsseQ�o1' sha1Z ca? c�.��,te u�na car�y aut in a�ep�,xat� ai�d s�ecir�:l colurcn .. . � P - .t,�i3� � . r . . b..1bu .. . . . . .. . .�� .. ' . . . � ... � . . � � . .� ... � . . . . . . ;, "� l � a�"� � T �xi�u�F � 0F Gd�3I� C IwL,..� _ t�l�wxt�ater, �'lo�adas �iag� l�th. 1815 op�ros3.�e e�,c:2: �.ter� of re�.3 e��ate or �exeonal. �irop�x�y as��aae�. in the ta� �@1.1� �he a,�o�nt ta be c�� � eeted tY�ex•eon in do�l�.ra aau� ; ��nts, and �ha-c such column s�a1� be hec,c�ed. �FECI�L ��JRd�6 SE�fiER �tvD DI3AriakC�E F'tJ�lD,' ���t3.on ?b Tu�.-� t�.e Ta�t �c�ilec=cor �� �'r�e '1'�vrn. of Cleer�rater, r'lexi3�, �ae =, ana he i� hc�re'��r, � n.a �ruc uad �o co�.lect �ucsh s�ec��l 1�vy �.t �he �a,r�e ���e �nd in: �ne ��e �mn�er �,s e� �r��r ta�es are sao:L�.ectec3, for �a�n o� th� five yea.rs her��a�ore mEntionect; and �hat �he Ta:� Go11� c�ar 3.� ftar�cher in.str�.ci;ed �a �ak� a dePos�.t of -�he same a.x+ ihe Toe�n pep4si�ox�* Qi thz �o��� o� Clea�t�a��s�, F�or3a.�., sepaxa.���y f�^cr� a?? cth�:e �und.s, a�nnd �Y��t sueh spe�i�� tax g�i�•7.1 b� ��.rr3.ed on the l�a��� ei �h� Tax Cc�1.3ec�or and l�nfl��m �z� t�e SYECIA� ST4R� S i�R AId� DRAI�'A%E FIIT�, a�.ci that e�,id. �u��. sna1.:L no� �e siivex �ed ar a��c� ��x s,ng o �nex p�}�ose �han. f�r �he �ayanen� yor �h� cans�cxuc �ion ai atorr:� ssti:�ers and �rai r�,ge. �eot�.�n 3. �'h�� �h� 7.'�� De��eitary si�w;Li r�ceive stzch mt�meys a� the s�m� ti�� �nd in t�a� sarrie m�.n.�er �,s �t r�ceivea otner �axess �,nd shall �ax�y t��� ea�.�3 s�e�i�.l �und or ite boaks se��x�,t�1.y ar�d a,past �ra� oti�e� funds, Sc;e�ion 4.. �ha� �, s��t�a.�Z e�.�c�ian i� h�re�St ca.11.ed. te� 'be�e?d , ia� �he To�:n kta11 0� t2�e To�rn c�f Gle�,r�r�.-�ex, F1o���.�,, an� �ns l�t, c�ay 9i J�ne, �., TJ. 1��1.5, to be g�a���.ci��.ve�. in on�.y� q11' �$c CjLt�.l�.i' BC1. eleo�c�rs o�' �a� �'�o�n r�no �e Q�rn��s o� xe�,i e�,�a,�e �he��in, t� �ote upon the xa�i�i�a�io�. ox r���,�t:;,c�x� o� i��e levya.n� o� t�.e ��ec�.�l ��..�c, as prQF7.C1.{.'C1 SQ?' in th3.�€ c�rdi��na�� �ectiQn 5r �Y��:t at �uch speoi�.z e1.ec ��.Qn �. bal�:c�� sha�.�. '�e preparer� a�ic� us��is aub�tan=�ia,7�1y in �he �o? lo�ir_'g i'o�: �0-117, U� o�F:±c�� ���r�a� oF �� �o4ti_�w o� cr��Ar;.����x, F�aRa�,. SPEC�.AL E1,E�'t.�.Qtu, Ju1�s1� �.s�, ].�15, (�al�� a csas� �nar� ��� beior� �he �roras��ion �ox levy�ing vne $��ci�.l �ax af jau i�,vox the �aan�. �3a�� a crass ma,rk (�C) �'e�oxe t�e g:ro�asi �ic�r� �;ains� lev�,�i�� ihe sppei�,.�. �a � i� you �p�ao$� t}ae s�e .� r o� the 7.evg ana co�.lection of a epec�.�„1 �ax �i �ne-h�7.� mi�.3 per ar�.num �'�r iive y�a,�e� �o prov�ae s�o�: �e�ve�e and dr�.ixj.�;e �a�_�_�.._�...�_�..�__..__-------a.�_..o..��_�_ 1�5 . . . r-. �. Ms�ri�r ��if�11A � .. . . M- � .. . .. . .. . . ._-- . ..,� .... . . . ';-�. . . � . .. . . ; � . + •t� ;� aJ�� ' k , � r � �; ; .. .. . . ,.. . . .. . .. . . � .. . . , . . . . . . . . . . . - .: . . . 4 . . . . • �d`INUT�`S 0�' CQ€TNC II, � . ; �? ear��ra�er, Florida. �ay. �.�tis. 1915 ? .�°�x the Ie�y ana calleo�ion o� a����ia1 �a.�s oi c�ne-h�1f � m�.�.l Fe� �xanus� ��� �ive yea��, to protTia� stor� s��re�� ,. �-IiC) m ; aa�d t��s,inage- �e ____ .. � .., - - _-- - - Sea�iaxs. 6. i£ � rar�jS�i �� ai th� qu�,litie�. vo�exs gc�ting �.i s�i�. epz�i�,Y e�e� �iar e�;al� �ote in �'av�r s�f �u�haT�.� � ing ��� 3.ecy an.d coZlso�aon. a� th� e�e�ia�. ��c, a� �er��ia prav�.dea, this Orciinanoe a�a13 k�eoame e���c�i�e lmmedia�e�.y, " othex�ri ��, �. ��ha].1 'bE, null and vo�-do � �A�SED ��= the i�ti,t�. �auncil this i4tr ci�y c�� �ay, A. D. �.915. �.TTF�T � �t � Dani eI. � R Thama.s �ioc�r_ G�erl�, . �resicent o� t��e ia�rr: Cat;r�.ci�.o ApFrdv�d by me �rie 15ich day o� �a�T, A. D. Z9Z�. Jo�n r�� J�ff��c�.� � �?�,VaT. 9f-�Qx ��ixd �e�d.3:n� ix� �u11; 3;�a�s �tove�i by' 14s Fi h� G2Yru�he�� �econ�.ed �X � R R Bxan�.cn. �ha� �zd.inax!o� N`a 15� be p����d �,a re�.�.. Up�n queation be�n� pu;4 al.l pres�n� vo�ea in � a,�firn�.�tice and �xd.inar.Qe No 15� r��s �.ec3.�.reci a�~x�ae�. iva £��her Uu�iness at i�as rcbve�. �..�d e�,xriea �ha,� Cc�unc�.3. �.a j ourr�. �; r ,,, : � . { _, �'., e � � ,� ,�. ;,��� � � � � � � . '