210 SAND KEY ESTATES DR� -�� n�` �!� c �5� t��' .�� ,P��? . .. �� � � Ei�1/ATi�N C��TIF�CAT� �.,N.�.,vo3067-G cxo�res Mav 31, ' FEDEAAL EMEi3GEiVCY MANAGE11AEi�i' AGEidCY NATIONAL F�OOD INSURANC� RROGRAM ATTENTTON: Use ot this certificate ooes not prov�de a warver of the flood insurance purcnase reqwremern. This rorm Is used ornv to oroviae eievation mtormatton necessary to ensure compfiance wrth aop6canle communrry flooctola�n management ordinances, to tletermme the prooer insurance premium rate. and/or to support a request for a Letier of Map Ame�oment or Revision (LOMA or L�MR1. instructions far campleting this form can be found on the following pages, SECTION A PROPEi�'TY INFORMATION FOF INSURANCE COMPANY USE BUILDING OWNEfi'S NAME � POUCY NUMBEfl STREET AODRESS (Induamg ApL. Untt. Sw[e anarar 81tlg. Nlumoerl OF P.O. ROUTE ANO BOX NUMBEfl COMP,�NY NAIC NUMBER �/�rv !7 � y �S T+4�f� S i� r'..� v c,� OTHER DESCAIPTION (Lot and Blocx Numoers. etc.; L � T 5� Co T� � o n.�,.� U 5� v 2 5,�.".a ,� y � r 3 �/ o ��. i i- � 3 Cm STATE ZIP CODE S/�+v O � `7' C.�c:.c�1+Z.:.,.t ��Ly t- �. r-.,a�!=� /.� /1 �3 �I � SE�TION B FLOOD 1NSURANC� RAT� MAP-(FiRNF) INFaRMATiON Provlae the rollowmg from the prooer FiRM (See Instructions): i t. COMMUNITY NUMBEA Z. PANEL NUMBER I 3. SUFFIX a. DATE OF FIRM INDEX I 5. FIRM ZONE I o. BASE F�OOD ELEVATION i f in AO Zones, uso aeom) � ( 1 G���� � ac i�t- I � I �..��,-�, � I r-�� i ll 7. Indicate the elevation datum system usea on the FiRM for Base Flooa Elevanons (BFr;: !�NGVD '29 �� Other ldescnbe on bacic) 8. For Zones A or V, where no BF� is provided on the FiRM, and the commurnty nas estabiisnea a BFc for th�s buiiding site, indicate the commurnty's BF=: .._: reet NGVO (or other F1RM datum—see Secnon B. Item 71 SECTION C BUILDING ELEVATION INFORMATION t. Us�ng the tfevation Certificate Instrucnons. indicate the diagram numoer from the diagrams round on Pages 5 and 6 that best descnbes the sub�ect building's reference levei �. 2(a). FiRM Zones A1-A30. AE. AH. and A(with 8t=ti. The too of the reterence level ffoor from the seieciea diagram is at an eievatron of ! t . Z feet NGVD (or other FtRM aatum—ses Section B. Item 71. (b1. FIRM Zones V1-V30. VE. and V(with BFci. 'he oottom of the lowest honzonta► structural member or the rererence ievel from the selectea diagram. is at an eievanon of ._ �eet NGVD (or otner F(F�M oatum—see Sect�on B. Item 7). (c1. r=1RM Zone A(wrthout BFc:. The fioor useo as the reterence level �rom the seiectea d�agram �s .._, reet aoove � or beiovv _ � c�r�csc or�e) the nignest graae aaiacenr to tne ouiiding. (d1. �1RM Zone AO. The floor used as the reterence ievzi from the seiected diagram is .._ ieet above _. or beiow _(cnectc one► the hignest grade adjacent to tne ouilding. If no flood aeoth number is avaiiaDle. is the owlding's lowest floor (reterence levell eievated in accoroanca wrth the commurnN's Tl0000tain management orclirtance? _ Yes _ No _ Unknown 3. Inclicate ihe eievation datum system used in determinmg the above rererence levei eievatiorts: � NGVD '29 _ Other (descrioe �^.^.@f r'.C�� �^i^aT�� ^v� � Q3^y8 2). (lti��T�: ii i! ic c�lEVaiiu�i uaiiirTr usea ir� rneasurrng ihe erevanons rs dii�erent rnan tnat used on the FIAM (see Secnon 8. Item � then convert :he elevatrons to the datum sVStem useU on the FlAM and show fhe conversron equarron unaer Commenrs on Page Z. ) 4. Eievatton reterence mark usad appears on F#RM: _ Yes �No (See InstrucUOns on Page 41 5. The rererence level eievaUOn is basea on: � actuai constructron _ constructton arawmgs (NOTE: Use of consiructton oraw�ngs �s onty valid if the oudding does noi yei have the �eierencs level floor m p�ace. �n wnrcn c�se rhrs certificate wi11 only be valid for the Duilding durrng the course ot constrUCilon. A oost-consttucfion Elevanon Cartificate wlll be requrred onca construcrion is comA/ere.1 6. The eievation of ihe lowest graae immeaiatery adiacent to the buiid�ng is: �.� �eet NGVD (or other �1RM datum-see Sectton B. Item 7). SE�T10N D COMMUNITY 1NFORMATION 1. If the commurntv oftic�al resDOnsiDle tor verirvino tiwiding elevations speC�iies that the reterence level inaicatea �n Section C. Item 1 is not the "lowest floor" as denned in the commurnry's rlooaolain managemenc oroinance. che eievation or the oudding�s "lowest ftoor" as aetineti by the oramance �s: _ rest NGVD �or otner FiRM aatum—see Sectcon 8. Item 71. 2. Date ot tne start or construcnon or suostannai �morovement F�MA FO�m d1-31 MGV Q(1 ?CDI . r_. .. �nr�.�.��., -....,.... __C oC�iCOCC �inC �`lo n...�T�..� �,rv�.� SECitON E CERTIFlCATION P � This certfficauon is to be s�gned by a land surveyor, engfneer, or arct�itecf who is auihorrzed 6yr State or ioca� law to certrty elevanon �rrformanon wnen the elevauon irttormation for Zones A1—A30. AE. AFI. A(wrth BFEj.V't—V30.VE, and V(wrth gF�} is repu�. Commurttty afficials wi�o are author�ed by tocal law or ordmance to oro�nde fl�n management irttormanort. may alsc s�gn the certiticaoon. In the case of Zones AO and A(without a FEMA or cammunrty issued gF�. a buiiding offiaat. a Aronerry owner, o� an owner's reoreserttatrve may atso s�gn me certific�on. Reference level diagrams 6. 7 and 8- Distinguishing Features—�f the certifier is unable to ce�ty to breakawaymon-orealcaway waU, endosure s�ze, Ior,aUon ot servidng equ�pment, area use, wall opernngs, or urtfirnshed area Feawre(s), then tist t�e Feawre�s) not induded in the certificabon under Cammerits beiow. The diagram number. Secpon C. ltem 1, must still be ernered. I certr/y that the informaDOn irt Seciions B and C on thrs cartificate represer�s my best etlarLS fo inteipret the data avarlab/e. l unde�stand that any ta�se s7atemertt may be punrsnabte by tine or impnsonmem under 18 U.S. Code, Secrron 1001. �EATIFlEA'S NAME UCENSE NUMBEA lor Attix Sea�� V /11�l�� C . �$IT� � a�(o�g � COMPANY NAME rr.�srDE.t1r L�9n�d l��c.,�:cu �ae.�o�e,�-r, o.� .�DDRESS CTTY STATE up //3o F7,NE�lve _����� Q -1 u�tEDi�l GL 3�l(09$ SIGNATURE Cop�es should bs COMMENTS: � OATE PI-IpNE , - '73C. - I/C.(� Carttftcate tor. 1) cammunity official, 2) insurance ageRticampany, and 3) buiidtng ownar, ON sue A V ZONES ZONES %LOOD =LEVAT1pN -���:\•.�:.. �. -�� iqADE ' .�DdACE!!f GMDE VV1T11 s�►s�etrr A �' ZONE$ 3tiSE �IOOD ELEYAT1dV ON PILES, P1ER3. OR �(J�1�g � V ZONES ZONES IRE�R�a�E _EVEL � � '� � 3A8f :1000 EIEVATION � �••- . ADdACEI:i %. .. ... ... . . . ... :.�^. 3RADE The d�agrams above illustrate the pomts at wrnch the eievanons snould be measurea in A Zones and V Zones. Eievanans for all A Znnes shouJd be measured at the top of the reference fevel floor. Elevanons for all V Zones should be measured at the bottom ot the iowesi honzontal sttuc:ural memoer. �3QB � i- I �� �I I 3o i�C>WNSf-11P 29 ;Ul 11 f-�, RA�1(;F __15___ F n� 1�. PIfJF l_I_� �'-.�)t IN 1���, � l��.�RI(_� n CERTIFIED TO: • FIRST UNION NATIONAL BANK OF FLORIDA OLD REPUBLIC NATIONAL ITLE INSURANCE CO c L �, +> �--�-� � ' ` N 3�y W� T • � � R RICHARDS, GILKEY, FITE, r'`-'T,y6 S 2)0 � A T� SLAUGHTER, PRATESI & WARD, P.A. ° Sj, E � A LEON & LINDA WELCH � 22�. R R MARDEN EN�I'ERPRISES, INC. � 1�� 1•e- k' \ � R MODEVELOPME NTACORPORATION ����jN FN,�� 6c S��N,� 4�• p ` N O 2 STORY CONC. BLOCK & WD. FR. STUCTURE LOWEST FINISHED FLOOR EL=11.27' � �� � � �~ O �', �ry ` � �� 47 . � �F sa� t LL � �' �y t /�r . . � FNT �_' s�,r / N ` � Hs� .�---1 � �� 1� o� E,�c o.�EN '�: � rF � ` . sE� �� ��� �\ O %� 3S•o- O� / � ti �q / o �E � / � xr , � ; � rZ/ '�' � °� � � `��" ��� ���4 6 0 �.: M ,�, � ��� w � � . O b� � . 0 0 O� � ti X 2 �f S�T � S. � I , .3 . O H6 S�EtvNaGl�`, p p 1� Fiy, S' � � � � '�t� pT . h' � p�,e,�, .�2�e �� �.js,I�rT•.•:• ti \ t �-, �,. A�' �� ez � � s1 '2 � � . ����T � � � � � _ r Z; 7 � 49 . �.. �' 2 �� r� 'f/ . � �_ � i p �'� S n' 2 . . . /�� T��\ � �o,�a; : . h o 4s' oo , S�,'' N� k ° , � � y (30 .�/� � S ��c�L26 AA � A S'A� �' S+ O� 1 � � u 1"=2,0' PARCEL A: UTILITIES, INGRESS, EGRESS & RE(�RESS EASEMENT LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT 46, THE MOORINGS OF SAND KEY, ACCORDING TO THE MAP OR PLAT THEREOF, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 110, PAGE 11 - 13, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF PINELLAS COUNTY, FLORIDA. FIAOD ZONE' AE, EL=11, IN ACCORDANCE WITH F.I.R.M. MAP NUMBER 125096-0014-D, CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA. MAP REVISED 8/19/91. BOUNDARY SURVEY & FINAL SURVEY "ui<v�E�� �S S�IBJECr rO A TITLF SEA.RCiI FOR MArTERS �?F RE.COf2f) Ff�(��FCflt�lG �I��E F'ROPOERTY. 1�A��I� �f HEARIIIG �RE PLAI,-UNLESS OIHFRWISE tJOTED HFRE�0��1. t Ir��. I ii Ir�f� RGRr)l Ir�IU IMF'ROVE MFfJ1 ; I(?(;�TEU OR SH(1WPI FIFRFII��I. -- ._. ._------------------------- --------- - _ _ _ _ _ - __-- L E G E N D �iR Set �r- n Rnd i 9'� I F�p'G16B OC - oint Of Commencement (Cnic) Cnir,uloted FIR fvund Iren Rod FCM - Found Concrete Monument (R) Record FiF' f cun�! Iron Pip� PRF.a - Perrnonent Re�erenr� tile,r�urnnnt �p� .- Oeed I1RcU tda�l an4 Disk PC -- �oint Ot Curve ' r�S (�ncrPfe �I�b PC8 f'oi��t Of Beq iminin� POL - Point On I. in� r/'1�� I'�rn,anrnl (`nnir���l'�int � ��nlerline �r!f� y Sc.�.�-� I " = 20 " Cjl Curb (ie �l,f/1'1)q�d,1T�(1 f� i f ence 1iP a (�;+.) FAPa^ured (!') Plnt __ _ . .— --------- 94462 � Dnrt s�iRVFYEb� 6/10/94 rERnFlCArE: iF�f SURVEr REPRFSENTED HEREON DOES MEEi THE MINiMUM � (�FVISIOiJS RFOIURFMENT OF CNAFiER BIGil - 6 F�ORIDA nDA1�NMSTRAAVE CODF �ND 1��EnF nRE NO FNrRO�CHMF.NTS FXCEPI AS SHOWN HEREtNJ. 9,�5�� — /iG /�! - %�G�9'� --- 95F 87 7 - GinlAG - /Z /t �9 ---- = `�,� --" ' �,� �. -- �.._._— � �r T E CoR�iTT, F REG. % (NOi VAUO UNIESS EMBOSSE i `=-�.. 7 .,Za '; —_ -�-- VfYOR No A60H " H (�7Lf]A/I1RA/i'��LU�� 0 /1 ,1 �4�Tt:-71d4t1�' ,{ � 1130 PINEHURSI ROAD - SUI1E A DUNEDIN, FLORIDA 34698 PHONE (813) 736 - 1166 FAX (813) 734 - 5212 l,li �6161� .