LECTURE/PERFORMANCE AGREEMENT (8) W '-% F CLEARWATER CITY 011 CL axwaaxa I't-muc ImuR'Y Svs°r i, WO No=()sczou Avg, flea,ftomm 33755-4083 `I'1:a.mohE(727)562--4970 FAx(727)562-4977 LECTURE/PERFORMANCE AGREEMENT Agre cine nt made., October f 9,2018 By and Clearwater Public Library System and Museum of Science Industry Address of Perfbr=r 49DI East Fowler Avenue,Tampa,FL 33617 Telephone of Performer: (913)987 Email of Jeaoatette.Ethlr•rAPen,.Rs.t M `i7te Clearwater Public Library System contracts the Museum of Sclence&Industry the terms hereof,specified as fbilows: 1. DATE,TME AND PLACE OF ENGAGEWNT- Mtnaday February IIth 4:30 PM&5:31 PM Main Library A,PPROX1MATE LENGTH OF :45 Minutes PROGRAM YEW& Robot Round Up Z An honorarium in the amount of S'7%00 will b4 provided aftortheprogram,A Social Security number or valid Federal IO nuinber is required befom payment is made. You must provide a W®4 form(bequest for Taxpayer Identification Number and Cettificetion), 3. This agreement commits the signatories to the performances herein specified as to tune and place. No substifift premniars are allowable. Should the performer cancel their appearartm for any reason after signing this agreement,no fees are payable;and any advenm paid to the performer must be returned within two weeks of the cancellation date. At the Library's option and subject to the availability of the performer,it -up date for the missed perforrnances may be scheduled consistent with the terms ofthis document.. 4. The City's preferred method of payment is through a V'I'SA City Pcard after the performance has been completed and a receipt for balance front the performer must be provided.Payment way be made on a Square,performer's website or through a PayPal account and no convenience charges will apply, S. linter hereby agree to indcmn4,defend and hold hanniess the City of0carwattr from and against all third-party claims,actions or suits,for direct damagm costs and expenses,including reasonable aftomeW fees resulting from and to the extent ofPerformer's negligencc Notwithstanding anything contained'herein to the contmry,this indemnification provision dud]not be construed as a waiver of any immunity to which City is entitled or the extent ofany Rmitadon oflishility pursuant to§768.28,Florida Statutes. Furthermore,this provision is not intended to nor shall it be interpreted,its lituiting or in any way erecting any dcfcnscentry have under §768.28, Florida es ww=ent to be Wd by third parties. - - da Rotllste n,Ass t Direr 4Etho e ier Cl Pulbi1 1 racy Siystem of Science ali Indus Date date Gctwge N.t<ivit K.Mayor DAMM 'auc oil,t srlrt lltttetrtlt r l vi , I ftta►tt,t lur iltarctttl r° lIt-l3+d10211cl' ,(;c)ettt'.ilrttaMbCr Hoyt Flamflum.CoumilmenitteT "l:tt wl hn %ecu td Aflit~ru live Ae imi Evnpk;ycr-