07/14/1997CITY COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING CITY OF CLEARWATER July 14, 1997 Present: Rita Garvey Mayor/Commissioner J. B. Johnson Vice-Mayor/Commissioner Robert Clark Commissioner Karen Seel Commissioner Michael J. Roberto City Manager Kathy S. Rice Deputy City Manager Bob Keller Assistant City Manager Richard L. Hedrick Assistant City Manager Pamela K. Akin City Attorney Tina Wilson Budget Director Cynthia E. Goudeau City Clerk Patricia O. Sullivan Board Reporter Absent: Ed Hooper Commissioner The meeting was called to order at 1:07 p.m. at City Hall. ITEM #2 - Adopt tentative millage rate of 5.1158 mills for Fiscal Year 1997/98 and set Public Hearings on the Budget for 09/04/97 & 09/18/97 to be held no earlier than 6:00 p.m. In accordance with the TRIM Bill process, the City Commission must adopt a tentative millage rate prior to finalizing and adopting the Budget. The tentative millage rate, to be sent in August to taxpayers in TRIM Bill notices, cannot be increased without a special mailing. The City Manager’s recommended millage rate of 5.1158 mills is the same rate as adopted for the current year. According to State definition, the rollback rate is the millage rate, excluding new construction, structure additions, deletions, and property added due to geographic boundary changes, that will provide the same ad valorem tax revenue as levied the prior year. If the recommended rate is adopted, the ordinance will reflect a 2.23% increase over the rolled back rate of 5.0044 mills. Based on the recommended increase, Clearwater’s share of the property tax would not increase for properties not reassessed at a higher tax value. For properties reassessed at higher tax values, Clearwater’s share of the property tax will increase only by the same percentage as the properties’ values had increased. This will be the 7th consecutive year the 5.118 millage rate has been maintained. The City last increased the rate in FY (fiscal year) 1990/91. During the past few years, the City has added many new programs including the Office of Tourism Development, Community Response Team, and Community Outreach. Alone, these 3 programs impact the General Fund budget by more than $2-million annually. Next year’s focus will be to implement and promote the City’s Vision and the 1st of a 3-year management review of City operations. Costs associated with these efforts require serious consideration of the effects on future operating budgets. The City Manager complimented staff for not raising the rate but noted upcoming years must be carefully considered and reviewed. Concern was expressed new programs and properties result in future expenses. The City Manager reported his proposal to set aside $1-million in a “Vision” fund. To qualify for funding, departments must justify that proposed programs contribute to the Vision Statement. He announced management audits of all departments are planned during the next several years. In response to a question, Deputy City Manager Kathy Rice said the proposed budget includes the same level of contributions to outside agencies as were made in the current year. The City Commission will determine the actual level of contributions during the budget process. The budget also includes a 1.8% general wage increase. In response to a question, Budget Director Tina Wilson said proposed reductions in department budgets were considered. A list of reductions was requested. The final budget document should be completed by next week. Commissioner Johnson moved to adopt a tentative millage rate of 5.1158 mills for FY 1997/98 and set public hearings on the Budget for September 4, 1997, and September 18, 1997, to be held no earlier than 6:00 p.m. The motion was duly seconded and carried unanimously. ITEM #3 - Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 1:14 p.m.