828 ELDORADO AVE828 E�DORADO BCP2016-08187 rto BIRCHFIELD ADDITION Zoning: Low Medium Density AY� � Atlas #: 249f U.S. DEPARfiAAEP1T OF H4MELANd SEGURtTY FEQERAL EMERGEf�iCY MANAGEMENT AGEPICY Nationa! F1oad fnsurance F�gram ELEVA'TION CERTIFICATE IhtPORTANT: FflCLOW THE fNSTR!lGTK)f+tS OIV PAGES 8-15 OW� Conhd NUmber: 1660-�8 Expiration: 14J301201$ CnPY � P89a+ ot � qwatia+ Csrtitica�r and a� attachmants for (1 j community Mfici�l, (3f ►nsuranee aga�lcomw+�Y, arw i3) buildi� arme , SECTTON A- PR�ERi'Y INFORMATpN FOR pdSURANGE COMPAFiY USE Ai. 6uildin9 f�rner's Name Policy Numher: Jql'NV I� � A2. Building Streei Address (imel�din8 ARt-. Unrt, Suite, aml/or Bldg. Naj or P.O. Route and Company NRIG Box Rla. hiumber: 828 ELDARADO A YEN�E' �Y GYEARM�AIER State fLQI�10A zi� Gade .33787-1312 A3. Properly Desaiption (!ai and 8bck Numbers: Tax ParCel Number, lega� DesG�iption. ete.� LOT $�O�pC 5�, A/�UIbALAY SU�1N9►�N� PARL�L tQ �S-Z9-f5-S/888-Od5-OiABO na. $� u� te.�., r��aat, r���, Aaa;�, a�s�. e�.> 1�0�I7UL A5. iatitudelLcxtgitude: Lat j7�'�� ioncJ. a'j'�,Q��/Q.3'w Horizontal Datum: i' NAL? 1927 �IVAD 1983 A6. AttacM at Ie�t 2 photog►aphs af the bv�ding if the Certif+cate is being used to ob#ain flood insurance. A7. Buik�ing t)iagram idumber iI� A8. For a bu�d� w�h a cdav�lspace or encbsure(s): A9. For a building with an aEtachad garage: a) S9uare tcwtage of crawispace a encbsu�e(s1 N A sq ft ai �w� tootage of attaeF+ed gatage � sq it b} f.fu�er af f�etmes�ertt flood ui�ings in the tr} Numt3er o# pe�mar�er+t flaod �enings crawlspace � endasure(s) within 1.0 f�t in the attached �rage within 1.0 foot anoN�e ad'yaeent grade N A above aaiacent grade 0 c) Tot� net area a# flaod openirigs irt A8.b N,q sq in cj Toia! net area afi flaod openings in A9,b N A sq in d} Eragineerecf flood opeaings? ��Fes �Na d} E�}ineered flood qpenings? C'" Yes �No SEGTIOM 8- FLOOR 11SURANCE RATE 1MAP (FlRM} INf�N1A?1pN 9. mundy i3y um . ty Name 3. tate arr aF aF�wr►� / r�o�s �us Fca�+ 84. MapiPan� Number 85. Su[fix B6. FlRM huiex Date 67. FIRM Pane1 Etfectivef 8$. Fbod Zone{s� B9. Base Fbcad Elevation{s} Revised Date (Zo�ne AO> use basa ibod dePth ��ox�o�ozc c ae/ye/�oav ' oe/t�/7o�a3 vE 13 � 14 ato. lndicate tl�e sou�ce of tlas 8ase FbadEle++aiion (BFE} data or base Aood depth,e�tered in kam 89: ("- FIS Pro�'ie •F�2M �' iommunity Detertnined f Ofher/Source: 8i 4. Mdicate elevatiar� datum used itx BFE in ttem 89; (�" NGVD 1929 �NAVD 1988 �` t7ther15ource: 812. Is the bu�di�g located in a Goastai Barrier Re�urces System (CBRS) area or Othenvise Profected Area jCWAj? (" Yes �No a��� �: /y/A � caRS � o�A SEG'IION G- BiJ�DING ELEVATION INF�tMAT10N {St1RVfY RELIURED 1. 6uikfing elevalions are #rased on: C' Gonstructi�s Drawings" C' Buikling Under Co�struction" �Finisha! Construc6ort R new Elevaiioa Certific�t�e w� tse re4uired when construction af the bu�2ing is compiete. 2. Hevations: Zonss A1 A30. AE. AH, A(with BFE), V£. V1-V30. V(with BFE). AFt. ARlA, AR/AE. AWA1 A3ti, ARlAH. awao. com�ete Mems C2.a-h bel�r according to the buikfn9 dia9sam specified in kam A7. In Puerto Rico o�y. �ter meters. se��nm�c: ttt�zed: �,p 10 1 fU� [PI� AG7f97) ve�t�cai �n,rn: NAW 88 Indicate elevatiai datum used for U�e eleva#ions in items a) ihrough h) below. C` tdGVD fi929 �NAVD 1388 f` O�erfSa:ace� Datum used far buiid'mg elevafiwu rtwst be Uae same as thaf used fot the BFE. Chedc the measurement us�S. ) Top of boriom flaa {inckrd'mq basement, crawlsPace. or e�daswe floor) 8. '� �feet i meters ) Top cyf ihe nead higherflo� .�J �teet i meters } 9otfom of ine Io�t t,or"rzontai stn,ch,ral rnember (v za�s orty> � 8. .3� �reet t' meters } Attached 9��9s (�P of slab) %. �1eet 4� mete►s ) Lowest �eva�rt or machirrery w�uipment seivic+ng uie tx,ddi„g 8. 48 •teet (" rr�ters (Describe iype oi aquipment arrd beation m Gomments) lowesc adjaceni fflnistied) grasle next to auilaina tu�G} 7. O �eet (�' meters } H+Stiesi ad'jaceni (finished� gra�e nezt ta bui{cfinr3 (HI�G } %. �_ �� C" r�tets h) �owest �djacent g�ade at bwest elevat�n ot deck w stairs, incAfding stn�ctural support �• � feet C' meter3 +- S�F M01E NV f.�A1�DV15 S�C7JAN QN PAG�' 2 €EMA Fortn 085�0�3 (7115j Replaces a� previous edilians. Page 3 of i5 EIEVATION CERIIFICATE, page 2 0� co^tra "u�"�: ��a ��ae�on: „r3azoas NMPORTAN% In t►wse sRaces, cW►Y tMa cc►►�esPendi�q information from Seetion A. FQR NSURANCE COMPANY llSE Bui{ding Street Address (includirag %Wt, Unit, Sui{e, a�x3lor Bldg. No.) a P.�. Rouie and Hox Na. 828 ELD�ARADO A� ��y Numbe�: �r s�a�e zi� c� comcer�r wuc G7 E�U?Ii�A 1ER t�umder: sECn� o. su�roR, �c��, oa nr:c�c� c�t�tcaTptr ' ceRificat�xs is to be signed a�td seated by a lat�d s�rveyor. engineer, or arcfiitect auttrorized by la+K ta certity elevatio� imtormation.l cefti�y that fhe intormatiwr on this Cerfificate represents my best eHais to interguiat the data avairabie. ! widerstand that arry faise statement msy be unishab/e by fure w imprisonment u»der t 8 U.S: Code, Sectron t00i� Were latitude arid brtgitude in SedronA [,'I Check here +f altaGx►ren#s. P��� bY a i�nsed la� surveyor? (� Y� �No Certifie�s Narrt�, tice�se Number EZ/ZA�1H KA1hKiEN A�RTA LSB1f3 � riae p��L SU?bE)'ql? G���v ��e � M� a� t�wn surPV�nr� uc �� �� �� � � 1QS4 KAPP dtlVE GYEARWAID4 fl J�37�,'f sig�a �ate Tetepnone . �� �/ys/�e C����4-srs� ��t►s/�s y ap pages of tltis 9evation CeTtifecaLe fa (1 } committ�y offieial. (2) irtsurance agenttcomPac�Y, a�d (3j buiding awner. Commerrts (i�duding Yype of equip�n# ani# bcation, Per G2(e). if aRP��i 1) EiEYA1J�S Al� BAS�D f�PdV �1Mp#AARIC RP f0 f fll+D; /41MMUGG A PGHlS�m EZEYAfl�N �' �.dE' (NAW da - ADrRRS1IDX ?j SpMli� f17�OTAGE � 6LIRAf� !S BA�D dV PNIE7LAS QD�N1Y P�QPEIPTY NI�/i111qN - MD AG� 1D NV1E1d�p� � 71'E ELEYA711aN fdP /1E1/ l,� �S liE AR G1QAp11Id1ElP PAQ. 4) fl'�P /�t7/ CacZ IMA�E 1n EJC�i1VAlE DUE 1t7 S�AB pV pPA� MD F�?OIERS 11E' QEVAl1�pV sFawir �+ow a ���� aw�r, �s�r�c n,E s�ue �s �' 1fN�G A SflirAClfiRK E71Ki�1�ER NOl/�0 tu� ro a� n� a�ucr c�pnr � n+�s a�ucr aEV�na� s��� o9ce 7/'/9/'�D18 SECTIOIi - BUII.iMNG ELEVATK�t @tFORMATbN jStIRVEY NOT REQUftEDj FOR ZONE AO AND ZOHE A(WI'FHOUF BFEj For Zorses AO and A{withou# BFE}, comp�ete �err+s E7-E5. If the Certificaie is intended ta support a LOMl� or LOMR.F request. cromPtete Sec�tu}s A. B. arid C. Fa Items E1�d. ttse natural grade. if avaiiabk. Chedc the rr�asuremeni ased. h Puerto Rica cudy, enter rr+etefs. Et. Provide elevatiort �fasitation for the fopowing and etreck 8�e appropriaie boxes ta sirow whettrer tt�e elevation is above or bebw tl�e nighast adjace�t grade {HAGI and ttre bwest adiacer�t grade (L1►G}. a) Fop of boitom iloa' {includmg basemenE, d�awtspace. (`,fee1 f' meiers [� above w[� bebw the HAG. ot entiosure) is bj Top oi boftom floor (induding taasement, r�au�space� i" feet (� meiers [� at�oVe �� beiow fhe LAfi. or Snc�osttre) is 2. �Of Bili�dllKj �1�CdlT1S 6-J 1V11f1 �Brl172f}Bfi� 1�OCiC� OfSBRIlIgS� �ICYK4@t� IR SBClIOR A�BRi3 6�8I1�/4/ �(S8@ �B $ 4� �FISVUC60R5}.. S�T@ ItBJ(� ' i� floor {elevatiort G2b in lt�e dia3rams) M the b�ding is C' feef C" rt�ters � above ar [] bebw the HAG. E3. Attached garage (toP of slah) is C feet (" rt�ters (� above vr ❑ below ihe HAG. E4. T� af piatfortn ot machinery and Jor equipment nre b�,iaing is t" teet t' meters p above or p below tne IinG. E5. Zane AO only: (f no tbod dePth nnmber is ava�1aMe. is the top of tlia bottom floor eievalad in accardance witlr ihe community's floodpiai� managemeni otdinance? (' Yes C� No (" tlnknown. The bcai official mu# certify this infaJmation in Section G. SECTION F. PRQP€RTY BWMER (�t OWNEft'S REPRESENTATIYE� CERi�ICATIaN Tt� property ovmer or owne�s autfxxized represeMaiive who �mp�etes Secgons A, B, and E for Zone A(without a FEMRrissusd tx community-issued BFE) or Za�e AO mu� sign here. Tfie statements in Sedions A, B. and E are correct � ifie best d my �. Properiy Owner a(3Mmer's Ifuttwrixed Repr�e�tative's Nare� Address Giry sca� z!P Coae S�nature Date Telephone G�ments ❑ Check here 'rf atkachmenis. Ftlw�► rortnatsesa33 (7it5) Replaces a� previous editi�s. Page 4 of 1S ELEVAT�N CERTIFICATE, page 3 OMB Con�ol Number.166p�-00p8 Expirafion: 11/3 W 2018 IMPVRTANTe In ttwse spaces, coRY the eornspaWing i�forma� firom Sectia► A FOR M1SUR Building Street Address {incbdirg Apt. Unit, Sui#e< 8ndtor �dg. No.j ar P.O. Route and $ox No. 8Z8 ELDaPADiO A� �dicyAtumt�er s�g z� r� � co�,�ny r�nac SEG710N G -COMMUNfTY �IFCMtMA'Ti�l (OPTIOrtAL) The local otficiai wtw is authurFZed by haw or ordinance io administer the awnm�ity's lbodplain management ordi�ance can compkte 5ectiorts A, B, C{or f}. and � of tttis Elevation Ce�tifica#e. Compiefe ft�e app6eabie item{s) and sgn below. Check itie �asurerr�eni used 'pt �ems Ca8�10. ln Puetfo R�c.n a�ly, enfer meters. G 1. ❑ Tt�e informa#io�r in Sectio� C waa taken fram other cbcumer�ation ihat hes been sigr�e[i and sealed by a icensed surveYa. �ineer, or architett who is aulhotized fry law ta certify devation informatron. (Iridicate the saurce and date of ttre elevairon data in tF� CAmments area belar+r.} �2. ❑ A oommunicy otfictiai c�feted Sectian E for a buil�ding bcated 'ut Zare A iwithouFa FEMPrissued ,or canmunity-issued SFE) � Zone AO. Gs. � rne rolowing irttortnation (aems c4-G1o) �s pro,rided ror c�nmw�ity rbodp�ain manasement pucposes. G4_ Pertnit Numder G5_ Date Pe�+it issued G6. Date Certificate ot Compiance/OcCUpancy �sued 37. Tfiis prvmit has 6een issued fur f' Ptew Constnlction i Substand� Imp�ovemettt .�8. Elevatia+ of as-6uit Iowest floar (inciudiacJ basement) of #1e buidi�: C" feet (` mefers Datum G9, B�E or (m Zcme AQ) c�pth of ifoodirtg at � buiiding site: ('' f�t {�' meters Daium G14. Gommuni[y's �sign fload ekvatia�: , (" feet �' meters Datum Cocai Offutia�s Name Titla � Si�ature FBiephone Date type o# equipm�nt ar�d locatiort, per G2(e}, rf app4cat�} � Check ►uare 'rf aifachments. FEMA Form U8G-0-33 (7(15) Replaces a/ previous editions. P�e 5 ot 15 BUILDNdG PHQTOGRAPHS ELEYATION CERTIF�ATE, page 4 Sse instructions for item A6. xwrvec i n�v i: u► inese sl�aCCes� coPY the cor►eaporyding infwmation irom 3eeti� A. Building Sireet Addfess {indudirtg ,Apt., tlnif, Suite. arn!!or Bldg. No.) or P.O. Route and �x No. �28 ELD�ARADO A I�OIK/E City State Zip Gode 4MB Caitrd Number. i&6Q-0OQB Ezpiration; 41/30f2Ut8 Pobcy Number: Company N/�IC Number: Ii usiny the Elevatic� Cert�ca#e fa obtaitr NFIR tbod insurance, affix at (east 2�ildin9 P��o9raPhS trebw according to the instnictions for Item A6. Ider�tity aq Photc�graPhs uviUa date taken: "Front vi�o�r' and Rear visw"; and. if requrced, "Ri9hi Side View" and "L� Side i/`iew' whea applicabie, pMata9raphs must sfrow the foundation with tepresentat+ve examples of #he ilood �enir�s w vents, as indu:ated in Section A8. H su6rtritii+59 � A��V�s than wii fit cxs this page. use the Cor�tin�ation Page. FRi011VT I�EW - PIHOTb TAKEN 7/y9/lOfB FEMA Fortn 886-0-33 {7/15} Rep�aces a� Previ�s editions. Page 6 af t5 BUILD�IG RHOTOGRAPHS ELE1iATK'?N CERT#FiCA7E, page 5 Continuation Rage °"'� �`a �'"'�'''� Expirabon:l �t30t2Q48 th@S6 sPaC65. �COOY tlt8 8ulding Streei Address (i�lud'+ng Apt., Unit,Suite. andlor Bldg. Na.} a P.O.Route am! Box No. 828 ELOQRA00 A� c�y st�� z� co� GYEARWA7ER FLQRIDA 337g7—f312 Pdicy Number. Cortqsarty htA1C Nurr�ber: H submitting more photograPhs than wrH fit o� !he Precedin9 Page. aR'nc the additia�al Photographs bebw. IdaniNS' a� P��9�aPhs with: date taken, "Front V ew' and "Rear V'rew"' and, 'rf required, 'Right Side Vie� and "Ls#t Side V�v." Whert appficabie, photographs �si show the faundathm wiih representative exampies of the flood openings or vents, as irtdicated i� Section AB. FEMA Fortn D$Fr0.33 (7715j REAR MEW — Pw/01i7 TAKEN 7%/9/'�Df6 Replaces a1 previous editions. Pa� 7 af '15