November 11, 1996
Present: J. B. Johnson Vice-Mayor/Commissioner
Robert Clark Commissioner
Ed Hooper Commissioner
Karen Seel Commissioner
Elizabeth M. Deptula City Manager
Kathy S. Rice Deputy City Manager
Bob Keller Assistant City Manager
Pamela Skyrme Organizational & Employee Development Director
Pamela K. Akin City Attorney
Cynthia E. Goudeau City Clerk
Absent: Rita Garvey Mayor/Commissioner
The Vice-Mayor called the meeting to order at 8:38 a.m. at the Sailing Center for the purpose of strategic planning.
The team was divided into two groups with each group to brainstorm on developing a vision statement.
The group comprised of Pam Akin, Commissioner Clark, Commissioner Johnson and Kathy Rice came up with the following statement: A place where all people can prosper. Life long learning
is easily obtainable. A multitude of well attended, diverse events and activities are produced to bring people together. People exhibit caring attitudes about the environment and each
other. The City is well kept, lots of landscaping, clean and people feel safe, and getting around the community is easy. A place where we promote affordable tourism and responsible
small to mid-size business. Community and service organizations flourish and help meet the needs of others.
Statements developed by Betty Deptula, Cyndie Goudeau, Commissioner Hooper, Bob Keller and Commissioner Seel were: We see Clearwater as an exciting world class community with a distinctive
personality based on its tropical flare, its tourist and technology economies, and sun dappled water. We see our Clearwater as healthy, safe, active and prosperous, coming together
to enjoy its diverse amenities and to celebrate its neighborhood’s individuality. We see the Clearwater economy as tourism and technology driven, that turns visitors and investors into
residents. We see our Clearwater as the place where the land meets the water and we commit to treasure our environment for generations to come.
The two groups then brainstormed regarding how to merge the two statements. Both groups agreed safety, a lush environment, thriving economy, tourist and technology driven, festive
and fun activities, clean beautiful friendly place were common themes.
It was suggested the City also wants to encourage and support business development and that those businesses be things that are technology driven, entertainment related, or retail that
will draw other retail.
It was suggested outdoor cafes would also be desirable. It was also suggested the City needed to provide business incubators.
Further discussion ensued regarding what the City needs to provide in order to reach the vision once it is finalized. It was stressed again there are different areas of the City that
need to be addressed. It was suggested Commissioner Clark, due to his experience with the media, attempt to merge the two statements.
The meeting adjourned at 12:20 p.m.