LUP2017-06003LUP2017-06003 (Related to REZ2017-06004) Michael A. Ciaramello 3108 Downing Street DRC: 8/3/17 CDB: -44-947-- CC n/ 9 i CC 1.: 10/19/17 CC2 : 11/2/17 PPC: 12/13/17 CPA: 1/2018 TBD Proposed Land Use: ORDINANCE NO.: jo/ I -:�- / RU ATLAS# 292A r, BRIGHT AND MAIM FUL - BAY TO, REACH PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BOARD STAFF REPORT MEETING DATE: October 17, 2017 AGENDA ITEM: E.3. CASE: LUP2017-06003 REQUEST: To amend the Future Land Use Map designation from Residential/Office Limited (R/OL) to Residential Urban (RU) GENERAL DATA: Applicant ......................... Michael A. Ciaramello Owner ............................. Michael A. Ciaramello Location .......................... 3108 Downing Street, at the northeast corner of South McMullen Booth Road and Downing Street Property Size ................... 0.42 -acre portion of a 0.466 -acre property Background: This case involves 0.42 -acres of a 0.466 -acre property located at the northeast corner of South McMullen Booth Road and Downing Street. The parcel is currently owned by Michael A. Ciaramello. An approximately 2,000 square foot single family home occupies the site. In 2004 the subject property was comprised of three platted lots (Lots 1, 2 and 3) which were annexed into City (ANX2004-05009). At that time, Lots 1 and 2 were designated Residential/Office Limited (R/OL) and Lot 3 was designated Residential Urban (RU) on the City's Future Land Use Map. In 2005 Lot 3, excluding the western 14 feet, was sold. The subject property (now Lots 1, 2 and the west 14 feet of Lot 3) continues to have two future land use designations: Maps -1 and -2 show the general -location of the property and an aerial view of -the-amendment area. The request is to change the Future Land Use Map designation for the 0.42 -acre portion of property from Residential/Office Limited (R/OL) to Residential Urban (RU). The applicant has indicated he may be interested in redeveloping the property with multiple single family homes; however, no site plan has been submitted at this time. A request to rezone the proposed amendment area from the Office (0) District to the Low Medium Density Residential (LMDR) District is being processed concurrently with this case (see REZ2017-06004). PLANNIIVG & DEVELOPMENT Level III Comprehensive Plan Amendment Review LONG RANGE PLANNING DIVISION r...,�FarwOOd rd Map 1 Vicinity Characteristics: Nlap 2 Map 3 shows the existing surrounding uses. The prop:rty abuts tht northbound access road to South McMullen Booth Road on the west, a mobile home park to the north and single family homes to the east and south. Further north are attached dwellings. To the west across South McMullen Booth road is a mix of institutional (Calvary Baptist Church and accessory uses) and single family homes. r O i� ICS m IlJ 0 w tIleF. J ci .u��i d st i CD t Aw LL1 Aw '4 Church w Accessoy Use 150 -' �Caralh� � Aw + ` j r...,�FarwOOd rd Map 1 Vicinity Characteristics: Nlap 2 Map 3 shows the existing surrounding uses. The prop:rty abuts tht northbound access road to South McMullen Booth Road on the west, a mobile home park to the north and single family homes to the east and south. Further north are attached dwellings. To the west across South McMullen Booth road is a mix of institutional (Calvary Baptist Church and accessory uses) and single family homes. Map 3 Community Development Boar] —October 17,:417 LUP2017-06003 - Page 2 of 8 Wilttl Family i Co M DR tIleF. t aDi yftesi�tlal .�• ::: 0 Church w Accessoy Use 150 -' a 123 No6Me Home Perk .. -Church k eek en8ccessory Uso� F tti M F+ er es 300 207211 20223 227 223 235 Family Residerroal 311_-- 367 3_ 339 Hotel 339 34-,353 363 371 H341 349 359 39 377 Gas - - �i gVece Stetlon'I OULF40aM BL1C EXISTING SURROUNDING USE MAP Map 3 Community Development Boar] —October 17,:417 LUP2017-06003 - Page 2 of 8 PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT Level 111 Comprehensive Plan Amendment Review LONG RANGE PLANNING DIVISION As shown on Map 4, the abutting future land use designations are Residential Urban (RU) to the south and east, Residential Low Medium (RLM) to the north, and Institutional (I) to the west across South McMullen Booth Road. Adjacent properties directly to the south are within unincorporated Pinellas County and the property at the southwest corner has a future land use designation of Residential/Office Limited (R/OL) while the other properties to the east are Residential Urban (RU). The surrounding vicinity has a wider mix of future land use designations including Residential Urban (RU) to the north and west, Residential/Office Limited (R/OL) to the northwest, US 19 Regional Center to the southwest, and Residential Medium (RM) and Commercial General (CG) to the south. A comparison between the uses, densities and intensities allowed by the present and proposed Future Land Use Map designations appears in Table 1, along with the consistent zoning districts. Map 4 Map 5 Table 1. Uses, Densities and Intensities Allowed by Present and Proposed Future Land Use Designations Community Development Board —October 17, 2017 LUP2017-06003 - Page 3 of 8 I'resellt FIA 11 Wsiflmatioll Requested FLtJM Designation Primary Uses: Low Density Residential; Residential Urban Low Density Residential; Equivalent; Office Residential Equivalent Maximum Density: 7.5 Dwelling Units Per Acre 7.5 Dwelling Units Per Acre Maximum Intensity: FAR 0.40; ISR 0.75 FAR 0.40; ISR 0.65 Consistent Zoning Office (0) Low Medium Density Residential Districts: (LMDR); Medium Density Residential MDR Community Development Board —October 17, 2017 LUP2017-06003 - Page 3 of 8 Level III Comprehensive Plan Amendment Review REVIEW CRITERIA: PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT LONG RANGE PLANNING DIVISION Consistency with the Clearwater Comprehensive Plan [Sections 4-603.F.1 and 4-603.F.21 Recommended Findings of Fact: Applicable goals, objectives and policy of the Clearwater Comprehensive Plan which support the proposed amendment include: Goal A.2 A sufficient variety and amount of future land use categories shall be provided to accommodate public demand and promote infill development. Goal A.4. The City shall work toward a land use pattern that can be supported by the available community and public facilities that would be required to serve the development. Policy A.6.2.2 Encourage land use conversions on economically underutilized parcels and corridors, and promote redevelopment activities win these areas. Objective A.6.4 Due to the built -out character of the City of Clearwater, compact urban development within the urban service area shall be promoted through application of the Clearwater Community Development Code. Objective C.1.1 Assure an adequate supply of housing in Clearwater by providing for additional new dwelling units in a variety of types, costs, and locations to meet the needs of the residents of the City of Clearwater. The proposed Residential Urban (RU) future land use designation is compatible with the surrounding single family residential uses. The applicant has indicated the possibility of redeveloping the property with multiple single family homes. In addition, the proposal does not degrade the level of service for public facilities below the adopted standards (a detailed public facilities analysis follows in this report). The Residential Urban (RU) designation allows for the same density and intensity development as the current Residential/ Office Limited (R/OL) designation, except it establishes a lower impervious surface ratio. Recommended Conclusions of Law: The request does not conflict with the goals, objectives and policies of the Clearwater Comprehensive Plan and furthers said plan as indicated in the goals, objectives and policy listed above. Consistency with the Countywide Rules Recommended Findings of Fact: The underlying Countywide Plan Map category on the proposed amendment area is Office (0). Properties to the north, east and south are designated Residential Low Medium (RLM), with two Office (0) parcels immediately south (developed with detached dwellings) and Public/Semi-Public (P/SP) to the west, across South McMullen Booth Road. The proposed City of Clearwater future land use designation of Residential Community Development Board —October 17, 2017 LUP2017-06003 - Page 4 of 8 PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT Level III Comprehensive Plan Amendment Review LONG RANGE PLANNING DIVISION Urban (RU) is consistent with the Countywide Plan Map category of Residential Low Medium (RLM) and an amendment to the Countywide Map will be processed. Section of the Countywide Rules states that the Residential Low Medium (RLM) category is intended to depict areas that are now developed,- or appropriate to be developed, in a suburban, low density or moderately dense residential manner; and to recognize such areas as primarily well-suite&forresidential- uses that are consistent with the suburban qualities, transportation facilities, including transit, and natural resources of such areas. The current and future use, as indicated by the applicant, is residential, which is an appropriate use within the area; therefore, an amendment to the Residential Low Medium (RLM) category on the Countywide Plan Map will be required in order to maintain consistency between the City's Future Land Use Map and the Countywide Plan Map. - Recommended Conclusions of Law: The proposed Future Land Use Map amendment is consistent with the purpose of the proposed category in the Countywide Rules. Compatibility with Surrounding Properties/Character of the City & Neighborhood [Section 4-603.F.3 and Section 4-603.F.61 Recommended Findings of Fact: Single family homes lie to the south and east of the subject property. To the north are mobile homes and to the west, across South McMullen Booth Road, are accessory uses for the Calvary Baptist Church. The proposed Residential Urban (RU) future land use category primarily permits residential development at a density of 7.5 dwelling units per acre. The future land use designations of surrounding properties include Residential Urban (RU), Residential Low Medium (RLM) and Institutional (1). The proposed Residential Urban (RU) future land use category is consistent with the surrounding future land use designations that exist in the vicinity of the subject property. The proposed amendment will allow development that is in character with the surrounding properties and neighborhood. Recommended Conclusions of Law: The proposed Residential Urban (RU) future land use categoryis in character with the Future Land Use Map designations in the area. Further, the proposal is compatible with surrounding uses and consistent with the character of the surrounding properties and neighborhood. Sufficiency of Public Facilities [Section 4-603.F.41 Recommended Findings of Fact: To assess the sufficiency of public facilities needed to support potential development on the property, the maximum development potential of the property under the present and requested City Future Land Use Map designations were analyzed (see Table 2). Community Development Board —October 17, 2017 LUP2017-06003 - Page 5 of 8 PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT Level Ill comprehensive Plan Amendment Review LONG RANGE PLANNING DIVISION Table 2. Development Potential for Existing & Proposed FL UM Designations As shown in -the table, the proposed amendment does not result in change in development potential and will not change demand on most public facilities as detailed further below. It should be noted that while there is a Floor Area Ratio (FAR) listed for the Residential Urban (RU) Future Land Use Map designation, FAR is not used to regulate residential uses and there are no non-residential uses permitted through the requested Low Medium Density Residential (LMDR) District zoning; therefore, the square footage development potential is zero. The following analysis compares the maximum potential development of the proposed Residential Urban (RU) future land use developed with a residential use (3 dwelling units) to the maximum development potential of the existing Residential/Office Limited (R/OL) future land use category developed with a nonresidential use (7,387 square feet). Potable Water The proposed amendment will result in a slight increase in potable water use. This is determined by'taking the potential potable water utilization of the maximum number of dwelling units allowed by the proposed land use (781 gallons per day) and subtracting the potential utilization of a nonresidential development built to the maximum square feet allowed by the current land use designation (738 gallons per day). Wastewater The proposed amendment will result in additional wastewater production of approximately 113 gallons per day. This is determined by taking the potential wastewater generation of the proposed land use developed with a residential use (703 gallons) and subtracting the potential wastewater generation of the current land use designation developed with a nonre"sidential use'(590 gallons):' Solid Waste The proposed amendment will result in a decrease of 12.3 tons of solid waste generated annually when comparing the amount of waste generated by an office use to that of three dwelling units. All solid waste disposal is handled by Pinellas County at the Pinellas County Waste -to -Energy Plant and the Bridgeway Acres Sanitary Landfill which. has significant capacity. Additionally, the City provides a full-service citywide recycling program which diverts waste from the landfill, helping to extend the lifespan of Bridgeway Acres. There is already excess solid waste capacity to serve the amendment area. Community Development Board —October 17, 2017 LUP2017-06003 - Page 6 of 8 ..� 1 1 Net Change • 0.424 AC 0.424 AC Site Area (18,469 SF) (18,469 SF) Maximum 3 DUs 3 DUs No change Development 7,387 SF Zero SF -7,387 Potential 0.40 FAR 0.40 FAR No change Abbreviations: FLUM — Future Land Use Map DUs — Dwelling Units AC — Acres FAR — Floor Area Ratio SF — Square feet - As shown in -the table, the proposed amendment does not result in change in development potential and will not change demand on most public facilities as detailed further below. It should be noted that while there is a Floor Area Ratio (FAR) listed for the Residential Urban (RU) Future Land Use Map designation, FAR is not used to regulate residential uses and there are no non-residential uses permitted through the requested Low Medium Density Residential (LMDR) District zoning; therefore, the square footage development potential is zero. The following analysis compares the maximum potential development of the proposed Residential Urban (RU) future land use developed with a residential use (3 dwelling units) to the maximum development potential of the existing Residential/Office Limited (R/OL) future land use category developed with a nonresidential use (7,387 square feet). Potable Water The proposed amendment will result in a slight increase in potable water use. This is determined by'taking the potential potable water utilization of the maximum number of dwelling units allowed by the proposed land use (781 gallons per day) and subtracting the potential utilization of a nonresidential development built to the maximum square feet allowed by the current land use designation (738 gallons per day). Wastewater The proposed amendment will result in additional wastewater production of approximately 113 gallons per day. This is determined by taking the potential wastewater generation of the proposed land use developed with a residential use (703 gallons) and subtracting the potential wastewater generation of the current land use designation developed with a nonre"sidential use'(590 gallons):' Solid Waste The proposed amendment will result in a decrease of 12.3 tons of solid waste generated annually when comparing the amount of waste generated by an office use to that of three dwelling units. All solid waste disposal is handled by Pinellas County at the Pinellas County Waste -to -Energy Plant and the Bridgeway Acres Sanitary Landfill which. has significant capacity. Additionally, the City provides a full-service citywide recycling program which diverts waste from the landfill, helping to extend the lifespan of Bridgeway Acres. There is already excess solid waste capacity to serve the amendment area. Community Development Board —October 17, 2017 LUP2017-06003 - Page 6 of 8 PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT Level 111 Comprehensive Plan Amendment Review LONG RANGE PLANNING DIVISION Parkland The City's adopted LOS for parkland acreage, which is 4 acres per 1,000 population, will not be impacted by this proposed amendment. Under both the existing and proposed land use, the LOS citywide will remain at 15.46 acres per -1;000 population.-- - - - - - -- - - - - - Stormwater Site plan approval will be required before the property can be redeveloped. At that time, the stormwater management system for the site will be required to meet all City and SWFWMD stormwater management criteria. Streets The subject property is located on the north side of Downing Street at the northeast corner of Downing Street and the northbound access road for South McMullen Booth Road. The amendment will reduce the number of trips per day (28 trips) based on the typical traffic impacts figure (trips per day per acres) in the Countywide Rules for the current and proposed land use categories, which is the standard used to evaluate potential impacts for Future Land Use Map amendments. The existing Countywide Plan Map category of Office (0) has a traffic generation rate of 89 trips per day per acre, while the proposed Residential Low Medium (RLM) has a lower traffic generation rate of 67 trips per day per acre. Recommended Conclusions of Law: Based upon the findings of fact, it is determined that the proposed change will not result in the degradation of the existing levels of service for potable water, sanitary sewer, solid waste, parkland, stormwater management and streets. Impact on Natural Resources [Section 4-603.F.51 Recommended Findings of Fact: Prior to redevelopment of this property, site plan approval will be required, and a tree inventory prepared by a certified arborist and a landscaping plan may be required. The City's codes require that development is compliant with the City's tree preservation, landscaping and stormwater management requirements. Recommended Conclusions of Law: Based upon the findings of fact, it is determined that the proposed Future Land Use Map amendment will not negatively impact natural resources on the subject property. Community Development Board —October 17, 2017 LUP2017-06003 - Page 7 of 8 Level 111 Comprehensive Plan Amendment Review SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION: PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT LONG RANGE PLANNING DIVISION No amendment to the Comprehensive Plan or Future Land Use Map shall be recommended for approval or receive a final action of approval unless it complies with the standards contained in Section 4-603.F, Community -Development Code. Table 3 below depicts the consistency of the proposed amendment with the standards pursuant to Section 4-603.F: _ Table 3. Standards for Land Use Plan Amendments CI)C Section 4-603 Standard Consistent Inconsistent F.1 The amendment will further implementation of the X Comprehensive Plan consistent with the goals, policies and objectives contained in the Plan. F.2 The amendment is not inconsistent with other provisions X of the Comprehensive Plan. F.3 The available uses, if applicable, to which the properties X may be put are appropriate to the properties in question and compatible with existing and planned uses in the area. F.4 Sufficient public facilities are available to serve the X properties. F.5 The amendment will not adversely affect the natural X environment. F.6 The amendment will not adversely impact the use of X properties in the immediate area. Based on the foregoing, the Planning and Development Department recommends the following action: Recommend APPROVAL of the Future Land Use Map Amendment from Residential/Office Limited (R/OL) to Residential Urban (RU). Prepared by Planning and Development Department Staff. ATTACHMENTS: Ordinance No. 9072-17 Ellen Crandall Senior Planner Resume Photographs of Site and Vicinity Community Development Board —October 17, 2017 LUP2017-06003 - Page 8 of 8 Ellen Crandall 100 South Myrtle Avenue Clearwater, FL 33756 727-562-4836 ellen.crandall(a,myclearwater.com PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Senior Planner, Long Range Planning Division City of Clearwater, Clearwater, Florida November 2016 to present Responsible for numerous aspects of the Growth Management Act of Florida such as comprehensive planning, Future Land Use Plan amendments, rezonings, and annexations. Update Community Development Codes by Ordinance. Prepare staff reports for the City Council and Community Development Board. Land Resource Specialist City of Clearwater, Clearwater, Florida February 2013 to November 2016 Duties include site plan review of commercial and residential site plans for compliance with the Tree Preservation and Erosion Control sections of the Land Development Code; Participate in weekly BPRC and monthly DRC meetings to communicate technical tree preservation details to staff, contractors, engineers, architects and the general public. Inspect sites prior to plan review. Inspect construction sites for erosion control and tree protection. Investigate and process citizen complaints and provide conflict resolution. Planner I, H City of Clearwater, Clearwater, Florida December 2009 to February 2013 Technical review and preparation of staff reports for various land development applications, the organization of data and its display in order to track information and provide status reports. Assist public customers at the Zoning Counter. Review Building Permits, Sign Permits, Business Tax Receipts, and Landscape Plans as well as Comprehensive Sign Program Applications, and Flexible Standard Developments. Respond as a City representative to citizens, City officials, and businesses concerning ordinances and regulations. Make recommendations and presentations at staff level at various review committees, boards, and meetings. Community Planner Bradford County, Towanda, Pennsylvania January 2008 to May 2009 Coordinates with the 51 municipalities in Bradford County and assisted them in writing Comprehensive Plans, developing ordinances, and general public and municipal education on zoning, land use, and ordinances. Developed a comprehensive Zoning Lexicon for all municipalities with zoning ordinances and assisted mapping the natural gas wells as well as printing maps and parcel data for the gas companies. ■ Intern Pennsylvania Geologic Survey, Middletown, Pennsylvania May 2006 to September 2006 Scanned geologic maps, updated documents and assisted in general office tasks. EDUCATION Bachelor of Science, - Major: Geography, - Minor: Art, - Certificate: Geographic Information System SHIPPENSBURG UNIVERSITY, Shippensburg, Pennsylvania American Planning Association, Florida Chapter ISA, International Society of Arboriculture, Certified Arborist Crandall, Ellen From: mcimello [mcimello@tampabay.rr.coml Sent: Thursday, June 29, 2017 3:05 PM To: Crandall, Ellen Subject: Re: Letter of completeness Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged Categories: Red Category Hi Ellen, Can you please correct where my mail goes Michael Ciaramello 2669 Cederglen Dr Dunedin fl 34698 Thank you Michael Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone -------- Original message -------- From: Ellen. Crandallaa.MvClearwater.com Date: 6/29/17 8:16 AM (GMT -05:00) To: mcimellona,tampabay.rr.com Subject: Letter of completeness Good morning Mr. Ciaramello, Please see the attached PDF letters of completeness for your Comprehensive Plan Amendment application (LUP2017-06003) and Zoning Atlas Amendment application (REZ2017-06004) for 3108 Downing Street. Hardcopies have also been mailed to you. Please feel free to call or email me with any questions. Ella Crandall Senior Planner, Long Range Planning Division Planning & Development Department, City of Clearwater PH: 727.562.4836 1 FAX: 727.562.4735 I rCLEARWATER Planning & Development Department Comprehensive Plan Amendment Application Including Future Land Use Map Amendments ALL APPLICATIONS ARE TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY AND CORRECTLY, AND SUBMITTED IN PERSON (NO FAX OR DELIVERIES) TO THE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BY NOON ON THE SCHEDULED DEADLINE DATE. ONE (1) COMPLETE SET OF APPLICATION MATERIALS AS REQUIRED WITHIN IS TO BE SUBMITTED DIGITALLY (COMBINED INTO A SINGLE PDF FILE ONTO A CD/DVD/USB DRIVE) FOR REVIEW BY THE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE. SUBSEQUENT SUBMITTAL FOR THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BOARD WILL REQUIRE 11 COMPLETE SETS OF APPLICATION MATERIALS PRINTED (1 ORIGINAL AND 10 COPIES) AND ONE (1) COMBINED DIGITAL COPY IN A MANNER CONSISTENT WITH THE ORIGINAL SUBMITTAL. PLANS AND APPLICATIONS ARE REQUIRED TO BE COLLATED, STAPLED AND FOLDED INTO SETS. IT IS INCUMBENT UPON THE APPLICANT TO SUBMIT COMPLETE AND CORRECT INFORMATION. ANY MISLEADING, DECEPTIVE, INCOMPLETE OR INCORRECT INFORMATION MAY INVALIDATE YOUR APPLICATION. THE APPLICANT, BY FILING THIS APPLICATION, AGREES TO COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE REQUIREMENTS OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CODE. APPLICATION FEE: $885 Future Land Use Map Amendment only, includes Zoning Atlas Amendment $0 Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment APPLICATION TO AMEND: x FUTURE LAND USE MAP (select one) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (TEXT) PROPERTY OWNER (PER DEED): Michael A. Ciaramello MAILING ADDRESS: 3108 Downing Street, Clearwater, FL 33759 PHONE NUMBER EMAIL: AGENT OR REPRESENTATIVE: MAILING ADDRESS: PHONE NUMBER: EMAIL: ADDRESS OF SUBJECT PROPERTY (if applicable): PARCEL NUMBER(S): LEGAL DESCRIPTION: DESCRIPTION OF TEXT AMENDMENT (if applicable): Specifically identify the requested amendment to the Comprehensive Plan 742-9323 3108 Downing Street 16-29-16-22410-000-0010 Downing Sub Lots 1 & 2 & W 14ft of Lot 3 Planning & Development Department, 100 S. Myrtle Avenue, Clearwater, FL 33756, Tel: 727-562-4567; Fax: 727-562-4865 Page 1 of 5 Revised 10/05/2016 Planning & Development Department �CLEARWATER Comprehensive Plan Amendment Application Including Future Land Use Map Amendments PLEASE ENSURE THAT THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION IS FILLED OUT, IN ITS ENTIRETY. FAILURE TO COMPLETE THIS FORM WILL RESULT IN YOUR APPLICATION BEING FOUND INCOMPLETE AND POSSIBLY DEFERRED UNTIL THE FOLLOWING APPLICATION CYCLE. FUTURE LAND USE PLAN DESIGNATION PRESENT: Residential/Office Limited (R/OL) REQUESTED: Residential Urban (RU) COUNTYWIDE PLAN MAP CATEGORY PRESENT: Office (0) REQUESTED: Residential Low Medium (RLM) ZONING DISTRICT PRESENT: Office (0) REQUESTED: Low Medium Density Residential (LMDR) SITE AREA: 20,298 sq. ft. 0.466 acres MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE DENSITY/INTENSITY(S) : Current/Existing Future Land Use(s): 7.5 DU/Acre Proposed Future 7.5 DU/Acre Land Use(s): (units, rooms or beds per acre or non- residential square footage) USE(S): Existing (currently on site or previous use if vacant): Proposed (new use, if any; plus existing if to remain): FUTURE LAND USE PLAN DESIGNATIONS FOR ALL ADJACENT PROPERTY: North: Residential Low Medium (RLM) South: Residential Urban (RU) East: Residential Urban (RU) West: Institutional (1) (Across McMullen Booth Road) STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF PINELLAS Single Family Single Family or rtivlt-i -.,,, j-( I, the undersigned, acknowledge that all representations made in this application are true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and authorize City representatives to visit and photograph the property described in this application. Sworn to and subscribed before me this OU day of tee.cZUkq . to me and/or by lO QC�ACt QrQZ P,k\O who is personally known has ,( produced Vk-Wh t[PSA'J ,161. Nq-b as identification. Signature of property owner or representative Notary public, t My commission expires BARBARA JOHNSON My comm. Expires Oct 23, 2020 Bonded through National Notary Assn. Planning & Development Department, 100 S. Myrtle Avenue, Clearwater, FL 33756, Tel: 727-562-4567; Fax: 727-562-4865 Page 2 of 5 Revised 10/05/2016 4 Planning & Development Department CLEARWATER BRIGHT AND BEAUTTPUL•BrYTD BGC}1 Comprehensive Plan Amendment Application Submittal Package Checklist IN ADDITION TO THE COMPLETED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICATION, ALL COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICATIONS SHALL INCLUDE A SUBMITTAL PACKAGE THAT INCLUDES THE FOLLOWING: ❑ if the application is for an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map (LUP), in addition to the application, the applicant must also provide the following: ❑ Proof of ownership (e.g., copy of deed, title insurance policy, or other instrument demonstrating ownership) ❑ Legal description of the property. If the property is not a platted lot of record, a current boundary survey prepared, signed and sealed by a land surveyor currently registered in the State of Florida is required. ❑ Information demonstrating that the proposed amendment complies with the criteria set forth in Section 4-603.F. The attached Comprehensive Plan Amendment Standards for Review sheet shall be used to provide these responses. ❑ An assessment of the impact of the proposed change on the adequacy of public facilities, the environment, community character, and the fiscal condition of the city. ❑ if the application is for an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan text (CPA), and does not affect an individual parcel of land, in addition to the application, the applicant must also provide the following: ❑ Data and analysis to support such an amendment under Florida Statutes. ❑ Information demonstrating that the proposed amendment complies with the criteria set forth in Section 4-603.F. The attached Comprehensive Plan Amendment Standards for Review sheet shall be used to provide these responses. ❑ A Traffic Impact Study is not required as part of the application for an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map (LUP). A Traffic Impact Study may be provided at the applicant's discretion to supplement the assessment of the impact of the proposed change on the adequacy of public facilities (existing roadways). A Traffic Impact Study may be required at the time a site plan is submitted for development review if the total generated net new trips generated by the proposed development meet one or more conditions outlined on the appropriate application. ❑ PUBLIC HEARING ATTENDANCE: The applicant or applicant's agent is advised to attend all public hearings scheduled for the proposed amendment including public hearings before the Community Development Board and City Council. Planning & Development Department, 100 S. Myrtle Avenue, Clearwater, FL 33756, Tel: 727-562-4567; Fax: 727-562-4865 Page 3 of 5 Revised 10/05/2016 Z 7CLEARWATER Planning & Development Department 'sComprehensive Plan Amendment wcftr MD seatmtv�• aAr�ro MACH t Standards for Review PROVIDE COMPLETE RESPONSES TO EACH OF THE SIX (6) STANDARDS FOR REVIEW EXPLAINING HOW, IN DETAIL, THE CRITERION IS BEING COMPLIED WITH PER THIS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT. 1. The amendment will further implementation of the comprehensive plan consistent with the goals, policies and objectives contained in the plan. This amendment is consistent with A.2.2.7, A.5.5.1, and A.6.2.2. 2. The amendment is not inconsistent with other provisions of the comprehensive plan. This amendment is not inconsistent with other provisions of the comprehensive plan. 3. The available uses, if applicable, to which the property may be put are appropriate to the property in question and compatible with existing and planned uses in the area. The proposed amendment will make the uses available to the property residential or residential equivalent. These uses are compatible with The single family homes in the vicinity. 4. Sufficient public facilities are available to serve the property. Public facilities currently exist and service the property. 5. The amendment will not adversely affect the natural environment. The site is currently developed with a single family home. Any future redevelopment of the site will require a tree survey and will need to Comply with the landscaping provisions of the Community Development Code. 6. The amendment will not adversely impact the use of property in the immediate area. The property is currently developed with a single family home, which is compatible with the existing single family homes in the immediate area. The amendment will not adversely impact those immediate properties due to the amendment to Residential Urban (RU). Planning & Development Department, 100 S. Myrtle Avenue, Clearwater, FL 33756, Tel: 727-5624567; Fax: 727-562-4865 Page 4 of 5 Revised 10/05/2016 Planning & Development Departm t f--")CLEARWATER Comprehensive Plan Amendm nt BRIGHT AND BEAUTIFUL•BAY 1'OBEACH Affidavit to Auth rize A ent Re rese ative 1. Provide names of all property owners on deed — PRINT full names: 2. That (I am/we are) the owner(s) and record title holder(s) of the following descr71p roperty: 3. That this property constitutes the property for which a request for (describe quest): 4. That the undersigned (has/have) appointed and (does/do) appoint: as (his/their) agent(s) to execute any petitions or other cuments necessary to affect such petition; 5. That this affidavit has been executed to induce the City of earwater, Florida to consider and act on the above described property; 6. That site visits to the property are necessary by City re resentatives in order to process this application and the owner authorizes City representatives to v. it and photograph the property described in this application; 7. That (1/we), the undersigned authority, hereby rtify that the for is true and correct. Property Owner Property Owner Property Owner Property Owner TATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF PINELLAS BEFORE ME THE UNDERSIGNE/,ANOFFICER DULY COMMISSIONED BY THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA, ON THIS DAY OF/ I , PERSONALLY APPEARED WHO HAVING BEEN FIRST DULY SWORN DEPOSED AND SAYS/`HAT HE/SHE FULLY UNDERSTANDS THE CONTENTS OF THE AFFIDAVIT THAT HE/SHE SIGNED. Notary Sea My Commission Expires: Notary Public Signature i Planning & Development Department, 100 S. Myrtle Avenue, Clearwater, FL 33756, Tel: 727-562-4567; Fax: 727-562-4865 Page 5 of 5 Revised 10/05/2016 LEGEND A/D - AM COYMMYER A - CENnMAL ANRE AV - A= ak- auct" RED CB. - WORD e£ARM CSS - COYCREIE BLOCK SlacTuRE CWCRETE MONULtDT WNa - OMCRE7E O- DM 0.E - MUNAOE EASEMENT rrr - rmmED FLOOR arVAnW f>IA- DD/T1F7Glncw 'A My PFE LR. - WO4 ROD LRC - IRM ROD Q GIP L - ARC LMCRI La ` uarn£ BusNESR LS - LAND SAWYOR NAD - NAL AND DIW P - PUT P.0 ` PONT OF CURVATURE PSCC ` PONT cr COAMMD CURVANR£ P.GP,- P&WWAvir COMM PWT P.L - POW or 1N7E =TXN AL - PROPWY LAVE P.OS - PONT Of SMAW fO Aaa - PONT Cr CaWANCaeNT P.OL - PONT ON LODE AR.G - Pavr LIQ' R6YFRSE CORK P.RA - POWANENT RDZRDIC£ NMUMENT POHT oF TANGENCY R - PADRES RAA - RAWAL PoGM Cr WAY - Sr"ALK E - UnUrY EASEMENT J1 - 14000 AAME STRUCTURE X - MJN0 'X' cMf W CONC - MM PRO-MrY CORNER ■ . 4' x 4' 00VO CM MO L04ENF 0 . RD FODRILL NOPE (. Ntmmr m . MAM?mr •L, . PoRER PCYE 50NT_CY_W1Y LMI ®- COW9tM AREA CCITQd./NF M- C3?YORE"rE f2fptDa.O SE18Adr LINE METAL rZNX ®- saumf WAIN LT MICE NN11�,C£� MI70O FENCE - SURVEYING, iN(. LB No. 7589 4034 LAUREL BRANCH LANE ORLANDO, Fl 32817 Office 407-810-0838 Fax 1(866)-866-8920 WWW. VIPSURVEYDVC. COM BOUNDARY SURVEY LEGAL DESCRIP770N LOTS 1, 2 AND THE WEST 14 FEET OFLOT 3, DOWNING SUBDIVISION, ACCORDING TO THE MAP OR PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED INPLAT BOOR 26, PAGE (S) 79, PUBLIC RECORDS OFP7 VE r rt.a COUNTY, FLORIDA. I I b PND ID In' LIL I 7 NO P.R.M. NOT PLATTED S89°2742"E 162.17'[MJ o F7J WOOD FENCE 1) 1f1- 1 0. S89°2T56"E [P]) 62.00'[D] rvrlcAL� r3 -NOID C NL' � 74.00'[P)-— — 74.00' P -•�''�' 589°28'08"E [P) FENCE S' B,EILDING IU17E I _ ' — — [ ] ,}�/\/\�� (Dj 7.6' ON 60.00'[0] LL I I PER PLAT 12.9'x12' [r9 04..-, STORAGE e n VINYL FENCE TYPICAL qi I LOT IV LOT h g� << O P CD� I Z N _ p �,. o I^ N V 5 I 9u. wOOD FENCE TYPICAL N . m,coHc. O a 011,Z > `+� 14.2' o d r 10.1 3 3 REMATNDL•R LOT 4 CO o Kf r b ,"C ®} o o LOT 3 W O<m o o I ONE STORY b S a I< a C 3 $ g b RESIDENCE iJ31U8 n n l IT: I o$ g Iry z I 0,o b 46774.00'(P) W. 14.• n ILOT 3 4.4 GM. 2JBUILDINGFND PE0. PLAT, N89°28'08"W (P)C 110IDa 74.00 ° 14'[D) 60.00'[0] N89°27'56"W (P) 162.00'(D) FND 5/8• I.R. LIP N89°28'08"W 162.21'(M] g NO ID DOWNING STREET (50' R/W PEA PIAT) (IMPROVED ROAD) CERTIFICATIONS Michael Ctaramello PROPERTYADDRESS: 3108 Downing Street Clearwater, i7., 33759 FOOD TONE WFORMATIdl: 00.41 YM rm•u aro pAhm 96 s*7m 0 0 003 0129 0 X aRnrAa "'Lo "'m V10511 04/20/2016 EJMR mc en BEAMNCSSHO WNMMEONARE BASID UPON 7NB EAST LINE OF THE WEST 14 FEST OF LOT 9 BEING SOO°37U3"WPER PLAT SCALE: J"=40' NOTES 1) fib —y b bo..d m N. 1pol d --OU- e. p-4dd by N. ObnL 2) TM Mal ..-vend caro Trot obatrmfed for o.nershlA --t.6 riphf-of-way W othw Ude molts by Mb f— J).Do not nwonr6ud propwty 0— ham buAdb9 0— {) No Noth9 or o..rhmp ho..b—bbooted —pt o..hOm $) Undryround kpm--t. or viZRJ- hev. not D.rr lomfd 6) Th. Rood dot. pro,4dd I. kr M--O—f purpose. m11, 7) Th. wu '- - mok. no p,armt..n or to th. oaan.ay of the hf—".tkn p,.Wded . 8) fib Sk—y .e. prv-.d 0hout th. b --6t of a oommtbnrlt for nu. h-- 9) ITh w y does not odd . M. ldm URoatM ar lorntlm of ).bc4.V-d ..Umd. a .—Ign 1-d4 N mn Not may ll. .f&h ad)—f to M. Md. —).d10)r— rner.hp b not dstWTnh.d IQSA y A ht.nd.d far mortpoy. W On -619 P,n-P— m11 and not to b. uad Por CmstrueUoA P• ltth9, d"k< or my oMW va C. r ppuctkn and Mal ✓Mot th Ne imdorpmad° Y "I forth by IM Bond of Aof..a.'md fond S—,_ _ d M,mp— h Chw W 3]77, normo Ad-bbt-th, Cod4 plmmran( to S.otfon 472027, F). -A* SYotuf— Slpnatun and ral-d o.d Derbonk Seo* JIMDONMNOS7REFT84774042016MICA4 MVu• A orl.. U.— N. LS 3620 nmWo ProfaWmof —d McppW &WILY NOT MV YRADr AN AVPJD K = QD; AtbF 9OI nW MO asrRoc .g t ,vo�dt nor vALo ■1Nnfr Rc 9nvAnorr AM wrowut AArstn �It A r2ore4u thn�v a42FCIw AAD u4n'� C70)y �Y)c 2 NC6C6 - ql-ev) I ,f - Planning & Development Department 100 S. Myrtle Avenue, Suite 210 Clearwater, FL 33756 Telephone: (727) 562-4567 www.myclearwater.com INSPECTORS TELEPHONE NUMBERS Robbie Ackerman Steve Murphy John Witkowski VACANT VACANT Stuart Miller Ron Testa BUILDING: 562-4569 562-4568 562-4570 PLMB/GAS/MECH: 562-4563 562-4572 ELECTRICAL: 562-4571 562-4567 x2582 HOUSING COMPLAINTS: °Nilda Espinosa 562-4729 Ralph Saraceno 562-4567 x2628 Sam Swinton 562-4712 LAND RESOURCES/PLANNING: Matt Anderson 562-455 Ella Crandall 562-4836 David Larremore Bennett Elbo Ricky Hess Tara Kivett Todd Kuhnel TRAFFIC ENGINEERING: 562-4778 562-4775 ENGINEERING: 562-4759 562-4758 UTILITIES (WATER & SANITARY SEWER): VACANT Roger Johnson -Residential 224-6702 STORMWATER: 562-4788 562-4592 FIRE INSPECTIONS: 562-4327 &N _ µ CE RWATE BRIGHT AND BEAUTIFUL - BAY TO BLKH Planning & Development Department 100 S. Myrtle Avenue, Suite 210 Clearwater, FL 33756 Telephone: (727) 562-4567 www.myclearwater.com INSPECTORS TELEPHONE NUMBERS Robbie Ackerman Steve Murphy John Witkowski VACANT VACANT Stuart Miller Ron Testa BUILDING: 562-4569 562-4568 562-4570 PLMB/GAS/MECH: 562-4563 562-4572 ELECTRICAL: 562-4571 562-4567 x2582 HOUSING COMPLAINTS: °Nilda Espinosa 562-4729 Ralph Saraceno 562-4567 x2628 Sam Swinton 562-4712 LAND RESOURCES/PLANNING: Matt Anderson 562-455 Ella Crandall 562-4836 David Larremore Bennett Elbo Ricky Hess Tara Kivett Todd Kuhnel TRAFFIC ENGINEERING: 562-4778 562-4775 ENGINEERING: 562-4759 562-4758 UTILITIES (WATER & SANITARY SEWER): VACANT Roger Johnson -Residential 224-6702 STORMWATER: 562-4788 562-4592 FIRE INSPECTIONS: 562-4327 ORDINANCE NO. 9072-17 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA, AMENDING THE FUTURE LAND USE ELEMENT OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN OF THE CITY, TO CHANGE THE LAND USE DESIGNATION FOR A 0.42 - ACRE PORTION OF CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY LOCATED AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SOUTH MCMULLEN BOOTH ROAD AND DOWNING STREET, WHOSE POST OFFICE ADDRESS IS 3108 DOWNING STREET, CLEARWATER, FLORIDA 33759, FROM RESIDENTIAL/OFFICE LIMITED (R/OL), TO RESIDENTIAL URBAN (RU); PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the amendment to the Future Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan of the City as set forth in this ordinance is found to be reasonable, proper and appropriate, and is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan; now, therefore, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA: Section 1. The Future Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan of the City of Clearwater is amended by designating the land use category for the hereinafter described property as follows: Prope& Land Use Cateaory Lots 1 & 2, Downing Sub. as recorded in From: Plat Book 16312, page 1971 of the Public Residential/Office Records of Pinellas County, Florida Limited (R/OL) To: Residential Urban (RU) (LUP2017-06003) The map attached as Exhibit A is hereby incorporated by reference. Section 2. The City Council does hereby certify that this ordinance is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect contingent upon and subject to the, approval of the land use change by the Pinellas County Board of Commissioners, where applicable, and thirty-one (31) days post -adoption. If this ordinance is appealed within thirty (30) days after adoption, then this ordinance will take effect only after approval of the land use designation by the Pinellas County Board of Commissioners and upon issuance of a final order determining this amendment to be in compliance either by the Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO) or the Administration Commission, where applicable, pursuant to section 163.3187, Florida Statutes. The Community Development Coordinator is authorized to transmit to Forward Pinellas, in its role as the Pinellas Planning Council, an application to amend the Countywide Plan in. order to achieve consistency with the Ordinance No. 9072-17 Future Land Use Plan Element of the City's Comprehensive Plan as amended by this ordinance. PASSED ON FIRST READING PASSED ON SECOND AND FINAL READING AND ADOPTED Camilo A. Soto Assistant City Attorney OCT 19 2017 NOV 0 2 2017 -Ct4eArklLr\ CCQVtOf George N. Cretekos Mayor Attest: Rosemarie Call City Clerk aRwAr�� .p •a Ordinance No. 9072-17 &A Exhibit A -131�33 3131 3127 r3125 I ti Rev. 09/15117 C.) of ITV 15D ROL Q 123 RLM RU 200 q co ST 205 213 219 225 231 237 243 3W 211 217 223 227 235 241 207 229 . ..... 209 215 221 233 239 RM W 19 -RC 379 389 391 361363365 359 307 339 343 347 353 371 381 US 19-RC337 345 351 373 341 349 355357359 383 1 375 377 385 m s CG GULF -TO -BAY BLVD R/Os A -A E 1, TA, FUTURE LAND USE MAP Owner(s): Michael A. Ciaramello Case: LUP2017-06003 REZ2017-06004 Site: 3108 Downing Street Property 0.42 Size(Acres): Land Use Zoning PIN: 06-29-16-224104)00-0010 From: R/01- 0 Atlas Page- 292A To: RU LMDR Exhibit A FORWAku PINELLAS P: (727) 464.8250 F: (727) 464.8212 forwardpinellas.org 310 Court Street Clearwater, F133756 December 15, 2017 William Horne, City Manager City of Clearwater PO Box 4748 Clearwater, FL 33758-4748 RE: Case CW 17-12 — City of Clearwater December 13, 2017 Forward Pinellas Meeting Follow-up Dear Mr. Horne: Forward Pinellas, in its role as the Pinellas Planning Council (PPC), considered and recommended approval at public hearing the application indicated above from the City of Clearwater for amendment of the Countywide Plan Map. The Board of County Commissioners acting pursuant to its Countywide Planning Authority (CPA), will now conduct the final public hearing on January 9, 2018. Thank you and your staff for your assistance in the coordination of our countywide planning process. Sin a el 1 Whit Blain on, AICP Executive Director Enclosure cc Michael. Delk, Planning Director_; Michael Ciaramello INTEGRATING LAND USE & TRANSPORTATION December 13, 2017 6C3. Case CW 17-12 — Clearwater SUMMARY From: Office To: Residential Low Medium Area: 0.4 acres m.o.l. Location: 3108 Downing Street 6fZ__1' FORWA. RD It, PINE NE L LASIla�Sa This proposed amendment is submitted by Clearwater and seeks to amend a property totaling approximately 0.4 acres from Office (used to depict areas that are developed, or appropriate to be developed, with office uses, low -impact employment uses, and residential uses (subject to an acreage threshold), in areas characterized by a transition between residential and commercial uses and in areas well-suited for community -scale residential/office mixed-use development) to Residential Low Medium (used to depict areas that are primarily well-suited for suburban, low density or moderately dense residential uses at a maximum density of 10 dwelling units per acre). The subject property has a single family house. If approved, this amendment will be consistent with the City of Clearwater's Comprehensive Plan. FINDINGS Staff submits the following findings in support of the recommendation for approval: A. The Residential Low Medium category recognizes the proposed use of the site, and is consistent with the criteria for utilization of this category. B. The proposed amendment either does not involve, or will not significantly impact, the remaining relevant countywide considerations. Please see accompanying attachments and documents in explanation and support of these findings. LIST OF MAPS & ATTACHMENTS: Map 1 Locator Map Map 2 Site Map Map 3 Aerial Map Map 4 Current Countywide Plan Map Map 5 Proposed Countywide Plan Map Map 6 Coastal High Hazard Area Map Attachment 1 Forward Pinellas Staff Analysis PIN AS. PLANNING COUNCIL, -' COUNTY WIDEPLAN MAP AMENDMENT - DISCLOSUREOF INTEREST STAT SUBMITTING LOCAL GOVERNMENT: CIV (1f LOCAL GOVERNMENT CASE NUMBER, /-- t4 PROPERTY ONVNERSIREPRESENTATIVE,,(,inc-.I'u& name, mid addre-sn): aor� r -n C) 3 J 0 OLJh ANY,OTH,ER PERsoNiS RIAVIN ANY OWNERSHIP INTERESTIN THE SUBJECT. PROPERTY: Continamt Name/Addre-w Serif chitem.1 Held: Absolute 1-1 V-�- INDICATION AS TO WHEMER A CONTRACT EXISTS FOR SALE,, OF SUBJECT PROPERTY.IF S0:! Contract i-%-- Contingent 0 Absolute AllParties, To ContracC jAi 0 V (�- Nairte/Addre-m- INDICATIONAS TO WHETHER THERE ARE ANY OPTIONS TSD PURCHASE. SUBJECT' PROPERTY, 1F,SO.- All'Parties To qpfion,- Nau-nelAddress; ANY CMffiR PERTINENT INFORMATION WHICH APPLICANT MAY WISH TO SUBMIT PERTAINING TID REQUESTED PLAN MAP AMEKDMENT-- Famm dvailable online at r-htm CITY OF CLEARWATER PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE LAND USE PLAN AND ZONING ATLAS AMENDMENTS NOTE: All persons wishing to address an item need to be present at the BEGINNING of the Community Development Board meeting. Those cases that are not contested by the applicant, staff, neighboring property owners, etc. will be placed on a consent agenda and approved by a single vote at the beginning of the meeting. ORDINANCE NO. 9072-17 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA, AMENDING THE FUTURE LAND USE ELEMENT OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN OF THE CITY, TO CHANGE THE DESIGNATION OF A 0.424 -ACRE PORTION OF CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY LOCATED AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SOUTH MCMULLEN BOOTH ROAD AND DOWNING STREET, WHOSE POST OFFICE ADDRESS IS 3108 DOWNING STREET, CLEARWATER, FLORIDA 33759, FROM RESIDENTIAL/OFFICE LIMITED (R/OL), TO RESIDENTIAL URBAN (RU); PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ORDINANCE NO. 9073-17 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA, AMENDING THE ZONING ATLAS OF THE CITY BY REZONING A 0.424 -ACRE PORTION OF CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY LOCATED AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SOUTH MCMULLEN BOOTH ROAD AND DOWNING STREET, WHOSE POST OFFICE ADDRESS IS 3108 DOWNING STREET, CLEARWATER, FLORIDA 33759, FROM OFFICE (0) TO LOW MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (LMDR); PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Schedule of Public Hearings: Tuesday, October 17, 2017 before the Community Development Board, at 1:00 p.m. Thursday, October 19, 2017 before the City Council (1 Reading), at 6:00 p.m. Thursday, November 2, 2017 before the City Council (2"d Reading), at 6:00 p.m. All public hearings on the ordinances will be held in Council Chambers, 3rd floor of City Hall, 112 South Osceola Ave., Clearwater, Florida. (Michael Ciaramello) LUP2017-06003/REZ2017-06004 Assigned Planner Ellen Crandall, Senior Planner (727) 562-4836 Interested parties may appear and be heard at the hearing or file written notice of approval or objection with the Planning and Development Director or City Clerk prior to the hearing. Any person who decides to appeal any decision made by the Board or Council, with respect to any matter considered at such hearings, will need to request a record of the proceedings and, for such purpose, may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based per Florida Statute 286.0105. Community Development Code Sec 4-206 states that party status shall be granted by the Board in quasi-judicial cases if the person requesting such status demonstrates that s/he is substantially affected. Party status entitles parties to personally testify, present evidence, argument and witnesses, cross-examine witnesses, appeal the decision and speak on reconsideration requests, and needs to be requested and obtained during the case discussion before the CDB. An oath will be administered swearing in all persons giving testimony in quasi-judicial public hearing cases. If you wish to speak at the meeting, please wait to be recognized, then state and spell your name and provide your address. Persons without party status speaking before the CDB shall be limited to three minutes unless an individual is representing a group in which case the Chairperson may authorize a reasonable amount of time up to 10 minutes. The Community Development Board will review the case and make a recommendation to the City Council for final disposition. Five days prior to the CDB meeting, staff reports and recommendations on the above requests will be available for review by interested parties between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., weekdays, at the City of Clearwater, Planning and Development Department, 100 S. Myrtle Ave., Clearwater, FL 33756. Please contact the Planning Department 562-4567 to discuss any questions or concerns about the project and/or to better understand the proposal. Michael Delk Rosemarie Call, MPA, CMC Planning and Development Director City Clerk City of Clearwater P.O. Box 4748, Clearwater, FL 337584748 YOU ARE BEING SENT THIS NOTICE IF YOU ARE THE APPLICANT OR OWN PROPERTY ABUTTING THE SUBJECT PROPERTY A COPY OF THIS AD IN LARGE PRINT IS AVAILABLE IN OFFICIAL RECORDS & LEGISLATIVE SERVICES. ANY PERSON WITH A DISABILITY REQUIRING REASONABLE ACCOMMODATION IN ORDER TO PARTICIPATE IN THIS MEETING SHOULD CALL (727) 562-4093 WITH THEIR REQUEST. Ad: 9/8/17 & 10/20/17 LUP2C '-06003 REZ2017-060C TRADEWINDS CONDO ASSN INC LAUGEN EDWARD J HERMAN JULIE A C/O MATA ENTERPRISES 520 4TH ST S 225 MCMULLEN BOOTH RD # 169 1301 SEMINOLE BLVD STE 110 SAFETY HARBOR FL 34695 CLEARWATER FL 33759 LARGO FL 33770 KULIKOWSKI JUSTYNA SCHROEDER-MILLER JENDI JAKUBOWSKI ROBERTA LEE KULIKOWSKI RYSZARD 337 MCMULLEN BOOTH RD # 160 2780 N RIVERSIDE DR APT 201 1160 MINEOLA CT CLEARWATER FL 33759 TAMPA FL 33602 PALM HARBOR FL 34683 PLANTE STEVEN A GRAY EDWARD J PADDOCK GLORIA ANN 95 CRANDALL DR 363 S MCMULLEN BOOTH RD APT 107 371 MCMULLEN BOOTH RD # 86 MARKHAM ON L3P 61_1 CLEARWATER FL 33759 CLEARWATER FL 33759 CANADA SPECTOR FRANCINE TRE SPINE SAM SCHWARZ BEGNNER M SPECTOR JOEL TRE 355 MCMULLEN BOOTH RD S # 114 SCHWARZ CLAUDIA Y 3839 TARPON POINT CIR CLEARWATER FL 33759 PO BOX 1691 PALM HARBOR FL 34684 DUNEDIN FL 34697 DI GIOVANNI STEVEN PIETRO KOWALSKI TADEUSZ TRAN THU V 3101 JOHNS PKWY KOWALSKI REGINA HUYNH UYEN CHI CLEARWATER FL 33759 1920 WOODLAND AVE 3114 DOWNING ST PARK RIDGE IL 60068 CLEARWATER FL 33759 MC GUIRE MAUREEN ANN MUDRINIC PREDRAG BURT JESSICA R 11010 WINDSOR PLACE CIR 18 MORNINGVIEW PL BURT TIMOTHY A TAMPA FL 33626 KITCHNER ON N2P 1Z2 207 S MCMULLEN BOOTH RD APT 198 CANADA CLEARWATER FL 33759 MALLO ANDREW FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF CLEARW SIMONEAU LEON 4603 SNOW SHOWER CT 110 N MCMULLEN BOOTH RD SIMONEAU SHERRY LUTZ FL 33558 CLEARWATER FL 33759 15 BARBARA LN HUDSON NH 03051 CALASCIBETTA SAM DONG YANBIN DABACAN OCTAVIAN CALASCIBETTA PATRICIA A YANG HAILIANG DABACAN ANGELA IOANA 387 S MC MULLEN BOOTH RD 3405 W EL PRADO BLVD 343 S MCMULLEN BOOTH RD UNIT 150-13 APT # 16 TAMPA FL 33629 CLEARWATER FL 33759 CLEARWATER FL 33759 VORRIAS NIKOLAOS MC GUIRE MAUREEN ANN NATIONSTAR MTG LLC 349 S MCMULLEN BOOTH RD UNIT 126 10723 SPURS CT 350 HIGHLANDS DR CLEARWATER FL 33759 JACKSONVILLE FL 32257 LEWISVILLE TX 75067 CASADONTE ALFRED S FOX SAMUEL HANSON MAY G TRUST CASADONTE LAURA R FOX LILLY HANSON MAY G TRE 178 CANTERBURY TPKE 215 MCMULLEN BOOTHE RD # 182 1417 LEMON ST NORWICH CT 06360 CLEARWATER FL 33759 CLEARWATER FL 33756 PAPARESTA MICHAEL PAUL SOWADA TERRANCE J MC DONALD SCOTT 9261 SW 190TH ST 302 SHADOW LN 4100 WEEKS PARK LN APT 267 MIAMI FL 33157 TEMPLE TERRACE FL 33617 WICHITA FALLS TX 76308 GEIGLE PROPERTIES LLC H C R 0311 LLC STEWART MARGIE V PO BOX 8674 784 MORRIS AVE # 331 FREEMAN DEBORAH LYN SEMINOLE FL 33775 SHORT HILLS NJ 07078 38 PHILLIPS RD STILLWATER NY 12170 SCHWARZ BEGNNER M BAYSIDE TOWNHOMES LLC DRAGICEVIC DRAGO SCHWARZ CLAUDIA Y 175 BAYSIDE DR DRAGICEVIC BOSA PO BOX 1691 CLEARWATER FL 33767 389 S MCMULLEN BOOTH RD APT 11 DUNEDIN FL 34697 CLEARWATER FL 33759 VORRIAS NIKOLAOS D EDELMAN FAMILY TRUST SHALA BESMIR 349 S MCMULLEN BOOTH RD APT 126 EDELMAN OLEG TRE SHALA ERONA CLEARWATER FL 33759 7919 SHELLDALE WAY 361 S MCMULLEN BOOTH RD UNIT 112 CINCINNATI OH 45242 CLEARWATER FL 33759 KUENSTLER KRYSTYNA DABACAN OCTAVIAN VINH BACH 345 S MCMULLEN BOOTH RD APT 144 DABACAN ANGELA IOANA VINH STEPHANIE GENEVIEVE CLEARWATER FL 33759 205 S MCMULLEN BOOTH RD APT 202 27 SPENCERCREEK DR CLEARWATER FL 33759 DUNDAS ON L9H 7R2 CANADA WHITEHEAD JAMES J STONER VICKI L BAYSIDE TOWNHOMES LLC WHITEHEAD SHARON E 381 MCMULLEN BOOTH RD # 70 175 BAYSIDE DR 103 E AUSTIN ST CLEARWATER FL 33759 CLEARWATER FL 33767 VERSAILLES IN 47042 SHERBROOKE QC J1L 1Y9 SILJAK MIRZA M KARLANDER EDWARD B KOLAR GORAZD 211 MCMULLEN BOOTH RD # 191 2983 EXETER DR KOLAR ELIZABETA ANA BARETIC CLEARWATER FL 33759 CLEARWATER FL 33761 7437 MAPLE AVE SAINT LOUIS MO 63143 BAEZ JAVIER WEINGART MARILYN KOLAR GORAZD 205 MCMULLEN BOOTH RD # 201 2838 SUNSET BLVD BARETIC-KOLAR ELIZABETA CLEARWATER FL 33759 BELLEAIR BLUFFS FL 33770 RODMATSKA 26 SI LJUBLJANA 1000 SLOVENIA STEVENS JANICE A SAVIC BORISLAV SCHMIERER ADAM C 383 MCMULLEN BOOTH RD S # 65 SAVIC JASMINKA 345 MCMULLEN BOOTH RD S # 141 CLEARWATER FL 33759 3078 DES CHENES ST # 200 CLEARWATER FL 33759 SHERBROOKE QC J1L 1Y9 CANADA HEILIG SCOTT PEJIC ZARKO WELLS SCOTT T FAMILY REVOCABL HEILIG CHRISTINE PEJIC RADMILA 4845 TUSCAN LOON DR 714 3RD AVE 19 SAIGON ST TAMPA FL 33619 DEWITT IA 52742 GUELPH ON N1 K 0134 CANADA SELMANOVIC MERIM FREDRICKS CHRISTOPHER GRAY EDWARD J SELMANOVIC IRFANELA 225 MCMULLEN BOOTH RD # 171 363 S MCMULLEN BOOTH RD APT 107 4 BRIARCASTLE CT CLEARWATER FL 33759 CLEARWATER FL 33759 O FALLON MO 63366 BROWN JERRY E DUPUIS FRANK P INGRAM SCOTT 205 MCMULLEN BOOTH RD # 204 DUPUIS LORA L 337 S MCMULLEN BOOTH RD APT 157 CLEARWATER FL 33759 5289 SHATTUCK RD CLEARWATER FL 33759 SAGINAW MI 48603 WOJTAN TOMASZ KAZARIAN DAVID TORIELLO GIUSEPPE 387 S MCMULLEN BOOTH RD UNIT 14 11880 28TH ST N STE 200 690 ISLAND WAY APT 802 CLEARWATER FL 33759 ST PETERSBURG FL 33716 CLEARWATER FL 33767 GLUBOCHANSKAYA HELEN BIBA NICK GUILLEMETTE LEONARD A 341 MCMULLEN BOOTH RD # 148 11 CITRUS AVE RAMALHO ERNEST L REVOCABLE TR CLEARWATER FL 33759 DUNEDIN FL 34698 38 THORWALD AVE HAMPTON NH 03842 TURKOSZ. PETER P KARA NORBERT KAZANOWSKI VERONICA BARRILE. JEAN -MARIE 213 S MCMULLEN BOOTH RD APT 193 209 S MCMULLEN BOOTH RD UNIT 186 25 SUMMER ST CLEARWATER FL 33759 CLEARWATER FL 33759 METHUEN MA 01844 ARDAGNA PETER VEER MGMT LLC PACHECO HUMBERTO ARDAGNA ANNE L PO BOX 16 36 MURDOCH DR 17 PATCHS POND LN MARLBORO CT 06447 BRAMPTON ON L6X 3Y3 WILMINGTON MA 01887 CANADA GARDEN KELVIN """" FERRARA LEONARD V 6581 COMPASS RIDGE DR """" 221 S MCMULLEN BOOTH RD # 162 DALLAS TX 75249 """" CLEARWATER FL 33759 CRONIN HELEN MARIA SCHMIERER ERIK D SCHEMBRI-BECKER MIRIAM Y CRONIN GLEN RICHARD 243 SOUTH MCMULLEN BOOTH RD 30 VELLA JOHN C 3224 WILDFLOWERS CT CLEARWATER FL 33759 22 CELESTINE DR MISSISSAUGA ON L5N 6V3 TORONTO ON M9R 3N1 CANADA CANADA STOKES DAVID EDWARD LINCOLN LARSON RICHARD G CASA CORTEZ INVESTMENT STOKES JACQUELINE TONIA LARSON JANE C 3126 DOWNING ST THE OAK BARN BATH RD 249 MCMULLEN BOOTH RD # 25 CLEARWATER FL 33759 EASTINGTON CLEARWATER FL 33759 GLOUCESTERSHIRE GL103AX UNITED KINGDOM WECHSLER SERGIO TRUST HENAIN MAKRAM O'LEARY MICHAEL C/O WECHSLER SERGIO TRE ERIAN MERVAT O'LEARY ELIZABETH PO BOX 315 72 RIDGEMONT DR 1883 ELMRIDGE DR PALM HARBOR FL 34682 HOPEWELL JUNCTION NY 12533 OTTAWA ON K1J 8G7 CANADA GIORGI ANTONE J PEAT DARLENE D PARKER WENDY J 393 MCMULLEN BOOTH RD 1108 KNIGHT COURT 123 PAULANNA AVE CLEARWATER FL 33759 PORT BARRINGTON IL 60010 BAYPORT NY 11705 GIOTIS HARRY ORBLYCH MELODYE TERRELL DONALD W C/O CHRIS NAKO SMIAROWSKI MICHAEL TERRELL BILLIE E 923 BRITTANY PARK BLVD 249 S MCMULLEN BOOTH RD APT 27 3120 DOWNING ST TARPON SPRINGS FL 34689 CLEARWATER FL 33759 CLEARWATER FL 33759 COWLES PINELLAS PROPERTIES LLC ROZYCKI TEDDY WILLIAMS VIRGINIA A PO BOX 1147 3 PROSPECT DR BLOMBERG MARGARET L NEW PORT RICHEY FL 34656 SARATOGA SPRINGS NY 12866 1850 JUANITA CT CLEARWATER FL 33764 UNIT PADS LLC MULLANY JOHN CORRIGANMICHAEL J & LOUISE M 3666 SHADY LN MULLANY CAROLINE CYNTHIA CORRIGAN MICHAEL J TRE PALM HARBOR FL 34683 387 S MCMULLEN BOOTH RD APT 15 27W408 MELROSE LN CLEARWATER FL 33759 WINFIELD IL 60190 SALTIEL DONNA L SUKARA VESNA CIARAMELLO MICHAEL A EMORY JEFFERY D SUKARA ALJOSA 2669 CEDARGLEN DR 21180 SAND DOLLAR TRL 51 PROSPERITU DR DUNEDIN FL 34698 LEWES DE 19958 KITCHENER ON N2E 4A9 CANADA CASTAGNA PHYLLIS W NICHITOAE DANIEL COSTEL LUTVICH EDIB CASTAGNA EDWARD C 249 S MCMULLEN BOOTH RD APT 28 LUTVICH LAMILA 280 PINEWIND BLVD CLEARWATER FL 33759 357 S MCMULLEN BOOTH RD # 117 OLDSMAR FL 34677 CLEARWATER FL 33759 LIVINGSTON KEITH M CRABB JANINE M GASZCZYK JUSTYNA 1137 SPANISH OAKS DR W 112 S QUAIL DR 339 S MCMULLEN BOOTH RD UNIT 15414 PALM HARBOR FL 34683 COUNTRYWIDE IL 60525 CLEARWATER FL 33759 PERRY RAYBERN EST CLARK JOANN GASZCZYK MARIA 215 MCMULLEN BOOTH RD # 184 7575 HOLDERMAN ST 3 PROSPECT DR CLEARWATER FL 33759 LEWIS CENTER OH 43035 SARATOGA SPRINGS NY 12866 RAHER PATRICK CASTAGNA EDWARD C TRUST # TW145 RAHER GERALDINE CASTAGNA PHYLLIS W MIDNIGHT ROSE INC TRE 7650 W GRENNAN PL 280 PINEWINDS BLVD 36000 SW SILVERADO DR NILES IL 60714 OLDSMAR FL 34677 WILLAMINA OR 97396 STEINBICKER JOHN D HORSTMANN CLIFFORD A GAVERS LUCILLE STEINBICKER NANCY HORSTMANN DANIELA V 13211 CHARLES RD 4671 WEATHERSTONE CT 1371 SYCAMORE AVE WOODSTOCK IL 60098 MASON OH 45040 BETHLEHEM PA 18017 RICH JAMES B 111 STAESCHE MICHAEL P SWARTZ RALPH P RICH PAULETTE G 2134 N NATCHEZ AVE APT 3S 9014 TRINITY CIR 211 W JOHN ST ELMWOOD PARK IL 60707 REYNOLDSBURG OH 43068 MARTINSBURG WV 25401 KUCINESKI RONALD C SALOUS ABDALLA HAWARI SOUBAA KUCINESKI LINDA L 1201 SUNSET POINT RD 4023 N OSCEOLA 21 N NEPTUNE AVE CLEARWATER FL 33755 NORRIDGE IL 60706 CLEARWATER FL 33765 SAMULSKA WIESLAWA SEGURA ROSEANN CHANDLER STEVEN FIELDS SAMULSKI JAN 5 VILLAGE WAY CHANDLER LISA MARIE 369 S MCMULLEN BOOTH RD APT 84 PALM HARBOR FL 34683 PO BOX 3337 CLEARWATER FL 33759 CLEARWATER FL 33767 LANGSTON JARRETT V HOLDSWORTH GARY LOWE JAMES 249 MCMULLEN BOOTH RD HOLDSWORTH PATSY LOWE CANDELLE CLEARWATER FL 33759 229 S MCMULLEN BOOTH RD APT 57 3505 WATERVIEW BLVD CLEARWATER FL 33759 OCEAN CITY NJ 08226 MC KEE CHARLES D MADILYA LLC HANSON KIM D MC KEE GINGER RUSHING 3169 SAN MATEO ST 1408 S EVERGREEN AVE 2020 DAWN DR CLEARWATER FL 33759 CLEARWATER FL 33756 CLEARWATER FL 33763 KROWIALIS BARBARA F LASNER DOUGLAS I MALONE RICHARD M 1255 AUTUMN WIND CT LASNER MARGUERITE 1 353 S MCMULLEN BOOTH RD UNIT 133 CENTERVILLE OH 45458 3115 JOHNS PKWY CLEARWATER FL 33759 CLEARWATER FL 33759 PLANT NIGEL T NICHITOAE DANIEL CAHALAN DAVID F PLANT CHIRENE 249 S MCMULLEN BOOTH RD APT 28 CAHALAN KATHERINE L 149 CEMETERY RD CLEARWATER FL 33759 3111 JOHNS PKWY CANNOCK STAFFORDSHIRE W5115QG WORTHINGTON OH 43085 CLEARWATER FL 33759 UNITED KINGDOM DURAND JEAN P MC QUILKIN KENNETH EBERWEIN DAN 4599 DEVONSHIRE BLVD 375 MCMULLEN BOOTH RD S # 93 EBERWEIN DEBRA PALM HARBOR FL 34685 CLEARWATER FL 33759 9890 BOAT CLUB RD ETOBICOKE ON M9P 1Y4 ORLANDO FL 32828 FORT WORTH TX 76179 EYRE GILMOUR CHAPMAN JOHN P SR HENNIGAN ROBERT EYRE ELIZABETH CHAPMAN JOY L 38 WINSTEAD RD 518 MAPLE AVE 475 HAYMORE AVE N LACKAWANNA NY 14218 HAMILTON ON L8K 1K8 WORTHINGTON OH 43085 CANADA MASLAN PATRICK V BRIZEL KENNETH HESSNER CHRISTOPHER W MASLAN PATRICIA D C/O BRIZEL KENNETH 206 BEDFORD ST 26 YORKLEIGH AVE 13432 KITTY FORK RD OLDSMAR FL 34677 ETOBICOKE ON M9P 1Y4 ORLANDO FL 32828 CANADA BAPTISTA ARNOLD A DEDIC SEDIN BRANCO TEOFILO A BAPTISTA HAZEL M 2353 LORENA LN BRANCO MARIA B 2065 LYNN HEIGHTS DR CLEARWATER FL 33765 50 LEEWARD DR PICKERING ON L1X 1P9 BRAMPTON ON WS 5V7 CANADA CANADA REAL ESTATE FAMILY HOLDING LLC HILKE LAURA MANCINI JOHN G 2637 ATLANTIC BLVD STE 21237 4295 ELLINWOOD BLVD MANCINI JANICE M POMPANO BEACH FL 33062 PALM HARBOR FL 34685 1 DEER AVE SHIRLEY MA 01464 STANFIELD MARY ELLEN LIVING T WILTZ LESTER TRE FANCELLI EMMA M TRUST STANFIELD MARY ELLEN TRE ALBURY SHERRI A TRE FANCELLI EMMA M TRE 680 GREEN BAY RD UNIT105 3108 OYSTER BAYOU WAY 4711 ESTERBROOK RD WINNETKA IL 60093 CLEARWATER FL 33759 COLUMBUS OH 43229 LATOUR & ASSOCIATES MC GARRY MARY LOUISE TRUST GAVERS LUCILLE A 135 E LEMON ST MC GARRY MARY LOUISE TRE 13211 CHARLES RD TARPON SPRINGS FL 34689 391 MCMULLEN BOOTH RD APT 8 WOODSTOCK IL 60098 CLEARWATER FL 33759 MOONEY SANDRA K GAINS MICHAEL L CHADWICK-ROSS LYNN SADGEBURY WILLIAM D 15 GOSFORTH DR 175 VIEWBANK CRES 387 MCMULLEN BOOTH RD # 13 DRONSFIELD DERBYSHIRE S181QU OAKVILLE ON L6L 1R3 CLEARWATER FL 33759 UNITED KINGDOM CANADA HOHNER KIMBERLY PASTERS JOSEPH M SHALA ALBANIA C/O STEVENS F A PASTERS DONNA L BENTLEY MITCHELL D 383 S MCMULLEN BOOTH RD # 67 19B SPARKLE DR 341 MCMULLEN BOOTH RD APT 146 CLEARWATER FL 33759 LAWRENCE MA 01843 CLEARWATER FL 33759 SMITH DOLORES J ENGLISH GARY H BRINKMAN JANICE J D'JIMAS REBECA JO MARTINO CONNIE 5 CHURCH TWRS APT 5G 379 MCMULLEN BOOTH RD # 73 3131 DOWNING ST HOBOKEN NJ 07030 CLEARWATER FL 33759 CLEARWATER FL 33759 FIAMMA TERESA A COCHRAN FRANCES E TRE DEMPSEY CAROLYN S EST 393 MCMULLEN BOOTH RD S # 4 183 E OAKWOOD RD 243 MCMULLEN BOOTH RD # 29 CLEARWATER FL 33759 OXFORD MI 48371 CLEARWATER FL 33759 DAPICE MARK D STANFIELD MARY ELLEN LIVING T HERTZING DOLORES S 339 MCMULLEN BOOTH RD # 155 STANFIELD MARY ELLEN TRE 2356 LOCUST HILL BLVD CLEARWATER FL 33759 680 GREEN BAY RD UNIT 105 BEAVERCREEK OH 45431 WINNETKA IL 60093 SYREK ADAM HODAY FRANK PITZAFERRO MICHAEL N III JABLONOWSKA ELZBIETA HODAY KATHERINE A PITZAFERRO CAROLYNN 217 MCMULLEN BOOTH RD # 180 379 MC MULLEN BOOTH RD # 7-75 3818 COUNTRYSIDE CLEARWATER FL 33759 CLEARWATER FL 33759 GLENVIEW IL 60025 HOOKS VERA A SCICLUNA GEORGE J BROWN PAULA 353 MCMULLEN BOOTH S # 135 381 MCMULLEN BOOTH RD # 71 343 S MCMULLEN BOOTH RD # 152 CLEARWATER FL 33759 CLEARWATER FL 33759 CLEARWATER FL 33759 RELION PROPERTY LLC TAYLOR MURIEL A TRE M S C 12007-IQ16 MCMULLEN LIV 1860 N FORT HARRISON AVE UNIT 203 13339 RED ALDER AVE C/O L N R PARTNERS LLC CLEARWATER FL 33755 HUNTLEY IL 60142 1601 WASHINGTON AVE MIAMI BEACH FL 33139 FRITZ ZELMA BONDARENKO ALEXANDER V FLOT CZESLAW P 3109 DOWNING ST 700 S HARBOUR ISLAND BLVD APT 732 FLOT BARBARA L CLEARWATER FL 33759 TAMPA FL 33602 272 WESTERVELT PL LODI NJ 07644 PETERSON NEAL MARKOV DIMITAR TAHIR BUDI 680 GREEN BAY RD UNIT 105 11502 7TH LN N UNIT 1407 TAHIR THERESIA WINNETKA IL 60093 ST PETERSBURG FL 33716 90 MIKADO CRESCENT MISSISSAUGA ON L5A 3T1 LAKEWOOD RANCH FL 34202 BRAMPTON ON L65 3R7 CANADA CANADA NORRIS GARY SALISBURY WILLIAM M & MARIA F WILLIAMS SHIRLEE REVOCABLE LI 345 S MCMULLEN BOOTH RD UNIT 143 SALISBURY WILLIAM M TRE WILLIAMS SHIRLEE TRE CLEARWATER FL 33759 5523 ALTHEA ST 359 MCMULLEN BOOTH RD APT 123 UTICA MI 48316 CLEARWATER FL 33759 POUNDS KATIE M FALLON WILLIAM J IV GOLDSTEIN GLEN M 351 MCMULLEN BOOTH RD # 129 FALLON VANESSA 343 S MCMULLEN BOOTH RD # 149 CLEARWATER FL 33759 1927 SANDRA DR CLEARWATER FL 33759 CLEARWATER FL 33764 CORDINA JOSEPH A BONYAR MOHAMMAD ARAM VOGEL JAMES R CORDINA IRENA KERMANI AIDA DAVOODI 375 S MCMULLEN BOOTH RD APT 94 1330 MISSISSAUGA VALLEY BLVD UNIT 10 7710 LAKE VISTA CT APT 406 CLEARWATER FL 33759 MISSISSAUGA ON L5A 3T1 LAKEWOOD RANCH FL 34202 CANADA LEAO NARA FRITZ ZELMA E STUBENBERG RICHARD 2919 FORESTGREEN DR N 3109 DOWNING ST STUBENBERG DONNA LAKELAND FL 33811 CLEARWATER FL 33759 BOX 42 MELVILLE SK SOA 2P0 CANADA BAYSIDE TOWNHOMES LLC AGAR ARTHUR P BLACKROCK ACQUISITIONS LLC 175 BAYSIDE DR AGAR GERTRUDE M 32 GLENHAVEN DR CLEARWATER FL 33767 33 WALLACE ST PH # 10 HAMPTON VA 23664 WOODBRIDGE ON L4L 91-4 CANADA SELMANOVIC MERIM KEEGAN JENNIE A HUFFMAN SALLY P SELMANOVIC IRFANELA KEEGAN DENNIS M 3109 JOHNS PKWY 4 BRIARCASTLE CT 3130 DOWNING ST CLEARWATER FL 33759 O'FALLON MO 63366 CLEARWATER FL 33759 I� ZANCA ROSARIO CHRISTIE MARY ZANCA ANNA 16 PANORAMA CRESCENT 1071 76TH ST BRAMPTON ON WS 3T9 BROOKLYN NY 11228 CANADA WOOD LORA H OKILJ MIRKO 391 MCMULLEN BOOTH RD S # 7 OKILJ KARIDA CLEARWATER FL 33759 3251 FOX RUN RD DOVER PA 17315 CHANDLER STEVEN FIELDS DUBRIC MARA CHANDLER LISA MARIE 339 MCMULLEN BOOTH RD # 156 PO BOX 3337 CLEARWATER FL 33759 CLEARWATER FL 33767 BOGDANOS FAMILY TRUST JOHNSTON JAMES J BOGDANOS LEONARD TRE JOHNSTON MADELYNE 1414 EASTFIELD DR 3807 N NEWCASTLE AVE CLEARWATER FL 33764 CHICAGO IL 60634 STOKES DAVID LINCOLN HOLDSWORTH GARY STOKES JUNE ELIZABETH HOLDSWORTH PATSY 353 MCMULLEN BOOTH RD # 134 BOX 32 CLEARWATER FL 33759 VERSAILLES IN 47042 QUISH THOMAS W RANIER BASIL 223 MCMULLEN BOOTH RD # 168 RANIER TRACY L CLEARWATER FL 33759 3741 MOUNT VERNON BLVD NORTON OH 44203 MC DONNOUGH MATTHEW Board of County Commissioners MC DONNOUGH SHELLY 315 Court Street 8209 SPRING VALLEY DR 5th Floor BRENTWOOD TN 37027 Clearwater FL 33756 ITALIAN -AMERICAN CLUB CLW Coalition of Clearwater Homeow 200 MCMULLEN BOOTH RD PO Box 8204 CLEARWATER FL 33759 Clearwater FL 33758 MURPHY EMILIA C Clearwater Neighborhood Coalit WEBSTER BETTY J Carl Schrader President 3976 PINTA CT 1541 S. Frederica Avenue TALLAHASSEE FL 32303 Clearwater FL 33756 SAJECKI AGNIESZKA SAJECKI PIOTR 5839 PRAIRIE CIR MISSISSAUGA ON L5N 664 CANADA FORWARu PINELLAS P: (727) 464.8250 F: (727) 464.8212 forwardpinellas.org 310 Court Street Clearwater, Fl- 33756 January 11, 2018 Mayor George Cretekos City of Clearwater PO Box 4748 Clearwater, FL 33756-4748 m RE: January 9, 2018 CPA Follow-up for City of Clearwater Case CW 17-12 Dear Mayor Cretekos: At its January 9, 2018 meeting, the Board of County Commissioners, acting as the Countywide Planning Authority, took action to approve Case CW 17-12 which was initiated by your city. The ordinance associated with this action is attached. Executive Director Enclosure cc: Michael Delk, Director of Planning INTEGRATING LAND USE & TRANSPORTATION ORDINANCE NO. 18- 03 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE COUNTYWIDE PLAN MAP OF PINELLAS COUNTY, FLORIDA, BY ACTION ON CASE NUMBER CW 17-12 INITIATED BY THE CITY OF CLEARWATER AND TRANSMITTED TO THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS IN ITS CAPACITY AS THE COUNTYWIDE PLANNING AUTHORITY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SPECIAL ACT; PROVIDING FOR AMENDMENT TO THE PLAN; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR FILING OF THE ORDINANCE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE WHEREAS, a proposed amendment to the Countywide Plan Map, which is an element of the Countywide Plan of Pinellas County, Florida, has been presented at a public hearing to the Board of County Commissioners in its capacity as the Countywide Planning Authority; and WHEREAS, notices of public hearings have been accomplished as required by Chapter 2012-245, Laws of Florida; and WHEREAS, procedures of the Special Act and County Charter have been followed concerning Forward Pinellas, in its role as the Pinellas Planning Council, and the Countywide Planning Authority, for the proposed amendment to the Countywide Plan; and WHEREAS, the City of Clearwater initiated a proposed amendment which was considered at a public hearing by Forward Pinellas, in its role as the Pinellas Planning Council, on December 13, 2017 with recommendations made by Forward Pinellas that are documented in the reports referred to as Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners in its capacity as the Countywide Planning Authority has conducted a public hearing and taken action that is documented by ordinance for approvals or partial approvals and partial denials and by resolution for denials, with both documents including the relevant Board reports as attached. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of Pinellas County, Florida, in its capacity as the Countywide Planning Authority, in regular meeting duly assembled on January 9, 2018 as follows: Section 1. Amending the Countywide Plan Map The Countywide Plan Map for Pinellas County adopted in Section 2 of Ordinance 15-30, as amended, is amended to reflect the changes adopted as follows: #CW 17-12 0.4 acre m.o.l., located at 3108 Downing Street, from Office (0) to Residential Low Medium (RLM). Section 2. Severability. If any Section, Subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or provision of this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by a Court of Competent Jurisdiction, such holding shall not be construed to render the remaining provisions of this Ordinance invalid or unconstitutional. Section 3. Filing of Ordinance: Effective Date. A certified copy of this ordinance shall be filed with the Secretary of State with the Ordinance and Exhibit A to be filed with the Clerk of the Circuit Court. This Ordinance shall take effect upon filing with the Department of State. APPROVED AS TO FORM By: `-- -----------------e-�--:;art Attorney 2 October 2, 2017 CITY OF CLEARWATER CLEARWATER PLANNING & DEvELOPAiEy-r, POST OFFICE Boa. 4748, CLEARWATFR, FLORIDA 33758-4748 MUNICIPAL SERVICES BUILDING, 100 SOUTH MYRTLE AVENUE, CLEARWATER, FLORIDA 33756 TFLErHONE (727) 562-4567 FAx (7127) 562-4865 Michael A. Ciaramello 2669 Cedar Glen Drive Dunedin FL, 34695 RE: Case #LUP2017-06003: Application for Comprehensive Plan Amendment Parcel #16-29-16-22410-000-0010 located at 3108 Downing Street Dear Mr. Ciaramello: The City of Clearwater Planning & Development Department has reviewed the above referenced application requesting a future land use amendment from Residential/ Office Limited (R/OL) to Residential Urban (RU). The application has been entered into the Department's filing system and assigned the case number LUP2017-06003. After a preliminary review of the submitted documents, staff determined that the application is complete. The following review schedule is tentatively established for the application. Should there be a change to a meeting time or location, the City will contact you immediately. The owner or owner's agent is required to attend the Development Review Committee, Community Development Board, and City Council meetings. The case will be forwarded to the Community Development Board upon being deemed sufficient by the City. 08/03/2017 Development Review Committee Meeting Time TBD* Municipal Services Building, 2nd floor Planning & Development Department, Conference Room 216 100 S. Myrtle Avenue, Clearwater, FL *Please call Sherry Watkins at 727.562.4582 no earlier than one week prior to the meeting for the approximate time of the case review. 10/17/2017 Community Development Board Meeting 1:00 PM City Hall Council Chambers, 3rd Floor 112 S. Osceola Avenue, Clearwater, FL 10/19/2017 City Council Public Hearing (first reading) 6:00 PM City Hall Council Chambers, 3rd Floor 112 S. Osceola Avenue, Clearwater, FL George N. Cretekos, Mayor Doreen Caudell, Councilmember Bill Jonson, Councilmember Dr. Bob Cundiff, Councilmember Hoyt Hamilton, Councilmember "Equal Employment and Affirmative Action Employer" 11/2/2017 City Council Public Hearing (second reading) 6:00 PM City Hall Council Chambers, 3rd Floor 112 S. Osceola Avenue, Clearwater, FL Please contact me at 727.562.4836 or ellen.crandall@myclearwater.com if you have any questions. Sincerely, K I Vj 'W ut i 11), 11 ON I j F®R 0 Ellen Crandall Senior Planner STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PINELLAS MOP The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before _ me this day of 2014, by Michael Ciaramello who isersonal�krin to me or who has produced a driver's license as identification. Notary Public -State State of Floricin My Commission Expires:.:��; NATHANIEL B. KIDDER MY COMMISSION # EE095524 EXPIRES June 03, 2015 1407) 398-0153 FlondaNOWYServKe.com STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PINELLAS The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 2014, by Alissa Ciaramello, who is personally known to me or who has produced a driver's license as identification. Notary Public - State of Florida My Commission Expires: Parcel Identification Number: 16/29/16/22410/000/0010 LEEGEND CO'MAL - ;�_ 4 CAi.CUL:7EA IR G`AW MUM; a: - �SC�4E7� dO�+�sif7�T c � i r, s'J,V-WW FLOOR aEVAnaw EAfXTdt"�C.tVA, p - II!Crd Poor 4POif RX - AW LD1`07'4 hEAXRW - uiPFO SifR'2 T'T�t VAZ AW &W F'AiY OF WRYATf ff CLrfYA uRF u idT 0' . 'f OCKROL POW PCWr CH LAC ..ham FERkfA."!dT€'r A7VWYM yo"Mr - PCV F Or TANODKY •_rte} fiAalhE. ?l� &GIT Cr AAY WrWALK s1_ v7urY l:3.$010tri a; ,*,-XV FRAhrf SIRV TW ...•JFw X`' Cifr W CXIC r - a FROPENTY COWMq al w) 'DRILL: HOLE o avwr t; p. d%?t�fCEs ave POC.f: Aati Yta1',Fkl :a°"rY3At:f c.li+'� � ® ,1f7C€7 . UFTA 11D.1cr s sFv tl K fF t ,Vfs. ?3B9 tOS6, LAUREL BRANCH LPXE OFJA ai%tJt Yl 32617 01mce 407-8pp10pQ-0p©838 s�'�b��^k7�V'V13��% llu °.'vi�SORvi- r vG.C4.v BOUNDARY SURA L1 CM. L07,6 L07,6 1; c Ai1TD� NE=ST J4F=oFzoT3, IDo*4wvvG.SUBDrvisrOX, ACCORD-1VG TO MEe1i4f' OR PLAT it3F.REOF CjM RS PECORZED IN Pt,AT 900K E6; PACE (S) 79, PLTBIJC .REECORDS OF PRIaLA-5 CO U'1i T, FLORMA. NOTPLATTFD S&9`27'42" E 162.1' 19) 1 i i N4 !D['rIRM CY.AIN .14 G T.•rfC.k: X4.40 (rr) ]tea PENCE PER PLAt f t V N RL1v€ 1)t�t2CR r LOT 3' �) 1 I p' • 0 i"' z t5 Aw G.' O W� N AG 0 aF ff �^ uj u � y `` Lf� did M e l < Z € � I € tKID 4..4 C .K NO€o Euc Co€or-a NOTPLATTFD S&9`27'42" E 162.1' 19) E wear] FINCE S8902756"F (P) 162;00'CDI T.•rfC.k: X4.40 (rr) ]tea PER PLAt f t V N RL1v€ 1)t�t2CR F LOT I L07 2 wom FFPfC9 I ; a f S.T' Ti]]trlL - CZ]fC t {3a GL t 011E STORY j RLS3t7%NCL- #"SIC>8 X46.0' .S BV]LDINU LINE PEP PLAT 14.0YgP) t ?4.0�f1P) P49027`56"W[P] 162.00'[D N&9°2$'08"W 162:2rfm) `[ DOWNING STREET ` - (vo, Vw PM PLAT. OMPROV-D ROAD) 1{tY c5 3:t}t0 f ,,D) ELC-T S89a28,08"E V) a.o ati 60.00'IDI TVP CAL C.. — - MP DIAM vi 011, a: f t V N RL1v€ 1)t�t2CR r LOT 3' 9 LOT 4 NW28'OFt4` (P] 4'[D)- 60,€ 0'[D] tTB sfa• I.t< CERTIFICATIONS Michatil Ciaramel:'-} 3.'08 Downing S!re of CJ�ater;l:'J, ��3T,9S 0maAA r sR r.L-A Aim #25006 0s�03, /2003 fA.tfl'2i'arm 01291 C X 2RWf va - MP DIAM vi 011, 4d%20/2t316 R CS SHOS'JJY,H1Ml LUVWc==Azrjr Vv u•xr ME F.4,9T WNF OF iiia MSI' 14 TZri OF LOT 3 BEING SAO 37T13"wP£rR F&Ar FIG TiS Tj rAfa asuwy bm tao»d an .v+a taps' dasa+yfPaaa b)a CZanf. ?J r(w 104 aser xya9 not aaatmraa far t rf ersR evawrnw'tA '`fdy!h-of-cv�t or athar Ub'a mattwv by. fhk Arm. 3) Co. not a96Gaasfrva! praaam'y Ihao puna SvdaAap fF.s 4) hab "ttag w p wtcoga .Aero boo. t -&"ad -mcer-S or N.oan. 3jV'4VAd bnp.oreAoetp OF vtFAW haw we b -on b"t- "=Of m stia'tn. aj rWIToo! dafo P'04dod -V Aa^ A+frrrat?on # J ^F as 7) Th. mere r mck- no Sc.m-w kt a1 bo- tha accuroe+ al 0a bfxxnath a prvaded $� rhh, $stray -'v PWmvd tolrouf Laa 4�1'mftnoof fa nue ,4iaswmm Q� FAM wrwy doef Ad edea cros the ifuitff€G Uwe w 124^?474i of )Ofwkiwad ..Lkra cr aaw-19 a AaAdr' 7 ants that may lig .fOkI or ad)K of fv iho heads X--,pttd .WfarI6 amna-Imhp to not O.Nrmhod J3)�+rwy m ht"Idod fcr nwtpvp or Rand*+ PV'P— way Me "I to bo urw! #ar *'I4 VCflary pmrxaRthp 4.s-+� ar dar amt f4TY'ti mat ON z,ado wed- »v A Vcocn an0 tl a 9 rx lts 1-1a of pr'acOm oaf fart' ay m. aoard d Pr-.&&aabnof Rand S„ 'wI'v at'E itgopwa h Llatafar 3.7,'f, nartoa Aa6nhWrath4 Cac4k pvr-mu mtt ro Sbatkm 477 €7TT, norAb Stefyf- '., sJyrwfvn and re�4ad mal Z P . MrL :,,v La§'al.\ �af.3a 0ocronk SoaC StL1WotrrvYGSrR&rTa4r.4F04Z0r6Xr-'4 ltkvd A .bias Lbw€ts ft LS =f] pmh* ;m ad and NaApa• SLW' rY 007 vY..Cf 90€MVr AN AVDA v=10 aVMMW S�u.r.7� 41" Ctcr 4 gX t Y A FLOWA 4&X-= AattT " / lui�GEND 4a c0torcIVIX C�WMAL CAiaA.Aym o(COM 8&kRy'C aLOM 5rpvcru,-d aEVA rW, T"i'Twfip FLOOR -MW acr FCW .11irr -01 PW "pm ROD A CQ ';A-- AM UEAX6W aW PLA T PIWT OF CWVA TIAY qp&#'QUW -P VA WRE AwMiMsh'T OoMa POW Pow Or NMF4ECMW p7y Lft Pcwr OF arwW010 Pa% -t �r 66W&MAENT ON t0jr PAC - PONT REVZM CMI? WE pfn"%V%T Avmw�ct V*"Ofll POWT OF tAqGE?eY !jGKT Or WAY vswoff VDW MME sm,TLW. rw�o Y CUT W cowiv? 6� cCVAD Dqall Nat -'flVvlWVr -V Paz iiD(r ume, Cvv--ry A.RfA 7r nNc-,- LB MO. 7589 L a 4BR�LNj�.� V UR _IM F1 32817 OM,ce 407-810-0838 IlLPSORM"IM COM, BOUNDARY SURVEY LRGAL DEMUY77CM: LOTS 1, 2,/LVD 7511T SVIEST 14 FEET OFLOTS, D0"4WMVC SUN)TWSICAF, ACCORDMG TO ME1441P OR PKAT THEREOF AS• p 'EC0.W,FZ?,W pLA T BOOK 26, pAGr (S) 79, ptMljC R_FCGRDg OF ppMLAs Co UM7 FIORMA. I S 4.4 C.M.- NO10 uLK,C0Vr-lk PC vil 0 -%NI; 0 Ole \--6 NOT PLATTFD 00 M'27'42"E S8902T56"E [P) 162 001(nj FER PLAT LOT I WOOD TTWE TYPICNI. I 01LACE, CONC, z 0 woof) FE ZID I R NA9128'08M 162-21!(,M) DOWNING STUET A— - tisu, Jvw Em f'ua- (UNIMOV:D ROAD) ' 1 W. I "QT 60 -WIC) VINY! FENCE TN;CA� E: F A�c GN,F. STORY G. 5!o5 46,4' Co LOT 31 MNE �,��sva,DIKO PEP PUT 56"WlP] 16".W[D' I R NA9128'08M 162-21!(,M) DOWNING STUET A— - tisu, Jvw Em f'ua- (UNIMOV:D ROAD) ' 1 W. I "QT 60 -WIC) VINY! FENCE TN;CA� E: — z G. 5!o5 Co LOT 31 NW28'08-";',r (P) -410 ID LOT 4 CERTTICATIONS ciaraU--eEn PF OFEW 75Y ADDRESS: 3.!08 Jo�vnir.9 sear fl000 ZoLr EaWAMML wL4A,4N,a rlMx CAM 125646 Ce0342003 0124 G x IRWY)4 f W DAM vio - 51 0/20/2016 W- ,gFARj7nas --Ero WV MMEDIV AW SASM UP01v Lv7l WE OF TW WaF 14 i -FM OF W BEvvc 500,37,c3,vtpjER PLAT sclus., 1l=0' NerEs the oh- t. Tw I'MiA "-Ary -0.7 not o*erfroetfa !or e wn6rd*, ffphl'otl-vy w emw 'J -00*v by o—kba Pnvw-'y to,- tram svAdbp 0- p,,-tbq w fjoY boi n> Wf 3) L)njwVra�,+d *"p,­m4e�tv *r Aff.1669 "vV Sol bosh !scats.' or f w xhoe. 8) Md sol dolo peon od he for JAorowP& pwp"-4-'l 7) rho o,—Y� mak" 00 q.=c.,t-- m to (,h4 —1., cw 0,4 kl�, at"ba PVAdkd ?hh, skowy —t p—pored fth—f :ea t—Irf ow"Itr,pnt far 7,U* lhawcrtm gj nll$ mffgy &� twi addtm u)a hfwU(WUa, vl)Qs'cfkll fi,f"Cti & — oo—otq- fond'. M. -)i thof ox R. .ftkh OaQ-dp-�f 10 the f--* WP >Od jc}fvmwq �-V,.hjD to nol dot 774"d. j119nWy a k-,twxw Aw 4vnor a, 0,-44 pwp— -9f mac not to be u"d W Cxssttucf)oepaormjfjkjgL 6�-,O.n n, node -"e-- arvc0on and Nb " A �rs mo lwbof pm4lh-. fw-,h by vm Board a Prot s coot twW 5'4,ria ,wap,w, h C%cpfor nvrW A,:brk.Wralhv pj,wmj to -spofAm 477 02)1. Fkido SIC-.'Vt- 5�r� and rafs.0 coof sad M-Pp- =.Fy AlIr VALV VWAJT AN AM'Oe=10 UU-POW 71�"r`T ri PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT MEMORANDUM CITY OF CLEARWATER POST OFFICE BOX 4748, CLEARWATER, FLORIDA 33758-4748 MUNICIPAL SERVICES BUILDING, 100 SOUTH MYRTLE AVENUE, CLEARWATER, FLORIDA 33756 TELEPHONE (727) 562-4567 FAx (727) 562-4865 TO: Community Development Board FROM: Kyle Brotherton, Senior Planner RE: September 19, 2017 Meeting DATE: September 12, 2017 Due to changes made to the ordinance titles after advertising, staff is requesting that the following cases be continued to the October 17, 2017 meeting: LUP2017-06003, REZ2017-06004 for 1308 Downing Street. "EQUAL EMPLOYMENT AND AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER" Case # LUP2017-06003, REZ2017-06004 SIGN POSTING ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I hereby acknowledge that the sign required for this case being considered by the City of Clearwater for annexation was posted a minimum of 10 days before the Community Development Board meeting. The sign was posted on the subject property in a location where it is capable of being read from the most significant adjacent street. Planning & Development Department Staff: Il�v, cfavaaii Pri t Name �, a /(Y� Sign Name Community Development Board Date: City Council Public Hearing Dates: • October 19, 2017 (1St reading) • November 2, 2017 (2nd reading) Date Posted August 31, 2017 Photo of sign uploaded into Accela Date 9/19/17 postponed to 10/17/17 Deadline to Post 9/9/2017 Land Use Plan and/or Zoning Atlas Amendment Map Request Planner Name: Ellen Crandall Case Number: LUP2017-06003 & REZ2017-06004 Date Request Submitted: 6/28/17 Date Requested for: 7/21/17 Maps Requested ® Location Map ® Aerial Photograph ® Future Land Use Map ® Zoning Map ® Existing Surrounding Uses M ® 2" x 2" PDF Map ewspaper) ocuments to be submitted to Engineering ® Le al Description (warranty deed or survey) — to be hand delivered Map with Proposed Site Highlighted ® EDR - no hard copies submitted - all submission material is accessible through Accela Location Language (for Ordinance Title) Location: 0.466 acres located directly at the northeast corner of S. McMullen Booth Road and Downing Street. La4tl 7� aflao PROVIDED LEGAL DESCRIPTION VERIFIED BY: LEI Thomas Mahony, PSM, Geographic Technology Manager MAP NAME Owner(s): Michael A. Ciaramello Case: LUP2017-06003, REZ2017-06004 Site: 3108 Downing Street Property Size(Acres): 0.466 Land Use Zoning PIN: 16-29-16-22410-000-0010 From: R/OL O, LMDR To: RU LMDR Atlas Page: 292A E 282B 283A 2836 4 L AC' 1.11 A- sTCLLARWA I uRl� SI I ER • isL .............. .......... .. . .. ....... .. ..... .. . .. ---- .......... . . . . . . . . . . . ..... P4, by, G"gmphk 1.9y DIA.ihn 1005. Myrd, Ave,TClearwater, FIL 33766 . .. ...... /­ . . .. ..... .. ------- n.Y, N Ph: (727)6624760. IF- (727)626-4766 —mycle—t-c'm P­­­­h­by�Cfiy&C­hhEhgl­4� .... < c":, Dwn,­t Id i ­Phd wd -d by mdp- her, M, ........................... . A- wcn. fw "Y a conumnp ma4 rvYn by. 10 or N. _y F-_ cryI mb: I A) il, L.......... --------------- IN _7 w E 1 ..... ........ ... .. 2)0 100 0 200 Feet7 . . . . ... ................... ....... ...... . . . . . . ............ . . . . . . ........................ Legend 4 City Owned Property Transfer of Development Rights �F. __I� 'y !-d SUBNUMBER(' -Refer to Plat) 7,17 n BLOCK NUMBER L rs SUB PARCEL NUMBER PARCEL NUMBER (M&B) .._iia, LAND HOOK (Common Ownership) ........... .... . . DO ... I HNS x PAR -AY -._,\.4-': N " - PLATTED SUBDIVISION BOUNDARY r .. i "7 Y a `�. - - W COUNTY HIGHWAY STATE HIGHWAY TIT Z.;17 T U.S. HIGHWAY ---- Trails Property with Agreement to An LJ ",X e�21-Municipal Services ATA - 0 Records .......... A 0- /�j$anftary, Water ATA - 0 Records /Sanitary. Solid Waste ATA -0 Records T C7_jSanitary Only ATA -1 Records (Water Only ATA - 0 Records I, s, jZ�.tSolld Waste Only ATA - 0 Records ",OtherATA-0Records T17 - ®ATA Outside Chain of Tide - 0 Records ELI 1 F 1: 17, 13 Unincorporated Enclave Type "A' "B" I T.: Unincorporated Enclave Type .,—.. ­NESSEE'A� E ..... . .... Outside of Clearwater Service Area . ........ . --------------------- Zoning Legend RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS LDR - L- D-fty R -k -W 7.e' UADR M,di..DR-14-6el t ni, IVA 7-4 MD ..di- 0 ... 4 R....nthd R MHM.di- High D-fty R.,ld,nI.l "l W�DR R High D-ily R.11-ftl MHP -Monts H- P1,* CANC C-- R1,19, N.Ighb.-d CAR—A wIENCOD C.n. .u.. Y.fty Dh,1- Co.." CIAL SAL USE -40 DISTRICTS DISTRICTS c ­.wl :FT ::n"`*"u A• ---- ----- - A, D :—, - -.1. R...,.h nd -­ry Co. T -1. P ..l CI ,a, Pz Zoning Atlas GULF TO BAY ...... .... .................. .... ID !1UL!1 Updated: W/2017 --------LI --- -------------- --------- -------------- NW 1/4 of 16-29-16 300B 301A 3016 292A Prepared by ___ Peter N. Meros, Esquire P.O. BOX 27 St. Petersburg, FL 33731 [Space Above This Line For Recording Data] Quit Claim Deed This Quit Claim Deed made this day of 2014, between Michael Ciaramello and Alissa Ciaramello, husband and wife, whose post office address is 3108 Downing Street, Clearwater, FL 33759 grantors, and, Michael Ciaramello, a married man, whose post office address is 3108 Downing Street, Clearwater, FL 33759 grantee: (Whenever used herein the terms "grantor" and "grantee" include all the parties to this instrument and the heirs, legal representatives, and assigns of individuals, and the successors and assigns of corporations, trusts and trustees) Witnesseth, that said grantor, for and in consideration of the sum TEN AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration to said grantor in hand paid by said grantee, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does hereby remise, release, and quitclaim to the said grantee, and grantee's heirs and assigns forever, all the right, title, interest, claim and demand which grantor has in and to the following described land, situate, lying and being in Pinellas County, Florida to -wit: Lots I & 2 and W 14 feet of Lot 3, Downing Sub. as recorded in Plat Book 16312, page 1971 of the Public Records of Pinellas County, Florida. Parcel I.D. # 16/29/16/22410/000/0010 This transfer is pursuant to Marital Settlement Agreement in Ciaramello v. Ciaramello Case No; 14 -338 -FD -9, Circuit Court for Pinellas County, Florida To Have and to Hold, the same together with all and singular the appurtenances thereto belonging or in any wise appertaining, and all the estate, right, title, interest, lien, equity and claim whatsoever of grantors, either in law or equity, for the use, benefit and profit of the said grantee forever. In Witness Whereof, grantor has hereunto set grantor's hand and seal the day and year first above written. Signed, sealed and d erejdj ur presence: Witness Name: K, qu Witness Name: Witness Name: Witness Name: (Seal) MICHAEL CIARAMELLO ALISSA CIARAMELLO STATE OF FLORIDA " COUNTY OF PINELLAS The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 2014, by Michael Ciaramello who isersonalln yen to me or who has produced a driver's license as identification My Commission Expires: STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PINELLAS The produced a Notary Public - State of Florida NATHANIEL B. KIDDER MY COMMISSION # EE095524 EXPIRES June 03, 2015 (407)31 3 FtondallotaryService.com foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 2014, by Alissa Ciaramello, who is personally known to me or who has driver's license as identification. My Commission Expires: Notary Public - State of Florida Parcel Identification Number: 16/29/16/22410/000/0010 � �to.;• •' •' mM �mc�i '.72JWOry.•'•.�• o N 135 M�h 3133 3131 • 4•�7a:cVy•�•�'. 3 2 3129 31 3127 MMM�MM��tti��thN,°Mh 3125NM • "°'°M• 29OM 1v7 ev. 07/07hn/h LTM M "3� ul LLJ OM OM O p�h U77-&-)jhaRcov. ^M M� M• M M ;oM 150 ,23 MHP M '.ate • % M M M ^ M M M M 200 •'� .'�•• '.�.++l��l .•N -•cV"• M'�' M ^ b n b n .:M 'M .•M `:9 �. � M � M M try M i'1 M M ao1� 213 219 225 231 237 • .;` 205 211 217 223 227 243 235 241 300 207 229 209 215 221 233 239 39a• ` .. • L 389 l7l39 361 363 365 369 387 339 347 353 343 371 381 Us 19 351 345 337 341 349 355357358 373 383 T 375 l 377 385 0 M M � GULF-TO-BAY BLVD ZONING MAP LUP2017-06003 Owner(s): Michael A. Ciaramello Case: R EZ2017-06004 Property Site: 3108 Downing Street 0.466 Size(Acres): Land Use Zoning PIN: 06-29-16-22410-000-0010 From: R/OL, RU O, LMDR Atlas Page: 292A To: RU LMDR Exhibit A Prepared bx ____ Peter N. Meros, Esquire P.O. Box 27 St. Petersburg, FL 33731 apace Above This Line For Recording Data]_ Quit Claim Deed s This Quit Claim Deed made this day of , 2014, between Michael Ciaramello and Alissa Ciaramello, husband and wife, whose post office address is 3108 Downing Street, Clearwater, FL 33759 grantors, and, Michael Ciaramello, a married man, whose post office address is 3108 Downing Street, Clearwater, FL 33759 grantee: (Whenever used herein the terms "grantor" and "grantee" include all the parties to this instrument and the heirs, legal representatives, and assigns of individuals, and the successors and assigns of corporations, trusts and trustees) Witnesseth, that said grantor, for and in consideration of the sum TEN AND NO/ 100 DOLLARS (510.00) and other good and valuable consideration to said grantor in hand paid by said grantee, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does hereby remise, release, and quitclaim to the said grantee, and grantee's heirs and assigns forever, all the right, title, interest, claim and demand which grantor has in and to the following described land, situate, lying and being in Pinellas County, Florida to -wit: Lots 1 & 2 and W 14 feet of Lot 3, Downing Sub. as recorded in Plat Book 16312, page 1971 of the Public Records of Pinellas County, Florida. Parcel I.D. # 16/29/16/22410/000/0010 This transfer is pursuant to Marital Settlement Agreement in Ciaramello v. Ciaramello Case No; 14 -338 -FD -9, Circuit Court for Pinellas County, Florida To Have and to Mold, the same together with all and singular the appurtenances thereto belonging or in any wise appertaining, and all the estate, right, title, interest, lien, equity and claim whatsoever of grantors, either in law or equity, for the use, benefit and profit of the said grantee forever. In Witness Whereof, grantor has hereunto set grantor's hand and seal the day and year first above written. Signed, sealed and 04veredj ur presence: Witness Name:tAQ Witness Name: 9&Ay DiLtq koS bay -1,—, Witness Name: Witness Name: _(Seal) MICHAEL CIARAMELLO ALISSA CIARAMELLO