SCHEDULE B - EXTENSION - REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL SERVICES FOR GOVQA FOIA APPLICATIONSSCHEDULE — xtension/Reouestfar Additional Services) For GovQA FOIA Applications A. Relationship to Original Contract and Purpose: This is a Schedule to the existing WebOA Services AarlorneoI exccutcd between WEBQA, Inc. (" WEBQA") and the City of Clearwaler.FL ("Customer") signed 1W1/2013 ("Original Contract"), with its aurrcntierm starting 10/1/2016 sadending 9/30/2017 ("Cunem Contact Period"). The purpose of this Schedule is to add the new service(s) selected below. B. Sere t Based ptiome Subseribed Sl rvlees GovQA Invoicing Module The Inwieing Module will allowyou to create cost estimate letters to be sent viaemt r'i, portal and awl to a requester. The Cost Estimate can define a deposit due. A Cost Estimate can easily be savored to an Invoke, Tie Invoice can meek perdal payments and we ' staff when a requester has outstanding invoices polar to staff beginning a new rmquesr. Requiem w411 be flagged with this information and work now can be applied to support your business process. This module can be coernccted to a payment modulo to allow the reouester to nuke payments online. GovQA Psyneeuts Module The Pigments Module can be added to the Invoicing Module to support the collection ofoadine wryrnenis. This module wilt be connected to the GovQA payment entewuy. C. WebQA Agrees To Perliorrn The Following Tuba (a) Set-Up existing GovQA Public Records Service to accept payments tning WebQA Authorize.Net payment service (b) Train. Customer administrator on how to mate invoices and pigments (c) Remit payments to Clearwater, Fl. on a calendwrquarlerly basis providing a report of all monies received and for what requests. These payments will be minus a 3% audit Bard processing foe. (d) One online administrator training session. (e) One online training son deem for end users. (1) Ongoing support through system videos and knov►ledgebeso. (g) Periodic webloors w nabs and update oustenters an new tbatures. (h) Contemn. will log ALL ISSUES, Including high - priority at www.sunpnrtge.core to receive service. F. Rees: Fires led Software Sub•criptlhn Courts* • InsalementatieW (O ro -time) .Months Caen Annual Cast GovQAlnvoldugaadfmpliementattwaa -deserlbedlu.Seetlaus-8_ . _ and C . __.__..._... _ _ _.._... -- --- _.__. $1.900 __ __...___ -- $100.00 -- -- • • - - - - -. $1,200 GwQA Payments Modulo and lasplementatlen swing the Contemners taatewav $1,500 $10833 $1,300 - Total (Includes all Servke(e) upgrades) S2.500 $2$033 $2,500 Data: Customer dais is owned by Customer. Stotnge limits defined within Customer's Master Services Agreement G. Terms: Syne so Original Servicas; the Billable Torus stttet data will be (/1/201.7 through 9/30/2017 at which point the term for these Additional Services will sync to the tam either Original Contract and all subsequent renewals. 14 Billing: AB fees are exclusive of taxes, baled on an mud basis at time ofc earner signing, and due upon receipt of invoice. This secures site, savers and resources necessary, to begin preleoL If payment is not received by the Mart ofthe Annual Billable Term, WEBQA has the right to suspend all saviors. Furthermore, invoieesaccrue one percent per month past due and customer fs responsible for all costs, including attorney fees, for the collections of invoices. 1. Remistamen All payments should be trade directly to WebQA. WebQA mailing address for all payments is: WebQA Aceorrne Reaivabic Depattmemt, 900 S. Frontage Road Suite 110, Woodridge, IL 60517 BY SIGNING BELOW, CUSTOMER AGREES TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS SCHEDULE. WEBOA. Inc. By: Signatures Title: Date: IITIMATIMPAP 111, • /7-- Z / -Za /6 12/19/2016 Payments 121916 I oft Cicnnwaterl^ L - GovQA Schedule 13 Invoicing - SCHEDULE B — Extension/Request for Additional Service(s) For GovQA FOIA Applications CITY OF CLEARATER. FLORIDA By: 10 4444,--- , ,1),6144,0,71- Date: William B. Horne II City Manager to�- 01L7,a01t, Approved as to form: Attest: Matthew Smi Assistant City Attorney Rosemarie Call City Clerk 12/19/2016 Payments 121916 2 of 2 ClearwaterFL - GovQA Schedule B Invoicing -