June 4, 1997
Present: Charles Silcox Chair
Stephen Bils Vice Chair
Gary Benjamin Board Member
Charles Kilbride Board Member
Francis J. Werner Board Member
John Carassas Assistant City Attorney
Glen Bahnick Civil Engineer II, Staff Liaison
Gwen Legters Board Reporter
To provide continuity for
The Chair called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. in City Hall.
research, items are listed in agenda order although not necessarily discussed in that
2. Minutes Approval --
May 7, 1997
moved to approve
Member Bils the minutes as submitted in writing to each member by
the Board Reporter. The was duly seconded and unanimously
3. Election of Board Officers
Member Benjamin Stephen Bils as Chair. The nomination was duly
Member Bils the nomination. Upon the vote being taken, it
unanimously. Stephen Bils was Airport Authority Chair.
Member Kilbride Gary Benjamin as Vice Chair. The nomination was duly
Member Benjamin the nomination. Upon the vote being taken, it
unanimously. Gary Benjamin was Airport Authority Vice Chair.
The members thanked Member Silcox for his service as Chair, and his active participation
in helping to achieve the goal of making Clearwater Airpark successful and profitable. Mr.
Silcox listed the Airport Authority’s achievements during the past year, congratulating Rick
Emshoff for being selected as FBO. Mr. Silcox thanked Mr. Bahnick for an excellent job of
representing the best interests of the Airport Authority and the airpark.
4. Tenant Report - FBO
It was indicated 40 shade hangars, 27 enclosed hangars, 20 hard stands and 20 grass
tiedowns are occupied.
maa0697 1 06/04/97
5. New Hangar Construction
Mr. Bahnick reported the management team has approved Change Order #1 and final.
Reimbursement is now being requested from FDOT for half the construction costs.
Discussion ensued regarding a May 29 letter from the City to Mr. Emshoff regarding fire
code violations; reactivating the 911 direct telephone line, and unauthorized alteration of
Hangar B-2 by a tenant. Mr. Emshoff will take care of the fire code issues and the 911 line has
been reactivated. Mr. Bahnick was asked to investigate installing a pay phone to replace the
911 line. Concerns were expressed with three windows and an air conditioner having been
installed in a new hangar without permission. A question was raised whether a tenant may
operate a business from a hanger without an occupational license. Airport Authority members
and Mr. Carassas stressed any hangar alterations must have the FBO’s recommendation and
City approval. Discussion recurred throughout the meeting with regard to this issue.
6. FBO Lease
Mr. Carassas has drafted the lease and will forward it through Assistant City Manager Bob
Keller to Mr. Emshoff. The lease addresses the major requirements and Airport Authority
concerns as closely as possible. In response to a question, Mr. Carassas said he did not see
any problems with the new tenant lease forms. He anticipated the FBO contract will be signed
as is.
7. Neighbor’s Day at the Airpark
Mr. Bahnick reported the event is scheduled from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., Saturday
June 7. Dennis Roper will emcee. Flashback Tours will provide live music throughout the
event. A special bi-plane has arranged for a ribbon cutting at 12:00 noon and Mayor Garvey is
scheduled to attend. Mr. Bahnick highlighted many exciting special displays and activities,
stating a tent with hot dogs and sodas will be provided by the EAA. Donations were received
from a variety of sources and safety precautions will be observed. Airport Authority members
praised the invitation put together by the Engineering Department. Mr. Atanasio said the CAP
will attend to show their airplane and recruit new members.
8. Runway Remarking
Mr. Bahnick reported renumbering should be finished in a week. Discussion ensued
regarding the importance of accurate marking to those with GPS capabilities and IFR
9. Operating Budget
Mr. Bahnick provided a printout of the latest General Fund quarterly budget summary
regarding the airpark. Staff was requested to ask Budget Director Tina Wilson for a brief detail
of revenues and expenditures to help explain the cash flow.
maa0697 2 06/04/97
10. Other Business
In response to questions, Mr. Bahnick and Mr. Emshoff reported the fill dirt is in and
surveyors have received a drawing of tiedown placement. It is hoped tiedown installation will
be complete this week. It was indicated people are ready to move their planes.
Member Bils indicated the sight of the wrecked airplane parked alongside Hercules
Avenue may be making people nervous. He asked if it could be moved before the open
house. Mr. Emshoff said he will cover the wreck to make it look better until the FAA approves
having it moved. General discussion ensued regarding the crash reported at last month’s
Member Kilbride asked for a current board member roster.
In response to questions from Member Benjamin, Mr. Bahnick said: 1) A site plan has not
been submitted for the American Tool & Mold expansion on the adjacent property to the north.
He noted landscaping and retention details as they relate to the airpark. 2) Implementation of
the Master Plan is to start at the beginning of the new fiscal year, October 1, 1997. He listed
the items that can be started prior to that date, noting some projects may have to be scaled
back due to budget cuts required of each department. Discussion ensued regarding layout of
the general administration building, and solving the problems associated with the corporate
Mr. Bickerstaffe reiterated the importance of safety zones. It was indicated safety zones
and runway lights are tied into the five year plan. Mr. Silcox noted the decision had been
made to address the new hangars first.
10. Call of the Next Meeting
Member Benjamin to cancel the regular July meeting for summer vacation. The
was duly and unanimously. The next regular meeting of the Airport
Authority was called for August 6, 1997, at 3:00 p.m., City Commission Chambers.
The meeting adjourned at 4:07 p.m.
maa0697 3 06/04/97
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June 4, 1997
Charles Silcox
Stephen Bils
Gary Benjamin
Charles Kilbride
Francis J. Werner
John Carassas
Glen Bahnick
Gwen Legters
Vice Chair
Board Member
Board Member
Board Member
Assistant City Attorney
Civil Engineer II, Staff Liaison
Board Reporter
The Chair called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. in City Hall. To provide continuity
for research, items are listed in agenda order although not necessarily discussed in that
order ~
2. Minutes Approval.. May 7, 1 997
Member Bils moved to approve the minutes as submitted in writing'to each member by
the Board Reporter. The motion was duly seconded and carried unanimously
3. , Election of Board Officers
Member Benjamin nominated Stephen Bils as Chair. The nomination was duly
seconded. Member Bils accepted the nomination. Upon the vote being taken, it carried
unanimously. Stephen Bils was elected Airport Authority Chair.
Member Kilbride nominated Gary Benjamin as Vice Chair. The nomination was duly
seconded. Member Benjamin accepted the nomination. Upon the vote being taken, it
carried unanimously. Gary Benjamin was elected Airport Authority Vice Chair.
The members thanked Member Silcox for his service as Chair, and his active
participation in helping to achieve the goal of making Clearwater Airpark successful and
profitable. Mr. Silcox listed the Airport Authority's achievements during the past year,
congratulating Rick Emshoff for being selected as FBD. Mr. Silcox thanked Mr. Bahnick for
an excellent job of representing the best interests of the Airport Authority and the airpark.
4. Tenant Report - FBO
It was indicated 40 shade hangars, 27 enclosed hangars, 20 hard stands and 20 grass
tiedowns are occupied.
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~ 5. New Hangar Construction
Mr. Bahnick reported the management team has approved Change Order #7 and final.
Reimbursement is now being requested from FDOT for half the construction costs.
Discussion ensued regarding a May 29 letter from the City to Mr. Emshoff regarding
fire code violations; reactivating the 911 direct telephone line, and unauthorized alteration
of Hangar B~2 by a tenant. Mr. Emshoff will take care of the fire code issues and the 911
line has been reactivated. Mr. Bahnick was asked to investigate installing a pay phone to
replace the 911 line. Concerns were expressed with three windows and an air conditioner
having been installed in a new hangar without permission. A question was raised whether
a tenant may operate a business from a hanger without an occupational license. Airport
Authority members and Mr. Carassas stressed any hangar alterations must have the FBO's
recommendation and City approval. Discussion recurred throughout the meeting with
regard to this issue.
6. FBO Lease
Mr. Carassas has drafted the lease and will forward it through Assistant City Manager
Bob Keller to Mr. Emshoff. The lease addresses the major requirements and Airport
Authority concerns as closely as possible. In response to a question, Mr. Carassas said he
did not see any problems with the new tenant lease forms. He anticipated the FBO
contract will be signed as is.
7. Neighbor's Day at the Airpark
Mr. Bahnick reported the event is scheduled from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p,m., Saturday
June 7. Dennis Roper will emcee. Flashback Tours will provide live music throughout the
event. A special bi-plane has arranged for a ribbon cutting at 12:00 noon and Mayor
Garvey is scheduled to attend. Mr. Bahnick highlighted many exciting special displays and
activities, stating a tent with hot dogs and sodas will be provided by the EAA. Donations
were received from a variety of sources and safety precautions will be observed. Airport
Authority members praised the invitation put together by the Engineering Department. Mr.
Atanasio said the CAP will attend to show their airplane and recruit new members.
8. Runway Remarking
Mr. Bahnick reported renumbering should be finished in a week. Discussion ensued
regarding the importance of accurate marking to those with GPS capabilities and IFR
9. Operating Budget
Mr. Bahnick provided a printout of the latest General Fund quarterly budget summary
regarding the airpark. Staff was requested to ask Budget Director Tina Wilson for a brief
detail of revenues and expenditures to help explain the cash flow.
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10. Other Business
In response to questions, Mr. Bahnick and Mr. Emshoff reported the fill dirt is in and
surveyors have received a drawing of tledown placement. It Is hoped tledown installation
will be complete this week. It was indicated people are ready to move their planes.
Member Bils indicated the sight of the wrecked airplane parked alongside Hercules
Avenue may be making people nervous. He asked if it could be moved before the open
house. Mr. Emshoff said he will cover the wreck to make it look better until the FAA
approves having it moved. General discussion ensued regarding the crash reported at last
month's meeting.
Member Kilbride asked for a current board member roster.
In response to questions from Member Benjamin, Mr. Bahnick said: 1) A site plan has
not been submitted for the American Tool & Mold expansion on the adjacent property to
the north. He noted landscaping and retention details as they relate to the airpark.
2) Implementation of the Master Plan is to start at the beginning of the new fiscal year,
October 1, 1 997. He listed the items that can be started prior to that date, noting some
projects may have to be scaled back due to budget cuts required of each department.
Discussion ensued regarding layout of the general administration building, and solving the
problems associated with the corporate hangar.
Mr. Bickerstaffe reiterated the importance of safety zones. It was indicated safety
zones and runway lights are tied into the five year plan. Mr. Silcox noted the decision had
been made to address the new hangars first.
10. Can of the Next Meeting
Member Benjamin moved to cancel the regular July meeting for summer vacation. The
motion was duly seconded and carried unanimously. The next regular meeting of the
Airport Authority was called for August 6, 1997, at 3:00 p.m., City Commission
The meeting adjourned at 4:07 p.m.
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Chair V
Airport Authority
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