BCP2005-01510 (8) j"iJt_\~..i S?~ f{;\ .l?!;/_J~l 0 U ~W e-'~;'r:<:f"'''' , :'0<__,""';'("'::::<'" '":;i_,:}:::,:;":': -'\:,'';,;-:'c'' Consulting Engineers, Inc. 124 5th Ave. S. · Suite B Safety Harbor, FL 34695 Phone: (727) 726-2411 Fax: (727) 726-2241 December 15, 2005 Attn: Kevin Garriott Building Official i'- . . ._-- "-----"-..,,-..- I@ rn~J_w ~ 1[11 11IUl DEe 21 200S JIWI.. I I..~.__..___...____ ! i IHI/H.OPMENT g. I , N E 6 Y ii' ~ if~ H 2,OfDil & ~ ~ r l Y, E :j .1 . __.......___...___._._...__".._.__._J City of Clearwater Building Department 100 S. Myrtle Clearwater, FL 33756 Re: Threshold Inspection Reports Windward Passage Clearwater, FL Gentlemen, Attached please find our threshold inspection reports numbers 21 through 33 for the above referenced project. Please note that report number 21 (dated 11-23 and issued previously) has been re-issued as report number 22 since our report for 11-22 was inadvertently left out of the previously issued package of reports. Should you require any additional information at this time, please do not hesitate to contact our office. ~mi~ Christopher ~ogal' P. E.. Florida P.E. #40221 Special Inspector #895 cc: Mohan Engineering, Inc. Walton Chancey Windward Passage VCC File o ISiO \ 'JC f 2.cD S - Cf5jo 202. lJOiDWMo P4S51}~ "_10 U@& Consulting Engineers, Inc. 124 5th Ave. S. · Suite B Safety Harbor, FL 34695 Phone: (727) 726-2411 Fax: (727) 726-2241 THRESHOLD INSPECTION REPORT Project Name: Windward Passage Project Location: Clearwater, Florida Owner: Windward Passage Engineer: Mohan Engineering, Inc. Inspection Made By: Christopher J. Rogal, P.E. Permitting Agency: Clearwater Building Department Contractor: VCC General Contractors Architect: Walton H. Clancey Inspection # II Date: 11-22-05 Items Inspected: o Attended construction meeting this date to discuss pile cap repairs. A final list of caps to be repaired will be issued tomorrow. Met with the contractor in the field who will be making the repairs and reviewed the procedures to be employed. The contractor will advise us as to when the first pile caps will be drilled for the epoxied bars and inspection ready. o Observed stressing operations in progress for the east half of the second floor slab. Reviewed with the contractor the need to have the elongations measured and verified as acceptable prior to the removal of the slab's shoring. It] Observed continuing forming operations in progress for the second floor columns at the east end of the structure. }IIel CJ V@& Consulting Engineers, Inc. 124 5th Ave. S. · Suite B Safety Harbor, FL 34695 Phone: (727) 726-2411 Fax: (727) 726-2241 THRESHOLD INSPECTION REPORT Project Name: Windward Passage Project Location: Clearwater, Florida Owner: Windward Passage Engineer: Mohan Engineering, Inc. Inspection Made By: Christopher J. Rogal, P.E. Permitting Agency: Clearwater Building Department Contractor: VCC General Contractors Architect: Walton H. Clancey Inspection # 11 Date: 11-23-05 Items Inspected: o Checked reinforcing placement for the balance of the second floor level columns from grid line 5 to the east. t/ No exceptions were taken as the reinforcing was found to have been installed in accordance with the requirements of the design plans. t/ Okay to complete formwork and cast the noted columns. o Checked reinforcing placement in progress for the southeast tower walls at the second floor level. t/ No exceptions taken thus far. t/ Continue with reinforcing placement for final inspection Monday morning. o Observed continuing excavation work in progress for the remedial work to be effected to the east end pile caps. ReSpectfuIl.Y~~u ;:J ~, '.;;iJ ' Christopher . ogal, P.E. Consulting Engineers, Inc. 124 5th Ave. S. · Suite B Safety Harbor, FL 34695 Phone: (727) 726-2411 Fax: (727) 726-2241 THRESHOLD INSPECTION REPORT Project Name: Windward Passage Project Location: Clearwater, Florida Owner: VVindward Passage Engineer: Mohan Engineering, Inc. Inspection Made By: Christopher J. Rogal, P.E. Permitting Agency: Clearwater Building Department Contractor: VCC General Contractors Architect: Walton H. Clancey Inspection # 23 Date: 11-28-05 Items Inspected: It'1 Checked final reinforcing placement for the second floor lift of the southeast tower walls. )t The u-shaped bars over the door openings required vertical adjustment in order to attain proper concrete cover. The adjustment operation commenced in our presence. t/ Otherwise, no exceptions were taken as the final reinforcing placement was in conformance with the requirements of the design plans. t/ Okay to complete the formwork for the noted section of the southeast tower. It'1 Observed the continuing excavation work in progress for the remedial pile cap repairs at the east end of the building. It'1 Observed the demolition work in progress for the upper portion of the first lift of column 1 D. * Discussed with the general contractor the need for an independent test laboratory to monitor the stressing of the post-tension tendons. '''-' , ReSpectfullY'~'.u. m;:J ~, ~;:jJ , Christopher . ogal, P.E. Consulting Engineers, Inc. 124 5th Ave. S. · Suite B Safety Harbor, FL 34695 Phone: (727) 726-2411 Fax: (727) 726-2241 THRESHOLD INSPECTION REPORT Project Name: Windward Passage Project Location: Clearwater, Florida Owner: Windward Passage Engineer: Mohan Engineering, Inc. Inspection Made By: Christopher J. Rogal, P.E. Permitting Agency: Clearwater Building Department Contractor: VCC General Contractors Architect: Walton H. Clancey Inspection # 24 Date: 12-01-05 A.M. Items Inspected: o Checked final reinforcing placement for the re-worked first lift columns at 1A 1 and 1 D. )t The reinforcing added to the existing columns to form the corbel was installed too high such that the top bars were above the bottom of the slab elevation. Additionally, the lower duster of ties at the lower offset had not been installed. Both co1umns must have the added corbel reinforcing re-worked accordingly. A re-inspection of the re-worked reinforcing was scheduled for later this date. o Checked the remedial work in progress for the pile cap repairs at the east end of the building. Pile caps at 11B, 11C, 12B, 12C, 13B and 13C are currently being prepared. t/ The hole cleaning requirements and dowel installation procedures, along with the bonding agent application, was reviewed with the contractor. A follow-up inspection was scheduled for later today. Respecffu. I.~IY~U ;:J ~,.:;iJ ' Christopher . ogal, P.E. Consulting Engineers, Inc. 124 5th Ave. S. · Suite B Safety Harbor, FL 34695 Phone: (727) 726-2411 Fax: (727) 726-2241 THRESHOLD INSPECTION REPORT Project Name: Windward Passage Project Location: Clearwater, Florida Owner: Windward Passage Engineer: Mohan Engineering, Inc. Inspection Made By: Christopher J. Rogal, P.E. Permitting Agency: Clearwater Building Department Contractor: VCC General Contractors Architect: Walton H. Clancey Inspection # 25 Date: 12-01-05 P.M. Items Inspected: o As a follow-up to our previous report of 12-01-05 A.M., a re-inspection was made of the re-worked reinforcing for the remedial column repairs at the first lift of columns 1A.1 and 1 D. t/ No exceptions were taken as the re-worked reinforcing is now in accordance with the requirements of the delta #9 revisions of 8-500. t/ Okay to cast the noted re-worked columns. o Checked reinforcing installation for the remedial work on pile cap 12-B. t/ No exceptions were taken as the requirements of the engineer's detail 808-45 have been met. t/ Okay to cast the noted pile cap repair. t/ Observed concrete placement for the pile cap repair. ReSpectfuIlY~$U m~ ~,~:jJ \ Christopher . . ogal, P. E. \II'i-,I: LJ?(2 (;\ I ...)W; ,...1:' CJ u ~W Consulting Engineers, Inc. 124 5th Ave. S. · Suite B Safety Harbor, FL 34695 Phone: (727) 726-2411 Fax: (727) 726-2241 THRESHOLD INSPECTION REPORT Project Name: Windward Passage Project Location: Clearwater, Florida Owner: \Nindward Passage Engineer: Mohan Engineering, Inc. Inspection Made By: Christopher J. Rogal, P.E. Permitting Agency: Clearwater Building Department Contractor: VCC General Contractors Architect: Walton H. Clancey Inspection # 26 Date: 12-02-05 Items Inspected: o Checked reinforcing installation for the remedial work on pile caps 11 B, 11 C, 12C, 13B and 13C. t/ No exceptions were taken as the requirements of the engineer's details 808-42, 808-43, 808-46, 808-47 and 808-48 respectively have been met. t/ Okay to cast the remedial repairs for the above noted pile caps. RespectfUIIY~SU ;:..J ~, ~;(J \ Christopher . ogal, P.E. 124 5th Ave. S. · Suite B Safety Harbor, FL 34695 Phone: (727) 726-2411 Fax: (727) 726-2241 Consulting Engineers, Inc. THRESHOLD INSPECTION REPORT Project Name: Windward Passage Project Location: Clearwater, Florida Owner: VVindward Passage Engineer: Mohan Engineering, Inc. Inspection Made By: Christopher J. Rogal, P.E. Permitting Agency: Clearwater Building Department Contractor: VCC General Contractors Architect: Walton H. Clancey Inspection # 27 Date: 12-05-05 Items Inspected: o Checked work-in-progress for the remedial pile cap repairs at grids 8E, 9B, 9E and 9F. t/ The drilled hole depth and cleanliness were checked for conformance with the requirements of the engineer's sketches 808-38, 808-39, 808-40 and 808-41 respectively. No exceptions were taken. t/ Okay to proceed with the epoxy dowel installation pursuant to the listed repair sketches. o Checked the reinforcing placement in progress for the west half of the first elevated floor slab. t/ No exceptions were taken thus far. t/ Continue with reinforcing installation. A final inspection of this portion of the slab was scheduled for tomorrow afternoon. . 'I, ReSpectf.. U.IlY~~ 7;:J ~,';iO \ Christopher . ogal, P.E. .,...;. Consulting Engineers, Inc. 124 5th Ave. S. · Suite B Safety Harbor, FL 34695 Phone: (727) 726-2411 Fax: (727) 726-2241 THRESHOLD INSPECTION REPORT Project Name: Windward Passage Project Location: Clearwater, Florida Owner: \Mndward Passage Engineer: Mohan Engineering, Inc. Inspection Made By: Christopher J. Rogal, P.E. Permitting Agency: Clearwater Building Oepartment Contractor: VCC General Contractors Architect: Walton H. Clancey Inspection # 28 Date: 12-06-05 Items Inspected: It] Checked the final reinforcing placement for the pile cap repairs at 8E, 9B, 9E and 9F. t/ No exceptions were taken as the final reinforcing placement was in compliance with the requirements of the engineer's remedial repair details 808-38,808-39,808-4 and 808-41 respectively. t/ Okay to cast the noted remedial pile cap repairs. Consulting Engineers, Inc. 124 5th Ave. S. · Suite B Safety Harbor, FL 34695 Phone: (727) 726-2411 Fax: (727) 726-2241 THRESHOLD INSPECTION REPORT Project Name: Windward Passage Project Location: Clearwater, Florida Owner: Windward Passage Engineer: Mohan Engineering, Inc. Inspection Made By: Christopher J. Rogal, P.E. Permitting Agency: Clearwater Building Department Contractor: VCC General Contractors Architect: Walton H. Clancey Inspection # 29 Date: 12-07-05 Items Inspected: It! Checked reinforcing and post-tension cable placement for the west portion of the second floor slab between grid lines 1 and 5. The following items were noted with the contractor for correction: )t At column 4A, the stud rails on the east and south faces of the column were misinstalled and required one stud rail to be relocated from the south face to the east face. )t At columns 1A, 1C and 1D, the stud rails required reorientation to vertical at several locations. )t The uniform post-tension cables at the northwest comer of the stairwell required repositioning into a single group of four. Additionally, several locations required repositioning for profile compliance. )t At a number of locations throughout the slab, the mild reinforcing was either not installed or was installed with an inadequate amount of bars pursuant to both the Tendon Systems and Quality reinforcing shop drawings. )t At the perimeter columns which had the top reinforcing installed at the lower slab step elevation, the engineer directed additional bars to be installed at the upper slab step elevation. II' Okay to cast the noted portion of the second floor level slab as the contractor completed all of the aforementioned corrections prior to our departure from the job site. ~r~ Christopher ~a1, P.E. It'., 124 5th Ave. S. · Suite B Safety Harbor, FL 34695 Phone: (727) 726-2411 Fax: (727) 726-2241 Consulting Engineers, Inc. THRESHOLD INSPECTION REPORT Project Name: Windward Passage Project Location: Clearwater, Florida Owner: VVindward Passage Engineer: Mohan Engineering, Inc. Inspection Made By: Christopher J. Rogal, P.E. Permitting Agency: Clearwater Building Department Contractor: VCC General Contractors Architect: Walton H. Clancey Inspection # 30 Date: 12-08-05 Items Inspected: ~ Checked reinforcing placement for all vertical elements on the second floor level of grid line 5, including the southwest tower, with the exception of the stair tower at 38-3B.75 and column 3B which are currently incomplete. If' No exceptions were taken as the reinforcing was installed in accordance with the requirements of the design plans. If' Okay to cast the noted vertical elements after the completion of the formwork. RespectfuIIY~'S. ~~ ~- -~(] \ Christopher . .. ogal, P.E. )11111 D U@& Consulting Engineers, Inc. 124 5th Ave. S. · Suite B Safety Harbor, FL 34695 Phone: (727) 726-2411 Fax: (727) 726-2241 THRESHOLD INSPECTION REPORT Project Name: Windward Passage Project Location: Clearwater, Florida Owner: Windward Passage Engineer: Mohan Engineering, Inc. Inspection Made By: Christopher J. Rogal, P.E. Permitting Agency: Clearwater Building Department Contractor: VCC General Contractors Architect: Walton H. Clancey Inspection # 31 Date: 12-09-05 Items Inspected: o Checked pile cap repair reinforcing for columns 5.4-F, 11 E and 14E.1 t/ No exceptions were taken as the work was performed in accordance with the engineer's remedial repair sketches SOS-52, SOS-44 and SOS-51 respectively. t/ Okay to cast the noted pile cap repairs. o Checked reinforcing placement for the second floor level stairwell at 3B/3B.75. t/ No exceptions were taken with the reinforcing placement as it was in accordance with the requirements of the design plans. t/ Okay to complete the formwork and cast the second floor level shearwalls at the stairway. ~1~fir Christopher (ftgal. P.E Consulting Engineers, Inc. 124 6th Ave. S. · Suite B Safety Harbor, FL 34695 Phone: (727) 726-2411 Fax: (727) 726-2241 THRESHOLD INSPECTION REPORT Project Name: Windward Passage Project Location: Clearwater, Florida Owner: VVindward Passage Engineer: Mohan Engineering, Inc. Inspection Made By: Christopher J. Rogal, P.E. Permitting Agency: Clearwater Building Department Contractor: VCC General Contractors Architect: Walton H. Clancey Inspection # 32 Date: 12-13-05 Items Inspected: It:'! Checked reinforcing placement for the pile cap repair at column 5C. t/ No exceptions were taken as the reinforcing was installed in accordance with the engineer's remedial repair detail 808-37. t/ Okay to cast the repair at pile cap 5C. It:'! Checked reinforcing placement for the second floor column at 38. t/ No exceptions were taken as the reinforcing was installed in accordance with the requirements of the design plans. t/ Okay to complete the formwork and cast the second floor column at 38. RespectfullYM.~ . m;:J ~, ~;(J , Christopher . ogal, P. E. I"'" 0 U@& Consulting Engineers, Inc. 124 5th Ave. S. · Suite B Safety Harbor, FL 34695 Phone: (727) 726-2411 Fax: (727) 726-2241 THRESHOLD INSPECTION REPORT Project Name: Windward Passage Project Location: Clearwater, Florida Owner: Windward Passage Engineer: Mohan Engineering, Inc. Inspection Made By: Christopher J. Rogal, P.E. Permitting Agency: Clearwater Building Department Contractor: VCC General Contractors Architect: Walton H. Clancey Inspection # 33 Date: 12-15-05 Items Inspected: It1 Checked reinforcing installation for the remedial repair work at pile cap 12.9-A.1. t/ No exceptions were taken as the work was performed in accordance with the requirements of the engineer's remedial repair detail SOS-53. t/ Okay to cast the remedial repair at pile cap 12.9-A.1. Respecffu...II.Y~~m. .";:J ~J .;;0 \ Christopt,ler . :ogal. P.E.