01/06/1999 Airport Authority Meeting City of Clearwater January 6, 1999 Present: Gary Benjamin Chair Dennis Roper Board Member Ron Streicher Board Member Bob Lunt Board Member Absent: Francis Werner Vice-Chair Also Present: William D. Morris Harbormaster/Marine John Carassas Assistant City Attorney/Legal Brenda Moses Board Reporter/Clerk’s Office Marcia Charlton Staff Assistant III/Marine To provide continuity for research, items are in agenda order although not necessarily discussed in that order. ITEM 1 - - Call to Order 3:01 p.m. at City Hall ITEM 2 - - Minutes Approval December 2, 1998 Mr. Roper moved to approve the minutes of the December meeting as submitted, the motion was unanimous. ITEM 3 - Runway/Taxiway Lights Update Mr. Morris spoke with Glen Bahnick, Engineer III/Public Works Adm., concerning his involvement with the airport. As a city employee, he will be fully involved with the engineering side of projects, Mr. Morris will take his place at the meetings. The Runway/Taxiway lights contract will be awarded at the January 21, 1999 commission meeting. Projected construction start date will be February 1, 1999. Members should plan on attending the commission meeting. On a side issue the “No Parking” signs are up near the air compressor. ITEM 4 - Airport Master Plan Update PBS&J (Post, Buckley, Schuh & Jernigan, Inc.) not ready to bring a report forward, still in the information gathering stage. PBS&J should come to future board meetings for updates. Concerns mentioned to Mr. Morris: Distance of the taxiway from the centerline of the main runway; if aircraft certification is upgraded in the future this will become an issue, in addition to the overruns and retention pond issues. Question: (re: the taxiway to centerline problem) If we go to the next class and put the safety overruns in and don’t put in the chevrons, would we be in the next class if we meet all the other requirements? Answer: If we chevron off and move the displaced thresholds as discussed with Engineering then we can still stay in the same class, the length of the runway does not move us into the next class. (The chevrons designate the displaced maa0199 1 01/06/99 thresholds so that theoretically we will have more runway but not enough to put us in the next category.) ITEM 5 - Other Business There is an ongoing problem with people parking in the front of hangars. It was suggested that the problem be addressed with signage “Park in Designated Areas Only” in the future, after the gate problem is resolved. The tenant report was updated by Rick Emshoff, it was requested that this be listed in the agenda. Total aircraft population is approximately 130 at the present time, more spaces could be filled if available. Mr. Atanasio, Civil Air Patrol (CAP) got up to thank the board for all the work and support he’s been given. He spoke with Mr. Morris, and decided there are no long term problems for the CAP and that everything will happen within 30 to 60 days. He will not lose donated building and will keep Mr. Morris updated as to needs of the CAP. Mr. Emshoff got up to report that a letter went out to tenants regarding the gate closure. New gate code begins January 7, 1999. New welcome sign is not up yet, wording being discussed with Mr. Bahnick. The Keene road upgrades may impact the western boundary fence at the north end of the proposed runway overruns. It may be against the road right by the Number #2 fairway on the golf course. The fence will be right by the easement extension and the golf course would be losing part their fairway. It was noted that the retention pond is about 1/3 larger than recommended, and the undisturbed scrub brush in the NW corner that was left as an appeasement for environmental concerns has been torn up by utility crews working in this area. It was suggested that we need to start talking about the airport “Open House” day, there are volunteers ready to help out when the program is set. Mr. Bahnick has a list of citizens in the area for flyers so the word gets out. Motion was made to make it an agenda item to be carried forward to other meetings and start planning in earnest. ITEM 6 - Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 3:28 p.m. maa0199 2 01/06/99 " " " , i' I, 'I. . ., \ ' i' , .l"'~~ .. , ' .~.., ...~.c" "., -.., "\' < 0.1. ~?~ >. ., ,- . ~ \. r : > . 'j , , , ~, .' , " ., "', ,J \ ".. ~ ~ 'l -;',1.,.. j. >' "t' '" r. -1'::: , e ,r.", U._':~ ' I " \" , , .,. :' 'AA , I,' ,', ' .,. 'co' , ,. 1.\, l...:,;,:. )>..; Ik.:' .,..,!,I. ,i~',:~r:~';' I tL,:'~-':"" .t~,. ,. '~,:'~ '.... ~ ~ > " \-',':' t~> '(,.' Airport Authority MINUTES . ,. , ...~" ) . , .1, '. , : I '. " ~. .' , " .', ," ')- ,.. .. , V:':" ,~ l j , >:: ..~~ ' i Y. '.,. : " i' ::.', . .\,' "1. ; ~ ' }',: ' , " > :..[:late' ~ ~,. f'":'< :, I , ~ " " ?,',:: ,. . " , ' .. '~ . i I, , ~: : ~ , ,1 , " l'"e, 't " , ~, .' 'r .,' ,. , .; .) .,lJ" " '. , ., '3;<3 , \ ! ,} L._1,f'"- City of Clearwater Airport Authority Board Minutes January 6, 1999 , , : Present: Gary Benjamin Dennis Roper Ron Streicher Bob Lunt Chair Board Member Board Member Board Member Absent: Francis Werner Vice-Chair Also Present: William D. Morris John Carassas Brenda Moses Marcia Charlton Harbormaster/Marine Assistant City Attorney/Legal Board Reporter/Clerk's Office Staff Assistant III/Marine To provide continuity for research, Items are in agenda order although not necessarily discussed In that order. ITEM 1 - Call to Order - 3:01 p.m. at City Hall Mr. Roper moved to approve the minutes of the December meeting as submitted, the motion was unanimous. ITEM 2 . Minutes Approval - December 2, 1998 8 ITEM 3 - RunwavfTaxiwav LiQhts Update Mr. Morris spoke with Glen Bahnick, Engineer III/Public Works Adm., concerning his involvement with the airport. As a city employee, he will be fully involved with the engineering side of projects, Mr. Morris will take his place at the meetings. The Runwayffaxiway lights contract will be awarded at the January 21, 1999 commission meeting. Projected construction start date will be February 1, 1999. Members should plan on attending the commission meeting. On a side issue the "No Parking" signs are up near the air compressor. CJ ITEM 4 - Airport Master Plan Update PBS&J (Post, Buckley, Schuh & Jernigan. Inc.) not ready to bring a report forward, still in the information gathering stage. PBS&J should come to future board meetings for updates. Concerns mentioned to Mr. Morris: Distance of the taxiway from the centerline of the main runway; if aircraft certification is upgraded in the future this will become an issue, in addition to the overruns and retention pond issues. Question: (re: the taxiway to centerline problem) If we go to the next class and put the safety overruns in and don't put in the chevrons, would we be in the next class if we meet all the other requirements? Answer: If we chevron off and move the displaced thresholds as discussed with Engineering then we can still stay in the same class, the length of the runway does not move us into the next class. (The chevrons designate the displaced AAB0199 1 01/06/99 ~". '. :. I , >, ! '~ thresholds so that theoretically we will have more runway but not enough to put us In the next category.) ITEM 5 - Other Business There Is an ongoing problem with people parking in the front of hangars. It was suggested that the problem be addressed with signage "Park in Designated Areas Only" in the future, after the gate problem is resolved. The tenant report was updated by Rick Emshoff, it was requested that this be listed in the agenda. Total aircraft population is approximately 130 at the present time. more , spaces could be filled if available. " Mr. Atanasio, Civil Air Patrol (CAP) got up to thank the board for all the work and support he's been given. He spoke with Mr. Morris, and decided there are no tong term problems for the CAP and that everything will happen within 30 to 60 days. He will not lose donated building and will keep Mr. Morris updated as to needs of the CAP. Mr. Emshoff got up to report that a letter went out to tenants regarding the gate closure. New gate code begins January 7, 1999. New welcome sign is not up yet, wording being , discussed with Mr. Bahnick. ..-) ( ~ i . , '-~ The Keene road upgrades may impact the western boundary fence at the north end of the proposed runway overruns. It may be against the road right by the Number #2 fairway on the golf course. The fence will be right by the easement extension and the golf course would be losing part their fairway. It was noted that the retention pond is about 1/3 larger than recommended, and the undisturbed scrub brush in the NW corner that was left as an appeasement for environmental concerns has been torn up by utility crews working in this area. It was suggested that we need to start talking about the airport "Open House" day, there are volunteers ready to help out when the program is set. Mr. Bahnick has a list of citi~ens in the area .for flyers so the word gets out. Motion was made to make it an agenda item to be carried forward to other meetings and start planning in earnest. ITEM 6 . Adiournment The meeting adjourned at 3:28 p.m. lhfUt.wyfm Board Reporter ,... I \J AAB0199 2 01/06/99 . . l~+;}~t::p :>'~~~'::?)~/(~;\(;;;.. ':~. : ,~,,':'~::::"i' ':"',;<:";~',; .~:.: ',:;", ", JT:.'<..'., "u, n' <", '. . ". 'I .., 'it{,:, ,,; , ,> -;" e < ~. " t ,~, ~ ~, , , " . ~, "I:". ..,. ;~~, l~ ,e, , ' ,.~ ,', ~ . , .(;, e, ,', ~. ',>, ," 'l,~" . -~._) , . , , .-.....: , ., e.l , " ~ . ; Airport Authority , " ,Exhibit A to 1/6/99 Meeting . Hangar Type Existing Leased Reserved or in Use Available Waiting Lease Rate T - Hangers 25 25 , 2 in use by FBO for 0 10~12 $300 to . aircraft for sale $325/mo 'Shade 40 40 0 5~10 $160/mo Hard, 21 35 10 reserved for' 6 0 ' $40/mo , Stands transient aircraft Tie 9 10 39 0 $50/mo Downs , I I 'J I I I I , . . , '1 ,.', " ", " . maa0199 01/06/99 - , '3