800 SNUG ISLAND— 2-1�2 �wY M4N ��"��� �''�3 FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAC3EMENT AGENCY .F v�:. �:7� F. ��'�'f � Z NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM < `����� �y ° ELEVATION CERT! FICATE OMB 3067-0077 Exyirea: June ] 984 This torm is to be used for: 1) New/Emergency Program construction in Special Flood Hazard Areas; 2) Pre-FIRM construction after September 30, 1982: 3) Post-FIRM construction; and, 4) Other buildings rated as Post-FIRM rules. BUILDING OWNER'S ADDRESS NAME Lot 42, Island Estates, Unit 7B, Plat Book 64, Page 70, Pinellas County, Florida PROPERTY LOCATION (Lot and Block numbers and address if available) #800 Snug Island, Clearwater, Florida 1 certify that the information on this certificate represents my best efforts to interpret the data available. I understand that any false statement may be punishable by fine or imprisonment under 18 U.S. code, Section 1001. SECTION 1 ELIGIBILITY CERTIFICATION (Completed by Local Comrnunity Permit Official or a Registered Professional Engineer, ArChitect, or Sun;eyor) YES NO It is intended that the building described above will be constructed in compliance with the community's flood plain ❑ ❑ ordinance. The certifier may rely on community records. The lowest floor (including basement) witl be at an elevation oi ft, NGVD. Failure to construct the building at this elevation may place the buitding in violation of the community's flood plain management ordinance. YES NO The building described above has been constructed in compliance with the community's flood plain management ❑ ❑ ordinance based on elevation data and visual inspection or other reasonable means. If NO is checked, attach copy of variance issued by the community. YES NO The mobile home located at the address described above has been tied down (anchored} in compliance with the ❑ O community's flood plain management ordinance, or in compliance with the NFIP Specifications. MOBILE HOME MAKE MODEL YR. OF MANUFACTURE SERIAL NO. DIMENSIONS X (Community Permit Official or Registered Professional Engineer, Architect, or Surveyor) � AODRESS TITLE CITY STATE ZIP SIGNATURE DATE PHQNF SECTION 11 ELEVATION CERTIFICATION (Certified by a Local Community Permit Official or a Registered Professional Engineer, Architect, or Surveyor.) FIRM ZONE At-A30: 1 certify that the buil i g the property location described above has the lowest lloor (including basement) at an elevation of feet, NGVD (mean sea level) and the average grade at the building site is at an elevation of 4. 2 feel, NGVD. FIRM 20NES V, V1-V30: I certify that the building at the property location described above has the bottom ol the fowest lloor beam at an elevation of feet, NGVD (mean sea level), and the average grade at the building site is at an elevation ot feet, NGVD. FIRM ZONES A, A99, AH and EMERGENCY PROGRAM: 1 certify that the building at the property location described above has the luwest floor elevation of feet, NGVD. The elevation of tfie highest adjacent grade next to the building is feet, NGVD. FIRM ZONE AO: 1 certify that the building at the property location described above has the lowest floor elevation of feet, NGVD. The elevation of the highest adjacent grade next to the building is feet, NGVD. SECTION III FLOODPROOFING CERTIFICATION (Certification by a Registered Professional Engineer or Architect) I certify to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief, that the building is designed so that the building is watertight, with walls substantially impermeable to the passage of water and structural components having the capability of resisting hydrostatic and hydrodynamic loads and effects of buoyancy that would be caused by the flood depths, pressures vetocities, impact and uplift forces associated with the base flood. YES � NO O In the event of ftooding, will this degree oi floodproofing be achieved with human intervention? (Human intervention means that water will enter the building when floods up to the base flood level oC- cur unleas measures are taken prior to the flood to prevent entry of water (e.g., bolting metal shields over doors and windows). YES ❑ NO ❑ Will the building be occupied as a residence? It the answer to both questions is YES, the floodproof�ng cannot be credited for rating purposes and the actual lowest floor must be completed and certified instead. Complete both the elevat�on and floodproofing cert�ficates. FIRM ZONES A, A7-A30. Vt-V30. AO and AH: Certified Floodproofed Elevation is feet, (NGVD). THIS CERTIFICATION IS FOR � SECTION II ❑ BOTH SECTIONS II AND I11 (Check One) CERTIFIER'S NAME COMPANY NAME Bobb J. Goodman King Engineering Associates, Inc. TITLE ADDRESS Land Surv IGNPT,�IRE � 3250 U.S. 19 North, Suite 105 DATE CITY 3 �9_t� Clearwater, STATE Fl ori da LICENSE N0. (or Affix Seal) 4055 ZIP 33575 PHONE (813)785-2556 ince agent should attach the original copy ol the completed form to the flood insurance policy application, the second copy should be supplied to the po�i�Yholder and the third copy retained by ihe agent INSURANCE AGENTS MAY ORDER THIS FORM FEMA Form 81-31, SEP 83 REPLACES FEMA FORM 8�"3�• APR 82, WHICH IS OBSOLE 1 t. �... . ._ __._ ...