09/09/1991 CITY COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING September 9, 1991 The City Commission of the City of Clearwater met at City Hall with the following members present: Rita Garvey Mayor/Commissioner Sue Berfield Vice-Mayor/Commissioner Lee Regulski Commissioner William Nunamaker Commissioner Richard Fitzgerald Commissioner Also present were: Michael J. Wright City Manager M. A. Galbraith, Jr. City Attorney William Baker Public Works Director Cynthia E. Goudeau City Clerk The meeting was called to order at 10:02 a.m. This special meeting was called for the purpose of discussing options for the realignment of Alternate US19 with Wade Trim, Inc., Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) Consultants. Dave Grounds, Project Manager for Wade Trim, indicated the study of Alternate US19 is from north of Tarpon Springs to East Bay in Largo. He stated the City of Clearwater would be mainly interested in the area from Dunedin south. He stated nothing has been finalized as of yet and options include implementing four lane or six lane urban corridors or one-way pair systems. He stated they have looked at the current alignment with either four or six lanes, swinging over to Douglas Avenue and continuing with four and six lanes or installing a one-way pair system with three lanes remaining on the current south bound Alternate US19 and switching over to the CSX railroad and the three north bound lanes being on Douglas and switching over to the CSX right-of-way. He stated analysis of the impacts of the various segments shows that the financial impact is almost equal for four or six laning and the one-way pair system would be much less expensive. It was indicated the City of Dunedin is not in favor of the one-way pair system. Mr. Grounds reviewed the various proposals and the costs involved. He stated there are some studies which indicate that additional lanes are not needed south of Drew Street and they are currently waiting for confirmation of this. Concerns were expressed regarding the level of service not being improved and why the money would be spent if this was the case. It was indicated the major issue is whether or not the railroad right-of-way, which currently contains Pinellas Trails, should be considered for any of this alignment. Mr. Grounds indicated the plans were not to eliminate the trail. Sharon Eichler, Scenic Landscaper for Wade Trim, reviewed proposals on how the trail could work in conjunction with the Alternate US19 alignment. It was indicated that access to the trail was important for patrol purposes. In response to questions regarding the railroad right-of-way being used for a high speed rail system, Ms. Eichler indicated that such a system would be very expensive and there is no funding in the budget at this time. It would be a minimum of eight to ten years before this were truly considered. Ms. Eichler also showed a proposal that would place the Pinellas Trail along the bayfront on Edgewater Drive. In response to a question, Mr. Grounds indicated they have not met with representatives from the Pinellas Trails as Wade Trim is requesting direction from the MPO first. Commissioner Regulski, Clearwater's MPO representative, stated when the corridor study was presented to the MPO, the MPO issued a stand of no use of the CSX right-of-way. The purpose of this was the MPO did not feel there should be six lane paved sections of Alternate US19. Also it included consideration of the need for mass transit. They requested Wade Trim to find an alternative to the railroad right-of-way. In response to questions, Mr. Grounds indicated the State does lease the right-of-way to the County and it has the right to build on the property. Discussion ensued regarding the impact of continuing to pave wide corridors throughout the County and how to address mass transit. William Baker, Public Works Director, reviewed a proposal by City staff which would use Missouri and Myrtle Avenues for a portion of this corridor. Mr. Grounds indicated one problem was that if one-way pairs are too far apart, the system will not work well. Mr. Grounds indicated it is now their responsibility to go back to the MPO for further direction. A representative of the State DOT indicated the State is looking for federal funding and would like to please everyone but they also have to consider the economic impact of the plan. He stated they are looking at traffic ten years from now. He also indicated the trail would be accommodated in whatever plans are adopted. Discussion ensued regarding the MPO's position and Commissioner Regulski indicated the MPO wishes to solve the ultimate transportation needs of the area and there is concern regarding additional six lane corridors in the County. Concern was again raised that if the level of service is not improved, there is no point to the road construction. Discussion ensued regarding whether or not consideration of use of the railroad right-of-way, which is currently occupied by Pinellas Trails, should be eliminated from the plan. A question was raised regarding using Missouri Avenue to Douglas and it was indicated the location of the sewer plant would cause problems with this option. Further discussion ensued regarding whether or not the railroad corridor should be considered. Commissioner Regulski indicated the MPO's concern was that it would be one road and would have major residential impacts. Further discussion ensued regarding what position the City Commission wished to take regarding considering the trail as part of the system. Commissioner Nunamaker moved that the Clearwater City Commission prefers there be no major six lane corridors for Alternate US19, that alternate ways to split the traffic load be investigated and that use of existing rights-of-way, including the railroad right-of-way be maximized, while also accommodating the Pinellas Trail. The motion was duly seconded and carried unanimously. Commissioner Regulski reported the MPO would also be considering the TIP program. He reviewed the current status of Clearwater projects in that document. He expressed concerns regarding visual aids for the airport and runway lighting being included in that program if there is nothing in the Clearwater Capital Improvement Project. This will be investigated. A question was raised regarding the Drew Street improvements and Bill Baker, Public Works Director, indicated an engineering firm will be hired to do the PD&E study. He stated the County is doing the section of Drew from NE Coachman to US19 and it will be the City's engineers responsibility to pull the two projects together. Commissioner Regulski reviewed further programs in the TIP proposal. A question was raised regarding a project for Court Street Widening and Mr. Baker indicated monies had been encumbered for this project. In response to a question, it was indicated the City is looking at a joint land acquisition to address stormwater retention. Commissioner Regulski stated there are two issues, one to add Court Street to the City's CIP plan and two, to delete Drew Street improvements that are no longer needed due to the joint project with the State for the overall improvements of Drew. This correction will be requested. He stated the second issue is the proposal to six lane Belcher Road. He questioned whether or not the Commission wished to take a position regarding landscaping medians and rather than having extended turn lanes, that portions of those lanes be landscaped. Concerns were expressed regarding the need to six lane Belcher Road. Commissioner Nunamaker left the meeting at 12:00 noon. It was indicated the only problem with the level of service for Belcher is from Coachman Road, north of Gulf-to-Bay. Commissioner Regulski questioned whether or not the Commission wished to make a position statement regarding Belcher Road improvements, asking that the portion North of Gulf to Bay be accelerated as a separate project from other widening of Belcher Road and further consideration of six laning Belcher be delayed until after the impact of the Highland, Keene and Bay Bridge improvements can be accessed. Commissioner Fitzgerald moved to ask the MPO to put an improvement project on Belcher Road to make it a four lane urban corridor between Gulf-to-Bay Boulevard and NE Coachman Road; this four lane improvement should be considered prior to any consideration of making Belcher a six lane urban corridor; also, making Belcher Road a six lane urban corridor should not be considered until Highland Avenue and Keene Road have been improved and the Bay Bridge and McMullen-Booth Road have been opened. The motion was duly seconded and carried unanimously. A question was raised regarding the landscaping of the medians. The City Manager indicated this would be done where it was possible and the least maintenance would probably result from the installation of trees. It the consensus of the Commission to convey this request to State and County officials for improvements along State and County roads as well. The meeting adjourned at 12:10 p.m.