December 3, 1997
Present: Gary Benjamin Chair
Charles Silcox Vice Chair
Dennis Roper Board Member
Vacant Seat Board Member
John Carassas Assistant City Attorney
Glen L. Bahnick Civil Engineer III, Staff Liaison
Gwen Legters Board Reporter
Absent: Francis J. Werner Board Member
The Chair called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. in City Hall.
To provide continuity for research, items are listed in agenda order although not
necessarily discussed in that order.
2. Minutes Approval -
November 5, 1997
moved to approve motion
Member Roper the minutes as submitted in writing. The was
duly seconded and unanimously.
3. Tenant Report - FBO
It was indicated one new grass hangar has been leased since the last report. For all
future reports, Mr. Emshoff was requested to report how many hangars of each type are
available and how many are occupied.
4. FBO Lease
Mr. Bahnick reported a lease with Clearwater Aircraft was approved, effective December
1, 1997. Mr. Emshoff was congratulated. Board members thanked the public who supported
the item before the City Commission, staff and Mr. Emshoff for sticking with the process, and
the City Commission for their approval. Mr. Emshoff thanked board and staff members for
their help.
5. Civil Air Patrol (CAP) Land Request
Mr. Bahnick reported this item was pulled from tomorrow night’s City Commission agenda
due to concerns certain time sensitive portions of the agreement may be out of date. The City
Engineer wishes to review and clarify the terms. While board members expressed
disappointment with the delay, it was agreed the new City Manager deserves time to review
the request, as well. Once all details are on the table, representatives are in place, and
impacts are clear to everyone, it was felt the item will go forward.
John Atanasio, CAP Squadron Commander, expressed concern, shock, and
embarrassment over the delay as he had arranged for 60 to 80 people to attend tomorrow
night’s Commission meeting in support of the item. He will decide whether to wait for the item,
or recommend to wing command moving the CAP from Clearwater Airpark.
maa1297 1 12/03/97
Board members and Mr. Emshoff shared Mr. Atanasio’s frustrations, stating CAP is a great
organization that benefits the public and many young people. Mr. Bahnick will request inclusion of
this item on the next City Commission meeting, if possible.
6. Air Tour with City Manager and Assistant City Manager
The tour was canceled due to rain. Mr. Bahnick is working with the City Management team to
reschedule the trip.
7. Clearwater Airpark Web Page
Mr. Bahnick updated the Clearwater Airpark web page with board members’ input and
distributed a sample draft. Discussion ensued regarding creating a stand-alone airpark web page
that does not need to be accessed through the City Engineering Department. It was suggested
creating a bullet on the City’s web site called “Airport – Clearwater Airpark,” for easier reference.
8. Runway/Taxiway Lights
Mr. Bahnick reported the lights have been activated and documentation will be mailed to FDOT
for approval. In response to a question, Mr. Bahnick said conduit was not run for lighting the safety
overruns, but transformers were sized to handle the load when overruns are lighted in the future.
One member stated transformers are sensitive, expensive, and not usually needed for fixed
medium intensity lighting. Engineering staff was asked to review specifications before mailing the
packet to the State, to ensure the airpark does not get locked into using unnecessary transformers.
It was indicated variable intensity is not needed for remote operation. Discussion ensued regarding
variable versus fixed intensity lighting.
9. Keene Road Widening
Mr. Bahnick reported the project is moving forward. A big issue is where to locate the required
stormwater retention. Discussions with the design group and City Engineer appear to indicate an
existing retention along the northern end of the road project may be enlarged enough to
accommodate the road widening project without affecting airpark operations or the tree farm. The
widening will not impact takeoffs, landings, or future runway extension areas. It was indicated an
FAA inspector expressed concern with trees on the other side of the railroad tracks, but those trees
may be removed with the road widening.
Discussion ensued regarding speculation of what will happen to the golf course property when
the current lease expires. Mr. Roper asked staff to research City archives to see if they can locate
a letter from the former Public Works Director stating the area was airpark property and would be
vacated when the airpark needed it. Mr. Roper stated the airpark needs the land now for additional
grass tiedowns. Authority members stressed they do not want to relinquish any land adjacent to
the airpark, but to use such land to expand and make a better airpark. They noted the City
Commission and administration have expressed a commitment to make the airpark the best it can
be. Member Silcox stated he brought up this issue during Keene Road widening discussion
because he envisioned the golf course wanting an entrance from Keene Road, which would
necessitate a new lease agreement. He expressed concern over what might be happening of
which the Airport Authority is unaware.
Concerns were expressed with making plans to construct new hangars before the Master Plan
is in place. As the JPA has been executed for grant money to update the Master Plan, staff was
maa1297 2 12/03/97
requested to pursue a source for the matching funds before embarking on new construction. This
item will be agendaed for the next meeting.
10. Airpark Infrastructure Maintenance
Concerns were expressed major refurbishment is needed at Hangar C. Staff was requested to
investigate routinely incorporating funds into the operating budget to enable a more systematic
approach to funding airpark maintenance. Mr. Bahnick will prepare a draft spreadsheet for review
at the next meeting. Doors on units 1C and 3C need emergency attention. It is hoped the painting
will be finished this year. In response to a question, Mr. Emshoff did not object to asking the City
Engineer to instruct responsible party to remove a lean-to from the north side of the building.
11. Other Business
In response to a question, Mr. Bahnick said the preliminary site plan for the American Tool and
Mold proposal was denied because it did not show the agreed-upon landscaping. The DRC site plan
certification process is still underway. He will update the board when more information is available.
Mr. Benjamin congratulated Rich Baier on his promotion to Director of Public Works
Administration. In response to a question, Mr. Bahnick said Ms. Mashid Arasteh will become the new
City Engineer, but Mr. Baier has a keen interest in continuing involvement with the airpark.
Mr. Benjamin thanked Mr. Kilbride for his contributions to the Airport Authority during his term of
service. Mr. Kilbride’s resignation was announced at the November meeting.
John Atanasio stressed the importance of the airpark location to the Civil Air Patrol. In the event
of a natural disaster, every airport will be under water. Clearwater Airpark is the only location from
which emergency services can be provided. He offered the services of the Civil Air Patrol to fly the
City Management Team on the proposed airpark tour.
Call of the Next Meeting
The next regular meeting of the Airport Authority was called for January 7, 1998, at 3:00 p.m., in
City Commission Chambers.
The meeting adjourned at 4:10 p.m.
maa1297 3 12/03/97
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December 3, 1997
Gary Benjamin
Charles Silcox
Dennis Roper
Vacant Seat
John Carassas
Glen L. Bahnick
Gwen Legters
Francis J. Werner
Vice Chair
Board Member
Board Member
Assistant City Attorney
Civil Engineer III, Staff Liaison
Board Reporter
Board Member
The Chair called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. in City Hall.
To provide continuity for research, items are listed in agenda order although not
necessarily discussed in that order.
2. Minutes Approval - November 5, 1997
Member Roper moved to approve the minutes as submitted in writing. The motion was
duly seconded and carried unanimously.
3. Tenant Report - FBe
It was indicated one new grass hangar has been leased since the last report. For all future
reports, Mr. Emshoff was requested to report how many hangars of each type are available and
how many are occupied.
4. FBe Lease
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Mr. Bahnick reported a lease with Clearwater Aircraft was approved, effective December 1,
1997. Mr. Emshoff was congratulated. Board members thanked the public who supported the
item before the City Commission, staff and Mr. Emshoff for sticking with the process, and the
City Commission for their approval. Mr. Emshoff thanked board and staff members for their
5. Civil Air Patrol (CAP) land Request
Mr. Bahnick reported this item was pulled from tomorrow night's City Commission agenda
due to concerns certain time sensitive portions of the agreement may be out of date. The City
Engineer wishes to review and clarify the terms. While board members expressed
disappointment with the delay, it was agreed the new City Manager deserves time to review the
request, as well. Once all details are on the table, representatives are in place, and impacts are
clear to everyone, it was felt the item will go forward.
John Atanasio, CAP Squadron Commander, expressed concern, shock, and
embarrassment over the delay as he had arranged for 60 to 80 people to attend tomorrow
night's Commission meeting in support of the item. He will decide whether to wait for the Item,
or recommend to wing command moving the CAP from Clearwater Airpark.
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Board members and Mr. Emshoff shared Mr. Atanasio's frustrations, stating CAP is a great
organization that benefits the public and many young people. Mr. Bahnick will request inclusion of
this item on the next City Commission meeting, if possible.
6. Air Tour with City Manager and Assistant City Manager
The tour was canceled due to rain. Mr. Sahnick is working with the City Management team to
reschedule the trip.
7. Clea"!Vater Airpark Web Page
Mr. Bahnick updated the Clearwater Airpark web page with board members' input and
distributed a sample draft. Discussion ensued regarding creating a stand.alone airpark web page
that does not need to be accessed through the City Engineering Department. It was suggested
creating a bullet on the City's web site called "Airport - Clearwater Airpark," for easier reference.
B. RunwayfTaxiway Lights
Mr. Bahnick reported the lights have been activated and documentation will be mailed to FOOT
,for approval. In response to a question, Mr. Bahnick said conduit was not run for lighting the safety
overruns, but transformers were sized to handle the load when overruns are lighted in the future.
One member stated transformers are sensitive, expensive, and not usually needed for fixed medium
intensity lighting. Engineering staff was asked to review specifications before mailing the packet to
the State, to ensure the airpark does not get locked into using unnecessary transformers. It was
indicated variable intensity is not needed for remote operation. Discussion ensued regarding
variable versus fixed intensity lighting.
9. Keene Road Widening
Mr. Bahnick reported the project is moving forward. A big issue is where to locate the required
stonnwater retention. Discussions with the design group and City Engineer appear to indicate an
existing retention along the northern end of the road project may be enlarged enough to
accommodate the road widening project without affecting airpark operations or the tree farm. The
widening will not impact takeoffs, landings, or future runway extension areas. It was indicated an
FAA inspector expressed concern with trees on the other side of the railroad tracks, but those trees
may be removed with the road widening.
Discussion ensued regarding speculation of what will happen to the golf course property when
the current lease expires. Mr. Roper asked staff to research City archives to see if they can locate a
letter from the former Public Works Director stating the area was airpark. property and would be
vacated when the airpark needed it. Mr. Roper stated the airpark needs the land now for additional
grass tiedowns. Authority members stressed they do not want to relinquish any land adjacent to the
airpark, but to use such land to expand and make a better airpark. They noted the City Commission
and administration have expressed a commitment to make the airpark the best it can be. Member
Silcox stated he brought up this issue during Keene Road widening discussion because he
envisioned the golf course wanting an entrance from Keene Road, which would necessitate a new
lease agreement.. He expressed concern over what might be happening of which the Airport
Authority is unaware. .
Concerns were expressed with making plans to construct new hangars before the Master Plan
is in place. As the JPA has been executed for grant money to update the Master Plan, staff was
maa 1297 2 12/03/97
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requested to pursue a source for the matching funds before embarking on new construction. This
Item will be agendaed for the next meeting.
10. Airpark Infrastructure Maintenance
Concerns were expressed major refurbishment is needed at Hangar C. Staff was requested to
investigate routinely incorporating funds Into the operating budget to enable a more systematic
approach 'to funding airpark maintenance. Mr. Bahnick will prepare a draft spreadsheet for review at
the next meeting. Doors on units 1 C and 3C need emergency attention. It is hoped the painting will
be finished this year. In response to a question, Mr. Emshoff did not object to asking the City
Engineer to instruct responsible party to remove a lean-to from the north side of the building.
11. Other Business
In response to a question, Mr. Bahnick said the preliminary site plan for the American Tool and
Mold proposal was denied because it did not show the agreed-upon landscaping. The DRC site plan
certification process is still underway. He will update the board when more information is available.
Mr. Benjamin congratulated Rich Baier on his promotion to Director of Public Works
Administration. In response to a question, Mr. Bahnick said Ms. Mashid Arasteh will become the new
City Engineer, but Mr. Baier has a keen interest in continuing involvement with the airpark.
Mr. Benjamin thanked Mr. Kilbride for his contributions to the Airport Authority during his term of
service. Mr. Kilbride's resignation was announced at the November meeting.
John Atanasio stressed the importance of the airpark location to the Civil Air Patrol. In the event
of a natural disaster, every airport will be under water. Clearwater Airpark is the only location from
which emergency services can be provided. He offered the services of the Civil Air Patrol to fly the
City Management Team on the proposed airpark tour.
Call of the Next Meeting
The next regular meeting of the Airport Authority was called for January 7, 1998, at 3:00 p.m., in
City Commission Chambers.
. Adjournment
The meeting adjourned at 4:10 p.m.
'. Chair
Airport Authority
. .'0' ,.