96-70.� : . ., �. � C�-;`� A RESOLtJ�i Ii�1N'OF �'HE CIT( O� �LFARVV'Al`ER, FLdRID�'A, ASS�SSING THE OWNERS OF PROPERTY i'HE COSTS OF HAVING MOWED OR CLEARED THE OWNERS' LOTS. WHEREAS, it has been determined by the City Commission of the City of Clearwater fhat, for the purpose of promoting the heal4h, safery and general welfare of the citizens and residents of the City, real property within the City should be c�eared of weeds, rubbish, debris and other nr�xious material; and UVHEREAS, notice pursuank to Section 20.38, Code of Ordinances, was provided to the owner nf each of #he lof� listed in Exhibit A, and the notice required each property ovuner to cause fhe violation to 6e remedied or to file a notice of appeal �vithin 10 days after the date the property was posted; and WHEF�EAS, the property o�vners have fiailed to fake remedial ac4ion within the time provided and have failed to file a notice of appeal within the time allowed, or appealed the notice of violation bu# failed 4o take remedial action within the time provided by the Code Enforcement Board, and it isecame necessary for the City fio 4�ke remedial action; and 1h/FiEREAS, the owner af each lot list�d on Exhibifi A has bs�n provided with a notice and apporQunity en�ithin which to pay the costs and administrative charges set forth on Exhibit A, but no paymen�s have b2�e� received; nouv, therefiore, B� !1" RES�LVED BY THE CITY CQMMISSIO�! OF THE CITY OF CLIEARW/�TER, FLORIDA: �ckican 1. The City Cornmission finds the preamble hereof to be true and correct. �j�. ?he City Commission h�reby ass�ssE� a fien upon each parcel of real property listed on Exi�ibii A�ar the actua! costs of mowing or clearing, plus administrative costs, as shown on Exhibit A. SeGtion �. The City Cle�lc ia hereby directed to pr�pare a notice of lien against each prop�r#y li�fied on Exhilait A and to recard the sarne in the publia records of Pinelfas County, Florida. PA�SED Al1iD ADOPT�Q this 17 th day of �ctober , 1996. f2it Garvey Mayor-Commissioner Approved a� to form and legal suficiency; CI6hn Cara�gsas Assistant City Atfomey At4est: ��� � ���� ��/�ynth' Er oudeau �"City Clerk ��sa/cr�iav� �'(�� %e . � � � E X H I B I T A �I20PSRTY OWIVER ,L�EGA,�'r nESCRIPTION American Health & Bassadena Sub, BIk D, Lot 15 Accident Ins. Co. & E1/2 Lot 16 Goldie W. Batten Greenwood Park, B1k B Lot i2 Martha C.GeraZd c/o Greenwood Park #2 Blk E, Julius Gerald Lots 65-66 John W. Ottey Jr. Lakeview Heights Blk "2" Lot 4 Charles V. &.Pear1 Pa.Zm Terrace Unit 2 Lot 49 Lombardo Barbax�a A. Parsons Pa1m Terrace Unit 2 Lot 54 c/o Freeland Banc Boston Mortgage Pine Crest Sub Blk 5 E42' of Corp Lots 19-20 Dekira Pushinsky Sirmons Heights Lot 25 Ann Priddy and Brookhill Unit 2 B1k M Lot 3 Ra1ph Gianfrate Chemical Residential Fairwood Forest Lot 39 Mortgage Xaren J. �T'ones Greenwood Manor Lo� 8 Johnny E. Ashley Est Greenwood Park Blk A Lot 29 5haron D. Ashley PR AD1htIN. COST CHARGE TOTAL $ 125.00 200.00 $ 325.00 125.00 200.00 525.00 200.00 I25.00 200.00 I25.00 200.00 325.00 325.00 325.00 325.00 125.00 200.00 325.00 217.35 200.00 417.35 125.00 200.00 235.99 200.00 125.00 200.00 125.00 200.00 125.00 200.00 Lela Blocicer Estate Greenwood Park #2 Blk D Lts 1-2 125.00 200.00 c/o Fred Wilder W S F T.tn.ist 8/6/90 Greenwood Pariz #2 Blk E Lot 36 1,25.00 200.00 Kenneth S. Lamb Greenwood Park #2 Blk F Lot 48 225.00 200.00 Peggy Kimble Lzve Oak Court Lot 6 7.25.00 200.00 Elissa J. Spasato E.A.Mazshalls 5ub W55' Lf:s 22-23 .Z25.00 200.00 Daisy Williams Pa1m Park Su1y Blk C Lot 16 150.08 200.00 Rasa M. Lidyd PennsylVania Park Lot 4 125.00 200.d0 Wexl:farti �a�p Sec 1d'�29�16 M&� 23/03 184.80 200.00 325.00 335.99 325.00 325.00 325.00 325.00 325.00 32.5. 00 325.00 325.00 350.08 350.Od �s�.ad �e��/u:�l�n ��0��'D