07/25/2000 AIRPORT AUTHORITY MEETING CITY OF CLEARWATER July 25, 2000 Present: Gary Benjamin Chair Dennis Roper Board Member – arrived 3:31 p.m. Ron Streicher Board Member Bob Lunt Board Member Absent: Brenda Harris Nixon Board Member Also Present: William Morris Harbormaster John Carassas Assistant City Attorney – departed 3:25 p.m. Jane Hayman Assistant City Attorney Brenda Moses Board Reporter To provide continuity for research, items are in agenda order although not necessarily discussed in that order. The Chair called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. at City Hall. ITEM 2 – June 7, 2000, Minutes Approval Member Lunt moved to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of May 3, 2000, as motioncarried submitted. The was duly seconded and unanimously. ITEM 3 - Tenant Report from FBO Danny Helms, FBO (Fixed Base Operator) employee, said 73 tenants at the airpark signed leases; 23 have not. Dave King, FBO, has personally spoken to those tenants who have not signed leases in an attempt to get them signed. It was remarked that some tenants may have subleased their hangars without the knowledge of the FBO. It was suggested by the middle of next week, the FBO send letters to tenants without signed leases, providing a 10-day response time/return of the signed lease. The letter also should include language regarding removal action by the FBO. The FBO also must determine if the lessee is actually occupying the space. City legal staff will review the letter to ensure compliance with the FBO lease. Harbormaster Morris said Police aides patrolling the airpark have requested the FBO supply them with a list of tenants. At the September Airport Authority Board meeting, the FBO is to provide a final report regarding the status of tenant leases. ITEM 4 – Presentation of Master Plan final version to Board Klaus Palinkas, PBS&J (Post, Buckley, Shuh & Jernigan) Project Manager, presented a summary of the 1999 Master Plan Update for the Clearwater Airpark. The development plan is the result of extensive research and analysis conducted over approximately 20 months. Key analysis and findings are in the 1999 Clearwater Airpark Master Plan Update. The Capital Improvement Program and phased Development Plan are the primary products of the master planning process. The plan represents a program that will create a neighborhood-friendly, first-class general aviation airport and facilities tailored to meet considerable demand in the maa0700 1 07/25/00 region for high-end aviation facilities. The plan prescribes developing the airfield incrementally over 12 years of the 20-year planing period. If implemented as planned, the concepts presented will steer the Airpark from its position as a $100,000 annual City-dependent operation in 1999, to a self-sufficient $5 million annual operation within 12 years. Financial self-sufficiency for the Airpark should be accomplished within the first three years of the development program. The delay in achieving a positive budget balance is attributable to the need to accomplish some critical capital-intensive, nonrevenue improvements, such as rehabilitating the runway/taxiway system, terminal apron and fuel farm relocation, among others. The airport business contractor is projected to grow over this period form a $150,000 annual business to a $2 million annual business, providing he highest quality facilities and services in the West Central Florida region, but at competitive rates. The total capital development program involves the investment of approximately $20.5 million over the first 12 years of the planning period. Of this amount, approximately $15.1 million will come from State airport development grant assistance and $4 million in local share contributions generated by the Airpark. An additional $1.4 million will come from other sources, including private investors in the proceed facilities. A significant portion of the terminal development project will come from a public-private investment partnership. In response to a question, Mr. Palinkas said the two most critical noncompliance issues at the airpark are moving the fence and the GPS approach being installed without regard to FAA (Federal Aviation Authority) obstruction/height restriction surfaces criteria. Mr. Morris said the number of aircraft are not being significantly increased in the northwest triangle. Aircraft that are tied down on dirt and cement will be placed inside newly built hangars. This improvement will generate more revenue without generating more air traffic. Mr. Palinkas said landscaping, sound mitigating construction materials, etc. will aid in minimizing noise. No change in any one year will be radical enough to significantly impact the community. In response to a concern that this plan schedules the highest generating items, such as corporate and additional “T” hangars, out in later years of the plan, Mr. Palinkas said the plan is flexible and merely presents the highest and best use for the land while locking funding in place for various projects. The plan details what is possible while calculating the full economic potential of the airpark. The City Commission will determine the ultimate decision regarding implementation of facilities at various stages of the plan. Mr. Morris said the emphasis of the plan is to ensure compatibility with the neighborhood while generating revenue. The plan can be sped up or slowed down. In response to a question, Mr. Morris said there are no funding guarantees from the FDOT (Florida Department of Transportation) to move the changes to the southwest area of the airpark forward. Mr. Palinkas said the more aggressive the plan, the more infrastructure must be in place, and would result in a longer-term deficit. He said upon completion of the Declared Distance analysis, the engineering portion of the plan could begin before year-end. Mr. Morris requested any suggested changes to the plan be submitted to him and he will share them with Mr. Palinkas. One resident expressed concern that zoning changes, runway changes, etc. at the airpark can affect property owners’ property values. She said the neighborhood will attend the Commission meeting when the development plan for the airpark is discussed. The Chair requested staff provide him with the detailed financial information of the development plan. It also was requested that the specific dates for each fiscal year be detailed on each page of the report. maa0700 2 07/25/00 ITEM 5 – Other Business Concern was expressed about dead ballast in light bulbs, old hangars without gutters filling with water during rains, and high grass not being mowed. Mr. Morris requested issues/concerns be submitted in writing to him or to the FBO. In response to a question, Mr. Morris said the proposed water treatment plant on Keene Roadwill reportedly not include a scrubber tower. In response to a question, Mr. Morris said he has no further information regarding drainage ponds on Keene Road. It was requested that scheduled airpark maintenance become a major consideration for the future. Mr. Morris anticipates the airpark Master Plan will be presented to the Commission two to four weeks after the Board’s September 6, 2000, meeting. ITEM 6 – Agenda for next meeting, Wednesday, September 6, 2000 No specific items were discussed. The August meeting was canceled. ITEM 7 - Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 5:36 p.m. maa0700 3 07/25/00 " ;.', I ~,I:, \ I, \ ',, \ ~~" "I '..'" ~ .1 '. ." ~ ..~ I'. . \ " ., \' h. . '.' J .,', ,\ t.:;, " ':, " ~ ~. , . \ "1" I,J c," ','> "f' :,: . I,':'. ,i ,,<.,. ~.:,f~~:.\i~:,~,: ~">, ~~~J~'" ~~i"t'\i:~'~!~~:~.l~~. ~(:.>::'I'...''::.~:'. :,' '/.,,, ".;'; };::,.:(';'~' .' , "I., ",,',1 ' "\ '. : ~ ,': . ....,.'. 1;,\:', I ~ _::.:\;'~,~ '.," ,.: ,. ,,' . " " .~ " ", , , ~ } ' ,.' i' I." ,.' ',': ~, \, l' , .1 , " I .' i"c . , '. ~:.'l.~'" ' ~ ' ~.'~!';,",:I;\ .t ~' r' ' , .. (" .' -/ ~.... }~/'''(; ;.>,> ;,:;: ",;,. " .;. ~.- , 'i' , t~ < .' L. . I , ~. ~ , '.. ,I c' '[., ~. ',' , >, ,t ," J , .\ " . : . . ~ ~ './ . ". ~ '" ,1 '. <:, ,': ~, ~: :- " . X . ':/ ., 'f t.!, i:!'" '" '. \1 . '/;'<:"<. ',' ,'r . ~" " 1'\ Jt'..:,~'.: ~t'X,:-f, ~. I ~',. ". .~<, ,1. I . ;', . ':~ ,,;. '. . r .' ;,1 c'. .,' . .' 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AIRPORT AUTHORITY MEETING CITY OF CLEARWATER July 25, 2000 Present: Gary Benjamin Dennis Roper , Ron Streicher Bob Lunt Chair Board Member - arrived 3:31 p.m. Board Member Board Member I":~~ ~ !, " ..(' T' , , ,< '1\ \ IH I )p'\ I: hI' (; \ 1.; Absent: Brenda Harris Nixon Board Member Also Present: William Morris' . . John Carassas . . Jane Hayman . Brenda Moses Harbormaster Assistant City 'Attorney - departed 3:25 p.m. Assistant City Attorney Board Reporter 1.1;; I' . ,)> ,"1 : ~ 1.'" ;,,', ( )( I, .~ ' J .\(.~ .. I ;,/,; ~: ~~; ,~ . . ,.~~: '< l '1:'[; ~;1,i ,... .y- ' "/" '~);'. I :J;~\ ,':.1.', ..;'t\ /" : ,/' ~ ~.:} / " To provide continuity for research, items are In agenda order arthough not necessarffy dlscuss'ad in that order. The Chair called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. at City Hall. ITEM 2 ..;.. June 7. 2000. Minutes Aooroval "",1:1. Member Lunt moved to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of May 3, 2000. ~;'::ifJ as su.bmitted. The motion was duly seconded and carried unanimously. ITEM 3 - Tenant Report from FBD '\1:/ ,~( ,~ ;"::;< ,1,,,\ ~.; .\ ,.3:. , ' \:< c )~ . c,'\'''- , 'I, .,'\, ~ '.;": ' .' , ". Danny Helms, FaD (Fixed Base Operator) employee, said 73 tenants at the airpark signed leases; 23 have not. Dave King, FBO, has personally spoken to those tenants who have not signed leases in an attempt to get them signed. It was remarked that some tenants may have subleased their hangars without the knowledge of the FaD. It was suggested by the' middle of next week, the FBD send letters to tenants without signed leases, providing a 10-day response time/return of the signed lease. The letter also should include language regarding removal action by the FaD. The FaD also must determine if the lessee is actually occupying the space. City legal staff will review the letter to ensure compliance with the FBD lease. Harbormaster Morris said Police aides patrolling the airpark have requested the FBD supply them with a list of tenants. At the September Airport Authority Board meeting. the FBD is to provide a final report regarding the status of tenant leases. \' ", ~ ...; },' . . I~ ITEM 4 - Presentation of Master Plan final version to Board 1 \! ,.J Klaus Palinkas, PBS&J IPost, Buckley, Shuh & Jernigan) Project Managerl presented a summary of the 1999 Master Plan Update for the Clearwater Airpark. The development plan is the result of exten~jve research and analysis conducted over approximately 20 months. Key analysis and findings are in the 1999 Clearwater Airpark Master Plan Update. The Capital Improvement Program and phased Development Plan are the primary products of the master planning process. The plan represents a program that will create a .,/ " . , "T" , : . ~ ..; '. I.,! ,',<" of';' \:' I, t .\ :,1, maa0700 1 07/25/00 . I' .\, " . " ... \:- j,,,y, !,\ .}. < . I I' i ../ . 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The plan prescribes developing the airfield incrementally over 12 years of the 20-year planing period. If implemented as planned, the concepts presented will steer the Airpark from its position as a $100,000 annual City-dependent operation in 1999, to a se.lf-sufficient $5 million annual operation within 12 years. Financial self-sufficiency for the Airpark should be accomplished within the first three years of the development program. The delay in achieving a positive budget balance ;s attributable to the need to accomplish some critical capital-intensive, nonrevenue improvements, such as rehabilitating the runway/taxiway system, terminal apron and fuel farm relocation, among others. The airport business contractor is projected to grow over this period form a $150,000 annual business to a $2 million annual business, providing he highest quality facilities and services in the West Central Florida region, but at competitive rates. The total capital development program involves the investment of approximately $20.5 million over the first 12 years of the . planning period. Of this amount, approximately $15.1 million will come from State airport development grant assistance and $4 million in local share contributions generated by the Airpark. An additional $1.4 million will come from other sources, including private investors in the proceed facilities. A significant portion of the terminal development project will come from a public-private investment partnership. . In response to a question, Mr. Palinkas said the two most critical 'noncompliance issues at the airpark are moving the' fence and the GPS approach being installed without regard to FAA (Federal Aviation Authority) obstruction/height restriction surfaces criteria. . , Mr. Morris said the number of aircraft. are not being significantly increased in the northwest triangle. Aircraft that are tied down o'n dirt and cement will be placed inside newly built hangars. This improvement will generate more revenue without generating more air traffic. . . Mr. Palinkas said landscaping, sound mitigating construction materials, etc. will aid in minimizing noise. No change in anyone year will be radical enough to significantly impact the community. In 'response to a concern that this plan schedules the highest generating items, such as corporate and additional liT" hangars, out in later years of the plan. Mr. Palinkas said the plan is flexible and merely presents the highest and best use for the land while locking funding in place for various projects. The plan details what is possible while calculating the full economic potential of the airpark. The City Commission will determine the ultimate decision regarding implementation of facilities at various stages of the plan. Mr. Morris said the emphasis of the plan is to ensure compatibility with the neighborhood while generating revenue. The plan can be sped up or slowed down. In response to a question, Mr. Morris said there are no funding guarantees from the FOOT (Florida Department of Transportation) to move the changes to the southwest area of the airpark forward. Mr. Palinkas said the more aggressive the plan, the more infrastructure must be in place. and would result in a 10ngeHerm deficit. He said upon completion of the Declared Distance analysis, the engineering portion of the plan could begin before year-end. Mr. Morris requested any suggested changes to the plan be submitted to him and he will share them with MI". Palinkas. One resident expressed concern that zoning changes, runway. changes, etc. at the airpark can affect property owners' property values. She said the neighborhood will attend the Commission meeting when the development plan for the airpark is discussed. . maa0700 07/25/00 2 )'" ~ .:\: ,~i ;\ ',f; '. . \ II' , \ 'k , : '. ',- "-". / l " \ .. ,;' ,',: t .>~\:: ' . . .'. i'.,..',:,...., ,.', ,'. ..(',':. ':.;\ ~~\::T:,~: "~ 1< .... :/. :l :.... . . ~~'" I.., '~tp~ll,.I..~ '1,,>,ll:Jj~,\t, '~'''''\,-,I\. I .. . "'.Jt " ~. - I ~\., .1,/ ~ ,'},' "'~'~.' ", 'f' ....,_. 1. "\,. / ,. '. ',,-," :.' .! .': . '.'" ''',' , '...., \,...,'. (,. ,',". ;,', ,',. ,,"',/. J'" ..'. )T"l ,",' , 'r.;; .' "."\,.,"'" ",',' "\,,'. ""'~' ',' J" ,: '." '/.,{. ,I r/;, " ." ,.':'" "t. "",' \ t, ;\' ,". ',.' ',. "'/ .,..1. i" "'" (, .. """.,~. (..'" '\i/'(' _\1 .,~ ~ </,11\ '\' . 'r I.~I'~ . ~ '"... "1'/ '.'\ ..,'. .\. \""'\'''''1'., ,'J.. '\":""""I"'~'~""'" "!f ,/,:,1./, .:,\.'~-i',\",',,,:,, ,,".',". :1,: ",,'!/", "", ;'.': <,,',' . i,~ .':, (/;.. 'll:'~ i';:! ',' '. ",:' ,";, ;::'....,:; "'...':-, '~i.:\ ,.I,' ',~' \",/' '."~ ..:;...,:'..,., ,1Jj'......\ f'i.\'LJ~ "<;I":,.r~ ':", \'::\ ", I,i\ '~',~ ;:. :,< ,<. {" >,: / .,; i':' ,', i !.' ,Oi ';'. :,;, ,: ,':',::,:., . ,':' ':,'\; 1i'1; :: .!," :.;'1JJ';:> n : ;"..:.':. ': ,,>: i, ,,',',': " .. '... '\",' '" .;'..,' '. "! "', ,." ,J,. "", l . _. . " . " .'~ I < \ 'I' ': 1 ~ " :. 1'" J'. :.' :. .' ~... _.,~ ... \.' .' . ',.,. !', , .": "J" \I,.",c " "f' , ~ . II . ,. .' , :t ,/.1 .. .. ,r ., j I ; ,~: _;. .. ~:jfr}:~,'; ;;)~}i,'l;:,i', :~:,:~,',: ;;,i:;},","':\,,;. '. . ,.. . . c' ~ < . "::' \', .. 'OJ . , \ , I, ., '" >"c'j' ',' ''-\~ I I, ." ,:' '4 ~ In'response to 'a question, Mr. Morris said the proposed water treatment plant on Keene Road will reportedly not include a scrubber tower. I~, ". I~ The Chai~ requested staff provide him with the detailed financial Information of the d~velopment plan. It also was requested that the sp'ecific dates for each fiscal year be .. detailed o~' each page of the report.' ITEM 5 - Other Business //~ Concern was expressed about dead ballast in light bulbs, old hangars without gutters filling with water during ralns,.and high grass not being mowed. Mr. Morris . requested issues/concerns be submitted in writing to him or to the FBD. " ~:./ ,j,- I..'. '.1 ./ " (IP " ./ !,.~l. S, 1 I}', : . ~ ~ In response to a question, Mr. Morris said he has no further information regarding drainage p.onds on Keene Road. ... , I . , .- { ~:. " ~f lr!. ..',t\ \, t' . " :'11 "I ~ :. . , . 1;:\! , ~i / ,/; " It was .requested that scheduled airpark maintenance become a major consideration for the future. ,. . M~. Morris anticipates the airpark Master Plan will be presented to the Commissi~n two' to four weeks after the Board's September 6, 2000, meeting. C"l' . ITEM 6 - Aaenda for next meeting, Wednesday. Seotember 6. 2000 . , " , ~:\l\} '. .\{j. . (., ..)\ .i./l...."Y . No specific items were discussed. The August meeting was canceled. . 'J. .'~ ~~ ;":i( '.\:: ~Il!,,-{~ \ ',:"~ ':' .{ \ i ' i :'.,:;, :'~.h \.\11, ,. , <\:.~ <I,,' !":\', ilj ; [." t;'; ~ . 'j 01 t.~,~ \,.'/ . ...... , IJ.: , .{ ,:) \ (.. ~'(': \ ; I,. .( ,\ ,I. . 'J':;!' .... /: ITEM 7 - Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 5:36 p.m. ~~C'h" A" A h' . aIr, Irport ut only o -- " .. "\" 4' . , .', :~;". '!, (~?: ,',( . '/" (( I , <.J maa0700 '3 07/25/00 .' ~. ',.l ',c;. 'I, J , " " II I .. 'J, , <.' ~ I '. \ ,.\/' I ,.1' . I ;'" : ': '/" ,.;-.. '~:"~: ,:'.....'.::'..\),..' 1. \ ~'. :: ,.. . ..; . ,,;., , \ , "~J'" I \ '.'1" c I \.\'1 "'\1"(':"" ~'v',>"',,.:.,. J:. ' :'-}'~,i'>;: '. . ,;'Il ... I,' '..,..:, :",,':,'/~:.\.:I.~I~.,:.,,',..':i,"\.i\: ' 'I:I~ . "'j'~'.~,',,,,,':\";'\.if...:(/' ";.~ I'>'.' \",,:\" '. . ':. ",' "'1 . "',\.,.,, I ',.' ,.' I'..:.. "1' " ':: ,.'.... '.' ,:;..,\ ". 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