ANNUAL REPORT AND LOCAL HOUSING INCENTIVES CERTIFICATION (3)SHIP AR/02 -1 State Housing Initiatives Partnership (SHIP) Program Annual Report and Local Housing Incentives Certification On behalf of City of Clearwater, I hereby certify that: 1. The Annual Report information submitted electronically to Florida Housing Finance Corporation is true and accurate for the closeout year N/A and interim years 2014 -2015 and 2015 -2016. 2. The local housing incentives or local housing incentive plan have been implemented or are in the process of being implemented. Included, at a minimum: (a) Permits as defined in s.163.3164 (15) and (16) for affordable housing projects are expedited to a greater degree than other projects; and (b)There is an ongoing process for review of local policies, ordinances, regulations, and plan provisions that increase the cost of housing prior to their adoption. 3. The cumulative cost per newly constructed housing per housing unit, from these actions is estimated to be $0.00. 4. The cumulative cost per rehabilitated housing per housing unit, from these actions is estimated to be $0.00 Staff Member responsible for submitting annual report to FHFC: Ms. Terry Malcolm -Smith Date �.e0 r\(I1CrC. }`' p0f Date Witness Signature Chief Elected Official or Designee Signature Witness Printed Name Date Witness Signature Witness Printed Name Or aLika (k: li'te Date Q/ i Signature George N. Cretekos (Mayor) Name and Title AT 420.9075(10) Each county or eligible municipality shall submit to the corporation by September 15 of each year a report of its affordable housing programs and accomplishments through June 30 immediately preceding submittal of the report. The report shall be certified as accurate and complete by the local government's chief elected official or his or her designee. Transmittal of the annual report by a county's or eligible municipality's chief elected official, or his or her designee, certifies that the local housing incentive strategies, or, if applicable, the local housing incentive plan, have been implemented or are in the process of being implemented pursuant to the adopted schedule for implementation. Title: SHIP Annual Report Clearwater FY 2014/2015 Interim -1 Form 1 Form SHIP AR/2009 67- 37.008(3)(f), F.A.C. Effective Date: 1112009 Report Status: Unsubmitted SHIP Distribution Summary Homeownership • F ' tyKtiz s. ! . f U .. 1 Purchase Assistance with Rehab $68,862.50 6 14 Rehabilitation - Rental $101,215.00 2 Purchase Assistance without Rehab $33,345.93 9 3 . . 10 New Construction $50,120.00 4 $87,500.00 3 Owner Occupied Rehabilitation $178,326.33 9 $170,033.03 6 Homeownership Totals: Rentals $330,654.76 28 $170,033.03 6 Rental Totals: Subtotals: $431,869.76 Additional Use of Funds $101,215.00 Administrative Homeownership Counseling Admin From Program Income Admin From Disaster Funds 3 $111,250.00 31 $281,283.03 Total Revenue (Actual and/or Anticipated) for Local SHIP Trust Fund Page 1 6 12 xz >a'i. s's`.rd ' w f =t a ,,,,, �„ [ 1;� , �... £ 74 ��'N £' 14 Rehabilitation - Rental $101,215.00 3 $23,750.00 3 21 New Construction- Rental $87,500.00 3 Rental Totals: Subtotals: $431,869.76 Additional Use of Funds $101,215.00 Administrative Homeownership Counseling Admin From Program Income Admin From Disaster Funds 3 $111,250.00 31 $281,283.03 Total Revenue (Actual and/or Anticipated) for Local SHIP Trust Fund Page 1 6 12 xz >a'i. s's`.rd 4:C'L %Li9 �: : i. �] ':FZp� • State Annual Distribution $531,261.00 Program Income (Interest) $7,454.51 Program Income (Payments) $220,948.53 Recaptured Funds Disaster Funds Other Funds Carryover funds from previous year $523.46 Total: $760,187.50 Form SHIP AR/2009 67- 37.008(3)(f), FA.C. Effective Date: 11120.09 * Carry Forward to Next Year: - $5,569.43 NOTE: This carry forward amount will only be accurate when all revenue amounts and all expended, encumbered and unencumbered amounts have been added to Form 1 Form 2 Page 2 Form SHIP AR/2009 67-37.008(3)(f), F.A.C. Effective Date: 11/2009 Rental Unit information Mkt .•.41901111 , The amount of rent charged for a rental unit based on the unit size complies with the Rent Limits posted on the Florida Housing website Recap of Funding Sources for Units Produced ("Leveraging") " - .... p ;* ..'* i ., * ,.:, , - iiill- ' — .:::•■1 ' - :,-; 'i* ''' .4,T '-';', ,-.:- „A,1414:0*- . U . Extremely Low $67,476.67 7'4.7,111K4, ;....:7, ' ■ .. 14.50% ' ' Oa '' 4 • • $29,010.63 %..11:'; ''Mr. ' Zi■M.4. ;14,:t ;' 19.27% Low $184,061.72 $162,250.13 L: s t $346,311.85 lOtAiL uft-3 ,....1.111,K; SHIP Funds Expended $47,259.49 $110,116.89 14.49% $431,869.76 13.56% Public Moneys Expended .00% Totals: $431,869.76 $281,283.03 $.00 $713,152.79 93.81% $447,481.82 14.05% Private Funds Expended $2,242,271.00 70.39% Owner Contribution $63,687.33 2.00% Total Value of All Units $3,185,309.91 100.00% SHIP Program Compliance Summary - Home Ownership/Construction/Rehab Homeownership $500,687.79 $531261.00 Construction / Rehabilitation $679,806.86 $531261.00 127.96% 75% Pro ram Compliance e - Income Set-Asides . - ..,: ti. -, :g- ' .;-',":, . . , • ii .... p ;* ..'* i ., * ,.:, , - iiill- ' — .:::•■1 ' - :,-; 'i* - otai' '''ff,...",' ' . ' " .4,T '-';', ,-.:- „A,1414:0*- . U . Extremely Low $67,476.67 $42,762.78 $110,239.45 14.50% Very Low $117,473.97 $29,010.63 $146,484.60 19.27% Low $184,061.72 $162,250.13 $346,311.85 45.56% Moderate $62,857.40 $47,259.49 $110,116.89 14.49% Over 120%-140% $.00 .00% Totals: $431,869.76 $281,283.03 $.00 $713,152.79 93.81% Project Funding for Expended Funds Only Extremely Low Very Low $104,943.97 Low 5 $12,530.00 1 $117,473.97 6 $146,471.72 Moderate 17 $37,590.00 3 $184,061.72 20 $62,857.40 3 $62,857.40 3 Totals: $381,749.76 27 $50,120.00 4 $431,869.76 31 Page 3 Form SHIP AR/2009 67- 37.008(3)0), F.A.C. Effective Date: 11 /2009 Form 3 Number of Households /Units Produced ■ 3 'Y « . t , M[ , •• ■■ . 1Y ,,,. L''�W rs.rn. .. <, f �xs •rt .: j,g 10 ,;t: Purchase Assistance without Rehab �.= W.1:7b* ' 1 7 t .0 Purchase Assistance without Rehab Clearwater Clearwater _ 9 1 10 Purchase Assistance with Rehab Clearwater 5 4 5 9 5 Owner Occupied Rehabilitation Clearwater 0 4 3 2 9 Rental- Rehabilitation Clearwater 2 1 New Construction Clearwater 3 New Construction Clearwater 4 1 3 4 Totals: Characteristics /Age (Head of Household 2 6 20 4' . j �.i r � fa> a (,{ — a .w. . j 1Y : 3 • L��'li.. ;� t Y . ,....a..i. <S"i�iFl '_ :" Lo, r < "� .1'+i'i�'Yt PTV .eC~.1:.. v x ,,� 3, F in..:'w f••. �= ; • .. ti ,, y-a: �"'y •.,�• ) tie... ..... � G� Q a- .fit „ >;� �;. . �. - �xs •rt .: j,g 10 ,;t: Purchase Assistance without Rehab Clearwater 1 7 2 Purchase Assistance with Rehab Clearwater 1 3 1 - 5 Owner Occupied Clearwater 5 4 -- 9 Rehabilitation Rental- Rehabilitation Clearwater 1 2 Rental- Rehabilitation Clearwater Clearwater 1 2 3 New Construction Clearwater 1 3 4 Totals: Family Size 8 17 ` . t' °t ,{ a ktt i'l Liam > > t t > a 'a� > v t"�' t �. 'y v- jun . kf f h tl �, y- Sxrc y 1� H y. t. � �rt F y 0 > I Purchase Assistance without Rehab Clearwater 1 { 8 1 10 Purchase Assistance with Rehab Clearwater 4 1 5 Owner Occupied Rehabilitation Clearwater 5 4 9 Rental- Rehabilitation Clearwater 1 2 3 New Construction Clearwater 4 4 Totals: Race (Head of Household) Page 4 6 21 31 De Form SHIP AR/2009 67- 37.006(3)0), PAC. Effective Date: 1112009 Totals: 14 10 5 1 1 > , 'Yx. } } �... • !. ..t E 1N>t 1 ^ .... ` t • ---� �-�--- 1� - +{z r Y .. p r Purchase Assistance without Rehab Purchase Assistance with Rehab Purchase Assistance without Rehab Clearwater 5 1 3 4 7 11 2 3 _ 5 1 _ 1 1 10 Purchase Assistance , with Rehab Clearwater 2 1 1 1 , 5 Owner Occupied Rehabilitation Clearwater 4' 5 ) 9 Rental - Rehabilitation Clearwater 1 2 3 New Construction Clearwater 2 1 1 4 Totals: 14 10 5 1 1 > , 'Yx. } } �... • !. ..t E 1N>t 1 ^ .... ` t • ---� �-�--- 1� - +{z r Y .. p r Purchase Assistance without Rehab Purchase Assistance with Rehab Clearwater Clearwater 1 1 0 Owner Occupied Rehabilitation ilitation Rental - Rehabilitation New Construction Clearwater �-� Clearwater Clearwater 4 7 11 2 3 _ 5 1 _ 1 Totals: 6 12 Special Target Groups for Funds Expended (Le. teachers, nurses, law enforcement, fire fighters, etc.) Set Aside Form 4 Expended Funds $431,870.00 Page 5 Page 6 Form SHIP AR/2009 67- 37.008(3Xf), F.A.C. Effective Date: 11/2009 Form SHIP AR12009 67-37.008(3)ijD, F.A.C. Effective Date: 1112009 Purchase Assistance with Rehab Purchase Assistance with Rehab Purchase Assistance with Rehab Purchase Assistance with Rehab Purchase Assistance with Rehab Purchase Assistance without Rehab Purchase Assistance without Rehab Purchase Assistance without Rehab Purchase Assistance without Rehab Alex Novoselov Purchase Assistance without Rehab Purchase Assistance without Rehab Javier Corona Purchase Assistance without Rehab McGee Ruclaiyah Matthew Costello Purchase Assistance without Rehab Chandasiri Thumbage Thomas Done Purchase Assistance without Rehab Purchase Assistance with Rehab Owner Occupied Rehabilitation Owner Occupied Rehabilitation Owner Occupied Rehabilitation Owner Occupied Rehabilitation Bassam Musa Frenchess Bryant Pablo Rodriquez Luiz Perez Meagan Stacy Colin Murray Aramis Nicholson Izabella Camlet 2034 N. Keene Road 1006 N. Saturn Avenue Desiree Soule Conine Woodard Carol Carstensen Willie Mae Merthie Sheila Stephens 1106 Grove Street 2062 Sunset Point Road, #66 2360 Chaucer Street 1118 N. Saturn Avenue 115 N.Comet Avenue 1758 Carlisle Street 1445 Union Street 707 Carlton Street 2747 Enterprise Road E Apt 17 1237 Everglades Avenue Clearwater Clearwater Clearwater Clearwater Clearwater Clearwater Clearwater 1109 Macrae Avenue 124862 U S Highaway N 19#302 1239 S. San Remo Avenue 1008 Mohawk Street 1813 Skyland Drive 1735 N. Martin Luther King Jr Clearwater Clearwater Clearwater 704 Nicholson Street Page 7 Clearwater Clearwater Clearwater Clearwater Clearwater Clearwater Clearwater Clearwater Clearwater 33755 33755 33765 33765 33755 33765 33755 33755 33755 33759 33764 33760 33763 33756 33755 $3,345.00 $3,922.50 $15,840.00 $15,780.00 $3,841.87 $3,190.31 $3,806.25 $3,918.75 $3,791.25 $3,828.75 $3,978.75 $3,948.75 $3,041.25 $15,975.00 $23,145.68 33759 $22,371.85 33755 33755 $11,218.35 $24,510.55 J a a 0. Form SHIP AR/2009 67- 37.008(3)(f), F.A.C. Effective Date: 1112009 Page 8 Form SHIP AR /2009 67- 37.008(3)(f), F.A.C. Effective Date: 11 /2009 Owner Occupied Rehabilitation Lawrenc Ladgin 1731 Ridgeway Drive Clearwater 33755 $13,004.36. ❑ _ Owner Occupied _Rehabilitation Owner Occupied Rehabilitation Barbara McQueen Tynas Curtis 1349 Sandy Lane 1724 N. Washington Avenue Clearwater Clearwater 33755 33755 $19,795.20 $17,046.41 ❑ • Owner Occupied Rehabilitation Charles Gill 1725 Greenlee Drive Clearwater 33755 $19,278.66 ❑ Owner Occupied Rehabilitation Cynthia Troutman 312 N. Missouri Avenue Clearwater 33755 $27,955.27 ❑ New Construction Aneika Burrell 1304 Milton Street Clearwater 33756 $12,530.00 ` ❑ New Construction Lillian Lestoric 1300 Milton Street Clearwater 33756 $12,530.00 ❑ New Construction Yashica Williams 1308 Milton Street Clearwater 33756 $12,530.00 ❑ New Construction William Negron 1312 Milton Street Clearwater 33756 $12,530.00 ❑ Rehabilitation- Rental Florine Atkins 1450 S. Martin Luther King Jr. Ave #301 Clearwater 33756 $33,738.33 • _ Rehabilitation- Rental Patricia Redding '1450 S. Martin Luther King Jr. Ave #401 Clearwater 33756 $33,738.33 ❑ Rehabilitation- Rental William Campbell 1450 S. Martin Luther King Jr_ #408 Clearwater 33756 $33,738.34 ❑ _ Clearwater 2014 Interim -1 Form 5 Page 9 Form SHIP ARl2009 67- 37.008(3)0, F.A.C. Effective Date: 1112009 Special Needs Breakdown SNIP Expended and Encumbered for Special Needs Applicants Spe 1 Purchase Assistance with Rehab 2 10 3 14 Purchase Assistance without Rehab New Construction Owner Occupied Rehabilitation Rehabilitation - Rental $3,190.31 $12,530.00 $144,736.07 $101,215.00 1 1 7 3 $108,607.40 3�ir. PA . YSL��rr ♦ FC t � -ip a3..1.. n . �y .t? �> y ! y' AL - ..2d.,. few ....:: NL ♦ 8 LE l v. L-r 1� µ*'. Z+'�`". ` i . x 1i.; x ... (2) Purchase Assistance without Rehab Receiving Social Security Disability insurance $3,190.31 1 (3) Owner Occupied Rehabilitation Receiving Veterans Disability Benefits $19,278.66 1 $19,012.78 1 (3) Owner Occupied ,Condition Person with Disabling (not DD) $27,955.27 1 $15,369.49 1 `Rehabilitation (3) Owner Occupied Rehabilitation Receiving Social Security Disability insurance $17,046.41 , 1 $42,335.13 1 (3) Owner Occupied Rehabilitation Receiving Social Security Disability Insurance $23,145.68 1 $31,890.00 1 (3) Owner Occupied Rehabilitation Receiving Social Security Disability Insurance $24,510.55 1 (3) Owner Occupied Rehabilitation Person with Disabling Condition (not DD) $19,795.20 1 (3) Owner Occupied Rehabilitation Person with Disabling (not DD) $13,004.30 1 (14) Rehabilitation- Rental ,Condition Person with Disabling Condition (not DD) $33,738.33 1 (14) Rehabilitation - Rental Person with Disabling Condition (not DD) $33,738.33 1 (14) Rehabilitation- Rental Person with Disabling (not OD) $33,738.34 1 (10) New Construction ,Condition Receiving Social Security Disability insurance $12,530.00 1 _ Page 10 Form SHIP AR/2009 67- 37.008(3Xf), F.A.C. Effective Date: 11/2009 LG Submitted Comments: Page 11 Title: SHIP Annual Report Clearwater FY 2015/2016 Interim -2 Form 1 SHIP Distribution Summary Homeownership Form SHIP AR/2009 67- 37.008(3X1), P.A.C. Effective Date: 11/2009 Report Status: Unsubnfitted 2 3 10 Purchase Assistance with Rehab Purchase Assistance without Rehab Owner Occupied Rehabilitation New Construction $50,000.00 $50,000.00 3 $280,000.00 3 6 $46,000.001 1 Homeownership Totals: $426,000.00 13 Rental Totals: Subtotals: Additional Use of Funds Administrative Homeownership Counseling Admin From Program Income Admin From Disaster Funds $596,884.79 Total Revenue (Actual andlor Anticipated) for Local SHIP Trust Fund Page 1 3 3!4 ^: • 1 C 'S z° ; ♦. I� � it S .. .. :: jey ; %� 14 A Rehabilitation - Rental $60,884.79 3 21 New Construction- Rental $110,000.00 £...s. AA• 9A 3 .. Rental Totals: Subtotals: Additional Use of Funds Administrative Homeownership Counseling Admin From Program Income Admin From Disaster Funds $596,884.79 Total Revenue (Actual andlor Anticipated) for Local SHIP Trust Fund Page 1 ...._ . . « .r, ... ... ,. State Annual Distribution $533,352.00 Program Income (Interest) $11,817.86 Program Income (Payments) $117,063.63 Recaptured Funds Disaster Funds Other Funds - Carryover funds from previous year - $5,569.43 Total: $656,664.06 Form SHIP AR/2009 67- 37,008(3M, F.A.C. Effective Date: 11/2009 * Carry Forward to Next Year: $.00 NOTE: This carry forward amount will only be accurate when all revenue amounts and all expended, encumbered and unencumbered amounts have been added to Form 1 Form 2 Page 2 Form SHIP AR/2009 67-37.008(3)0), F.A.C. Effective Date: 1112009 Rental Unit Information ,*1 The amount of rent charged for a rental unit based on the unit size complies with the Rent Limits posted on the Florida Housing website Recap of Funding Sources for Units Produced ("Leveraging") SHIP Funds Expended Public Moneys Expended Private Funds Expended Owner Contribution Total Value of All Units $.00 NaN NaN NaN NaN SHIP Program Compliance Summary - Home Ownership/Construction/Rehab Homeownership $426,000.00 $533,352.00 79.87% 65% Construction / Rehabilitation $546,884.79 $533,352.00 102.54% 75% Program Compliance - Income Set-Asides , Extremely Low Very Low Low Moderate Over 120%-140% Totals: 15.23% 34.42% $100,000.00 $100,000.00 15.23% $.00 $596,884.79 $596,884.79 90.90% $.00 $.00 Project Funding for Expended Funds Only .00% Extremely Low Very Low $.00 $.00 0 Low $.00 0 Moderate Totals: $.00 Page 3 $.00 $.00 $.00 0 Form SHIP AR/2009 67- 37.008(3)(f), F.A.C. Effective Date: 1112009 Form 3 Number of Households /Units Produced Totals: Characteristics /Age (Head of Household) 0 Family Size Totals: Totals: Race (Head of Household) 0 0 e .. YttS •5 N 1 IR i r.cz dig F 1 i «:ae�.V71Ff..i... • .•,'!..47. ts3 .< .:. 7( ji.KY i 34^MM�'�i... ?J,C t . a, �., -7....a .. .� ,, S .<. .ski !' _.d•R.Ssi...a..... t Cr ylxr<,t...�- Totals: Characteristics /Age (Head of Household) 0 Family Size Totals: Totals: Race (Head of Household) 0 0 e .. YttS •5 N 1 IR i r.cz ! ltt4 F 1 i «:ae�.V71Ff..i... • .•,'!..47. ts3 .< .:. 7( ji.KY i 34^MM�'�i... y1 J:fp J,.. " ♦.- Totals: Demographics An Member of Household 0 % L . t ; :..t p r ' SR S I1. • l r , t: . T i .. ... R 1 f. 7( ji.KY i 34^MM�'�i... G Totals: Special Target Groups for Funds Expended (i.e. teachers, nurses, law enforcement, fire fighters, etc.) Set Aside Form 4 Page 4 0 Form SHIP AR/2009 67- 37.008(3Xf), F.A.C. Effective Date; 11/2009 Expended Funds Clearwater 2015 Interim -2 Form 5 Special Needs Breakdown SHIP Expended and Encumbered for Special Needs Applicants t H t 7 � it 3 i ; a lk, q 3•10iy 44 r wye -.3� t r..v..� s 7 isy� t c tilt 1,1 Z aa � � �. •'T�_. t+ � t , ..: w ! gcti� ?•'. fi � �i11 !Fw ch �Y 1 Purchase Assistance with Rehab ' " ch 2 Purchase Assistance without Rehab , ' 3 Owner Occupied Rehabilitation ' 1 14 Rehabilitation- Rental ' 1 IMSEEEM Page 5 Farts SHIP Aft/2009 67- 37.008(3)(f), FA.C. Effective Date: 11/2009 LG Submitted Comments: Page 6