9054-17ORDINANCE NO. 9054 -17 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA RELATING TO THE SCHEDULE FOR DOMESTIC WATER, LAWN WATER, RECLAIMED WATER, AND WASTEWATER COLLECTION UTILITY RATES; AMENDING APPENDIX A, ARTICLE XXIV PUBLIC WORKS – FEES, RATES AND CHARGES; SECTION (3)(a) WATER RATES, SECTION (3)(b) WASTEWATER COLLECTION UTILITY RATES AND (3)(f) RECLAIMED WATER RATES CLEARWATER CODE OF ORDINANCES; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA: Section 1. Appendix A, Article XXIV, PUBLIC WORKS —FEES, RATES AND CHARGES, Section (3)(a) Water Rates, Clearwater Code of Ordinances is amended as follows: (3) Rates: (a) Water rates. Water rates for all water furnished by the city shall be as follows: 1. Domestic water rates shall be a monthly fee as provided in the table below based on the meter size and volume allowance, with an additional charge per 1,000 gallons of water consumed over the allowance per the table below. Such rates will take effect for bills issued on or after the dates shown in the following table, and shall remain in effect thereafter unless amended: Ord. No.9054 -17 Page 1 October 1, October 1, October 1, October 1, October 1, Meter Size 20167 20148 20189 201920 20201 Under 1 -inch: Base service charge with allowance up to 3,000 gallons 20.16 21.42 20.91 21.69 23.16 2-2750 24.09 23.34 25.05 22.29 Plus, from 3,001 to 8 8747 8779 9.12 9746 9,000 gallons, per 1,000 gallons 8.68 9.03 9.39 9.76 10.16 Plus, from 9,001 gallons up, per 10.30 10.69 11709 11.51 11.94 1,000 gallons 10.94 11.38 11.84 12.31 12.80 Ord. No.9054 -17 Page 1 1 -inch: Base service charge with allowance up to 7,000 gallons 47A4 49.98 48779 52.01 50.61 52.50 56.21 54746 58.45 54.04 Plus, from 7,001 to 8714 8747 877.9 9.12 9:46 40,000 gallons, per 1,000 gallons 8.68 9.03 9.39 9.76 10.16 Plus, from 40,001 gallons up, per 10.30 10.69 11.09 11.51 11794 1,000 gallons 10.94 11.38 11.84 12.31 12.80 1% -inch: Base service charge with allowance up to 100,000 gallons 672:99 714.00 69.7.00 743.00 723790 772.00 750.00 803.00 7778790 835.00 Plus, from 100,001 to 140,000 gallons, per 1,000 gallons 8.17 8.68 847 9.03 8:79 9.39 9.12 9.76 946 10.16 Plus, from 140,001 gallons, per 1,000 gallons 40.30 10.94 10.69 11.38 11709 11.84 11.51 11794 12.80 12.31 2 -inch: Base service charge with allowance up to 233,000 gallons 1,565.76 1,663.62 1, 624.01 17684759 1, 798.76 1,747.50 14 1, 731.19 1, 870.99 1,945.55 Plus, from 233,001 to 343,000 gallons, per 1,000 gallons 8.17 8.68 8:47 9.03 8779 9.39 9.12 9746 10.16 9.76 Plus, from 343,001 gallons, per 1,000 gallons 10.30 10.94 10769 11.38 11.09 11.84 11.51 14794 12.80 12.31 Ord. No.9054 -17 Page 2 3 -inch or2 -inch in manifold: Base service charge with allowance up to 359,000 gallons 2,412.45 2,502.23 2,505.57 2=2:59 2, 563.26 2, 667.37 2, 771.48 2, 882.77 2,793.02 2, 997.65 Plus, from 359,001 to 474,000 gallons, per 1,000 gallons 877 8.68 8747 9.03 8779 9.39 0.12 9.76 9746 10.16 Plus, from 474,001 gallons, per 1,000 gallons 40.30 10.94 48769 11.38 447A9 11.84 11.51 44794 12.80 12.31 4 -inch: Base service charge with allowance up to 691,000 gallons 4,643.52 4,933.74 47816727 5,134.13 4,995.93 5,334.52 182 5^ �..,0 5,548.73 5,375.98 5,769.85 Plus, from 691,001 to 979,000 gallons, per 1,000 gallons 8717 8.68 8747 9.03 8779 9.39 0.12 9.76 9746 10.16 Plus, from 979,001 gallons, per 1,000 gallons 10.30 10.94 40769 11.38 44799 11.84 11.51 11.94 12.80 12.31 6 -inch: Base service charge with allowance up to 1,775,000 gallons -1-17928790 12,673.50 12,371.75 12,833.25 13�mo0 14,253.25 13, 14,821.25 13,188.25 13,703.00 Plus, from 1,775,001 to 2,025,000 gallons, per 1,OOOgallons 844 8.68 8747 9.03 8779 9.39 0.12 9.76 9746 10.16 Plus, from 2,025,001 gallons, per 1,000 gallons 40-38 10.94 40769 11.38 34709 11.84 11.51 11.94 12.80 12.31 Ord. No.9054 -17 Page 3 8 -inch: Base service charge with allowance up to 3,000,000 gallons 2974649,943 21, 420.00 2979 22, 290.00 24 6��7P99 23.160.00 22,5 24, 090.00 237340799 25, 050.00 Base service, with no usage allowance $7.19 $7.4G $7.74 $8.03 $833 PIus, from 3,000,001 to 3,413,000 gallons, per 1,000 gallons 8,7 8.68 8747 9.03 8779 9.39 9 12 9.76 9746 10.16 $8.94 PIus, from 3,413,001 gallons, per 1,000 gallons 10.38 10.94 3-9769 11.38 11.09 11.84 11.51 9.77 12.31 11.94 12.80 2. Lawn water meters. Lawn water rates shall be as follows and will take effect for bills issued on or after the dates specified: Lawn meter size October 1, 20167 October 1, 20178 October 1, 20189 October 1, 201920 October 1, 20291 Under 1 -inch: Base service, with no usage allowance $7.19 $7.4G $7.74 $8.03 $833 $7.64 $7.94 $8.26 $8.59 $8.94 PIus, up to 2,000 gallons, per 1,000 gallons 8.75 9.30 9.07 9.67 9:44 10.06 9.77 10.13 10.88 10.46 Plus, from 2,001 gallons, per 1,000 gallons 12.0G 12.81 12.51 12.98 13.46 14.41 13.33 13.86 13.97 14.99 1 -inch: Base service charge, with no usage allowance 21.58 72.39 23.85 24.10 25.79 255.00 26.82 22.93 23.23 24.80 PIus, up to 7,000 gallons, per 1,000 gallons 8:75 0.07 9741 10.06 10.13 10.88 9.30 9.67 0.77 10.46 Plus, from 7,001 gallons, per 1,000 gallons 12.0G 12.81 12.51 12.98 13.46 14.41 13.33 13.86 13.97 14.99 Ord. No.9054 -17 Page 4 1% -inch: Base service charge, with no usage allowance 107.97 112.02 120.58 129.04 3-257-10 134.20 114.72 119.31 116 124.08 Plus, up to 9,000 gallons, per 1,000 gallons 8776 9.30 9.07 9.67 9741 10.06 977-7 10.46 10.13 10.88 Plus, from 9,001 gallons, per 1,000 gallons 12.0G 12.81 12.51 12.98 13.46 14.41 13.33 13.86 13.97 14.99 2 -inch: Base service charge, with no usage allowance 302.32 313.0 334.06 325.42 350.28 375.78 321.22 347.43 337.62 361.32 Plus, up to 40,000 gallons, per 1,000 gallons 85 9.30 9.07 974-1 10.06 9:�7 10.46 10.13 10.88 9.67 Plus, from 40,001 gallons, per 1,000 gallons 12.06 12.81 12.51 12.98 13.46 14.41 13.33 13.86 13.97 14.99 3 -inch or two 2 -inch in manifold: Base service charge, with no usage allowance 597.42 634.76 619.83 660.15 643.07 686.56 667719 714.02 692.2.1 742.58 Plus, up to 100,000 gallons, per 1,000 gallons 8:75 9.30 91 10.06 97�7 10.46 10.13 10.88 9.07 9.67 Plus, from 100,001 gallons, per 1,000 gallons 12.06 12.81 12.51 12.98 13.46 14.41 13.33 13.86 13.97 14.99 Ord. No.9054 -17 Page 5 4 -inch: Base service charge, with no usage allowance 1,151.G7 1,194.8.5 1,239.GG 1, 223.65 1, 272.60 1, 323.50 1,28645 1, 376.44 1,334.38 1,431.50 Plus, up to 233,000 gallons, per 1,000 gallons 8.75 9.30 0.07 9.67 0.41 10.06 0.77 10.46 10.13 10.88 Plus, from 233,001 gallons, per 1,000 gallons 12.06 12.81 12.51 12.98 13746 14.41 13.33 13.86 13.97 14.99 6 -inch: Base service charge, with no usage allowance 3�1 , 3,693.90 3,606.98 3,841.65 3,742.25 3,882.58 4,155.13 4,028.18 4,321.34 3,995.32 Plus, up to 359,000 gallons, per 1,000 gallons 845 9.30 0.07 9743 10.06 10.13 10.88 9.67 0.77 10.46 Plus, from 359,001 gallons, per 1,000 gallons 1-2706 12.81 12.51 12.98 13.46 14.41 13.33 13.86 13.97 14.99 * * * * * * * * ** Section 2. Appendix A, Article XXIV, PUBLIC WORKS -FEES, RATES AND CHARGES, Section (3)(b) Wastewater Collection Utility Rates, Clearwater Code of Ordinances is amended as follows: (b) Wastewater collection utility rates. 1. There is hereby established a uniform schedule of rates and charges for the availability of use of the wastewater collection system. The wastewater collection utility rate shall be a monthly fee, as provided in the table below, based on the meter size and volume allowance of domestic water, with an additional charge per 1,000 gallons of water consumed over the allowance per the table below. Such rates shall take effect for bills issued on or after the dates as shown in the following table, and shall remain in effect thereafter unless amended: Ord. No.9054 -17 Page 6 Base Monthly Charge With or Without Consumption Size of Meter October 1, 20167 October 1, 20148 October 1, 20189 October 1, 204920 October 1, 20291 Allowance (gallons) Under 1 -inch 27.75 28.89 30.66 29.88 31.89 31.02 33.18 3,000 or less 29.49 32.16 34.50 1 -inch 64775 68.81 67.20 71.54 69772 74.41 72.38 75..04 80.50 7,000 or less 77.42 11A-inch 925..99 983.00 960799 1,022.00 996.99 1,063.00 47934709 1,106.00 47942709 1,150.00 100,000 or less 2 -inch 2,155.25 2,89 2,381.26 2,320.68 2,409.22 2,576.98 233,000 or less 2,290.39 2,476.79 2,497.76 2,679.50 3 -inch or two 2 -inch manifold 3,320.75 3,446.40 3,668.98 3,848748 4,128.50 359,000 or less 3,528.97 3,575.64 3,816.17 3,712.06 3,970.54 4-inch 67391775 6,792.53 67633760 7,062.02 6,832.36 7,345.33 47144794 7,642.46 7,407.52 7,946.50 691,000 or less 6-inch 4 6, r1ZV'T18:75 17,448.25 147040700 18,140.50 14, 67 9709 18, 868.25 8,1� 4 3753750 19,631.50 497028799 20,412.50 1,775,000 or less 8 -inch 4700 29,490.00 287899799 30,660.00 297889799 99 31,890.00 39799 33,180.00 327460700 34, 500.00 3000 000 or less Charge per 1,000 gallons of water used over the allowance 9769 10.22 9796 10.63 40734 11.06 9.83 10.72 11.50 Ord. No.9054 -17 Page 7 * * * * * * * * ** Section 3. Appendix A, Article XXIV, PUBLIC WORKS —FEES, RATES AND CHARGES, Section (3)(f) Reclaimed Water Rates, Clearwater Code of Ordinances is amended as follows: (f) Reclaimed water rates. There is hereby established a uniform schedule of rates and charges for the use or availability of use of the reclaimed water system. The reclaimed water rate shall be a monthly fee consisting of an availability charge as the basic allowance in the following table, plus a charge per 1,000 gallons of reclaimed water consumed as indicated. Such rates shall take effect for bills issued on or after dates as shown in the following table, and shall remain in effect thereafter unless amended: Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon adoption. [End of ordinance, signature page to follow.] Ord. No.9054 -17 Page 8 October 1, October 1, October 1, October 1, October 1, 20167 20178 20189 204920 20201 Single- family, duplex or triplex (per domestic water account), commercial /industr ial or multi - family dwelling and open space 13.83 14.35 34.89 457 44 16.02 Availability charge 14.69 15.28 15.89 16.53 17.19 Usage — Metered per 1,000 gallons used 445 1.22 .49 1.27 4724 4729 1.37 1.33 1.43 1.32 Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon adoption. [End of ordinance, signature page to follow.] Ord. No.9054 -17 Page 8 PASSED ON FIRST READING PASSED ON SECOND AND FINAL READING AND ADOPTED proved as to fo C Assistant City Attorney AUG 0 3 2017 SEP 0 '1 2017 Gtto fix fAcr e \-1.1c0) George N. Cretekos Mayor Attest: L- -e-JA 67-4_ CL Rosemarie Call City Clerk Ord. No.9054 -17 Page 9