96-60� . _.� ., ,. . � �. A RBSOLUTION OF THIS CITY OF CLEARWATER AMENDIN7G RESOI,IITION 96-25 ACCEPTING THS R�SCOMMSNDATIONS OF THE CITl' OF CLEAR.Y7ATSR NEiGHBORIi00D AFFORDABL� FiOUSING ADViSORY BOARD AND P,DOPTING A LOCAL HOLTSING �,�3ISTADiCS PI,AAF FOIt THE CITX OF CLF�RWATTR Ii1 ACCOI2DANC� WITH THL STATE OF' FlLOR2%iA STATB Fi0'6SIi3G INLTIATIVES PARTNEIiSHIP (SHIP) PROGRriM PR4VISZONS. 6�H�REAS, the CITY OF CLEARWATER CITY CONIl�iISSION has adopted the LOCAL HOUSiNG ASSISTd�T+iCS PLAN, and i�1HEI2F�lS, the �OCAL HOUSING ASSISTANC$ PLP.N provic3es that ten �ercerit {10�) of the to�al SHIP allocation will be usad £ar �amiraistr��ive expenso�, an3 WHSR�AS, Section 420.9075(6}, Florida Statutes, provides that the city m�y use five percent (5�1 of its annual SHTP allocation £or administrati�re expenses. St also provides tksat i� the city comm±ssion mal;es a fincling, by zesolution, that five percent (5%) is not sufficient to cover the adminis�rative costs, tlae citg► mav tak� up to tea percenic (]L0�) for adminis�ration. WHgREAS, the City of Clearwater finds that five percent (5�) of t;he SHIF funds are insufficient �o adequaLely pay the necossar5s costs oE admiaister3.ng the loan pragram. The City af Cleagcv�ztes finc3s it n�cessary to increase up to but not to exceed ten peraent (10�) oE loc�xl housing distributions depositod in the trust fund to cover admin3strative coste, nnw, �herefore, BE IT R�SOLVED BY TH$ CITY COMFSISSION OF THF CITY OF CLfiARWATiiR, FLORIDA: 3eatiion 1. The CITY dF CLEI�RWATSR CITY COMMIS3ION hereby ' adapts to amend Beso7.ut3on 96-25 SecCion 2,. ��� CIZ'Y' C1F� C�iBAItWA�ER CZ7'Y` C01�MY53Zdb3' finds �hat E�.�ra percari� (5�S} of the alics�a�ect SITYp £uncis x�e insu�fiaient to ac��qrtate�y ��y' �he �n��e�e�ry� cagt� oi �c#minL�tiering ��e �OCAI� H(�USYfia �sz�r�tsc� �.t.�rt. 1I `��'`�� � n <-,, Section 3. The CITY OF CLFsARWATER CITY COMMTSSION finds it necessa�ry to increase up to, but not to exceecl, ten gercent (10�) of Zocal housin.g distsibutioras deposited into the LQCAL AFFORDABLB HOIISING ASSISTANC� TRUST I�IIIJD to cover administrative costs for State Fiscal yeas, July i, 1996 - June 30, 1997. Section 4. This res4lution shall take efPect immedi.ately upon a3o�tion. PA�SED AND ADOPTE3B tlzts 14tl�:iay o£ Sepiember , 1996 n �� Rita. Gazvey, Mayor-Comm' sioner Attest: � Cyrbt a E. Goudeau, City Cl�rk Approved as to form and ].egal sufficiency: � ��^'._�i°"_�c" � n Carassas, AssisCant City Attorney � �� a�� rri