96-53a� 1 i RECORDING Accr i00076 CODE REG .5� DR219 D.� !NT P/C CERT FEES MTF forAi � .� �� INST # 96-216213 AUG 7. 1996 4:19PM � • •� i• �a PI. .LLAS COUNTY FLA. OFF.REC.BK 9427 PG 1262 A RESOLUTION OF THE CiTY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA, REQUESTiNG THAT PINELLAS COUNTY CALL FOR A REFERENDUM OF THE ELECTORS OF PINELLAS COl�NTY ON THE QUESTION �F WHETHER TO EXTEfdD TFiE 0(dE CENT SALES SURT/�X UPON GOODS AND SERVICES SOLD IiV PI�lELLAS COUNTY, FLORIDA; SUBMIT"fING TO PINELLAS COUNTY THE PROPOSED INFRASTRUCTURE TAX PROJECT LIST PREPARED BY THE CITY OF CLEARWATER; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, o�i November 7, 1989, the voters of Pinellas County, Florida, appro�eed the referendum questions which levied an additiona! one cent sales surtax for a period of ten years upon goods and services �old in Pinellas Counfiy; and, WH�REAS, the citizens of the City of Clearwaier, Florida, have benefited greafly #rom 4he proceeds of the additional one cent surtax, since February, 199�; and, WHEREAS, the imposition of ihe one cent sales surtax will expire on January 31, 2000; and, WhIEREAS, Section 212.055(2), Florida Statutes, authorizes the gov�rning body of Pin�ilas County, Florida, subject to referendum approval, to fiinance, plan and construct infrastructure, defiined as any fixed capiial expenditure or fixed capifial costs associaied with the construcfiion, reconstruction or irrrprovement of public facilities which have a life expect�ncy of five (5) or mare years and any land acquisition, land improvement, design and engineering costs refated th�reto; and, WHEREAB, there exists a need on the part of Pine(las County and the rriunicipalities within Pinellas County to finance, plan, acquire, improve and , construct County and municipal infrastructure projects including transportation, parks and open space, jails, courts, drainage and public faci{ities; and, WMEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Clearvvater, Fldnda, has determined that it is in the best interest of the City to suppart a Pinellas County referendum for continuing the one cent sales surtax; now, therefore, r+• RETURN T0: CIIY CLERIC POST OFF1C� B0� d748 �i.�ARVJA'�FR� FL 346�i�yd'��'� Resolution tVa.96-53 ., • ,r-� � PINELLAS COUNTY FLA. OFF.REC.BK 9427 PG 1263 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION pF THE CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA: S�ction 1. The Ci4y Commission of the City of Clearwater requests that the Pineifas County Board of Caunty Commissioners call for a referendum upon which there should be submitted to the electors of Pinelfas County the question of whether the current one cent sales surtax shall be extended. Section 2. The City Commission of the City of Cleanrvater hereby submits its proposed list of projects to be funded by #he proposed extension of the one cent sales surtax. Section 3. The City Clerk is hereby directed to send copies of th9s resolution to the Board of County Commi�sioners, Pinellas County, Florida, and �o the iocal municipalitie� within`Pinellas County, Florida. Section 4. This resolution shail take �ffecf imm�diately upon adapfiion. PASSED AND�IQO�T� this a herebvi ce�y t�et u �s a e — ,�ocrect cropY o� �le ori�na1 as it �p�eaxs in die files of the Ciry oE C��vate,r. Witness m�1C �atee / o�fica�l �� �e tY .�,� ty C� leQ� Approved as to form and gaB'sufficiency: � Ram�la K. Akin Ci�y �3tiorney s:lreslS6-53.res lst day of august , 1996. C Rita Garvey, Mayor-Co issioner A4iest: �. �. /y� - ���:_�___ Cyn ia E. Goucieau, City Clerk 2 Resolution No. 96-53 �.� Clty of Ctearwater �-, Proposed Penny tor Pinellas Infraatructu�e Tax Projec, ►t FY 2000 - 2010 PINELLAS COUNTY FLA. OFF.REC.BK 9427 PG 1264 This expansion would consist of 3,188 square feet of building and an addiQonal 906 square feet of exte�lor covered area. The resulting buiiding would prov(de additional c4assroom space {three ciassrooms) and allow the existing ciassroom to be converted to an admin(sVativ�nstructor area. The exterior covered area would permit outside related class activities, �ven in dnclement conditions. If upgraded, the facility wouid then be practical as an altemate EOC site for the City. In addition, the project wauld include the refurbishment and addition of an exterior stairway to the Fire iraining Tower. The refurbishment would include the replacemen4 ot all doors, 4o include the garage doors, and repair of deteriorating walis. 544,500 Extension and Repavina of Fire Trainina Ground Track This project would provide for an additional 1,000 feet of paved surface for driving pracGce and t�sting for Fire and Police use. The total paved area would b2 approximately one-haif mile in length. �'he track wili also provide additionat staging capabilities in case of storm responses. �Q���� Subtof�l f�,500 S�P@2� Memorial Causewav Bridqe Realacement The proJect provides for the repiacement of the existing drawsPan bridge with a highlevel �ixed span bridge 93,000,000 Mvrtte AvenuelFt. Harrison Avenue Wideninq ConstrucE an additiona! northbound travel lane alang Ft. Harrison Avenue irom the inters�ction of P�yrtie Avenue to Stevenson's Creek. This addiiionai lai�e �iN ai{o�a noifh b�und traffic on My�tle Avenue to merge in4o FG Harrison Rvenue wi4hout stopping, making fhe intersection safer and more efficient �25,�� Druid 6ioad iF�l'�fenina �ruid R�ad is a narrow two lane iacility running from tl�e Bayfront to U,S. Hwy 99. 'ihis project p�poses to widen the facility from FL Harrison to U.S. Fi�vy 99 to �hree lane.� aC�owing a conGnuous tuming lane is desirable. Additional widening inr right tum oniy Ian�s is desirabte at cer4ain interssction�. Hddition�l properiy will be �i�d for §tamnwa4er treatrnent and minor right of way. 12,OOO,i}�0 irafiie Siqnal Mast Arm ins4allations CQnvasfi e�isting signal sysYems to A�ast Arm instaltadons as required by �he St�te of �brida io �Orotect from damage from hurricane �+inds. Z,QQ�,4� ifarious Inxersection (m�rovem�n4s Variaus Inte�secban ImprovemPnts to increase intersection capacity, reduce delay for traific, and increase rate of 4uming movements. 1,400,000 Various Pedestrian Bridqes lnstaA pedestrian bridge at various locations at creek and ditch crossings ot arterial highways where pedestrian traffic is anticipated, 400,000 Tteso].ur3z�n No. 96--53 Page i �„� City of Clearwater n Proposed Penny for Ptnellas infrastructure Tax ProJect }.t Streeb (cont(nued) � Z000 -2010 PINELLAS COUNTY FLA. Variable Traffic Messaae Boards OFF. REC.BK 9427 PG 1265 Purchase additional portable or pole mountable variable message boards to notify public of traffic operations/detours for ongoing constn�ction projects, direct traffic to numerous beach parking facilities, and to provide information 4o the public on upcoming roadway projects or events. 200,000 Mandalav Avenue Streetscaae Proiect Streetscape upgrade fcrtw� block area irom Marianne to Baymont 750,000 Gulfview Boulevard Streetscaae Proiect Streetscape upgrade for two and one-half block area from Coronada (N. I� ;ection) to Adams Ma�fc. 1,000,000 Bavmont Steeet Streetscaue Proiect Streetscape upgrade for a three block area from Mandalay to Clearwater Harbor. 200,000 Papava Street Pedestrian Mall Proiect Pedastrian maii improvemen:s for a three block area from Mandalay to Clearwater Harbor. 250,OOQ Suisto�l 31,425,Od0 Parks �ec� Rocrea�ion Land Purchase - Maanolia Fal{s Propertv Pravides for the purchase af approximatefy � 3 acres north of an existing undevelop�d park knawn as the North Clearwater Nature Park locaied on McMullen ��ath Road. The purchase of this property �vell aQowr for the extensian and • presenration of on� of Clearwater's unique enviror�men4ai features "Magnolia Falis " 61 add�ian, th� remair�der of fhe nan-sens's�ive op�n area of th6s prop�rty is ideal for addiUona! soccer practice �ields which are desperately needed for the pa�ticipants in {Vori9� Ciearwa4er. A�proximately �330,000 is available from the Sembler mitigation to purchas� this property. 500,000 North Greenwoad Recreation Complex This project v+aili provide for the construcfion of a new i3ecrea6on comple� in the North Greenwood community. 'The complex will include a new multipurpose facilily similar 4o the new Countryside Recreation Center with meeling roorns, gam�r�orr�, gymnasium, exerc9se r�m, arts 8 cratts, �tc. 2,OOQ,000 tdorth Greenwood Recreation Comnlex Pool A nev� famify aquatics center would be built fo repiaee the Holt A�renue Pooi. 1,OQ0,000 Ross Piorton Recreation Comqiex 7his project wiil provide for 4he cons4euc4ion of a new Recreation Center similar 4o tfie Countryside Communiiy Recrea6on Center. It would inciude � new multipurpose facii'dy with meeting rooms, gameroom, gymnasium, exercise room, arts and craft�, kitchen, etc. The current recreation center wili be demolished in that it is aid and inadequato to meet the needs of che citizens. 2,000,000 Salls Lake Park The project tvill provide for the developmen4 of a small acUve park near McMullen Booth Road east of Salis Lake. Facilities will include a basketbatl cou�, playgro��d, paths and picnic areas. 300,000 RseoluCian Nn. 96-5� Page 2 , , Ciry of Glearwater ,,,, � �� Propoaed Pe�►ny tor Pinellas Infrastructure Tax ProJect t Parka and Recroation tcontinued! � 2000 - 2010 pINELLAS COUNTY FLA. OFF.REC.BK 442? PG 1266 Moccasin Lake Nature Park The projecEprovides for renovations and enhancements to the existing trail and boardwalk system as well as the development of the north 4 acre tract which is riot accessible to the public and some improved interpre4ive exhibits. Mominaside Recreation Comalex The project will provide far the construction of a new Recreation Center similar to th� Countryside Community Recreation Center. R would include a new multipurpose facility with meeting rooms, gameroom, gymna§ium, exercise room, arts and crafts, kitchen, etc. The current recreation center vrill be demolished in that it is old and inadequa4e to meet the needs of the citizens. C1iff Ste�hens Park ihis project will pravide for the upgrade and renovaUon of a poputar passive park with the installation of three (3j picnic shelters, additianal parking l04 on the west side of Fairv►+ood Avenue and renovations of the disc gQl� course. Forest Run Park Restroom Facilities 'i't�is project �vill provide for restroorn facilities at a heavily used neighborhood park in the Countryside area. MarshalB Street Parfc The proje�4 wiil provide forihe eenovation or repfacement of the existing restroom faci�ities ai Marshall Street Park and fhe construction of an additional picnic shelter on 4he east side of the park. V�lood�a"`e Par�s Bm�rovemen4s Th� �Sroject �rif9 provide for additional parking and the renovation of the existing res�room i�cilities. 5tate Road 60 CaRidor Beau�iflcation Proiect The projpct would provide for the beautification of the State Road 60 corridor from �1cMu!!en 3ooth Road to U.S. 19. This will include areas around th� overpass at the 8ayside Bridge and U.S. 19. Ftecreakion i'rails 'This wiDl provide for 4he expansion of the �xisting easUwest recreationaf trail inta a more funciiana! width facility. This project will inGude the addition of asphalt irails next fo or in place ef existing conerete trails as �reli as som� new spur trails ca�necting it with othsr recreaGon centers and fhe Pineiles Trail. A,thteGc Practice Field The project taill provicfe for the development of parking and ligh4ed youth athletic fields on the approximate 9 acres that would be available if the Bllagnolia Fafls properiy were purchased. McKav Plavfield Renovations The project wili provide for the renovation of the McKay Playfield into an activ�/ passive park which will include sidewalks, p(cnic tabies, trees and open space area. Page 3 200,000 2,000,000 2ao,aoo 100,000 100,000 1 b0,Q00 250,000 1,500,000 300,OOa 150,000 Resolution No. 96-53 �. City of Clearvrater , �roposed Penny tor P(nellas Infraatructure Tan ProJect R FY2000-2010 PINELLAS COUNTY FLA. Pp►ke and R�creatlon ( Continuedl L;ike Chautauaua Park North OFF . REC . BK g 42 � pG 12 6 7 The proj�ct wiil provide for the development of an active and passive park on approximately 20.8 acres located on the northem etlge of Lake Chautauqua and south ofi Ente�prise Road. The park wili be similar to Forest Run Park and Coachman Ftidge Park arsd the facilities will include a basketball court, tennis courts, trails, parking, and a fishing pier to the lake. 400,000 Lake Chautauaua Park South The project provides for the development ofa passive park inciuding parking, picnicking, fishing pier and dock on an undeveloped piece of property on the southem edge of Lake Chautaugua southwest of the Boy Scout property. The park bes in with the Soule Road park which is iocated to the east. The construction of docks at this park and Lake Chautaugua, and Lake Chautaugua Park North will provide for a unique system of canoe trails and launch facilities. 180,000 RenovaYion of Existinq Recrea4ion Centers This project wil[ provide foe future renovations and repai�s at various recrea�ion een4ers in the city includirg Kings tiighway, McMulien Paric, Woad Walley, CBRC and Coun4ryside. 500,000 t�arth Gle�rvuater Nature Park Peovide� for the deve0opment of a nature park in north Clearvvater inciuding nature traiis and parking. 300,000 Infrastnsciure Faailitv for Parks Recreation Facilities 8 Nur�erv 'i'irBs project will provide for a n�w cornbined infrastn�ctur� facility to house ihe Parks, Recreation Facilitias and f�u�sery Divis'son employees, equipmen8 and suppiies. �eesen4ly these operations are housed in residential neighborhoods in oId s4ruc4ur�s. ihis project does not include the cost of land for relaca4ion. 2,500,000 Sutsto4al '94,650,0�� LBbra�t PJl�in Librarm Consiruction of a new main li�rary of approxima4eiy 90,000 squ�re fes2. 92,000,000 Librarv Branch Exaansion " Construction of additional space at the East Library or an additionai branch in east Cleanuatec 1,500,000 North Greenwood Branch LibraN Rembdel MarGn Luther King Center Building for branch library or cambinatiora library/ recreation cenfer facility. Approximately 6,000 square feet . 800,OOQ Subtotal 14,300,000 Resolution No. 96-53 Page 4 . , � City of Clearwater ,� Propoaed Penny for Pinelias Infrastructure Taz Project t Recreation/Leleure/Habh�t � Z000 - 2010 pINELLAS COUNTY FLA. New Fishinq/PublfcAccess Pie�s OFF. REC. BK 9427 PG 1268 lnterest in the replacement of the Magnolia Street Pier and the use of lhe new fishing pier a4 the Clearwater Marina have exhibitec9 continued public interest for marine access. The project wouid ir►clude tha construc4ion of a canoe access pier at Bayshore Park on Tampa Bay L.awn 8owling park adjacent to the bridge on Stevenson's Creek, Lake Chautauqua and other suitabie locaGons for both canoe and kayak ac�ess. The project would atso include the construction,of flshing piers on properties on Tampa Bay as proRer4y may be obtained, an additional fishing pier to match the newly r,onstructed 5shing pier at the west end of the Memorial Causeway, the replacement of the existing Rfiemorial Causeway Draw Bridge with a fishing pier upon construction of the new f�xed span bridge, at City properly on Isiand Estates in lieu of a marina, at the Park property at Sunset PoiM Road and Edgewater Drive, and on Cleanvater Harbor as property may be ob4ained. These facilities would include amersities such as restrooms, parking, lighting, and sidewalks as necessary. Also 580,500 inclodes instaltation of a small �ooden fishing pier off the Seminole i.aunch Ramps. ihe�e would b� no charge for fishing ofF the pier and ii would be open ta the g�n�rai pubiic on a year round basis. In addition, this project would include instalia6on of a sm�ll wooden fishing pier off the Cl2a�ater �each F2ecreation Genter. This, too would hav� no charge ior fshing off the pier and wouid be open to the generat public on a yeae ' rot�nd basi5. �ubtoYai 5E0,500 Puk�ldc F�cilitde� Citvevide Geograahic fnformation Svstem E'urchas� ti�e design, equipment, implemeniation and staff training 9or a Citywide �eographic Inform�4ion System in coflrdination with existing Pinellas Gounty GIS. 1,500,000 Memorial Cause�vav Civic C2nfer Renova6on of the Memorial Civic Center to provide for the ca-location of a police substation, improved beach iibrary, tourism and weicome center, and a reiated parking garage to provide parking for the facility as weil as additional parking 7,300,000 facilities for beach traffic. Subtotai 8,800,000 Stornnwatee Kapo6c Recreatian and Stormwater Retention Area The proj�c4 provides for the purchase of the Kapok Trailer Paric, which is stabject to flooding. This would create a siormwater flood piain, environmental enhancer+�ent area and an upland recreation area arhich would be continuous eai4h Ciry pa�c properties on Drew Street, E.G. Moore 6'arlc and Cliff Steven� park. 11,000,000 Stream Channel Protection. Various Locations Install gabion structures along appropriate sections of stream channels in Clearr�ater including Stevenson's Creek and P.Iliga4or Creek to control erosian and disposition ot solids in lake areas. 4,0OO,OUO Resolution No. 96-53 Page 5 , , ,..� City oi Ciaervvater _ � �ropoaed Penny fqr Pinellas lnfnstruc#ure Tax Pro�ect , FY Z000 - 2010 PSNELLAS CqUNTY FLA. Stormwater(continuodl OFF.REC.BK 9427 PG 1269 Nea� Downtown Storm Outfail Pi�e Construct a new siomnvater nuttall pipe irom the existing Pierce SUeet Pond approxima4e{y 2,500 iset to the Pierce Street outtall lacation using directional drill fechnofogy. The problem in the past 4or constructing such an ouNall system is ihe deep construciion cuts through the downtown area. 'fhe directional drill technology wiii alfow the corsstruction with very iittle disruption. 1,500,000 Subtotal 16,500,000 ��at�o�lc Develoama�at hlarbor �luht Wate�iront Park - Prnvides for a major uva4erfront regional attraction composed of park fac(lities, upland and shor�line water features, and entertainment facili6�s. Waterfront theme sites would be programmed forvisitorameniti�s and transportation facilities. 2,000,000 Economic Redevelopment and Environmental AssessmeM and Abatement Funds �re requested 4o address municipai owned property in and adja:.ent to ths Clearnrater Brawnfieid Ini6ative Are2. 5,00�,000 St�btotaE 7,DOQ,Q00 Lon� Ge�nt�r �equesf,� Provides 4unding to support infrastructure needs for 4he Long Center relativ� to major upgrades and improvements requested by the organization. l.ong Cant�r SuEstotal 1,Ei00,000 tdectia �c��rd �EaEI �rovides fune46ng to suppor4 infrasYr�ciure nesds for P.A.C.T., Inc. (Rut6� �ckerd Haii) selaGve to �najor up�rades and improvements requested by 4he organization. Ruth �ck�rd 6iall Sub�o@at 2,OO�,WDO Td9T.4L AL.L PROJEC'�� 96,90Q,Q00 RseoluCion No. 96-53 page 6