Airport Authority
City of Clearwater
May 5, 1999
Present: Gary Benjamin Chair
Robert Lunt Board Member
Dennis Roper Vice Chair
Ronald Streicher Board Member
Absent: Francis Werner Board Member
Also Present: William D. Morris Harbormaster/Marine
Marcia Charlton Staff Assistant III/Marine
Klaus Palinkas PBS&J
To provide continuity for research, items are in agenda order although not necessarily discussed in that order.
ITEM 1 - -
Call to Order 3:00 p.m. at City Hall
ITEM 2 - -
Minutes Approval March 3, 1999
Mr. Benjamin moved to approve minutes with changes made to Item 4, #1 as
discussed, minutes were approved with change. (The triangular lot part of the airpark)
ITEM 3 -
Tenant Report/FBO
Mr. Emshoff was absent, no report was submitted.
- Master Plan Update
Mr. Palinkas with PBS&J gave the latest update, which is that the plan is going forward
on schedule. The formal presentation to the commission will be June 3 with completion by the
end of September. Mr. Benjamin asked if a smaller layout copy could be sent to members as
a “draft”. Discussion ensued regarding notification to the board members of what would be
presented to commission. A question was raised as to the preliminary schedule for the master
plan and the meaning of “facilities requirement”. Mr. Palinkas responded that the dates will be
adjusted a little based on the flow of work. The “facilities requirement” part of the master plan
is a tool that the planners use to inventory the existing facility, then they go into the economic
forecast (standard is 20 years) which tells them how the facility could grow. They then do a
“demand forecast” in which they look at the demand for use of the facility and actually how
much business it can handle.
PBS&J is only making recommendations for the mix at the airpark, those suggestions
will be brought forward to the board and city to decide the best design and mixture of hangars,
stands, etc. for the airpark. Mr. Palinkas comes to the board meetings for input to the design
that PBS&J is working on to gather concerns from the board, citizens and city.
The airpark has a big economic impact on the community and when the preliminary
plan is presented to the commission, there will be opportunity for more input.
maa0599 1 05/05/99
Mrs. Ellen Hess, a citizen, asked about the date of the presentation of the master plan
to the commission. The preliminary of the final plan will be presented to the commission during
the last quarter of the year. Citizens can ask for a special meeting for the presentation of the
plan. Mrs. Hess also was concerned about the maximum use of the airpark, because of talk
about acquiring the northern triangle. (As stated in item #2, this lot is part of the airpark.)
ITEM 5 -
Open House Update
Mr. Morris stated that the May 1 “Open House Day” went off well. He was able to meet
people who live in the area. Mr. Benjamin commented that he was not happy with the publicity
for the open house, and that it was not included with the “Fun N Sun” activities and that we
need to ensure that it will be in the future.
ITEM 6 -
Other Business
A citizen asked a question regarding the noise from plane engines and the capacity of
the airpark. Mr. Streicher commented that he keeps up with the latest in engine muffling and is
talking to a company in California which makes devices to cut down on engine noise. Also,
pilots are not following flight patterns filed at the FBO office for the airpark and take off in a
pattern which goes over homes in the area. Mr. Roper stated, in answer to the airpark
capacity, that the airpark is underutilized and has room for more hangars and transient users.
Further comments concerning flight patterns were made, all airparks are required to file
flight patterns and publish them. Pilots and airpark talk over radio to each other, they are
required to have a radio onboard. Larger airports have more flight patterns.
A question arose as to a disaster plan in case of a crash or fire. The airpark has an
emergency plan which was last updated in 1990 or 1991 and in which the FAA was involved.
Mr. Benjamin wanted to include some items in future agendas; Keene Road status
(Engineering), safety extensions and lighting status and suggested putting together an annual
maintenance program with budgeting. He stated that a city department was working on a
maintenance program for the airpark, he thought that it was Public Works.
At a suggestion from a citizen, Mr. Benjamin stated that they would look into having a
“Neighborhood Day” as a information session to the citizens who live in the area.
Motion was made to have Mr. Morris check into having the city sign shop make up
some “Stop” signs for installation by the gates to remind pilots to “help keep us a community
friendly airpark by keeping noise to a minimum”.
A comment was made by a citizen that they were surprised at much money the airpark
makes. The airpark generates approximately about $35 million a year in economic impact to
area (figure is from the chamber of commerce). There were about 40 to 45 extra transients
this year, more people are using the airpark, they charge about $5 a night. These transients
spend money at the beach and at restaurants, etc.
maa0599 2 05/05/99
Nothing further with the Keene Road status. Mr. Benjamin would like know the status
of the airpark property and any involvement of any land to be given up with respect to the golf
course and the settling pool on the property. He would like someone from Engineering to
come to the next meeting to answer questions. Mr. Benjamin asked why is the work on the
safety extensions not going forward and still in funding plans with the state, funding is already
in the CIP project? Mr. Morris stated that because of One City. One Future. projects, the
engineers have not had time to pursue the extensions and that the FDOT are waiting for final
plans in the master plan. These extensions are listed in the current plan.
The lighting project should be completed by June 8, Channel 9 did some film
coverage and work is progressing. There will have to be some work done on the lights that
were bought. Mr. Benjamin wants a annual maintenance program planned and instituted, Mr.
Bahnick was working on this, the board would like to hear about this program. These are not
housekeeping items, they included painting of hangars and maintenance of the major
buildings and access ramps.
Mr. Roper said that a Ms. Farley had contacted him regarding “Neighbor’s Day”. This is
just for people living in the surrounding communities, with food and an informal talk for the
communities to get information concerning the airpark. It would have to be called a meeting
with posting of the day and time to the general public because of the Florida Sunshine Laws.
The next meeting will be June 2. Mr. Benjamin asked if the board wanted to cancel the
July meeting for vacation, Mr. Roper stated that he felt they should have the meeting to
continue work on the master plan. Mr. Benjamin will not be attending the July meeting as he
will be on vacation.
ITEM 7 -
Meeting adjourned at 4:30 pm.
maa0599 3 05/05/99
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Airport Authority
City of Clearwater
May 5, 1999
Gary Benjamin
Robert Lunt
Dennis Roper
Ronald Streicher
Board Member
Vice Chair
Board Member
Francis Werner
Board Member
Also Present:
William D. Morris
Marcia Charlton
. Klaus Palinkas
Staff Assistant III/Marine
To provide continuity for research, Items are In agenda ardor although not necessarily dIscussed In that order.
ITEM 1 - Call to Order - 3:00 p.m. at City Hall
ITEM 2- Minutes Approval- March 3, 1999
Mr. Benjamin moved to approve minutes with changes made to Item 4, #1 as discussed,
minutes were approved with change. (The triangular lot is part of the airpark)
:'-"'i ITEM 3 - Tenant Report/FBO
Mr. Emshoff was absent, no report was submitted.
ITEM 4 - Master Plan Update
',Mr. Palinkas with PBS&J gave the latest update, which is that the plan is going forward
on schedule. The formal presentation to the commission will be June 3 with completion by the
, end of September. Mr. Benjamin asked if a smaller layout copy could be sent to members as a
,("draft". Discussion ensued regarding notification to the board members of what would be
presented to commission. A question was raised as to the preliminary schedule for the master
plan and the meaning of "facilities requirement". Mr. Palinkas responded that the dates will be
adjusted a little based on the flow of work. The "facilities requirement" part of the master plan is
a tool that the planners use to inventory the existing facility, then they go into the economic
forecast (standard is 20 years) which tells them how the facility could grow. They then do a
"demand forecastl' in which they look at the demand for use of the facility and actually how
much business it can handle.
PBS&J is only making recommendations for the mix at the airpark, those suggestions
will be brought forward to the board and city to decide the best design and mixture of hangars.
stands. etc. for the airpark. Mr. Palinkas comes to the board meetings for input to the design
that PBS&J is working on to gather concerns from the board, citizens and city.
The airpark has a bIg economic impact on the community and when the preliminary plan
is presented to the commission, there will be opportunity for more input.
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Mrs. Ellen Hess, a citizen, asked about the date of the presentation of the master plan
to the commission. The preliminary of the final plan will be presented to the commission during
the last quarter of the year. Citizens can ask for a special meeting for the presentation of the
plan. Mrs. Hess also was concerned about the maximum use of the airpark, because of talk
about acquiring the northern triangle. (As stated in item #2, this lot is part of the airpark.)
ITEM 5 . Open House Update
Mr. Morris stated that the May 1 "Open House Day" went off well. He was able to meet
people who live in the area. Mr. Benjamin commented that he was not happy with the publicity
for the open house, and that it was not included with the "Fun N Sun" activities and that we
need to ensure that it will be in the future.
ITEM 6 .'Other Busine'ss
A citizen asked a question regarding the noise from plane engines and the capacity of
the airpark. Mr. Streicher commented that he keeps up with the latest in engine muffling and is
talking to a company in California which makes devices to cut down on engine noise. Also,
pilots are not following flight patterns filed at the FBO office for the airpark and take off in a
pattern which goes over homes in the area. Mr. Roper stated, in answer to the airpark capacity,
that the airpark is underutilized and has room for more hangars and transient users.
Further comments concerning flight patterns were made, all airparks are required to file
flight patterns and publish them. Pilots and airpark talk over radio to each other, they are
required to have a radio onboard. Larger airports have more flight patterns.
A question arose as to a disaster plan in case of a crash or fire. The airpark has an
emergency plan which was last updated in 1990 or 1991 and in which the FAA was involved.
Mr. Benjamin wanted to include some items in future agendas; Keene Road status
(Engineering), safety extensions and fighting status and suggested putting together an annual
maintenance program with budgeting. He stated that a city department was working on a
maintenance program for the airpark, he thought that it was Public Works.
At a suggestion from a citizen, Mr. Benjamin stated that they would look into having a
"Neighborhood Day" as a information session to the citizens who live in the area.
Motion was made to have Mi". Morris check into having the city sign shop make up some
"Stop" signs for installation by the gates to remind pilots to "help keep us a community friendly
airpark by keeping noise to a minimum".
A comment was made by a citizen that they were surprised at much money the airpark
makes. The airpark generates approximately about $35 million a year in economic impact to
area (figure is from the chamber of commerce). There were about 40 to 45 extra transients this
year, more people are using the airpark, they charge about $5 a night. These transients spend
money at the beach and at restaurants, etc,
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NothIng further with the Keene Road status. Mr. Benjamin would like know the status of
the airpark property and any involvement of any land to be given up with respect to the golf
course and the settling pool on the property. He would like someone from Engineering to come
to the next meeting to answer questions. Mr. Benjamin asked why is the work on the safety
extensIons not,goln9 forward and still in funding plans with the state, funding is already in the
CIP project? Mr. Morris stated that because of One City. One Future. projects, the engineers
'have not had time to pursue the extensions and that the FOOT are waiting for final plans in the
master plan. These extensions are listed in the current plan. .
The lighting project should be completed by June 81h, Channel 9 did some film coverage
and work is progressing. There will have to be some work done on the lights that were bought.
Mr. Benjamin wants a annual maintenance program planned and instituted, Mr. Bahnick was
working on this, the board would like to hear about this program. These are not housekeeping
items, they included painting of hangars and maintenance of the major buildings and access
, Mr. Roper said that a Ms. Farley had contacted him regarding "Neighbor's Day". This is
just for people living in the surrounding communities, with food and an informal talk for the '
communities to get information concerning the airpark. It would have to be called a meeting
with posting of the day and time to the general public because of the Florida Sunshine Laws.
The next meeting will be June 2. Mr. Benjamin asked if the board wanted to cancel the
July meeting for vacation, Mr. Roper stated that he felt they should have the meeting to
continue work on the master plan. Mr. Benjamin will not be attending the July meeting as he
will be all vacation.
. !
ITEN: 7 - Adjournment
Meeting adjourned at 4:30 pm.
Chair, Airport Authority Board
'1111.N4 ~.
Marcia Charlton, Staff Assistant III
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