September 4, 1996
Present: Charles Silcox Chair
Stephen Bils Vice Chair (arrived 3:27 p.m.)
Gary Benjamin Board Member
Charles Kilbride Board Member
Francis J. Werner Board Member
John Carassas Assistant City Attorney
Richard Baier Engineering Director
Gary Johnson Engineering Project Coordinator for Staff Liaison
Gwen Legters Board Reporter
The Chair called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. in City Hall.
To provide continuity for research, items are listed in agenda order although not
necessarily discussed in that order.
Minutes Approval --
August 7, 1996
moved to approve
Member Werner the minutes as submitted in writing to each member
by the Board Reporter. The was duly seconded and unanimously
3. Tenant Report - FBO
The Chair received the report and read it into the record. It was indicated 40 shade
hangars, 10 enclosed hangars, 22 hard stands and 20 grass tiedowns are occupied. Added to
this month’s report are six aircraft Mr. Emshoff has for sale, one owned by Civil Air Patrol, one
belonging to the Suncoast Seabird Sanctuary, and 12 operated by the flight school.
4. Request for Proposal -- FBO
This item was moved to the end of the agenda to await the arrival of Engineering Director Rich
Baier. Upon his arrival, discussion of Item #9, below, was held in abeyance until the end of Item #4.
Mr. Baier reported staff compiled input from the selection committee members into an agenda
item that the Commission has continued to September 19, 1996. All the candidates met the
minimum qualifications. Each proposal was evaluated and charted on a matrix according to the
following criteria; 1) experience 50%; 2) fullness of resources 25%; 3) economic return to the City
15%; and 4) safety 10%. He questioned whether the members had any questions regarding the
character and criteria of the review. The Chair stated he was satisfied with the selection and the
matrix used in the process. The remaining members indicated they desired no further clarification.
Mr. Baier reported the final rankings in descending order . The first ranked respondent was
Clearwater Aircraft, Inc., followed by Clearwater Flying Corp., D/B/A Armament Systems Co., and
Homecare Industries. It was indicated the selection is subject to City Commission approval and
maa09.96 1 09/04/96
lease negotiations will follow. If a lease cannot be negotiated with the first ranked bidder for some
reason, the second ranked bidder will be considered. Mr. Baier stated staff is looking at some of
the parameters of the lease and requesting feedback regarding what type of things the members
want to see in the lease. He has received positive and negative comments about the way the
airpark is run.
With the Airport Authority having reviewed and approved the choices and the selection matrix,
the Chair called for a motion for recommendation.
moved to accept
Member Kilbride the City selection committee’s selection of FBO. There
no second
was .
Discussion ensued regarding the motion. Member Benjamin did not object to the
recommended selection, but was unsure what he was being asked to approve. While he did
not want to give the appearance of second guessing staff, he felt ample discussion had
occurred regarding how the Airport Authority would have preferred the process to have been
conducted. Because the Airport Authority had not reviewed any of the proposals, he felt he
had no basis to approve or disapprove the choice. The Chair pointed out he asked for
questions and none came forward. Mr. Baier offered to clarify any questions related to the
selection, or the process, and reiterated the list of respondents.
Chair Silcox indicated his confidence in the competence of the City’s committee to select
the proper bidder and rank bidders in the proper order. He felt a recommendation to the City
Commission was in order and called for another motion. Mr. Baier agreed the City Commission
would want to know the Airport Authority’s position regarding the choice of respondent.
Member Benjamin questioned the criteria used to determine financial stability. Mr. Baier
stated fullness of resources, not financial stability, was one of the four ranking parameters. He
explained in more detail the various considerations contained within each of the ranking
criteria. Each proposal was evaluated to ensure it contained adequate reference to the
priorities listed in the RFP.
Member Bils for the Clearwater Airport Authority to communicate to the City
Commission that the Airport Authority approves the ranking criteria and the selection system
that was used to determine the order of preference of the four applicants and that the Airport
Authority endorses the resulting outcome and believes a contract with Clearwater Aircraft, Inc.,
no second.
should be pursued aggressively. There was
Member Kilbride questioned what difference it would make if the Airport Authority does not
accept the recommendation of the selection committee. The Chair indicated it would probably
make no difference.
Member Benjamin expressed concern the motion gives the unwanted appearance of
passing judgment on the selection committee. He was prepared to support a motion
supporting the committee’s recommendation based on the criteria as presented, but did not
want to be put in the position of supporting their selection. He favored expressing the Airport
maa09.96 2 09/04/96
Authority’s confidence in the committee, but did not want to be put in the position of saying he
agrees with their selection. Without knowing the weighting of the relative internal factors, he
cannot determine how the selection was made.
Member Benjamin for the Airport Authority to support the recommendation made
by the selection committee based on the criteria as outlined. The motion was duly .
Convoluted discussion ensued regarding the similarities and differences in the three
motions. The Chair called the question and the board reporter repeated Mr. Benjamin’s motion
for the record.
motion carried
Upon the vote being taken, the unanimously.
The Chair opened the floor for public comments. Further discussion regarding lease
negotiations is reported under Item #9, below.
5. Identification Badges
Member Kilbride reported he had obtained his badge and circulated it for board review.
Member Silcox encouraged all members to get their badges and visit the airpark often. Some
members indicated they had not been contacted for an appointment to get a badge.
6. Security Signage
At the last meeting, staff was requested to investigate having no trespass signs created in
the City sign shop and posted along the airpark boundary adjacent to the golf course because
people had been seen collecting stray golf balls from the runway. Mr. Johnson will check on
the status. In response to a question, Mr. Emshoff spoke briefly about the issue.
7. New Hangar Construction
Mr. Johnson and Mr. Carassas reported FDOT had agreed to pay 50 percent of the cost of
the original $450,000 estimate. The bid tabulations are complete and the low bid was
$485,000 from Hennessey Construction Services, Inc., of St. Petersburg, Florida. The FDOT
agreement is being amended to reflect the new figure and the item will go to the City
Commission meeting of September 19. Mr. Carassas stated he received verbal approval of
the amendment from the FDOT representative who mailed the paperwork to the City last
Friday. Mr. Johnson said Engineering is happy with the work Hennessey is doing for the
Traffic Engineering Department.
8. Runway/Taxiway Lights
The board and public strongly urged staff to get the lights in place because the Clearwater
Airpark is difficult to find at night and, even with the VASI lights in place, is dangerous to anyone
unfamiliar with the runway configuration. While Mr. Johnson did not know the details, he indicated
Engineering staff and the DOT are moving forward with this issue. Member Silcox requested help
from the Engineering Department in getting the runways painted and determining the proper
maa09.96 3 09/04/96
runway markings and striping. He stated this has to be done before the GPS approach can go into
effect in December. Mr. Johnson will investigate the marking requirements through the DOT.
9. Other Business
Mr. Johnson distributed copies of a list of requested economic information from the FBO and
tenants. The list is being used by the consulting engineer preparing an economic impact study for
the Clearwater Airpark.
Discussion ensued regarding negotiation of lease terms with Clearwater Aircraft and whether the
Airport Authority will have any input in development of a new tenant lease. Member Silcox indicated
the Airport Authority had worked diligently to compile a list of what they wanted to see in a tenant
lease. He requested staff to incorporate this list into the new lease and allow for Airport Authority
review and amendments prior to finalization. In the past, the tenants’ sublease agreement was
closely tied into the FBO’s lease with the City. Mr. Silcox stated many tenants were uncomfortable
with that arrangement, but as they been told to sign or move, he signed the lease under protest. It
was indicated a more appropriate practice would be to establish a master lease with the FBO, and
allow the FBO set up a sublease with each tenant, to keep pace with the master lease. As the FBO
lease will be negotiated in mid to late November, the Airport Authority wished to conduct a public
meeting at the airpark with the FBO and the tenants, to address what is wanted in the lease.
Mr. Carassas stated the existing lease between the City and Suncoast Aviation has three
attachments, one of which must be used as is, without changes by the FBO. It was indicated this
practice had not been acceptable to airpark tenants, and general discussion ensued among board,
staff and the public. Mr. Baier offered copies of the lease form to all members, inviting them to write
their suggestions for changes and additions on the forms, so he will have a basis from which to work.
He welcomed members' comments regarding available services and customer service standards as
well. Mr. Silcox reiterated the committee had diligently prepared and submitted a list of standards
they wished to see incorporated into the tenant lease. He reiterated his request for Mr. Baier to
revisit that list and Mr. Baier agreed.
Don Hendricks, airpark tenant, stated he was a member of the committee that put many hours of
hard work into drawing up the list of standards. He indicated he regretted the list had been thrown
away without consideration. He expressed strong concern the existing sublease does not allow him
to perform routine preventative maintenance on his aircraft without inspection by the Fire Marshal,
even though he is an FAA licensed aircraft mechanic with 40 years of experience.
Mr. Baier arrived and additional discussion of this item was held in abeyance until the conclusion
of Item #4, above.
At the conclusion of Item #4, general discussion ensued regarding factors the Airport Authority
wished to have considered in lease negotiations with the new FBO, including: 1) a rent comparison
with other localities; 2) a better mowing contract; 3) better management and policing of approved
flight patterns; and 4) examination of the percentages the FBO pays to the City. Questions were
raised regarding economic factors of the new lease and the large number of tenants who want to
know what is going to happen to their rental rates.
maa09.96 4 09/04/96
Don Hendricks requested rent controls, expressing concern that if the rent escalates, he and
other retired persons cannot afford to operate from Clearwater Airpark.
Buz Heuchan indicated his concern was not with the rates, but with the philosophical issue of
why tenants have been told their rent will be raised. He stated, during his years as Airport Authority
chair, the airpark was expected to break even. He felt the airpark is breaking even now and
questioned if the City Commission is changing the philosophy and asking the airpark to begin
making money. Mr. Baier responded the City Commission wants the airpark to be a self-supporting
enterprise fund, subject to all interfund charges, paying a fixed amount for administrative costs. He
cited as examples existing City enterprise fund programs, such as Pier 60, Solid Waste Recycling,
Gas Division, and Clearwater Marina, which are required to break even after meeting all business
costs. He said the airpark was discontinued as an enterprise fund because it could not meet these
obligations, and is partially supported by ad valorem taxes now. Mr. Heuchan stated the airpark’s
income and expenditures had been approximately equal during his term of service and expressed
concern the City may be charging more for certain services and those costs are being passed to
the tenants. Discussion ensued with Mr. Baier regarding airpark economics. Mr. Baier did not know
why the tenants were told their rates would be raised because he has not seen lease negotiations
nor spoken with the first ranked bidder.
Mr. Heuchan requested clarification of why the airpark was removed from enterprise fund
status. Mr. Baier rephrased his earlier response, stating the airpark could not afford to pay for the
interfund support services, such as City legal representation, provided to all enterprise funds.
Mr. Heuchan suggested certain administrative costs may be excessive, and questioned how to
determine whether a department is padding their costs. Mr. Baier responded the cost of support
services is prorated based on the number of hours of legal and administrative services provide to
each group. He referred to the amount of City resources involved in a recent lawsuit filed against
the airpark to which Assistant City Attorney John Carassas was assigned as representative. Mr.
Heuchan stated it was no wonder the airpark could not pay. Member Benjamin asserted legal
representation is a common service shared among all boards, and strongly disagreed with the
implication the airpark had been charged more than its fair share of administrative costs.
Additional questions were raised regarding interdepartmental charges. Member Silcox
suggested individuals wanting more information should speak with Mr. Baier after the meeting.
Member Benjamin requested, as part of the FBO contract, an accounting of airpark income,
disbursements, and charges, in order to attain a true financial projection of the airpark as an
enterprise fund. Mr. Baier did not think a pro forma could be prepared before the next meeting, but
agreed to provide the interfund charges related to the current lease. Member Silcox noted the
Airport Authority had not been informed of the decision to move the airpark into the General Fund,
or who made the decision to do it. Member Werner requested staff to ask the City Finance
Department to extract the numbers for the airpark’s revenues and expenditures from the General
Fund budget for the last six to nine months and make a formal presentation at the next meeting.
Mr. Emshoff defended his rates, pointing out they were raised only about 5% during the past five
years while the consumer price index went up about 15%. Member Silcox offered assurance he
was not criticizing Mr. Emshoff.
Mr. Carassas provided an update of the Suncoast Aviation, Inc. lawsuit against the City, stating
the suit was voluntarily dismissed. As a result, no option for lease renewal exists and the old lease
has expired. A new lease will be granted to whomever is selected as FBO.
maa09.96 5 09/04/96
In response to a question from airpark tenant Curt Moorehouse, Mr. Johnson stated the City
Commission postponed the hangar issue and FBO selection until the meeting of September 19.
Call of the Next Meeting
The next regular meeting of the Airport Authority was called for October 2, 1996, at 3:00 p.m., in
City Commission Chambers.
The meeting adjourned at 4:45 p.m.
Airport Authority
Board Reporter
maa09.96 6 09/04/96
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September 4, 1996
Charles Silcox
Stephen Bils
Gary Benjamin
Charles Kilbride
Francis J. Werner
John Carassas
Richard Baier
Gary Johnson
Gwen Legters
Vice Chair (arrived 3:27 p.m.)
Board Member
Board Member
Board Member
Assistant City Attorney
Engineering Director
Engineering Project Coordinator for Staff Liaison
Board Reporter
The Chair called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. in City Hall.
To provide continuity for research, items are listed in agenda order although not necessarily
discussed in that order.
Minutes Approval - August 7, 1996
Member Werner moved to approve the minutes as submitted in writing to each
member by the Board Reporter. The motion was duly seconded and carried unanimously
3. Tenant Report - FBO
The Chair received the report and read it into the record. It was indicated 40 shade
hangars, 10 enclosed hangars, 22 hard stands and 20 grass tied owns are occupied.
Added to this month's report are six aircraft Mr. Emshoff has for sale, one owned by Civil
Air Patrol, one belonging to the Suncoast Seabird Sanctuary, and 12 operated by the flight
4. Request for Proposal - FBO
This item was moved to the end of the agenda to await the arrival of Engineering Director
Rich Baier. Upon his arrival, discussion of Item #9, below, was held in abeyance until the end
of Item #4.
Mr. Baier reported staff compiled input from the selection committee members into an
agenda item that the Commission has continued to September 19, 1996. All the candidates
met the minimum qualifications. Each proposal was evaluated and charted on a matrix
according to the following criteria; 1) experience 50%; 2) fullness of resources 25%; 3)
economic return to the City 15%; and 4) safety 10%. He questioned whether the members
had any questions regarding the character and criteria of the review. The Chair stated he was
satisfied with the selection and the matrix used in the process. The remaining members
indicated they desired no further clarification.
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With the Airport Authority having reviewed and approved the choices and the selection
matrix, the Chair called for a motion for recommendation.
Mr. Baier reported the final rankings in descending order. The first ranked respondent was
Clearwater Aircraft, Inc., followed by Clearwater Flying Corp., D/B/A Armament Systems Co.,
and Homecare Industries. It was indicated the selection is subject to City Commission approval
and lease negotiations will follow. If a lease cannot be negotiated with the first ranked bidder
for some reason, the second ranked bidder will be considered. Mr. Baier stated staff is looking
at some of the parameters of the lease and requesting feedback regarding what type of things
the members want to see in the lease. He has received positive and negative comments about
the way the airpark is run.
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Member Kilbride moved to accept the City selection committee's selection of FBD.
There was no second.
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Discussion ensued regarding the motion. Member Benjamin did not object to the
recommended selection, but was unsure what he was being asked to approve. While he
did not want to give the appearance of second guessing staff, he felt ample discussion had
occurred regarding how the Airport Authority would have preferred the process to have
been conducted. Because the Airport Authority had not reviewed any of the proposals, he
felt he had no basis to approve or disapprove the choice. The Chair pointed out he asked
for questions and none came forward. Mr. Baier offered to clarify any questions related to
the selection. or the process, and reiterated the list of respondents.
I'~) Chair Silcox indicated his confidence in the competence of the City's committee to
select the proper bidder and rank bidders in the proper order. He felt a recommendation to
the City Commission was in order and called for another motion. Mr. Baier agreed the City
Commission would want to know the Airport Authority's position regarding the choice of
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Member Benjamin questioned the criteria used to determine financial stability.
Mr. Baier stated fullness of resources, not financial stability, was one of the four ranking
parameters. He explained in more detail the various considerations contained within each
of the ranking criteria. Each proposal was evaluated to ensure it contained adequate
reference to the priorities listed in the RFP.
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Member Bils moved for the Clearwater Airport Authority to communicate to the City
Commission that the Airport Authority approves the ranking criteria and the selection
system that was used to determine the order of preference of the four applicants and that
the Airport Authority endorses the resulting outcome and believes a contract with
Clearwater Aircraft. Inc., should be pursued aggressively. There was no second.
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Member Kilbride questioned what difference it would make if the Airport Authority
does not accept the recommendation of the selection committee. The Chair indicated it
would probably make no difference.
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Member Benjamin expressed concern the motion gives the unwanted appearance of
passing judgment on the selection committee. He was prepared to support a motion
supporting the committee's recommendation based on the criteria as presented, but did
not want to be put in the position of supporting their selection. He favored expressing the
Airport Authority's confidence in the committee, but did not want to be put in the position
of saying he agrees with their selection. Without knowing the weighting of the relative
internal factors, he cannot determine how the selection was made.
Member Benjamin moved for the Airport Authority to support the recommendation
made by the selection committee based on the criteria as outlined. The motion was duly
Convoluted discussion ensued regarding the similarities and differences in the three
motions. The Chair called the question and the board reporter repeated Mr. Benjamin's
motion for the record.
Upon the vote being taken, the motion carried unanimously.
The Chair opened the floor for public comments. Further discussion regarding lease
negotiations is reported under Item #9, below.
5. Identification Badges
Member Kilbride reported he had obtained his badge and circulated it for board review.
Member Silcox encouraged all members to get their badges and visit the airpark often.
Some members indicated they had not been contacted for an appointment to get a badge.
6. Security Slgnage
At the last meeting, staff was requested to investigate having no trespass signs
created in the City sign shop and posted along the airpark boundary adjacent to the golf
course because people had been seen collecting stray golf balls from the runway. Mr.
Johnson will check on the status. In response to a question, Mr. Emshoff spoke briefly
about the issue.
7. New Hongar Construction
Mr. Johnson and Mr. Carassas reported FOOT had agreed to pay 50 percent of the
cost of the original $450,000 estimate. The bid tabulations are complete and the low bid
was $485,000 from Hennessey Construction Services, Inc., of St. Petersburg, Florida.
The FOOT agreement is being amended to reflect the new figure and the item will go to
the City Commission meeting of September 19. Mr. Carassas stated he received verbal
approval of the amendment from the FDOT representative who mailed the paperwork to
the City last Friday. Mr. Johnson said Engineering is happy with the work Hennessey is
doing for the Traffic Engineering Department.
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8. Runway/Taxlway Lights
The board and public strongly urged staff to get the lights in place because the Clearwater
Airpark Is difficult to find at night and, even with the V ASI lights in place, is dangerous to
anyone unfamiliar with the runway configuration. While Mr. Johnson did not know the details,
he indicated Engineering staff and the DOT are moving forward with this issue. Member Silcox
requested help from the Engineering Department in getting the runways painted and
determining the proper runway markings and striping. He stated this has to be done before the
GPS approach can go into effect in December. Mr. Johnson will investigate the marking
requirements through the DOT.
9. Other Business
· Mr. Johnson distributed copies of a list of requested economic information from the FBO and
tenants. The list is being used by the consulting engineer preparing an economic impact study
for the Clearwater Airpark.
· Discussion ensued regarding negotiation of lease terms with Clearwater Aircraft and whether
the Airport Authority will have any input in development of a new tenant lease. Member Silcox
indicated the Airport Authority had worked diligently to compile a list of what they wanted to
see in a tenant lease. He requested staff to incorporate this list into the new lease and allow for
Airport Authority review and amendments prior to finalization. In the past, the tenants' sublease
agreement was closely tied into the FBO's lease with the City. Mr. Silcox stated many tenants
were uncomfortable with that arrangement, but as they been told to sign or move, he signed the
lease under protest. It was indicated a more appropriate practice would be to establish a master
lease with the FBC, and allow the FBO set up a sublease with each tenant, to keep pace with
the master lease. As the FBD lease will be negotiated in mid to late November, the Airport
Authority wished to conduct a public meeting at the airpark with the FBO and the tenants, to
address what is wanted in the lease.
Mr. Carassas stated the existing lease between the City and Suncoast Aviation has three
attachments, one of which must be used as is, without changes by the FBD. It was indicated
this practice had not been acceptable to airpark tenants, and general discussion ensued among
board, staff and the public. Mr. Baier offered copies of the lease form to all members, inviting
them to write their suggestions for chang~s and additions on the forms, so he will have a basis
from which to work. He welcomed members' comments regarding available services and
customer service standards as well. Mr. Silcox reiterated the committee had diligently prepared
and submitted a list of standards they wished to see incorporated into the tenant lease. He
reiterated his request for Mr. Baier to revisit that list and Mr. Baier agreed.
Don Hendricks, airpark tenant, stated he was a member of the committee that put many
hours of hard work into drawing up the list of standards. He indicated he regretted the list had
been thrown away without consideration. He expressed strong concern the existing sublease
does not allow him to perform routine preventative maintenance on his aircraft without
inspection by the Fire Marshal, even though he is an FAA licensed aircraft mechanic with 40
years of experience.
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Mr. Baier arrived and additional discussion of this item was held in abeyance until the
conclusion of Item #4, above.
At the conclusion of Item 1/4, general discussion ensued regarding factors the Airport
Authority wished to have considered in lease negotiations with the new FBO, including: 1) a
rent comparison with other localities; 2) a better mowing contract; 3) better management and
policing of approved flight patterns; and 4) examination of the percentages the FBO pays to the
City. Questions were raised regarding economic factors of the new lease and the large number
of tenants who want to know what is going to happen to their rental rates.
Don Hendricks requested rent controls, expressing concern that if the rent escalates, he
and other retired persons cannot afford to operate from Clearwater Airpark.
Buz Heuchan indicated his concern was not with the rates, but with the philosophical issue
of why tenants have been told their rent will be raised. He stated, during his years as Airport
Authority chair, the airpark was expected to break even. He felt the airpark is breaking even
now and questioned if the City Commission is changing the philosophy and asking the airpark
to begin making money. Mr. Baier responded the City Commission wants the airpark to be a
self-supporting enterprise .fund, subject to all interfund charges, paying a fixed amount for
administrative costs. He cited as examples existing City enterprise fund programs, such as Pier
60, Solid Waste Recycling, Gas Division, and Clearwater Marina, which are required to break
even after meeting all business costs. He said the airpark was discontinued as an enterprise
fund because it could not meet these obligations, and is partially supported by ad valorem taxes
now. Mr. Heuchan stated the airpark's income and expenditures had been approximately equal
during his term of service and expressed concern the City may be charging more for certain
services and those costs are being passed to the tenants. Discussion ensued with Mr. Baier
regarding airpark economics. Mr. Baier did not know why the tenants were told their rates
would be raised because he has not seen lease negotiations nor spoken with the first ranked
Mr. Heuchan requested clarification of why the airpark was removed from enterprise fund
status. Mr. Baier rephrased his earlier response, stating the airpark could not afford to pay for
the interfund support services, such as City legal representation, provided to all enterprise
funds. Mr. Heuchan suggested certain administrative costs may be excessive, and questioned
how to determine whether a department is padding their costs. Mr. Baier responded the cost
of support services is prorated based on the number of hours of legal and administrative
services provide to each group. He referred to the amount of City resources involved in a
recent lawsuit filed against the airpark to which Assistant City Attorney John Carassas was
assigned as representative. Mr. Heuchan stated it was no wonder the airpark could not pay.
Member Benjamin asserted legal representation is a common service shared among all boards,
and strongly disagreed with the implication the airpark had been charged more than its fair
share of administrative costs.
Additional questions were raised regarding interdepartmental charges. Member Silcox
suggested individuals wanting more information should speak with Mr. Baier after the meeting.
Member Benjamin requested, as part of the FBO contract, an accounting of airpark income,
disbursements, and charges, ir order to attain a true financial projection of the airpark as an
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enterprise fund. Mr. Baier did not think a pro forma could be prepared before the next meeting,
but agreed to provide the Interfund charges related to the current lease. Member Silcox noted
the Airport Authority had not been informed of the decision to move the airpark into the
Genersl Fund, or who made the decision to do it. Member Werner requested staff to ask the
City Finance Department to extract the numbers for the airpark's revenues and expenditures
, from the General Fund budget for the last six to nine months and make a formal presentation at
.the next meeting. Mr. Emshoff defended his rates, pointing out they were raised only about
5% during the past five years while the consumer price index went up about 15%. Member
Silcox offered assurance he was not criticizing Mr. Emshoff.
. Mr. Carassas provided an update of the Suncoast Aviation, Inc. lawsuit against the City,
stating the suit was voluntarily dismissed. As a result, no option for lease renewal exists and the
old lease has expired. A new lease will be granted to whomever is selected as FBD.
. In response to a question from airpark tenant Curt Moorehouse, Mr. Johnson stated the City
Commission postponed the hangar issue and FBD selection until the meeting of September 19.
Call of the Next Meeting
The next regular meeting of the Airport Authority' was called for October 2, 1996, at
3:00 p.m., in City Commission Chambers.
The meeting adjourned at 4:45 p.m.
Airport Authority
Board Reporter
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