A recment made: bane 28,201
By and bemee w Clearwater Public Library Sy=stem and rpRM Science FmIerp rises, Inc. bila Mad
Science of Greater Tampa BAN
Address calTrrtartner: 204 371h A.ve"tae Norih,#123,St Petersburg, Fl, 33704
`fcicp htrne as F'Perfualaaam (727)895-5595
17111ail tai'Perftart°mor: 1tt�€l��i�rs€+€hitt-.drag l����aad h.net
The Cleamater Public I...ibnevy System contracts JR M Science tree. dba Mata science of Gr°eaatt:t ,ring ;a wv
tale terms heecof, specified as follows-.
Thiar•sriaay September 27 4;,30 PM Rtsuira Library
PROGi 1 VENUE: Ditchers Clicalistry
1 An horterarium in the amo ant sad' 5i.fl avail be provided Follcraeing each parograuar. Tit Social Security number or
valid Federual lly number is required beibre payment is rnacte„ You rnEust provide a a+'-9 lbrm(Request R)rTauxp lyxar
Identification NaunaFrer•and ertificatiou),.
3, 'I'leis a reeunerat commits the signatories to the performances herein specified as to time and plam No saubstitute
presenters ate aallo able. Should the p?erfs'oirmer catucel tile ir aapapaearance fiat any reason after signing this aggeemev.
no Pecs are payaable and any advances paid 10 tlaC paca'1iaa-ager`rirust be rel.urriecl%vithin tt v%veelts Of the cancellation
d,aie, At the Library's option tants subject to tite availability of the p erfornaer, a rnaalte-Up date ftar the;missed
performances may be scheduled cOnSistelat with the WFIns ofthis docatment_
�I. The City's r"s fa;efs rrrtl method gat payment is flea-ooh a Vise�ity�Peaard anter tlae paerfuruaatarnce has been ctampletcd and
as receipt fele°balance from rile perl'ormer nau,ust be provided. Payment may be made on as Square.performer's website
las°through as 1-1 ay-l)alaccount and no convenience charges will apply.
, Pertbrmer°hereby agrees to indemnify,defrend and hold harmless the City ol"Clearwaater from and against all third-
party claims,actions or waits, for direct damages,retests and expenses, including reasonable attorneys'fees resulting
from and to the extent of Performers ne-h-ence.. Notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary, this
inddnanif kation provision shall not be construed as a waiver of"any immunity to wVhicb City is entitled or the extent of
any limitation of liability paursauant to v 768, 8,Florida Statutes. Furthe}raaatare,thi provision is not intended to nor
shall it be interp r,eted as limiting or in any way affecting any de Rnse Cit ' lay ha under ;768.28, Florida Statutes
sat'as conscta tea he stied fad t�arasi parties
l ata a ntlasts:in,Assistaint Director Jell' astet`
f lear%vater P ubiic Libraary+System Mad Scaencc aurGreaat 11'aanapaa Bay
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Date Date
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