Airport Authority
City of Clearwater
June 2, 1999
Present: Gary Benjamin Chair
Robert Lunt Board Member
Dennis Roper Vice Chair
Ronald Streicher Board Member
Absent: Francis Werner Board Member
Also Present: William D. Morris Harbormaster/Marine
Klaus Palinkas PBS&J
John Carassas Legal
Marcia Charlton Staff Assistant III/Marine
To provide continuity for research, items are in agenda order although not necessarily
discussed in that order.
ITEM 1 - -
Call to Order 3:00 p.m. at City Hall
ITEM 2 - -
Minutes Approval May 5, 1999
Mr. Benjamin moved to approve minutes but had a question on the June 3rd date listed
in #4, this is a correct date as of last month’s minutes. Minutes approved as submitted.
ITEM 3 -
Tenant Report/FBO
Mr. Emshoff gave the tenant report as follows:
25 T-hangars, 40 shade hangars, 36 hard stands and 11 grass stands.
- Master Plan Update
Mr. Palinkas with PBS&J introduced Mr. Jim McGrath, recently rehired by PBS&J.
Progress report with revised schedule and percent completion of each task was handed out.
The current overall view shows 53% completion of total project which at present is 20% under
budget. At completion of the forecasting, there will be a formal presentation to the commission
tentatively scheduled for 3 week of July. There will be two presentation after that to set the
stage for the layout. The first tentatively scheduled for the 1 week of October and 2 or final
draft presentation to commission approximately in mid-December.
Mr. Roper expressed some concern with moving the displaced thresholds. Mr.
Benjamin asked if they could just be moved and included in plan (#34 moved further north and
re-centered). Mr. Palinkas stated that he would look into their concern but there is a time
penalty associated with getting the draft to FDOT. This concern would take about a month if
researched. FDOT needs to see that the draft is in place to release funds.
maa0699 1 06/02/99
The question of “runway grade level standards” was visited again to make sure that it
does not get left out of the plan, Mr. Benjamin and Mr. Roper both made comments regarding
the apparent lack of communication to get this included in plan.
Mr. Palinkas suggested they mark the layout of the thresholds and re-centering and
send to FDOT to lock in the funding for this part of the plan and asked the board to make a
motion and vote on it.
Mr. Roper made the motion to let PBS&J to submit the interim master plan update
specifically with a notation that we would like to adjust the displaced threshold in concert with
the runway center realignment as a benefit to obstruction clearance and noise abatement
approaches to runway 34 and make sure FDOT understands that we do intend to move them.
Motion seconded and passed unanimously.
Mr. Benjamin asked if PBS&J would make a presentation to the board to open it up to
the community. Discussion ensued as to setting a date. It was decided to change the next
Airport Authority board meeting to July 21 in order to give PBS&J more time to finalize this
phase for a presentation.
A question was asked concerning where the information for forecasting growth of
airpark was gleaned from records of the airpark over the past 10 years with a base year. Also,
can an assumption be put into the new plan that so many tie downs and hangars will be
added. Mr. Palinkas stated that they are including an unconstrained forecast for the airpark,
which means the total demand or maximum build-out that the airpark could possibly handle.
ITEM 5 -
Keene Road Status
Mr. Ivan Fernandez, with Pinellas County was there to talk, Mr. Paul Hagler spoke for
him regarding the dry retention pond area. There will be no impact on the golf course nor the
airpark property. Start of project is approximately scheduled for Fall of 2000. Klaus Palinkas
asked if the board & county could coordinate the location of the pond because it appears that
it may impact a portion of the runway safety zone proposed by the new master plan.
Mr. Benjamin asked if there was a FDOT or FAA requirement for a fence on the
western side of the runway? Mr. Palinkas stated that FAA does not make that a requirement,
and knows of no requirement by FDOT. City may require one for safety reasons.
ITEM 6 -
Safety Extensions
Nothing new to report.
ITEM 7 -
Lighting Status
Mr. Morris stated that the contractor has asked for final inspection, and should be
completely done by next week.
maa0699 2 06/02/99
- “Neighbor’s Day” Discussion
Mr. Roper stated that he had talked to Cindy Farley, an association member for a
community by the airpark. Event could be held during the day or evening. Since some of the
neighbors from associations were not present. Discussion was postponed by unanimous vote
until July.
- Other Business
Mr. Palinkas was asked if he anticipated any problems with their presentation to the
FDOT. Mr. John Roeller with FDOT is Mr. Palinkas’s contact.
Mr. Benjamin asked about the current status of the CIP projects. Last update was from
December. Mr. Benjamin is asking for $$ amounts available. He stated that at the last update
there were: $49,000 (half of the $98,000 for master plan update), $150,000 (half of $300,000
total for improvements to runways), $150,000 (half of the $300,000 safety improvements),
$400,000 (terminal administration building). Is this still current and is it gross or reimbursement
money not available yet?
Mr. Roper asked if someone from the city budget office could come and clear up this
discrepancy in the funding monies available. Mr. Benjamin was told that they have $180,000
available to be spent for new projects. Mr. Morris stated that there was $360,000 available
and that $186,000 is encumbered for the lighting project. Mr. Benjamin asked if these
reimbursement funds came back to the airpark? If so, where are they?
Mr. Benjamin also asked about the maintenance program for the airpark. Mr. Bahnick
was involved with setting up the list for the airpark. He stated that at each meeting he would
like to have on the agenda the following: Current CIP Status, showing gross reimbursement
and net, maintenance program and current budget proposal for the airpark and CIP projects
for next year. Mr. Morris stated that for next year, the master plan is to be completed by
December and the next project is for the safety overruns. The overruns have not been
designed yet. There is $300,000 total for this project. He is working with Mr. Roeller to receive
reimbursements for projects before the projects are done.
Plans for the safety overruns, additional hangars, additional aprons, the fuel system,
the new terminal will be put forward for the 2000/2001 budget, not next fiscal year which is
1999/2000. Mr. Benjamin and Mr. Roper expressed concern that there is no money to fund
the projects Mr. Bahnick has listed for 1998/2003 CIP five year plan for the airpark. These
include safety overruns, resurface and remark runway and taxiway for 1998/1999, $300,000
and 8 executive hangars, 10 enclosed hangars for 1999/2000, $250,000. Mr. Roper stated
that the FAA said that the runways needed to be resealed within 12 months, that time is up
now. Mr. Morris was asked to look into the CIP’s and funding.
Mr. John Atanasio with the ALBA Consulting Corporation spoke concerning the
building the USCG wants to donate to the airpark. After talking to the commission, he was
directed to contact Ms. Antonia Gerli with Planning & Development Services. He asked the
board for a copy of the site plan with a boundary survey line to be sent to him. He is very
frustrated with the city and his efforts to get this building put on the airpark property.
maa0699 3 06/02/99
Mr. Benjamin asked him to attend the commission meeting on June 17, 1999.
Mr. Justin Wilbur with Clearwater Aircraft Inc., asked to speak to the board concerning
a copy of a letter that was sent to Mr. Emshoff from Mr. Roper. There were two incidents that
happened at the airpark to prompt the letter. First, an airplane (Husky) was flying illegally and
a another plane was having electrical problems and needed to land and the pilot was “green”.
Mr. Roper sent the letter to ask for cooperation from Mr. Emshoff’s group. Mr. Benjamin asked
that the discussion be tabled until the next regular meeting.
Mr. Roper asked to be able to address the allegations made concerning him and was
very upset that his judgment was being questioned in regard to reporting violations by another
pilot. Argument started between Mr. Emshoff and Mr. Roper, Mr. Benjamin called the meeting
to order and asked that they discuss it at a later meeting under “safety issues”.
- Adjournment
Meeting adjourned at 5:40 p.m.
maa0699 4 06/02/99
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Airport Authority
City of Clearwater
June 2, 1999
Gary Benjamin
Robert Lunt
Dennis Roper
Ronald Streicher
Board Member
Vice Chair
Board Member
. Francis Werner
Board Member
Also Present:
William D. Morris
Klaus Palinkas
John Carassas
Marcia Charlton
Staff Assistant III/Marine
To provide continuity for research, items are in agenda order although not necessarily
discussed in that ordar.
ITEM 1 - Call to Order - 3:00 p.m. at City Hall
" \
ITEM 2 M Minutes Approval - May 5, 1999
Mr. Benjamin moved to approve minutes but had a question on the June 3rd date listed
in #4, this is a correct date as of last month's minutes. Minutes approved as submitted. .
ITEM 3 M Tenant Report/FBO
Mr. Emshoff gave the tenant report as follows:
25 T-hangars, 40 shade hangars, 36 hard stands and 11 grass stands.
. ITEM 4 - Master Plan Update
Mr. Palinkas with PBS&J introduced Mr. Jim McGrath, recently rehired by PBS&J.
Progress report with revised schedule and percent completion of each task was handed out.
The current overall view shows 53% completion of total project which at present is 20% under
budget. At completion of the forecasting, there will be a formal presentation to the commission
tentatively scheduled for 3rd week of July. There will be two presentation after that to set the
stage for the layout. The first tentatively scheduled for the 1 It week of October and 2nd or final
draft presentation to commission approximately in mid-December.
Mr. Roper expressed some concern with moving the displaced thresholds. Mr.
Benjamin asked if they could just be moved and included in plan (#34 moved further north and
re-centered). Mr. Palinkas stated that he would look into their concern but there is a time
penalty associated with getting the draft to FDOT. This concern would take about a month if
o researched. FDOT needs to see that the draft is in place to release funds.
., dT'
The question of "runway grade level standards" was visited again to make sure that it
does not get left out of the plan. Mr. Benjamin and Mr. Roper both made comments regarding
the apparent lack of communication to get this included in plan.
Mr. Palinkas suggested they mark the layout of the thresholds and re~centering and
send to FDOT to lock In the funding for this part of the plan and asked the board to make a
motion and vote on it.
Mr. Roper made the motion to Jet PBS&J to submit the interim master plan update
specifically with a notation that we would like to adjust the displaced threshold in concert with
the runway center realignment as a benefit to obstruction clearance and noise abatement
approaches to runway 34 and make sure FOOT understands that we do intend to move them.
Motion seconded and passed unanimously.
Mr. Benjamin asked if PBS&J would make a presentation to the board to open it up to
the community. Discussion ensued as to setting a date. It was decided to change the next
Airport Authority board meeting to July 211t in order to give PBS&J more time to finalize this
ph.-ase for a presentation.
A question was asked concerning where the information for forecasting growth of
airpark was gleaned from records of the airpark over the past 10 years with a base year. Also,
can an assumption be put into lhe new plan that so many tie downs and hangars will be added.
Mr. Palinkas slated that they are including an unconstrained forecast for the airpark, which
means the total demand or maximum build~out that the airpark could possibly handle.
(.:) , ITEM 5 ~ Keene Road Stalus
Mr. Ivan Fernandez, with Pinellas County was there to talk, Mr. Paul ,Hagler spoke for
him regarding the dry retention pond area. There will be no impact on the golf course nor the
airpark property. Start of project is approximately scheduled for Fall of 2000. Klaus Palinkas
, asked if the board & county could coordinate the location of the pond because it appears that it
may impact a portion of the runway safety zone proposed by the new master plan.
Mr. Benjamin asked if there was a FOOT or FAA requirement for a fence on the,western
side of the runway? Mr. Palinkas stated that FAA does not make that a requirement, and
knows of no requirement by FDOT. City may require one for safety reasons.
ITEM 6 - Safety Extensions
Nothing new to report.
ITEM 7 - Liqhting Status
Mr. Morris slated that the contractor has asked for final inspection, and should be
completely done by next week.
( .
ITEM 8 R "Nelahbor's Dav" Discussion
Mr. Roper stated that he had talked to Cindy Farley, an association member for a
community by ,the airpark. Event could be held during the day or evening. Since some of the
neighbors from associations were not present. Discussion was postponed by unanimous vote
until July.
ITEM 9 - Other Business
Mr. Palinkas was asked if he anticipated any problems with their presentation to the
FOOT. Mr. John Roeller with FOOT Is Mr. Palinkas's contact.
, Mr. Benjamin asked about the current status of the CIP projects. Last update was from
December. Mr. Benjamin is asking for $$ amounts available. He stated that at the last update
there were: $49,000 (half of the $98,000 for master plan update), $150,000 (half of $300,000
total for improvements to runways), $150,000 (half of the $300,000 safety improvements),
$400,000 (terminal administration building). Is this still current and is it gross or reimbursement
money not available yet?
Mr. Roper asked if someone from the city budget office could come and clear up this
discrepancy in the funding monies available. Mr. Benjamin was tuid that they have $180,000
available to be spent for new projects. Mr. Morris stated that there was $360,000 available and
that $186,000 Is e'ncumbered for the lighting project. Mr. Benjamin asked if these
reimbursement funds came back to the airpark? If so, where are they?
Mr. Benjamin also asked about the maintenance program for the airpark. Mr. Bahnick
was involved with setting up the list for the airpark. He stated that at each meeting he would
like to have on the agenda the following: Current CIP Status, showing gross reimbursement
and net, maintenance program and current budget proposal for the airpark and CIP projects for
next year. Mr. Morris stated that for next year, the master plan is to be completed by December
and the next project Is for the safety overruns. The overruns have not been designed yet.
There is $300,000 total for this project. He is working with Mr. Roeller to receIve
reimbursements for projects before the projects are done.
Plans for the safety overruns, additional hangars, c:ldditional aprons, the fuel system, the
new terminal will be put forward for the 2000/2001 budget, not next fiscal year which is
1999/2000. Mr. Benjamin and Mr. Roper expressed concern that there is no money to fund the
projects Mr. Bahnick has listed for 1998/2003 CIP five year plan for the airpark. These include
safety overruns, resurface and remark runway and taxiway for 1998/1999, $300,000 and 8
executive hangars, 10 enclosed hangars for 1999/2000, $250,000. Mr. Roper stated that the
FAA said that the runways needed to be resealed within 12 months, that Ume is up now. Mr.
Morris was asked to look into the CIP's and funding.
Mr. John Atanaslo with the ALBA Consulting Corporation spoke concerning the building
the USCG wants to donate to the airpark. After talking to the commIssion, he was directed to
contact Ms. Antonia Gerli with Planning & Development Services. He asked the board for a
copy of the site plan wIth a boundary survey line to be sent to him. He is very frustrated with
the city and his efforts to get this building put on the airpark property.
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. .' Mr:,Justin Wilbur with Clearwater Aircraft Inc~. asked to speak to the board concerning a .
:copy:of a letter that was sent to'Mr. Emshoff from Mr. Roper. There were two Incidents that
h~ppenedaf the airpark to prompt the letter. First, an airplane (Husky) was flying lIIegally and a
" . another planE! was having electrical problems and needed to land and the pilot was IIgreen".
, , . Mr:' Roper sent.t~e letter to ask for cooperation from Mr. Emshoffs group. Mr. Benjamin asked
, '! ,t~at the discusr.;;~jrlhbe tabled until the next regular meeting. .
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Mr. Roper asked to be able to address the allegations made concerning him and was '
,very upset that his judgment was being questioned In regard to reporting violations by another
" pilot. Argument started between Mr. Emshoff and, Mr. Roper, Mr. Benjamin called the meeting
, to order and as~ed that they discuss it at a later meeting under"safety issues".
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ITEM 10 ~ Adiournment
" . Meeting adjourned at 5:40 p.m~
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Marcia Charlton, Staff Assistant III
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, 06/02/99
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