01/08/1997 AIRPORT AUTHORITY CITY OF CLEARWATER January 8, 1997 Present: Charles Silcox Chair Stephen Bils Vice Chair Gary Benjamin Board Member Francis J. Werner Board Member Bob Keller Assistant City Manager John Carassas Assistant City Attorney Richard Baier Engineering Director Glen Bahnick Civil Engineer II, Staff Liaison Gwen Legters Board Reporter Absent: Charles Kilbride Board Member The Chair called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. in the Municipal Services Building, Human To provide continuity for research, items are listed in agenda order Resources Room #111. although not necessarily discussed in that order. 2. Minutes Approval -- December 4, 1996 moved to approve Member Bils the minutes as submitted in writing to each member by motioncarried the Board Reporter. The was duly seconded and unanimously 3. Tenant Report -- FBO This item was heard when Mr. Emshoff arrived, at the conclusion of Item #8, below. The Chair received the report and read it into the record. It was indicated 40 shade hangars, 10 enclosed hangars, 23 hard stands and 16 grass tiedowns are occupied. Seventeen enclosed hangars are under construction. 4. American Tool and Mold Assistant City Manager Bob Keller appeared to present the American Tool and Mold (AT&M) request to locate a dry stormwater retention pond on City-owned property. Mr. Keller listed two positive trade-offs for the City, associated with the proposed expansion. The deal is contingent upon annexation of the AT&M parcel, thereby increasing City tax revenue; and the proposal will include landscaping to help beautify the airpark entryway. Mr. Keller displayed the site plan, revised since the last presentation, to minimize the impact on City land. He indicated staff is pleased with this opportunity to enhance City economy and development. In response to questions, Mr. Keller said staff is checking into the possibility of extending the landscaping buffer to hide the natural gas valve farm. Staff will check whether the pond can be created to have any excess capacity to benefit the airpark. Mr. Keller said he spoke with one objector from the previous hearing, who seemed satisfied with the amended proposal. Discussion ensued regarding precise location of the airpark’s property boundaries. In response to questions, Mr. Keller clarified the pond will be situated totally outside the airpark boundaries. maa0197 1 01/08/97 At the conclusion of discussion, Mr. Keller left the meeting at 3:22 p.m. 5. Master Plan Update Mr. Bahnick introduced Marshall Stevens, with Post, Buckley, Schuh & Jernigan’s Aviation Services. Mr. Stevens related the history of how the City’s master plan was created ten years ago. He explained how the update will incorporate airport industry changes, bringing the master plan in line with current conditions. Air traffic growth and development opportunities will be built into the plan over the next 5, 10 and 20 years. He profiled how the update will address airpark inventory; environmental issues; aviation activity; safety overruns and lighting; noise abatement; and development of an advisory committee composed of airpark users. Discussion ensued regarding the processes for obtaining City Commission approval and joint FDOT funding; and naming the members of the advisory committee. Questions were raised regarding incorporating safety overruns and runway lighting into the master plan, and a time estimate for implementation. It was indicated the City’s half of the $100 thousand cost comes from the General Fund, not from the Clearwater Airpark budget. One member expressed a strong interest in pursuing an integrated five year plan for the airpark. Clarification was requested regarding the Airport Authority’s role in the master plan. Mr. Stevens discussed his recommendations regarding composition of the advisory committee, the City’s relationship with FDOT and FAA representatives, and the shrinking FAA funding pool. He indicated the final product of the master plan update efforts will be a report document similar to the existing master plan, targeted for completion in calendar year 1997. The document will include a full set of airpark drawings and designs. From that document, the airpark CIP budget can be created. Mr. Bahnick hoped to update the existing master plan regarding the safety overruns and lighting very soon. Discussion proceeded regarding Item #8, below. 6. New Hangar Construction Mr. Bahnick reported foundation and retention excavation are underway. A question was raised whether the fill dirt can be used in other areas of the airpark. Mr. Bahnick responded he checked with the contractor, but the dirt has been sold to someone else. In response to a question, he said this is a fairly standard practice in the construction business. Mr. Emshoff raised a number of issues related to the new hangars and the FBO lease. He stated he has received an estimate from someone willing to bring hangars into ADA compliance for $4,000. He questioned whether the percentage of revenues from hangar rentals to be split between the City and FBO will be based on the gross or the net income. He questioned who will be responsible for the cost of maintaining the runway lighting, security gates, landscaping and grounds. He questioned the possibility of individual electric meters in the hangars. Mr. Bahnick indicated individual electric meters would be difficult as the project is already bid and construction is underway. Mr. Emshoff detailed what he has historically paid for electricity, insurance and water utility costs, compared to estimated hangar revenue. He did not feel the new hangars will represent a large increase in revenue, because the majority of those on the waiting list are existing tenants who wish to move from other hangars. He questioned what is meant by keeping a daily record of operation. Mr. Bahnick indicated these questions and many other economic criteria will likely be negotiable subjects discussed during FBO lease negotiations. Part of the joint funding agreement maa0197 2 01/08/97 with the FDOT was to ensure the airpark did not receive 100% of the revenues. Mr. Emshoff was requested to submit his figures in writing as soon as possible in order to allow the City Purchasing Manager to prepare an addendum to the RFP. A tenant in the audience complained lunch trash from the hangar contractor’s employees is blowing around the grounds. He questioned who will resod the construction traffic area. Mr. Emshoff will provide trash barrels for the workers’ use. Mr. Bahnick said the contractor will grade, water and reseed the turf area when construction is finished. 7. Request for Proposal -- FBO Mr. Bahnick reported the number of RFP’s sent out, and the timetable for completion of the process. The selection committee is forming, and vendor presentations are scheduled for March 5. He said the public can no longer request verbal RFP information from the City Engineering Department. All requests for information related to the RFP are being routed through the Purchasing Manager to Engineering. Responses are written, and Purchasing prepares addenda for distribution to all candidates. He requested Airport Authority members to write their specific questions; staff will answer the questions and distribute the responses. Mr. Emshoff complained of the expense involved in having the City mow the grass, and requiring certified audits. Buz Heuchan questioned EAA (Experimental Aircraft Association) representation on the selection and negotiation committees. He felt an additional EAA representative is needed. Don Hendricks volunteered. Mr. Bahnick suggested Mr. Heuchan might consider seeking appointment to the opening for a Chamber of Commerce representative, thus bringing more than one of his interests to the table. The Airport Authority strongly recommended for the City to appoint Buz Heuchan to the Chamber of Commerce seat on the selection and negotiation committees. Member Bils was not present, having left earlier in the meeting. General discussion ensued regarding the history of hangar rental rates, the airpark revenue stream, and whether the airpark is required to make money for the City. Some felt the ultimate goal is to return the airpark to Enterprise Fund status. It was indicated rumors of rate increases always circulate during contract negotiations. Discussion ensued regarding rental rates at other general aviation facilities. Member Werner stated a certified airpark audit would cost about $12,000. He expressed concern the cost is not accurately reflected in the RFP. He requested staff to look into removing the requirement, or raising the cost to a more realistic figure. Discussion ensued regarding how to bid and calculate economic factors without knowing all the parameters in advance. Discussion ensued regarding Item #9, below. 8. Civil Air Patrol (CAP) Mr. John Atanasio, with the Civil Air Patrol, submitted a written summary of the CAP land request, as suggested during the November Airport Authority meeting. The two-page summary and three attached exhibits were included in a City Commission Work Session item discussed last Monday, January 6. City Engineering Director Rich Baier stated the City Manager took the item forward to ensure it was discussed. Mr. Baier reported, while the Commission agreed the CAP is important, they felt going forward prior to receiving FBO input would be premature. Mr. Atanasio and Airport Authority members asserted the CAP request has nothing to do with the FBO. maa0197 3 01/08/97 One member questioned whether or not Mr. Baier believed the CAP land request should go forward before the FBO is in place. Mr. Baier indicated he did not. Discussion ensued, and certain members expressed displeasure with Mr. Baier’s response. It was felt the Airport Authority’s recommendation had not been represented to the Commission. Authority members questioned whether it will be necessary for the Airport Authority to present future recommendations directly to the City Commission to ensure they are given adequate consideration. In response to a question, Mr. Baier clarified his position, stating he does not oppose the CAP lease, but believes it should wait until after the FBO selection. Discussion ensued regarding the history of Mr. Atanasio’s and the Authority’s unsuccessful attempts to persuade the City Manager to agenda this item for formal presentation. Mr. Atanasio reiterated members’ assertions the lease request had not been presented properly or pushed hard enough to obtain City Commission consideration. Mr. Baier responded the Commission is very supportive of the concept, but the Commission and the City Manager have consistently expressed their desire to wait until the FBO is in place. He did not understand why proponents of the issue had continued to believe the administration would change its position. In response to a question from the audience, it was indicated the helicopter pad property referenced on page 2 of the December minutes is the same land requested by the CAP. Authority members complained the City did not hesitate to support the American Tool and Mold proposal for a retention pond on adjacent City land. Mr. Baier responded a dry retention pond does not compare to a 4,000 square foot building as proposed by the CAP. Mr. Baier responded to a question regarding his specific objection to pursuing the CAP lease prior to FBO selection. He stated he agreed with the Commission, that all City-owned land associated with Clearwater Airpark should be reviewed comprehensively to ensure the highest and best use. He did not feel it is in the City’s best interest to pursue an agreement impacting a portion of that land prior to such comprehensive review. The arduous RFP/FBO rewrite has priority over comprehensive land use review, due to the limited time remaining for completion of the RFP process. Having presented the City’s position and responded to the Airport Authority’s questions, Mr. Baier had no further comment. Mr. Atanasio stated he will meet with the CAP board of directors tomorrow night. He will inform them the lease request has been rejected and he has no idea when it will be considered. Discussion ensued regarding Items #3, #6, and #7, respectively. 9. Security Signage Mr. Bahnick reported additional no trespass signs have been installed between the airpark and the golf course. 10. Refurbish Hangar A Chair Silcox indicated most of the ten tenants, who will be displaced during refurbishment, do not feel total reskinning is needed because they do not wish to temporarily relocate during maa0197 4 01/08/97 renovation. He said the Airport Authority does not have the expertise to recommend how Hangar A should be refurbished to adequately extend the required life of the building. He felt it is staff’s responsibility to research the need, and make a recommendation for the Airport Authority’s endorsement. Mr. Bahnick said, while $100,000 was budgeted for refurbishment, a question has been raised whether less extensive renovation will suffice. Some advocate nothing more than a coat of paint. He will research the files to determine what is included in the $100,000 estimate. Staff has begun to contact professional painting contractors to determine whether their techniques can adequately extend the life of the building. He will report at the next meeting whether a change order is indicated. Mr. Silcox will bring specific feedback from Hangar A tenants, regarding their plans if total refurbishment takes place. General agreement was expressed the deteriorated appearance of Hangar A will be more obvious when the new hangars are finished. 11. Other Business ?? David Moberg, Vice President of Leading Edge Aviation Services, was welcomed to the meeting. Mr. Moberg outlined the relationship of the Hillsborough County Aviation Authority (not a county agency) to Vandenberg Airport, Tampa, where he and his brother Mark are FBO’s. He offered his input on the changes being undergone by Clearwater Airpark, based on experience gained as they developed Leading Edge. They have worked extensively to standardize and systemize their procedures to ensure smooth operation. Mr. Moberg responded to questions regarding hangar lease rates, available facilities, runway length, hangar capacity, and tower facilities. General discussion ensued. A question was raised whether Mr. Moberg anticipates bidding on Clearwater’s RFP for FBO. Mr. Moberg responded, because Leading Edge is operating successfully, they are considering acquiring another facility. The decision whether to bid on Clearwater’s RFP will be made when he meets with his business partners this Friday. He invited Airport Authority members to visit Vandenberg. Discussion ensued regarding relationships with the surrounding neighborhoods. Mr. Moberg said they receive few complaints because the aviation authority has purchased most of the adjacent land, and Leading Edge works to educate the public and stay on top of any problem situations. Brief discussion ensued regarding an Internet website created from FAA data. The Chair thanked Mr. Moberg for attending and said he will visit Vandenberg. ?? Member Benjamin requested an item on the next agenda regarding communication with the City Commission. He was extremely upset the Airport Authority had not been informed that Engineering did not agree with their recommendation regarding the CAP item. He felt they had been misled. Member Silcox agreed, stating the staff liaison should support the Authority’s position to the administration, regardless of the liaison’s personal opinion. If not, provision should be made for the Airport Authority to take their recommendations directly to the Commission. As Chair, he puts his personal feelings aside when he represents the Airport Authority as a whole. General discussion ensued regarding this issue. Members noted for the record they are pleased with Mr. Bahnick’s service and today’s comments were not directed toward him. Mr. Bahnick said he was surprised at the Commission’s reaction, because he had understood they were totally supportive. maa0197 5 01/08/97 Mr. Moberg suggested asking the City Commission whether part of their hesitation is due to a desire to have the FBO manage the CAP lease. He has learned through his experience, the Hillsborough County Aviation Authority prefers not to be landlord to the CAP. 12. Call of the Next Meeting The next regular meeting of the Airport Authority was called for February 5, 1997, at 3:00 p.m., in the Municipal Services Building, Human Resources Room #111. Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 5:11 p.m. maa0197 6 01/08/97 , '. : .. " ':,"',,. .... ~_..: ..' >; h ,',,' " , '.':,." ,":-": .':. .' .:.'.' -'. '.. " , '. _.'. ", , ", ",..' , ' ,'.., .', ' .:' .,' ' "', ~ . 'to t.; ~ ~ ' , . I' ','. " , " , , :' i, ~ "L .' ~".'J',:, ;. , " : ,,' : 'T', "." 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Minutes Approval- December 4, 1996 (:) Member Bils moved to approve the minutes as submitted in writing to each member by the Board Reporter. The motion was duly seconded and carried unanimously 3. Tenant Report - FBD This item was heard when Mr. Emshoff arrived, at the conclusion of Item #8, below. The Qhair received the report and read it into the record. It was indicated 40 shade hangars, 10 enclosed hangars. 23 hard stands and 16 grass tiedowns are occupied. Seventeen enclosed hangars are under construction. 4. American Tool and Mold Assistant City Manager Bob Keller appeared to present the American Tool and Mold (A T&M) request to locate a dry stormwater retention pond on City-owned property. Mr. Keller listed two posmve trade-offs for the City, associated with the proposed expansion. The deal is contingent upon annexation of the A T&M parcel, thereby increasing City tax revenue; and the proposal will Include landscaping to help beautify the airpark entryway. Mr. Keller displayed the site plan, revised since the last presentation, to minimize the impact on City land. He indicated staff is pleased with this opportunity to enhance City economy and development. In response to questions, Mr. Keller said staff is checking into the possibility of extending the landscaping buffer to hide the natural gas valve farm. Staff will check whether the pond can be created to have any excess capacity to benefit the airpark. Mr. Keller said he spoke with one objector from the previous hearing. who seemed satisfied with the amended proposal. Discussion ensued regarding precise location of the airpark's property boundaries. In response to questions, o Mr. Keller clarified the pond will be situated totally outside the airpark boundaries. maa01.97 1 01/08/97 -.....--- ' . . ~ 1'''-.'' "~~"''''''~.~.WL'l~i\........~J.~4-i~l~~I+~ij...\''~''~",,',~ ,'!I>-:,I,. 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Mr. Stevens related the history of how the City's master plan was created ten years ago, He explained how the update will incorporate airport industry changes, bringing the master plan in line with current conditions. Air traffic growth and development opportunities will be built into the plan over the next 5. 10 and 20 years. He profiled how the update will address airpark inventory; environmental issues; aviation activity; safety overruns and lighting; noise abatement; and development of an advisory committee composed of airpark users. Discussion ensued regarding the processes for obtaining City CommiSSion approval and joint FOOT funding; and naming the members of the advisory committee. Questions were raised regarding incorporating safety overruns and runway lighting into the master plan, and a time estimate for implementation. It was indicated the City's half of the $100 thousand cost comes from the General Fund, not from the Clearwater Airpark budget. One member expressed a strong interest in pursuing an integrated five year plan for the airpark Clarification was requested regarding the Airport Authority's role in the master plan. Mr. Stevens discussed his recommendations regarding composition of the advisory committee, the City's relationship with FOOT and FAA representatives, and the shrinking FAA funding pool. He indicated the final product of the master plan update efforts will be a report document similar to the ,"''''~ existing master plan, targeted for completion in calendar year 1997. The document will include a -"1<lt! full set of airpark drawings and designs. From that document, the airpark CIP budget can be created. Mr. Bahnick hoped to update the existing master plan regarding the safety overruns and fighting very soon. Discussion proceeded regarding Item #8, below. 6. New Hangar Construction Mr. Bahnick reported foundation and retention excavation are underway. A question was raised whether the fill dirt can be used in other areas of the airpark. Mr. Bahnick responded he checked with the contractor, but the dirt has been sold to someone else. In response to a question, he said this is a fairly standard practice in the construction business. \~ Mr. Emshoff raised a number of issues related to the new hangars and the FBO lease. He stated he has received an estimate from someone willing to bring hangars into ADA compliance for $4,000. He questioned whether the percentage of revenues from hangar rentals to be split between the City and FBO will be based on the gross or the net income. He questioned who will be responsible for the cost of maintaining the runway lighting, security gates, landscaping and grounds. He questioned the possibility of individual electric meters in the hangars. Mr. Bahnick Indicated individual electric meters would be difficult as the project is already bid and construction is underway. Mr. Emshoff detailed what he has historically paid for electricity, insurance and water utility costs, compared to estimated hangar revenue. He did not feel the new hangars will represent a large Increase in revenue, because the majority of those on the waiting list are existing tenants who wish to move from other hangars. He questioned what is meant by keeping a dally record of operatlon. Mr. Bahnick indicated these questions and many other economic criteria will likely be negotiable subjects discussed during FBO lease negotiations. Part of the joint funding agreement maa01.97 2 01108/97 , , .' ..'........... .\p . '. . ': , ....'\:.....:, ';',. ': " ; '.. ',;.':' ", ,_.. '\ ,...1".." ~Il,. '~'" ...J.,. \ ,', '. . "" ' ,,):., ',',:,:",..:.,'''. -':.:'. ~:",~.~~.:..~...:....~....., ~~,:,"..I:~'~"":":' ."'.....: ",' !.' ':'.' ",','.' ,:'., ,~:,."...", ',', 'I:~' '\': ,'; ''','~\''',.,.;',: "'::~., ":1 .~ with the FOOT was to ensure the airpark did not receive 100% of the revenues. Mr. Emshoff was requested to submit his figures in writing as soon as possible In order to allow the City Purchasing Manager to prepare an addendum to the RFP. A tenant In the audience complained lunch trash from the hangar contractor's employees is blowing around the grounds. He questioned who will resod the construction traffic area. Mr. Emshoff will provide trash barrels for the workers' use. Mr. Bahnlck said the contractor will grade, water and reseed the turf area when construction is finished. 7. Request for Proposal - F80 Mr. Bahnick reported the number of RFP's sent out, and the timetable for completion of the process. The selection committee is forming. and vendor presentations are scheduled for March 5. He said the public can no longer request verbal RFP information from the City Engineering Department. All requests for infonnation related to the RFP are being routed through the Purchasing Manager to Engineering. Responses are written, and Purcl1asing prepares addenda for distribution to all candidates. He requested Airport Authority members to write their specific questions; staff will answer the questions and distribute the responses. Mr. Emshoff complained of the expense involved in having the City mow the grass, and requiring certified audits. Buz Heuchan questioned EAA (Experimental Aircraft Association) representation on the selection and negotiation committees. He felt an additional EAA representative is needed. Don Hendricks volunteered. Mr. Bahnick suggested Mr. Heuchan might consider seeking appointment to the opening for a Chamber of Commerce representative, thus bringing more than one of his (,rq" interests to the table. The Airport AuthOrity strongly recommended for the City to appoint Buz 'I'!(f! Heuchan to the Chamber of Commerce seat on the selection and negotiation committees. Member Bils was not present, having left earlier in the meeting. General discussion ensued regarding the history of hangar rental rates, the airpark revenue stream, and whether the airpark is required to make money for the City. Some felt the ultimate goal is to return the airpark to Enterprise Fund status. It was indicated rumors of rate increases always circulate during contract negotiations. Discussion ensued regarding rental rates at other general aviation facilities. Member Werner stated a certified airpark audit would cost about $121000. He expressed concem the cost is not accurately reflected in the RFP. He requested staff to look into removing the requirement, or raising the cast to a more realistic figure. Discussion ensued regarding how to bid and calculate economic factors without knowing all the parameters in advance. Discussion ensued regarding Item #9~ below. 8. Civil Afr Patrol (CAP) ~ Mr. John Atanasio, with the Civil Air Patrol, submitted a written summary of the CAP land request, as suggested during the November Airport Authority meeting. The two-page summary and three attached exhibits were included in a City Commission Work Session item discussed last Monday, January 6. City Engineering Director Rich Baier stated. the City Manager took the item forward to ensure it was discussed. Mr. Baier reported, while the Commission agreed the CAP is Important, they felt going forward prior to receiving FBO input would be premature. Mr. Atanaslo and Airport Authority members asserted the CAP request has nothing to do with the FBO. maa01.97 3 01108/97 ~.~.t..,....J.""',,".i.,~.~,,.-'- .' . ~ ."i'..-.-;a...._~Li....,.;, .,. ,<',,::":\'_. .... ..y' , ',""i. ..,i":".,'::.,L:~,:.\,:L:,i\::':"':.;';";':,:" , ' " '. "':' "'. '\'. \ ,,' ',' \.-.. I' ,71 , ' ,I ',:' , , -:--., , '" , ". ',' '..- " + , ,,," "I "~.I: '........ ....' .\,.1it1/III6 ,~,' ," '," ", I. ,:~" ,~,:.',l", ~ ~'.",:- ,...' '/':'._:.~".....~,:".:",,:.,:: ~~;,..'._": :;'...'~, .,',:...'. l, .': "''..:".. ':; "".': .';'::':'.' '::"'~11,' ,:,' '.',": ' ,,~ ".i .,,~: :',',:- \ ' \ ' ': ; ~ " ' , " ;} One member questioned whether or not Mr. Baier believed the CAP land request should go forward before the FeO is in place. Mr. Baier indicated he did not. Discussion ensued, and certain members expressed displeasure with Mr. Baier's response. It was felt the Airport Authority's recommendation had not been represented to the Commission. Authority members questioned whether It will be necessary for the Airport Authority to present future recommendations directly to the City Commission to ensure they are given adequate consideration. In response to a question, Mr. Baier clarified his position, stating he does not oppose the CAP lease. but believes it should wait until after the FBO selection. Discussion ensued regarding the history of Mr. Atanasiots and the Authority's unsuccessful attempts to persuade the City Manager to agenda this item for formal presentation. Mr. Atanasio reiterated members' assertions the lease request had not been presented properly or pushed hard enough to obtain City Commission consideration. Mr. Baier responded the Commission is very supportive of the concept. but the Commission and the City Manager have consistently expressed their desire to wait until the FBD is in place. He did not understand why proponents of the issue had continued to believe the administration would change its position. In response to a question from the audience. it was indicated the helicopter pad property referenced on page 2 of the December minutes is the same land requested by the CAP. Authority members complained the City did not hesitate to support the American Tool and Mold proposal for a retention pond on adjacent City land. Mr. Baier responded a dry retention pond does not compare to a 4,000 square foot building as proposed by the CAP. (:J Mr. Baier responded to a question regarding his specific objection to pursuing the CAP lease prior to FaD selection. He stated he agreed with the Commission, that all City~owned land associated with Clearwater Airpark should be reviewed comprehensively to ensure the highest and best use. He did not feel it is in the City's best interest to pursue an agreement Impacting a portion of that land prior to such comprehensive review. The arduous RFP/FBO rewrite has priority over comprehensive land use review, due to the limited time remaining for completion of the RFP process. Having presented the City's position and responded to the Airport Authority's questions, Mr. Baier had no further comment. Mr. Atanasio stated he will meet with the CAP board of directors tomorrow night. He will inform them the lease request has been rejected and he has no idea when it wll1 be considered. Discussion ensued regarding Items #3, #6, and #7, respectively. 9. Security Signage Mr. Bahnick reported additional no trespass signs have been installed between the airpark and the golf course. 10. Refurbish Hangar A o Chair Silcox Indicated most of the ten tenants, who will be displaced during refurbishment, do not feel total reskinning is needed because they do not wish to temporarily relocate during maa01.97 4 01/08/97 :,:,::",--.:" .",.... " :;' ," ",'. ,>'".:,>.' .,...;,'<,:'.'., """~':' :'.,:', ..:, ,;:":" ,'.:~,,: ,": .,:"... ,:,:,~," ",", .,..".. . , t, I .- , '" t I' , " , " ", "I \" t , , .'~,..": .~. "~I ,I, . I",' ,',:," ',1 ",I, ~" ,...., "~ '. . '. , ~:'.... '." ~ "~'I';" 1"\" ,': '.'J , ' .' . ,.,,'" , ,l', I.:.J '. L.: :J '. : ," l " , , .....,..""'...'-..~~.....l ') renovation. He said the Airport Authority does not have the expertise to recommend how Hangar A should be refurbIshed to adequately extend the required life of the building. He felt it is staff's responsibility to research the need, and make a recommendation for the Airport Authority's endorsement. Mr. Bahnick said, while $100,000 was budgeted for refurbishment, a question has been raised whether less extensive renovation win suffice. Some advocate nothing more than a coat of paint. He will research the files to detennine what is included in the $100,000 estimate. Staff has begun to contact professional painting contractors to determine whether their techniques can adequately extend the life of the building. He will report at the next meeting whether a change order is indicated. Mr. Silcox will bring specific feedback from Hangar A tenants, regarding their plans if total refurbishment takes place. General agreement was expressed the deteriorated appearance of Hangar A will be more obvious when the new hangars are finished. 11. Other Business . David Moberg, Vice President of Leading Edge Aviation Services, was welcomed to the meeting. Mr. Moberg outlined the relationship of the Hillsborough County Aviation Authority (not a county agency) to Vandenberg Airport. Tampa, where he and his brother Mark are FBD's. He offered his input on the changes being undergone by Clearwater Airpark, based on experience gained as they developed Leading Edge. They have worked extensively to standardize and systemize their procedures to ensure smooth operation. Mr. Moberg responded to questions regarding hangar lease rates. available facilities, runway length, hangar capacity, and tower facilities. General discussion ensued. f'~) "''f1' A question was raised whether Mr. Moberg anticipates bidding on Clearwaters RFP for FBG. Mr. Moberg responded, because Leading Edge is operating successfully, they are considering acquiring another facility. The decision whether to bid on Clearwater's RFP will be made when he meets with his business partners this Friday. He invited Airport Authority members to visit Vandenberg. o Discussion ensued regarding relationships with the surrounding neighborhoods. Mr. Moberg said they receive few complaints because the aviation authority has purchased most of the adjacent land, and Leading Edge works to educate the public and stay on top of any problem situations. Brief discussion ensued regarding an Intemet website created from FAA data. The Chair thanked Mr. Moberg for attending and said he will visit Vandenberg. . Member Benjamin requested an item on the next agenda regarding communication with the City Commission. He was extremely upset the Airport Authority had not been informed that Engineering did not agree with their recommendation regarding the CAP item. He felt they had been misled. Member Silcox agreed, stating the staff liaison should support the Authority's position to the administration, regardless of the liaison's personal opinion. If not, provision should be made for the Airport Authority to take their recommendations directly to the Commission. As Chair, he puts his personal feelings aside when he represents the Airport Authority as a whole. General discussion ensued regarding this issue. Members noted for the record they are pleased with Mr. Bahnick's service and today's comments were not directed toward him. Mr. Bahnick said he was surprised at the Commission's reaction, because he had understood they were totally supportive. maa01.97 5 01/06/97 . '..~---._----...... , , '. ,~I .':' '.' , I~_'.......~....~."JI ....' ":., ',' , ~ ", ': .', .'. ." ",: .,.,'Il..r",' ,'",' ,',101 I" .', ,t , .. 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