November 1, 1995
Present: Harry Silcox Chair
Stephen Bils Vice Chair
J. Marvin Guthrie (arrived 3:03 p.m.) Board Member
Dr. Theresa Goss (arrived 4:07 p.m.) Board Member
Gary Benjamin Board Member
Terry Jennings Chief Engineer
Glen Bahnick Civil Engineer II, Staff Liaison
Gwen Legters Board Reporter
The Chair called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. in City Hall.
To provide continuity for research, items are listed in agenda order although not
necessarily discussed in that order.
Minutes Approval
- October 9, 1995
Member Bils corrected the wording of the motion regarding the Civil Air Patrol (CAP) Land
Request at the bottom of page 2. The motion was corrected to read, “The Clearwater Airport
Authority asked the City Manager’s Office to negotiate and execute a long-term lease with the Civil
Air Patrol for the site they previously approved, as inexpensively as the law permits, as quickly as
moved to approveseconded
Member Bils the minutes as corrected. The motion was duly
and unanimously.
Tenant Report - Fixed Base Operator (FBO)
It was indicated Rick Emshoff was not present to give a report.
Old Business
A. Airpark Master Plan
Mr. Bahnick reported he contacted Florida Department Of Transportation (FDOT) aviation
about how to revise the master plan without going through a formal consultant. He said the
immediate changes being proposed, such as moving two hangars to the south, moving the
corporate hangar to the southerly triangle and deleting the heleport, are minor changes that can be
made in house. Staff reports these changes to the FDOT, which, in turn forwards the changes to
the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). He said FDOT felt extending runways and installing
runway lights should be handled through the public hearing process with a consultant engineer. In
response to a question, Mr. Bahnick said the site plan and specifications for the southerly triangle
can be submitted for approval at the same time as the proposal to change the runways and lights.
It was indicated the runway lights are already a part of the master plan. Mr. Bahnick said,
because the runway lights were not shown on the engineering drawings, they must be
submitted for approval as part of the master plan. Discussion ensued regarding the bid
maa11.95 11/01/95
process for the runway lights and how the lights relate to the runway extension. Mr. Jennings
explained, while they are not tied together, certain factors indicate they should be considered
at the same time. Discussion ensued regarding runway heading designations.
Discussion ensued regarding funding, a time table and specific information needed by
staff to process the bid packet. Mr. Jennings pointed out, while this project will not have a
large financial return, it will make the Airpark more valuable. Fifty percent shared funding is
expected from FDOT and the remaining will be requested out of the City’s general fund. Mr.
Jennings hopes to meet a temporary target date of July 1, 1996; however, said he will present
monthly updates to the Board. Member Silcox is to provide drawings and specifications to
B. Airport Road Extension
Discussion ensued regarding a citizen’s request to extend Airport Drive across the airport
property. It was indicated the City is not going forward with this project as the land is being
used other purposes. Mr. Bahnick said the City Engineer has asked the Airport Authority to
clarify their position on this issue.
Member Guthrie to reaffirm their previous position that the Airport Authority is
opposed to the extension of Airport Drive across the southerly portion of the Airpark property
to Hercules Avenue. The motion was duly and unanimously.
Suggestions were made regarding road layout and parking airplanes on the southerly
portion of the Airpark property. Mr. Jennings said he will bring this item later.
C. Airpark Lease - FBO
Mr. Bahnick stated staff is negotiating in good faith with the fixed base operator regarding
lease renewal. A meeting is scheduled for this Wednesday at 11:30 a.m. In response to
questions, Mr. Jennings said the current agreement requires that a falling out with the current
operator must occur before negotiations may be opened to other bidders. The current contract
expires March 31, 1996.
One member expressed concern regarding the new grass cutters carelessness with their
large equipment around the airplanes. He questioned why the grass is not cut by the City. Mr.
Bahnick read from a letter from Mr. Baier to Mr. Emshoff, regarding the four issues of
renegotiation, one of which includes assumption of grounds keeping by the FBO. A question
was raised if the subleased maintenance facility is involved in this negotiation. Mr. Jennings
said the agreement allows the FBO to make subleases. In response to a question regarding
who may attend the negotiations, Mr. Jennings said they are not yet ready for comments from
the public. He suggested members hold their input until staff brings this item forward as an
Airport Authority item prior to hearing by the City Commission.
Discussion ensued tentative provisions of the new agreement including a length of
term, tenant rates, gasoline prices, safety provisions, goals, management, generation of
revenue, amount charged to aircraft owners and whether to require a financial statement
from the FBO. Mr. Jennings pointed out a number of intricacies that do not lend
themselves to direct government management. He explained how the FBO concept
maa11.95 11/01/95
works. Mr. Jennings continued to respond to questions regarding details of the
Discussion ensued regarding how detailed the FBO financial statement must be.
Concern was expressed with trying to negotiate financial details without requiring a
thorough financial accounting. Mr. Jennings explained staff’s position on this issue,
stating more specific details should be available after the first of the year and will be
brought forward.
D. Tenant Leases
It was indicated lease language was consolidated and clarified. Mr. Bahnick said
copies of the amended leases are ready for distribution.
E. Runway/Taxiway Lights
John Atanasio of the Civil Air Patrol (CAP) arrived at 3:47 p.m. and was brought up to
date on this issue as discussed in Item A above.
F. CAP Land Request
Mr. Atanasio expressed concern with the amount of time being taken to receive an
answer. He questioned how he can expedite their request to lease the land for a dollar a
year. It was indicated the request must go through the City Commission. Mr. Bahnick
reported the City will offer the three tie-down spaces on a monthly lease. The City
Management Team is waiting until November 17 for an appraisal to determine fair market
value for a leased tie-down space.
Concern was expressed that the motion to approve the lease, made at the last
meeting and restated in today’s minutes approval, clearly states the intention to lease as
inexpensively as the law permits. It was indicated the purpose was to indicate to the City
Manager the Airport Authority’s desire to approve the lease for as little money as legally
possible. Mr. Jennings explained the appraisal is needed in order for the City Commission
to make an informed decision. He did not feel it was likely they would agree to any lease
without knowing the actual value involved. Staff is to discuss this with Assistant City
Manager Bill Baker tomorrow.
Member Goss arrived at 4:07 p.m.
G. New Hangar Construction
1. Variance Request
Mr. Bahnick stated a setback variance has been requested to allow the new hangars to be
constructed in alignment. He said the corridor has been beautified with crepe myrtle trees.
maa11.95 11/01/95
The public hearing before the Development Code Adjustment Board is scheduled for
November 30, 1995.
2. Floor Plan
Mr. Bahnick displayed a site plan and demonstrated the preliminary plan for the hangar design
and amenities. Discussion ensued with regard to hose bibs, electrical outlets, ridge vents, interior
lighting and restrooms. Discussion ensued regarding the bid process and Mr. Jennings explained
the design build concept. Discussion ensued regarding the fire code and activities that will and will
not be allowed inside the hangars. It was felt they are intended primarily for aircraft storage and
minor maintenance.
3. FDOT Increased Funding for Hangars - JPA (Joint Project Agreement)
Mr. Bahnick reported the FDOT has submitted a supplemental agreement to the JPA for the
hangar construction. They have increased their joint funding by $150,000, for a total of $450,000.
He said that is more than enough to build the two proposed hangars. Discussion ensued regarding
the estimated total square footage. Mr. Jennings asked the Board to verify whether the dimensions
would serve the intended number of aircraft. Discussion ensued regarding where to situate the new
hangars and the amenities wanted in the corporate hangar.
H. Uniform Grading, Seeding and Mulching of Southerly Triangle
Mr. Jennings and Mr. Bahnick displayed an aerial view of the Airpark, demonstrating what is
proposed for each of the triangles with regard to clearing, site conditions, vehicular traffic paths and
culverts. They responded to questions regarding how use of the southerly area could affect the
adjacent residents. Discussion ensued regarding building a berm with landscaping as a buffer
along the southerly boundary. Discussion ensued regarding effectiveness of the proposed berm for
noise buffering and as a safety zone at the end of the runway.
4. Other Business
Mr. Bahnick distributed a copy of a memo from the Central Permitting Department regarding the
aviation element of the City’s Comprehensive Plan. Senior Planner Lou Hilton has put together a
packet for the Airport Authority’s review and will attend the next meeting to receive feedback from the
members. In their capacity as the City Commission appointed Aviation Citizens’ Task Force, the
Airport Authority members were asked to review the packet and be prepared to give their input at the
next meeting.
Member Silcox stated he will work with Member Guthrie to put together a wish list for submittal at
the next meeting.
Member Bils stated he has looked at promotional ideas from other airports and suggested
putting together an advertising campaign to promote the Clearwater Airpark. He offered to
participate if the Authority wished to form a promotional group. Discussion ensued regarding the
topic, how it would be funded and whether it should be done in cooperation with the FBO.
Mr. Jennings left the meeting at 4:47 p.m.
maa11.95 11/01/95
Member Silcox expressed concerns regarding surveyors putting up stakes that impede low wing
aircraft and digging out tiedown corners, creating hazardous footing. Staff is to investigate. He also
expressed concern with unapproved aircraft radio communication. He pointed out citizens’ band
radio talk is not appropriate for aircraft use. Mr. Bahnick stated he will draft a letter for the Chair's
Member Bils requested the Authority be notified of current events so they are not surprised by
newspaper articles relating to Airpark issues.
Member Silcox expressed concern with the FBO collecting letters from the complaint box so the
Airport Authority is not aware of customer complaints. He questioned who is responsible for
mechanical and electronic gate repairs. He said he has repaired the gate on several occasions.
Discussion ensued regarding changing the code to control access, and automatic gate closing with
remote controlled transmitters. Mr. Bahnick is to check the lease and report back to the Authority.
Discussion ensued regarding oversight of the operation. Member Guthrie questioned the duties
of the FBO. Mr. Atanasio requested a copy of the lease and offered his expertise in drawing up the
new lease under negotiation. Member Bils suggested creating a mechanism for drawing attention to
deficiencies and directing these through proper channels.
5. Call of the next Meeting
Member Silcox stated the next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, December 6 at 3:00 p.m.
in City Hall. He expressed concern with the recent change in meeting place and time. While he
acknowledged the benefits of meeting in the Commission Chambers, he said he has received many
complaints from citizens resisting the change.
6. Adjournment
The meeting adjourned at 5:01 p.m.
Airport Authority
Board Reporter
maa11.95 11/01/95
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November 1, 1995
Harry Silcox
Stephen BUs
J. Marvin Guthrie (arrived 3:03 p.m.)
Dr. Theresa Gass (arrived 4:07 p.m.)
Gary Benjamin
Terry Jennings
Glen Bahnick
Gwen Legters
Vice Chair
Board Member
Board Member
Board Member
Chief Engineer
Civil Engineer II, Staff Liaison
Board Reporter
The Chair called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. in City Hall.
To provide continuity for research, items are listed in agenda order although not necessarily
discussed in that order.
Minutes Approval ~ October 9, 1995
Member Bils corrected the wording of the motion regarding the Civil Air Patrol (CAP) Land
Request at the bottom of page 2. The motion was corrected to read, "The Clearwater Airport
Authority asked the City Manager's Office to negotiate and execute a long~term lease with the
Civil Air Patrol for the site they previously approved, as inexpensively as the law permits, as
(j quickly as possible."
Member Bils moved to approve the minutes as corrected. The motion was duly seconded
and carned unanimously.
Tenant Report - Fixed Base Operator (FBO)
It was indicated Rick Emshoff was not present to give a report.
Old Business
A. Airpark Master Plan
Mr. Bahnick reported he contacted Florida Department Of Transportation (FOOT) aviation
about how to revise the master plan without going through a formal consultant. He said the
immediate changes being proposed, such as moving two hangars to the south, moving the
corporate hangar to the southerly triangle and deleting the heleport, are minor changes that can
be made in house. ' Staff reports these changes to the FOOT, which, in turn forwards the
changes to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). He said FOOT felt extending runways
and installing runway lights should be handled through the public hearing process with a
consultant engineer. In response to a question, Mr. Bahnick said the site plan and
specifications for the southerly triangle can be submitted for approval at the same time as the
proposal to change the runways and lights.
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It was indicated the runway lights are already a part of the master plan. Mr. Bahnick
said, because the runway lights were not shown on the engineering drawings, they must
be submitted for approval as part of the master plan. Discussion ensued regarding the bid
process for the runway lights and how the lights relate to the runway extension. Mr.
Jennings explained, while they are not tied together, certain factors indicate they should
be considered at the sarna time. Discussion ensued regarding runway heading
Discussion ensued regarding funding, a time tabla and specific information needed by
staff to process the bid packet. Mr. Jennings pointed out, while this project will not have
a large financial return, it will make the Airpark more valuable. Fifty percent shared
funding is expected from FOOT and the remaining will be requested out of the City's
general fund. Mr. Jennings hopes to meet a temporary target date of July 1, 1996;
however, said he will present monthly updates to the Board. Membar Silcox is to provide
drawings and specifications to staff.
B. Airport Road Extension
Discussion ensued regarding a citizen's request to extend Airport Drive across the
airport property. It was indicated the City is not going forward with this project as the
land is being used other purposes. Mr. Bahnick said the City Engineer has asked the
Airport Authority to clarify their position on this issue.
Member Guthrie moved to reaffirm their previous position that the Airport Authority is
opposed to the extension of Airport Drive across the southerly portion of the Airpark
property to Hercules Avenue. The motion was duly seconded and carried unanimously.
Suggestions were made regarding road layout and parking airplanes on the southerly
portion of the Airpark property. Mr. Jennings said he will bring this item later.
C. Airpark Lease - FBD
Mr. Sahnick stated statt is negotiating in good faith with the fixed base operator
regarding lease renewal. A meeting is scheduled for this Wednesday at 11 :30 a.m. In
response to questions, Mr. Jennings said the current agreement requires that a falling out
with the current operator must occur before negotiations may be opened to other bidders.
The current contract expires March 31, 1996.
One member expressed concern regarding the new grass cutters carelessness with
their rarge equipment around the airplanes. He questioned why the grass is not cut by the
City. Mr. Bahnick read from a letter from Mr. Baier to Mr. Emshoff, regarding the four
issues of renegotiation, one of which includes assumption of grounds keeping by the FBO.
A Question was raised if the subleased maintenance facility is involved in this negotiation.
Mr. Jennings said the agreement allows the FBO to make subleases. In response to a
question regarding who may attend the negotiations, Mr. Jennings said they are not yet
ready for comments from the public. He suggested members hold their input until staff
brings this item forward as an Airport Authority item prior to hearing by the City
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Discussion ensued tentative provisions of the new agreement including a length of
term, tenant rates, gasoline prices, safety provisions, goals, management, generation
of revenue, amount charged to aircraft owners and whether to require a financial
statement from the FBD. Mr. Jennings pointed out a number of intricacies that do not
lend themselves to direct government manageme'nt. He explained how the FBO
concept works. Mr. Jennings continued to respond to questions regarding details of
the negotiations.
Discussion ensued regarding how detailed the FBD financial statement must be.
Concern was expressed with trying to negotiate financial details without requiring a
thorough financial accounting. Mr. Jennings explained staff's position on this issue,
stating more specific details should be available after the first of the year and will be
brought forward.
D. Tenant Leases
It was indicated lease language was consolidated and clarified. Mr. Bahnick said
copies of the amended leases are ready for distribution.
E. Runway/Taxlway Lights
John Atanasio of the Civil Air Patrol (CAP) arrived at 3:47 p.m. and was brought
<:, up to date on this issue as discussed in Item A above.
F. CAP Land Request
Mr. Atanasio expressed concern with the amount of time being taken to receive an
answer. He questioned how he can expedite their request to lease the land for a dollar
a year. It was indicated the r~quest must go through the City Commission. Mr.
Bahnick reported the City will offer the three tie-down spaces on a monthly lease. The
City Management Team is waiting umit November 1 7 for an appraisal to determine fair
market value for a leased tie~down space.
Concern was expressed that the motion to approve the lease, made at the last
meeting and restated in today's minutes approval, clearly states the intention to lease
as inexpensively as the law permits. It was indicated the purpose was to indicate to
the City Manager the Airport Authority's desire to approve the lease for as little money
as legally possible. Mr. Jennings explained the appraisal is needed in order for the City
Commission to make an informed decision. He did not feel it was likely they would
agree to any lease without knowing the actual value involved. Staff is to discuss this
with Assistant City Manager Bill Baker tomorrow.
Member Goss arrived at 4:07 p.m.
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G. New Hangar Construction
1. Variance Request
Mr. Sahnick stated a setback variance has been requested to allow the new hangars
to be constructed in alignment. He said the corridor has been beautified with crepe myrtle
trees. The public hearing before the Development Code Adjustment Board is scheduled for
November 30, 1995.
2. Floor Plan
Mr. Bahnick displayed a site plan and demonstrated the preliminary plan for the hangar
design and amenities. Discussion ensued with regard to hose bibs, electrical outlets, ridge
vents, interior lighting and restrooms. Discussion ensued regarding the bid process and Mr.
Jennings explained the design build concept. Discussion ensued regarding the fire code and
activities that will and will not be allowed inside the hangars. It was felt they are intended
primarily for aircraft storage and minor maintenance.
3. FOOT Increased Funding for Hangars - JPA (Joint Project Agreement)
Mr. Bahnick reported the FOOT has submitted a supplemental agreement to the JPA for
the hangar construction. They have increased their joint funding by $150,000, for a total of
$450,000. He said that is more than enough to build the two proposed hangars. Discussion
ensued regarding the estimated total square footage. Mr. Jennings asked the Board to verify
{if';, whether the dimensions would serve the intended number of aircraft. Discussion ensued
, ':r: regarding where to situate the new hangars and the amenities wanted in tho corporate hangar.
H. Uniform Grading, Seeding and Mulching of Southerlv Triangle
Mr. Jennings and Mr. 8ahnick displayed an aerial view of the Airp.ark, demonstrating what
is proposed for each of the triangles with regard to clearing, site conditions, vehicular traffic
paths and culverts. They responded to questions regarding how use of the southerly area
could affect the adjacent residents. Discussion ensued regarding building a berm with
landscaping as a buffer along the southerly boundary. Discussion ensued regarding
effectiveness of the proposed berm for noise buffering and as a safety zone at the end of the
4. Other Business
Mr. Bahnick distributed a copy of a memo from the Central Permitting Department regarding
the, aviation element of the City's Comprehensive Plan. Senior Planner Lou Hilton has put
together a packet for the Airport Authority's review and will attend the next meeting to receive
feedback from the members. In their capacity as the City Commission appointed Aviation
Citizens' Task Force, the Airport Authority members were asked to review the packet and be
prepared to give their input at the next meeting.
Member Sifcox stated he will work with Member Guthrie to put together a wish list for
submittal at the next meeting.
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Member Bils stated he has looked at promotional ideas from other airports and suggested
putting together 8n advertising campaign to promote the Clearwater Airpark. He offered to
participate if the Authority wished to form a promotional group. Discussion ensued regarding the
topic, how it would be funded and whether it should be done in cooperation with the FBD.
Mr. Jennings left the meeting at 4:47 p.m.
Member Silcox expressed concerns regarding surveyors putting up stakes that impede low
wing aircraft and digging out tiedown corners, creating hazardous footing. Staff is to
investigate. He also expressed concern with unapproved aircraft radio communication. He
pointed out citizens' band radio talk is not appropriate for aircraft use. Mr. Bahnick stated he will
draft a letter for the Chair's signature.
Member Bils requested the Authority be notified of current events so they are not surprised
by newspaper articles relating to Airpark issues.
Member Silcox expressed concern with the FBD collecting retters from the complaint box so
the Airport Authority is not aware of customer complaints. He questioned who is responsible for
mechanical and electronic gate repairs. He said he has repaired the gate on several occasions.
Discussion ensued regarding changing the code to control access, and automatic gate closing
with remote controlled transmitters. Mr. Bahnick is to check the lease and report back to the
Discussion ensued regarding oversight of the operation. Member Guthrie questioned the
,.,..:lit duties of the FBD. Mr. Atanasio requested a copy of the lease and offered his expertise in
l....::) drawing up the new lease under negotiation. Member Bils suggested creating a mechanism for
drawing attention to deficiencies and directing these through proper channels.
5. Can of the next Meeting
Member Silcox stated the next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, December 6 at 3:00
p.m. in City Hall. He expressed concern with the recent change in meeting place and time.
While he acknowledged the benefits of meeting in the Commission Chambers, he said he has
received many complaints from citizens resisting the change.
6. Adjournment
The meeting adjourned at 5:01 p.m.
Airport Authority
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