Agreerneni inaL u, J tj IN-20,2018
By and between: Clearwater Public Library System arid Anthony Frosinran dbaTony the Balloon (,try
Address offlerformer: 21230 Moore Road, Brooksville, FL 34604
Telephone of Perftmner: 352-796-1125
F'rTlail of Performer: in f0i,tonytheballoonguy.corn
The Clearwater Public I.-ibrary System contracts Anthony Frostirnan dba Tony the Balloon Guy the terms hereof.specifi:d as fc,11lows:
I. 1)AT E T I M E A N ID, P 1_A C F 0F' E N G A G l"AI l-1'N I'-
FrWay August 10
5.30 Pm North Creenovood Library
PROGRAM VFNL F-I Back to School Bash
I An honorarruin in tragi:amount of$325.00 will be provided after the prograni, A Social Securit% number or valid FcLral M
number is requircd belore paNment is made. You must provide a W-9 fornr(Request For I ax
pa,,er I dent i ficat i on N U rri her and
Ehis agreement err -umits the sigmaiorjes to the perfim-Tuances herein specified 'its it,)rime and place No substitute presenter's are
allowNable. Should hC PCIF601-InCr carwel "heir appearance for any reason after signing this agreement,no fees Marc:pv,able; and any
advances,paid to performer nuist be returned within two weeks ofthe cancellation date, At 1111c Lb_rary'sopirotl'and subfect to
the ava ilabi hLy ofti ic perfornier, as make-up date, for the missed perilbrinances may be scheduled consistcry Nvith the Lerros r)'f This
4 I he(,'itN' reserves+,c 1-�
Tht it) reschedule the&nc, finleor location ofthic perl'onnance for ancause beyond the reasonable
comroi of the City, The Ciiy shall riot be liable for anclaims, damagcs, losses,costs or expenses resulting from such
unavoidable dispapi kc�rr or imen"uption of the perfor-inance, Ffic City agrees to reschedule die performance as soon as praclicabl c
to the Went it is wlh� ri the City's reasonable control.
5. The City's,prel'crred rnethod of payment is through a VISA City 11card after the perl6rinance has been completed and as receipt for
balance affront the per':reser must be Provided, Payment may be made on as Square, performer's website or through as PayPaf
account and no,convenience charges %YM apply,
6, Performer herebN aLp-ces to indennnifv, defend and hold hamnless the City of Clearwater from and against all third party Oairns,
actions or suits, for dfirect damages, costs and expenses. including reasonable attar-net's' fecs,resulting from and to the extent of
Perfomier's negligence. Nowkithstanding anthini,contained herein to the contrary,'this indemnification provision shall riot be
construed as as waivcr of an), imrnunit� to which City, is entitled or the extent of anlimitation of liabilit,y pursuant to § 76&28,
Florida Statutes. Furtheninote, thrs provision is not intended to nor shall it be interpreted as limiting or in any wkav affecting an,,
defense City inay hm,e under lf8,28, Florida Statutes oi-as consent to be sued by third parties.
Anlhon,, Frosts-nan
arl k a I on\- the Balloon Grv,
July 20,2018'
Dat-, Dale