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lareenie.nt made, Fcbruar, 9, 201,
and hc:'L cern; CleaarwaTer- Rublic Llbrarus Systern and ,ferry Bickel dbaa Bits N Pieces Puppet"flteaalezr-
lddres, 4af-Put,(=Ci 12904 Torn Gallagher Road, Dover, FL 33527
leC`r.gi^eo1"f'eI-forl syr:
(8 13)) 5fcp.t'6f
1.oia.I in r_ cr;g a 22—I�LorI_dc 0 17r
l he. Clea i aier l',ubllc t , .`s F--, Sy r,Forrr cnntraCt,i Jerry, Bickel dfaa fits N Pieces Puppet f Beater° the ta.rris h real, sreclficii ,it-;
d er nesd a,= Mala t 1 2M PM East Isahrar
:"s?`''pROXPv`I, T-': I-FN't'fiTH OF f'rl'i4`yC"aRAM: l lfranr
PROGRAM / \':.. E' Musical Tale of Flettr Rabbit
l'i horl nlr°iurn in `are Yalrleaarrtt Of$25 ,00 Aeill he provided after the programa, A Social Srtcurity em numbernumber4r4 Valid h rrf sra1 lD
n-umber is requirera'l`b fart pa'v i ro is made. Youou mt`
ust provide a W-9 t`n—n (Request for axp" yer Idficaticm \trrinbe, �uici
r: �r^aif ir.;atttin 1,
F'l,fs a-greement ronitiahs the signatories to the performances herein specified as to time and glace Na substitute taresearnerr are
alk'n able. Slinu](l the perfornwr cancel their appearance for any reason after signing this aerreemew, no fees are pcayal'f e: IMJ
aii'1%ad anew.piiulli to the perforrne,r nium be returned within Iwo weeks o th ca-ricellation date, AI-the 1...ibrarv'.s opt9S9'r'a' and
silbje.^ct to elle taa ailabd ty of the performew.r., a rntal e-up date for the missed performances relay be schedule°d consts,tent ,viih the
The City's larelei-Fieri method of payment Is through a VISA Clio,,Peard after the perfa t-mance has been completed and <°u receipt
fear b<-slnrl c flrolla [lie performer must be provided. P,-,wracrr9 irraw be rrsaefe r,r a Square, perl` rrrler's tieelasrtr: or thgr,rrs t a
ucoun! and rin Convenience cir,irfia9'es %01l apply,
Perfumer hercl"v agrees 'n indernnil „ defend and hold harmless the City(if Clearwater fii- lin and agains! all thercds rant' ca nils
actions or suns for direct damages, costs and expenses, including reasonable atiorne'ys`fees resulting freal-ra and to the eNtem c"
Pcrformcr's neel igence. Notwithsianding anything contained herein to the contrary,, this lndernnlrics�tion provision shall 11,01 -r,
e tinstrated as a Waiver Of any raninunily to which C in, is entitled or the extent of any limitation of liability pursuant to § 76 Vit;.
Florida Staattites. Furthermore, this provision is Pot intended to nor shall it be rraterpreted as Imiiting or• [n anysena aaFfec:rirr2
wan% defense 1" lay have under § 768-28. l lorida Sttattatcs or as consent to be sawed by third parties
_. firecitar .ferry Bickel
1Ja a Rothsteinn 1ssi�t is
Clear��aatcr public Library Svsttrrt, �itS � F'iece��taf pet Tlreatca