CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE (3) Oct 08 18,02:14p P3 CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE 101 8120�" THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMA-mcN ONLY AND CONFERS NO RH3KTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER.THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER.THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSIfING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODLICER,ANOTI E CERTIFICATE HOLDER IMPORTANT: it die certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED,the pollcy(les)must be endorsed. It SUBFICGATION IS WAIVED,subject lo the farms and condrions of the policy.certaip pollcMs may regukv an endorsement A statement on this certirlcate does not comer rights to i:he ceriikate hMer in WU 4'i sIICIT elldoysemetli(s).. mauol�lk HASPQWACT FUP..Program Sup ort Veracity insurance Solutions,LLC. 4$44)-520-6952 W € a o 260 South 2540 Wes:,Suite 303 rL __in oo0f hp-mgc rarn.cyln Pleasant Grove LIT 84 062 INaLF Re I$I AFF{YRkItIt6 GDVffkAa€_ ttAIC V +EIta: pG�.reat Aril rican Ail ance insuranceX68 O. Edward Bates,DBA Kinney's Kitchen rRC 1540 Club Dr t®: Tarpon Springs R- 34688 waatrtsleE m _ -- I COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER,. REVIMN NUMMI : TTI IR IS TO C:ER71FY THAT THE PMICIES 011 INSURANCE LIV7eD OFLOW HAVE BEEN fsw'UEU T'4 THE INSURED NAMED ACOVE M9 THE Policy Fmdo do ININCATI•`_rS- NOTVATHSTANDiNG ANY WQtIIREM94r.TERM OR CCNRI71ON OF ANY CONTRACT OR EITHER.DOCUMENT VATH nm—ECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY Bl=ISSUED OR MAY PER-WN.THE m9URANCE AFFORDIEC BY THE POLICIES DESCRISED HEREINiS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TEtWS, EXCLUSIONS ANIS CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES.LlUrrS SHDWN MOW HAVE BEEW REDUCED BY PWD CLAIMS, LNOR sYPlrurrrvsttRatlr� _ r.,... _ _...�..�.� ..._ .._...._ PoUaYNUMBEFt I t•'octce YancP LIMITS rrrApi-ALt a*"" '.t��y^-- EACH CCCLP.RENGE $... -.��, C,CFFAAlERi7AL KiH IA61L'T3'' 1" j�6+IiEk1l�CS;aE�ziccweerrcz S 300,.0 V_ UA IRAS4%kDe SP=UR!1NEC yaw v.Tr I>r> t s _ 511[1{2 A Pt_1 44427-Ft]619U2 laerdaizo�a oera�rzals t1Ir3S7I14LSAUVIiRFtY s 1 1,000,000 --GCNI.AnGRIEGATk LIMIT APPtJFS ra••••ZR:: i i I� xS- usr�.a�a n,�� a 2,00O QQQ POLICY g PRO- 4F.9:1 r. I t0c AwMAL OAILEE 5 AWWWOMLE LIAM LITY I�. - _ AN l"AUJ7¢ ! t WKLY 1MJkJRY 1P.P+nora] 3 Tns ALn-05 ULELI Ix Iiuu�Jum tP4r aeat t. H6REDAUTOS jT C .. I fY [AE_ �..,.....,.., ......._......_._... P� OCCUR �� � :.. EACri OCCL PM4CE 'S Ira ;res I AGGFE%ATL S 0G01 R=TEWnCNS I s �rtseau�saTfuw ��u�c,,srAru- �T?e- Allr!I Y'£R$'LJAttILIrY YIN ....._.i�!.!".?a LTJ_.. NYPRGPRI'=T€R4%RT?*AGF�crmVE �l CFRCE7�tsr-P[DXU IDE07 NdA .— ._._.-...�.�. (AmA1s my in NIS) - EL tvSEASE-€.EMPLOYE 4 II yvee aaadma wow C.LI%SFASE-PCLICY'UWT 1i oE5G152PYKW Of OPM110415 I LOCATIOM I. (Ahab ACORD 181.Ask"gnai Rawks R a rows paes h"quint* Certificate holder had tseen added as additional Insured regarding the above mentioned policy per attached Additional Insured- Lessor-of Leased Equlpirlent(CG 20 34 Ed.C14 13) CERTIFICATE 14OLVER CANCEL.LAnoN SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DEESCRIBE3 POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE City Of Clearwater THE EXPIRATION DAA7E THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED iN ACCORDANCE YA'TH THE.POLICY PROV=NS'... 2116 Myrtle Ave Clearwater FL 33755 AUTtloatreen RLPrt gttT1T041 tD 1988-=14 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights rrescf d. ACORD 25{2a 14011 The ACORD name ants logo ars registemd rnarks or ACORD 13Z5 I2n1adtt Oct 08 18,02:13p P.1 ? O FOD 1AB S 'Q IN � GRk'A'1A'V1ER1CAA' UR E PROGRAM Itaut"Ot as MW Great America n Alliances Inouranca Cc mpan y X98 581]54$ 30 1 E.Fourth Streo t,25 S Pow by Veru1risumrwo Cincinnati,OH 462*2-4201 SoPillons,LLC COMMERCLAIL GENERAL UABILITY COVERAGE PART.OCC-1-1.0-01ENCE FORM CERTIFICATE PAGE IT IS AGREED THAT THIS CERTIFICATE IS BSUED TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER LISTED UELOWTO CeRTIFYCOVERAGE UNDER THE COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY INSURANCE MASTER POLICY LISTED BELOW INSURANCE COMPANY.GREAT AMERICAN ALLIANCE JNSURANCE COMPANY POLICY NUMBER: NAMFD INSURED:BEAUTY HEALTH&TRAuF ALLIANCE PL1744427 CERTIFICATE HOLDER.Edward Bates,DBA Kinney's Kitchen ADDRESS:1540 Club Dr.Tarpon Springs,Flonda 34689 CERTirICATE NUMBER: POLICY PERIOD:0810412018 to 0811(1412019 12101".Sftndad n— I 1h.Add,.—I Th.Ge lfi¢a1c F051902 H.1d., UMI[TS OF INSURANCE General Aggregate Limit(Other than Products-Completed Operations) $ 2,000,1000 Produce-Completed Operations Aggregate Limit 3 4000.000 Personal and Advertising Injury UmA $ 1,000,000 General Each Occurrence Limit $ 1,000,000 Damage to Premises Dented to You Limit 300,000 Any One Promises Medical Expense Limit 5.000 Any One Person Pro-las sio nal Coverage Extension $ Stet Purchased Each Claim $ NotPurchased Aggregate Prolessio"I Coverage Deductible $ Not Puffchased Each Claim Liabdity Dedtoctible None lde n 6 y Reco very Co vera go Aggre gate Limit 15,000 Identity Recovery 0*wera go Deductible, 250 FORM Of BUSINESS:Sale Prop 6elor/Ind ivid ua I PREMIUM: $ 351 BHTA Fee., $ 84 TOTAL ANNUAL COST: $ 435 (The cost Is 100% earned1non refundable) CODE NUMBER. 11168 PREMIUM BASIS.Gross Sales EXPOSURE:$50.001-$100,000 CLASSIFICATION:Vendor-, Distributor,or Manufacturer of food ptoducts THIS INSURANCE IS$MECT TO ALL THE TERMS AND CONDMNS,INCLUDING APPLICABLE ENDORSEMENTS,OF THE COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY INSURANCE MASTER POLICY.A COPY OF THE COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY INSURANCE MASTER POLICY ACCOMPANIES THIS C ER.WCATE.ADDITIONAL COPIES WILL BE PROVIDED TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER.PLEASE READ THE POLICY AND ALL ENDORSEMENTS. NO ADMISSION OF LIABILITY MAY BE MADE EITHER VERBALLY OR IN WRITING FULL DETAIL OF ANY INCIDENT SHOULD BE SENT IMMEDIATELY BY EMAIL TO LAIM SOWRACITPINS OR BY LETTER TO VERACITY INSURANCE SOLUTIONS,LLC 260 SOUTH 2500 WEST Su 'E-aGZ.-PLEASAN- VE.U I 84U 62 FORMS AND ENDORSEMENTS appflQablu to all Coverage PaM and made part ofM PoFcy at time of issue are 15-ted an the attached Forms and Endorsements Schodde IL 88 01(11185). ADMIN*TRATEJ?5 IJAI TO Vemcityinsurance Solutions.LLC 260 South 25014 West Suiie 303 1519asant Grove Utah 84062' SR"68-05413 ADMINISTRATOR'S SIGNATURE: Oct 08 18,02:14p p2 CG 20 34 (Ed.04 13) PLI744427-FO519G2 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE P 0 LICY.P LEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. ADDITIONAL INSURED- LESSOR Of LEASED EQUIPMENT - AUTOMAT IC AUTOMATIC STATUS WHEN REQUIRED IN LEASE AGREEMENT WITH YOU This endorserr*nt modifies insurance provided under the I oilowing: CCMNIERCAL GENERAL LMKJTY COVERAGE PART A. SECTION 11 - VMO IS AN INSURED is B. With respect to the insurance afforded to amended to include as an additional insured these Additional Insureds, this insurance does any person(s) or organization(s) from whom not apply to any "occurrence' which takes you lease equipment when you and such per- place after tare equipment lease expires. son(s) or organization(s) have agreed in writing in a contract or agreement that such person(s) C. With respect to the insurance afforded to or organization(s) be added as an additional these Additional Insureds. the following is ad- insured on your policy. Such person(s) or or- ded to SECTION M - LIMITS OF INSUR- ganization(s) is an insured only with respect to ANCE: liability fur "body injury;' "property damage' or 'personal and adveflising injury' caused, in The most we wd! pay on behalf of the Addi- whole or in part, by your maintenance, operation tional Insured is the amount of insurance: or use of equipment leased to you by such peyso n(s}o r o rqanizatio n(s). 1, required by the contract or agreement you However, the insurance afforded to such ad- have entered into with the Additional In- ditionat insured: sured:or 1. only applies to the extent permitted by 2. available tinder the applicable Urnits & In- law;and surance shown in the Declarations: Z. will not be broader than that which you are required by the contract or agreement vAiichever is less. to provide for such additional insured. A person's or organization's status as an addi- This endorsement shall not increase the ep- tional insured under this endorsement ends plicable Limits of Insurance shown in the Dec- when their contract or agreement with you larations, for s uch leased equipment ends Copoght,ISO Properties,Inc,2012 CG 20 34 (Ed.04113)