PURCHASE AND INSTALL STAMFORD BAFFLES IN TWO CLARIFIERS AT EAST FACILITY APPLICATION PACKAGE #3CITY OF CLEARWATER PURCHASE AND INSTALL STAMFORD BAFFLES IN TWO CLARIFIERS AT EAST FACILITY APPLICATION PACKAGE #3 Prepared for: City of Clearwater Municipal Services Building 100 S. Myrtle Avenue Clearwater, Florida 33756 Prepared by: Jones Edmunds & Associates, Inc. 730 NE Waldo Road Gainesville, Florida 32641 Certificate of Engineering Authorization #1841 City of Clearwater Project No.: 17 -0046 -EN Jones Edmunds Project No.: 03720-053-01 July 2018 TABLE OF CONTENTS HMGP Application 3 - Clearwater - Purchase and Install Stamford Baffles in Two Clarifiers at East Facility ATTACHMENTS Attachment A Local Mitigation Strategy (LMS) Endorsement Letter Attachment B Stamford Baffle Specifications and Modeling Attachment C FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) Attachment D Citywide and Topographic Maps Attachment E Photographs Attachment F Clearwater Quick Facts 03720-053-01 July 2018 i Table of Contents FEMA- -DR-FL Support Documents ❑ Conforms w/ State 409 Plan ❑ In Declared Area ❑ Statewide THIS SECTION FOR STATE USE ONLY O Standard HMGP 0 5% Initiative Application 0 Application Complete 0 Initial Submission or ❑ Re- Submission Eligible Applicant O State or Local Government ❑ Private Non -Profit (Tax ID Received) ❑ Recognized Indian Tribe or Tribal Organization Community NFIP Status: (Check all that apply) LMS Ranking: O Participating Community ID#: County: ❑ In Good Standing 0 Non -Participating 0 CRS State Application ID: Project Type(s) ❑ Wind O Flood ❑ Other: This application is for all Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA Region IV) Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) proposals. Please complete ALL sections and provide the documents requested. If you require technical assistance, please contact the Florida Division of Emergency Management at DEM_HazardMitigationGrantProgram@em.myflorida.com. Section I — Applicant A. Applicant Instruction: Complete all sections that correspond with the type of proposed project Application Sections l -IV: Environmental Review: Maintenance Agreement: Flood Control — Drainage Improvement Worksheet: Generator Worksheet: Tornado Safe Room Worksheet: Hurricane Safe Room Worksheet: Wind Retrofit Worksheet: Wildfire Worksheet: Drought Worksheet: Request for Public Assistance Form: Acquisition Forms: Application Completeness Guidance / Checklist : All Applicants must complete these sections All Applicants must complete these sections Any Applications involving public property, public ownership, or management of property Acquisition, Elevation, Dry Flood proofing, Drainage Improvements, Flood Control Measures, Floodplain and Stream Restoration, and Flood Diversion — one worksheet per structure Permanent, portable generators, and permanent emergency standby pumps New Safe Room, Retrofit of existing structure, Community Safe Room, Residential Safe Room New Safe Room, Retrofit of existing structure Wind Retrofit projects only — one worksheet per structure Defensible Space, Hazardous Fuels Reduction, Ignition Resistant Construction, other Aquifers, other FEMA Form 90-49 (Request for Public Assistance): All applicants must complete, if applicable. If project type is Acquisition, these forms must be completed. (Only one of the two Notice of Voluntary Interest forms is necessary.) Model Statement of Assurances for Property Acquisition Projects Declaration and Release Notice of Voluntary Interest (Town Hall Version) Notice of Voluntary Interest (Single Site Version) Statement of Voluntary Participation FEMA Model Deed Restriction Language All applicants are recommended to complete this checklist and utilize the guidance for completing the application. 1 [Attach any additional items and note Section] [Form No. HMGP] B. Applicant Information: FEMA -4337 -DR -FL DISASTER NAME: Hurricane Irma Title/Brief Descriptive Project Summary: Purchase and Install Stamford Baffles in 2 clarifiers at the East WRF 1. Applicant (Organization): City of Clearwater 2. Applicant Type: ® State or Local Government ❑ Native American Tribe ❑ Private Non -Profit ❑ Special District 3. County: Pinellas 4. State Legislative Senate District(s): 65.66. 67- State Legislative House District(s): 16 ; Congressional House District(s): 12. 13 House 5. Federal Tax I.D. Number: 59-6000289 6. Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS): 078307303 7. Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) Code*: 103-12875-00 (*if your FIPS code is not known, see guidance) 8. National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) Community Identification Number: 125096 (this number can be obtained from the FIRM map for your area) 9. Point of Contact: (Person serving as the coordinator of project) ®Ms. ❑Mr. First Name: Sarah Last Name: Kessler Title: Environmental Specialist/CRS Coordinator Address: 100 S. Myrtle Avenue City: Clearwater State: FL Zip Code: 33765 Telephone: 727-562-4897 10. Application Prepared by: Email: Sarah.Kessler@MyClearwater.com Ms. ❑Mr. First Name: Jamie Last Name: Bell Title: Engineer Telephone: 352-377-5821 x1465 Email: jsbell@jonesedmunds.com 11. Authorized Applicant Agent (proof of authorization authority required) ❑Ms. ®Mr. First Name: George Last Name: Cretekos Title: Mayor Address: 112 S. Osceola Avenue City: Clearwater State: FL Zip Code: 33756 Telephone: 727-562-4050 Email: George.Cretekos@MyClearwater.com Signature: — -l.tia<<e^ ("\413C Date: 1(1 .2(Q1 D048 12. Local Mitigation Strategy (LMS) Compliance a. All proposed projects must be included in the county's Local Mitigation Strategy (LMS) Project List, and on file with FDEM's Mitigation Bureau Planning Unit. Does your jurisdiction have a current FEMA Approved Mitigation Plan and this project is listed? ® Yes ❑ No b. Attached is a letter of endorsement for this project from the county's LMS Coordinator. ® Yes ❑ No Ensure the LMS endorsement letter contains both the Total Estimated Projects Cost (Section IV. D.), along with the Estimated Federal Share (Section IV. E.1.) allocated to this project. c. The LMS project list and endorsement letter both have an estimated cost column and Federal Share amount that is within $500.00 between the two ® Yes ❑ No 13. Has this project been submitted under a previous disaster event? ® No ❑ Yes, please provide the disaster number and project number (as applicable): 2 [Attach any additional items and note Section] [Form No. HMGP] Section I1— Project Description A. Hazards to be Mitigated / Level of Protection 1. Select the type of hazards the proposed project will mitigate: ® Flood ❑ Wind ® Storm surge ❑ Wildfire ® Other (list): Water Quality 2. Identify the type of proposed project: ❑ Elevation and retrofitting of residential or non-residential structure ❑ Acquisition and Relocation ❑ Acquisition and Demolition ❑ Wind retrofit ❑ Drainage project that reduces localized flooding ❑ Generator ® Other (please explain) Structural modifications to mitigate for water quality reductions caused by flooding and storm surge 3. List the total number of persons that will be protected by the proposed project (include immediate population affected by the project only): The City of Clearwater's East Water Reclamation Facility receives approximately 20.37% of the City's raw sewage, representing approximately 23,000 residents. Therefore, approximately 23,000 persons will be affected by this project. 4. List how many acres of "Total Impacted Area" is to be protected by the proposed project (include immediate area affected by the project only): The City of Clearwater's East Water Reclamation Facility receives inflows from a service area of approximately 5,100 acres. 5. Fill in the level of protection and the magnitude of event the proposed project will mitigate. (e.g. 23 structures protected against the 100 -year storm event (1 % chance) 2 structure(s) protected against the 100 -year storm event (10, 25, 50, 100, or 500 year storm event) structure(s) protected against mile per hour (mph) winds 6. Check all item(s) the project may impact: ® Wetlands ❑ Floodplain ❑ Historic Resources ❑ Vegetation Removal ® Health & Safety ® Water Quality ® Coastal Zone Z Fisheries ® Public Controversy ❑ Other ❑ Previously Undisturbed Soil ❑ Toxic or Hazardous Substances ❑ Threatened & Endangered Species ® Potential for Cumulative Impacts 7. Engineered projects: If your project has been already designed and engineering information is available, please attach to your application ALL calculations, H&H study and design plans (e.g. Drainage Improvement, Erosion Control, or other special project types). ❑ No ® Yes If so, see Attachment #(s) Attachment B - Stamford Baffle Specifications and Modeling. B. Project Description, Scope of Work, and Protection Provided (Must be Completed in Detail) Describe, in detail, the existing problem, the proposed project, and the scope of work. Explain how the proposed project will solve the problem(s) and provide the level(s) of protection described in Part A. Also, if available, attach a vendor's estimate and/or a contractor's bid for the scope of work. Please ensure that each proposed project is mitigation and not maintenance. [Attach any additional items and note Section] [Form No. HMGP] 1. Describe the existing problems: The City of Clearwater's East Water Reclamation Facility (WRF) is an advanced wastewater treatment (AWT) activated sludge wastewater treatment facility. The activated sludge wastewater treatment system leverages natural biological processes to treat sewage, then sends the resultant mixed liquor through a secondary clarifier to settle out sludge and sediment. A common problem in activated sludge wastewater treatment plant clarifers is the presence of differential density currents. These density currents have a known significant negative impact on clarifier performance, creating short circuits, increasing effluent solids, and reducing hydraulic capacity. This problem is exacerbated during times of variable flow, as seen during large fluxes caused by inflow and infiltration during flooding and storm surge events. The increased total suspended solids (TSS) found in discharged effluent during and after storm events has a potential for cumulative impacts, posing a risk to human health and safety and negatively impacting water quality and environmental resources. Clearwater's East WRF is located on Old Tampa Bay and is susceptible to flooding, storm surges, and rising tides during storm season. The facility has two clarifiers that cannot be taken offline without careful prior planning due to the elevated groundwater table, and proximity to the Gulf of Mexico makes them prone to excessive rainfall during the wet season. During Hurricanes Hermine and Irma, the East WRF clarifiers received flows equal to or greater than the peak design loading rates of 8.75 million gallons per day (mqd). When overloading occurs, the separation process in the clarifiers becomes more and more impaired until practically no settling is taking place and solids are carried out with the clarifier effluent. Excessive solids in the clarifier effluent will overload and blind the next process unit the sand filters. When the sand filters become blinded they must be bypassed, thereby sending solids out with the plant effluent. Solids leaving in the plant effluent are detrimental to the environment. cost money to mitigate, and will cause the East WRF to not meet compliance and permitting standards. Elevated levels of TSS can also negatively impact wetlands, water quality. and the health and safety of local residents, and these levels are heightened during storm events. 2. Describe the type(s) of protection that the proposed project will provide: The proposed project will add density current baffles, also known as Stamford Baffles. to the two existing clarifiers. Stamford Baffles will increase the overall performance of the clarifiers and reduce the levels of TSS by breaking up the density currents, reducing internal velocities, and increasing levels of settling. By reducing TSS concentrations in the discharge effluent, the installation of the baffles will improve water quality during periods of high flow, thereby protecting wetlands and other environmental resources and providing protection to local area residents. 3. Scope of Work (describe in detail what you are planning to do): Stamford Baffles will be installed below the existing weirs within the clarifiers and attached to the exterior concrete wall of the launder. Baffles will improve the performance of the clarifiers, especially during peak flow, and reduce the amount of TSS in discharge effluent. See "Attachment B - Stamford Baffle Specification and Modeling" for more information. 4. Describe any other on-going or proposed projects in the area that may impact, positively or negatively, the proposed HMGP Project: There are no other on-going or proposed projects in the area of the East WRF that may impact this proposed project. 5. Describe the purpose and need for the proposed project: During Hurricanes Hermine and Irma the two clarifiers at the East WRF experienced flows at or above the peak design loading rate of 8.75 mqd. Increased variable flow, coupled with the existing density current issues, led to increased levels of TSS in dishcarqe effluent from the facility. Elevated concentrations of TSS have the potential for compounding effects, can be hazardous to human health and safety and are detrimental to water quality and environmental resources. This project will improve clarifier performance by reducing incidences of short circuiting, increasing retention time and hydraulic capacity, and reducing effluent TSS. 4 [Attach any additional items and note Section] [Form No. HMGP] Section III — Project Location (Fully describe the location of the proposed project.) A. Site 1. Describe the physical location of this project, including street numbers (or neighborhoods) and project site zip code(s). Provide precise longitude and latitude coordinates for the site utilizing a hand-held global positioning system (GPS) unit or the equivalent: Location: East Water Reclamation Facility Address(s): 3141 Gulf-To-Bav Blvd. GPS coordinates (decimal degree format): 27.960309, -82.706099 Project Zip Code(s): 33759 2. Title Holder: CITY OF CLEARWATER 3. Is the project site seaward of the Coastal Construction Control Line (CCCL)? ❑ Yes ® No 4. Provide the number of each structure type (listed below) in the project area that will be affected by the project. Include all structures in project area. ® Residential property: 10,906 Z Public buildings: 9 ® Businesses/commercial property: 450 ® Schools/hospitals/houses of worship: 66 ® Other: 6 B. Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) Showing Project Site 1../ Attach one (1) copy of the FIRM map, a copy of the panel information from the FIRM, and, if available, the Floodway Map. FIRM maps are required for this application (if published for your area). Also, all attached maps must have the project site and structures clearly marked on the map. FIRMs are typically available from your local floodplain administrator who may be located in a planning, zoning, or engineering office. Maps can also be ordered from the Map Service Center at 1-800-358-9616. For more information about FIRMs, contact your local agencies or visit the FIRM site on the FEMA Web - page at https://msc.fema.gov/portal. 2. Using the FIRM, determine the flood zone(s) of the project site (Check all zones in the project area) (See FIRM legend for flood zone explanations) (A Zone must be identified) ❑ VE or V 1-30 /1 AE or A 1-30 ❑ AO or AH ❑ A (no base flood elevation given) ❑ B or X (shaded) ❑ C or X (unshaded) ❑ Floodway ❑ ❑ Coastal Barrier Resource Act (CBRA) Zone (Federal regulations strictly limit Federal funding for projects in this Zone; please coordinate with your state agency before submitting an application for a CBRA Zone project). 3. ❑ If the FIRM Map for your area is not published, please attach a copy of the Flood Hazard Boundary Map (FHBM) for your area, with the project site and structures clearly marked on the map. 4. ❑ Attach a copy of a Special Flood Hazard Area Flood Insurance Assurance(s). C. City or County Map with Project Site and Photographs 1. ® Attach a copy of a city or county scale map (large enough to show the entire project area) with the project site and structures marked on the map. 2. ® Attach a USGS 1:24,000 TOPO map with project site clearly marked on the map. 3. ❑ For acquisition or elevation projects, include copy of Parcel Map (Tax Map, Property Identification Map, etc.) showing each property to be acquired or elevated. Include the Tax ID numbers for each parcel, and Parcel information — including year built and foundation. 4. ® Attach photographs (at a minimum 4 photographs) for each project site per application. The photographs should be representative of the project area, including any relevant streams, creeks, rivers, etc. and drainage areas that affect the project site or will be affected by the project, and labeled. For each structure, please include the following angles: front, back and both sides. 5 [Attach any additional items and note Section] [Form No. HMGP] Section IV - Budget/Costs In this section, provide details of all the estimated costs of the project. As this information is used for the Benefit -Cost Analysis, reasonable cost estimates are essential. Contingency Cost should be included as a line item in the budget section and justified. Recommended range is 1 to 5%. Avoid the use of lump sum costs. A. Materials Item Unit Quantity Cost per Unit Cost Stamford Baffle (materials, installation, and engineering) EA 2 $137,500.00 $275,000.00 B. Labor Include equipment costs. Please indicate all "soft" or in-kind matches (**). Description Sub -Total Hours Rate $275,000.00 Cost Sub -Total C. Fees Paid Include any other costs associated with the project. Description of Task Hours Rate D. $0.00 Cost Sub -Total $0.00 Total Estimated Project Cost $275,000.00 Note: To be eligible for HMGP funding, pre -award costs must be identified as separate line items in the cost estimate of the application. This must be done in addition to filling out the HMGP Pre -Award Cost Request Form, submitted with application. Mark each Pre -Award cost with an asterisk (*); and In-kind services with double asterisk (**); All In-kind match must be identified in the Section IV.B and D — Funding Sources). 6 [Attach any additional items and note Section] [Form No. HMGP] E. Funding Sources (round figures to the nearest dollar) The maximum FEMA share for HMGP projects is 75%. The other 25% can be made up of State and Local funds as well as in-kind services. HMGP funds may be packaged with other Federal funds, but other Federal funds (except for Federal funds that lose their Federal identity at the State level, such as CDBG, and certain tribal funds) may not be used for the Non - Federal share of the costs. 1. Estimated Federal Share $205,000.00 74.5 % of Total (Maximum 75%) 2. Non -Federal Share 3. Estimated Local Share $70,000.00 25.5 % of Total (Cash) 4. 5. 6. Other Agency Share (Identify Non -Federal Agency and availability date) 7. Total Funding sources from above % of Total (In -Kind**) % of Total (Global Match***) % of Total $275,000.00 100.00% Total (Equals 100%) **Dldentify proposed eligible activities directly related to project to be considered for In -Kind services in Section IV.B. Labor. ***Oseparate project applications must be submitted for each Global Match project. Global Match Project Number and Title: F. Project Milestones/Schedule of Work List the major milestones in this project by providing an estimate time -line for the critical activities not to exceed a period of 3 years of performance. (e.g. Designing, Engineering, Permitting, etc.) Milestone(s) Number of Days to Complete Construction 365 Days Total 365 Days 7 [Attach any additional items and note Section] [Form No. HMGP] Section V. Environmental Review and Historic Preservation Compliance (NOTE: This application cannot be processed if this section is not completed.) Because the HMGP is a federally funded program, all projects are required to undergo an environmental and historic preservation review as part of the grant application process. Moreover, all projects must comply with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and associated Federal, State, Tribal, and Local statutes to obtain funding. NO WORK can be done prior to the NEPA review process. If work is done on your proposed project before the NEPA review is completed, it will NOT be eligible for Federal funding. A. The following information is required for the Environmental and Historic Preservation review: All projects must have adequate documentation to determine if the proposed project complies with NEPA and associated statutes. The State Environmental Staff provide comprehensive NEPA technical assistance for Applicants, with their consent, to complete the NEPA review. The type and quantity of NEPA documents required to make this determination varies depending upon the project's size, location, and complexity. However, at a minimum, please provide the applicable documentation from this section to facilitate the NEPA compliance process. 1. ® Detailed project description, scope of work, and budget/costs (Section II and Section IV of this application). 2. ® Project area maps (Section III, part B & C of this application) 3. ® Project area/structure photographs (Section III, part C of this application). 4. ® Preliminary project plans. 5. ® Project alternatives description and impacts (Section V of the application). 6. ® Please complete the applicable project worksheets. Documentation showing dates of construction are required for all structures. 7. ® Environmental Justice — Attach documents regarding evaluation (required) and satisfactory resolution (if necessary) of Environmental Justice issues (Highly Disproportionate, Adverse Impact (effects) on Minority or Low Income Population). Documents can include public meeting records, media reports letters from interested persons and groups, studies on population, ethnic groups, quality of life, housing, economics, transportation, public services, schools, public health, recreation, voting, etc. 8. ® Provide any applicable information or documentation referenced on the Information and Documentation Requirements by Project Type below. B. Executive Order 12898; Environmental Justice for Low Income and Minority Population: 1. Are there low income or minority populations in the project area or adjacent to the project area? ❑ No ® Yes; please describe any disproportionate and adverse effects to these populations: n/a 2. To help evaluate the impact of the project, please indicate below any other information you are providing. ® Description of the population affected and the portion of the population that would be disproportionately and adversely affected. Please include specific efforts to address the adverse impacts in your proposal narrative and budget. This project will equally benefit the entire East WRF service area of the City of Clearwater. No portion of the population will be disproportionally or adverselly affected. 3. ® Attached materials or additional comments: Please include pdf documentation from the US Census Quick Facts and American Factfinder's website of the project area (http://www.census.gov/). See Attachment F - Clearwater Quick Facts. 8 [Attach any additional items and note Section] [Form No. HMGP] C. Tribal Consultation (Information Required) Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) requires federal agencies to take into account the effect of their undertakings on historic properties. The NHPA requires that agencies must complete this process prior to the expenditure of any Federal funds on the undertaking. A Tribal Consultation is required for any project disturbing ground or moving soil, including but not limited to: drainage projects; demolition; construction; elevation; communication towers; tree removal; utility improvements. 1 Describe the current and future use of the project location. A land use map may be provided in lieu of a written description. The proposed project is to install Stamford Baffles in two clarifiers at the City of Clearwater's East Water Reclamation Facility. The proposed site for this project is currently operated and maintained as a water reclamation facility by the City of Clearwater. Once the project is complete, the site's use will remain unchanged. 2. Provide information on any known site work or historic uses for project location. n/a ® Attach a copy of a city or county scale map (large enough to show the entire project area) with the horizontal limits (feet) and vertical depths (square feet) of all anticipated ground disturbance of 3 inches or more. D. Alternative Actions (Information Required) The NEPA process requires that at least two alternative actions be considered that address the same problem/issue as the proposed project. In this section, list two feasible alternative projects to mitigate the hazards faced in the project area. One alternative is the "No Action Alternative". 1. No Action Alternative Discuss the impacts on the project area if no action is taken. If the City takes no action the clarifiers will continue to discharge effluent with elevated TSS levels, which can have a long-term cumulative negative impact. During storm events, the clarifiers may experience flows at or exceeding peak design loading rates, similar to Hurricane Irma, which will result in the discharge of solids with effluent. Such discharges are a water quality and environmental concern that may pose a threat to the health and safety of residents. 2. Other Feasible Alternative Describe a feasible alternative project that would be the next best solution if the primary alternative is not accomplished. This could be an entirely different mitigation method or a significant modification to the design of the current proposed project. Please include a Scope of Work, engineering details (if applicable), estimated budget and the impacts of this alternative. Complete all of parts a -e (below). a. Project Description for the Alternative Describe, in detail, the alternative project, and explain how the alternative project will solve the problem(s) and/or provide protection from the hazard(s). Also, provide pros and cons for this alternative and a reason for why it was not selected. In order to improve TSS levels and reduce the variability of peak flows into the clarifiers, an alternative project is to construct an equalization basin and associated pumping facility. During peak hours or during a large rainfall or flooding event, the facility operators could divert flows to an equalization basin. This will minimize stirring and disturbance of the settled portion of the clarifiers, reducing the total concentration of TSS and mitigating the potential water quality impacts. This will also reduce the risk of the clarifiers overflowing if peak loading rates are exceeded. However, this is a very expensive option that will also increase the operation and maintenance expenses of the plant. b. Project Location of the Alternative (describe briefly, if different from proposed project) Same as proposed project. ❑ Attach a map or diagram showing the alternative site in relation to the proposed project site (if different from proposed project) 9 [Attach any additional items and note Section] [Form No. HMGP] c. Scope of Work for Alternative Project A 1.25 million gallon equalization basin, also known as a surge tank, will be constructed at or near the East Water Reclamation Facility. The new basin will have four dedicated 40 hp pumps and an permanent emergency generator. An operations plan will be devised to minimized fluctuations in flow to the WRF and maximize system efficiency. d. Impacts of Alternative Project Discuss the impact of this alternative on the project area. Include comments on these issues as appropriate: Environmental Justice, Endangered Species, Wetlands, Hydrology (Upstream and Downstream Surface Water Impacts), Floodplain/Floodway, Historic Preservation and Hazardous Materials. The East WRF is located on Old Tampa Bay and City -owned space is limited. Construction of the alternative project could potential damage wetlands and coastal resources and threaten local endangered wildlife species.This alternative could also impact the floodplain/floodway at WRF location. e. Estimated Budget/Costs for Alternative Project In this section, provide details of all the estimated costs of the alternative project (round figures to the nearest dollar). A lump sum budget is acceptable. Materials: $3,631,000.00 Labor: Fees: Total Estimated Project Cost: $3,631,000.00 10 [Attach any additional items and note Section] [Form No. HMGP] HMGP ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Information and Documentation Requirements by Project Type Retrofits to Existing Facilities/Structures Elevations Acquisitions with Demolition ✓ Dates of Construction v Ground disturbance map for projects with 3 inches or more of ground disturbance ✓ Structure photographs Drainage Improvements ✓ Engineering plans/drawings ✓ Permit or Exemption letter to address any modifications to water bodies and wetlands o Department of Environmental Protection o Water Management District o U.S. Army Corps of Engineers ✓ Ground disturbance map for projects with 3 inches or more of ground disturbance. ✓ Concurrence from U.S. Fish and Wildlife addressing any impacts to wildlife, particularly endangered and threatened species and their habitats. ✓ If the project is in a coastal area, attach a letter from the National Marine Fisheries Service addressing impacts to marine resources. ✓ Concurrence from Natural Resource Conservation Service if project is located outside city limits and may impact prime or unique farmland. ✓ Concurrence from your Local Floodplain Manager— if project is located in a floodplain. Note: This is a general guideline for most projects. However, there will be exceptions. Consult with state environmental staff on project types not listed. 11 Section VI — Maintenance Agreement All applicants whose proposed project involves the retrofit or modification of existing public property or whose proposed project would result in the public ownership or management of property, structures, or facilities, must first sign the following agreement prior to submitting the application to FEMA. (NOTE: Those applicants whose project only involves the retrofitting, elevation, or other modification to private property where the ownership will remain private after project completion DO NOT have to complete this form.) The City of Clearwater , State of Florida, hereby agrees that if it receives any Federal aid as a result of the attached project application, it will accept responsibility, at its own expense if necessary, for the routine maintenance of any real property, structures, or facilities acquired or constructed as a result of such Federal aid. Routine maintenance shall include, but not be limited to, such responsibilities as keeping vacant land clear of debris, garbage, and vermin; keeping stream channels, culverts, and storm drains clear of obstructions and debris; and keeping detention ponds free of debris, trees, and woody growth. The purpose of this agreement is to make clear the Sub -recipient's maintenance responsibilities following project award and to show the Sub -recipients acceptance of these responsibilities. It does not replace, supersede, or add to any other maintenance responsibilities imposed by Federal law or regulation and which are in force on the date of project award. Signed by George Cretekos Mayor (title) (printed or typed name of signing official) the duly authorized representative This 2i9 (day) of f (month),WI g (year). Cte0 Iti\Cr Atk-OS Signature* *Please Note: The above signature must be by an individual with legal signing authority for the respective local government or county (e.g., the Chairperson, Board of County Commissioners or the County Manager, etc.) 12 HMGP Application Completeness Guidance/Checklist This guidance/checklist contains an explanation, example and/or reference for information requested in the application. Please use this list to assure your application is complete and includes the required information for HMGP projects. The appropriate documentation must also be attached. It is important to note that this list is similar to the form that will be used during the application sufficiency review by the HMGP staff. Project Title: Purchase and Install Stamford Baffles in 2 Clarifiers at East Facility Applicant: City of Clearwater Application Information Explanation of Information Required Section 1 B. Applicant Information FEMA_ -DR -FL Type in the four digit number FEMA assigned to the disaster that this application is being submitted under. (Example: 4337, 4283) DISASTER NAME Type in the Disaster name. (Example: Hurricane Irma, Tropical Storm Fay) Title/Brief Descriptive Project Summary The project title should include: 1) Name of Applicant, 2) Name of Project, 3) Type of Project. (Example: City of Tallahassee, City Hall Building, Wind Retrofit) 1. Applicant Name of organization applying. Must be an eligible applicant. 2. Applicant Type State or local government, recognized Native American tribe, or private non-profit organization. If private non-profit, please attach documentation showing legal status as a 501(C). (Example: IRS letter, Tax Exempt Certificate) 11 3. County Indicate county in which the project is located. 4 4. State Legislative and Congressional District(s) Specify the appropriate State Senate, House and Congressional District code for the project site. For multiple sites, please list codes for each site. http://www. myfloridahouse.gov/sections/representatives/myrepresentative.aspx 5. Federal Tax I.D. Number List the Federal Employer's Identification Number (FEIN) number, also known as Federal Tax Identification number, 9 -digit code. May be obtained from your finance/accounting department. 11 6. DUNS Number Include Data Universal Numbering Standard (DUNS) number in appropriate location on application. If none, please refer to HMGP FAQ's in Application Reference Material for instructions on obtaining a DUNS number. www.usaspendinq.gov I 7. FIPS Code List the Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) Code. May be obtained from your finance/accounting/grants department. If none, please submit FEMA Form 90-49. 4 8. NFIP ID Number List the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) number. You must be a participating NFIP member to be eligible for HMGP funding. Please make sure that the number is the same as the panel number on the FIRM provided with the application. 4 9. Point of Contact Please provide all pertinent information for the point of contact. This person serves as the coordinator of the project. If this information changes once the application is submitted, please contact the HMGP staff immediately. 4 10. Application Prepared By Please provide the preparer information. May be different from the point of contact (line 9) and/or the applicant's agent (line 11). 11 11. Authorized Applicant Agent An authorized agent must sign the application. "An authorized agent is the chief elected official of a local govemment who has signature authority, so for a county it would be the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners and for a municipality it would be the Mayor (the exact title sometimes varies). Any local govemment may delegate this authority to a subordinate official (like a City or County Manager) by resolution of the goveming body (the Board of County Commissioners or Board of City Commissioners). If a local govemment delegates signature authority, a copy of the resolution by the goveming body authorizing the signature authority for the individual signing 4 must be provided." 12. LMS Compliance a) LMS Project List: 13 Section 11- Project Description A. Hazards to be Mitigated/Level of Protection 1. Type of Hazards All proposed projects must be included in the county's Local Mitigation Strategy (LMS) Project List and must be on file with FDEM's Mitigation Bureau Planning Unit. b) LMS Endorsement Letter All proposed projects must include an endorsement letter from the county's Local Mitigation Strategy Coordinator. You may use 1 letter as long as it includes every proposed project. c) Estimated Costs & Application Costs: The LMS Project List must include an Estimated Cost column and each HMGP project application must be within $500.00 of that Project List's estimated cost. Also ensure that the Federal Cost Share indicated on the LMS Coordinator's Endorsement Letter exactly matches the Federal Cost Share indicated within the application. Ensure the LMS endorsement letter contains both the Total Estimated Projects Cost (Section IV. D.), along with the Estimated Federal Share (Section IV. E.1.) allocated to this project. A letter of endorsement for the project and its priority number from the Local Mitigation Strategy must be included. Refer to Sample LMS Letter. Applications without a letter of endorsement will not be processed. (44 CFR 201.6 Local Mitigation Plans) 11 13. Previous Submittal If the project has been previously submitted under another disaster, provide the disaster number, the project number, and the title of the project. 11 Identify the Type of Proposed Project: Describe the mitigation project being proposed. (Example: drainage, wind retrofit, generator etc.) Section 11- Project Description A. Hazards to be Mitigated/Level of Protection 1. Type of Hazards Type of Hazards the Proposed Project will Mitigate: Identify the hazard(s) that the proposed project will mitigate. More than one hazard may be selected. 11 2. Type of Protection 2. Identify the Type of Project Identify the Type of Proposed Project: Describe the mitigation project being proposed. (Example: drainage, wind retrofit, generator etc.) 3. Scope of Work: What the Project Proposes to Do: Determine the work to be done. The scope of work must meet eligibility based on HMGP regulations and guidance. Explain how the proposed problem will be solved. (NOTE: The proposed project must be a mitigation action, not maintenance.) Does the proposed project solve a problem independently or constitute a functional part of a solution where there is assurance that the project as a whole will be completed (44 CFR 206.434[c][4])? Does the proposed project address a problem that has been repetitive or that poses a a 3. Number of Persons Protected Explain how many people will be protected by or benefit from the proposed project. (Example: A drainage project improving a residential area of 23 homes, with an average household of 2 people = 46 people) a 4. Total Impacted Area Explain how many acres will be impacted from the proposed project: Drainage/Berm/Pond/Culverts/Flood hazard projects: combination of the area to be protected and ground disturbance must not exceed 25 acres. 5. Level of Protection Specify the level of protection and magnitude of the event the proposed project will mitigate. Attach support documentation that verifies the stated level of protection. (Example: In a wind retrofit project, it will be the design wind speed to comply with the Florida Building Code requirements. In a drainage project, it will be the implemented design level, e.g. a 25 -year FDOT design standard for culvert.) 1� 6. Project Impact Identify all the items the project may impact or are within the project area. a 7. Engineered Projects (e.g. Drainage) Include available engineering calculations, studies, and designs for the proposed project showing results from applied Recurrence Interval scenarios before and after mitigation. (Number of structures, building replacement value, depth of the water, structural damages, content damages, displacement, road closures, etc.) a B. Project Description, Scope of Work, and Protection Provided (Must be Completed in Detail) 1. Existing Problem Describe the existing problem, location, source of the hazard, and the history and extent of the damage. Include newspaper articles, insurance documentation, photographs, etc. If this project is eligible for PA (406) mitigation activities, please describe the 406 activities. 11 2. Type of Protection Determine how the funding will solve the existing problem and provide protection. 11 3. Scope of Work: What the Project Proposes to Do: Determine the work to be done. The scope of work must meet eligibility based on HMGP regulations and guidance. Explain how the proposed problem will be solved. (NOTE: The proposed project must be a mitigation action, not maintenance.) Does the proposed project solve a problem independently or constitute a functional part of a solution where there is assurance that the project as a whole will be completed (44 CFR 206.434[c][4])? Does the proposed project address a problem that has been repetitive or that poses a a 14 Section 111- Project Location A. Site 1. Physical Location significant risk to public health and safety if left unresolved (44 CFR 206.434(c][5J(i])? Projects that merely identify or analyze hazards or problems are not eligible. See 4 Sample Scope of Work Language in HMGP Application Reference Material. Generators should not be included in the scope of work unless said generator only powers the mitigation element or is for a critical facility. 4. On -Going or Proposed Projects in the Area Determine if other projects, zoning changes, etc. are planned (particularly in the same watershed if flooding is being addressed) that may negatively or positively impact the proposed project. If there is a drainage project or downstream issue elsewhere, it may eliminate the current flooding issue, erasing the need for the proposed project. Response applies to drainage and acquisition projects. N/A is appropriate in wind retrofit shutter projects only. If this project is also being considered under the Public Assistance Program (406), please describe in detail the 406 mitigation activities and/or services. Do not include project costs associated with the above referenced HMGP application. 4 1 5. Purpose / Need Describe the purpose and need for the proposed project. Determine if the project site is located seaward of the Coastal Construction Control Line. htt•s://floridade•.•ov/water/coastal-construction-control-line Section 111- Project Location A. Site 1. Physical Location List the physical location of the project site(s) including the street number(s), zip code(s) and GPS coordinates (latitude/longitude, in decimal degrees). The physical address must correspond with the address locations specified on maps submitted with the application. 4 2. Flood Zone Determination 2. Title Holder Provide the titleholder's name. 1 3. Flood Hazard Boundary Map (FHBM) 3. Project Seaward of the CCCL? Determine if the project site is located seaward of the Coastal Construction Control Line. htt•s://floridade•.•ov/water/coastal-construction-control-line 11 4. Site Photographs At least four photographs are required that clearly identify the project site. The photos must be representative of the project area, including any relevant streams, creeks, rivers, etc., and drainage areas that affect the project site or will be affected by the project. The front, back and both side angles are required for each structure. For acquisition and elevation projects, a photo taken away from the structure (in front toward the street, and in back toward backyard) to show the area along with photographs of specific elements of the structure affected by the project (windows for shutters or window replacements) should also be provided. Please Zabel photographs appropriately. In addition, CDs may be submitted. 4. Number and Types of Structures Affected Specify the number and type of properties affected by the project. (Example: Drainage project that affects 100 homes, 15 businesses and 2 schools.) What does the project protect? Should have a number next to the box that is checked. (See Section II, Item A.4 — detail of these totals) B. Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) Showing Project Site 1. Copies of FIRM Attach a copy (or copies) of the FIRM and clearly identify the project site. The FIRM Panel number must be included. To obtain a FIRM map, go to https://msc.fema.qov/portal. See instructions on How to make a FIRMette. Ak 2. Flood Zone Determination Specify the flood zone(s) of the project site(s). If project is located in a Special Flood Hazard Area, proof of flood insurance will need to be provided. Amount of coverage must be equal to or greater than the amount of Federal mitigation funding obligated to the project. �� 3. Flood Hazard Boundary Map (FHBM) Not required if a copy of the FIRM is attached. n C. City or County Map with Project Site and Photographs 1. City/County Map with Project Site The project site and staging location (if applicable) should be clearly marked on a legible City/County map. The map should be large enough to show the project site. More than one map may be required. 2. USGS TOPO with Project Site The project site should be clearly marked on a legible USGS 1:24,000 TOPO map. To obtain a TOPO map, go to http://www.Diqital-Topo-Maps.com 4 3. Parcel/Tax Map A Parcel, Tax or Property Identification map is required only for acquisition and n elevation projects. The location of the structure must be clearly identified. 4. Site Photographs At least four photographs are required that clearly identify the project site. The photos must be representative of the project area, including any relevant streams, creeks, rivers, etc., and drainage areas that affect the project site or will be affected by the project. The front, back and both side angles are required for each structure. For acquisition and elevation projects, a photo taken away from the structure (in front toward the street, and in back toward backyard) to show the area along with photographs of specific elements of the structure affected by the project (windows for shutters or window replacements) should also be provided. Please Zabel photographs appropriately. In addition, CDs may be submitted. 4 15 Section IV - Budget/Costs Please make sure all calculations are correct. Provide a breakdown of materials, labor and fees paid for the proposed project. Support documentation must be attached, i.e. vendor's quote, professional estimate (from engineer, architect, local building official, etc.). The proposed budget line items should represent allowable costs associated with the scope of work. Contingency Cost should be included as a line item in the budget section, and justified. Recommended range is 1 to 5%. It is required to complete this section; it will be used for the Benefit -Cost Analysis (BCA). Costs should be accurate, complete and reasonable compared to industry standards. Make sure the total cost is correct on the entire application. A. Materials Describe the cost of materials. Provide breakdown. Il B. Labor Provide a breakdown of description, hours, rate, and cost or lump sum labor cost. Can use in-kind contribution as part of the 25% match. (Attach support documentation for in-kind match to detail wages and salaries charged for any in-kind contribution. No overtime wages can be used to satisfy in-kind match contributions). May include all 3 sources, i.e. cash, in-kind and global match, as long as the total is a minimum of 25%. Match cannot be derived from a federal agency except Federal funds that lose their federal identity (e.g., CDBG funding and certain tribal funding). C. Fees Paid Provide a breakdown of associated fees i.e., consultants, studies, engineering, permits, and project management. Maintenance is not an allowable cost under HMGP. Pre -award costs may be requested (See Pre -award Costs guidance). Cash- Local funding will be utilized for the non-federal share. Enter amount of cash and percentage of total that amount represents. A D. Total Estimated Project Cost Please make sure all calculations are correct. This figure should be the same as the figure for total funding. May use materials, personnel, equipment, and supplies owned, controlled and operated from within governing jurisdiction as an in-kind match. Third party in-kind contributions would be volunteer services, employee services from other organizations furnished free of charge, donated supplies, and loaned equipment or space. The value placed on these resources must be at a fair market value and must be documented. If in-kind is claimed from outside the applicant jurisdiction, it must be cash only. ** Identify proposed eligible activities in Section IV B. and C. as a separate line with In-kind written as a part of the description. E. Funding Sources (round figures to the nearest dollar) The proposed sources of non-federal matching funds must meet eligibility requirements. (Except as provided by Federal statute, a cost-sharing or matching requirement may not be met by costs borne by another Federal grant.) 44 CFR 13.24 (bl(1). 1. Estimated Federal Share • The estimated Federal share is generally 75%. If the Federal share is not 75%, assure actual amount is entered. It could be 50.1234% or 35.1234%, etc. of the total dollar amount of project depending on county LMS allocation and priority. This figure cannot exceed 75%. II 2. Non -Federal Share May include all 3 sources, i.e. cash, in-kind and global match, as long as the total is a minimum of 25%. Match cannot be derived from a federal agency except Federal funds that lose their federal identity (e.g., CDBG funding and certain tribal funding). 3. Cash Cash- Local funding will be utilized for the non-federal share. Enter amount of cash and percentage of total that amount represents. A 4. Total In -Kind May use materials, personnel, equipment, and supplies owned, controlled and operated from within governing jurisdiction as an in-kind match. Third party in-kind contributions would be volunteer services, employee services from other organizations furnished free of charge, donated supplies, and loaned equipment or space. The value placed on these resources must be at a fair market value and must be documented. If in-kind is claimed from outside the applicant jurisdiction, it must be cash only. ** Identify proposed eligible activities in Section IV B. and C. as a separate line with In-kind written as a part of the description. 5. Total Project (Global) Match Project (global) match must 1) meet all the eligibility requirements of HMGP; and 2) begin after FEMA's approval of the match project. A separate HMGP application must be submitted for global match projects. Indicate which project(s) will be matched. The global match is not required to be an identical project. Projects submitted as global match for another project must meet the same period of performance time constraints as the HMGP. 6. Other Agency Share Identify Non -Federal Agency and availability date; provide the documentation from the agency. (e.g., CDBG funding, and certain tribal funding) 1 7. Total Funding Total must represent (100%) of the total estimated project cost. Ensure that percentages match corresponding cost -shares and the total matches the Budget (in Section IV. D. - Total Estimated Project Costs). 0 F. Project Milestones/Schedule of Work 1. Milestones (Schedule) Identify the major milestones in the proposed project and provide an estimated time- line (e.g. Designing, Engineering — 3 months, Permitting — 6 months, Procurement — 30 days, Installation — 6 months, Contracting — 1 month, Delays, Project Implementation, Inspections, Closeout, etc. See Typical Project Milestones for estimated time -frames) for the critical activities not to exceed a period of 3 years for performance. Milestones should not be grouped together but listed individually. Please allot for the appropriate amount of time. 16 Section V - Environmental Review & Historic Preservation Compliance A. No work can begin prior to the completion of the environmental (NEPA) review. In order for the Environmental staff to conduct the NEPA review, all sections listed below must be completed. 1. Description, SOW & Budget Detailed Project Description, Scope of Work & Budget/Costs Complete Sections II & IV of the application. 4 2. Area Maps Project area Maps - Attach a copy of the maps and clearly mark the project site, and place the specific project structure(s) on map(s). Complete Section III, part B & C of the application. LI part B. 3. Project Area/Structure Photographs Complete Section III part C of the application. 4 Affected 4. Preliminary Project Plans For shutters see the scope of work and for drainage & elevation see engineering drawings. A List the attached documentation. 5. Project Alternatives Complete Section V part D. of this application. Attach all backup documentation to this application — Include a table of contents that outlines the information you are providing DEM 8 6. Project Worksheets Dates of construction are required for all structures. See worksheets. I c. Scope of Work — 7. Documentation Requirements by Project Type Provide any of the required documentation as listed on page 10 in the Information and Documentation Requirements by Project Type that may have already been obtained. 4 from the hazard. Provide enough detail to describe the project for the evaluation 8. Information/ Documentation Requirements by Project Type Provide any applicable information or documentation. II B. Executive Order 12898, Environmental Justice for Low Income and Minority Population 1. Documentation of Environmental Determine the proportion of the population, in either the project zip code or city, characterized as having a minority background, and proportion of the population 4 Justice living below poverty level. Go to http://www.census.gov/. If yes, complete Section V, LI part B. 2. Population List / describe the population affected by this project and the portion of the population 4 Affected adversely impacted. Description NEPA requires that at least three alternatives must be presented to mitigate the problem. In addition to the proposed action and no action, one other feasible List the attached documentation. alternative must be provided. 3. Attached Materials Attach all backup documentation to this application — Include a table of contents that outlines the information you are providing DEM 8 the Alternative C. Information required for Tribal Consultation 1. Documentation for Tribal Consultation For all projects with any ground disturbing activities of 3 inches or more, complete Section V part C. D. Alternative Actions 1. No Action Alternative Please discuss the impacts on the project area if no action is taken. 4 2. Other Feasible It is a FEMA and FDEM requirement for any Application Review. A narrative LI Alternative Action discussion of at least three project alternatives (from No Action to the most effective, practical solution) and their impacts, both beneficial and detrimental is required. It is expected that the jurisdiction has completed sufficient analysis to determine the proposed project can be constructed as submitted and it supports the goals and objectives of the FEMA approved hazard mitigation plan. Has the proposed project been determined to be the most practical, effective and environmentally sound alternative after consideration of a range of options? (44 CFR 206.434[c][5][iii]) a. Project It is very important and a requirement that an Alternative project is submitted. a Description NEPA requires that at least three alternatives must be presented to mitigate the problem. In addition to the proposed action and no action, one other feasible alternative must be provided. b. Project Location of Describe the surrounding environment. Include information regarding both natural the Alternative (i.e., fish, wildlife, streams, soils, plant life) and built (i.e., public services, utilities, land/shoreline use, population density) environments. c. Scope of Work — Describe how the alternative project will solve the problem and provide protection Alternative Project from the hazard. Provide enough detail to describe the project for the evaluation 17 d. Impacts of the Alternative Project e. Estimated Budget/Costs for the Alternative Project Materials, Labor, and Fees Paid Total Estimated Project Costs panel to decide the best course of action for the state. Include any appropriate diagrams, sketch maps, amount of materials and equipment, dimensions of project, amount of time required to complete, etc. Total cost is required. The details line items are not required. Just enter a total amount. Total cost is required. Vendor quote is not required. A lump sum budget may be submitted as justification to why this alternative was not chosen. Section VI — Maintenance A reement g 1. Maintenance Agreement Please complete, sign and date the maintenance agreement. The maintenance agreement must be signed by an individual with signature authority, preferably the authorized agent. Other Required Documentation 1. MAPS All maps must be included with the application. 2. FFATA Form During contracting with the state, please complete, sign and date the FFATA Project File Form. Instructions are provided for your convenience in the document provided. This is not required at the time of application submittal. n 3. SFHA Acknowledgement of Conditions Required for all projects in the Special Flood Hazard Area. Read and sign the SFHA Acknowledgement of Conditions document. This form must be notarized, signed by the local jurisdiction and the property owner. 4. Pre -award Cost Form If pre -award costs are being requested with your project, please be sure to identify all pre -award costs in the application budget per instructions. The pre -award cost form must be completed and submitted with your application. U 5. Request for Public Assistance Form Applicable if no FIPS number is assigned to applicant/recipient. 6. Model Statement of Assurances for Property Acquisition Projects For Acquisition projects only. U 7. Declaration and Release For Acquisition projects only. Must be signed by all persons whose names are on the property deed. 8. Notice of Voluntary Interest For Acquisition projects only. Two forms are included for your convenience. Please use the form that is most appropriate to your situation. Must be signed by all persons whose names are on the property deed. 9. Statement of Voluntary Participation for Acquisition of Property for Purpose of Open Space For Acquisition projects only. Must be signed by all persons whose names are on the property deed. n 10. Worksheets The appropriate worksheet(s) must be completed and submitted with the application. a. Flood Control — Drainage Improvement b. Generator c. Tornado Safe Room d. Hurricane Safe Room e. Wind Retrofit f. Wildfire g. Drought *Submit 1 original (signed) and 2 full copies of the entire application and backup 18 documentation. Include a full copy of the submittal and all documentation on CD.