01/03/2001AIRPORT AUTHORITY MEETING CITY OF CLEARWATER January 3, 2001 Present: Gary Benjamin Chair Dennis Roper Board Member Brenda Harris Nixon Board Member Bob Lunt Board Member Absent: Ron Streicher Board Member Also Present: John Carassas Assistant City Attorney William Morris Marine & Aviation Department Director – departed 3:30 p.m. Gordon Wills Airpark Operations Manager Patricia O. Sullivan Board Reporter The Chair called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. at City Hall. To provide continuity for research, items are in agenda order although not necessarily discussed in that order. ITEM #2 - Approval of Minutes Member Roper moved to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of December 6, 2000, as submitted in written summation to each board member. The motion was duly seconded and carried unanimously. ITEM #3 – Tenant & Lease Report from FBO – None. ITEM #4 – Master Plan Progress Report Marine & Aviation Department Director Bill Morris said the pile of dirt on the Airpark property will be moved to create a berm at the south end of the runway. Staff is discussing the project with FDOT (Florida Department of Transportation) to share expenses. If approved, labor costs to move the dirt will be included in the City’s match. The project is listed in the Airpark’s Master Plan. Until funding for landscaping is available, a retention cover will be laid over the berm to stabilize it and encourage grass growth. Klaus Palinkas, PBS&J (Post, Buckley, Shuh, and Jernigan), referred to the December 26, 2000 letter to Airpark Operations Manager Gordon Wills stating the City’s Airpark layout and Master Plan meets the terms and scope of the JPA (Joint Project Agreement). He complimented Mr. Morris’ efforts related to this document. He expected to receive the FAA’s review of proposed declared distances on January 5, 2001. The board reviewed the draft of a letter of appreciation to be sent to PBS&J regarding Mr. Palinkas’ extraordinary efforts. It was recommended the letter also state that the City’s funding match was reduced significantly as a result of Mr. Palinkas’ efforts. It was recommended the board also send a letter on behalf of Mr. Morris. ITEM #5 – Maintenance Scheduling Mr. Wills reported he had gathered information from area airparks related to scheduled maintenance. He distributed an Airpark maintenance program draft and requested board feedback. The program is divided into general, electrical, and mechanical items. The list reflects the frequency each item must be reviewed, maintenance history, completion dates, notes, and which organization, the FBO (Fixed Base Operator), City, or CAP (Civil Air Patrol), is financially responsible for each item. He said fire extinguisher testing and maintenance and tank testing alarms will be added to the list. The environmental staff will provide additional guidance. Mr. Wills said the door on hangar C5 will be repaired next week. Concern was expressed wiring in the old hangars are split and that fluorescent tubes do not adapt well to frequent brown-out conditions. It was stated circuit breakers are marked incorrectly. The board complimented Mr. Wills for his efforts. It was stated the board is responsible for verifying that maintenance efforts are up to date. It was recommended staff estimate the maintenance cost for each item and budget maintenance needs annually. It was requested staff provide the board with a first year estimate. Ellen Hess said a maintenance program will improve the look of the site and enhance the Airpark’s aesthetics for neighborhood residents. Mr. Wills said the FBO will maintain the gasoline substation which has been cleaned. The schedule will evolve as items are added. Member Roper moved that Item “Maintenance Scheduling” remain on future agendas. The motion was duly seconded and carried unanimously. It was recommended that landscaping by the CAP building be added to the maintenance program list. ITEM #6 – Flight Pattern Signage It was stated many transients use the Airpark during the winter season and are unaware of the flight pattern. It was requested the FBO staff advise all transient pilots regarding noise abatement procedures. ITEM #7 - Other Business The FBO was complimented for moving derelict aircraft away from the entry and improving the look of the site. Discussion ensued regarding Airpark funding and issues related to its status as an enterprise fund. It was stated the Marina and Airpark are separate enterprise funds, with separate funding. It was requested the Budget Director attend a future meeting to explain the separation between the Marina and Airpark enterprise funds, the process to account for receipt of grant funds, and if real property can be transferred to the enterprise fund. In response to a question, Mr. Wills stated a staff goal is to create a CIP for maintenance. Staff will attempt temporary fixes for major problems until cost sharing with FDOT can be arranged. In response to a question, he said budget items will be updated at first quarter but the total budget amount will not change. It was requested that staff provide the Airpark Authority information regarding anticipated cash flow problems. It was recommended staff provide the board with monthly enterprise fund statements for review. In response to a question, Mr. Wills said short term development plans to transfer 4.2 acres of municipal property to the Airpark refer to the area where the dirt pile now sits. In response to a question, Mr. Wills said he is working with a company in Naples to develop flight cards, which indicate the hours of operation, etc. The popularity of the cards was noted. In response to a question, Mr. Wills said construction of the T Hanger project is scheduled to begin February 1, 2001. ITEM #8 – Agenda for next meeting, Wednesday, February 7, 2001 Items to be agendaed include Flight Pattern Signage, Maintenance Scheduling, and Financial Discussion. Item #9 - Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 3:57 p.m.