PROPOSAL - JEFF'S WORKSTATION - REPLACEMENT TILES - LECTERN workscapes Proposal 43877 JEFF'S WORKSTATION, REPLACEMENT TILES— LECTERN for CITY OF CLEARWATER Reference Florida State Contract #-425-001-12-1 and 01VINIA NIPA (formerly National IPA) Prepared by James Stapleton on 01/28/19 MR 541 E KENNEDY BLVD. #100 1111111L AF _..... TAMPA, FL 33602 DATE: 01128119 PH: 877-967-5722 PROPOSAL: 43877 WWW.WORKSCAPES.COM OUST PO: SALESREP: James Stapleton workscapes Proposal for: ��' � vv INSTALL AT: "'{1 CITY OF CLEARWATER CITY OF CLEARWATER 100 N.OSCEOLA AVENUE 100 S. MYRTLE AVE. MAIN LIBRARY PO BOX 4748 CLEARWATER, FL 33755 CLEARWATER, FL 33755 PH#727-562-4185 PROPOSAL DESCRIPTION* TERAS. JEFF'S WORKSTATION, REPLACEMENT TILES_LECTERNS NET 45 LINE OTY PRODUCT DESCRIPTION SELL EXTENDED Reference Florida Stag Contract#425-001-12-1 and OMINIA NIDA (formerly National IPA) FOLLOWING ITEMS ARE FOR: RECONFIGURE JEFF'S WORKSTATION 1 1 El 109.3848G +Frame,Pwr 4-Circ WICom Pt Lc 192.20 192.20 38H 48W LU +soft white LU +soft white Ref.FL State Contract#425.001-12-1 2 2 E-11 109.7036G +Frame,Pwr 4-Circ WICom Pt Lc 199.60 395.20 70H 36W LU +soft white LU +soft white Ref.FL State Contract#425-001-12-1 3 1 El 120.38 +Draw Rod 38H 7.35 7.35 Ref.FL State Contract#425.001-12-1 4 1 E1120.703 +Draw Rad 701H 8.95 8.95 Ref.FL State Contract#425-001-12-1 1 E1220.70SSE +Conn,2-Way 90 Vinyl,Sq,Pwr 95.85 95.85 70H LU +soft white LU +soft white LU +soft white Ref.FL State Contract#425-001-12-1 6 1 E1250.70S +Fin End,Std 70H 24.40 24.403 LU +soft white Ref.FL State Contract#425-001.12-1 7 2 El 251.16S. +Chg of Ht Fin End Std 16H 16.30 32.603 LU +soft white Ref.FL State Contract#425-001-12-1 8 1 El 322.06E +Power Entry,Ext. Dir Con 48.85 48.85 4-CIrc,6Ft L Ref.FL State Contract#425-001-12-1 CONTINUED... pj_qngaqing in business with Warksc e,sa ou a ree to the cram anterms and conditions. TRRADA nC" AhirXr', IA1f"IVC"f'iNIOI1 1 C: t-r'0T 1k AVC:0C. Dn17'C q PS.='7 PROPOSAL 501 E KENNEDY BLVD. #100 I TAMPA, FL 33602 DATE: 01128/19 PH: 877-967-5722 PROPOSAL: 43877 WWW.WORKSCAPE .COM OUST PO: SALESREP: James Stapleton workscapes Proposal for: INSTALL AT: CITY OF CLEARWATER CITY OF CLEARWATER 100 N. OSCEOLA AVENUE 100 S. MYRTLE AVE. �' oMAIN LIBRARY PO BOX 4748 CLEARWATER, FL 33755 CLEARWATER, FL 33756 PH#727-5812-4185 PROPOSAL DESCRIPTION. TERMS; JEFF'S WORKSTATION, REPLACEMENT TILES LECTERN'S NET 45 LINE QTY PRODUCT DESCRIPTIO_ SELL EXTENDED i i 9 4 El 420.1636P +Tile,Face Pntd 16H 36W 17.05 68.20 I LU +soft white Lief.FL State Contract#425-001-12.1 10 2 E1420.1630F +Tile,Face Fabric 16H 30W 33.90 67.80 I 22L @loft-Pr Cat 4 05 +loft heathered orange Ref.FL State Contract#425.1701-12-1 11 2 El 420-6436F +Tile,Face Fabric,64H 36W 113.20 226.40 22L +loft-Pr Cat 4 05 +loft heathered orange Ref.FL State Contract#425.041.12.1 12 4 E1422.1636 +Tile,Tackable 16H 36W 45.15 180.60 22L @loft-Pr Cat 4 05 +loft heathered orange Fief.FL State Contract#425-001-12-1 13 1 E2290.24SL +Work Surface 'Support 83.25 83.25 Panel,End,GIides,Use with Sq-Edge,Lam,24d LU +soft white LU +soft white Ref.FL State Contract#4.25.441.12-1 14 1 E2290.30SL +Work'Surface Support 87.70 87.70 Panel,End,Glides,Use with Sq-Edge,Lam,30d LU +soft white LU +soft white Ref.FL State Contract#425-441-12.1 15 1 E2393.24R +Support,Work Surf 240 (for 9.20 9.20 20"or 24" Deep surfaces) Right LU +soft white CONTINUED— I Fav enaarflnq In business wlth_Worksa ep s,you a-gree to the company terms and conditions, . �._ -FAR ADA A'`01 Ahlr'%r-, IAIIV'C•t"hlki11 I C r"f o—r RAvr-00 DA C rJ nC;'7 Im - 501 E KENNEDY NEDY BLVD. #100 PROPOSAL M Ar TAMPA, FL 33602 DATE: 01!28119 Iniff PH: 877-967-5722 PROPOSAL: 43877 WW'W.WORKSCAPES.COM GUST Pd: Iff SALESREP: James Stapleton wor ca s , - Proposal for. orb., ,; INSTALL AT f t t<a CITY OF CLEARWATER CITY OF CLEARWATER 100 N. OSCEOLA AVENUE 100 S. MYRTLE AVE. r<= r,v',} MAIN LIBRARY PO BOX 4748 CLEARWATER, FL 38755 CLEARWATER, FL 337561 PH#727-562-4185 PROPOSAL DESCRIPTION. TERMS: JEFF'S WORKSTATION, REPLACEMENT TILES LECTERNS NET 45 LINE T"Y PRODUCT DESCRIPTION SELL EXTENDED SM +on module Ref.FL State Contract#425.001-12-1 16 1 E2393,30L +Support,Work Surf 300 (for 10.25 10.25 30" Deep surfaces) Left LU +soft white SM +on module Ref.Ft..State Contract#425.001-12-1 17 2 E3230,36 + helf,B-Style Open 7-112H 36W 38.85 77.70 LU +soft white Ref.FL Stag Contract 9425-001.12.1 18 1 EWS102448L +Rett Surf,Sq-Edge,Lam Top/TP 68.301 68.30 F Edge,Frame att 24D 48W LU +soft white LU +soft white Ref.FL State Contract#425-001.12-1 19 1 EWS10.3072L +Rent Surf,Sq-Edge,Lam Top/TP 149.15 149.15 F Edge,Frame att 30D 72W LU +soft white LU +soft white ReL FL State Contract#425.001-12-1 20 2 6120,36NS +Task Light,E.E.,No 90.05 180,10 Dirn,AO/Etho/Canvas,Canada 36W LU +soft white Ref.FL State Contract#425-001.12.1 21 1 L W100.20313BF +Ped W-Pull.Freestd 20D B/B,/F 164,65 164.65 SB +full-extension ball-bearing SS +smooth paint on smooth steel LU +soft white KA +keyed alike 2F +raised height 3M +drawer divider in one box drawer, pencil tray in Ref.FL State Contract#425.001-12-1 By engagingjp business with Worksca es vu a ree to the company terms and conditions, 'r LATA©A /-�01 Ahlnf't r...Af1WC1(-Nh M I C, r-t"10_r K A V C.-0 0 b.Ar^.0 A nC-7 501 E KENNEDY BLVD.#1407 PROPOSAL TAMPA, FL 33602 DATE: 01/28/19 PFI.' 877-967-5722 PROPOSAL: 43877 WWW.WORK CAPES.GOM GUST PO: SALESREP: James Stapleton workscapes T.. Proposal for; INSTALL AT: CITY OF CLEARWATER CITY OF CLEARWATER 100 N.OSCEOLA AVENUE 100 S. MYRTLE AVE. � :' ``„`� MAIN LIBRARY PO BOX 4748 CLEARWATER, FL 33755 CLEARWATER, FL 33755 PH#727-562-4185 PROPOSAL DESCRIPTION. TERMS- JEFF'S WORKSTATION, REPLACEMENT TILES_LECTERNS LVET 45 LINE QTY PRODUCT DESCRIPTION SELL EXTENDED i I1 I 22 1 LW100.20FF +Ped W-Pull,Freestd 20D F/F 139.20 139.29 SB +full-extension ball-bearing SS +smooth paint on smooth steel LU +soft white KA +keyed alike 2F +raised height 1M +2 file converters in each file drawer Ref'.FL State Contract#425-001-12.1 23 2 2321792- +Lack Plug and Key,Black UM 0.00 0.00 Series 427 +key number 427 Ref.FL State Contract#425-001-12-1 24 4 Design Design,/Planning/Specification 55.00 220.00 Spec Entered 1120119 JTS Ref.FL State contract#425-001-12.1 25 1 Subc-Instal Receive, Handle, Deliver& 770.00 770.00 lation Install New Product; Reconfigure Existing Workstation as per Plan Includes Removal of Surplus to Onsite Storage Regular Business Hours Ref.FL State Contract#425-001-12-1 SUBTOTAL FOR: RECONFIGURE 3,311.90 JEFF'S WORKSTATION FOLLOWING ITEMS ARE FOR: REPLACEMENT WORKSTATION TILES 26 2 FT180.3736T +Tile,Full-Height,Tackable 50.25 100.50 Fabric 37H 36W CN +rnetallic champagne 43 +tape-Pr Cat 2 02 +tape oyster Ref.FL State Contract#425-001-12-1 By,enga inin business with Worksca es you agree to the company terms and conditions, TARAM A ry01 AA1P'n 1AY"1.✓C'f",K1%111 I C E7nE7-r RAVCE)o nArl.,,C C n 7 501 E KENNEDY BLVD.#1001 PROPOSAL TAMPA, FL 33602 DATE: 01/28%19 PH: 8.77-967-5722 PROPOSAL: 43877 WWW.W©RKSCAPES.COM GUST PO: SALESREP: James Stapleton workscclpes Proposal for: INSTALL AT. CITY OF CLEARWATER CITY OF CLEARWATER100 N.OSCEOLA AVENUE 100 S. MYRTLE AVE. "��'`�.i MAIN LIBRARY PO BOX 4748 CLEARWATER, FL 33755 CLEARWATER, FL 33758 PH#727-562-4185 PROPOSAL DESCRIPTION: TERMS: JEFF'S WORKSTATION, REPLACEMENT TILES LECTERNS NET 45 LIME OTY PRODUCT DESCRIPTION SELL EXTENDED 27 1 Subc-Instal Receive, Handle, Deliver, 58.75 68.75 lation Remove& Replace(2) 37H 36"W Tiles Regular Business Hours Ref,FL.State Contract#425-001.12-1 SUBTOTAL FOR: REPLACEMENT 169.25 WORKSTATION TILES l 9 FOLLOWING ITEMS ARE FOR: LECTERN 28 1 8922BL Scoot Multi-Purpose Lectern 372.30 372.30 Ref,OMNIA NIPA(formerly National IPA) 29 1 Subc-Instal Receive, Handle, Deliver& 110.00 110.00 lation Install Lectern Regular Business Hours Ref.OMNIA NIPA(formerly National IPA) SUBTOTAL FOR:LECTERN 482.30 SUBTOTAL $3,963.45 DEPOSIT REQUIRED 0.0 ACCEPTED BY DATE ACCEPT TOTAL $39963.45 By engaging in business with Worksea es ou aree to the com an terms and conditions. "r A A A 0 A t'5Ml AKIMn IA(1V0-K1k1$1 1 C Cr_1D_r KAV'e00 0AF^_C 4`nC'Y DATE: 01/28/19 TERMSAND CONDITIONS SALE, DELIVERY & INSTALLATION PROPOSAL: 43877 TOTAL$3,963.45 workscapes The following are standard requirements of Seller for its Sale, Delivery and Installation Contracts. Seller accepts Buyerls orders on the condition that Buyer assents to the terms and conditions set forth below. The requirements set forth in BOLD are considered non-negotiable and will be part of any final contractual agreement between Buyer and Seller. Buyer should identify any of the other standard contract requirements to which it cannot agree in a written response which must be made prior to the actual schedule of production of said custom ordered product. No one other than the VP of Finance has the authority to alter the nonnegotiable terms and conditions set forth below in BOLD. To the extent that Buyer directs Seller to move forward to process the custom ordered product, Buyer shall be deemed to have accepted the remaining terms and conditions below unless a separate written document signed by both the Seller and Buyer replaces the Terms and Conditions of Salle. Deliver and Installation. 1. Please note that you are ordering custom product. PLEASE charges for storage. Such circumstances include those whereby MAKE YOUR SELECTION CAREFULLY FOR FURNITURE IS MADE delivery of the warehoused goods is held due to delays not caused by TO ORDER AND CANNOT BE RETURNED OR EXCHANGED.Once Workscapes, Inc. These delays could include any of the following, but ;orders are processed by the manufacturer they cannot be cancelled, are not limited to: those originating with the Buyer, the Buyerts general ;and thus deposits paid for such product are non-refundable to the contractors, and subcontractors, state, local and/or federal government customer. agencies, including permitting agencies. In such circumstances, 2. Seller shall not be required to proceed with performance of Buyer[Cs Workscapes will charge the Buyer a storage fee for such furniture order while Buyer is in default under this or any other contract with at a rate of up to $2.50 per squame font per month (or .08 a day), Seller. and reserves the right to hold furniture under such lien until all 3. No salesperson, agent, or employee of Beller has authority to storage fees have been aid in full. make any representation, promise of agreement, inconsistent 12. Workscapes Inc. will, use information provided by established with the provisions hereof. These terms and conditions constitute commercial credit agencies to determine open account status and the entire contract between tl�e BLJyor and Seller. amount of credit offered, 4. A sales tax exemption certificate will need to be supplied by the buyer in order to have sales tax removed from the total sales price. DELIVERY AND INSTALLATION B4lyer shall reimburse Seller for any excise sales, or use taxes 1. Labor and service invoices are due upon receipt. incident to this transaction for which Seller may be liable or which 2. Labor cost is based upon direct shipment of product to site, unless seller is required by law to collect. otherwise noted. 5. A 50�f¢ f�EPQSIT OF THE TOTAL ORDER WILL BE REQUIRED 3. In the event that a shipment must be diverted from site to a AT TIME OF PURCHASE WHICH SUM SHALL BE CREDITED warehousing facility,double handling fees shall apply. In addition, TOWARD THE TOTAL PURCHASE PRICE. BALANCE OF 50% TO storage will be billed to the client at a rate of up to $2.50 per BE INVOICED UPON SHIPMENT DUE IN 15 DAYS, 5% CAN BE square foot per month (or .08 a day). Product will not be released RETAINED UNTIL ALL. ITEMS ARE INSTALLED. for installation unless the storage and double handling fee 6. IF PAYMENT IS MADE TO SELLER VIA CREDIT CARD, BUYER invoices are paid in full. :SHALL.. BE REQUIRED TO PAY 100% UPON PLACING ORDER, 4. Labor is to be non-union and all work is to be completed during f)Not to exceed 15,000.001, normal business hours j i It Buyer accepts partial delivery and installation, that portion of 5. Installation site is to have ceiling tile, wall finishes, carpet and ;contract delivered shall be due and payable under contract terms, baseboard complete prior to installation :CONTRACTS WILL BE INVOICED AT SUBSTANTIAL 6. Permanent overhead lighting must be in place and operable prior to ,CONTRACTS AND REMAINDER OF INVOICE (LESS ANY PAID installation DEPOSITS) WILL BE DUE AND PAYABLE UNDER CONTRACT 7. Air conditioning or fan ventilation must be provided by clientlgeneral ITERMS. contractor during the course of the installation 2. A 100% PAYMENT SHALL BE REQUIRED ON ALL PRODUCT 8. If installation is to take place on the 2nd floor or above, an elevator ORDERS UNDER$5,000.00 AND ORDERS TO BE DROP SKIPPED must be made available for the movement of all freight, tools, 19. Labor and service invoices are due upon receipt Delivery & equipment and personnel. Installation terms and conditions attached. 9. In the event an elevator is unavailable, installation shall cease until 10. It is understood that and agreed that the above merchandise an elevator can be provided. remains the property of Workscapes, Inc. until paid for in full. Also, 10. Workscapes must be provided with at least one dock position and purchaser agrees to pay 1 1 2%per month interest (18%annual rate) use of both the loading dock and freight elevator during specified on delinquent accounts and to pay all collection casts and reasonable offload hours attorney fees if suit is instituted. 11. In the event that site does not have a dock, Workscapes must be 11. DELAYS AND RETURNS: Please nate that it is the provided with a safe street level offload zone responsibility of the customer to advise Workscapes of any 12. Workscapes shall not be responsible for obtaining any permits unexpected delays.Workscapes will do their best to delay shipments relating to the installation of the systems furniture. from our manufacturers, however, please mote that most products are 13. While Workscapes provides power Infeeds for systems furniture, it made to order and orders may not be delayed. Workscapes can is the responsibility of the general contractor or client to have the store products incur warehouse in which case storage charges infeeds hard wired to the building by a certified electrician. will apply. It Is understood and agreed that any customer owned product returned to Workscapes Inc. warehouse after installation will Upon acceptance by the Buyer, its agent or its customer of the goods be charged storage at a rate of up to $2.50 per square foot per month sold under the invoice, the Buyer hereby grants to Workscapes, Inc. (or.08 a day) . It will be the sole responsibility of the customer to notify (Secured Party), a security interest in said goods or the proceeds Workscapes, Inc. in writing to dispose of any unwanted product, therefore, regardless of farm, to secure the payment of the purchase otherwise, storage charges will be due and payable per terms as price and any other sums then or hereafter owed to the Secured Party outlined above. of the Buyer. If payment is not made in accordance with the terms It is also understood that under certain circumstances Workscapes specified herein, the Secured Parr shall have the rights and has a lien against the bailor on the goods covered by a warehouse remedies afforded to a Secured Darty under Article 9 of the receipt or on the proceeds thereof in Workscapes possession tar Uniform Commercial Code. Upan acceptance by the Buyer, itrs agent or It's customer of the goods sold under the invoice. the Buyer hereby grants to Workscapes, Inc. (Secured Party). a security interest in said goods or the proceeds therefore, regardless of form to secure the payment of the purchase price and any other sums then or hereafter owed to the Secured Party of the Buyer. II payinent is not made in accordance with the terms specified herein,the Secured Party shall have the rights and remedies afforded to a Secured Party under Article 9 of the Uniform Commercial Code.. certify that I am empowered by thI corporation to enter into contracts and agreements on behalf of said corporation. Accepted by: F c / hart me Company Mame -42 4 (--7-6 f- uthor' ed ignature Title at - ---�­ KAIAAAI - nCFI AlKin"1 TAKADA - IA(1LeCnPR.III11 I C - CnOT AA'VC:0Q PArP 7(11:7 CITY OF CLEARWATER LIBRARY Finishes Approval Jeff's Workstation Approval: sate; � 1 t44 LU Soft White LU Soft White 22LO5 Left Heathered orange Worksurface Laminate/ Edge Panel Trim, Painted Tiles, Upholstered Tiles Fabric Panel Base,Task Lights, Shelf and Pedestal Finishes Replacement Tiles ,;t,,tlltti t t i�y tU e CIV Metallic Champagne4302 Tape oyster Tile Bead Finish Tile Fabric Lecterns Black Silver Metal Panels & Boor Finish kegs &Trim .,°' l Workscapes for Clty of Clearwater L!bra ry— Fropos,a1 #43877 �