7778-07 ORDINANCE NO. 7778-07 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA, RELATING TO RECLAIMED WATER AVAILABILITY FEE EXEMPTION IN SPECIFICALLY DEFINED AREAS BY CURRENT COOPERATIVE FUNDING AGREEMENTS WITH THE SOUTHWEST FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT AND REBATES AND INCENTIVES TO ABANDON WELL, LAKE OR POND IRRIGATION; AMENDING SECTION 32.380, CODE OF ORDINANCES, CHANGING AVAILABILITY FEE PARAMETERS; ADDING SECTION 32.380.1, OUTLINING REBATES AND CREDITS FOR ABANDONING WELL, LAKE OR POND IRRIGATION FOR CONNECTION TO THE RECLAIMED WATER SYSTEM; ADDING SECTION 32.380.2, OUTLINING EXCLUSIONS; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA. Section 1. Chapter 32, Article IX, Code of Ordinances, is amended to read as follows: Sec. 32.380. Availability charge. The utility account of any improved property adjacent to a sufficiently sized reclaimed water distribution main shall include a monthly availability charge to alleviate the capital outlay of extending accessibility to the reclaimed water system. See appendix A for availability rates. Properties with existing irrigation weUs well. lake or pond irriaation system within the proiect areas defined in cooperative fundina aareements with the Southwest Florida Water Manaaement District as North Beach. South Beach. Island Estates. Harbor Oaks. Seville/Sunset. Drew Union. North Greenwood. Del Oro. and Morninaside shall not be charged for availability as long as the irrigation well. lake or pond irriaation system remains active. Availability fee exemptions will not be aranted after the completion of these proiects. Such availabilitv fee exemptions. where aranted. shall expire upon conveyance of the property. The burden of proof is on the property owner to verify that an irrigation ,awell, lake or pond irriaation system is active and the director shall make tho final determination have final approval. Section 2. Chapter 32, Article IX, Code of Ordinances, is added to read as follows: Sec. 32.380.1. Incentives. Because the overall obiective is to maximize usaae of reclaimed water and to lessen the impact of effluent discharae into Tampa Bav, all customers willina to abandon a private well. lake or pond irriaation system and connect to the reclaimed water system at any time: .L shall be offered a rebate of UP to $600 as reimbursement for a licensed well driller or professional to properlv pluo or abandon the well. lake or pond irrioation system: and 2. shall receive an incentive credit of $240 on the utilitv account. Those customers willino to abandon a private well, lake or pond irrioation system and connect to the reclaimed water system durino proiect construction shall, in addition, not be charoed a tap fee. Section 3. Chapter 32, Article IX, Code of Ordinances, is added to read as follows: Section 32.380.2. Exclusions. Sinole-familv residences with wells, lakes or ponds may choose the availabilitv fee exemption or connection to reclaimed water, but not both. Commercial or multifamilv (more than 4 units) may keep an existino private well followino connection to the reclaimed water system for "emeroencv purposes limited to times when the reclaimed water system may not be operational" with proper precautionary devices to assure no interconnection between the reclaimed water system and the private well system will be created. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon adoption. PASSED ON FIRST READING April 19, 2007 PASSED ON SECOND AND FINAL READING AND ADOPTED May 3, 2007 ~r~ -Frank V. Hibbard Mayor Approved as to form: Attest: - , e:' ~tl . W ft-L Cynthia E. Goudeau City Clerk ~ .' ~ (/ Leslie K. Dougall-Si Assistant City Attor