09/04/2002AIRPORT AUTHORITY MEETING CITY OF CLEARWATER September 4, 2002 Present: Brenda Harris Nixon Chair Gary Benjamin Vice-Chair Bob Lunt Board Member Bruce Miller Board Member J.B. Johnson Board Member Also Present: Bryan Ruff Assistant City Attorney William Morris Marine & Aviation Dept. Director – departed 3:34 p.m. Gordon Wills Airpark Operations Manager Brenda Moses Board Reporter The Chair called the meeting to order at 3:02 p.m. at City Hall. To provide continuity for research, items are in agenda order although not necessarily discussed in that order. ITEM #2 – Approval of Minutes - August 7, 2002 Chair Nixon requested that regarding the minutes of August 7, 2002, sentence two of paragraph one on page four read “…Buzz Heuchan…”. Member Johnson moved to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of August 7, 2002, as amended. The motion was duly seconded and carried unanimously. ITEM #3 - Tenant & Lease Report from FBO David King, FBO (Fixed Base Operator), reported that the Clearwater Airport has 47 T-hangars, 40 shade hangars, 56 hard stands, 22 grass stands, and 3 helicopter pads. Mr. King said the berm at the Airpark is nearly complete. Landscaping areas are being sprayed to control grass and weeds. He suggested the Clearwater Airpark Operating Rules and Regulations be changed as follows: 1) delete “stop and go” from page 4, Item #7(b); 2) add language regarding helicopters being able to use taxiways as needed on page 3, Item #4(g); 3) delete Section A under Item #9 on page 5; 4) change Section B on page 5, Item #9 to reflect that helicopters shall follow the same pattern but at 570 feet; and 5) delete the second sentence under Item C, on page 9, C, on page 5. Discussion ensued regarding Mr. King’s suggestions and it was noted that his third and fourth suggestions already have been addressed. Mr. King said he would incorporate the suggested changes into the Airpark Rules and resubmit them to the AAB (Airport Authority) Board for signature. ITEM #4 - Other Business Marine & Aviation Director Bill Morris said the new security camera system already has proven to be valuable. An incident occurred in which it appears that a pilot using the Airpark exceeded the allowable load factor limits. After discussions with staff regarding the incident, the pilot has agreed not to use the Clearwater Airpark. Mr. Morris said the Clearwater Airpark Master Plan prioritizes safety and regulatory enforcement. Discussion ensued regarding the incident and it was suggested that a warning should be issued prior to expulsion of any alleged violators of Airpark rules. It also was suggested that if it is determined that this particular pilot definitely violated Airpark regulations, that he be issued a written warning stating he would not be permitted to use the Airpark if a future violation occurred. It was remarked the Airpark operates at maximum safety levels and this pilot jeopardized his safety, his passengers’ safety, and the neighborhood’s safety. Concern was expressed that the pilot could create problems for the City should he have an accident in the future. Mr. King said he was not sure that the Citation aircraft could be accommodated at the Airpark. He will obtain information regarding the standards for take-off with full loads for pilots and report back to the AAB next month. A suggestion was made that different fees should be charged for residents and non-residents using the Airpark. Mr. King and Mr. Wills will discuss the matter. Discussion ensued regarding how an enterprise fund operates. Klaus Palinkas, HNTB Corporation, said an enterprise fund is not a taxpayer-funded facility. He said the City consultants had recommended the Clearwater Airpark become an enterprise fund. It was remarked that the AAB was never consulted regarding the viability of the Airpark as an enterprise fund. Mr. Palinkas disagreed. Concern was expressed that the Airpark borrows from the Marina, which also is an enterprise fund, but does not have the ability to obtain financing from outside sources. It was remarked that were they not enterprise funds, any profit received from the Marina and the Airpark could go back to the City in the form of revenue. Mr. Palinkas said a plan is in place to make the Airpark profitable in future years. In response to a question, Mr. Palinkas said an FDOT (Florida Department of Transportation) grant would pay for 800 feet north of the runway. He said there is a regulatory process to ensure safety and efficiency of Airpark operations. The City pays a local share that varies according to the grant received. Discussion ensued regarding re-negotiation of the FBO’s lease. As some elements of the Airpark Master Plan have not been approved by various agencies such as SWFWMD (Southwest Florida Water Management District), the City cannot expect the FBO to renegotiate the terms of his lease until the process is complete and those plans are approved. It was suggested the City begin the negotiation process anyway, subject to SWFWMD approval of those items. Mr. Palinkas said before a lease can be renegotiated, the lessee must have some idea of his financial return. He can then determine the Airpark charges per square foot. Mr. Palinkas said SWFWMD is awaiting the analytical results of the PBS&J (Post, Buckley, Shuh, & Jernigan) stormwater report, which was delayed after he left their employment. It was noted that although the grant under which PBS&J was to have finished the stormwater project ran out earlier this year, a new grant to cover the project is available and will be pursued by the City. Mr. Palinkas said he still has a cordial relationship with PBS&J. Mr. Palinkas will provide the AAB with a list of grants with beginning and ending dates. Mr. Wills will provide a list of grants over the past 5 years including pending applications and the status of reimbursement. In response to a question, Mr. Palinkas said all available grants from various agencies are being pursued for the Airpark. In response to a question, Mr. King said he was open to incorporating decibal levels into tenant leases. He will provide the AAB with the number of residents versus nonresidents by city and the rates for hangars. It was requested that annual estimated costs be included in the maintenance report. One citizen said pilots know the limitations of their own aircraft. He also requested a security gate entry card to the Airpark on behalf of the Civil Air Patrol. Condolences were expressed to Mr. Atanasio for the loss of his wife. ITEM #5 - Agenda for next meeting October 2, 2002 This item was not discussed. ITEM #6 – Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 4:47 p.m.