BCP2005-01510F (2) ,,," if. ); r , ~ROJECT ~OCA TION , t k 'I 1- I: ~ROPERTY ,. OWNER H " :(i ~RCHITECTJ SNGINEER ~., /- " , ffDJ ~@~, aW~lff) L1ll1 AIIG, 0 - Wi O€IIEL.OPMENT elT'( O~ CL~~~y'~CES DEPT ."ATER City of Clearwater Development & Neighborhood Services 100 South Myrtle Avenue, Clearwater, FL 33756 Phone (727) 562-4567 Fax (727) 562-4576 WEB: www.myclearwater.com PERMIT APPLICATION PARCEL NUMBER Ot? J .21' I 15 I 433 80 I aD Y I CJj'JC; PROJECT/JOBNAME R.~'5/DCNC~'i AT w'N6w~R.I\ P~ssAC:,(.C" PROJECT ADDRESS JaJ WINI)W,ft Q'~ P,d S~-1 (, ~ ZIP.3.? 1t:. "'1 BUSINESS NAME PHONE LEGAL DESCRIPTION C4 5 roe ~ Co N Do 13 L Dt:) NAME wINf)w-iR/~ P,+sSA4f: CONI')OS L("C ,~ oII,,(last name, first) ADDRESS vI ''''kJN SO, CITY ,Ii- F" ~ TCr tt~ (2. '(jaR... STATE 1= L ZIP '3 4(p 9.5" PHONE 7 J 7 - 4 Y. ~ - 5 , i' 4- FAX E-mail: NAME (,J A L TOAl H ~ H-4AJCt".... ~ A Sso l' I A- r S' ~ . ADDRESS CITY --.I4 yvt p" PHONE STATE P:" c... ZIP FAX , E-mail: ~ONTRACTOR II .1 ~ i COMPANY NAME: V C c.. L1C. HOLDER 2.A mAL L €. ~ ADDRESS d-.I ~ LD Vl IS J !rN ~ CITY l.., -r;L t. (toc./e: STATE LICENSE # C L,7 C. '144 99 PHONE SOl' 37(; >00/7 S T FAX 50\.- 37~ ~L-t:I~ ( STATE A It ZIP 7 ~,).o 1 PCCLB# I-cc,e 'T'1'-19~ E-mail: " , . ',~ .' : ! ~ " GENERAL INFORMATION EXISTING BUILDING USE PROPOSED BUILDING USE NUMBER OF STORIES ~ 6 ,_BUILDING HEIGHT NUMBER OF UNITS 55" CONSTRUCTION TYPE: I II III IV V VI; P OR U SQUARE FOOTAGE: LIVING GARAGE/CARPORT OTHER COMMERCIAL TOTAL PLEASE FILL OUT BACK PAGE N ~ -q ~I' D ii",,; I' o __ [- ,,,,,, \ :~. z )> C) 'I,,,,,, I :J CJ Z ~, 11'\'" I' ~~ S )> ''''(>> . c;" =='" 11,.'1 :r )> :::.. !"') ",1'"'11 (J AI m...: Illl~:~ II Al 0 Z (-) "'"..., , 0 ~~IIIll) 1111:;~ 1,1 1:) , IbMt 1111'1~ II )> :::.. U" 11""'11 (j) m II <II'. (j) Z ~~) 1111::: ~l )> --t tliUllll Iltlll' II r"\ ll.uaJ.~1 I ~~ II \.l J II~I'" m ~:J'ti "II.", () . "'''I'll lli>\;lllllll't. .11 ~ ~::) ii:"': II o 1'~ll"" tll 0 ""WII ~ (f) ,~. ~ ,(,"ll :;j: /"" tv '1\.,11 \1 (JJ -~I ):. t ~ '. \' f' ... -: if. ., !ilF FAX PERMIT, PLEASE ENTER PROPERTY ADDRESS HERE: H Ii i:PROJECT DESCRIPTION: ; R.fV/~()'j tRASH CHUTe NATURE ~ OF WORK ~ (CHECK ALL THAT . :4f APPLY) BUILDIN~ ELECTRIC 0 PLUMBING 0 MECHANICAL.21 GAS 0 FIRE 0 ROOFING 0 ENGINEERING 0 LAND RESOURCES 0 LANDSCAPING 0 TRAFFIC OPERATIONS 0 UTILITIES 0 NEAR WETLAND 0 OTHER 0 :TYPE OF WORK: NEW 0 ADDITION 0 REMODEL 0 REPAIR 0 DEMOLITION 0 OTHER 0 l' ; VALUATION: $rzf / \'1 ,BOARD REVIEW REQUIRED: DRC 0 CASE # FL OR FLS (circle one) DATE: CDB 0 DATE: APPROVED 0 DENIED 0 :, 'I Anyone planning to do excavation work, must notify the one-call "CALL SUNSHINE" Notification Center at 1-800-432-4770 prior to any excavation work being done, in order to prevent underground damage. Federal D.O.T. Regulation Part 192, Sections 192.614 and 192.707. Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installation as indicated. I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit and that all work will be performed to meet the standards of all laws regulating construction in this jurisdiction. " CERTIFICATION: tl HAVE COMPLIED WITH ALL THE FEDERAL, STATE AND LOCAL ASBESTOS REGULATIONS CONCERNING NOTIFICATION OF THE I PROPER AUTHORITIES OF THE PROPOSED DEMOLITION AND RENOVATION PROJECTS. :WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY ~SULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR . IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. , I am aware of Florida and Federal Accessibility Codes, and I certify that I have met the requirements of both. , I certify that, this application together with any plans submitted is accurate and represents all work being done at this time. All work will be done :in compliance with all applicable laws regulating construction and zoning and if not I realize I am responsible for the removal of any construction 'in violation of these laws or regulations. Any deviation from information submitted, unless approved by the Building Official will render this , permit null and void. ::PA YMENT METHOD: CASH U CHECKU *CREDIT CARD U *If paying by credit card include authorization form. .cY~Lu~' SIgnature of license holder .;:..Cllte../S WIt.. L I ~ 5 . Please Print Name g/ola, Date r------ d il<( 1'- (L) II,:~]I - C'J ~ Ill]' (1J 11:l1"" 8 ~ I""'IU" 0 1..",1 c:=~ z() 11"111111 I IIUI "lrl'"~ () , ,"11" Ilil w I ~~II 'III III _~IIIII "Ir~IIt'I' (!) II :::: 'II .,......1. I-- <( 1,1 ~~Il 'lrlrllflld- Z (j) I'''''' II (j) I "",)1 &l:1 ~ <C :'; i~:~~: (:~~ 0 CL ::::::'11 C~ z 0 ~ Ill:::::: C~\JII ~ ~( ~~ I~ "~'I' c:: ~ ..l.- I, II gl." <C s cj, 1..'11,. (' ~! Z 0 c 11::::11 ...J ~ Z'c f'I,11 III 0.. ~ ~ ,~ ~ " Hodzontal Assemblies 09 21 16.23/NGC BUYLlNE 1100 r:> t>- I-Stud Cavitv Shaftwall Systems <:an be erected horizontally and used as economical fire resistive assembl ies for corridor ceilings, stair soffits, and protec:tion for mechanical ducts. The I-Stud Cavity Shaftwall Svstem for Horizontal Duct P;otection consists of 1- Studs 24" O.e. with '1" Fire- Shield Shaftliner panels inserted in the stud tabs, and three layers of 1/2" Fire-Shield C Gypsum Wallboard attached to the stud flanges opposite the Shaftliner panels. This System provides fire protection for mechanical ducts and has been tested from both sides. Two lavers of 1/2" Fire-Shield C Gypsum Wallboard attached to the stud flanges opposite the Shaftliner . provide 2-hour fire protection when used as a corridor ceiling or stair soffit.' . Similarly, single layer 5/8" Fire-Shield or Fire-Shield C Gypsum Wallboard attached to the stud flanges opposite the Shaftl iner panels provide 1 -hour fire protection when used as a corridor ceiling or stair soffit.* POWER DfllVEN FASTENEHS 24" o.c. fLfXIBlJ SfALANT ----..-~ DlICT ,. > 1/2' TYPE S OR S-12 PAN HEAD SCREWS (2 PER STUO) LIMITATIONS I-Stud Cavity Shaftwall Systems erected horizontally for corridor ceilings or stair soffits are designed to carry their own deadweight only, and should not be used where there is access to an attic or loft above, or anv probability of storage. In addition, the 2-hour horizontal duct protection system is not designed to carry live 'loads or the weight of the mechanical duding it is protecting. Maximum allowable horizontal spans of each system are shown in the table below. / POWER DRIVeN fASTENERS 24' O.C. I" fiRE-SHIELD SHAFlllNEll __ J TRACK ~ 1/2' fIRE-SHIEO C GYPSUM WALLBOARD I-STUD 24' o.c o m < om _l""" ....0 <""0 05: ."m o~ r-en mm p,:JJ Dc: ~- p,(') ....m men :xl ~~~~~~~P~~!FORI.}T~p'~~EM~TI'ES ~=~'= ...._~:~'---~~.*-'_. ...__=_._..._' ---~.':::c\: Corridor Ceilings And Horizontal M Stair Soffits And Duct Protection Stud Size Minimum Steel Thickness 1-Hour Fire 2-Hour Fire 2.Hour Fire in. (mm) in. (mm) Resistive Rating Resistive Rating Resistive Rating 21/2" (635 mm 0.020 (508) 1'-8" 2337 rnrn) 1'-8" (2337 fTlm) 7'.2" 12184 mrn 21/2" (635 mm 0.0329 (836) 8'-8" 2642 rnm) 9'-4" 2845 mm 8'-8" 2642 mm 4" [102 rnrn 0.020 (.508l 10'-3" 3124 rnm) 10'-9" 3277 rnrn 10'-0" 3048 mm 4" 102mlll 00329(836 11'-9" 3581 III Ill) 12'-1" 3683mm) 11'-3" (3429 mill 6" 152 mm 0.0329 (,836 14'-10" (4521 mill) 14'-10" 4521 mm) 13'-10" (4216 mill Noto: Spans based on L/240 deflection and twice the dead load weight, and 24" o.C. stud spacing. TWO HOUR HORIZONTAL DUCT PROTECTION WHI 694-0300.1 09260GG Scale: 2'" 1'-0' ~ t>- l'FI11::.SHIELD SHAil"UNf'R I-STUD 74'0(: ~i f~ ., \-1"jYPESC)f1S.12 SGRf.WS12"O.G . JfHACK I.STIlO 2.ro.c. rJ1RACK ! I .........~...:.......~.J ',. "'j ! .,' I ;; i. I :./1 L.:J I .. " .' \.. 15!~' TYPE SOR 5.1'2 SCREWS 12'O,C 5!a'~mt.sp.IElD --.J GYPSUM WAU.ROA.flO L.J li2";.!Rf:-SI1IF.I.DC GYPSUM WALlBOARO ONE HOUR HORIZONTAL SHAFTWALL. CORRIDOR CEILING ANO 8T AIR SOFFIT' TWO HOUR CORRIDOR CEILING ANO STAIR SOFFIT' 002/jOi] Clll?\)OHH f>::~1i:: 1"" 1'.0' Sr.;ll!): .~... 1'.0" 'See IC130 Evaluation Services, Ine. Evaluation Report No. 3.579 fO!' allowable values and/or conditions of use concerning material presented in this document. It's subject to re-examinations, revisions, and possible cancellations. CAVITY SHAFTWALL SYSTEMS 135 ~~ (f) ,." -0 IIiiiiJ G?) ImI c::::J ~I ijii1] ~ - co ~ c::;) c::;) en I j .J ~ .; r:> SECTION 09 21 16.23 SHAFTWAll SYSTEMS THE FOLLOWING I'AIV\GRAI'HS ARE FOR INSERTION INTO SEC1KlNS OF GENERIC SPECIFICATIONS OR GENERIC/I'ROI'RI[r.~RY SPECiFICATIONS COVERING SHAF1Wt\l.l I'RODUCTS. THi: NATIONAL GYPSUM COMPANY PIWDUCT NAMi: fOLl.OWS THE GENERIC DESCRiPTION IN PARENTHESES. PART 1 GENERAL 1.02 REFERENCES A. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM): 1. C 36, Specification for Gypsulll Wallboard. 2. C 442, Specification for Gypsum Backing Board, Gypsum Coreboard, ,md Gypsulll Shaftliner Boaro. 3. C san, Specification for Gypsum Base for Veneer Plaster. 4. C 630, Specification for Water-Resistant Gypsum Backing Board. S. C 840, Specification for Application and Finishing of Gypsum Board. 6. C 1396, Specification for Gypsum Board. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.02 MATERIALS A. Cypsum Board: 1. Fire~Resistant Cypsum Shaftliner Board:.^ gypsum core shattvvall panel with additives to enhance fire reslstanc.e of the core and surfaced with water relJellent paper on front, back, and long edges and comp ying with ASTM C 442/C 13%, Type X (Cold Bond I3I~AND Fire-Shield Shaftliner). a. Thickness: I" b. Width: 2' c. Length: 7' through 14' d. Edges: Beveled 2. Fire-Resistant Mold-Resistant Gypsum Shaftliner Board: A gypsum core shaftwall board with additives to enhance fire resistance 01' the core and surfaced with a moisture/mold/mildew resistant paper on front, back, and long edges; and complying.with 0STM C~42/C 1396, Type X (Cold Bond BRAND hre-Shleld Shattllller XP). a. T'hickness: "I" b. Width: 2' c. Length: 7' through 14' d. Edges: Beveled e. Mold and Mildew Resistance: Panel score of 10, when tested in accordance with ASTM D 3273 3. Fire-Resistant Cypsum Board: A gypsum core wall panel with additives to enhance fire resistance of the core and surface with paper on front, back, and long edges and complying with ASTM C 36/C 1396, Type X. a. Thickness: 1/2" (Cold Bond IJI\AND Fire-Shield C Wallboard), 5/8" (Cold Bond BRAND Fire-Shield Wallboard), or 5/8" (Cold Bond BI\AND Fire-Shield C Wallboard). b. Width: 4' c. Length: 6' through 16' (1/2" [:ire-Shield C Wallboard, S/H" Fire-Shield Wallboard) Len\ith: a' through 14' (S/B' ['ire-Shield C Wallboard) d. Edges: Square, Tapered, or Beveled Taper (Sta-Smooth edge) 136 CAVITY SHAFTWALL SYSTEMS 4. Fire-Resistant Mold-Resistant Gvpsum Board: A gypsum core wall panel with additives,to enhance fire resistance and the water resistance 01 the core; surfaced with a moisture/mold/mildew resistant paper on front, back and long edges and complying with ASTM C 630/C 1396, type X. a. Thickness: 1/2" (Gold Bond BI{AND XI' Fire-Shield C Wallboard) 5/8" (Gold Bond BRAND XP Fire-Shield Wallboard. b. Width: 4' c. Length: 8', 10' or 12' d. Edges: Square or Tapered e. Mold and Mildew Resistance: Panel score of 10, when tested in accordance with ASTM D 3273 5. Fire-Resistant Water-Resistant Gypsum Backing Board: A gypsum core wall panelwith additives to enha!lCe the fire resistance and water resistance of the core; sur1aced With water repellent paper on front, back, and long edges; and complying with ASTM C 630/ C 1396; Type X. a. Thickness: 1/2" (Gold Bond BRAND Fire..Shield C MR Board); 5/8" {Gold Bond BRAND Fire-Shield MR Boardl. b. Width: 4' c. Length: 6' through 16' d. Edges: Tapered 6. Fire-Resistant Plaster Base: ^ gypsum core /Janel with additives to enhance the fire r<"sistance of tle core and surfaced with absorptive paper on front, back, and long edges and complying with ASTM C 5BB/CI3<J6; Type X. a. Thickness: 1/2" (I(al-I<ore BI~AND Fire-Shield C Plaster Base); .5/8" (Kal-Kore BRAND Fire-Shield Plaster Base). b. Width: 4' c. Length: a' and 12' d. Edges: Tapered B. Joint Treatment 1. Tape: 2 1/16" wide paper reinforcing tape (ProForrn BI\AND Joint Tapel. 2. Compound: Drying type pre-mixed COI!lPOlllld (ProFonn BRAND Multi-Use Joint Compound, Prof'orm BRAND AII- Purpose Joint Compound, regular grade and machine grade, ProForm IlR~ND Lite joint Comp()und, Pro Form . IlR,\ND Ultra JOint Compound, and PrO[-Orll1BRAND XI' JOint Compoundl. 3. Compound: Drying type job mixed vinyl base compound (ProFormIlRAND Triple-T Compound). 4. Compound: Drying type topping compound, p~e-mixed (Pro Form BRAND J opplng JOint c.ompound, ProForm BRAND Ultra joint Compound). .5. Compound: Setting type job mixed chemical-hardening compound (Pro Form BRAND Sta..Smooth Joint Compound, ProForm BRAND Sta-Smooth Lite Joint Compound), PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION i\. Install studs, tracks, shaftliner, wallboard, accessories, and finish wallboard joints in accordance with the following ASTM Standards and manufacturer's recommendations: 1. ASTM Standards: a. Metal Framing: C 7.54 b. joint Treatment: C 840. 2. Manufacturer's Recommend<ltions: National Cypsum Company "Gypsum Construction Guide." IraJ [E & [ElllYl [Elm WI SEP, B 2006 Wi DEVELOPMENT ~2: CL~~~~~~~S OEPT _. -'.~.._,:.~.t ~ ---- ~,eearwater ~ ~/~/, CITY OF CLEARWATER 100 S. MYRTLE AVE Suite - 210 CLEARWATERZ FLJ. 33756 PHONE - 727 56L-4567 FAX - 72715 2-4576 www.myclearwater.com u To: SAM ALLEY Fax: 501/376-4145 Permit: BCP2005-01510F Address: 202 WINDWARD PASG Ift~m From: Michael Lopez Pages: 1 Date: September 8, 2006 cc: Comments: Your building permit application with the City of Clearwater is now being reviewed. There are comments from the plan review that you will need to respond to. These conditions can be found on- line at htto:/ /eoermit.mvclearwater.com/ViewPermit. Please bring your response to comments to our office for review. We will keep you informed of any other comments based on the review of your responses. Number of plans needed: Residential plans - 3 sets Commercial Site plans - 8 sets Commercial Interior plans - 3 sets Please call if you have any questions. I can be reached at 727/562-4567 X2569. Thank You. I '-----